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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narco wars : an analysis of the militarisation of U.S. counter-narcotics policy in Colombia, Mexico and on the U.S. border

Benneyworth, Iwan January 2016 (has links)
The U.S. War on Drugs has been underway for several decades. Since it was declared by the Nixon Administration narcotics have been understood as a growing security threat to the American public, their health, economy and society. Illicit drugs have gradually become a securitised issue. From the Nixon Administration onward, the law enforcement and eventually military assets of the United States government were increasingly deployed in an effort to counter this drug threat. While initially regarded as a minor issue, as the potency and addictive qualities of illicit drugs increased during the 20th Century, so too did the concerns of influential actors from the political and public spheres. Nixon's actions did not represent the high-water mark of U.S. counter-narcotics. There was growing violence on American streets linked to the drug trafficking cartels out of Colombia, especially in Southern Florida where traffickers battled each other for lucrative drug markets. In response to this national security threat, the Reagan Administration – followed by the successor Bush and Clinton Administrations – gradually increased the involvement of the U.S. military in counter-narcotics policy. This occurred both at home in the form of greater militarisation of police forces, and abroad in support of several Latin American countries’ security forces. In 2000, drug-related instability in Colombia resulted in the launch of the Plan Colombia initiative, a dedicated package of American financial and security assistance, with counter-narcotics the primary purpose. In 2008, as drug-related violence in Mexico reached epidemic proportions and threatened to spillover across the American border, the U.S. launched the Merida Initiative in an attempt to aid Mexican counter-narcotics efforts. This thesis uses qualitative research methods to examine the militarisation of U.S. foreign counter-narcotics policy by analysing the case studies of Colombia and Mexico and their American-backed efforts. It also examines domestic policy, by considering the historical development of U.S. counter-narcotics, the progressive militarisation of law enforcement as a consequence of the drug war, and the security situation on the southern border with Mexico. This empirical research is facilitated by the development of a militarisation analytical framework, which builds upon the securitisation framework. Based on the findings of the case studies, the processes that drive militarisation are explored, and the framework itself is further developed and refined. The research possibilities for counter-narcotics policy and future direction for militarisation research are also explored in the Conclusion. Ultimately, this thesis offers a detailed analysis of militarisation in U.S. foreign and domestic counter-narcotics policy, the processes behind this, and develops a militarisation framework applicable to any security situation, contributing to the overall securitisation debate.

Aktivt försvar : Implementering och tillämpning av doktrinära begrepp i Försvarsmakten

