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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“A stronger Denmark” vs. “to welcome people seeking refuge” An analysis of Danish and Swedish newspapers’ and policy documents’ framing of "the refugee crisis” and border controls

Jayananthan, Diantha, Pedersen, Mette January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Danish and Swedish news media and governments framed “the refugee crisis” in the context of the Swedish implementation of border controls in 2015 and the removal of external border controls in 2017. We operationalize framing theory (Entman 1993) to understand the differences and similarities in the framing of "the refugee crisis” in Denmark and Sweden. While the main focus is media representations, policy documents are included in the study to deepen the analysis and understand the similarities and differences across migration policies. Through a quantitative content analysis of 259 newspaper articles from eight Danish and Swedish newspapers, a framing analysis of ten policy documents and a qualitative framing analysis of the overall frames in the news articles and policy documents, we identified a dialectic relation of power between media and political discourse in both countries. We found that issues defined and represented in policy documents tend to reflect the challenges that news media define and the other way around. Even though Danish and Swedish newspapers and policy documents highlight similar problems, our data indicates clear differences in migration policies, in the two countries, in terms of the framing of asylum seekers, refugees and political events in 2015.

EU Migration Policy Changes in Times of Crisis: Discourses surrounding EU migration policies during the 'refugee crisis' - A discursive institutionalist analysis

Nalepa, Moa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the migration policy changes that were adopted by the European Union during the so called ‘refugee crisis’ 2014-2016 and problematises the discourses that were deployed by EU policy makers. It builds the method and theoretical framework around Vivien Schmidt’s discursive institutionalism, and complements it with constructivist conceptual theories around discourses that are identified through the researched empirical material. The primary material is to a large extent based upon official documents from the EU such as regulations and communications, but also includes speeches from officials such as Jean Claude Juncker (President of the Commission), Donald Tusk (President of the Council) and Martin Schulz (President of the European Parliament). The findings are comprised of discourses that can all be connected to the EU imaginary. The thesis also concludes that there has been a continuation of the securitisation of migration during the ‘refugee crisis’ as well as a normalisation of this discourse. In regards to the communicative and coordinative skills of the EU actors, it becomes clear that the former still is problematic, whilst the coordinative discourses have increased the cooperation within the EU institutions during the time period studied.

