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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Quantum Mechanics to Catalysis: Studies on the oxidation of alkanes by gold and metal oxides

López Auséns, Javier Tirso 12 December 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the assessment and development of heterogeneous catalysts for the deperoxidation of cyclohexyl hydroperoxide and oxidation of cyclohexane, which will be based in metal oxides and gold nanoparticles. For this endeavour a multidisciplinary approach will be used combining theoretical chemistry, kinetic studies and synthesis and characterisation of materials. The starting choice for the catalyst to carry out the process is supported gold nanoparticles. The approach of this dissertation is to first model the mecha- nism of cyclohexyl hydroperoxide decomposition and oxidation of cyclohexane on gold nanoparticles by theoretical calculations, and use these findings to synthesise efficient heterogeneous catalysts which will be subsequently tested and optimised experimentally. But as it will be seen, some metal oxides are active rather than acting as mere supports, which will also be studied both theoretical and experimentally. Each chapter has a specific focus and constitutes a strand of the overall goal: Chapter 1 provides an introductory background on the topics that this dissertation lies upon: oxidation of cyclohexane, heterogeneous catalysis and catalysis by gold and metal oxides. Chapter 2 outlines the objectives of the thesis, formulating the relevant hypotheses of this research and the subsequent validation tests. Chapter 3 exposes the methodology with a brief conceptual background that has been used to carry out this work. Chapter 4 is the first chapter dealing with results. It consists in a theoretical study using density functional theory of the reaction mechanism over different models of gold nanoparticles, in order to study the influence of several parameters on their catalytic activity: the particle size, atom coordination, and presence of additional species like oxygen atoms and water. Chapter 5 uses the findings found in chapter 4 to drive the synthesis of supported gold nanoparticles. It consists in a experimental study of gold-based catalysts, which is combined with a theoretical study which takes into account an additional variable: the support. Chapter 6 exploits one of the findings of chapter 5. One of the supports used for anchoring the gold nanoparticles is active by itself, namely cerium oxide. This chapter comprises an experimental work about its activity, studying parameters like particle size, morphology and the effect of doping. Chapter 7 continues with the catalytic activity of cerium oxide-based materials, but now from a theoretical point of view. It first presents a systematic study of the parameters relevant for the proper quantum mechanical description of cerium oxide, which is followed by a mechanistic study on different models. Chapter 8 outlines the conclusions obtained in this dissertation, present- ing them in a summarised way. Even though each chapter presents its corresponding conclusions at its end, this chapter groups them all in a structured way for the reader's convenience, so a global view of the project can be swiftly grasped. The results herein further the knowledge of heterogeneous catalysis for the oxidation of cyclohexane, one of the most important industrial reactions, and which continues to be a challenge. Although the ultimate goal is to develop an industrial catalyst, the dissertation also aims to show how computational chemistry can drive the design of novel materials, and how it can help to understand catalytic reactions at the atomic level. / El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de catalizadores heterogéneos para la desperoxidación de ciclohexil hidroperóxido y la oxidación de ciclohexano, basados en óxidos metálicos y nanopartículas de Au. Para lograr tal objetivo se ha usado un enfoque multidisciplinar, que combina química teórica y estudios cinéticos, a la vez que síntesis y caracterización de materiales. El candidato inicial para llevar a cabo el proceso consiste en partículas de Au soportadas. El camino a seguir pasa primero por modelizar el mecanismo de descomposición de ciclohexil hidroperóxido y oxidación de ciclohexano mediante cálculos teóricos, y utilizar el conocimiento generado por este estudio para dictar la síntesis de catalizadores heterogéneos, comprobando y optimizando posteriormente su actividad de forma experimental. Sin embargo, como será visto a lo largo de este trabajo, algunos óxidos metálicos dejan de lado su papel como mero soporte físico para las partículas de Au y son activos por sí mismos. Tal hecho será estudiado tanto teórica como experimentalmente. Cada capítulo tiene un objetivo específico, y es a su vez una parte del objetivo global de esta investigación: El capítulo 1 provee al lector de una breve introducción a los temas sobre los que yace este trabajo: oxidación de ciclohexano, catálisis heterogénea y catálisis mediante Au y óxidos metálicos. El capítulo 2 expone de una forma breve y concisa los objetivos de esta investigación, formulando la hipótesis de partida y los correspondientes experimentos para su validación. El capítulo 3 describe la metodología utilizada junto a una explicación de los fundamentos en los que se basa cada técnica. El capítulo 4 es el primer capítulo que discute los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación. Se trata de un estudio usando la teoria del funcional de densidad para investigar el mecanismo de reacción del proceso sobre diferentes modelos teóricos de Au, con el objetivo de comprender la influencia de diversos factores en la actividad catalítica, tales como el tamaño de partícula, la coordinación de los á'tomos de Au y la presencia de especies adicionales como átomos de O y agua. El capítulo 5 hace uso de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio anterior, y los utiliza para dirigir la síntesis de nanopartículas soportadas de Au. Se trata de un estudio experimental en el que se investigan diversos factores que pueden afectar a su actividad catalítica. Este estudio se combina a su vez con uno de tipo teórico en el que se tiene en cuenta la influencia del soporte en la actividad catalítica de las particulas de Au. El capítulo 6 se basa en uno de los resultados obtenidos en el capítulo 5. Uno de los soportes utilizados para anclar las partículas de Au resulta de por sí activo: el CeO2. Su notable actividad para catalizar este proceso exige un estudio en mayor profundidad, el cual se lleva a cabo en este capítulo. Parámetros como el tamaño de particula, la morfología de superficie y el dopaje entre otros se investigan en este punto. El capítulo 7 sigue la estela del trabajo anterior sobre CeO2, pero ahora desde el punto de vista de la química teórica. Presenta primero un estudio sistemático de parámetros relacionados con la mecánica cuá'ntica que afectan al CeO2, con el objetivo de alcanzar una descripción satisfactoria de los modelos teóricos para este óxido. Tras esto, se lleva a cabo un estudio del mecanismo de reacción en dichos modelos de CeO2, a fin de comprender el origen de su actividad catalítica. El capítulo 8 presenta de forma estructurada y concisa todas las conclusiones que se han sacado a raíz de los resultados obtenidos. Aún a pesar de que cada capítulo presenta sus correspondientes conclusiones al final, aquí se presentan de una forma agrupada a comodidad del lector, para que pueda obtener de forma ágil una visión global de los resultados de esta investigación. / Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi i desenvolupament de catalitzadors hetero- genis per a la desperoxidació de ciclohexil hidroperòxid i la oxidació de ciclohexà, basats en òxids metàl·lics i nanopartícules de Au. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu s'ha utilitzat un enfocament multidisciplinari, en el qual es combinen química teòrica i estudis cinètics amb síntesi i caracterització de materials. El candidat inicial per dur a terme el procés consisteix en partícules de Au suportades. El camí a seguir passa primer per modelitzar el mecanisme de descomposició del ciclohexil hidroperòxid i la oxidació de ciclohexà mitjançant càlculs teòrics, i utilitzar el coneixement generat per aquest estudi per dirigir la síntesi de catalitzadors heterogenis, comprovant i optimitzant posteriorment la seua activitat de forma experimental. No obstant això, com es veurà al llarg d'aquest treball, alguns òxids metàl·lics deixen de costat el seu paper com a suport físic de les partícules de Au y són actius per si mateixos. Aquest fet s'ha estudiat tant teòrica com experimentalment. Cada capítol té un objectiu específic i és al mateix temps una part de l'objectiu global d'aquesta recerca: El capítol 1 proporciona al lector una breu introducció als temes tractats en aquest treball: oxidació de ciclohexà, catàlisi heterogènia i catàlisi mitjançant Au i òxids metàl·lics. El capítol 2 exposa d'una forma breu i concisa els objectius d'aquesta investigació, formulant la hipòtesi inicial i els corresponents experiments per a la seua validació. El capítol 3 descriu la metodologia utilitzada conjuntament amb una explicació dels fonaments en els quals es basa cada tècnica. El capítol 4 és el primer capítol que discuteix els resultats obtinguts en aquesta investigació. Es tracta d'un estudi usant la teoria del funcional de densitat per investigar el mecanisme de reacció del procés en diferents models teòrics de Au, amb l'objectiu de comprendre la influència en l'activitat catalítica de diversos factors, com ara la grandària de partícula, la coordinació dels àtoms de Au i la presencia d'espècies addicionals, com àtoms de O i aigua. El capítol 5 fa ús dels resultats obtinguts en l'estudi anterior, i els utilitza per dirigir la síntesi de nanopartícules suportades de Au. Es tracta d'un estudi experimental en el qual s'investiguen diversos factors que poden afectar a la seua activitat catalítica. Aquest estudi es combina amb un altre de caràcter teòric en el qual es té en compte la influència del suport en la activitat catalítica de les partícules de Au. El capítol 6 es basa en un dels resultats obtinguts en el capítol 5. Un dels suports utilitzats per fixar les partícules de Au resulta de per si actiu: el CeO2. La seua notable activitat per catalitzar aquest procés demana un estudi de major profunditat, el qual es duu a terme en aquest capítol. Paràmetres com la grandària de partícula, la morfologia de superfície i el dopatge, entre altres, s'investiguen en aquest punt. El capítol 7 continua l'estudi anterior sobre el CeO2, però ara des del punt de vista de la química teòrica. Presenta en primer lloc un es- tudi sistemàtic de paràmetres relacionats amb la mecànica quàntica que afecten al CeO2, amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir una descripció satisfactòria pels models teòrics d'aquest òxid. Després, es duu a terme un estudi del mecanisme de reacció en aquests models de CeO2, a fi de com- prendre l'origen de la seua activitat catalítica. El capítol 8 presenta de forma estructurada i concisa totes les conclusions que s'han extret arran dels resultats obtinguts. Encara que cada capí- tol presenta les seues corresponents conclusions al final, ací es presenten d'una forma agrupada per a la comoditat del lector, per què puga obtindre de forma àgil una visió global dels result d'una forma agrupada per a la comoditat del lector, per què puga obtindre de forma à / López Auséns, JT. (2016). From Quantum Mechanics to Catalysis: Studies on the oxidation of alkanes by gold and metal oxides [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/76806

