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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Peace support in Africa : potential contribution and roles of the South African Navy

Thiart, Theunis Johannes Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (MPhil (Military Science. Security Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Navy (SAN) was created after the First World War as an indigenous naval capability for South Africa was deemed necessary. Its roles and responsibilities through the years have depended on both the requirements of the state, and the political realities of the time. Possible future roles in peace support would therefore depend on political requirements as well as the capabilities and composition of the SAN. To date, the SAN has only contributed to peace support by way of the patrols carried out by the SAN Operations Boat Squadron on Lake Tanganyika, and assistance from the Maritime Reaction Squadron in VIP protection duties in Burundi. The seemingly minor nature of this contribution is disconcerting, because the contributions of the SANDF in present (ongoing) peace support are very highly rated by the South African Government. To enhance its visibility, the SAN should preferably play a more visible role in peace support in Africa, and generally in assisting in the maintenance of good order at sea around the African coastline. The potential contributions to or during peace support activities should therefore not only be seen as the direct support which the SAN can give to land forces carrying out peace support in a specific country, but also the support the SAN can give to maintaining good order in the corresponding, and other African, maritime zones. Potential contributions and roles of the SAN in particular therefore need to be interrogated more comprehensively to foster a deeper understanding of this unexplored field of study within the peace support environment, and that of Africa in particular. To determine the possible contributions and roles of the SAN, the traditional roles and the doctrines of navies (specifically those involved in peace support operations) were investigated. It was found that the roles emanating from the traditional roles for navies were assimilated into navies. doctrines, roles and tasks. Possible roles and missions for the SAN are reflected in the SAN Maritime Doctrine. Regional expectations have added more roles and missions like the sharing of training, assets, expertise, information, the requirement of maintaining maritime security and the maintenance of good order at sea. The assets available in the SAN (and the future assets) seem to be adequate to carry out possible peace support activities. However, the potential roles and contributions of the SAN to peace support will be limited by the scope of future budgets and the shortages of skills, equipment and capacity. The foreseen budgets available will not allow participation in activities beyond those being undertaken at present. Unless more funding is received, the potential roles and contributions of the SAN towards peace support activities in Africa will probably not extend beyond some lake patrols and VIP protection. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid Afrikaanse Vloot (SAV) het na die Eerste Wêreld Oorlog tot stand gekom omrede so 'n inheemse vloot as broodnodig vir Suid Afrika beskou was. Die SAV se rol en verantwoordelikhede was deur die geskiedenis gerig deur die behoeftes van die regering van die dag en van die politieke oorwegings van die oomblik. Toekomstige verantwoordelikhede vir vredesteun sal insgelyks afhang van politieke oorwegings, sowel as die aard van, en bates beskikbaar vir, die SAV. Tot dusver was die SAV bydrae aan vredesteun beperk tot patrollies deur die SAV Operasionele Booteskader op die Tanganjika meer in Burundi, en bystand deur die Maritieme Reaksie Eskader met BBP werk in Burundi. Hierdie geringe bydraes is onstellend omrede vredesteun pogings belangrik geag word deur die Suid Afrikaanse regering. Die SAV sal dus 'n groter rol in vredesteun in Afrika moet speel, en veral in die instandhouding van goeie orde op see, ten einde beter sigbaarheid te bewerkstellig. Die potensiële SAV bydraes aan vredesteun aktiwiteite moet dus nie slegs gesien word in die direkte SAV steun aan landmagte betrokke by vredesteun in een of ander land nie, maar ook in die bydrae tot die instandhouding van goeie orde in die ooreenkomstige maritieme omgewings in Afrika. Potensiële SAV bydraes moet daarom in diepte ontleed word ten einde 'n beter insig te vekry in die maritieme streke (veral in Afrika) waar tot dusver maar min navorsing gedoen is. Om hierdie potensiële bydraes te bepaal, is die tradisionele rol en doktrines van vlote (veral die wat betrokke is by vredesteun) ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat die huidige doktrines, rol en take van vlote voortgevloei het uit die tradisionele rol van vlote. Moontlike rolle en bydraes van die SAV is reeds beskikbaar in die SAV Maritieme Doktrine (2006). Verdere moontlike bydraes spruit voort uit die verwagtinge van die verskillende streke in Afrika soos die deelname in Suid Afrikaanse opleiding, kundigheid en informasie, en die behoefte aan instandhouding van maritieme veiligheid en goeie orde op see. Die huidige en toekomstige bates van die SAV (insluitende skepe, eenhede en personeel) blyk voldoende te wees om by te dra tot moontlike vredesteun aktiwitiete. Die moontlike bydraes sal egter beperk word deur ontoereikende toekomstige begrotings en tekortkominge met betrekking tot kundigheid, toerusting en kapasiteit. Trouens, die huidige en toekomstige begrotings is ontoereikend vir verdere vredesteun bydraes buiten dit wat tot dusver gelewer word. Sonder 'n toename in die begroting sal die vredesteun pogings van die SAV beperk bly tot patrollies deur die SAV Operasionele Booteskader op die Tanganjika Meer, en bystand deur die Maritieme Reaksie Eskader in BBP werk.

