Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metafora"" "subject:"metaforas""
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Metafory přírody v týdeníku Reflex / Metaphors of Nature in the Weekly Magazine ReflexVacířová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The M.A. thesis Metaphors of Nature in the Czech Weekly 'Reflex' explores the question of how the changing human-nature relationship is reflected in this journal's writing on nature over the period of the last twenty years. The rationale for the choice of the Reflex weekly magazine is that it is not focused on nature or nature-related themes, and thus what we find in it can help us understand how the relationship between humans and nature has changed not only in the journal, but also in society. The principal assumption underlying the present effort is that the many and variegated existing forms of the relationship between humanity and nature transform themselves into various metaphors. By uncovering and analyzing these metaphors we are able to better understand this relationship itself. The theoretical section of this thesis discusses various ways of understanding the metaphor in general, including the conceptual metaphor approach developed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson which is applied to the textual material in the subsequent empirical section. The theoretical chapters also present a number of metaphors of nature that have previously been analyzed in the literature, and their implications for the human-nature relationship are indicated. The empirical section contains an analysis of the...
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Sdělování "nevyslovitelného". Poselství skrytá v tvorbě a životě Mišimy Jukia / Speaking of the "Unspeakable". Messages hidden in the Work and in the Life of Mishima YukioNymburská, Dita January 2013 (has links)
1 Summary My dissertation focuses on Mishima Yukio and the way the author, who strongly occupied himself with reflections on the imperfection of human language during the last decade of his life, conveyed the things that he was not able to or did not want to express explicitly. The dissertation is based on the metaphor of four rivers flowing into the Sea of Fertility, one of the arid lunar maria, that the writer used for his 'inconsistent' life shortly before his death. The four rivers that merged in Mishima's final work, the grandiose tetralogy The Sea of Fertility, represented four areas of the author's life. Each of them allowed him to express his ideas and feelings in a slightly different way. The River of Writing represented his fiction, the River of Theater showed his plays and his acting, the River of Body emphasized the role of bodybuilding and other sports in his life and finally, the River of Action revealed how the effeminate writer had transformed himself into a 'man of action'. The first section of my dissertation deals with Mishima's view on verbal communication. Although Mishima was a renowned writer and playwright who for the most part led a hardworking life and poured most of his energy into his writing, his attitude towards words was rather ambivalent. On the one hand, Mishima loved...
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Sinestezijska metafora u pridevima u engleskom i srpskom jeziku:kognitivnolingvistički pristup / Synaesthetic Metaphors in Adjectives in English and Serbian Language:Cognitive Linguistic ApproachKomaromi Bojana 17 June 2014 (has links)
<p>Sinestezijska metafora smatra se posebnom vrstom metafore kod koje je izvorni domen utisak primljen preko jednog čula, dok je ciljni domen utisak primljen preko drugog čula, npr. oštar ukus, sladak miris, tople boje i sl. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja ukazuju na izvesne opšte tendencije vezane za smer metaforičkog preslikavanja kod sinestezijskih metafora: hijerarhijski „niža“ čula, kao što su dodir i ukus, preslikavaju se na „viša“ čula, kao što su zvuk i vid, odnosno, konkretniji i dostupniji čulni modaliteti preslikavaju se na apstraktnije. Primećeno je da ove tendencije postoje u različitim jezicima i različitim diskursima i da su primenjive kako kod dijahronih tako i kod sinhronih istraživanja. S druge strane, utvrđene su i izvesne razlike između različitih jezika koje se mogu pripisati pre svega kulturološkim uticajima. S obzirom na to da su u sinestezijskim metaforama oba domena čulna, posebna pažnja se posvećuje i specifičnoj perceptivnoj ali i kognitivnoj osnovi ovih metafora.