Tuning the Morphology and Electronic Properties of Single-Crystal LiNi<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4-δ</sub>

Spence, Stephanie L. 27 October 2020 (has links)
The commercialization of lithium-ion batteries has played a pivotal role in the development of consumer electronics and electric vehicles. In recent years, much research has focused on the development and modification of the active materials of electrodes to obtain higher energies for a broader range of applications. High voltage spinel materials including LiNi<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4-δ</sub> (LNMO) have been considered as promising cathode materials to address the increasing demands for improved battery performance due to their high operating potential, high energy density, and stable cycling lifetimes. In an effort to elucidate fundamental structure-property relationships, this thesis explores the tunable properties of single-crystal LNMO. Utilizing facile molten salt synthesis methods, the structural and electronic properties of LNMO can be well controlled. Chapter 2 of this thesis focuses on uncovering the effect of molten salt synthesis parameters including molten salt composition and synthetic temperature on the materials properties. A range of imaging, microscopic, and spectroscopic techniques are used to characterize structural and electronic properties which are investigated in tandem with electrochemical performance. Results indicate the Mn oxidation state is highly dependent on synthesis temperature and can dictate performance, while the molten salt composition strongly influences the particle morphology. In Chapter 3, we explore the concept of utilizing LNMO as a tunable support for heterogeneous metal nanocatalysts, where alteration of the support structure and electronics can have an influence on catalytic properties due to unique support effects. Ultimately, this work illustrates the tunable nature of single-crystal LNMO and can inform the rational design of LNMO materials for energy applications. / M.S. / The development of lithium-ion batteries has been fundamental to the expansion and prevalence of consumer electronics and electric vehicles in the twenty-first century. Despite their ubiquity, there is an ongoing drive by researchers to address the limitations and improve the quality and performance of lithium ion batteries. Much research has focused on altering the composition, structure, or properties of electrodes at the materials level to design higher achieving batteries. A fundamental understanding of how composition and structure effect battery performance is necessary to progress toward better materials. This thesis focuses on investigating the properties of LiNi<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4-δ</sub> (LNMO). LNMO material is considered a promising cathode material to meet the increasing consumer demands for improved battery performance. Through the synthesis methods, the shape of individual particles and the global electronic properties of LNMO can be tuned. In this work, specific synthesis parameters are systematically tuned and the properties of the resultant LNMO materials are explored. Electrochemical testing also evaluates the performance of the materials and offers insights into how they may fair in real battery systems. In an effort to potentially recycle spent battery materials, LNMO is also utilized as a catalyst support. Alteration of shape and electronic properties of the LNMO support can influence the catalytic properties, or the ability of the material to enhance the rate of a chemical reaction. Overall, this thesis explores how LNMO can be tuned and utilized for different applications. This work provides insights for understanding LNMO properties and direction for the development of future battery materials.

Synthesis And Investigation Of Transition Metal Oxides Towards Realization Of Novel Materials Properties