Conflict in perpetuity? Examining Zimbabwe’s protracted social conflict through the lens of land reform

Sims, Bryan M. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation analyses the relationship between civil society and political leadership within the context of Zimbabwe’s protracted social conflict, particularly through the lens of land policy. Through the use of strategic informants, it yields important insights into the origins, form and impact of political leadership and civil society in a way that will expose the dynamics of elite and grassroots mobilisation and the political context in which land policy is either made or obstructed. Specifically, this dissertation examines two research questions. First, if political leadership is not representative of the citizenry, is land policy more likely to engender overt conflict? Second, if civil society has an autonomous role in the public sphere, is land policy more likely to benefit citizens? This dissertation also confronts an emerging empirical problem: the absence of descriptive data in regards to how civil society and political leadership have engaged in reforming land policy in Zimbabwe during the period of transition from 2008 to 2013. By measuring representation and autonomy – indicators of human needs satisfaction– this dissertation traced each phase of the protracted social conflict as it both helped to create the conditions for a liberation model of representation while simultaneously further exacerbating protracted social conflict within Zimbabwe. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ontleed die verhouding tussen die burgerlike samelewing en politieke leierskap veral deur die lens van grondbeleid, binne die konteks van Zimbabwe se uitgerekte sosiale konflik. Dit het ten doel om belangrike insigte op te lewer in die oorsprong, vorm en impak van politieke leierskap en die burgerlike samelewing. Die word blootgestel in 'n manier wat die dinamika van die elite en mobilisering op grondvlak in ag neem soweel as die politieke konteks waarin grondbeleid óf gemaak is of belemmer word. Hierdie tesis konfronteer ook 'n opkomende empiriese probleem: die afwesigheid van beskrywende data met betrekking tot die betrokkenheod van die burgerlike samelewing en politieke leierskap tydens die grondhervorming proses in Zimbabwe gedurende die tydperk van oorgang tussen 2008 en 2013. Deur die meting van verteenwoordiging en outonomie - aanwysers van menslike behoeftes bevrediging - word elke fase van die uitgerekte sosiale konflik ondersoek met betrekking tot hoe ‘n bevryding model van verteenwoordigheid beide gehelp het om die voorwaardes te skepvir die eindeiging van die PSC; maar terselfdertyd het dit ook die sosiale konflik in Zimbabwe verder uitgerek. !

