Spelling suggestions: "subject:"methyltransferase"" "subject:"methyltransferase1""
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The 26S Proteasome and Histone Modifying Enzymes RegulateTruax, Agnieszka D 07 May 2011 (has links)
Major Histocompatibility Complex Class-II (MHC-II) molecules are critical regulators of adaptive immunity that present extracellular antigens required to activate CD4+ T cells. MHC-II are regulated at the level of transcription by master regulator, the Class II Transactivator (CIITA), whose association with the MHC-II promoter is necessary to initiate transcription. Recently, much research focused on novel mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of critical genes like MHC-II and CIITA; findings that the macromolecular complex of the 26S-proteasome is involved in transcription have been perhaps the most exciting as they impart novel functions to a well studied system. Proteasome is a multi-subunit complex composed of a 20S-core particle capped by a 19S-regulatory particle. The 19S contains six ATPases which are required for transcription initiation and elongation. We demonstrate that 19S ATPase-S6a inducibly associates with CIITA promoters. Decreased expression of S6a negatively impacts recruitment of the transcription factors STAT-1 and IRF-1 to the CIITA due to significant loss in histone H3 and H4 acetylation. S6a is robustly recruited to CIITA coding regions, where S6a binding coordinates with that of RNA polymerase II. RNAi mediated S6a knockdown significantly diminishes recruitment of Pol II and P-TEF-b components to CIITA coding regions, indicating S6a plays important roles in transcriptional elongation.
Our research is focused on the ways in which accessibility to and transcription of DNA is regulated. While cancers are frequently linked to dysregulated gene expression, contribution of epigenetics to cancers remains unknown. To achieve metastatic ability, tumors alter gene expression to escape host immunosurveilance. MHC-II and CIITA expression are significantly downregulated in highly metastatic MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells. This suppression correlates with elevated levels of the silencing modification H3K27me3 at CIITA and a significant reduction in Pol II recruitment. We observe elevated binding of the histone methyltransferase to CIITApIV and demonstrate this enzyme is a master regulator of CIITA gene expression. EZH2 knockdown results in significant increases in CIITA and MHC-II transcript levels in metastatic cells. In sum, transcriptional regulation by the 19S-proteasome and histone modifying enzymes represents novel mechanisms of control of mammalian gene expression and present novel therapeutic targets for manipulating MHC expression in disease.
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Investigations of the Natural Product Antibiotic Thiostrepton from Streptomyces azureus and Associated Mechanisms of ResistanceMyers, Cullen Lucan January 2013 (has links)
The persistence and propagation of bacterial antibiotic resistance presents significant challenges to the treatment of drug resistant bacteria with current antimicrobial chemotherapies, while a dearth in replacements for these drugs persists. The thiopeptide family of antibiotics may represent a potential source for new drugs and thiostrepton, the prototypical member of this antibiotic class, is the primary subject under study in this thesis.
Using a facile semi-synthetic approach novel, regioselectively-modified thiostrepton derivatives with improved aqueous solubility were prepared. In vivo assessments found these derivatives to retain significant antibacterial ability which was determined by cell free assays to be due to the inhibition of protein synthesis. Moreover, structure-function studies for these derivatives highlighted structural elements of the thiostrepton molecule that are important for antibacterial activity.
Organisms that produce thiostrepton become insensitive to the antibiotic by producing a resistance enzyme that transfers a methyl group from the co-factor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to an adenosine residue at the thiostrepton binding site on 23S rRNA, thus preventing binding of the antibiotic. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis was performed on this enzyme to generate point mutations at key active site residues. Ensuing biochemical assays and co-factor binding studies on these variants identified amino acid residues in the active site that are essential to the formation of the AdoMet binding pocket and provided direct evidence for the involvement of an active site arginine in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.
Certain bacteria that produce neither thiostrepton nor the resistance methyltransferase express the thiostrepton binding proteins TIP-AL and TIP-AS, that irreversibly bind to the antibiotic, thereby conferring resistance by sequestration. Here, it was found that the point mutation of the previously identified reactive amino acid in TIP-AS did not affect covalent binding to the antibiotic, which was immediately suggestive of a specific, high affinity non-covalent interaction. This was confirmed in binding studies using chemically synthesized thiostrepton derivatives. These studies further revealed structural features from thiostrepton important in this non-covalent interaction. Together, these results indicate that thiostrepton binding by TIP-AS begins with a specific non-covalent interaction, which is necessary to properly orient the thiostrepton molecule for covalent binding to the protein.