Ramesha, K 07 1900 (has links)
Transition metal compounds, especially the oxides, containing dn (0 ≤ n ≤ 10) electronic configuration, constitute the backbone of solid state/materials chemistry aimed at realization of novel materials properties of technological importance. Some of the significant materials properties of current interest are spin-polarized metallic ferromagnetism, negative thermal expansion, second harmonic nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibility, fast ionic and mixed electronic/ionic conductivity for application in solid state batteries, and last but not the least, high-temperature superconductivity. Typical examples for each one of these properties could be found among transition metal oxides. Thus, alkaline-earth metal (A) substituted rare-earth (Ln) manganites, Lnı.xAxMnΟ3, are currently important examples for spin-polarized magnetotransport, ZrV2O7 and ZrW2O8 for negative thermal expansion coefficient, KTiOPO4 and LiNbO3 for second harmonic NLO susceptibility, (Li, La) TiO3 and LiMn2O4 for fast-ionic and mixed electronic/ionic conductivity respectively, and the whole host of cuprates typified by YBa2Cu3O7 for high Tc superconductivity. Solid state chemists constantly endeavour to obtain structure-property relations of solids so as to be able to design better materials towards desired properties. Synthesis coupled with characterization of structure and measurement of relevant properties is a common strategy that chemists adopt for this task. The work described in this thesis is based on such a broad-based chemists' approach towards understanding and realization of novel materials properties among the family of metal oxides. A search for metallic ferro/ferrimagnetism among the transition metal perovskite oxides, metallicity and possibility of superconductivity among transition-metal substituted cuprates and second order NLO susceptibility among metal oxides containing d° cations such as Ti(IV), V(V) and Nb(V) - constitute the main focus of the present thesis. New synthetic strategies that combine the conventional ceramic approach with the chemistry-based 'soft1 methods have been employed wherever possible to prepare the materials. The structures and electronic properties of the new materials have been probed by state-of-the art techniques that include powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) together with Rietveld refinement, electron diffraction, thermogravimetry, measurement of magnetic susceptibility (including magnetoresistance), Mossbauer spectroscopy and SHG response (towards 1064 nm laser radiation), besides conventional analytical techniques for determination of chemical compositions. Some of the highlights of the present thesis are: (i) synthesis of new mixed valent [Mn(III)/Mn(IV)] perovskite-type manganites, ALaMn2O6-y (A = K, Rb) and ALaBMn3O9_y (A = Na, K; B = Ca, Sr) that exhibit ferromagnetism and magnetoresistance; (ii) investigation of a variety of ferrimagnetic double-perovskites that include ALaMnRuO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) and ALaFeVO6 (A = Ca, Sr) and A2FeReO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) providing new insights into the occurrence of metallic and nonmetallic ferrimagnetic behaviour among this family of oxides; (iii) synthesis of new K2NiF4-type oxides, La2-2xSr2XCui.xMxO4 (M = Ti, Mn, Fe, Ru) and investigation of Cu-O-M interaction in two dimension and (iv) identification of the structural rnotif(s) that gives rise to efficient second order NLO optical (SHG) response among d° oxides containing Ti(IV), V(V), Nb(V) etc., and synthesis of a new SHG material, Ba2-xVOSi2O7 having the fresnoite structure. The thesis consists of five chapters and an appendix, describing the results of the investigations carried out by the candidate. A brief introduction to transition metaloxides, perovskite oxides in particular, is presented in Chapter 1. Attention is focused on the structure and properties of these materials. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis and investigation of two series of anion-deficient perovskite oxides, ALaMn2O6-y (A = K, Rb, Cs) and ALaBMn3O9_y (A = Na, K; B = Ca, Sr). ALaMn2O6-y (A = K, Rb, Cs) series of oxides adopt 2 ap x 2 ap superstructure for K and Rb phases and √2 av x √2 ap x 2 ap superstructure (ap = perovskite subcell) for the Cs phase. Among ALaBMn3O9-y phases, the A = Na members adopt a new kind of perovskite superstructure, ap x 3 ap, while the A = K phases do not reveal an obvious superstructure of the perovskite. All these oxides are ferromagnetic (Tc ~ 260-325 K) and metallic exhibiting a giant magnetoresistance behaviour similar to alkaline earth metal substituted lanthanum manganites, Lai_xAxMnO3. However, unlike the latter, the resistivity peak temperature Tp for all the anion-deficient manganites is significantly lower than Tc. In Chapter 3, we have investigated structure and electronic properties of double-perovskite oxides, A2FeReO6 (A = Ca, Sr and Ba). The A = Sr, Ba phases are cubic (Fm3m) and metallic, while the A = Ca phase is monoclinic (P2yn) and nonmetallic. All the three oxides are ferrimagnetic with Tcs 315-385 K as reported earlier. A = Sr, Ba phases show a negative magnetoresistance (MR) (10-25 % at 5 T), while the Ca member does not show an MR effect. 