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Analyzing the Multiscalar Production of Borders Through the Various Degrees of State Membership in CanadaZaman, Farah January 2017 (has links)
There has been great scholarly interest in examining the management, proliferation, and dynamic articulations of borders through an actor-network lens in recent years. In tracing the networks of Mohamed Harkat, the irregular arrival of a particular group of Tamil migrants, and Deepan Budlakoti, I demonstrate how the border is a fluid entity composed of socio-technical actors dispersed across time and space capable of producing varying degrees of membership statuses. In exploring the cases of these non-citizens, this thesis aims to understand what each of these multi-level networks tells us about the notion of borders and bordering practices alike. This study contributes to the expanding literature that situates the border as a fluid and malleable entity that is made up of interwoven socio-technical practices, discourses, symbols, institutions, and networks through which power is dispersed and the binary distinctions between membership and non-membership increasingly become layered concepts.
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The Reorientation of Borders in the EU: Case studies Sweden, Germany, and FranceAko, Joshua Ndip January 2021 (has links)
The paradox of contemporary migration in the EU is that new actors, rules, and institutions have emerged and created internal spaces where there is a gradual reorientation of the character of EU border regime. These spaces have become arenas where EU member states are re-categorizing, re-scaling, expanding, and diversifying their modes of internal migration control and enforcement. To overcome this paradox, this research seeks to explore migration policies in Sweden, Germany, and France to demonstrate that the narratives about EU common border policy is complex, uncertain, polarising, and conflicting. This paper argues that the emergence of the EU common border regime with a multiplicity of actors have created everyday bordering as a rebordering mechanism of control that threatens the idea of a common EU border, especially at the level of nation states. My theoretical approach is based on ‘everyday bordering and the politics of beloninging’. And I applied an interpretative approach in the analysis of official policy documents, academic articles, media reports, advocacy papers, NGO documents, and political speeches.
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Regulating Urban Belonging: China's Hukou System as Intra-national Bordering ProcessJohnson, Leif 01 January 2015 (has links)
In China's urban metropoles, the hukou system of household registration regulates one of the largest movements of people in human history. While rural-urban migrations are reshaping societies worldwide, the migrants who make up a great portion of urban China's low-wage labor force and burgeoning population face unique legal and social challenges. Although the trajectories of their migration do not cross international boundaries, most are legally prevented from ever gaining the within China's hukou system of household registration. The functions of this system parallel those of national citizenship policies, and are difficult to explain through standard conceptions of sovereignty and national citizenship. Extending recent work in border studies that thinks of borders in dimensions that go beyond the line itself, this thesis argues that national borders and national citizenship should not be considered as the exclusive sites from which bordering processes emanate. Instead, I argue that citizenship and bordering processes can both take place apart from the norms of nation-state territory. Based on a series of qualitative interviews conducted in Shanghai and Anhui province, this article examines the structure and effects of the hukou system as it regulates legal inclusion and exclusion of migrant workers.
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Postoje občanů v pohraničí jako indikátory geopolitické reality - případová studie České republiky / Attitudes of border dwellers as indicators of the evolution of geopolitical reality in states - the case of the Czech RepublicAldridge, Gregory Luke January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand, in the case of the Czech people living along the borders, the extent to which they are, and have become, more "internationally minded" in recent decades. Three theoretical approaches to understand the attitudes of those living along the boundaries are identified as the Realist Securitisation, Liberal Openness and Bordering as a Process paradigms. Descriptions are presented of the historical and demographic nature of the Czech borderlands as well as developments in Czech politics and attitudes to foreigners in the last two decades. Detailed regression analysis at the level of 6,300 individual municipalities is undertaken to empirically test the theoretical paradigms and to control for other factors so as to understand the specific impact of the boundary on the attitudes of those living alongside it. The formation of attitudes is a complex process in which history still seems important and not all interactions with foreigners are seen as improving attitudes towards them. However, against a backdrop of lower support for EU integration and greater concern over immigration in the Czech Republic as a whole, open borders since accession to the EU have coincided with border dwellers becoming in many, but not all, cases less Eurosceptic and less opposed to migrants than is...