Les migrations contemporaines en Amérique latine : le cas de l’Argentine

Maaroufi, Sofia 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de comprendre la façon dont s’articulent les mouvements migratoires et les politiques qui s’y rattachent, d’abord au plan international puis au niveau des migrations régionales vers l’Argentine. Depuis les quarante dernières années, l’Argentine présente des caractéristiques sociales et économiques qui agissent comme facteurs d’attraction pour des milliers d’immigrants latino-américains. Ces flux migratoires appelés limitrophes s’inscrivent dans un système migratoire caractérisé par la constance des mouvements migratoires régionaux. De plus, la nouvelle visibilité accordée aux immigrants limitrophes en Argentine est, par extension, une conséquence de la rigidité qu’ont acquiert les législations migratoires des pays de destinations classiques (Europe occidentale, États-Unis, Canada, Australie, etc.). Ce durcissement des cadres légaux lié aux migrations internationales a en effet déjà fait surgir de nouveaux pays de destination (Espagne, Italie, Grèce notamment), lesquels ont, face aux nouveaux flux migratoires non planifiés, élaboré les lois calquées sur celles des pays de destinations classique. Ces nouveaux pays de destination, qui étaient avant la fin des années 1970 exclusivement expulseurs d’immigrants sont progressivement devenus des pays récepteurs en bonne et due forme. Aujourd’hui, ils ont adopté l’approche restrictive préconisée à l’échelle mondiale, ce qui représente de nouveaux défis en matière de souveraineté et de cohésion sociale pour de nombreux pays dont l’Argentine. Le contexte actuel de mondialisation a engendré une crise migratoire à l’échelle mondiale dans la mesure où, les immigrants voient leurs possibilités de migrer grandement réduites par la recrudescence des politiques migratoires dites restrictives. C’est donc aujourd’hui que les migrations régionales se convertissent en de très intéressants objets d’étude puisqu’elles sont la preuve de la réduction des options de destination pour les potentiels immigrants. C’est pour cette raison que nous avons étudié les flux migratoires limitrophes vers l’Argentine, afin de comprendre les causes qui les motivent et les conséquences qu’ils entraînent au sein de la société argentine contemporaine. Notre étude nous a permis de conclure que d’une part, les migrations régionales vers l’Argentine et les politiques qui s’y rattachent sont intimement liées au contexte économique de la région, et ensuite, que l’adoption de mesures restrictives à l’égard de ces flux était mieux comprise si l’on tenait compte de la vision collective des Argentins en ce qui a trait à la composition ethnique du pays. / This dissertation’s objective is to enable a better understanding of the fluxes of migration and relevant policies primarily at an international level and then at a specific regional level, towards Argentina. For the past 40 years, Argentina has possessed social and economic characteristics that have acted as pull factors for thousands of Latino-American immigrants. These migratory fluxes from bordering countries are included in a migratory system defined by constant intraregional migrations. Moreover, the recent increase in visibility of immigrants from bordering countries in Argentina is a direct consequence of the hardening of immigration laws of traditional destination countries such as those of Western Europe, the United States of America, Canada and Australia to name a few. Immigration reform in these countries, specifically the tightening of laws concerning international migration, has consequently created new destination countries for international migrants including Spain, Italy and Greece. In response to these unplanned migrations, many of these countries have passed international migration laws mimicked on those that where passed in traditional destination countries. These new destination countries, who, prior to the 1970s, were exclusively producers of emigrants, have progressively become receiving countries. Today, they have adopted a restrictive approach, representative of a world trend that has created new challenges in sovereignty and social cohesion for numerous countries including, specifically, Argentina. The current and continuing process of globalization has generated a global migratory crisis considering the fact that immigrants’ possibilities of migration are being hugely and progressively limited by a dramatic increase in policies in destination countries limiting or restricting migration. As a result, regional migration fluxes are becoming increasingly interesting objects of study since they are a result and proof of the reduction in possible destinations for potential immigrants. It is for this reason that we have studied the flux of migrants from bordering countries towards Argentina as a means of understanding the causes of these fluxes and there consequences on contemporary Argentinean society. Our research has enabled us to conclude that, first, regional migrations towards Argentina and relevant policies are intrinsically related to the economic situation of the region, and second, Argentina’s adoption of restrictive measures controlling these migrations can be better understood when considering the collective Argentinean mind-set concerning the ethnic composition of the country.

La géodynamique de l’émigration sénégalaise : analyse comparative de deux pays de destination, la France et les États-Unis / Geodynamics of the Senegalese immigration : comparative analysis of two countries destination, France and the United States

Kante, Seydou 25 January 2012 (has links)
Près de trois millions de Sénégalais, sur une population totale d’un peu plus de douze millions, vivent à l’étranger. Auparavant orienté vers les anciennes colonies françaises d’Afrique et la France, pour des raisons géographiques, historiques et linguistiques, le champ migratoire sénégalais est devenu multipolaire. Les Sénégalais se dirigent également en Arabie et en Europe de l’Est. Mais, la part des itinéraires vers l’Europe du Sud et l’Amérique du Nord ne cesse de croître. Les Sénégalais qui émigrent vers les Etats-Unis correspondent à une émigration forte différente de celle de la France. Débutée au début des années 1980, l’émigration des Sénégalais vers Etats-Unis prend le dessus sur celle orientée vers la France en matière de dynamisme économique et organisationnel.Les Etats-Unis offrent plus d’opportunités et moins de contraintes pour l’épanouissement culturel et le développement économique des immigrés. Les femmes, occupant une place non négligeable dans cette émigration, sont plus jeunes et souvent célibataires au moment de leur arrivée sur le sol américain. En France, l’immigration sénégalaise est plus ancienne mais est confrontée à plus de contraintes au plan économique, administratif et socioculturel. Plus de 70 % des Sénégalais de France exercent des métiers faiblement qualifiés et épargnent moins que leurs homologues installés aux Etats-Unis. Ainsi, pour une meilleure réussite et venir davantage en aide à leurs familles restées au Sénégal, beaucoup de Sénégalais, plutôt que la France, choisissent les Etats-Unis où ils exercent pour la plupart des activités commerciales.Les raisons économiques et familiales n’expliquent pas, à elles seules, l’émigration des Sénégalais. En effet, ce ne sont pas uniquement les plus pauvres qui partent. A ces motifs, il faudra ajouter les « nouvelles logiques » migratoires liées à la mondialisation. L’émigration sénégalaise a des conséquences sur les régions de départ dont les plus visibles constituent les transferts de fonds des migrants et des investissements plus ou moins encadrés par des structures étatiques ou privées de développement solidaires. / Nearly three million Senegalese population out of twelve million just over, live abroad. Before directed to the former French colonies in Africa and France, for geographical historical and linguistic reasons, Senegalese migration field has become multipolar by the new opportunities offered by the others countries. The Senegalese emigration’s movement has been widened to Arabia and eastern Europe. But the trends show a growing portion of new candidates choose Southern Europe and North America. The profile of Senegalese emigrant to the U.S. is very different at many ways that the migration category in France. Starting in the early 1980s, the emigration of Senegalese in the United States outnumbers that one in France due to the economic and organizational dynamism and better incentive structure. The United States offers more opportunities and fewer constraints for the cultural and economic development to migrants. Women occupy a substantial place in this migration, they are younger and often single at the time of their arrival on American territory. In France, the Senegalese emigration is older but is facing more constraints on the economic, administrative and cultural aspects. Over 70% of the Senegalese France engaged in low skilled, paid jobs and save less than their counterparts located in the United States. Thus, for better success and more coming to their families support in Senegal, many Senegalese, rather that France, choose the United States where they mostly work in commercial activities. The family and economic reasons do not only explain, the emigration of Senegalese because they are not the sole poorest who leave. For these reasons there is "new logic", migration-related globalization. These departures have consequences on Regions starting with the most visible are the remittances from migrants and investment, more or less supervised by state or private structures working with inclusive approach.

