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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de fatores de crescimento pró-angiogênicos na manutenção das características de células progenitoras mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo / Influence of pro-angiogenic growth factors in the maintenance of mesenchymal stem cells characteristics derived from adipose tissue

Thaís Valéria Costa de Andrade Pimentel 16 October 2015 (has links)
A manutenção do estado progenitor durante o cultivo de células mesenquimais progenitoras derivadas do tecido adiposo (MSCs-TA), caracterizado pelo potencial de diferenciação e da capacidade de autorrenovação, é atualmente um dos maiores desafios da terapia celular. Sabendo da influência da angiogênese no desenvolvimento de tecidos de origem mesenquimal, avaliamos se um ambiente pro-angiogênico mimetizado em cultura forneceria condições para manutenção de um estado progenitor durante o processo de expansão celular. Utilizando como modelo de um ambiente pró-angiogênico o cultivo no meio EGM-2, o qual é suplementado pelos fatores de crescimento EGF, FGF-2, IGF e VEGF, nós demonstramos que a presença de tais fatores pró-angiogênicos é fundamental para a manutenção do estado progenitor de MSCs-TA em cultura. Verificamos que a presença de tais fatores de crescimento possibilitaram às MSCs-TA apresentarem um alto potencial de diferenciação adipogênico e osteogênico em comparação ao meio convencional DMEM/F12 e ao meio EBM, ausente de fatores. Além disso, o cultivo na presença de fatores pró-angiogênicos aumentou o potencial clonogênico das MSCs-TA, ao mesmo tempo em que aumentou a capacidade proliferativa destas células. Dentre os fatores de crescimento, EGF e FGF-2 foram responsáveis pelos efeitos mais robustos. Ao mesmo tempo, células cultivadas nas presença destas citocinas foram capazes de manter a morfologia fibroblastóide e apresentaram alta expressão do fator de pluripotência Klf-4. Em concordância com estes achados, o transplante subcutâneo de MSCs-TA cultivadas nestas condições mostrou que aquelas mantidas em EGM-2 geram um tecido semelhante ao tecido formado pela fração estromal vascular não cultivada. Estes resultados reforçam o papel do ambiente pró-angiogênico na manutenção do estado progenitor de MSCs-TA, e que tal estado foi proporcionado pela ação dos fatores de crescimento pró-angiogênicos EGF, FGF-2, IGF e VEGF nas células em cultivo, com destaque para as citocinas EGF e FGF-2. Em conclusão, o uso do ambiente pró-angiogênico no cultivo de MSCs-TA mostrou-se como uma abordagem promissora para a manutenção do estado progenitor destas células in vitro. / The maintenance of the progenitor state in the culture of adipose tissue derived- mesenchymal progenitor cell (TA-MSCs), characterized by the differentiation potential and self-renewal capability, is currently one of the major challenges of cell therapy. The information that the angiogenesis influences the development of mesenchymal tissues, has led us to evaluate how a pro-angiogenic environment mimicked in culture would provide conditions for maintaining a progenitor state during the cell expansion process. We designe a model for a pro-angiogenic environment in which cells grown in EGM-2 supplemented with the following growth factors: EGF, FGF-2, IGF and VEGF, and demonstrated that the presence of such pro-angiogenic growth factors was crucial for maintenance of the progenitor of AT-MSCs in culture. We observed that the presence of such growth factors allowed to AT-MSCs a high potential of adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation compared to conventional DMEM/F12 medium and the EBM medium, in the absence of the factors. Furthermore, the culture in presence of pro-angiogenic growth factors increased the clonogenic potential of AT-MSCs and increased the proliferative capability of these cells. Among the growth factors, EGF and FGF-2 were responsible for most robust effects. At the same time, cells cultured in the presence of these cytokines were able to maintaining the fibroblastoid morphology and presented high expression levels of Klf-4 pluripotency factor. In agreement with these observations, the subcutaneous transplantation of AT-MSCs cultured under these conditions showed that those cells kept in EGM-2 generated a tissue-like to tissue formed by the stromal vascular fraction uncultivated. These results reinforce the role of the pro-angiogenic environment in the maintenance of the progenitor state of AT-MSCs, and that such a state was provided by the action of the pro-angiogenic growth factors EGF, FGF-2, IGF and VEGF in cultured cells, highlighting EGF and FGF-2 cytokines. In conclusion, we showed that the use of a pro-angiogenic environment in AT-MSCs culture is a promising approach to the maintain the progenitor state of these cells in vitro.