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy shows that iron is present in the high-spin Fe3+ (S = 5/2) state in Ca compound, while it occurs in an intermediate state between high-spin Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the Ba compound. Monoclinic distortion and high covalency of Ca-O bonds appear to freeze the oxidation states at Fe+3/Re5+ in Ca2FeRe O6, while the symmetric structure and ionic Ba-O bonds render the FeReO6 array highly covalent and Ba2FeReO6 metallic. Mossbauer data for Sr2FeReO6 shows that the valence state of iron in this compound is intermediate between that in Ba and Ca compounds. It is likely that Sr2FeReO6 which lies at the boundary between metallic and insulating states is metastable, phase-seperating into a percolating mixture of different electronic states at the microscopic level. In an effort to understand the occurrence of metallicity and ferrimagnetism among double perovskites, we have synthesized several new members : ALaMnFeO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba), ALaMnRuO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) and ALaVFeO6 (A = Ca, Sr) (Chapter 3). Electron diffraction reveals an ordering of Mn and Ru in ALaMnRuO6 showing a doubling of the primitive cubic perovskite cell, while ALaVFeO6 do not show an ordering. ALaMnRuOs are ferrimagnetic (Tcs ~ 200-250 K) semiconductors, but ALaVFeO6 oxides do not show a long range magnetic ordering . The present work together with the previous work on double perovskites shows that only a very few of them exhibit both metallicity and ferrimagnetism, although several of them are ferrimagnetic. For example, among the series Ba2MReO6 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), only the M = Fe oxide is both metallic and ferrimagnetic, while M = Mn and Ni oxides are ferrimagnetic semiconductors. Similarly, A2CrMoO6 (A = Ca, Sr), A2CrRe06 (A = Ca, Sr), and ALaMnRuO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) are all ferrimagnetic but not metallic. While ferrimagnetism of double perovskites arise from an antiferromagnetic coupling of B and B' spins through the B-O-B' bridges, the occurrence of metallicity seems to require precise matching of the energies of d-states of B and B' cations and a high covalency in the BB'O6 array that allows a facile electron-transfer between B and B', Bn++B’m+↔B(n+1)++B’(m-1)+ without an energy cost, just as occurs in ReO3 and other metallic ABO3 perovskites. In an effort to understand the Cu-O-M (M = Ti, Mn, Fe, Ru) electronic interaction in two dimension, we have investigated K2N1F4 oxides of the general formula La2-2xSr2XCui.xMxO4 (M = Ti, Mn, Fe or Ru). These investigations are described in Chapter 4. For M = Ti, only the x = 0.5 member could be prepared, while for M = Mn and Fe, the composition range is 0 < x < 1.0, and for M = Ru, the composition range is 0 < x ≤ 0.5. There is no evidence for ordering of Cu(II) and M(IV) in the x = 0.5 members. While the members of the M = Ti, Mn and Ru series are semiconducting/insulating, the members of the M = Fe series are metallic, showing a broad metal-semiconductor transition around 100 K for 0 < x ≤ 0.15 that is possibly related to a Cu(II)-O-Fe(IV) < > Cu(III)-O-Fe(III) valence degeneracy. Increasing the strontium content at the expense of lanthanum in La2-2xSr2XCui.xFexO4 for x ≤ 0.20 renders the samples metallic but not superconducting. In a search for inorganic oxide materials showing second order nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibility, we have investigated several borates, silicates and phosphates containing /ram-connected MO6 octahedral chains or MO5 square-pyramids, where M = d°: Ti(IV), Nb(V) or Ta(V). Our investigations, which are described in Chapter 5, have identified two new NLO structures: batisite, Na2Ba(TiO)2Si4O12, containing trans-connectd TiO6 octahedral chains, and fresnoite, Ba2TiOSi2O7, containing square-pyramidal T1O5. Investigation of two other materials containing square-pyramidal TiO5, viz., Cs2TiOP2O7 and Na4Ti2Si8O22. 4H2O, revealed that isolated TiO5 square-pyramids alone do not cause a second harmonic generation (SHG) response; rather, the orientation of T1O5 units to produce -Ti-O-Ti-O- chains with alternating long and short Ti-0 distances in the fresnoite structure is most likely the origin of a strong SHG response in fresnoite. Indeed, we have been able to prepare a new fresnoite type oxide, Ba2.xVOSi2O7 (x ~ 0.5) that shows a strong SHG response, confirming this hypothesis. In the Appendix, we have described three synthetic strategies that enabled us to prepare magnetic and NLO materials. We have shown that the reaction CrO3 + 2 NH4X > CrO2 + 2 NH3 + H2O + X2 (X = Br, I), which occurs quantitatively at 120-150 °C, provides a convenient method for the synthesis of CrO2. Unlike conventional methods, the method described here does not require the use of high pressure for the synthesis of this technologically important material. For the synthesis of magnetic double perovskites, we have developed a method that involves reaction of basic alkali metal carbonates with the acidic oxides (e.g. Re2O7) first, followed by reaction of this precursor oxide with the required transition metal/transition metal oxide (e.g. Fe/Fe2O3). By this method we have successfully prepared single-phase perovskite oxides, A2FeReO6, ACrMoO6 and ALaFeVO6. We have prepared the new NLO material Ba2_xV0Si207 from Ba2VOSi2O7 by a soft chemical redox reaction involving the oxidation of V(IV) to V(V) using Br2 in CH3CN/CHCI3. Ba2V0Si207 + 1/2 Br2 > Bai.5V0Si207 + 1/2 BaBr2. The work presented in this thesis was carried out by the candidate as part of the Ph.D. training programme. He hopes that the studies reported here will constitute a worthwhile contribution to the solid state chemistry of transition metal oxides and related materials.

