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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace materiálového toku v hromadné výrobě simulačními metodami / Optimization of Material Flow in Mass Production by Means of Simulation Methods

Hloska, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the PhD thesis is to design a methodology for generating a material flow using a simulation meta-model of a mass production process. This methodology is in principle based on the relationship between selected material flow characteristics. Simulation of production and logistics processes has been increasingly used in planning, commissioning and subsequent operational management and optimization of the respective technological operations, in particular in mass production. The first part of the PhD thesis summarizes up-to-date findings in the field of discrete event simulation of material flow, related statistical and mathematical disciplines, but also information technology which enables effective realization of simulation studies. Attention is also paid to significant domestic and international conferences, symposia and interest associations related to simulation of manufacturing processes. The next part of the PhD thesis presents the methodology of reconstruction and generation of material flow using simulation meta-models developed for this purpose. Principles of algorithms used by these meta-models and their possible range of use are demonstrated by simulation experiments carried out. Their description and results are also commented. Special focus is put on the selection of significant material flow characteristics and their mutual relationship. For its evaluation a series of simulation experiments was conducted using a simulation model of a closed queuing system with variable parameters. Revealed interdependence between the selected material flow characteristics is experimentally verified using a detailed simulation model of particular selected mass production system. The conclusion of the PhD thesis summarizes provided findings and, with regard to the designed methodology of reconstruction and generating of material flow, it outlines possible further steps both in research and their practical application.

Reliability Analysis and Updating with Meta-models: An Adaptive Kriging-Based Approach

Wang, Zeyu January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Synchronization of information in multiple heterogeneous manufacturing databases

Dhamija, Dinesh January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Model za arhitektonsku analizu objekata zasnovan na BIM tehnologiji i upotrebi virtuelne realnosti / Architectural analysis model based on BIM technology and virtual reality

Lazić Marko 31 January 2017 (has links)
<p>Analiza arhitektonskih objekata u pogledu ispitivanja performansi aktuelna je oblast istraživanja u domenu arhitekture i urbanizma. U kontekstu BIM tehnologije i tehnologije virtuelne realnlosti formiran je model koji predviđa njihovu upotrebu u cilju poboljšanja procesa donošenja odluka u arhitektonskom projektovanju. Modelom je predviđena automatizacija analiza koje se mogu sprovesti na idejnom arhitektonskom projektu uz pomoć podataka koji se mogu dobiti korišćenjem BIM tehnologije. U okviru konceptualnog modela zasnovanog na metodu centralnog modela predviđene su višesturke analize od koje se mogu klasifikovati u jednu od tri grupe: Analiza objekta sa ispitivanjem svih ili većeg broja .ifc klasa, analiza pojedinih .ifc klasa i analiza spoljašnjih gabarita objekta. Prema pod-modelima predstavljena je analiza cene koštanja objekta, analiza energetske efikasnosti i analiza godišnje osvetljenosti objekta.</p> / <p>Performance based analysis of architectural structures has become an important area of research in the field of architecture and urban planning. The conceptual model is presented in context of BIM and virtual reality technology usage for decision making processes in architecture. The model defines automation of several analysis that can be performed in early design stage of architectural project using data collected from BIM technology software. Multiple analysis are defined in central model framework and classified into three groups: Analysis of the object with the examination of all or a large number of .ifc class, analysis of individual .ifc class and analysis of the external properties of structures. According to these sub-models, analysis of the cost estimate, analysis of energy efficiency and analysis of daylight illumination are presented in dissertation.</p>

Otvoreni konceptualni model za parametarsku analizu i valorizaciju urbanih blokova / The open conceptual model for parametric analysis and evaluation of urban blocks