Bergman, Christoffer, Lyckekil, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är explorativt där vi ställt frågan: Hur implementeras och tillämpas det doktrinära begreppet ”aktivt försvar” i Försvarsmakten i normalläge? Vi har utgått från 61:a luftvärnsbataljon vid Lv6 i Halmstad, där vi genomfört totalt åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer för att få svar på forskningsfrågan. Utöver intervjuerna vid Lv6, har vi även intervjuat två respondenter som deltagit i utvecklingen av doktriner. Syftet med dessa intervjuer var att få en förståelse för hur processen för doktrinarbetet genomförs i Försvarsmakten. Studien är kvalitativ med induktiv ansats där vi utgått från ett hermeneutiskt paradigm. Empirin har hanterats och strukturerats med hjälp av Grounded Theory, där resultatet utmynnat i en kärnkategori. Kärnkategorin har därefter använts i den implementeringsmodell vi tagit fram utgående från nio olika forskare/författare som skrivit om implementeringar. Slutsatserna från studien utgår från de sex processteg vi kom fram till i vår implementeringsmodell: Problemupptäckt-Utformning av doktrinen-Auktoritet-Implementering-Vidmakthållande-Utvärdering. Vi redovisar totalt 17 slutsatser vilka i sin tur resulterar i fyra rekommendationer till Försvarsmakten, avseende hur implementeringsprocessen av doktrinära begrepp i Försvarsmakten kan förbättras.  -          Utarbeta en handbok doktrinutveckling i syfte att formalisera processen. -          Samordna doktrinutvecklingsprocessen från strategisk nivå till försvarsgrensnivå. -          Institutionalisera doktrinprocessen i Försvarsmakten genom att inför en permanent enhet under högkvarteret som ansvarar för doktrinutvecklingen. -          Formalisera en plan för hur respektive doktrin skall implementeras i Försvarsmakten.  Vi ser att ovanstående rekommendationer kommer bidra till att kunskaperna om doktrinerna ökar tillsammans med deras trovärdighet. Vi ser även att den effekt man vill uppnå med innehållet i doktrinerna kommer implementeras snabbare och tydligare i Försvarsmakten. / The purpose of the study was exploratory, in which we asked the question: How is the doctrinal concept of "active defence" implemented and applied in the Swedish Armed Forces in normal mode? We began with the 61st Air Defense Battalion at Lv6 in Halmstad, where we conducted a total of eight semi-structured interviews to get answers to the research question. In addition to the interviews at Lv6, we also interviewed two respondents who have participated in the development of Swedish doctrines. The purpose of these interviews was to gain an understanding of how the process for doctrine work is carried out in the Armed Forces. The study is qualitative with an inductive approach, starting with a hermeneutic paradigm. The empirical data have been managed and structured using a form of Grounded Theory, where the results have lead to a core category. This main category has subsequently been used in the implementation model we developed based on nine different researchers/authors that have written about implementations. The conclusions from the study are based on the six process steps we arrived at in our implementation model: Problem discovery-Design of the doctrine-Authority-Implementation-Sustain-Evaluation. We outlined a total of 18 conclusions, which in turn result in four recommendations to the Armed Forces, regarding how the implementation process of doctrinal concepts in the Armed Forces can be improved. - Prepare a doctrine development handbook in order to formalize the process. - Coordinate the doctrine development process from strategic level to defence branch level. - Institutionalize the doctrine process in the Armed Forces by introducing a permanent unit under headquarters, responsible for doctrine development. - Formalize a plan for how each doctrine is to be implemented in the Armed Forces. We conclude that the above recommendations will contribute to increased knowledge of the specified doctrines, as well as to their credibility. We also see that the effect one want to achieve with the content of doctrines will be implemented faster and more clearly in the Armed Forces.

Wenkriteria vir konvensionele landgevegte