Etude de la perméabilisation de la membrane plasmique et des membranes des organites cellulaires par des agents chimiques et physiques / Study of plasma membrane and organelles membranes permeabilization by chemical and physical agents

Ménorval, Marie-Amélie de 25 November 2013 (has links)
Il est possible de perméabiliser la membrane plasmique des cellules par des agents chimiques (tels que les polyéthylènes glycols ou le diméthylsulfoxyde) ou par des agents physiques (tels que les ultrasons ou les impulsions électriques). Cette perméabilisation peut être réversible ou non, ce qui signifie qu’après la perméabilisation, la membrane retrouve son intégrité et ses propriétés d’hémi-perméabilité ou pas. Ces techniques peuvent être utilisées pour faire rentrer des médicaments ou des acides nucléiques dans les cellules ou pour générer des fusions cellulaires. Une approche récente, la dynamique moléculaire, utilise des simulations numériques pour prédire les effets des agents perméabilisants sur les membranes à l’échelle moléculaire, et permet d’apporter de nouvelles données pour comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires, encore peu connus à ce jour.Les impulsions dites « classiques » en électroperméabilisation, de l’ordre de la dizaine de millisecondes à la centaine de microsecondes et d’amplitude de champ de l’ordre de 100 kV/m, perméabilisent la membrane plasmique uniquement. Cependant, récemment, des impulsions plus courtes, dites impulsions nanoseconde (quelques nanosecondes) et de plus grande amplitude de champ (de l’ordre de 10 MV/m) ont été utilisées et permettent d’affecter également les membranes des organites cellulaires. Les travaux de cette thèse portent dans un premier temps sur les effets perméabilisants d’un agent chimique (le diméthylsulfoxyde, DMSO) en comparant les modèles prédictifs de la dynamique moléculaire avec des expériences in vitro sur des cellules. Le modèle numérique prédit trois régimes d’action en fonction de la concentration du DMSO. Utilisé à faible concentration, il y a déformation de la membrane plasmique. L’utilisation d’une concentration intermédiaire entraîne la formation de pores membranaires et les fortes concentrations de DMSO ont pour conséquence la destruction de la membrane. Les expériences in vitro faites sur des cellules ont confirmé ces résultats en suivant l’entrée de marqueurs de perméabilisation. Cette étude a été comparée avec la perméabilisation par un agent physique (les impulsions électriques). Dans un deuxième temps, ces travaux traitent du développement et de l’utilisation d’un nouveau dispositif d’exposition des cellules aux impulsions nanoseconde qui permet d’appliquer des champs électriques très élevés et d’observer par microscopie leurs au niveau cellulaire. Pour finir, ce dispositif a été utilisé avec des impulsions nanoseconde pour générer des pics calciques dans de cellules souches mésenchymateuses qui présentent des oscillations calciques spontanées liées à leur état de différenciation. Ces pics induits sont dus à la libération de calcium stocké dans les organites et/ou à la perméabilisation de la membrane plasmique permettant l’établissement d’un flux de calcium intramembranaire. Il est aussi possible d’utiliser des impulsions microseconde pour générer des pics calciques dans ces cellules. Dans ce cas, les pics calciques ne sont dus qu’à la perméabilisation de la membrane plasmique. En jouant sur l’amplitude des champs électriques appliqués et sur la présence ou l’absence de calcium externe, il est possible de manipuler les concentrations calciques cytosoliques en mobilisant le calcium interne ou externe. Une des particularités de ces nouveaux outils est de pouvoir être déclenchés et arrêtés instantanément, sans réminiscence, contrairement aux molécules chimiques permettant de produire des pics calciques. Ces outils pourraient donc permettre de mieux comprendre l’implication du calcium dans des mécanismes comme la différenciation, la migration ou la fécondation. / It is possible to permeabilize the cellular plasma membrane by using chemical agents (as polyethylen glycols or diméthylsulfoxyde) or physical agents (as ulstrasounds or electric pulses). This permeabilization can be reversible or not, meaning that after the permeabilization, the membrane recovers its integrity and its hemi-permeable properties. These techniques can be used for the uptake of medicines or nucleic acids or to generate cellular fusions. A recent approach, the molecular dynamics, uses numerical simulations to predict the effects of permeabilizing agents at the molecular scale, allowed generating of new data to understand the molecular mechanisms that are not completely known yet.The pulses so called “classical” in electropermeabilization, from the range of the ten of milliseconds to the hundred of microseconds and with a field amplitude in the range of 100 kV/m, can only permeabilize the plasma membrane. However, more recently, shorter pulses, so called nanopulses (few nanosecondes) and with an higher field amplitude (in the range of 10 MV/m) have been used and allow to affect also cellular organelles membranes.This thesis is, in a first time, about the permeabilizing effects of a chemical gent (the diméthylsulfoxyde, DMSO) by comparing predictive models from molecular dynamics with experiments in vitro on cells. The numerical model predicts three regimes of action depending on the DMSO concentration. Used at low concentration, there is a plasma membrane deformation. The use of an intermediate concentration lead to membrane pores formation and higher DMSO concentrations resulted in membrane destruction. The experiments done in vitro on cells confirmed these results using the following of permeabilization markers. This study has been compared to permeabilization due to a physical agent (electric pulses).Secondly, it is about the development and the use of a new cell exposure device for nanopulses that permit to apply very high electric fields and to observe induced cellular effects simultaneously by microscopy.To finish, this device has been used with nanopulses to generate calcium peaks in mesenchymal stem cells that are presenting spontaneous calcium oscillations in correlation to their differentiation state.. These induced peaks are due to the release of the calcium stored in organelles and/or to plasma membrane permeabilization leading to a intramembrane calcium flux establishment. It is also possible to use microsecond pulses to generate calcium peaks in these cells. In this case, the calcium peaks are due to the plasma membrane permeabilization . By changing the amplitude of the applied electric fields and the presence or the absence of external calcium, it is possible to manipulate cytosolic calcium concentrations by mobilizing internal or external calcium. One feature of these new tools is to be triggered and stopped instantly without reminiscence, unlike chemical molecules permitting the production of calcium peaks. These tools could therefore lead to a better understanding of the involvement of calcium in mechanisms such as differentiation, migration or fertilization.