Perišić Ana 05 February 2016 (has links)
<p>U sklopu disertacije je formulisan otvoreni konceptualni model za<br />parametarsku analizu i valorizaciju urbanih blokova. Formulisana<br />je osnovna arhitektura za podršku orkestraciji različitih alata<br />namenjenih arhitektonskom dizajnu i urbanističkom planiranju.<br />Eksperimentalna provera formulisanog modela obavljena je uz<br />oslonac na originalni pristup interoperabilnosti i orkestraciji<br />odabranog skupa komercijalno dostupnih programskih proizvoda<br />namenjenih modelovanju i simulaciji parametara koji imaju direktan<br />uticaj na kvalitet stanovanja u sklopu urbanih blokova različite<br />morfologije.</p> / <p>The open conceptual model for parametric analysis and evaluation of urban<br />block is presented in the thesis. The basic architecture that supports the<br />orchestration of different architectural design and urban planning software<br />tools is formulated. The experimental evaluation of formulated model is<br />performed via original approach to interoperability and orchestration of the<br />selected set of commercially available software tools for modeling and<br />simulation of the parameters that have direct impac<br />different urban block morphology models.</p>

A generic information-model for distributing VRE using DDS / Modèle générique de représentation des connaissances pour la distribution des environnements virtuels utilisant DDS

Haidar, Hassan 03 September 2015 (has links)
No / Virtual Reality Environments, which present a safer learning and training environment, are increasingly being adopted to simulate complex systems. In parallel, distribution services have become essential following advances in telecommunications and the subsequent demand on the mobility of users. Hence, middleware enables technologies to provide such services to existing and newly-developed applications. However, distributing VRE with existing APIs still requires lots of specific development and customization.Data Distribution Service (DDS) is one of the standardized middleware for real-time applications based on a peer-to-peer architecture. It requires awareness about the types of data distributed and which is achieved by defining an information-model using an Interface Definition Language (IDL) file. Consequently, distributing VRE using DDS introduces an additional step for modelling a specific IDL file to meet each application requirements. Considering the fact that domains addressed by VRE are populated by complex data types (procedural, behavioral, etc.) then engineering a specific IDL file for each application is a complex task that requires an intervention from the computer-scientist and the domain-expert each time an application has to be distributed. The first contribution of my thesis is to provide a generic information-model which is reusable upon distributing different VRE.The novelty of our approach is based on the coupling between conceptual models (in our case we use MASCARET meta-model) and the awareness need of DDS about data to distribute, so we create generic structures within the IDL file. By this, we eliminate one step of the workflow and consequently we simplify the process of using DDS. From another side, DDS remains a low level middleware for distribution that is based on peer-to-peer architecture with no control layer in the middle. Like other classical algorithms, lots of messages should be sent over the network to synchronize the distributed environment. Moreover, we should specify by code how to detect changes in the virtual environment to send updates. Thus, the second contribution we propose is to use a generic control layer that can dynamically detect when changes occur. This layer is based onthe explicit knowledge about executed behaviors.

Organizacinės struktūros modeliavimas naudojant UML profilį / Organization structure modeling using UML profile

Jakimavičiūtė, Vilma 12 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sukurti specializuotą modeliavimo aplinką, skirtą organizacijos struktūros specifikavimui. Tipinė organizacija yra suskirstyta į padalinius, kuriuose dirba darbuotojai, kuriems priskirta viena ar kita pareigybė ir atlieka įvairius vaidmenis organizacijos projektuose. Analitinė modeliavimo kalbų ir įrankių apžvalga parodė, kad vieningo būdo specifikuoti organizacijos struktūrą nėra. Daugeliu atveju organizacijos struktūra modeliuojama neformaliomis diagramomis, kurias sudėtinga analizuoti ir atnaujinti. Darbe siūlomas nesudėtingas organizacijos struktūros meta modelis bei jo realizacija UML profiliu. Naudojantis MagicDraw UML įrankio funkcinėmis savybėmis – stereotipų adaptavimu, validavimo taisyklėmis bei ataskaitų generavimu – sukurta specializuota organizacijų struktūros modeliavimo aplinka. Praktinė sukurtos aplinkos vertė pademonstruota taikant ją konkrečios organizacijos UAB “Baltijos programinė įranga” struktūros modeliavimui. / The goal of this thesis is to create a specialized modeling environment for defining organization structures. A typical organization defines some organization units, has a number of employees that are assigned to a specific organization unit, play a specific role in an organization and may be involved in projects to play different roles. The research of modeling tools and languages shows that there is no single dominant approach to modeling organization structure, and in most cases it is modeled informally, which makes it difficult to analyze and maintain. This thesis proposes a simple meta-model covering the most important organization structure concepts and their mappings to UML profile. A specialized environment for modeling organization structures is created using MagicDraw UML tool features – stereotype customizations, validation rules, and report generation. For demonstrating the practical value of the created environment, modeling the structure of a real organization Baltijos programine iranga is presented.

