Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fiddle kingdom"" "subject:"fiddle kingdome""
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The tale of the eloquent peasant : a commentaryParkinson, Richard January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Incised marks on pottery and other objects from Kahun : systems of communication in Egypt during the late Middle KingdomGallorini, Carla January 1998 (has links)
During excavations at the Middle Kingdom settlement site of Kahun Petrie assembled a corpus of over 600 objects (mainly sherds but also a few wooden implements) incised with marks. These are now housed in British Museum, The Petrie Museum and the Manchester Museum, and constitute the largest corpus of Middle Kingdom marks from one site still accessible. The material was only partially published by Petrie and the marks have never been analysed in relation to the objects on which they are incised. The first step has been to compile a catalogue of all incised objects. This is presented as accompanying data. Chapter 1 offers a reconstruction of the excavation at Kahun based on Petrie's published and unpublished records, to gain a better understanding of the excavation, the site, and also how the material now in England was assembled. In the second chapter the pottery types with marks are described and compared with the contemporary pottery corpus of the Eastern Delta and Memphis/Fayum region. The intent is to propose a chronological sequence for the pottery and the marks, and also to check whether the marks are characteristic of a limited range of pottery types, or are widespread. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss respectively the typology of the marks incised before and after firing. In Chapter 5 the sites where Middle Kingdom pottery incised with marks has been excavated are assembled and listed from North to South. Chapters 6 and 7 discuss the other two classes of objects with marks recovered at Kahun: foreign pottery and wooden tools. The last chapter offers a general overview, including a comparison of the marks incised on pottery with other marking systems and also with the emerging 'alphabetic' scripts of the Late Middle Bronze Age.
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Etude des contextes historiques et architecturaux de la statuaire royale de Sésostris Ier/Study of the historical and architectural contexts of the royal statuary of Senwosret ILorand, David 24 March 2010 (has links)
Kheperkarê Sésostris Ier est le deuxième souverain de la 12ème dynastie (vers 1958 – 1913 avant notre ère). Son règne, globalement bien documenté, a vu la (re)construction de plusieurs des principaux sanctuaires divins d’Égypte, dont ceux d’Amon-Rê à Karnak et d’Atoum à Héliopolis, et est à l’origine d’œuvres littéraires de première importance – certaines étant par ailleurs analysées en tant que pièces de propagande en faveur du roi après l’assassinat de son père, le pharaon Amenemhat Ier. Enfin, cette période est marquée par de nombreuses expéditions, militaires ou non, à destination de la Nubie ou des gisements de pierre et de minerais.
Si la bibliographie relative à Sésostris Ier est loin d’être négligeable, tant en qualité qu’en quantité, force est de constater que certains aspects de son règne ont été négligés dans les études précédentes, non sans influencer notre perception de celui-ci et tout particulièrement notre connaissance de la chronologie et des différentes réalisations statuaires du souverain.
La première partie de la présente thèse de doctorat ambitionne donc de préciser l’historique du règne de Sésostris Ier dans une perspective diachronique, et met en œuvre des ressources documentaires appartenant tant à la sphère royale qu’à celle des particuliers. Elle vise à établir le continuum temporel des diverses entreprises royales, et leur synchronisme éventuel, qu’il s’agisse du parachèvement de la conquête de la Nubie dans la deuxième décennie de son règne, de la construction de son complexe funéraire à Licht Sud dans la première moitié de celui-ci ou des multiples (re)fondations de sanctuaire, voir des expéditions vers les carrières du désert oriental durant les 45 années passées par Sésostris Ier sur le trône du Double Pays. C’est enfin l’occasion de définir une trame chronologique – malheureusement partielle – pour les œuvres statuaires du pharaon.
La deuxième partie de cette étude est en effet consacrée à la statuaire royale de Sésostris Ier, et constitue un catalogue raisonné et critique inédit de quelques 87 pièces, complètes ou fragmentaires. Le catalogue tâche de sérier les statues suivant que leur appartenance au règne de Sésostris Ier me semble certifiée (C), que je les attribue personnellement à celui-ci (A), que leur datation de ce règne soit problématique (P), ou que les pièces se réduisent à des fragments iconographiquement peu signifiants (Fr). une étude typologique des regalia et des attitudes du souverain prolonge le catalogue, de même qu’une évocation de la polychromie des œuvres.
La troisième et dernière partie est consacrée à l’étude critique des réalisations architecturales de Sésostris Ier et à l’insertion des œuvres statuaires dans ces espaces construits. Elle distingue les contextes proprement égyptiens, répartis entre Éléphantine et Bubastis, et les sites extérieurs à l’Égypte stricto sensu, à savoir la Basse Nubie et le Sinaï. Bien que reposant le plus souvent sur les seules sources publiées, qu’elles soient le résultat de fouilles archéologiques ou de documents contemporains du règne, l’interprétation de ces vestiges permet néanmoins d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur plusieurs sanctuaires ou parties d’édifices, voire de proposer des solutions alternatives quant aux restitutions des bâtiments, en ce compris la localisation des statues du roi.
