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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge of Malaria Infection and Treatment-Seeking Behavior Among Tanzanian Pregnant Women

Derjew, Emebet T. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Despite the availability of effective drugs to prevent malaria during pregnancy using intermittent preventive treatment with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine or Fansidar and insecticide bed net, use of these methods are still little used in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Tanzania. As a result, many pregnant women are at risk of malaria consequences such as maternal anemia and low birth weight babies, which increase the rate of infant mortality. Data from the Demographic Health Survey for Tanzania HIV/AIDs and the Malaria Indicator Survey 2011-2012 were used in a cross-sectional design guided by the health belief model. Logistic regression examined the association between (a) preventive treatment-seeking behavior and (b) SES, malaria media exposure, knowledge of malaria signs and symptoms, perceived seriousness of malaria, and knowledge of malaria preventive measures. After controlling for transportation, family responsibility, and age, significant associations (p < 0.05) were found between SES, malaria media exposure, knowledge of malaria signs and symptom, perceived seriousness of malaria, knowledge of malaria preventive measures, and treatment-seeking behavior. This study contributes to positive social change by helping design and implement policies and programs to improve the knowledge of Tanzanian pregnant women about the risk of malaria infection and the benefits of preventive treatments. Interventions to reduce malaria infection during pregnancy will reduce the associated morbidity and mortality of both mothers and infants; as a result, families and communities will be healthier and prevent unnecessary medical cost of malaria.

An Empirical Assessment of the CAN SPAM Act

Kigerl, Alex Conrad 01 January 2010 (has links)
In January 2004, the United States Congress passed and put into effect the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN SPAM). The Act was set forth to regulate bulk commercial email (spam) and set the limits for what was acceptable. Various sources have since investigated and speculated on the efficacy of the CAN SPAM Act, few of which report a desirable outcome for users of electronic mail. Despite the apparent consensus of anti-spam firms and the community of email users that the Act was less than effective, there is little to no research on the efficacy of the Act that utilizes any significant statistical rigor or accepted scientific practices. The present study seeks to determine what, if any, impact the CAN SPAM act had on spam messages, to identify areas of improvement to help fight spam that is both fraudulent and dangerous. The data consisted of 2,071,965 spam emails sent between February 1, 1998 and December 31, 2008. The data were aggregated by month and an interrupted time series design was chosen to assess the impact the CAN SPAM Act had on spam. Analyses revealed that the CAN SPAM Act had no observable impact on the amount of spam sent and received; no impact on two of three CAN SPAM laws complied with among spam emails, the remaining law of which there was a significant decrease in compliance after the Act; and no impact on the number of spam emails sent from within the United States. Implications of these findings and suggestions for policy are discussed.

Indirekt reklam av alkohol på Instagram : En kvalitativ studie i hur Hernö Gin använder semiotiska resurser för att indirekt uppmana till konsumtionen av alkohol / Indirect advertising of alcohol on Instagram : A qualitative study on how Hernö Gin uses semiotic resources to indirectly encourage alcohol consumption.