Development of Metal Oxide/Composite Nanostructures via Microwave-Assisted Chemical Route and MOCVD : Study of their Electrochemical, Catalytic and Sensing Applications

Jena, Anirudha 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Physicochemical Characterization and Gas Sensing Studies of Cr1-xFexNbO4 and Application of Principal Component Analysis

Sree Rama Murthy, A January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Monitoring the working environment of laboratories and industries for pollutants is of primary concern to ensure the healthiness of working personnel. Semiconducting metal oxides (SMOs) are sensitive to the gas ambience and can be tuned for sensing purpose. As SMOs are not selective, an array of sensors with differential selectivity may resolve to great extent. The objective of the thesis is to understand the physicochemical properties and gas sensing characteristics of Cr1-xFexNbO4. Applying principal component analysis to the sensor response data either for selection of features or for differentiation of analysts is also of concern. Preparation of Cr1-xFexNbO4, phase characterization, lattice parameters estimation, morphological and micro chemical analysis (SEM & EDX), electrical characterization by direct current (DC & AC) in the temperature range of 423 K to 573 K, weighted magnetic moment of iron and chromium deduced from susceptibility measurements, spin nature of iron and surface compositions of different valences of chromium and iron deduced from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of are presented. The wide dynamic range hydrogen sensing characteristics of CrNbO4 bulk pellets at different temperatures along with the cross-sensitivity towards NH3, NOx(NO+NO2) and PG (petroleum gas) are investigated. The preparation of Cr1-xFexNbO4 thick and thin films by screen-printing and PLD are also presented. The thick films are tested at different temperatures towards hydrogen. The n-type or p-type nature of thick films towards hydrogen with varying iron concentration in Cr1-xFexNbO4 is reported. The thin films are characterized for phase formation, morphology by XRD, SEM and AFM. XPS performed surface characterization. Electrical resistance measurements at different temperatures and preliminary experiments on hydrogen sensing are presented. The probable hydrogen sensing mechanism of CrNbO4 was revealed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimentally observed reduction in metal ion oxidation states upon interacting with hydrogen is best illustrated by Kröger Vink notation. Principal component analysis was applied for three different types of studies: i) The fit parameters of the transient response of CrNbO4 thick films towards hydrogen are analyzed for finding out the better feature for calibration, ii) Different thick films of CrNbO4, Cr0.5Fe0.5NbO4 and FeNbO4 operated at various temperatures for testing H2 and VOCs are analyzed for redundancy in sensor behaviour and iii) Cr0.8Fe0.2NbO4 thick films are studied for sensing H2, NH3 and their mixtures and usefulness of PCA in resolving them in PC-space. In addition, H2 and VOCs are tested at different temperatures and redundancy in temperature is deduced to construct a sensor array with a minimum number of sensors. Finally, a sensor array consisting of Cr0.8Fe0.2NbO4 thick films, operating at different temperatures is built, and qualitative discrimination of analysts in PC-space is demonstrated. Finally, the major findings of the present investigations and suggestions for future aspects of experimentation are provided