Wagner, William John 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem met die doel om 'n model te ontwikkel waarmee die wenner in 'n konvensionele landgeveg voorspel kan word. Gegewe die omvang van die vakgebied oorlog, is die studie beperk tot die taktiese vlak en fokus op landgevegte tydens konvensionele oorlogvoering. As eerste stap in die ontwikkelingpsproses, is die faktore wat wen kan bepaal krygskundig nagevors. Die sogenaamde honderdgevegte-datastel is saamgestel uit data van 100 gevegte uit die twintigste eeu en net vroeer, met die klem op gevegte waarin Suid-Afrikaanse magte betrokke was. Verskeie statistiese tegnieke is ondersoek om 'n geskikte tegniek vir die ontleding van die data te vind. Die ondersoek het aangetoon dat logistiese regressie die beste tegniek is vir die data. 'n Ontwikkelingsproses met drie voorspellers is ook saamgestel. Verskeie modelle is ondersoek, naamlik 1 'n Voorspellingsmodel met eensydige sub-modelle sonder gevegshouding, met en sonder opponentdata. I 2 'n Voorspellingsmodel met eensydige sub-modelle met gevegshouding, met en sonder opponentdata. 3 'n Voorspellingsmodel met tweesydige sub-modelle met opponentdata.. Die ontwikkelingsproses lewer verskeie modelle wat baie goed presteer sensitiwiteit > 80%). 'n Finale keuse lewer die volgende resultaat: 1 Vir die geval waar opponentdata nie beskikbaar is nie, is 'n eensydige submode! sonder gevegshouding ontwikkel waarvan die resultaat teen 'n skeidingsgrens gemeet word om die uitslag te bepaal. Die model het 'n sensitiwiteit van 85%, maar kan net 'n wen of gelykop, of, verloor of gelykop voorspel. 2 Vir die geval waar opponentdata beskikbaar is, is 'n eensydige sub-model ivsonder gevegshouding ontwikkel wat in staat is om, deur die opponente se uitslag met mekaar te vergelyk, die wenner aan te wys. Hierdie model het 'n sensitiwiteit van 83,8% Verskeie statistiese en krygskundige gevolgtrekkings word gemaak, die belangrikste waarvan dat die gekose modelle wel daartoe in staat is om gevegsvoorspellings akkuraat te kan uitvoer. Die modelle kan ook aangewend word om gevegte te ontleed en tendense te verklaar. Krygskundig bevestig die resultaat die noodsaaklikheid van die maneuvreringsbenadering en goeie leierskap. Die resultaat van die studie het wye aanwendingspotensiaal op die gebied van die krygskunde, krygsfilosofie, krygspele en militere operasionele navorsing en laat ruimte vir interessante en noodsaaklike verdere navorsing in operasionele navorsing sowel as in die krygskunde. / The aim of this study is to develop models for the efficient prediction of the outcome of a land battle. The study is confined to conventional warfare at the tactical level. The first step was to identify the variables that may determine victory. Thirty such variables enjoying the support of various military historians and philosophers were selected. The hundred-battle data set, consisting of coded data for a hundred twentieth-century battles, was compiled. The thirty variables were encoded for each combatant. Since the outcome and most of the prediction variables are binary but a few are continuous, ordinary linear regression could not be used and several statistical and other techniques were evaluated. Logistic regression was found to be the best. A formalized development and selection process was applied to a number of broad model classes. These were 1 prediction models with one-sided sub-models without combat posture and with (without) opponent data 2 prediction models with one-sided sub-models with combat posture and with (without) opponent data 3 prediction models with two-sided sub-models without combat posture and with opponent data. The process provided several very good models and the following were selected. Without opponent data. A one-sided sub-model without combat posture, utilizing a discriminator was selected. It determines the outcome with a sensitivity of 85%. However, it only predicts victory or a draw, defeat or a draw. With opponent data. A one-sided sub-model without combat posture was selected. It predicts the outcome of battle by comparing the results of the two opponents. This model vishowed a sensitivity of 83,8%. Several statistical and military scientific conclusions followed, the most important being that the chosen models can accurately predict battle outcome or post facto determine the outcome. The models can also be used to analyze battles. In this role they confirm the importance of maneuver warfare and good leadership. The results of this study can be applied in military science, military philosophy and war gaming. The work fuses military philosophy with statistical analysis, is a first in the field and offers the possibility of breaking out of the mind-set of personal views and biases prevalent in military science. The method as such can be applied to different data bases representing war at other levels or with other technologies. / Philosophy / D.Phil. (Philosophy)