Andersson, Filip January 2023 (has links)
I det digitala samhället har reklamens utveckling och användning genomgått förändringar, där den visuella reklamen i sociala medier har blivit den mest framträdande formen av reklam. En särskilt kontroversiell typ av reklam är alkoholreklam, eftersom den kan påverka människor till ökad alkoholkonsumtion, vilket kan få negativa konsekvenser. För att reglera marknadsföringen av alkoholdrycker har Sverige infört restriktioner genom alkohollagen, vilket har skapat utmaningar för svenska företag. Som en följd av dessa restriktioner har företag börjat använda visuella resurser för att skicka implicita eller dolda meddelanden till sina målgrupper. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur svenska alkoholföretag använder semiotiska resurser för att skapa och förmedla dessa dolda meddelanden i sin marknadsföring på sociala medier. En fallstudie av Hernö Gin genomförs, där fokus ligger på semiotisk analys för att belysa vilka strategier som används för att marknadsföra alkohol i en social kontext där marknadsföringen av alkohol är begränsad. Genom att besvara dessa frågor kommer uppsatsen att bidra till forskningsområdet inom reklam på sociala medier genom att belysa hur reklamen har utvecklats och skapat nya strategier för att väcka intresse hos mottagarna och samtidigt hantera de juridiska begränsningarna. Reklamens natur är ständigt föränderlig, och strategierna anpassas kontinuerligt i takt med framväxten av nya kanaler och trender. Den ökade digitaliseringen har gett företagen nya möjligheter att nå ut med sin reklam till olika målgrupper genom olika digitala kanaler. Sociala medier har blivit en dominerande plattform för reklam, och visuell reklam har blivit en viktig del av skapandet av intresseväckande och effektiv reklam. Genom att använda sociala medier kan företag samla in data och analysera exponeringen av sin reklam för att snabbt kunna anpassa sina marknadsföringsstrategier. Semiotiska resurser används genom både visuella och narrativa former såsom objekt, ordspråk och beskrivningar för att skapa indirekta meddelanden som riktas till mottagarna. Dessa resurser kan vara symboler eller tecken som har en inneboende betydelse eller associeras med specifika känslor eller värden. Genom att använda sådana resurser kan alkoholföretag kommunicera med sin målgrupp på ett subtilt sätt, trots de begränsningar som alkohollagen innebär. Genom att förstå dessa strategier kan forskningen inom reklam på sociala medier vidareutvecklas och ge insikt i hur reklambranschen anpassar sig till de juridiska restriktionerna och samtidigt skapar effektiva marknadsföringskampanjer. Det kan även vara värdefullt för beslutsfattare och reglerande myndigheter att få insikt i hur företagen försöker nå ut till konsumenterna trots de begränsningar som är på plats. Slutligen kan en ökad medvetenhet om dessa semiotiska strategier hjälpa konsumenter att vara mer kritiska mot marknadsföringsbudskap och fatta mer informerade val när det gäller alkoholkonsumtion. / In the digital society, the development and use of advertising have undergone changes, where visual advertising on social media has become the most prominent form of advertising. A particularly controversial type of advertising is alcohol advertising, as it can influence people to increase their alcohol consumption, which can have negative consequences. In order to regulate the marketing of alcoholic beverages, Sweden has introduced restrictions through the alcohol law, which has created challenges for Swedish companies. As a result of these restrictions, companies have started using visual resources to send implicit or hidden messages to their target audiences. The purpose of this essay is to examine how Swedish alcohol companies use semiotic resources to create and convey these hidden messages in their marketing on social media. A case study of Hernö Gin is conducted, with a focus on semiotic analysis to highlight the strategies used to market alcohol in a social context where alcohol marketing is limited. By addressing these questions, the essay will contribute to the research field of advertising on social media by illustrating how advertising has evolved and created new strategies to generate interest among recipients while also dealing with legal constraints. The nature of advertising is constantly changing, and strategies are continuously adapted with the emergence of new channels and trends. Increased digitalization has given companies new opportunities to reach different target groups through various digital channels. Social media has become a dominant platform for advertising, and visual advertising has become an important part of creating engaging and effective advertisements. By using social media, companies can gather data and analyse the exposure of their advertisements to quickly adapt their marketing strategies. Semiotic resources are used through both visual and narrative forms such as objects, proverbs, and descriptions to create indirect messages directed at recipients. These resources can be symbols or signs that have inherent meaning or are associated with specific emotions or values. By using such resources, alcohol companies can communicate with their target audience in a subtle way, despite the limitations imposed by the alcohol law. Understanding these strategies can advance research in advertising on social media and provide insight into how the advertising industry adapts to legal restrictions while creating effective marketing campaigns. It can also be valuable for decisionmakers and regulatory authorities to gain insight into how companies attempt to reach consumers despite the constraints in place. Lastly, increased awareness of these semiotic strategies can help consumers be more critical of marketing messages and make more informed choices regarding alcohol consumption.