<br />Cilj istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji je da se kroz kontrastivnu analizu izuče sinestezijsko-metaforički prenosi značenja u engleskom i srpskom jeziku i ukaže na univerzalne tendencije kao i međujezičke varijacije, dok se posebna pažnja posvećuje upravo perceptivnim, kognitivnim i kulturološkim aspektima ove pojave.<br />Istraživačka građa sačinjena je od sinestezijskih prideva, odnosno prideva koji imaju dva ili više značenja u različitim čulnim domenima. Istraživanje je rađeno na osnovu rečničke analize, dok su konsultovani i elektronski korpusi. Za svaki čulni domen (a ukoliko je moguće i za poddomene nekih čula) ustanovljene su tendencije u smerovima metaforičkog preslikavanja. Rezultati su obrađeni deskriptivnom i kontrastivnom metodom i obrazloženi uz pomoć saznanja iz oblasti kognitivne lingvistike ali i drugih naučnih oblasti.</p> / <p>Synaesthetic metaphors are considered to be a special type of metaphor in which one sensory modality is described in terms of another, e.g. sharp taste, sweet smell, warm colours etc. Research conducted in different languages indicates that there are certain tendencies concerning the directionality of metaphoric mapping: that hierarchically “lower” senses, such as touch and taste tend to map onto “higher” modalities, such as sound and sight; alternatively, we can say that more concrete and more accessible modalities tend to map onto more abstract ones. The determined tendencies proved to be applicable even to linguistically unrelated languages, different registers and to both diachronic and synchronic studies. On the other hand, there are certain differences among different languages, which can be attributed to cultural influences. Also, since both domains in synaesthetic metaphors are sensory modalities, a special emphasis in studies is placed on the particular perceptive as well as cognitive bases of this phenomenon.<br />The research in this thesis is a contrastive analysis of synaesthetic transfers of meaning in English and Serbian. The aim of the research is to point to universal tendencies of synaesthetic metaphors and cross-linguistic variations between the two languages, while special emphasis is placed on the particular perceptive and cognitive bases of this phenomenon, as well as the influences of culture on the formation of these expressions.<br />The language material is composed of synaesthetic adjectives, i.e. adjectives that have two or more meanings in different sensory domains. The research is based on the analyses of dictionary entries of English and Serbian sensory adjectives, while additional examples are collected form electronic corpora. The directionality of mapping is determined for each sensory domain (and, if possible, for sensory subdomains). The research results are analysed using descriptive and contrastive methods and explained using findings from the field of cognitive linguistics as well as other relevant scientific fields.</p>
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Хришћанско и паганско у делу Растка Петровића / Hrišćansko i pagansko u delu Rastka PetrovićaKnežević Ivana 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jeste identifikacija i osvetljavanje dominantnih obrazaca avangardnog i hrišćanskog identiteta u delu Rastka Petrovića. Rastko uvek nastupa sa pozicije nekog ko je blisko upoznat sa umetnošću, istorijom i njenim nepredvidivim i nepravednim političkim projektima. Pokušavajući da rastumači njihove uzroke i posledice, stalno ističe potrebu za integralnim čovekom, kulturom i društvom uopšte, kako po pripadnike sopstvenog naroda, tako i na regionalnom i globalnom nivou. Rastkovo opredeljenje da je svet u nastajanju povezan s ideologijom dečaštva (mladića), znači da je čovek po njemu u događaju Bogomladenca doživeo vrhunac, tj. u potpunosti ispunio cilj ka kome oduvek teži. Suštinsko, a ne tek sporedno, akcidentalno određenje čoveka jeste da nadiđe sebe i stremi ka Bogu. Centralnu ulogu u okviru ove transcedencije trebalo bi da ima analiza apriorne strukture čovekovog bića i u njima prepozna otvorenost i sposobnost da se avangardna/hrišćanska poruka čuje i adekvatno razume. Rastko u tradiciji vidi istinsko uporište transcendencije i afirmacije verodostojnog bića i odgovarajuće slobode gde apsolutna sloboda i apsolutni autoritet nisu suprotstavljena svojstva, već izraz istog bića. Rastkove ideološke evropske pretenzije mogu se okvalifikovati kao veliki intelektualni napor i pregnuće da se stvori, usvoji i inkorporira jedan novi (obnovljeni) kulturni i religiozni mit koji se kao takav projektuje u praistoriju, a potom samoreguliše mnoge savremene fenomene.