De l'extraction de la lignine à sa valorisation / From lignin extraction to its valorization

Constant, Sandra 27 September 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse vise à étudier la conversion de la lignine dans des conditions oxydantes hydrothermales, par catalyse hétérogène. La lignine est l'une des principales constituantes des matériaux ligno-cellulosiques. Considérée comme déchet des procédés de valorisation de la cellulose, elle est majoritairement brûlée pour produire de l'énergie. De par sa structure de polymère phénolique, la lignine peut être considérée comme la principale source de noyaux aromatiques. Une méthodologie analytique complexe a, dans un premier temps, été mise en place pour permettre une caractérisation poussée des lignines et produits d'oxydation. Les lignines étudiées ont été extraites à partir de la paille par un procédé organosolv. Le procédé d'extraction influe sur les rendements mais aussi sur les structures et propriétés des différents produits. Les catalyseurs d'oxydation sont des oxydes divisés des métaux de transition, synthétisés par voie alginate. L'oxydation de la vanilline, composé modèle de la lignine, met en évidence des phénomènes d'oligomérisation des produits formés. Lors de l'oxydation des lignines, l'utilisation d'un catalyseur augmente les rendements et modifie les équilibres de dépolymérisation – oligomérisation. / The objective of this thesis is to study the conversion of lignin in oxidizing hydrothermal conditions, by heterogeneous catalysis. Lignin is among the main constituents of lignocellulose materials. Being considered like a waste of the cellulose valorization procedures, it is mostly burned to produce the energy. Taking into account its phenolic polymer structure, lignin can be considered as the main source of aromatic rings. Complex analytical methodology has initially been set up to allow a thorough characterization of lignins and oxidation products. Lignins were extracted from the straw by the organosolv procedure. The extraction process affects not only yields but also the structures and properties of products. The oxidation catalysts are transition metal oxides, synthesized by an alginate route. The oxidation of vanillin (lignin's model compound) shows the oligomerization phenomena of obtained products. In the oxidation of lignin, the use of a catalyst increases the yield and modifies the equilibrium of depolymerization - oligomerization.

Synthesis and characterisation of metal oxides isostructural with La₁₈Li₈Rh₅O₃₉

Thammajak, Nirawat January 2012 (has links)
The structural chemistry and magnetic properties of compounds isostructural with La<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Rh<sub>5</sub>O<sub>39</sub> have been studied. In this cubic structure (space group Pm<sup><sup>_</sup></sup><sub style='position: relative; left: -.5em;'>3</sub>n), [111] chains of alternating RhO<sub>6</sub> octahedra (2a, 8e sites) and LiO<sub>6</sub> trigonal prisms (16i site) occupy channels within a La-O framework. In order to study the consequences of both reducing the dimensions of the channels and introducing paramagnetic cations into both the framework and the polyhedral chains, compositions in the series Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Rh<sub>5-x</sub>Fe<sub>x</sub>O<sub>39</sub> (1 &le; x &le; 4) have been synthesised and characterised by magnetometry, neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Iron preferentially occupies the 2a site as low-spin Fe(IV) and the larger 8e site as high-spin Fe(III). Compositions having x > 1 show spin-glass-like behaviour below ~5 K. The behaviour of this series of compositions has been compared with that of the known series La<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Rh<sub>5-x</sub>Fe<sub>x</sub>O<sub>39</sub>. In order to facilitate this comparison, the structure of La<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>5</sub>O<sub>39</sub> has been fully characterised by both neutron diffraction and EXAFS. The use of both techniques has revealed differences between the mean and local environments of iron. In order to explore and extend the range and combinations of elements that can be accommodated in this structure, the Ti-containing compounds Ln<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>M<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub> (Ln=La,Nd,Pr,Sm; M=Rh,Fe,Co) have been synthesised. Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub> was selected for a detailed study by magnetometry, neutron diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and XANES. Cations were found to be stabilised in unusual oxidation states and disordered over three sites of the Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub> polyhedral chains. The 8e site is occupied by high-spin Fe<sup>3+</sup>, Ti<sup>3+</sup> and Li<sup>+</sup> in a ratio of 76:20:4; the 2a site by low-spin Fe<sup>4+</sup> and Ti<sup>4+</sup> in a ratio of 79:21 and the trigonal-prismatic 16i site by Li<sup>+</sup> and Fe<sup>3+</sup> in a ratio of 98:2. Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39 </sub> undergoes a transition to a spin-glass state at 4.25(5) K, whereas La<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub> revealed a different type of magnetic transition at ~8 K. The nature of this transition is not yet clear. Monophasic samples could not be prepared in the Nd/Rh system and cation vacancies were found in Nd/Co. No pure samples of Sm-containing compositions could be prepared, while the only Pr composition which was obtained pure, according to X-ray diffraction, Pr<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>4</sub>TiO <sub>39</sub> shows the similar magnetic properties to Pr<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>3</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub>. The compositions Ln<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>M<sub>3</sub> M'O<sub>39</sub> (Ln=La,Nd,Pr,Sm; M,M'=Fe,Co,Ti) with 25% of the 8e sites vacant have been investigated. The Co-containing compositions Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>3</sub>FeO<sub>39-y</sub>, Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>CoFe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>39-y</sub> and Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>3</sub>TiO<sub>39-y</sub> were characterised by neutron diffraction. Cation vacancies on the 8e sites were found to coexist with anion vacancies around the 2a sites. The remaining octahedral sites are occupied by a disordered arrangement of transition-metal cations. The trigonal-prismatic sites are fully occupied by Li except in the case of Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>CoFe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>39-y</sub> where some Fe is present, as confirmed by Mössbauer spectral data. Antiferromagnetic interactions are present on the Nd sublattice in each composition, but a spin glass forms below 5 K when a high concentration of spins is also present on the octahedral sites. The magnetic character of the Ln cations plays an important role in determining the properties of these compounds. Long-range magnetic order of the transition-metal cations was not observed in any compositions. Although this might be partly attributable to the cation disorder in the polyhedral chains, the apparent antiferromagnetic behaviour of Nd-containing compositions in which the transition metals have a low magnetic moment, e.g. Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>3</sub>TiO<sub>39-y</sub>, and the marked contrast between certain La and Nd compositions in which the transition metal content is the same, e.g. Nd<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub> and La<sub>18</sub>Li<sub>8</sub>Fe<sub>4</sub>TiO<sub>39</sub>, suggests that the Ln sublattice is fully involved in determining the magnetic behaviour.