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"Where there is room to fight for your beliefs that is the ideal place" : Imagination and agency of Athenians with migratory backgroundDekavalla, Georgia January 2022 (has links)
In the globalized world, border regimes are ambiguous, withdrawn or reinforced based on who approaches them, where and how. Borders are equally the boundaries that permeate spaces of nation-states and cut across them through racialized, gendered, and classed divisions. Following the so called "migration crisis" in Europe of 2015, there has been a wave of research documenting how practices of bordering and othering dehumanize asylum seekers, violating their rights. In this thesis, I proceed from similar observations to see how such practices, together with experiences resulting from them, affect the possibilities of agency and imagination of a common space on behalf of people with migratory background. Employing the idea of hybridity, I maintain that while the responsibility for atrocities related to migration and bordering should always remain on violators, whether official institutions or individuals, their persistence should not be seen as foreclosing agency, imagination, or practices of building a future common space on behalf of people with migratory background. The hybrid position that these people occupy does not necessarily only sustain their disempowerment, but it also equips them with unique possibilities for agency. Neither seems there to be any predefined path from exposure to harsh violations of one's rights to disempowerment. The possibilities for common and welcoming places to which everyone has a right appear through an engaged and equal attention to migrants' own agency, imagination, and capabilities, rather than through an exclusive attention to their vulnerability or a neoliberal celebration of multiculturalism.
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A Unipampa em condição fronteiriça : organização comunicada nos sites dos campi de Jaguarão e Santana do LivramentoCosta, Stefânia Oliveira da January 2015 (has links)
Este Estudo de Caso, com foco na Universidade Federal do Pampa, tem como objeto empírico os sites dos campi da instituição em Jaguarão e Santana do Livramento, buscando compreender se, pela dimensão da organização comunicada, ela ativa sua condição fronteiriça e pratica movimentos interculturais, de modo a aproximar-se de maneira estratégica da identidade regional existente na fronteira brasileiro-uruguaia. Primeiramente, a partir de autores como Landowski (2012), Thompson (2011) e Mattellart (2005), reflete-se sobre culturas, identidades, práticas socioculturais; no momento seguinte, baseando-se sobretudo nos estudos de Baldissera (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011), discute-se o quanto as falas planejadas podem promover interações entre a UNIPAMPA e seu contexto; resgata-se, através de Oliven (2002) e Chauí (2014), dados importantes para a compreensão do que vem a ser a universidade do século XXI; com apoio de Santos (2013) e Ristoff (2013), debate-se os atuais desafios que esta instituição social enfrenta, entre eles os processos de internacionalização, democratização e expansão; por fim, apresentase a UNIPAMPA, para, com apoio de pesquisadores como Dorfman (2009; 2013), Müller (2003; 2007) e Raddatz (2004; 2009), compreender o que vem a ser sua condição fronteiriça, bem como quais as características que conformam a identidade regional nas fronteiras do Rio Grande do Sul com o Uruguai. Posteriormente, aplicase a Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Bardin (2011), em 50 textos retirados da seção “Notícias” dos sites dos campi Jaguarão e Santana do Livramento. Os resultados fazem crer que a UNIPAMPA ativa sua condição fronteiriça. Porém, apesar de demonstrar competência intercultural e realizar alguns movimentos que tendem à admissão do Outro, não se assume como fronteiriça, perdendo a oportunidade de aliar ações e discursos em prol de seu Projeto Institucional. / This Case Study of the Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) focuses on the websites of Jaguarão and Santana do Livramento’s campi. The objective is analyzing if UNIPAMPA activates its bordering condition and performs intercultural movements, in the scope of its communicated organization, in order to strategically approach the regional identity that exists in Brazilian-Uruguayan border. The literature review includes the following stages: First, cultures, identities and sociocultural practices are investigated through Landowski (2012), Thompson (2011) and Mattellart (2005). Then, based on Baldissera’s research (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011), the ways of interaction between planned discourses and context are understood. With Oliven (2002), Chauí (2014), Santos (2013) and Ristoff (2013), notes about the perspective of University`s role in XXI century, as well as its challenges, as internationalization, democratization and expansion, are established. Finally, the bordering condition is discussed, with the support of Dorfman (2009; 2013), Müller (2003; 2007) and Raddatz (2004; 2009), in order to understand the characteristic of regional identity in the borders between Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay. Afterwards, the analysis are made through Content Analysis, as proposed by Bardin (2011), in 50 texts from the section “Notícias” from the sites of the two referred UNIPAMPAS’s campi. The results show that UNIPAMPA activates its bordering conditions and considers the possibilities existing in both sides of the border. However, despite the fact of having intercultural competences and performing a few movements that tend to admit the Other, the University does not acknowledges itself as a “bordering University”, losing the opportunity of combining acting and discourses in benefit of its Institutional Project.