The development of a balanced scorecard for the Faculty of Military Science

Walters, Adriaan Neethling 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Managing any government institution has become increasingly complicated as the requirements for accountability, streamlined operations and greater flexibility have multiplied. Being a government institution but at the same time an institution of higher education, managing the Faculty of Military Science becomes a daunting task. It requires sophisticated approaches for implementing strategy and measuring performance. Employees are asked to change how they view their work and focus on results, not activities. While not asking the impossible, it is a challenging task. Formal accountability for outcomes down the line has simply not been a marker of the bureaucratic culture. As leadership looks for ways to support employees in this transition, it is vital that a comprehensive management system is deployed. For employees to focus on the outcomes of their individual performance, they must: • understand what the standards for organisational performance are; • participate in measuring how well those standards have been met; and • be responsible for finding ways to improve organisational performance. The Balanced Scorecard can help. This approach is one that is gaining currency as an easy to use and accessible process for measuring organisational effectiveness. It can be applied at any level and any type of organisation. The objectives and measures for the Balanced Scorecard are derived from the organisation's vision and strategy. These objectives and measures describe the progress of the organisation from four perspectives. These perspectives can vary from organisation to organisation and in the case of the Faculty of Military Science they include, the stakeholder perspective, the customer perspective, the internal processes perspective and the learning and growth perspective. It is a balanced model, because the measures represent an equilibrium between external measures for stakeholders and customers, and internal measures of business processes and learning and growth. The construction of the Balanced Scorecard is a systematic process, which ensures that the organisation's objectives and measures are made clear and that there is consensus in this regard. The success of the process depends on the participation of top management. The most important person in the process is the leader or "architect. A Balanced Scorecard can be constructed in 16 weeks, with high involvement of the leader in the beginning of the process. The Balanced Scorecard must be used as a strategic management system. It helps to clarify and to gain consensus about vision and strategy of the organisation, which should be communicated throughout the organisation. It is also useful in the establishment of objectives for each employee, the allocation of resources and the alignment of strategic initiatives, This study is directed towards the relevant literature on the Balanced Scorecard and the possible use thereof as a management system in an institution for higher education, specifically the Faculty of Military Science. To this end a thorough literature study was undertaken, focusing on the origins of the Balanced Scorecard, the developing and implementation thereof as well as the Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management system. The study further determined the applicability of the Balanced Scorecard to institutions for higher education, looking at the University of California, San Diego, as an example. In the final instance a Balanced Scorecard is proposed for the Faculty of Military Science, with certain recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toenemende druk op staatsinstellings om meer aanspreeklikheid te aanvaar, aktiwiteite meer vaartbelyn uit te voer en om meer buigsaam in hul optrede te wees, veroorsaak dat die bestuur van sulke instellings toenemend kompleks begin word. Die bestuur van die Fakulteit Krygskunde, 'n staatsinstelling, maar ook 'n instelling vir hoër onderwys, bied dus 'n geweldige uitdaging. Dit vereis daarom 'n gesofistikeerde benadering tot die implementering van 'n strategie en die meet van prestasie. Van werknemers word verwag om hul siening van werk te verander deur te fokus op resultate eerder as op aktiwiteite - 'n uitdaging op sy eie. Aanspreeklikheid vir die bereiking van resultate op lae vlakke in 'n staatsinstelling was nog nooit deel van 'n burokratiese kultuur nie. Vir leierskap om werknemers met hierdie aanpassing te ondersteun, is 'n omvattende bestuurstelsel nodig. Vir werknemers om te fokus op die uitkomste van hul individuele prestasies, moet hulle: • die prestasiestandaarde van die organisasie verstaan; • deelneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die standaarde bereik is; en • verantwoordelikheid neem om te bepaal hoe die prestasie van die organisasie verbeter kan word. Dit wat 'n organisasie meet en hoe die resultate daarvan gekommunikeer word lewer 'n sleutel bydrae t.o.v die voortdurende verbetering van prestasie deur die werknemers. Die "Balanced Scorecard" kan op hierdie gebied 'n groot bydrae lewer. Dit is 'n benadering wat wye veld wen as 'n eenvoudige en toeganklike proses om die effektiewiteit van 'n organisasie te meet. Die benadering kan op enige vlak en enige tipe organisasie toegepas word. Die doelwitte en maatstawwe vir die "Balanced Scorecard" word direk afgelei uit die organisasie se visie en strategie. Hierdie doelwitte en maatstawwe beskryf die organisasie se vordering uit vier perspektiewe. Hierdie perspektiewe kan wissel van organisasie tot organisasie en in die geval van die Fakutteit Krygskunde sluit dit in, die belanghebber perspektief, die kliente perspektief, die interne prosesse perspektief en die leer- en groeiperspektief. Die model word as gebalanseerd beskou omdat dit 'n ewewig tussen die eksterne maatstawwe (vir aandeelhouers, belanghebbers en kliente) en interne maatstawwe (besigheidsporosesse en leer- en groeifasette) handhaaf. Die bou van 'n "Balanced Scorecard" is 'n sistematiese proses, wat konsensus en duidelikheid met betrekking tot die organisasie se doelwitte en maatstawwe verseker. Die sukses van die hele proses berus egter op die ondersteuning en deelname van die topbestuur. Die belangrikste persoon in die hele proses is die leier of "argitek". 'n "Balanced Scorecard" kan binne 16 weke voltooi word, met die leier se betrokkenheid baie hoog aan die begin van die hele proses. Die "Balanced Scorecard" moet as 'n strategiese bestuurstelsel gebruik word. Dit kan help om die visie en strategie duidelik te stel en om konsensus daaroor te bereik. Dit moet aan die hele organisasie gekommunikeer word. Dit is verder nuttig in die opstel van doelwitte vir elke werknemer, die allokasie van hulpbronne en die rig van strategiese inisiatiewe. Hierdie studie is gerig tot die relevante literatuur t.o.v die "Balanced Scorecard" en die potensiele gebruik daarvan as 'n bestuurstelsel by 'n instelling van hoër onderwys, en spesifiek die Fakulteit Krygskunde. 'n Deeglike literatuurstudie is gedoen oor die oorsprong van die "Balanced Scorecard", die ontwikkeling en implementering daarvan, asook die aanwending van die "Balanced Scorecard" as 'n strategiese bestuurstelsel. Die studie het ook die toepaslikheid van die "Balanced Scorecard" ondersoek deur te verwys na die Universiteit van Kalifornie, San Diego as 'n voorbeeld. In die finale instansie word 'n "Balanced Scorecard" voorgestel vir die Fakulteit Krygskunde met sekere aanbevelings.