Finally, the synthesis of a novel AdoMet analogue is reported. The methyl group of AdoMet was successfully replaced with a trifluoromethyl ketone moiety, however, the hydrated form (germinal diol) of this compound was found to predominate in solution. Nevertheless, the transfer of this trifluoroketone/ trifluoropropane diol group was demonstrated with the thiopurine methyltransferase.
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Ribonucleoprotein complexes and protein arginine methylation : a role in diseases of the central nervous sytemChénard, Carol Anne. January 2008 (has links)
For the past 45 years, QKI has been studied for its role in the processes of development and central nervous system myelination using the qkv mouse. The presence of a single KH domain and the recent identification of a high-affinity binding site in mRNAs, suggests that it can bind to and regulate mRNAs through processes such as stability, splicing and transport. As a member of the STAR RNA binding family of proteins the QKI isoforms may also be involved in cell signaling pathways. / QKI's involvement in all of these processes, lead us to examine both the protein partners and the mRNA targets of the QKI complex in order to identify potentially new pathways regulated by QKI. In doing so, we identified a novel direct protein-protein interaction with PABP and for the first time described the relocalization of QKI to cytoplasmic granules following oxidative stress. In addition, in vivo mRNA interaction studies were performed and allowed the identification of approximately 100 new mRNA targets in human glioblastoma cells. One of the targets identified was VEGF mRNA. / Another QKI target mRNA is MBP, a major protein component of the myelin sheath and the candidate auto-antigen in multiple sclerosis (MS). In vivo MBP is symmetrically dimethylated on a single arginine residue. To further establish the role of the methylation of MBP in myelination, a methyl-specific antibody and an adenovirus expressing a recombinant protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) was generated. We show that methylated MBP is found in areas of mature myelin and that overexpression of the PRTM5 blocked the differentiation of oligodendrocytes. / Taken together these datas implicate QKI for the first time in the process of human cancer angiogenesis and could explain the vascularization defects observed in some of the qkI mutant mice. In addition, arginine methylation of MBP may prove to have an important role in the process of myelination and in the pathogenesis of demyelination and the autoimmune reaction in diseases such as MS.
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Étude structurale de l'histoneméthyltransférase " CARM1 " et de ses complexes biologiquement significatifs : des structures 3D vers la conception rationnelle de composés à action pharmacologiqueMailliot, Justine 19 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les "protéine arginine méthyltransférases" (PRMT) sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus cellulaires : transcription, maturation et transport des ARN, traduction, transduction du signal, réplication et réparation de l'ADN, et apoptose. Différents travaux ont montré que des dérégulations de ces mécanismes impliquant les PRMT peuvent induire certains cancers, faisant de ces enzymes de nouvelles cibles potentielles en chimiothérapie. Il s'avère donc crucial de comprendre le mode d'action des PRMT à l'échelle atomique, à la fois au niveau fondamental et pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments. Les travaux décrits ici s'intéressent à la protéine PRMT4/CARM1 et s'appuient sur des études structurales par bio-cristallographie, pour comprendre les mécanismes de la réaction de méthylation catalysée par CARM1 et découvrir des inhibiteurs spécifiques, mais aussi sur des études en solution, pour caractériser l'interaction entre CARM1 et ses substrats.
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Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Val 108158 Met polymorphism and ADHD : pharmaco-behavioural genetic and neurocognitive studyChoudhry, Zia Ulhaq. January 2008 (has links)
The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene is the predominant means of dopamine deactivation within the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain locus implicated in Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Dopamine dysregulation is a significant contributor to the pathophysiology of ADHD and Methylphenidate (MPH), an effective treatment for ADHD, and acts at least in part, through modulation of dopamine levels in the PFC. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Val108/158 Met polymorphism modulates behavioral dimensions relevant for ADHD and/or response of these behavioral dimensions to MPH and/or neuropsychological functions considered relevant for ADHD. No genotype or genotype by treatment interaction effects were observed for behavioral response to MPH. No genotype effects were observed using the family-based approach. Marginal genotype effects were observed between the Met/Met genotype and some but not all aspects of executive functioning. Overall, these results do not support the implication of the COMT Val108/158 Met polymorphism in ADHD, ADHD relevant behaviours or response to methylphenidate, but weakly implicate COMT gene in some aspects of executive functions in children with ADHD. Given that gene effects on behaviours are likely to be very small, a much large sample would be needed in order to establish these results, both negative and positive, with better confidence.