Caractérisation fonctionnelle des cellules souches cardiaques humaines dans un but thérapeutique / Functional characterization of the human cardiac stem cells

Ayad, Oualid 12 December 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse était de développer et de caractériser un modèle de cellules souches cardiaques humaines dans un contexte de thérapie cellulaire. Après avoir sélectionné et caractérisé une population de cellules souches d'origine mésenchymateuse, isolée à partir d'auricules humaines, exprimant le marqueur W8B2 (CSCs W8B2+), nous nous sommes focalisés (par les techniques de RT-qPCR à haut rendement, d'immuno-marquage, de western-blot et de fluorescence calcique) sur ; 1. la caractérisation génique des canaux ioniques et des acteurs de la signalisation calcique et 2. l'étude de leur différenciation in vitro en parallèle à l'activité calcique intracellulaire. Les résultats montrent que CSCs W8B2+ tendent à se différencier en cellules pacemaker. Certains gènes spécifiques nodaux, comme Tbx3, HCN, ICaT,L, Kv, NCX, s'expriment durant la différenciation. L'enregistrement de l'activité calcique (via une sonde optogénétique) montre la présence d'oscillations calciques qui évoluent en fréquence et en intensité pendant la différenciation. Les stocks-IP3 sensibles et l'échangeur NCX joueraient un rôle fondamental.Nous avons ensuite étudié l'importance du canal BKCa et des récepteurs sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) dans la régulation des propriétés fondamentales des CSCs W8B2+. L'inhibition du BKCa diminue la prolifération cellulaire en accumulant les cellules à la phase G0/G1, réprime l'auto-renouvellement mais n'affecte pas la migration. Quant à la S1P elle freine la prolifération et l'auto-renouvellement via une voie différente de celles des récepteurs S1P1,2,3.Ce travail fait ressortir des cibles moléculaires fondamentales dans un contexte de thérapie cellulaire cardiaque. / The aim of this thesis was to develop and characterize a model of human heart stem cells in a context of cell therapy.A population of mesenchymal stem cells, expressing the W8B2 marker (CSCs W8B2+), was first isolated from human auricles and characterized using high-throughput RT-qPCR techniques, immuno-labeling, western-blot and calcium fluorescence imaging. These experiments were focused on 1. the gene expression of ion channels and calcium signaling proteins; and 2. the study of CSCs W8B2+ in vitro differentiation and associated intracellular calcium activity changes.The results show that CSCs W8B2+ tend to differentiate into pacemaker cells. Some nodal specific genes such as Tbx3, HCN, ICaT, L, Kv, NCX, are expressed during differentiation. The recording of calcium activity (via an optogenetic probe) shows the presence of calcium oscillations that change in frequency and intensity during differentiation. IP3 sensitive calcium stocks and the NCX exchanger would play a fundamental role in these variations.Then we studied the importance of the BKCa channel and the sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptors in the regulation of the fundamental properties of the W8B2+ CSCs. Inhibition of BKCa reduces cell proliferation by accumulating cells in the G0 / G1 phase, suppresses cell self-renewal but does not affect migration properties. Concerning S1P, it decreases proliferation and self-renewal without stimulate S1P1,2,3 receptors.This work highlights fundamental potential molecular targets in a context of cardiac cell therapy.

Células-tronco da medula óssea e do tecido adiposo na regeneração do nervo ulnar em equinos / Bone marrow and adipose tissue stem cells in equine ulnar nerve regeneration