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Located 127 miles from the shores of Sicily and only 70 from Tunisia, the island of Lampedusa is home to a population of 6000. Residents are largely reliant on a centuries-old fishing economy, a booming tourism industry and, most recently, the sustainment of a complex apparatus of border enforcement. Since the early 2000s, with the hardening of the southern border of Italy and the European Union, a multitude of actors have converged to Lampedusa: from migrants, to agents of enforcement, to NGO personnel, along with journalists, researchers and tourists. In this thesis, I center the experiences of island residents to analyze the daily, lived dimensions of Lampedusa becoming a key site for the externalization of enforcement and the production of a border spectacle depicting “migration crisis.” Employing ethnographic methods and drawing from literature in feminist geopolitics, critical border studies and spatial theory, this approach looks beyond the nation state to discuss the everyday construction of borders and geopolitics. In doing so, I focus on the contested and relational nature of bordering on the island, highlighting some of the contradictions and inconsistencies of discourses and policies rooted in the premise of sudden emergency in the Mediterranean.
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A Unipampa em condição fronteiriça : organização comunicada nos sites dos campi de Jaguarão e Santana do LivramentoCosta, Stefânia Oliveira da January 2015 (has links)
Este Estudo de Caso, com foco na Universidade Federal do Pampa, tem como objeto empírico os sites dos campi da instituição em Jaguarão e Santana do Livramento, buscando compreender se, pela dimensão da organização comunicada, ela ativa sua condição fronteiriça e pratica movimentos interculturais, de modo a aproximar-se de maneira estratégica da identidade regional existente na fronteira brasileiro-uruguaia. Primeiramente, a partir de autores como Landowski (2012), Thompson (2011) e Mattellart (2005), reflete-se sobre culturas, identidades, práticas socioculturais; no momento seguinte, baseando-se sobretudo nos estudos de Baldissera (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011), discute-se o quanto as falas planejadas podem promover interações entre a UNIPAMPA e seu contexto; resgata-se, através de Oliven (2002) e Chauí (2014), dados importantes para a compreensão do que vem a ser a universidade do século XXI; com apoio de Santos (2013) e Ristoff (2013), debate-se os atuais desafios que esta instituição social enfrenta, entre eles os processos de internacionalização, democratização e expansão; por fim, apresentase a UNIPAMPA, para, com apoio de pesquisadores como Dorfman (2009; 2013), Müller (2003; 2007) e Raddatz (2004; 2009), compreender o que vem a ser sua condição fronteiriça, bem como quais as características que conformam a identidade regional nas fronteiras do Rio Grande do Sul com o Uruguai. Posteriormente, aplicase a Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Bardin (2011), em 50 textos retirados da seção “Notícias” dos sites dos campi Jaguarão e Santana do Livramento. Os resultados fazem crer que a UNIPAMPA ativa sua condição fronteiriça. Porém, apesar de demonstrar competência intercultural e realizar alguns movimentos que tendem à admissão do Outro, não se assume como fronteiriça, perdendo a oportunidade de aliar ações e discursos em prol de seu Projeto Institucional. / This Case Study of the Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) focuses on the websites of Jaguarão and Santana do Livramento’s campi. The objective is analyzing if UNIPAMPA activates its bordering condition and performs intercultural movements, in the scope of its communicated organization, in order to strategically approach the regional identity that exists in Brazilian-Uruguayan border. The literature review includes the following stages: First, cultures, identities and sociocultural practices are investigated through Landowski (2012), Thompson (2011) and Mattellart (2005). Then, based on Baldissera’s research (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011), the ways of interaction between planned discourses and context are understood. With Oliven (2002), Chauí (2014), Santos (2013) and Ristoff (2013), notes about the perspective of University`s role in XXI century, as well as its challenges, as internationalization, democratization and expansion, are established. Finally, the bordering condition is discussed, with the support of Dorfman (2009; 2013), Müller (2003; 2007) and Raddatz (2004; 2009), in order to understand the characteristic of regional identity in the borders between Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay. Afterwards, the analysis are made through Content Analysis, as proposed by Bardin (2011), in 50 texts from the section “Notícias” from the sites of the two referred UNIPAMPAS’s campi. The results show that UNIPAMPA activates its bordering conditions and considers the possibilities existing in both sides of the border. However, despite the fact of having intercultural competences and performing a few movements that tend to admit the Other, the University does not acknowledges itself as a “bordering University”, losing the opportunity of combining acting and discourses in benefit of its Institutional Project.