From Plate to Palate: Elevating Customer Experience Management and Satisfaction : A case study of Swedish fine dining restaurants

Sara, Benmakhlouf, Fajardo, Rodrigo January 2023 (has links)
Customer experience is a broad topic that can cover several different branches,fields and industries. Various researchers have done significant work into thetopic, yet it still has gaps of fragmentation and an overall understanding on howto manage it. This research focused on customer experience within the finedining industry with the purpose of identifying how fine dining restaurantstackle customer experience with the goal of creating satisfied customers. Inorder to answer the questions at hand, the research took the approach of a casestudy to better understand the Swedish customers at fine dining restaurantsdisregarding other countries or cultures. With the help of three main concepts,the Five Aspects of a Meal model, the service blueprints, and the fine diningclues and messages, the authors found out that several aspects such as tangibleand intangible factors such as food quality, atmosphere, and service quality, areat the core of creating a desirable customer experience. In terms of customersatisfaction, the guest feedback and other forms of criticism is critical for finedining restaurants due to the importance of listening to the customers which canresult in creating regular, or loyal, customers.

Det enda hälsa handlar om är hur man ser ut : En kvalitativ studie om Instagramanvändares uppfattning av hälsonormer och hälsobudskap / Health is all about the looks : A qualitative study of Instagram users’ perceptions of health standards and health messages

Miller, Josefine, Nylund, Cornelia, Thonning Taxfeldt, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Instagram är en digital mötesplats, där människor interagerar via bilder och text. I detta sociala sammanhang uppstår möjligheter för användarna att jämföra sig med varandra i relation till de hälsonormer och hälsobudskap som råder på Instagram. Samtidigt ses ett globalt växande hälsoproblem i form av psykisk ohälsa, där tidigare forskning har påvisat en tydlig koppling mellan användning av Instagram och negativa konsekvenser för användarnas psykiska hälsa. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur Instagramanvändare uppfattar att hälsonormer och hälsobudskap framställs på Instagram. Vidare var syftet att belysa hur Instagramanvändare uppfattar att dessa hälsonormer och hälsobudskap påverkar deras hälsa och syn på hälsa.Sociokulturellt perspektiv och hälsolitteracitet utgjorde studiens teoretiska referensram. Studien har en socialkonstruktivistisk utgångspunkt med en abduktiv ansats. Den empiriska datainsamlingen grundades i tio intervjuer som analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat visade att Instagramanvändarna uppfattade att hälsobudskap framställdes genom ensidiga hälsonormer, där hälsa gestaltades utifrån ett snävt perspektiv. Detta kunde medföra en uppfattning av att hälsa var svårt att uppnå, samt bidra till en önskan om att uppnå den “perfekta” kroppen och det “perfekta” livet som användarna uppfattade framhölls på Instagram. Vidare upplevde vissa en negativ påverkan på deras psykiska mående, eftersom den snäva hälsosynen kunde medföra känslor av otillräcklighet. Studiens slutsats är att användarna uppfattar att hälsonormer och hälsobudskap på Instagram framhålls genom en snäv syn på hälsa, och att detta kan påverka användarnas syn på hälsa såväl som deras hälsa negativt. / Abstract Instagram is a digital meeting ground where people interact with each other through pictures and texts. In this social context, users can easily compare themselves to others through the health messages and health standards which Instagram gives prominence to. Meanwhile, global health issues regarding mental illness continue to grow, where studies have shown a clear connection between the use of Instagram and a negative impact on the users’ mental health status. The purpose of the study was to describe how Instagram users perceive health norms and health messages are presented on Instagram. Furthermore, the purpose was to shed light on how Instagram users perceive that these health norms and health messages affect their health and view on health. The theoretical frame of reference was based on the Sociocultural perspective and health literacy. The study is based on a social constructivist point of view with an abductive approach. The empirical data collection was based on ten interviews analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The result of the study showed that health messages generally were perceived to be mediated through unilateral health standards, portraying health from an insular perspective. This could make some users feel a need to strive towards the ideal of the “perfect” body and the “perfect” life portrayed on Instagram. Furthermore, some users experienced a negative effect on their mental health due to feelings of inadequacy as a result of the narrow-minded health views portrayed. The conclusion to the study is that the users of Instagram perceive the health standards and health messages on Instagram to mediate an insular perspective to health and that this negatively affects the health view as well as the actual health of some Instagram users.