Les migrations contemporaines en Amérique latine : le cas de l’Argentine

Maaroufi, Sofia 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de comprendre la façon dont s’articulent les mouvements migratoires et les politiques qui s’y rattachent, d’abord au plan international puis au niveau des migrations régionales vers l’Argentine. Depuis les quarante dernières années, l’Argentine présente des caractéristiques sociales et économiques qui agissent comme facteurs d’attraction pour des milliers d’immigrants latino-américains. Ces flux migratoires appelés limitrophes s’inscrivent dans un système migratoire caractérisé par la constance des mouvements migratoires régionaux. De plus, la nouvelle visibilité accordée aux immigrants limitrophes en Argentine est, par extension, une conséquence de la rigidité qu’ont acquiert les législations migratoires des pays de destinations classiques (Europe occidentale, États-Unis, Canada, Australie, etc.). Ce durcissement des cadres légaux lié aux migrations internationales a en effet déjà fait surgir de nouveaux pays de destination (Espagne, Italie, Grèce notamment), lesquels ont, face aux nouveaux flux migratoires non planifiés, élaboré les lois calquées sur celles des pays de destinations classique. Ces nouveaux pays de destination, qui étaient avant la fin des années 1970 exclusivement expulseurs d’immigrants sont progressivement devenus des pays récepteurs en bonne et due forme. Aujourd’hui, ils ont adopté l’approche restrictive préconisée à l’échelle mondiale, ce qui représente de nouveaux défis en matière de souveraineté et de cohésion sociale pour de nombreux pays dont l’Argentine. Le contexte actuel de mondialisation a engendré une crise migratoire à l’échelle mondiale dans la mesure où, les immigrants voient leurs possibilités de migrer grandement réduites par la recrudescence des politiques migratoires dites restrictives. C’est donc aujourd’hui que les migrations régionales se convertissent en de très intéressants objets d’étude puisqu’elles sont la preuve de la réduction des options de destination pour les potentiels immigrants. C’est pour cette raison que nous avons étudié les flux migratoires limitrophes vers l’Argentine, afin de comprendre les causes qui les motivent et les conséquences qu’ils entraînent au sein de la société argentine contemporaine. Notre étude nous a permis de conclure que d’une part, les migrations régionales vers l’Argentine et les politiques qui s’y rattachent sont intimement liées au contexte économique de la région, et ensuite, que l’adoption de mesures restrictives à l’égard de ces flux était mieux comprise si l’on tenait compte de la vision collective des Argentins en ce qui a trait à la composition ethnique du pays. / This dissertation’s objective is to enable a better understanding of the fluxes of migration and relevant policies primarily at an international level and then at a specific regional level, towards Argentina. For the past 40 years, Argentina has possessed social and economic characteristics that have acted as pull factors for thousands of Latino-American immigrants. These migratory fluxes from bordering countries are included in a migratory system defined by constant intraregional migrations. Moreover, the recent increase in visibility of immigrants from bordering countries in Argentina is a direct consequence of the hardening of immigration laws of traditional destination countries such as those of Western Europe, the United States of America, Canada and Australia to name a few. Immigration reform in these countries, specifically the tightening of laws concerning international migration, has consequently created new destination countries for international migrants including Spain, Italy and Greece. In response to these unplanned migrations, many of these countries have passed international migration laws mimicked on those that where passed in traditional destination countries. These new destination countries, who, prior to the 1970s, were exclusively producers of emigrants, have progressively become receiving countries. Today, they have adopted a restrictive approach, representative of a world trend that has created new challenges in sovereignty and social cohesion for numerous countries including, specifically, Argentina. The current and continuing process of globalization has generated a global migratory crisis considering the fact that immigrants’ possibilities of migration are being hugely and progressively limited by a dramatic increase in policies in destination countries limiting or restricting migration. As a result, regional migration fluxes are becoming increasingly interesting objects of study since they are a result and proof of the reduction in possible destinations for potential immigrants. It is for this reason that we have studied the flux of migrants from bordering countries towards Argentina as a means of understanding the causes of these fluxes and there consequences on contemporary Argentinean society. Our research has enabled us to conclude that, first, regional migrations towards Argentina and relevant policies are intrinsically related to the economic situation of the region, and second, Argentina’s adoption of restrictive measures controlling these migrations can be better understood when considering the collective Argentinean mind-set concerning the ethnic composition of the country.