MORAES, Júlia de Miranda 17 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:13:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Julia de Miranda Moraes.pdf: 2895250 bytes, checksum: e061f736f6922f781b2c671bf4f90f32 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-17 / The aim of this work was to evaluate the regeneration of equine ulnar nerves submitted to neurotomy, silicone tubing and cell therapy with bone marrow mononuclear cells fraction (MCF) or adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC). Fifteen adult horses were divided into three groups with five animals each: control group (CG) with the use of saline solution, group with FCM deposition and group with ADSC deposition. The same surgical procedure was performed in all groups, using both nerves of each animal (right and left), establishing two moments of biopsy: on the 13th week on the right limb (CG1, MCF1 and ADSC1) and on the 26th week on the left limb (CG2, MCF2 and ADSC2). The MCF and ADSC were obtained respectively, from bone marrow and adipose tissue from each animal, both used as an authologous implant. After 13 and 26 weeks, biopsies were performed in all groups and immediately it was made some fragments slide imprints for viewing the nanocrystal fluorescent label. The fragments were fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histological analysis, with HE, luxol fast blue, Masson's trichrome, immunohistochemistry against the antibodies neurofilament (NF), S-100, FGF-2 and GDNF. Microscopically it was observed the presence of axonal growth, connective tissue, inflammatory infiltrate, Schwann cells, neural growth factors, myelin sheath and wallerian degeneration. For histologic analysis, it was established qualitative scores and for immunohistochemistry it was performed quantitative analysis with Image J program. It was observed wallerian degeneration reduction, better fascicular reorganization, new collagen increased, myelin sheath early formation, and NF antibody stronger staining in the experimental groups compared to CG. The ADSC group presented the best results than the other groups, showing ADSCs efficiency compared to MCF and CG for peripheral nerve regeneration. However, it was proved a longer time necessity to occur complete regeneration of peripheral nerve after injury. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a regeneração do nervo ulnar de equinos, submetidos à neurotomia, tubulização com tubo de silicone e terapia celular com fração de células mononucleares da medula óssea (FCM) ou células-tronco mesenquimais do tecido adiposo (ADSC). Foram utilizados 15 equinos adultos alocados em três grupos, com cinco animais em cada: grupo controle (GC) com utilização de soro fisiológico; grupo com deposição de FCM; e grupo com deposição de ADSC. Foi realizado o mesmo procedimento cirúrgico em todos os grupos, utilizando-se os dois nervos de cada animal (direito e esquerdo), e estabelecido dois momentos de biopsia: na 13ª semana com biopsia no membro direiro (GC1, FCM1 e ADSC1) e na 26ª semana com biopsia no membro esquerdo (GC2, FCM2 e ADSC2). A FCM e a ADSC foram obtidas respectivamente, da medula óssea e tecido adiposo de cada aninal, ambos utilizados como implantes autólogos. Após 13 e 26 semanas, realizaram-se as biopsias de todos os grupos e imediatamente, faziam-se imprints dos fragmentos para visualização do marcador fluorescente nanocristal. Os fragmentos foram fixados em formol tamponado a 10%, para análise histológica, com as coloraçãoes de HE, luxol fast blue, tricrômio de Masson e imuno-histoquímica com os anticorpos