Įmonės metaduomenų saugykla / Enterprise metadata repository

Čepenko, Dmitrijus 31 August 2011 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamas metaduomenų saugyklų kūrimas pritaikant veiklos modeliavimo metodo metamodelį. Apžvelgtos metaduomenų saugyklų ir veiklos modeliavimo metodų bei notacijų BPMN, ARIS, GRAI tinklo, UEML savybės, jų pritaikymo metaduomenų saugykloms projektuoti galimybės. Atrinktas tinkamiausias veiklos modeliavimo metodas ARIS, kuris apima daugiausiai organizacijos veiklos aspektų. Sukurta metaduomenų saugykla panaudojant ARIS veiklos modeliavimo metodo metamodelį, kuri pritaikyta įmonės UAB „Klaipėdos Konteinerių Terminalas“ duomenų srautams valdyti ir integruota su įmonės naudojama informacine sistema. Šios saugyklos pagalba metaduomenys, išgauti iš įvairių įmonės dokumentų, suskirstomi pagal skirtingus veiklos aspektus: darbo vietas, veiklos funkcijas, padalinius. Išnagrinėtas metaduomenų saugyklų kūrimas UEML, GRAI tinklo, BPMN metamodelių pagrindu bei jų savybės ir palygintos su ARIS metodo metamodelio pagrindu sukurtos metaduomenų saugyklos savybėmis. Nustatyta, kad veiklos modeliavimo metodo ARIS taikymas leidžia sukurti metaduomenų saugyklą, apimančią daugiau įmonės veiklos aspektų. Tai leidžia geriau identifikuoti įmonės duomenų pokyčius ir vietą veiklos valdymo procese. / This paper analyses creation of a metadata repository by implementing the meta-model of enterprise modelling methods and notations. It encompasses overviews of metadata repository qualities of UEML, ARIS, GRAI Grid, BPMN enterprise modelling methods and notations and their application in designing metadata repositories. ARIS method was selected as the most suitable enterprise modelling method because it encompasses the largest number of aspects of the enterprise activity. Employing this method meta-model, a metadata repository was created and integrated with the informational system of the company UAB „Klaipėdos Konteinerių Terminalas“ for more efficient management of the company’s data flows. With the help of this metadata repository data extracted from various company’s documents is grouped according to different aspects of the company’s activity: workplaces, departments, job functions, etc. The paper investigates creation of metadata repositories on the basis of UEML, GRAI Grid and BPMN meta-models and compares their qualities with those of a metadata repository created on the basis of ARIS meta-model. It has been established that application of ARIS enterprise modelling method enables to create a metadata repository encompassing more aspects of the enterprise’s activity. It allows to better identify changes in the enterprise’s documents and their place in the activity management process.

Architectures logicielles à composants reconfigurables pour les systèmes temps réel répartis embarqués (TR²E) / Reconfigurable components software architecture of distributed embedded systems

Krichen, Fatma 16 September 2013 (has links)
Un système logiciel embarqué est dit reconfigurable, s’il peut modifier son comportement ou son architecture selon l’évolution des exigences de son contexte d’utilisation et la variation des contraintes de son environnement d’exécution. La croissance constante de la complexité afférente et l’autonomie indispensable à la gestion des systèmes logiciels embarqués rendent la reconfiguration de plus en plus importante. Les défis concernent autant le niveau modèle de conception que le niveau environnement et support d’exécution. Les contributions de ce travail portent sur la reconfiguration dynamique guidée par les modèles dans le processus de développement des systèmes logiciels embarqués. Elles ciblent à la fois le niveau modélisation et le niveau plate-forme d’exécution. Par ailleurs, nous proposons une approche basée sur l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles permettant le passage automatisé et fiable des modèles vers l’implantation, sans rupture de la chaîne de production. / An embedded software system is reconfigurable when it can modify its behavior or its architecture. The reconfigurations are launched according to the evolution of context requirements and the variation of execution environment constraints. The constant growth of the complexity in embedded systems makes the reconfiguration more important and more difficult to achieve. The challenges concern as much the design model level as the runtime support level. The development of these systems according to the traditional processes is not more applicable in this context. New methods are necessary to conceive and to supply reconfigurable embedded software architectures. We propose a model driven approach that enables to specify dynamic embedded software architectures with respect to non-functional properties. We also propose a runtime support that enables to perform dynamic embedded applications generated from a high level description.