Conditions for successful online mentoring

Nchindila, Bernard Mwansa 01 1900 (has links)
This study examines the conditions for successful online mentoring in order to develop writing skills in English in a workplace setting. Chapter 1 gives the background and context of the study. Problems to be addressed in the study and the aims, objectives, hypotheses and their rationale are presented. This is followed by testing procedures, research design, sources of data and research procedures. In Chapter 2, the literature review supports the hypotheses on the need for collaboration in materials development and delivery, mentoring relationships, motivation and computer and Internet efficacy. Chapter 3 presents the findings from the case study bringing into focus problems that would jeopardise a mentoring programme if training providers do not pay attention to the hypotheses. The findings are collated and the hypotheses are confirmed. Conditions for successful online mentoring are spelt out in Chapter 4. The study concludes that online mentoring works once the conditions are properly followed. / English Studies / M.A. (TESOL)

Electronic communication in the workplace : employer vs employee legal rights

Barnardt, Gerard Louis 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The monitoring of electronic communication is likely to face all employers sooner or later. The rapid advancement in technology aimed at helping to monitor electronic communication, makes it easier than ever before for employers to monitor the electronic communications of their employees. There are important questions to consider when dealing with the topic of monitoring electronic communication. Examples include "mayan employer legally monitor electronic communications?" and "how does monitoring affect the employee's right to privacy?" This thesis is an attempt to answer these and other related questions by analysing, inter alia, South African legislation, the Constitution and case law, as well as comparing the law as it applies in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The analysis and conclusion offered in this thesis aim to provide theoretical consideration to academics and practical application for employers that are faced with the reality of monitoring electronic communications. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle werkgewers sal waarskynlik die een of ander tyd met die monitering van elektroniese kommunikasie gekonfronteer word. Die snelle voortuitgang in tegnologie wat daarop gemik is om te help met die monitering van elektroniese kommunikasie, maak dit vir werkgewers makliker as ooit tevore om sodanige kommunikasies van hulle werknemers te monitor. Daar is egter belangrike vrae wat oorweeg moet word wanneer die onderwerp van monitering van elektroniese kommunikasie ter sprake kom. Voorbeelde hiervan is "mag 'n werknemer regtens elektroniese kommunikasies monitor?" en "hoe raak monitering die werknemer se reg tot privaatheid?" Hierdie tesis is 'n poging om hierdie en ander verwante vrae te beantwoord deur die ontleding van, onder andere, Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing, die Grondwet en die reg soos deur hofuitsprake ontwikkel, sowel as vergelyking van die reg soos wat dit van toepassing is in die Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika. Die ontleding en gevolgtrekking wat in hierdie tesis aangebied word, is gemik op die verskaffing van teoretiese oorweging aan akademici en praktiese toepassing vir werkgewers wat met die realiteit van die monitering van elektroniese kommunikasies gekonfronteer word.

A case study to examine the use of SMS-based transactional alerts in the banking sector in South Africa