Podpora pracovni mobility v ramci EU / Support of Labour Work Mobility Within the European Union

Kavková, Magda January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes labour work mobility issues within the European Union. It focuses on obstacles that restrict the free movement of workers and how these obstacles can be eliminated by the European Union. The case study "Motivation of Czech workers to work abroad" is also included in this dissertation.

Santé et droit(s) des étrangers en France / Foreigners’ rights and health in France

Lecame, Juliette 17 December 2018 (has links)
Il y a en France un double mouvement, une tension permanente entre la logique du droit des étrangers et celle des droits de l’homme, qui se cristallise autour de la santé des non-nationaux.La santé est intégrée au sein de la police administrative spéciale afin de protéger la collectivité de risques induits par l’arrivée d’étrangers malades. Mais d’autres enjeux que la préservation de la santé publique sont présents. La santé des étrangers est utilisée comme un moyen de régulation des flux migratoires et de sélection parmi les individus. La mise en œuvre de la politique dite de « l’immigration choisie » est cependant encadrée par les droits fondamentaux reconnus progressivement aux étrangers.La santé est également un droit des étrangers résidant en France, celui d’accéder aux soins nécessaires à leur état. Ce droit est porté par les principes d’égalité et de dignité, mais également dépendant de leur application par les juges. Le principe d’égalité conduit ainsi à une catégorisation du droit d’accès aux soins en fonction de la situation administrative des étrangers. Ce droit connaît en outre des variations importantes et se résume parfois au seul bénéfice de soins vitaux et/ou essentiels. Pour des considérations migratoires mais aussi financières, les juges font le choix de le rattacher au principe de dignité plutôt qu’à un droit, autonome, à la protection de la santé. / In France there is a double movement, a permanent tension between the logic of foreigners' rights and that of human rights, which crystallizes on the health of non-nationals.Health is part of the special administrative police aiming at protecting the community from the risks induced by the arrival of sick foreigners. But there are other challenges besides the preservation of public health. The health of foreigners is used as a means of regulating migration flows and selecting individuals. However, the implementation of the so-called "chosen immigration" policy is governed by the fundamental rights gradually granted to foreigners.Health is also a right of foreigners residing in France to access the care necessary for their condition. This right is supported by the principles of equality and dignity, but also depends on their implementation by judges. The principle of equality thus leads to a categorisation of the right of access to healthcare according to the administrative situation of foreigners. This right also varies considerably and is sometimes limited to the sole benefit of vital and/or essential care. For migration but also financial considerations, judges choose to link it to the principle of dignity rather than to an autonomous right to health protection.