neurofilamento (NF), S-100, FGF-2 e GDNF. Microscopicamente avaliou-se a presença de proliferação axonal, tecido conjuntivo, infiltrado inflamatório, células de Schwann, fatores de crescimento neurais, bainha de mielina, e degeneração walleriana. Para a análise histológica estabeleceram-se escores qualitativos e para a imuno-histoquímica realizou-se análise quantitativa com o programa Image J. Foi observada diminuição da degeneração walleriana, melhor reorganização fascicular, aumento do colágeno novo, início de formação de bainha de mielina, além de maior marcação do anticorpo NF nos grupos experimentais em relação ao GC. O grupo ADSC apresentou melhores resultados em relação aos demais, enfatizando a eficiência das ADSCs em relação à FCM e ao GC para a regeneração nervosa periférica. Porém, há a necessidade de um tempo maior para ocorrer completa regeneração do tecido nervoso periférico após lesão.

Comparison between therapeutic efficiency of bone marrow derived mononuclear and mesenchymal stem cells in chronic myocardial infarction

Mathieu, Myrielle 05 May 2009 (has links)
<p>Background: Stem cell therapy can facilitate cardiac repair after healed myocardial infarction but the optimal cell type remains uncertain. <p>Aims: To investigate the pathophysiology of heart failure in a canine model of healed myocardial infarction and to compare the efficacy and the safety of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell (BMNC) transfer and mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transfer in this model. It was a blind, randomized and placebo control study.<p>Methods: Eleven weeks after coronary ligation, 24 dogs received intramyocardial injections of BMNC, MSC or Placebo (n = 8 per groups). Echocardiography, conductance method, magnetic resonance imaging, serum neurohormones, holter monitoring, macromorphometry, histology and real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction were used to assess cardiac performance, safety and remodelling in healthy animals, before cell transplantation and up to 16 weeks’ follow-up. <p>Results: The model was characterized by decreased left ventricular end-systolic elastance and ventricular-arterial uncoupling without alteration of compliance. <p>Four months after BMNC transfer, the regional systolic function measured at echocardiographic showed a sustained improvement. This improvement was associated with an improved left ventricular end-systolic elastance and a decreased infarct size. Although the left ventricular ejection fraction stayed unchanged, the serum level of N-terminal B-type natriuretic propeptide level decreased. Mononuclear cell transfer was also associated with increased left ventricular relative wall area, increased vascular density, intramyocardial vascular remodelling and upregulation of angiogenic factors gene expression. Mesenchymal stem cell transfer only improved lately and moderately the regional systolic function, without improvement of cardiac contractility or decreased infarct size. <p>Conclusions: In a canine model of chronic myocardial infarction, BMNC transfer is superior to MSC transfer in improvement of cardiac contractility and regional systolic function, and to reduce the infarct size and plasma N-terminal B-type natriuretic propeptide level. Functional improvement is associated with a favourable angiogenic environment and neovascularization. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les peptides GXXPG : nouvelles molécules thérapeutiques à visée régénératrice osseuse ? / GXXPG peptides : new biomolecules for bone regeneration ?