De Villiers, Casper 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mobile phone has not only changed the way the world works today, but also changed the direction the world is moving toward. The mobile phone changed the face of communication and enabled more people to reach more other people than ever before. The big four banks in South Africa represent 83.5 per cent of the total asset value of all banks in South Africa. Traditionally, banking customers (or potential customers) could be reached through the current 2 786 branches, 19 451 ATMs and potentially 4.59 million internet users. There are 47.9 million mobile phone subscribers in South Africa – increasing the number of potential contact points by order of magnitude. The possibilities for banks utilising the mobile phone are endless, however online banking and offering banking services through a mobile phone is increasingly more subject to fraud attacks. Online banking and credit card fraud is still on the increase. Today, SMS is used to alert customer of movements on their bank account. This keeps the customer informed and enables them to notify their banks and prevent subsequent fraudulent transactions. SMS can be sent from one mobile phone to another (P2P) or from a computer system to a mobile phone (A2P). In 2007, 2 trillion SMS's were sent worldwide and was responsible for 75 to 80 per cent of all mobile phone revenues. South Africa sent 34 billion A2P SMS in 2009 of which 29 per cent were sent as transactional SMS by the top three banks in South Africa. SMS-based transactional alerts are SMS sent each time a change occurs in a bank account, for example, when your credit card is used then you will get an SMS on your mobile phone. Each bank makes different functionalities available. Absa reported 2 million customers receiving SMS alerts in 2008. FNB reported 67 million transactional SMS per month in 2009. The core advantages for using transactional SMS are the cost, reliability and ubiquity. Research was conducted among five of the six largest banks. Data revealed that banks send between 16 million and 69.4 million SMS per month and have approximately between 4.5 and 5.1 million customers using this service. The impact was tested through personal interviews. The two common factors were fraud reduction and customer retention. The two key challenges the banks identified are: i) Capacity/throughput with the mobile network operators; and ii) Getting internal systems and processes defined and working together for the alerts. The advantages identified are competitive positioning, customer interaction, empowerment of people and revenue. Key findings of the research were: SMS-based transactional alerts offer strategic importance; Any system is as good as it is being utilised; Security controls are extremely complex; SMS capacity is a common challenge and big risk; Internal processes cause the most complexity; Return on investment is not adequately measured; Transactional alerts is a potential revenue stream; There is no interaction between the bank and the customer; SMS in South Africa create high dependencies; SMS-based transactional alerts are successful.

Organizacijų ryšių su visuomene ypatumai socialinėse medijose / Public relations in social media

Naujalytė, Ieva 25 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo objektas – ryšiai su visuomene socialinėse medijose. Darbo tikslas – ištirti socialinių medijų taikymo ryšių su visuomene veikloje galimybes ir ypatumus ir nustatyti socialinių medijų nulemtą ryšių su visuomene kaitą. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti ryšių su visuomene veiklos ypatumus; apibrėžti ir įvertinti interneto ir socialinių medijų įtaką ryšių su visuomene veiklai; ištirti ir nustatyti socialinių medijų lemiamą ryšių su visuomene veiklos kaitą, jos bruožus. Darbą sudaro 5 pagrindinės dalys: įvadas, ryšių su visuomene veiklos ypatumai, interneto ir socialinių medijų įtaka ryšių su visuomene veiklai, tyrimas – komunikacijos socialiniuose tinkluose atvejų analizė, išvados. / Master's thesis subject - public relations social media. The aim - to explore the application of social media public relations activities and characteristics of the social media-led changes in public relations. Objectives: To analyze the public relations business features, define and evaluate the influence of Internet and social media on public relations activities, to explore and identify changes in public relations caused by social media. Work consists of five main parts: introduction, specific of public relations activities, the influence of internet and social media on public relations activities, the case studies of communication in social networks, conclusions.

Advancing Traffic Safety : An evaluation of speed limits, vehicle-bicycle interactions, and I2V systems

Pezo Silvano, Ary January 2016 (has links)
Since the introduction of motor vehicles, the number of fatalities and accidents has been a concern for society.The number of fatalities on roads is amongst the most common causes of mortality worldwide (WHO, 2015).Even in industrialized countries the number of fatalities remains unacceptable. Therefore, in the last decades, anumber of approaches have emerged to support and boost traffic safety towards a system free from fatalities andserious impairment outcomes. ‘Sustainable Safety’ and ‘Vision Zero’ are well-known examples aiming to avoidfatalities within the traffic system and reduce injury severity when a traffic accident is inevitable. However, thenumber of fatalities and seriously injured accidents are still relatively high. More specifically, vulnerable roadusers remain involved in fatal and serious accidents even in industrialized countries. Therefore, further advancesin traffic safety studies are needed. This thesis aims at evaluating the impact of road characteristics, traffic rulesand information provision towards a safer traffic system. The thesis is composed of five scientific papers whichsummarizes the main contributions of this work. / <p>QC 20161109</p>

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