Cette étude de la statuaire de Sésostris Ier et de ses contextes historiques et architecturaux offre un regard neuf sur une documentation régulièrement utilisée mais peu étudiée et peu analysée. Les principaux apports inédits concernent le canevas événementiel diachronique du règne et la réalisation d’un corpus statuaire critique du deuxième souverain de la 12ème dynastie.
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The Cairo Dahshur boatsCreasman, Pearce Paul 25 April 2007 (has links)
Excavations conducted in A.D. 1894 and 1895 by French archaeologist Jean-
Jacques de Morgan at the funerary complex of the ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom
pharaoh Senwosret III on the plain of Dahshur revealed some unparalleled finds which
included five or six small boats. These boats provide a unique opportunity in nautical
archaeology—to study contemporaneous hulls. Today, only four of the "Dahshur boats"
can be located with certainty; two are in the United States, one in the Carnegie Museum
of Natural History in Pittsburgh and one in the Field Museum of Natural History in
Chicago. The remaining two are on display in The Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Since their excavation these boats remained relatively inconspicuous until the
mid-1980s when a study of the two hulls in the United States was conducted. However,
the two boats in Cairo remained largely unpublished.
This thesis combines personal observation and recording of the Cairo boats over
two summers to reveal more unique characteristics of the hulls and will facilitate a future
study of the group as a whole. Each boat is discussed individually and is further divided
into its major components by order of construction.
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The Cairo Dahshur boatsCreasman, Pearce Paul, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. A.)--Texas A&M University, 2005. / "Major Subject: Anthropology" Title from author supplied metadata (automated record created on Apr. 27, 2007.) Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references.
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The Stela of Tita : Renewed Considerations on a late Middle Kingdom Stela at Museum Gustavianum / Titas stele : En förnyad redogörelse för en stele från det sena Mellersta Riket från museum Gustavianum.Trossvik, Emmaline January 2020 (has links)
Private funerary stelae are a vital bundle of material in Egyptological research that may reveal plenty of information in terms of e.g. social structures, religious practices and linguistics. This study examines one stela in particular (NM18) from Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala, that has not yet undergone a full analysis, nor been put into its proper context of the late Middle Kingdom. The present study aims to provide for such a contextualization by identifying and discussing certain features on the stela, such as iconography and orthographic elements. By thoroughly analyzing these elements and putting them in relation to analogous stelae, one may find as to what extent there are unique, conventional and/or modified features on NM18. The study shows that NM18 may be considered a significant object for research that involves late Middle Kingdom stelae. A qualitative approach is applied in order to thoroughly analyze the textual and iconographical content of the stela. / Privata gravstelar utgör ett essentiellt källmaterial inom egyptologisk forskning som kan avslöja stora mängder information gällande exempelvis sociala strukturer, religiös praxis och lingvistik. I denna studie undersöks en specifik stele (NM18) från Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala, som ännu inte genomgått en full analys eller blivit placerad i sin rätta kontext i det sena Mellersta Riket. Med studien ämnas att bidra med en sådan kontextualisering genom att identifiera och diskutera specifika drag på stelen, såsom ikonografi och ortografiska element. Med en grundlig analys av dessa element och genom att sätta dem i relation till jämförbara stelar, kan man utröna i vilken mån det finns unika, konventionella och/eller modifierade drag på NM18. Studien visar att NM18 kan anses vara ett betydelsefullt objekt i studier som involverar sena Mellersta Riket stelar. Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt används för att ingående analysera det textuella och ikonografiska innehållet på stelen.