</p> / <p>The main subject of this PhD thesis was to identify and shed the light on the dominant form of avant-garde and the Christian identity in the work of Rastko Petrovic. Rastko always acted from the perspective of someone who was closely familiar with the art, with history and its unpredictable and unjust political projects. Trying to understand its causes and consequences, Rastko Petrovic has repeatedly stressed the need for the integral and comprehensive man, culture and society in general, both in terms of his own people, and at the regional and global levels. Rastko’s commitment to the idea that the emerging World is connected with the ideology of boyhood, means that the man as an individual has culminated in Divine Child event, and only through that event has fully met the purpose towards which it has always aspired. The essential and not only secondary and accidental determination of man is to transcend himself and strive towards God. An a priori analysis should have the central role within this transcendence of the structure of human beings with its ability to recognize in them the openness and the ability to properly hear and understand the avant-garde / Christian message. Tradition is in the eyes of Rastko Petrovic the only true stronghold of such transcendence and affirmation of one true and credible human being and adequate freedom where absolute freedom and absolute authority are not contradictory properties, but an expression of the one same being. Rastko’s ideological European claims may be characterized as a great intellectual effort and endeavor to create, adopt and incorporate a new (renewed) cultural and religious myth which, as such, projects in prehistory, and then self-regulates many contemporary phenomena.</p>
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Cykličnost a linearita času v českém jazykovém obrazu světa / Cyclical and Linear Time in the Czech Linguistic Picture of the WorldSvašková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
I. Abstract The thesis deals with the concept of time and its conceptualisation in the Czech language. It is based on the theory of conceptual metaphor and the theory of linguistic worldview. Within the field of cognitive linguistics, the theory of conceptual metaphor is mainly applied in the identification of the source domains of metaphors used for language expression of the target domains. The first part of the thesis deals with the reflection of the "time" phenomenon, with its non- linguistic concept. Attention is paid to the concept of the cyclical and linear time. The second part aims to identify metaphors used in Czech for the expression of time relations and for the expression of the time phenomenon. The paper analyses the language plane in order to find such metaphors. It employs semantic and etymological analysis of words used when expressing the notion of time, i.e. nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, and interjections.
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Smrt v mediálním diskurzu: případ zmizelého letadla Malaysia Airlines / Death in the media discourse: the case of the missing Malaysia Airlines planeBrezík, František January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Death in media discourse: the case of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane" inquires into the case of the disappeared flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The flight has been mapped in Czech press as well as online newspapers from the perspective of death based on a subjectively composed qualitative method of grounded theory and discourse analysis. In the unprecedented tragical event, death is being constructed in a specific way in the context of media discourse. Hence, the allegoric character of epistemology and constructivist paradigm plays an important role here. The theoretic reflection describes the context of the relation between media and the topic of death. The abundance of topics in media associated with death is considered a symptom of a particular demand from society. The media increase the general tolerance towards images of death and violence, thus impacting character of such displays. In the reflection of the mental background, the character of perceiving death in a secularised society is denoted as metaphorical. In the research part of the thesis, discursive patterns are introduced. From them, we may understand what values associated with death are socially important and in what way does death appear and construct itself in the media. What is important here...