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Investigations of the Natural Product Antibiotic Thiostrepton from Streptomyces azureus and Associated Mechanisms of ResistanceMyers, Cullen Lucan January 2013 (has links)
The persistence and propagation of bacterial antibiotic resistance presents significant challenges to the treatment of drug resistant bacteria with current antimicrobial chemotherapies, while a dearth in replacements for these drugs persists. The thiopeptide family of antibiotics may represent a potential source for new drugs and thiostrepton, the prototypical member of this antibiotic class, is the primary subject under study in this thesis.
Using a facile semi-synthetic approach novel, regioselectively-modified thiostrepton derivatives with improved aqueous solubility were prepared. In vivo assessments found these derivatives to retain significant antibacterial ability which was determined by cell free assays to be due to the inhibition of protein synthesis. Moreover, structure-function studies for these derivatives highlighted structural elements of the thiostrepton molecule that are important for antibacterial activity.
Organisms that produce thiostrepton become insensitive to the antibiotic by producing a resistance enzyme that transfers a methyl group from the co-factor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to an adenosine residue at the thiostrepton binding site on 23S rRNA, thus preventing binding of the antibiotic. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis was performed on this enzyme to generate point mutations at key active site residues. Ensuing biochemical assays and co-factor binding studies on these variants identified amino acid residues in the active site that are essential to the formation of the AdoMet binding pocket and provided direct evidence for the involvement of an active site arginine in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.
Certain bacteria that produce neither thiostrepton nor the resistance methyltransferase express the thiostrepton binding proteins TIP-AL and TIP-AS, that irreversibly bind to the antibiotic, thereby conferring resistance by sequestration. Here, it was found that the point mutation of the previously identified reactive amino acid in TIP-AS did not affect covalent binding to the antibiotic, which was immediately suggestive of a specific, high affinity non-covalent interaction. This was confirmed in binding studies using chemically synthesized thiostrepton derivatives. These studies further revealed structural features from thiostrepton important in this non-covalent interaction. Together, these results indicate that thiostrepton binding by TIP-AS begins with a specific non-covalent interaction, which is necessary to properly orient the thiostrepton molecule for covalent binding to the protein.
Finally, the synthesis of a novel AdoMet analogue is reported. The methyl group of AdoMet was successfully replaced with a trifluoromethyl ketone moiety, however, the hydrated form (germinal diol) of this compound was found to predominate in solution. Nevertheless, the transfer of this trifluoroketone/ trifluoropropane diol group was demonstrated with the thiopurine methyltransferase.
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Wirkung, Permeation und Katabolismus von Histamin an isolierten Dickdarmepithelien des SchweinsAhrens, Frank 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Bei Schweinen lassen sich im Anfangsteil des Dickdarms hohe Konzentrationen an Histamin nachweisen. Zum einen wird viel exogenes Histamin in der Ingesta durch Bakterien gebildet. Zum anderen befindet sich im proximalen Kolon viel endogenes Histamin, welches in verschiedenen Populationen von Mastzellen gespeichert ist. Beide Histaminquellen stellen eine potenzielle Gefahr für die Gesundheit des Tieres dar. Sollte Histamin in den vorhandenen Mengen in die Blutzirkulation übertreten, müsste mit dem Tod des Tieres gerechnet werden. Da unter normalen Bedingungen bei Schweinen keine pathophysiologischen Reaktionen auf die hohen Histaminkonzentrationen im Darm beobachtet werden können, muss auf eine effektive Darmbarriere geschlossen werden. Weil weder diese Barriere bisher untersucht wurde, noch bekannt war, welche Wirkung Histamin in diesem Darmteil des Schweins besitzt, sollte in dieser Arbeit Wirkung, Permeation und Katabolismus von Histamin an isolierten Epithelien des proximalen Kolons mit Hilfe der Ussing-Kammer-Technik untersucht werden. Die Zugabe von Histamin zur serosalen Seite der Epithelien führte zu einem schnellen Anstieg des Kurzschlussstroms. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Untersuchungen an Darmepithelien, in denen eine H1-vermittelte Wirkung von Histamin gefunden wurde, wurde die Wirkung am proximalen Kolon des Schweins über H2-Rezeptoren vermittelt. Die Änderung des Kurzschlussstroms nach Histaminzugabe resultierte aus einer Chloridsekretion. Eine Chloridsekretion scheint somit eine generelle Wirkung von Histamin auf Darmepithelien zu sein, unabhängig von der Art des Wirkungs-vermittelnden Rezeptortyps. Histamin wurde aus den Epithelpräparationen spontan und nach Stimulation von Mastzellen freigesetzt. Obwohl nach Mastzellstimulation eine hohe Histaminfreisetzung beobachtet werden konnte, war dieses Histamin nicht an der sich aus der Stimulation ergebenen elektrophysiologischen Reaktion des Epithels beteiligt. In Fluxstudien mit radiaktiv markiertem Histamin wurde eine konzentrationsabhängige Histaminpermeation über das Epithel festgestellt. Diese Permeation ist von mukosal nach serosal scheinbar parazellulär lokalisiert. Dagegen scheint bei der Permeation von serosal nach mukosal ein transzellulärer Anteil vorhanden zu sein, da eine aktive Sekretion von Histamin in das Darmlumen festgestellt werden konnte. Während der Permeation von Histamin über das Epithel wurde in Abhängigkeit von der vorgegebenen Konzentration zwischen 80% und 100% des permeirenden Histamins verstoffwechselt. Somit besteht eine effektive Darmbarriere gegenüber exogenem Histamin, die sich aus einer geringen Permeation und einer hohen intraepithelialen Verstoffwechselung von Histamin zusammensetzt. Beide für den Abbau von Histamin in Frage kommenden Enzyme, Diaminoxidase (DAO) und Histamin-N-Methyltransferase (HNMT), sind am Katabolismus von Histamin beteiligt. Während in der Literatur die DAO als das bedeutendste Enzym des Histaminkatabolismus am Darm angegeben wird, ist am proximalen Kolon des Schweins die HNMT wichtiger für den Histaminabbau. Beide Enzyme bewerkstelligen sowohl den Abbau von endogen freigesetztem Histamin als auch von transepithelial permeierendem Histamin. Somit hätte eine Hemmung dieser Enzyme, die durch eine Vielzahl von Stoffen, darunter gebräuchliche Arzneimittel, hervorgerufen werden kann, dramatische Konsequenzen. In diesem Fall würde der Körper in hohen Maßen sowohl von endogenem als auch von exogenem Histamin aus dem Darm belastet werden. / In the oral part of pig large intestine, high amounts of luminal histamine can be found due to bacterial production. Further more, histamine is abundantly present in the intestinal wall, where it is stored in different populations of mast cells. Both sources of histamine, exogenous and endogenous, are very dangerous for the body, because histamine is able to elicit systemic effects when it is spilt over in the systemic circulation. Under normal conditions no pathophysiological reactions can be observed in pigs due to the high amounts of histamine in the gut. Therefore, it must be concluded that there is a very effective barrier against luminal histamine. However, neither the barrier function has been characterized yet, nor is there any data available on the action of histamine in this part of the porcine gut. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect, permeation and catabolism of histamine in isolated epithelia of the proximal colon by using the Ussing chamber technique. Addition of histamine to the serosal side induced a rapid rise in short-circuit current. In contrast to many studies investigating the action of histamine in other gut epithelia, in the pig proximal colon histamine acts via H2 receptors. Histamine induced a chloride secretion, which seems to be a common mechanism of gut epithelia, independent from histamine receptor type involved. Endogenous histamine was liberated spontaneously from the epithelia in small amounts. High amounts of histamine were found after a mast cell stimulation. However, this histamine did not participate in a concurrent electrophysiological reaction of the epithelia. In flux studies with radioactively labeled histamine, a transepithelial permeation of histamine was observed in a dose dependent manner. This permeation was located on the paracellular pathway in the mucosal-to-serosal direction. In the serosal-to-mucosal direction a, at least in part, transcellular pathway must be concluded from the observed histamine secretion into the gut lumen. Among 80% and 100% of histamine was catabolised dose-dependently during permeation. Therefore, the very effective gut barrier against histamine is based on a low paracellular permeation and a high intraepithelial catabolism of histamine. The histamine-degrading enzymes, diamine oxidase (DAO) and histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT), took both part in the catabolism of histamine. While in literature DAO is called the bottleneck of histamine degradation in the gut, HNMT seems to be more significant in pig proximal colon. DAO and HNMT are important for the catabolism of exogenous and endogenous histamine. Therefore, inhibition of these enzymes, which is possible by numerous drugs, would have dramatic consequences. In that case, high amounts of histamine would be able to reach the systemic circulation.