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A Unipampa em condição fronteiriça : organização comunicada nos sites dos campi de Jaguarão e Santana do LivramentoCosta, Stefânia Oliveira da January 2015 (has links)
Este Estudo de Caso, com foco na Universidade Federal do Pampa, tem como objeto empírico os sites dos campi da instituição em Jaguarão e Santana do Livramento, buscando compreender se, pela dimensão da organização comunicada, ela ativa sua condição fronteiriça e pratica movimentos interculturais, de modo a aproximar-se de maneira estratégica da identidade regional existente na fronteira brasileiro-uruguaia. Primeiramente, a partir de autores como Landowski (2012), Thompson (2011) e Mattellart (2005), reflete-se sobre culturas, identidades, práticas socioculturais; no momento seguinte, baseando-se sobretudo nos estudos de Baldissera (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011), discute-se o quanto as falas planejadas podem promover interações entre a UNIPAMPA e seu contexto; resgata-se, através de Oliven (2002) e Chauí (2014), dados importantes para a compreensão do que vem a ser a universidade do século XXI; com apoio de Santos (2013) e Ristoff (2013), debate-se os atuais desafios que esta instituição social enfrenta, entre eles os processos de internacionalização, democratização e expansão; por fim, apresentase a UNIPAMPA, para, com apoio de pesquisadores como Dorfman (2009; 2013), Müller (2003; 2007) e Raddatz (2004; 2009), compreender o que vem a ser sua condição fronteiriça, bem como quais as características que conformam a identidade regional nas fronteiras do Rio Grande do Sul com o Uruguai. Posteriormente, aplicase a Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Bardin (2011), em 50 textos retirados da seção “Notícias” dos sites dos campi Jaguarão e Santana do Livramento. Os resultados fazem crer que a UNIPAMPA ativa sua condição fronteiriça. Porém, apesar de demonstrar competência intercultural e realizar alguns movimentos que tendem à admissão do Outro, não se assume como fronteiriça, perdendo a oportunidade de aliar ações e discursos em prol de seu Projeto Institucional. / This Case Study of the Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) focuses on the websites of Jaguarão and Santana do Livramento’s campi. The objective is analyzing if UNIPAMPA activates its bordering condition and performs intercultural movements, in the scope of its communicated organization, in order to strategically approach the regional identity that exists in Brazilian-Uruguayan border. The literature review includes the following stages: First, cultures, identities and sociocultural practices are investigated through Landowski (2012), Thompson (2011) and Mattellart (2005). Then, based on Baldissera’s research (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011), the ways of interaction between planned discourses and context are understood. With Oliven (2002), Chauí (2014), Santos (2013) and Ristoff (2013), notes about the perspective of University`s role in XXI century, as well as its challenges, as internationalization, democratization and expansion, are established. Finally, the bordering condition is discussed, with the support of Dorfman (2009; 2013), Müller (2003; 2007) and Raddatz (2004; 2009), in order to understand the characteristic of regional identity in the borders between Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay. Afterwards, the analysis are made through Content Analysis, as proposed by Bardin (2011), in 50 texts from the section “Notícias” from the sites of the two referred UNIPAMPAS’s campi. The results show that UNIPAMPA activates its bordering conditions and considers the possibilities existing in both sides of the border. However, despite the fact of having intercultural competences and performing a few movements that tend to admit the Other, the University does not acknowledges itself as a “bordering University”, losing the opportunity of combining acting and discourses in benefit of its Institutional Project.