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Frazémy v norštině a v češtině - srovnání z hlediska kognitivní lingvistiky / Phrasems in Norwegian and Czech - A Comparison from the Cognitive Linguistics PerspectivePayneová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we deal with the analysis of expressions - in particular the metaphorical and phraseological expressions - containing a motive of an animal in Czech and Norwegian. The method is based on cognitive linguistics, mainly on the Polish ethnolinguistic school, with a special focus on the definition of metaphor and symbol from the point of view of the philosophical hermeneutics. We describe and support some common principles of the perception and conceptualization of animals in both languages and we focus on semantic connections concerning this topic. Our main focus is on the expression wolf - we compare the linguistic picture of the world of this controversial animal in Czech and Norwegian.
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Specifické rysy hudební publicistiky ve vybraných tištěných periodikách v mediálním diskursu síťových médií / Specific features of the music publicistic in representative printed magazines in the period of net-media discourseKřížová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with specifics of textual formulas of music journalism in magazines Týden, Reflex and Respekt and it is based on their articles published from January to July 2011. It contains a content analysis of the word-stock with a special interest in metaphors ant its position in our language. We can see the way how we understand the reality around us which is based on a conceptualization in our minds. And then it reflects how we speak and what meanings we give to concrete words. These metaphoric concepts are followed with concrete examples coming from articles. There is also paid attention to colloquiality and bookishness and their suitability in today's media discourse. There is made a comparison of the individual writing of journalists who represent these magazines and we can also see different attitude in processing the same or similar topics. The theoretic part of this thesis follows the history of criticism with special interest in music criticism. Then we compare today's position of this media discourse and we can also see trends which might be followed in the future.
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[pt] Este trabalho privilegia um trajeto no ensino de Jacques Lacan que vai de
sua peculiar apropriação do conceito lingüístico de significante, incluindo suas
bases teóricas em Sigmund Freud, até sua teorização de lalíngua, que delimita o
inconsciente formulado como um saber que ultrapassa o que se pode chamar de
linguagem. Trata-se de um saber-fazer com restos de palavras que constitui a
própria matéria de que o inconsciente é feito. Esse percurso segue elementos
determinados da teoria lacaniana: a estruturação do inconsciente como uma
linguagem, os mecanismos de constituição da metáfora e a concepção de letra,
indo da palavra metafórica, que circula como bem ou mal-entendido, ao seu osso,
à letra que constitui a matéria corporal que resta da palavra. A psicose é abordada
tanto como o lugar onde a metáfora é construída por uma via diferente da que
produz a significação corrente, quanto na vertente das singulares invenções no
trabalho com a letra. A poesia de Arnaldo Antunes mapeia o percurso
apresentando um modo de construção com a materialidade da palavra que nos
ensina sobre a psicose, bem como sobre o trabalho do psicanalista com a fala. / [fr] Cette recherche entend privilégier un trajet dans l enseignement de
Jacques Lacan en partant de l appropriation particulière du concept linguistique de
signifiant, incluant les bases théoriques de Sigmund Freud, jusqu à sa théorisation
de lalangue, qui délimite l inconscient formulé comme un savoir qui dépasse ce
que l on peut appeler de langage. Il s agit d un savoir-faire avec des restes de
mots qui constitue la matière même dont l inconscient est fait. Ce parcours suit
des éléments établis de la théorie lacanienne: la structuration comme un langage,
les mécanismes de constitution de la métaphore et la conception de lettre, allant
du mot métaphorique qui circule comme bien ou mal entendu, à son ossature, à la
lettre qui constitue la matière de la parole. La psychose est abordée aussi bien
comme le lieu où la métaphore est construite par une voie différente de celle qui
produit la signification courante, que par le cheminement des singulières
inventions dans le travail avec la lettre. La poésie d Arnaldo Antunes cartographie
ce parcours en présentant un mode de construction avec la matérialité du mot qui
nous apporte un enseignement sur la psychose, ainsi que sur le travail du
psychanalyste avec la parole.