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Epigenética do desenvolvimento em bovinos : DNA metiltransferases e genes "imprinted" em embriões, fetos e placentas /Perecin, Felipe. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Joaquim Mansano Garcia / Banca: César Roberto Esper / Banca: Paulo Henrique Franceschini / Banca: Flávio Vieira Meirelles / Banca: Maria Angélica Miglino / Resumo: A clonagem por transferência de núcleo é freqüentemente associada a resultados insatisfatórios devido à reprogramação nuclear anormal da célula somática doadora de núcleo e à expressão gênica alterada. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a freqüência dos RNAs mensageiros das DNA metiltransferases (DNMT) 1, 3A e 3B, e do gene de expressão constitutiva gliceraldeído 3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) em blastocistos bovinos isolados produzidos in vivo e in vitro por transferência nuclear (TN) de célula somática, ativação partenogenética e fertilização in vitro (FIV). O segundo objetivo foi avaliar a expressão das DNMTs e dos genes "imprinted" IGF2, IGF2R e H19 em membranas cório-alantóide e fetos bovinos produzidos in vivo e in vitro por TN, ativação partenogenética e FIV e recuperados entre os dias 33 e 36 de gestação. Houve decréscimo (P<0,05) na freqüência do GAPDH nos blastocistos TN e partenogenéticos quando comparados aos embriões fertilizados, e também diferença entre blastocistos TN produzidos com diferentes protocolos de sincronização celular (células em G0 ou G1 do ciclo celular). Com relação às DNMTs, não foram identificados transcritos da DNMT1 nos blastocistos do grupo TN-G0; ocorreu diminuição na freqüência dos transcritos da DNMT3B nos embriões TN quando comparados aos partenotos. Não se observou diferença na freqüência relativa das DNA metiltransferases em membranas cório-alantóide e fetos. Com relação aos genes "imprinted", o grupo partenogenético apresentou menor nível de expressão de IGF2 em relação aos os demais grupos; baixos níveis de expressão de IGF2 e IGF2R foram observados, respectivamente, em amostras de feto e de cório-alantóide derivadas de animais clonados por TN, quando comparadas aos grupos fertilizados in vivo e in vitro. / Abstract: Cloning by nuclear transfer is often associated with poor results due to abnormal nuclear reprogramming of somatic cell donor and altered gene expression. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of DNA methyltranferases (DNMT) 1, 3A and 3B, and the housekeeping glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNAs in single bovine blastocysts produced in vivo or in vitro by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), parthenogenetic activation and in vitro fertilization (IVF). The second objective was to evaluate the expression of DNMTs and imprinted genes IGF2, IGF2R and H19 in chorio-alantois membrane of bovine fetuses produced in vivo or in vitro by SCNT, parthenogenetic activation and IVF, and recovered between days 33 and 36 of gestation. There was strong GAPDH downregulation (P<0.05) in parthenogenetic and cloned by SCNT blastocysts when compared to fertilized ones, and also differences between cloned blastocysts produced with different cell synchronization (G0 or G1) protocol. Regarding DNMTs expression, we did not identify DNMT1 transcrips in SCNT-G0 derived blastocysts, and observed DNMT3B downregulation in SCNT-derived embryos when compared to parthenotes. No differences in DNA methyltransferase relative frequency were seen in chorio-alantois membrane and fetuses. Regarding imprinted genes expression, downregulation of IGF2 in the parthenogenetic group was observed in comparision to all other groups, and also, downregulation of IGF2 and IGF2R in the cloned-derived fetuses and chorio-alantois samples, respectively, were observed comparing to in vivo and in vitro fertilized groups. / Doutor