Israel's attack on Osiraq a model for future preventive strikes

Ford, Peter Scott. 09 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / Twenty-three years ago, Israeli fighter pilots destroyed the Osiraq nuclear reactor and made a profound statement about global nuclear proliferation. In light of the recent preventive regime change in Iraq, a review of this strike reveals timely lessons for future counterproliferation actions. Using old, new, and primary source evidence, this thesis examines Osiraq for lessons from a preventive attack on a non-conventional target. Before attacking Osiraq, Israeli policymakers attempted diplomatic coercion to delay Iraq's nuclear development. Concurrent with diplomatic actions, Israeli planners developed a state of the art military plan to destroy Osiraq. Finally, Israeli leaders weathered the international storm after the strike. The thesis examines Israeli decisionmaking for each of these phases. The thesis draws two conclusions. First, preventive strikes are valuable primarily for two purposes: buying time and gaining international attention. Second, the strike provided a one-time benefit for Israel. Subsequent strikes will be less effective due to dispersed/hardened nuclear targets and limited intelligence. / Major, United States Air Force

The tactical network operations communication coordinator in mobile UAV networks / Tactical network operations communication coordinator in mobile unmanned aerial vehicles networks

Jeoun, Kristina S. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Warfare planners and tacticians are seeking ways to leverage information technology to gain advantage on the battlefield. With the advent of Internet technologies, complex systems are becoming more networked, and access to information is more critical than ever. The increasing utilization of special operations forces in ad hoc, dynamic operations poses a need for adaptable communications to support the unit. Effective communication within the unit and critical information exchange with the command center affect the overall outcome of the mission. An adaptive, mobile network with UAV relays is well-suited to support the ad hoc nature of special operations. The area of research for this thesis is the role of the tactical network operations communication coordinator in mobile UAV networks. The coordinator's purpose is to oversee the management and status of the network and provide feedback to network participants, thus resulting in an effective and well-functioning environment. The tactical network coordinator is an important and integral part of network operations by establishing what is known as network awareness. This thesis will be a model for sharing network awareness, and it will explore the potential benefits of incorporating network performance as a planning objective rather than a constraint. / First Lieutenant, United States Air Force

Naval Special Warfare (NSW) enlisted manning concerns key elements for successful growth and retention of enlisted personnel