High Yield Solvothermal Synthesis of Hexaniobate Based Nanocomposites via the Capture of Preformed Nanoparticles in Scrolled Nanosheets

Adireddy, Shivaprasad Reddy 20 December 2013 (has links)
The ability to encapsulate linear nanoparticle (NP) chains in scrolled nanosheets is an important advance in the formation of nanocomposites.These nanopeapods (NPPs) exhibit interesting properties that may not be achieved by individual entities. Consequently, to fully exploit the potential of NPPs, the fabrication of NPPs must focus on producing composites with unique combinations of morphologically uniform nanomaterials. Various methods can produce NPPs, but expanding these methods to a wide variety of material combinations can be difficult. Recent work in our group has resulted in the in situ formation of peapod-like structures based on chains of cobalt NPs. Building on this initial success, a more versatile approach has been developed that allows for the capture of a series of preformed NPs in NPP composites. In the following chapters, various synthetic approaches for NPPs of various material combinations will be presented and the key roles of various reaction parameters will be discussed. Also, uniform hexaniobate nanoscrolls were fabricated via a solvothermal method induced by heating up a mixture of TBAOH, hexaniobate crystallites, and oleylamine in toluene. The interlayer spacing of the nanoscrolls was easily tuned by varying the relative amount and chain lengths of the primary alkylamines. To fabricate NPPs, as-synthesized NPs were treated with hexaniobate crystallite in organic mixtures via solvothermal method. During solvothermal treatment, exfoliated hexaniobate nanosheets scroll around highly ordered chains of NPs to produce the target NPP structures in high yield. Reaction mixtures were held at an aging temperature for a few hours to fabricate various new NPPs (Fe3O4@hexaniobate, Ag@hexaniobate, Au@hexaniobate, Au-Fe3O4@hexaniobate, TiO2@hexaniobate, CdS@hexaniobate, CdSe@hexaniobate, and ZnS@hexaniobate). This versatile method was first developed for the fabrication of magnetic peapod nanocomposites with preformed nanoparticles (NPs). This approach is effectively demonstrated on a series of ferrite NPs (≤ 14 nm) where Fe3O4@hexaniobate NPPs are rapidly (~ 6 h) generated in high yield. When NP samples with different sizes are reacted, clear evidence for size selectivity is seen. Magnetic dipolar interactions between ferrite NPs within the Fe3O4@hexaniobate samples leads to a significant rise in coercivity, increasing almost four-fold relative to free particles. Other magnetic ferrites NPPs, MFe2O4@hexaniobate (M = Mn, Co, Ni), can also be prepared. This synthetic approach to nanopeapods is quite versatile and should be readily extendable to other, non-ferrite NPs or NP combinations so that cooperative properties can be exploited while the integrity of the NP assemblies is maintained. Further, this approach demonstrated selectivity by encapsulating NPs according to their size. The use of polydispersed NP systems is also possible and in this case, evidence for size and shape selectivity was observed. This behavior is significant in that it could be exploited in the purification of inhomogeneous NP samples. Other composite materials containing silver and gold NPs are accessible. Partially filled Fe3O4@hexaniobate NPPs were used as templates for the in situ growth of gold to produce the bi-functional Au- Fe3O4@hexaniobate NPPs. Encapsulation of Ag and Au NP chains with a hexaniobate nanoscroll was shifted the surface plasmon resonance to higher wavelengths. In these composites NPs can be incorporated to form NPP structures, decorated on nanosheets before scrolling, or attached to the surfaces of the nanoscrolls. The importance of this advancement is the promise it holds for the design and assembly of active nanocomposites. One can create important combinations of nanomaterials for potential applications in a variety of areas including catalysis, solar conversion, thermoelectrics, and multiferroics.