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Mapeamento de proteínas alvo para novos antifúngicos na fração microssomal e citosólica do patógeno humano Aspergillus fumigatus / Mapping target proteins for new antifungals in the microsomal and cytosolic fraction of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatusIvy Ortega Medeiros Zanon da Silva 21 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A incidência de infecções fúngicas invasivas vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Estas infecções, em geral, apresentam altas taxas de mortalidade. A profilaxia com antifúngicos ainda é a estratégia mais comum na contenção da mortalidade e prevenção contra infecções fúngicas invasivas, porém, apresenta baixa eficiência, e relatos de resistência às drogas. Além disso, a terapia antifúngica é limitada a um pequeno grupo de drogas, como os polienos, azóis e equinocandinas. Desta forma, a busca de novos alvos de drogas é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos antifúngicos. Estudos in silico indicaram quatro genes como potenciais alvo de drogas em fungos patogênicos. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a expressão das proteínas codificadas por dois destes possíveis genes alvo, a proteína erg6, na fração microssomal, e trr1, na fração citosólica, em hifas de A. fumigatus. Visando alcançar este objetivo, foram primeiramente padronizadas todas as etapas de fracionamento celular visando isolar estas duas subfrações celulares de A. fumigatus. Posteriormente, foi otimizado o protocolo de extração e reidratação de proteínas microssomais bem como reidratação de proteínas citosólicas. Estes extratos foram submetidos a diferentes protocolos de fracionamento proteico em um sistema de eletroforese OFFGEL (OGE). Os resultados de Western immunoblot mostraram que estas duas proteínas, erg6 e trr1, são de fato expressas na fase filamentosa de A. fumigatus. O extrato proteico da fração microssomal submetido ao OGE em doze subfrações apresentou três subunidades da proteína erg6, reconhecidas pelo anticorpo monoclonal, com massas moleculares e pI distintos: uma subunidade de aproximadamente 79 kDa com pI entre 5,91 e 6,49, e outras duas subunidades de aproximadamente 35 kDa e 32 kDa, ambas com pI entre 6,49 e 7,08. A enzima erg6 foi descrita como um homotetrâmero em outros fungos. Porém, nossos resultados sugerem que, em A. fumigatus, a erg6 possui uma estrutura heterotetramérica. Quanto à proteína trr1, tanto no extrato total quanto nas frações resultantes do fracionamento em OGE, uma banda única de aproximadamente 40 kDa, com pI na faixa de 4,79 e 5,33, foi reconhecida pelo anticorpo policlonal. Desta forma, esta proteína parece ter uma estrutura homodimérica, assim como descrito em outros micro-organismos. / The invasive fungal infections incidence has increased in recent years. These infections usually presents high mortality rates. Antifungal prophylaxis remains the most common clinical strategy to decrease mortality and prevent invasive fungal infections, however, it has low efficiency and drug resistance reports. Furthermore, antifungal therapy is limited to a small group of drugs such as polyenes, azoles, and echinocandins. Thus, the search for new drug targets is imperative for the new antifungal agents development. In silico studies have indicated four genes as potential drug target in pathogenic fungi. In this context, our aim was to investigate the expression of two proteins encoded by two putative target genes, erg6 in the microsomal fraction, and trr1 in the cytosolic fraction of A. fumigatus hyphae. To achieve this goal, we first standardized all steps of cell fractionation to isolate these two fractions of A. fumigatus hyphae. Subsequently, was optimized the protein extraction and rehidratation protocols of these two subfractions, such as cytosolic proteins rehidratation. These extracts were submitted to different protocols for protein fractionation in an OFFGEL electrophoresis system (OGE). The Western immunoblot results showed that these two proteins, erg6 and trr1, are expressed in filamentous phase of A. fumigatus. The microsomal protein extract submitted to the OGE in twelve fractions, showed three erg6 protein subunits recognized by monoclonal antibody, with distincts molecular weight and pI: a subunit with approximately 79 kDa, with pI in the range of 5,91 and 6,49, and others two subunits with 35 kDa and 32 kDa, both with pI between 6,49 and 7,08. The enzyme erg6 was described as a homotetramer in other fungi, however, our results suggest that in A. fumigatus the erg6 has a heterotetrameric structure. Regarding trr1 protein, in both, total and fractionated (OGE) extracts, a single band of approximately 40 kDa, with pI in the range of 4.79 and 5.33, was recognized by the polyclonal antibody, suggesting that this protein appears to have a homodimeric structure, as described in other microorganisms.