Každodenní životní zkušenosti a integrační proces: případ turecké minority v Nizozemí / Everyday Life Experiences and Integration Process: A case of the Turkish Minority in the Netherlands

Celikdemir, Ege January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the everyday life experiences of Turkish migrants settled in the Netherlands. It analyzes how the Turkish minority perceives their daily lives in the Netherlands in the manner of the identity construction and integration process. The narratives of the migrants are explored in the following ways; media use, language use, attachment to the country of origin, views on identity construction, and integration. Ethnic media use, second language use, and the level of attachment to Turkey are used as indicators for everyday life experiences while integration and identity construction are investigated dependently. Most importantly, this study argues that integration is a two- way process that takes place differently in multiple spheres. For this reason, it analyzes the concept of integration through the voices of the Turkish migrants in the Netherlands rather than focusing solely on the adopted policies. Keywords: Turkish minority, the Netherlands, everyday experiences, integration, identity

Nestátní neziskové organizace (NNO) jako aktéři integrační politiky ve vztahu k cizincům / Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) like a Stakeholders of Integration Policy in Relation to the Foreigners

Karadžosová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) as a Stakeholders of the Integration Policy in Relation to the Foreigners" discsusses the Czech integration policy and the role of these organizations in the process of formation and implementation of this policy. It provides basic insight into the integration policy and process of its making, focuses on the role of individual stakeholders in this process, examines the relationships between the concerned stakeholders and focuses on problem areas connected with the theme of this thesis. This thesis is based both on information obtained from available sources (legislation, strategies, researches, etc.) and the views and opinions of representatives of the nonprofit sector and employees of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, which were formed on the grounds of their experience. The process of integration of foreigners is closely related to the phenomenon of migration, which has been an integral part of the life of all societies in different periods of time. Now as in the past, when the topicality of this issue is confirmed by the overall statistics of the population in the world as well as by the number of migrants. The importance of this issue also underscores the fact that in today's globalized world, the rate of the consistency...

A Stage Approach to Transnational Migration. Migrant Narratives from Rural Romania

Ciobanu, Ruxandra Oana 30 July 2010 (has links)
If one takes a snapshot of Romanian migration, the first observation might be that the home villages or communities are very different. This is also the conclusion that Massey et al. (1994) first reach when comparing Mexican communities. However, if one compares migrant communities in a longitudinal manner, it can be seen rather that they are converging towards similar migration patterns rather than diverging. To explore this, I conducted fieldwork research in two villages from different socio-cultural regions of Romania, and for the second phase of the research followed the migrants to their destinations in Spain. In total I conducted more than 50 biographical narrative interviews with migrants and fifteen in-depth interviews with representatives from local authorities and other key informants on rural Romanian life. The biographical narrative interviews allowed me to take a longitudinal perspective on the migration from the two villages. The aim in comparing the two villages was to understand the internal logic of migration and examine to what extent two different villages showed any syncretism through cumulative structural effects. Analysing migrants’ projects, the family migration and the general migration from the two villages – each accounting for different levels of analysis – allowed me to specify the stages of migration. In the thesis, firstly I explain the socio-economic, cultural and geographical context in the origin community which shapes migration. Secondly, I compare the migration patterns of two families from the two villages, and thirdly I abstract three migration projects specific to the two communities. All these allow me to show that the two villages are at different stages in the migration process (Massey et al. 1994) and also to explain the mechanism of passing from one stage to the next. So far, the literature on migration policies has looked at the receiving countries. Few references are made to the origin countries, and these refer to Mexico, the Philippines and some of the Northern African countries, countries which have an active policy of promoting migration. Literature with regard to the European cases – for example Serbia, which has a Ministry of the Diaspora, or Poland, a country with a very long history emigration – is absent. Moreover, topics such as grounded migration policy making or the local dimension of policy making are still new in the reflexion of scholars. The thesis fills this gap with respect to migration policies of bonding migrants and involving them in development in the home community. The theory that holds together all these components is Luhmann’s systems theory (1995), in the way it was adapted to migration research by Bommes (2005) and Bommes and Tacke (2006a, 2006b). Using systems theory allows me to perform a critique of concepts like migration networks and transnationalism, which are very often used in the analysis of migration.

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