Intégration de modèles de jonctions dissipatives dans la conception vibratoire de structures amorties / Integration of dissipative joints models in the vibratory design of damped structures

Hammami, Chaima 14 October 2014 (has links)
La dissipation dans les systèmes mécaniques joue un rôle important dans la limitation des niveaux de vibrations qui peuvent causer des difficultés allant de l'inconfort jusqu'à la ruine des structures. L'amortissement intrinsèque des matériaux utilisés pour la fabrication de structures aéronautiques étant très faible, les jonctions représentent une des sources principales de dissipation. Dans le cadre du projet FUI MAIAS (Maitrise des Amortissements Induits dans les ASsemblages), les travaux présentés ici portent sur la maximisation de l'amortissement induit. Une grande partie des travaux de littérature s'intéressent à l'étude de jonctions élémentaires. On cherche donc ici à étudier la conception de jonctions dissipatives intégrées dans une structure globale. Pour limiter les applications, on se restreint plus particulièrement aux jonctions boulonnées rencontrées en construction aéronautique et à l'utilisation de matériaux viscoélastiques pour générer la dissipation.Une notion de couplage pour la mesure de la capacité des liaisons à dissiper est introduite pour s'assurer de leurs contributions au comportement vibratoire. En utilisant le couplage en tant que mesure de sensibilité des jonctions aux propriétés des matériaux viscoélastiques, en plus de l'étude de la tenue fonctionnelle d'une liaison boulonnée, une approche de conception de jonction boulonnée dissipative est alors développée. Une étude expérimentale est ensuite effectuée pour la valider. Lors de la compagne d‘essais, des défauts de forme ont été détectés dans la structure. L'influence de ces défauts, susceptibles d'exister dans les structures réelles, sur l'amortissement est alors décrite. L'intégration pour un grand nombre de modèles physiques, détaillés au voisinage des jonctions, dans un modèle d'ensemble est généralement une problématique. Une représentation simplifiée s'avère être alors nécessaire. Une réduction de modèle peut être alors appliquée sur la partie linéaire du système. Cependant, pour les non-linéarités localisées au niveau des jonctions, une construction de méta-modèle caractérisant les efforts transmis dans les liaisons est alors proposée. Différentes stratégies de construction de méta-modèle, reproduisant les déformations et les efforts principaux de liaisons, sont proposées et étudiées en supposant des liaisons à comportement viscoélastique. Un modèle cylindrique à dix jonctions boulonnées, plus représentatif de l'architecture réelle des structures aéronautiques est étudié pour illustrer le cas des liaisons répétées dont le chargement réel de chacune est beaucoup plus complexe que les structures simples couramment étudiées. / Dissipation in mechanical systems plays an important role in limiting vibrationlevels. The present work deals with maximizing damping induced by junctions and treatsjunctions integrated into an overall structure. After introducing the physical models used inrepresenting viscoelastic behavior, a first example introduces the concept of coupling. Coupling,estimated by preliminary calculations of elastic natural frequencies sensitivity, ensures thatjunctions sufficiently contribute to the global behavior to induce damping. To study this couplingas well as obtain accurate damping predictions by complex modes calculation, model reductionmethods, adapted to parameterized problems, are needed and different strategies are detailedand validated. A structure representing aeronautic construction is then used to illustrate theproposed damping design process. The study highlights the functional importance of thecohesive zone under the bolt and the possibility of using the residual flexibility of the joint tointroduce a viscoelastic layer enabling high damping. Experimental modal tests confirm thevalidity of the design and the predicted trends, but also show the influence of manufacturingdefects which limit the induced damping. The manuscript finally addresses the need forrepresentative models of detailed joints in overall models. Although model reduction is possibleand desirable, the construction of meta-models representing the main forces transmitted by thejoints is useful in modeling and necessary for the operation of elementary tests. Generalstrategies for defining principal deformations and loads are introduced and their validity isillustrated.

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