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Análise comparativa dos fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial, níveis tensionais, medidas antropométricas e status socioeconômico de ribeirinhos, Iranduba, AmazonasSoares, Anne Caroline Sampaio 29 January 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction: Epidemiological Studies on hypertension are of great importance for the understanding of the conditions que influence the illness of the population. In the last twenty years as riverine comes passing accelerated hum transition process any lifestyle, generating an increase in chronic non-communicable, especially for systemic arterial hypertension. Objective: To analyze the risk factors of hypertension of the riverine communities São Francisco and Novo Renascer, the island of Marchantaria, the city of Iranduba, State of Amazonas. Methodology: Data collection was performed in the period 08 July to 24 September 2015, with 123 bordering two communities of the island of Marchantaria, municipality of Iranduba, Amazonas. Were carried out measurement of weight, height, waist circumference and waist-hip ratio, it was checked blood pressure and performed interview for survey socioeconomic riverine level. Data were analyzed for Epi Info Program 7. Results: The results showed that in the communities study the male was majority. There was not significant association between hypertension and income. There was a negative correlation between hypertension and the level of education, both in the general population of male and female, in the divided by ages. In the analysis of marital status, there was no statistical difference for the variable marital status in your correlation with hypertension. Hypertension prevalence was 59.09% for people of the community São Francisco and 40% of the people Community Novo Renascer. In two communities, the values the anthropometric measures and blood pressure measures do not have significant differences between them, although values above the recommended by Brazilian Ministry of Health. Conclusions: The riverine residents in the Island Marchantaria, whether the community of São Francisco or Novo Renascer had equivalent prevalence of borderline blood pressure and hypertension. Risk factors for both communities, with respect to age and sex, is related to the anthropometric measures with overweight and blood pressure measures above the recommended maximums. There was smoking correlated with systemic arterial hypertension, with the highest rate in the elderly of both communities. Finally, we conclude the hypertension is a serious public health problem that afflicts riverine people, which guides the need for implementation of public health policies for health promotion and prevention of hypertension geared to riverine communities. / Introdução: Estudos epidemiológicos sobre a hipertensão arterial sistêmica são de grande importância para o conhecimento das condições que influenciam o adoecimento da população. No último vincênio, as comunidades ribeirinhas vêm passando um acelerado processo de transição no estilo de vida, gerando o aumento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, com destaque para a hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Objetivo: Analisar os fatores de risco para hipertensão arterial sistêmica de ribeirinhos das comunidades São Francisco e Novo Renascer, da Ilha da Marchantaria, do município de Iranduba, estado do Amazonas. Metodologia: A coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de 08 de julho a 24 de setembro de 2015, com 123 ribeirinhos de duas comunidades da Ilha da Marchantaria, município de Iranduba, Amazonas. Foram realizadas mensuração do peso, altura, circunferência da cintura e da relação cintura-quadril, foi verificada a pressão arterial e realizada entrevista para levantamento do nível socioeconômico dos ribeirinhos. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa Epi Info 7. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que, nas comunidades em estudo, o sexo masculino foi maioria. Não houve associação significante entre HA e renda. Houve correlação negativa entre HAS e o nível de escolaridade, tanto na população geral de sexo masculino e feminino, quanto na dividida por idades. Na análise da situação conjugal, não houve diferença estatística para a variável situação conjugal em sua correlação com HA. A prevalência de HAS foi de 59.09% para pessoas da Comunidade de São Francisco e 40% para as pessoas da Comunidade Novo Renascer. Nas duas comunidades, os valores do IMC, RCQ e do CP não tiveram diferenças significativas entre elas, apesar do IMC e RCQ apresentarem valores acima dos preconizados pelo Ministério da Saúde. Conclusões: Os ribeirinhos residentes na Ilha da Marchantaria, independentemente de serem da Comunidade de São Francisco ou Novo Renascer apresentaram prevalência equivalente de pressão arterial limítrofe e hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Os fatores de risco para as duas comunidades, em relação a idade e sexo, estão relacionados ao índice de IMC com a classificação de sobrepeso e RCQ acima dos valores máximos preconizados. Houve correlação do tabagismo com HAS, com maior índice nas pessoas idosas de ambas comunidades. Por fim, conclui-se a hipertensão arterial sistêmica é um grave problema de saúde pública que aflige pessoas ribeirinhas, o que norteia a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas de saúde de promoção da saúde e prevenção da hipertensão arterial sistêmica voltadas às comunidades ribeirinhas.
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