Doolittle, John W., Denton, William F. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / The Pentagon is planning to gradually increase the Navy's SEAL force over the next several years to meet increasing global demands. The move was authorized by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) in a program decision memorandum (PDM) in December 2002. The PDM, which directed the growth of Special Operations Forces across the board, called on the Navy to bring the equivalent of two new SEAL Teams to the force between FY-06 and FY-08. Even though funding has been allotted to this task, there may not be enough manpower to fill these slots. Training issues coupled with retention issues have brought the growth process to a standstill. The purpose of this thesis is to identify which major variables and/or combinations of small variables need to be changed in order to increase NSW enlisted SEAL manning. The three major areas that will be looked at are recruitment, training, and retention. The focus will be to determine where NSW can do better at managing personnel in these areas. The end product will be a detailed analysis that will offer suggestions for program changes that can be implemented to increase NSW forces while raising the quality of operators at the same time. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Process enhancement and database support for vehicle operational readiness reporting

Menko, Russell H. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The U.S. Army uses a Unit Readiness Index to track the combat readiness of systems. The Unit Readiness Index relies on the accuracy of automated and manual testing of the hardware and related software of the Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) that comprise the system. These tests are based on a GO/NOGO scenario. When an LRU fails, vehicle commanders, and commanders up the chain of command, can override the failure and continue with a mission. Overriding the NOGO recommendations produces a false combat readiness status for the unit, and creates a number of problems related to unit combat decisions as well as logistical support. This thesis introduces a new process for more effectively tracking combat readiness. It outlines some of the problems associated with the current GO/NOGO scenario and examines the current tests, artifacts and data available from the current process. It proposes an additional Report process and shows how this new process will eliminate the readiness tracking problems associated with the GO/NOGO scenario. It also presents the design of a Vehicle Database and Master Fault Database to support the proposed process, and presents several sample reports generated from this Master Fault Database. / Civilian, United States Army RDECOM - TARDEC

Set in stone? : war memorialisation as a long-term and continuing process in the UK, France and the USA

Login, Emma Louise January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the development war memorialisation from 1860 until 2014 in the UK, France and the USA. It represents the first holistic and longitudinal study of war memorialisation as a continuing process. Previous approaches to memorialisation are critically reviewed and a unique new methodology is proposed. This approach challenges assumptions that memorials are only important to the generation responsible for their creation. Moving beyond an understanding that is based wholly on the socio-political circumstances surrounding their construction, it conceptualises memorials within a framework of three parallel time scales; the point of development within the war memorial tradition, the time that has passed from the conflict being commemorated and the time that has passed from the construction of the memorial. This methodology is used to demonstrate that these objects continue to have meanings for many years after the conflict they commemorate. This illustrates the many ways in which individuals continue to engage with war memorials, appropriating and re-appropriating them and transforming their meanings. Furthermore, this approach demonstrates that themes can be defined within the memorialisation process, and that these themes are not bounded by geographical context or period of time.

The influenza pandemic of 1918, as seen at a casualty clearing station in France

Boome, E. J. January 1918 (has links)
During the past three or four months, May to July 1918, there has been a great pandemic of so-called influenza which, starting in Spain, has spread over the whole of Europe and even other parts of the world. It has caused considerable wastage in our own Army and those of our Allies and has, therefore, been the object of much study amongst the medical services.

„…weshalb kämpft ihr mit ihnen …“ : Kameradschaftserfahrungen und Emanzipationsbestrebungen deutscher und österreichisch-ungarischer Soldaten jüdischer Herkunft 1866–1918

Kroener, Bernhard R. January 2007 (has links)
Der vorliegende Text beschäftigt sich mit der religiös, kulturell und rassisch begründeten Ausgrenzung von Minderheiten durch die Mehrheitsgesellschaft im Zeitalter der europäischen Nationalstaaten, die fast immer im Rückgriff auf konstruierte historische Belege geschieht. Am Beispiel von Deutschland und Österreich wird der Zusammenhang aufgezeigt zwischen der staatsbürgerlichen Gleichstellung der Juden im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert einerseits, und Krieg und Nationsbildung, bürgerlichem Selbstverständnis und Geschichtsdeutung in legitimatorischer Absicht andererseits. / The present text is dealing with the exclusion of minorities by the majority of a population in the era of nation building and nationalism, which is justified by a religious, cultural and racial otherness, very often proved by construed historical evidence. While comparing the situation in Germany and Austria the author shows the interrelation between the emancipation of the Jews in the 19th. and early 20th. century on one hand and war and nation building, self conception of the bourgeoisie and their interpretation of history on the other.

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