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An administrative impression : A study on late Middle Kingdom administrative seals – from El-Lahun to the Southern Frontier / Ett administrativt avtryck : En studie av administrativa sigill från det sena mellersta riket – från El-Lahun till den södra frontenEl Mogy, Josef January 2022 (has links)
By analyzing the corpus of administrative seals from the late Middle Kingdom, this study attempts to identify what type of administration was in practice. This was achieved mainly through the use of an observational and comparative approach in the analysis of institutional and title-seals from four late Middle Kingdom sites. It has been concluded that royal mortuary complexes and Nubian military installations were administered on both a local and a centralized level. On the one hand, individuals mentioned on title-seals could be linked to various local departments attested on institutional seals. In most cases, they were affiliated to certain areas of activity linked to a specific institution. Additionally, at all sites represented in the study, traces of the central administration remain – evident from the accumulation of title-seals belonging to royal officials and extra-local institutional seals coming from royal donations. While each site displayed a unique institutional structure, parallels could be made between them. Late Middle Kingdom administrative seals point to a societal structure which in some sense was rigid, particularly on a local level. However, local activities appear to have also been overseen and operated by a mobile class of higher officials. / Genom att analysera sena mellersta rikets administrativa sigillkorpus söker denna studie att utröna vilken typ av administration som bedrevs. Detta har genomförts framför allt genom att observationsstudier samt komparativa tillvägagångsätt har tillämpats i analysen av institutionella sigill samt titelsigill från fyra historiska platser daterade till det sena mellersta riket. Studien visar på att både kungliga gravkomplex samt nubiska militära installationer administrerades på en lokal och centraliserad nivå. Å ena sidan har individer som omnämns på titelsigill kunnat länkas samman till olika lokala institutioner som även attesterats på institutionella sigill. I de flesta fall var dessa individer anslutna till arbetsområden tillhörande en viss institution. Vid samtliga platser kvarstår dock spår av en centraladministration –vilket ter sig tydligt i förekommandet av titelsigill tillhörande kungliga ämbetsmän samt icke-lokala institutionella sigill från kungliga donationer. Även fastän varje enskild plats hade en distinkt institutionell uppbyggnad kunde paralleller dras mellan dem. Mellersta rikets administrativa sigill tyder på en samhällsstruktur som på ett antal plan, särskilt på en lokal nivå, var fast. Samtidigt styrdes dessa lokala verksamheter emellertid av en mer rörlig klass av högre tjänstemän.
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A critical analysis of selected Egyptian bronze artefacts in the National Cultural History Museum (NCHM)Gravett, Venus Felicia 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation will critically analyse a gilded bronze Osiris statuette from the Middle Kingdom Period. An attempt is made to verify its authenticity, provenance and probable date of origin, while also gathering information which will help in placing the artefact and others like it in their proper cultural context. Furthermore the value of several investigative techniques employed during the course of this research is also explored. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
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A critical analysis of selected Egyptian bronze artefacts in the National Cultural History Museum (NCHM)Gravett, Venus Felicia 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation will critically analyse a gilded bronze Osiris statuette from the Middle Kingdom Period. An attempt is made to verify its authenticity, provenance and probable date of origin, while also gathering information which will help in placing the artefact and others like it in their proper cultural context. Furthermore the value of several investigative techniques employed during the course of this research is also explored. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
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A Study of Ancient Egyptian Bread Moulds in Swedish Museums : A Typological and Documentative Study of Ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom Bread Moulds / En Studie om Forntida Egyptiska Brödformar i Svenska Museum : En Typologisk samt Dokumenterande studie om Mellersta Rikets BrödformarAlzén, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is a study of six Middle Kingdom bread moulds that are currently part of collections in Swedish museums. This thesis is also a discussion on the problems in early Egyptological documentation, with focus on sites such as Mirgissa, Abu Ghalib and Hawara. These are the rumoured places of origin of the six moulds that are part of the analysis for this thesis, three which are from the Gustavianum in Uppsala, and three which are from the Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. This author hopes to shed some new light on these objects and give them the documentation they deserve. By presenting two case studies on more modern excavations at the sites of Mersa Gawasis and Elephantine, this author will discuss what can be done to move forward in documenting objects in the future, regardless of if they are new finds or if they are a re-documentation of old ones. Furthermore, by using typology theories, the aim is to look at how documentation can get better. This author strives to place these moulds into a new light and bring forth some much-needed documentation to these types of bread moulds. / Denna uppsats är en studie gällande sex brödformar från Mellersta Riket, som förnärvarande finns i kollektioner i svenska museum. Denna Uppsats är också en diskussion om de problem som finns i tidig egyptologisk dokumentation, med fokus på områdena Mirgissa, Abu Ghalib samt Hawara. Dessa är de spekulerade platserna av ursprung för de sex formarna som är del av analysen för denna uppsats, tre som kommer från Gustavianum i Uppsala, och tre som kommer från Medelhavsmuseet i Stockholm. Denna författare hoppas på att ge nytt ljus till dessa objekt och ge dem den dokumentation som de förtjänar. Genom att presentera två fallstudier av mer moderna utgrävningar vid platserna Mersa Gawasis och Elephantine, kommer denna författare att diskutera vad som kan göras för att kunna gå framåt i dokumentation av objekt i framtiden, oavsett om de är nya objekt eller en om-dokumenten av gamla. Genom att använda typologiteorier, är huvudsyftet att kolla på hur dokumentation kan bli bättre. Denna författare strävar efter att placera dessa formar i ett nytt ljus, och bära fram en mycket behövlig dokumentation på dessa typer av brödformar.
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