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Génomique fonctionnelle de la biosynthèse des stilbènes chez la vigne (Vitis vinifera) / Functional genomic of stilbene biosynthesis in grapevine (Vitis vinifera)Parage, Claire 10 January 2013 (has links)
Les stilbènes sont les métabolites de défense majeurs de la vigne, qui sont également connus pour leurs nombreuses propriétés pharmacologiques. Tirant parti du récent séquençage du génome de la vigne, l’objectif de ce travail est de caractériser les familles de gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse des stilbènes chez la vigne, et de préciser leur rôle dans les défenses contre le mildiou (Plasmopara viticola). La première étape de la biosynthèse des stilbènes est catalysée par la stilbène synthase (STS), pour former le resvératrol. L’analyse détaillée du génome de la vigne a permis d’identifier 48 gènes STS, dont 32 gènes potentiellement fonctionnels. La caractérisation fonctionnelle d’une sélection de gènes représentatifs de la diversité de la famille suggère que l’ensemble des 32 gènes STS code pour des protéines ayant réellement une activité stilbène synthase. L’analyse évolutive des gènes STS montre que la famille est très contrainte, sans trace de néo-fonctionnalisation. La famille des STS de la vigne représente donc un exemple unique d’une famille de plus de 30 gènes codant pour des protéines de fonction identique, et la signification biologique de cette expansion est discutée. Une seconde enzyme importante du métabolisme des stilbènes est la resvératrol O-méthyltransférase (ROMT). La ROMT est impliquée dans la méthylation du resvératrol pour former le ptérostilbène, un composé hautement fongitoxique qui pourrait jouer un rôle important dans les mécanismes de défenses de la vigne. Notre analyse de la famille ROMT montre qu’elle est constituée de 17 gènes, dont deux seulement (VvROMT1 et VvROMT2) semblent impliqués dans la synthèse de ptérostilbène. L’expression de ces deux gènes est induite suite à une infection par P. viticola au niveau des feuilles de vigne. Deux autres gènes de la famille, VvROMT12 et VvROMT13, sont exprimés constitutivement au niveau des racines, et ne semblent pas répondre au stress. Des analyses métabolomiques sur des plants de Nicotiana benthamiana transgéniques exprimant ces deux ROMT ainsi que des tests enzymatiques in vitro ont été réalisés afin de déterminer la fonction des gènes ROMT12 et 13. L’ensemble de ces résultats fait apparaître une amplification remarquable des gènes impliqués dans la synthèse des stilbènes chez la vigne et ouvrent la voie à l’étude détaillée de la régulation de cette voie importante du métabolisme de défense de la vigne. / Stilbenes are major defense metabolites in grapevine (Vitis vinifera), which are known for their many pharmacological properties. Taking advantage of the recent sequencing of the grapevine genome, the aim of this work is to characterize genes families involved in stilbene biosynthesis, in order to clarify the role of these defense compounds in the interaction with downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). The first step of stilbene biosynthesis is catalyzed by stilbene synthase (STS), to yield resveratrol. Our annotation of the STS gene family identified 48 STS genes, including at least 32 potentially functional ones. This unusual expansion of the STS family is original, since it is not found in other stilbene-producing plants. Functional characterization of a selection of STS proteins indicates that all STS genes are likely to encode enzymes with STS activity. Evolutionary analysis of the STS gene family revealed that STS evolution is dominated by purifying selection, with no evidence for neofunctionalization. STS family then represents a unique example a family of more than 30 genes encoding proteins with identical function, and the biological significance of this amplification is discussed. A second important enzyme in stilbene metabolism is resveratrol O-methyltransferase (ROMT), involved in the methylation of resveratrol to yield pterostilbene. This highly fungitoxic compound is believed to play an important role in grapevine defense metabolism. Our analysis of the ROMT family identified 17 genes, two of them only (VvROMT1 and VvROMT2) being involved in pterostilbene biosynthesis. qPCR analyses have shown an induction of the expression of these two genes after an inoculation of P. viticola on grapevine leaves. Two others genes, VvROMT12 and VvROMT13, are constitutively expressed in grapevine roots, and do not seem to respond to stress. Metabolomic analysis on transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing these two ROMT genes, together with in vitro enzymatic assays, have been performed in order to determine the function of ROMT12 and ROMT 13. All together, these results show a remarkable amplification of genes involved in stilbene biosynthesis in grapevine. This work paves the way for detailed analyses of the regulation of this important pathway of grapevine defense metabolism.
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