Lieutenant A and the rottweilers : a pheno-cognitive analysis of a fire-fighter's experience of a critical incident and peritraumatic resilience

Theron, Paul January 2014 (has links)
Fire-fighters are subject to attacks in the field. This idiographic Pheno-Cognitive Analysis (PCA) studies a fireman’s cognitive experience of a Critical Incident (CI) when he is attacked by dangerous dogs during an intervention. The PCA method, created for this research, extends the Elicitation Interview (EI), yields a first-person narrative of the subject’s experience out of his episodic memory, and semantically elicits 460 Cognitive Operations and four patterns of Cognitive Trajectories. Their variations in shape (Intra-Variability) and occurrence (Inter-Variability) are analysed. A model of Decision-Making-in-Action (DMA), and five Metacognitive Skills providing Peritraumatic Resilience (PTR) are revealed. Epistemological limits are discussed.

A study of research in the Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University 1990-2009

Van Der Waag-Cowling, Noelle Milto 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The changing higher education environment in South Africa has led to a greater emphasis being placed on research production at universities. Currently Stellenbosch University is one of only a handful of strongly research intensive universities in South Africa. The Faculty of Military Science at the South African Military Academy functions (operates) within a partnership agreement between the Department of Defence and Stellenbosch University. The aim of officer education at SAMA is to imbue young officers with a knowledge framework and the attributes of a broad liberal education. As a full Faculty of the University it is incumbent upon personnel in the Faculty to engage in knowledge production and associated scholarly pursuits. This is critical for several reasons: Firstly, for the required intellectual development of each scholar, secondly so as to ensure high quality teaching, and thirdly for funding purposes which are essential for the effective functioning of all faculties. Research is furthermore absolutely indispensable with regards to its contribution to the international and national scientific reach and reputation of the Faculty. To date the Faculty of Military Science has been the lowest performing faculty of Stellenbosch University every year by some considerable margin. The main research question of this study seeks to identify and interpret the reasons for this. In so doing both a bibliometric study and a more qualitative study of the environmental factors between 1990 and 2009 have been conducted. In closing the predominant factors which either drive or inhibit research are identified and possible interventions are suggested. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veranderende hoër onderwys omgewing in Suid-Afrika het tot 'n groter klem op navorsing produksie by universiteite gelei. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is tans een van slegs 'n handvol sterk navorsingsgeoriënteerde universiteite in Suid-Afrika. Die Fakulteit van Krygskunde by die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie funksioneer binne die raamwerk van 'n vennootskapsooreenkoms tussen die Departement van Verdediging en die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die doel van offisiersopvoeding by die SAMA is om jong offisiere met 'n kennis raamwerk en die eienskappe van 'n breë liberale opvoeding toe te rus. As 'n volle Fakulteit van die Universiteit is dit die plig van die fakulteitspersoneel om betrokke te raak in kennisproduksie en verwante wetenskaplike aktiwiteite. Dit is vir 'n paar redes van kritieke belang. Eerstens, is dit nodig vir die intellektuele ontwikkeling van elke akademikus, tweedens verseker dit hoë gehalte-onderrig, en derdens word dit vereis vir befondsingsdoeleindes vir die effektiewe funksionering van alle fakulteite. Navorsing is ook absoluut onontbeerlik vir die nasionale en internasionale wetenskaplike omvang en reputasie van die Fakulteit. Die Fakulteit Krygskunde was tot op hede die laagspresterende fakulteit van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die agterstand vergroot elke jaar met 'n aansienlike marge. Die sleutel navorsingsvraag van hierdie studie poog om te redes hiervoor vas te stel en te verduidelik. Gevolglik is beide ‘n bibliometriese en ’n kwalitatiewe studie van die faktore wat kennisproduksie in die Fakulteit tussen 1990 en 2009 beinvloed het, gedoen. Ter afsluiting is die oorheersende faktore wat navorsingsbestuur inhibeer geïdentifiseer en moontlike intervensies is voorgestel.

The blurred lines between war and crime : the case of Colombia

Wenger, Mireille Mary 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research assignment deals with the breakdown in the Clausewitzian concept of the modern trinitarian structure of war. Martin Van Creveld in his book entitled, “The Transformation of War” written in 1991, discusses ‘Future War’ and the way in which wars will be fought. It will not be the highly technical interstate kind of war the West has been preparing for, but rather low intensity conflict where the lines between state, soldier and civilian become blurred, society becomes a war zone and the conflict becomes a more direct experience for the people. Colombia is a prime example of where this is occurring and the most salient manifestation of the low intensity conflict is the blurring of the lines between war and crime. There are left wing guerrillas fighting for social justice for the dispossessed population, but their tactics resemble crime and the government views them as terrorists. They run a self-sufficient organisation, one of the most profitable insurgent groups in the world largely funded through kidnap ransom payments. The right-wing paramilitaries are on a quest to cleanse Colombian society of the guerrillas and assassinate suspected guerrilla sympathisers. To complicate issues, both insurgent groups are involved in the drug trafficking trade, whether it be directly or by way of taxing land on which coca is grown. In this situation, war and crime have become inextricably linked and a distinction between the two is impossible on both practical and conceptual levels. However, if it is not crime and it is not war, but a complicated melange of the two, a new framework for analysis is required in order to attempt a solution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek gaan oor die ineenstorting van die Clausewitziaanse begrip van die moderne Trinitariese oorlogstruktuur. In sy boek, getiteld "The Transformation of War" wat in 1991 geskryf is, bespreek Martin van Creveld die 'toekomstige oorlog' en die wyse waarop oorloë gevoer staan te word. Dit sal nie die hoogs tegniese interstaatlike soort oorlog wees waarvoor die Weste hom voorberei nie, maar eerder 'n lae intensiteitskonflik waar die lyne tussen die staat, soldaat en burgerlike ineenvloei; die gemeenskap word 'n oorlogsone en die konflik word 'n direkte ervaring vir die bevolking. Kolombië is 'n goeie voorbeeld van waar dit besig is om plaas te vind en die mees kenmerkende manifestasie van die lae intenstiteitskonflik is die vervloeiing van die skeidslyne tussen oorlog en misdaad. Daar is linksgesinde guerrillas wat om sosiale geregtigheid veg namens die onteiende bevolking, maar hul taktiek kom voor soos misdaad; en die regering beskou hulle inderdaad as misdadigers. Hulle beheer 'n selfversorgende organisasie, een van die winsgewendste versetsgroepe in die wêreld wat tot 'n groot mate gefinansier word by wyse van ontvoering van mense, met die eis van lospryse vir vrybetaling. Die regsgesinde paramilitêre groepe is op 'n sending om die Kolombiaanse gemeenskap te suiwer van die guerrillas en bring vermeende guerrilla simpatiseerders om die lewe. Om sake te kompliseer, is albei opstandsgroepe betrokke in die dwelmsmokkelhandel, hetsy direk, of indirek by wyse van belasting op die grond waarop coca gekweek word. In hierdie situasie het oorlog en misdaad onteenseglik verweefd met mekaar geraak en is dit nie moontlik om enige onderskeid tussen hulle te tref op hetsy die praktiese of die konseptuele vlakke nie. Indien dit dan nie oorlog is nie en ook nie misdaad nie, maar wel 'n ingewikkelde verweefdheid van die twee, dan word 'n nuwe analitiese raamwerk vereis om te poog om 'n oplossing te vind.