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Metáforas do líder empresarial e histórico: uma abordagem baseada em corpusRodrigues, Agnes dos Santos Scaramuzzi 10 July 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-07-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this research study was to look at the language of leadership in some areas such
as politics, war, religion and business, across a large span of time by means of the analysis
of corpora. The specific objectives are: first, to observe the recurrence of use across
leaders, and second to identify the conceptual metaphors that underline the speech of the
Our main theoretical support is Corpus Linguistics, which can be defined as an area that is
concerned with the collection and the exploration of corpora, or linguistic data sets
In addition to Corpus Linguistics, the study presented here drew on conceptual metaphors
(according to Lakoff and Johnson, 1980 / 2002). The central claim is that conceptual
metaphors structure the way we conceive the world.
The corpora used in the research were formed by samples of the discourse of the following
people: Hitler, Getúlio D. Vargas, Napoleon Bonaparte, Saint Paul, five executives, two
consultants and a president of a local company. The number of words of the corpus is of
317,757 words (tokens), that is, a medium-sized corpus.
The results indicated, in answer to the first research question, that the words found in the
corpus with higher metaphorical probability across the majority of the leaders were ten:
time ; had ; life ; name ; example ; fact ; to be ; company and work . Of these
words two were analyzed in depth: time and life . In relation to the second question, for
the word time we found the following metaphors conceptual: TIME IS AN INDETERMINATE
In view of these findings, we concluded, first, that the words time and life are resources
for the expression of leadership. The analysis of the data revealed in the analyses of the
agreements we observe that 43.96% of the occurrences of time and 51.70% of the
occurrences of life were metaphorical. Moreover, our findings indicate similarities
between the discourse of the leaders in different spheres of human activity. Thus, we
assume that these similarities can be considered a characteristic of the discourse of
leadership / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é estudar a linguagem de liderança em várias áreas de
atuação humana: política; militar; religião e negócios, em épocas diferentes pelo viés da
metáfora e por meio da análise de corpora. Os objetivos específicos são: observar a
recorrência de uso metafórico das palavras pela maioria dos líderes e identificar aquelas
com maior probabilidade de usos metafóricos e, a partir dessas palavras, identificar que
metáforas conceptuais são realizadas no discurso dos líderes.
Adotamos como suporte teórico a Lingüística de Corpus definida como uma área de
pesquisa que se ocupa da coleta e da exploração de corpora, ou conjunto de dados
lingüísticos textuais coletados criteriosamente, com o propósito de servirem para a
pesquisa de uma língua ou variedade lingüística dedicando-se à exploração da
linguagem , escrita ou oral, por meio de evidências empíricas extraídas de computador
A Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual de Lakoff e Johnson (1980 / 2002) foi outra área de
pesquisa que fundamentou este estudo. Essa teoria propõe que nosso sistema conceptual é
regido por meio das metáforas, até mesmo nossas atividades cotidianas são orientadas por
Os corpora empregados foram: Subcorpus Histórico e Subcorpus Empresarial. O
Subcorpus Histórico foi composto por: Hitler, Getúlio D. Vargas, Napoleão Bonaparte e
São Paulo. O Subcorpus Empresarial por: cinco executivos, dois consultores e um
presidente de empresa nacional. O número de palavras do corpus é de 317.757 palavras,
isto é, um corpus médio.
Os resultados indicaram que as palavras encontradas no corpus com maior probabilidade
metafórica de usos entre a maioria dos líderes são dez: tempo ; tinha ; vida ; nome ;
exemplo fato ; ser ; empresa e trabalho . Dessas palavras, duas foram analisadas
detalhadamente, sendo: tempo e vida . Para a palavra tempo , encontramos as seguintes
INDETERMINADO e TEMPO É UM BEM VALIOSO e para a palavra vida encontramos metáforas
PROFISSÃO; A NAÇÃO, todas entendidas como organismos, por exemplo, A INSTITUIÇÃO É
Concluímos que as palavras tempo e vida são recursos de expressão da liderança. Nas
análises das concordâncias, observamos que 43,96% das ocorrências de tempo eram
metafóricas e que 51,70% das ocorrências de vida também o eram
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