Electrodes à base d’aérogels de SnO2, résistantes à la corrosion pour la réduction de l’oxygène dans les piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC) / Corrosion resistive tin oxide aerogels based electrodes for the oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)

Ozouf, Guillaume 13 March 2017 (has links)
Afin d’augmenter la durabilité des PEMFC, des aérogels de dioxyde d'étain ont été étudiés pour remplacer le carbone comme support de catalyseur cathodique. SnO2 est un semi-conducteur de type n dont la conductivité électronique peut être améliorée en le dopant par des cations hypervalents tels que Nb5+, Ta5+ ou Sb5+. Pour être un support de catalyseur efficace, le matériau doit aussi posséder une surface spécifique élevée avec une morphologie mésoporeuse pour permettre à la fois la dispersion et l'activité du catalyseur (Pt). À cette fin, notre objectif était de développer des aérogels de SnO2 dopé. Dans cette étude, les aérogels ont été synthétisés par voie sol-gel en milieu acide à partir d’alcoxydes métalliques comme précurseurs. Nos matériaux présentent une morphologie aérée très intéressante avec une surface spécifique relativement élevée (80-90 m2/g). De plus, tous les aérogels SnO2 dopés au Sb ont présenté une amélioration très significative de la conductivité électronique pour atteindre une valeur d’environ 0,12 S/cm. Les nanoparticules de platine ont ensuite été déposées sur la surface de l'aérogel SnO2 dopé Sb en utilisant trois méthodes différentes. La méthode basée sur la réduction chimique par l’intermédiaire d’un polyol fournit le meilleur résultat en terme d'activité catalytique massique, mesurée en électrode à disque tournant (Is = 32 mA/mgPt). Cette valeur est, par ailleurs, encore plus élevée que celle de l'électrocatalyseur TEC10E40E (Is = 27 mA/mgPt). Les AMEs intégrant notre aérogel SnO2 dopé au Sb ont enfin montré une très bonne durabilité à des potentiels élevés. / In order to tackle the problem of low durability, tin dioxide aerogels were studied to replace carbon black as a catalyst support in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). SnO2 is a well-known n-type semi-conductor whose electronic conductivity can be improved by doping with hypervalent cations such as Nb5+, Ta5+ or Sb5+. In addition, as a catalyst support, this material has to develop a high specific surface area with adequate mesoporous morphology to allow both good dispersion and activity of the catalyst (Pt). To this end, our objective was to develop doped SnO2 aerogels. In this study, SnO2 based-aerogels were successfully synthesized following an acid-catalyzed sol–gel route starting with metal alkoxides as precursors. Our materials have shown a very interesting airy morphology with among other a reasonable specific surface area (80–90 m2/g). Moreover, all Sb-doped aerogels exhibited significant improvement in electronic conductivity and reach a value of around 0.12 S/cm. Platinum nanoparticles were then deposed on the Sb doped SnO2 aerogel surface using three different methods. The method based on chemical reduction using a polyol route provided the best result in term of mass catalytic activity measured by RDE (Is = 32 mA/mgPt). This value is even higher than that of the reference electrocatalyst TEC10E40E (Is = 27 mA/mgPt). Sb doped SnO2 aerogel based MEAs have exhibited a very good durability at high potentials.

Modificação superficial de ligas armazenadoras de hidrogênio por óxidos metálicos a partir do método sol-gel / Surface modification on hydrogen storage alloys by metal oxides via sol-gel route

Bocutti, Rosangela 26 May 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na análise da modificação superficial da liga armazenadora de hidrogênio, MmNi3,4Co0,8Al0,8, através de óxidos de Cobre, Níquel e Cobalto, utilizando-se para tanto o método sol-gel. As técnicas de caracterização usadas para o recobrimento obtido, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Redução Térmica Programada (RTP), permitiram a observação de uma \"rede\" formada pelos óxidos presentes nos recobrimentos que proporcionam a aglomeração das partículas da liga, sem contudo, impedir a interação de hidrogênio com o material. O estudo do comportamento eletroquímico do recobrimento foi realizado pelas técnicas de Voltametria Cíclica , Ciclos Galvanostáticos de Carga e Descarga e Espectroscopia de Impedância. Foi possível verificar que a camada de óxidos formada pelo recobrimento através do método sol-gel melhora o desempenho da liga: em relação a sua capacidade de descarga que é significativamente aumentada, principalmente no recobrimento por óxido de cobalto e também em relação a proteção contra a pulverização do material, que proporciona maiores números de ciclos de carga e descarga / This work consists in the analysis of the surface modification of the hydrogen storage alloy, MmNi3,4Co0,8Al0,8, threugh Copper, Nickel and Cobalt oxides, using for this the sol-gel method. The characterization techniques used for the obtained surfase modification (SEM and TPR) allowed the observation of a \" net \" formed by the presents oxides in the surface modification that provides the gathering of the alloys particles, without however, to harm the hydrogen interaction with the material. The study of the electrochemical behavior of the surface modification was carried out by the techniques of Cyclic Voltammetry, Charge/Discharge cycles and Electrochemical Impedance. It was possible to verify that the oxides of layer formed by the surface modification for the sol-gel method improves the alloy performance: in relation to its discharge capacity that is significantly increased, mainly in the surface modification by oxide of cobalt, and also in relation to the protection against the deterioration of the material, that provides higher numbers of cycles charge and discharge

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