Robinet, Julien 09 April 2014 (has links)
La cicatrisation de défauts osseux permet tout au plus une réparation de l'os et dans peu de cas, une régénération ad integrum. Le développement de biomatériaux issus de l'ingénierie tissulaire en vue d'une régénération osseuse est donc un enjeu majeur. Le but de cette étude a été d'évaluer si des peptides GXXPG issus de l'élastine sont capables de favoriser la différenciation ostéoblastique de cellules mésenchymateuses dérivées de la moelle osseuse humaine (CMMO) ainsi que la formation de la matrice osseuse et sa minéralisation. Pour y répondre, nous avons utilisés les lattis de collagène de type I (COL1). La contraction de lattis « flottants » (LF) stimule l'expression de marqueurs de l'ostéoblaste (Runx-2, BSP…) par les CMMO ainsi que la minéralisation de la matrice osseuse. Cette différenciation ostéoblastique est aussi associée à l'activation de la cascade MT1-MMP/MMP-2/MMP-13. Nous montrons ensuite que les peptides GXXPG stimulent de façon dose-dépendante l'expression de marqueurs ostéoblastiques comme Runx-2 via S-Gal. Sur « coating » de COL1, ils stimulent la différenciation ostéoblastique des CMMO, la formation de la matrice osseuse et sa minéralisation. Enfin, dans des conditions « inflammatoires » créées par l'ajout de plasminogène (Plg) exogène, ces peptides conservent une activité ostéogénique sous contraintes mécaniques ou non. Plg seul induit également la différenciation ostéoblastique. Bien que les peptides GXXPG stimulent la production d'enzymes à activité collagénolytique (MT1-MMP, MMP-1), la lyse des LF n'est pas significative. En conclusion, les peptides GXXPG apparaissent comme des biomolécules pharmacologiques prometteuses pour la régénération osseuse. / Bone healing leads in only a few cases to an ad integrum regeneration, but most often to an incomplete tissue repair. Thus, the development of new biomaterials from tissue engineering in order to promote bone regeneration is a major goal. The purpose of our study was to evaluate if GXXPG peptides, derived from elastin, are able to favor human bone marrow mesenchymal cells (HBMC) to mature osteoblasts and bone matrix formation and mineralization.To this end, we used type I collagen (COL1) lattices. Floating lattice (LF) contraction stimulates osteoblasts markers expression (Runx-2, BSP…) by HMBC and bone matrix mineralization. Osteoblast differentiation is also associated to MT1-MMP/MMP-2/MMP-13 proteolytic cascade activation. We then showed that GXXPG peptides stimulate osteoblast markers like Runx-2 in a dose-dependent manner, an effect which involves S-Gal receptor. On a type I collagen coating model, these peptides also promote CMMO differentiation into osteoblast, bone matrix formation and mineralization. Finally, under “inflammatory” conditions, which can be catalyzed by plasminogen (Plg) supplementation, these peptides keep their ability to induce osteogenic responses in HBMC, even under mechanical stress. Plg alone is also able to promote osteoblast differentiation. Although GXXPG peptides stimulate collagenolytic enzymes (MT1-MMP, MMP-1) production, collagen degradation in LF is not significant. To conclude, GXXPG peptides appear as promising pharmacological biomolecules in bone regeneration.

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