Evaluation of the attrition and retention strategy for the South African Navy

McGregor, Graham Brian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report investigates and evaluates the attrition rate and retention strategy employed by the South African Navy. The report also identifies gaps and makes recommendations for improvements, namely to decelerate the attrition rate and maintain a sustainable human resource component readily available to fulfil the South African Navy’s core business. It evaluates retention policies and the associated reasons for the rate of attrition. It also evaluates the success of the strategy employed by the South African Navy to attain and retain the required skills in order to contribute to the South African Navy’s sustained capability to serve South Africa. The literature review discusses the theoretical basis of the retention strategies and factors influencing the attrition rate of the South African Navy, the Department of Defence, the United States Navy, the Swiss Army and the Asian region. This has been done in order to establish a trend and find working solutions that will provide the underpinning for the recommendations proposed to decelerate the attrition rate in the South African Navy. The methodology for this study entails the use of qualitative methods – a questionnaire in this case – to collect data to obtain information on the reasons for the attrition rate. The information will also be used to reflect on the experience of the identified set of personnel who has exited the South African Navy between 1 January 2007 and 30 June 2008. The exited personnel members of the South African Navy, who form the basis of the sample for the study, had to complete a structured questionnaire. The data collection method also helped to identify specific social behaviour patterns or attitudes among staff members. This information is useful to provide insight into the main reasons for the attrition rate experienced by the South African Navy. The findings indicate that the majority of members who resigned from the South African Navy did so for higher salaries. This further indicates that the South African Navy’s salaries are not sufficiently competitive to retain members because private-sector salaries are much higher. An overwhelming number also indicated that the morale in the South African Navy is not good. This shows that members’ morale, which is a priority area in most organisations, is not at a desired level. This certainly contributes to the rate of attrition in the South African Navy. The majority of members feel that they did not receive appropriate support to enable them to do their work in the South African Navy. This indicates that no individual support or support mechanisms are present in the South African Navy. This contributes to the individual not performing at levels that would benefit the South African Navy. The lack of support leads to unhappy employees, and this adds to the reasons why members choose to resign from the South African Navy. The majority of members feel the Divisional System does not work the way it is supposed to work. The relationship between the divisional officer or line manager and the member is important for the South African Navy because this relationship forms the backbone of an efficient and effective South African Navy. It would appear that this area requires urgent attention to ensure the South African Navy maintains its operational capability. Recommendations for improvements include a change in leadership culture. The South African Navy must note that retention strategies that focus on financial incentives for the target groups, although an effective short-term solution, must consider the following in order to help reduce the attrition rate: • A change in the leadership culture. • The establishment of an Employee Morale and Well-being Division. The study highlights the challenges posed by the retention strategies and provides detailed research on the reasons for the attrition rate. The South African Navy’s leadership will find it difficult to compete with the private sector. However, the research findings have led to the following recommendations to retain staff in the South African Navy: the improvement of the leadership culture, greater care, and well-being programmes that focus on the commitment of members of the South African Navy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag ondersoek en evalueer die natuurlike afnamekoers en retensiestrategie wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot volg. Die verslag doen ook aanbevelings ten opsigte van verbeterings, naamlik om die natuurlike afnamekoers te verlangsaam en ’n volhoubare menslike hulpbronkomponent in stand te hou wat geredelik beskikbaar is om in die behoeftes die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se kernbesigheid te voorsien. Die verslag evalueer retensiebeleid en die verwante redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers. Dit evalueer ook die sukses van die strategie wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot volg om die nodige vaardighede te vind en te behou om te kan bydra tot die Vloot se volgehoue vermoë om Suid-Afrika te dien. Die literatuuroorsig bespreek die teoretiese grondslag van die retensiestrategieë en faktore wat die natuurlike afnamekoers in die volgende beïnvloed: die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot, die VSA se vloot, die Switserse weermag en die Asiatiese streek. Dit word gedoen om ’n tendens te bepaal en werkbare oplossings te vind wat die onderbou van die aanbevelings kan vorm wat gedoen word om die natuurlike afnamekoers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot te verlangsaam. Die metodologie vir hierdie studie behels die gebruik van kwalitatiewe metodes – ’n vraelys in hierdie geval – om data in te samel en om inligting te bekom oor die redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers. Die inligting word ook gebruik om te besin oor die ervaring van ’n geïdentifiseerde groep personeellede wat tussen 1 Januarie 2007 en 30 Junie 2008 die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot verlaat het. Die personeellede wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot verlaat het, vorm die grondslag van die steekproef vir hierdie studie. Hulle moes almal ’n gestruktureerde vraelys invul. Die data-insamelingsmetode het ook gehelp om spesifieke sosiale gedragspatrone of houdings by personeellede te identifiseer. Hierdie inligting is ook gebruik om insig te verkry in die vernaamste redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot ervaar word. Die bevindinge toon aan dat die meerderheid lede wat uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot bedank het dit vir hoër salarisse gedoen het. Dit toon ook aan dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se salarisse nie mededingend genoeg is om lede te behou nie omdat salarisse in die private sektor heelwat hoër is. ’n Oorweldigende aantal mense het ook aangedui dat die moraal in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot nie na wense is nie. Dit toon dat lede se moraal, wat in die meeste organisasies 'n prioriteit is, nie op ’n verlangde vlak is nie. Dit dra gewis by tot die natuurlike afnamekoers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot. Die meerderheid lede voel dat hulle nie toepaslike ondersteuning ontvang sodat hulle hul werk in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot behoorlik kan doen nie. Dit dui daarop dat geen individuele ondersteuning of ondersteuningsmeganismes in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot teenwoordig is nie. Dit dra daartoe by dat individue nie presteer op vlakke wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot tot voordeel strek nie. Die gebrek aan ondersteuning lei tot ongelukkige werknemers, en dit is een van die redes waarom lede uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot bedank. Die meerderheid lede voel dat die Afdelingstelsel nie werk soos dit veronderstel is om te doen nie. Die verhouding tussen die Afdelingsoffisier of lynbestuurder en die lid is belangrik vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot omdat hierdie verhouding die ruggraat van ’n doeltreffende en doelmatige Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot vorm. Dringende aandag moet hieraan geskenk word om te verseker dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot sy bedryfsbevoegdheid behou. Aanbevelings vir verbeterings sluit ’n verandering in die leierskapkultuur in. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot moet daarop let dat retensiestrategieë wat op finansiële aansporings vir teikengroepe gegrond is bloot ’n doeltreffende korttermynoplossing bied. Hulle moet egter ook die volgende in ag neem om die natuurlike afnamekoers te help verminder: • ’n Verandering in die leierskapkultuur. • Die vestiging van ’n afdeling vir werknemer-moraal en -welsyn. Die studie verken ook die uitdagings wat die retensiestrategieë bied en vors die redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers deeglik na. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se leierskap sal dit moeilik vind om in die private sektor mee te ding. Die navorsingsbevindinge lei egter tot die volgende aanbevelings om personeel in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot te behou: die verbetering van die leierskapkultuur, groter sorg, en welstandprogramme wat op die toewyding van lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot gerig is.

An analysis of the integrated mechanical diagnostics health and usage management system on rotor track and balance

Revor, Mark S. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis is concerned with the operational benefit of the Integrated Mechanical Diagnostics Health and Usage Management Systems (IMD HUMS) rotor track and balance (RTB) functionality. The questions addressed are whether there is a savings in flight hours expended on functional check flights (FCF's) when compared to present practices, if there will there be a reduction in directed maintenance man-hours (DMMH) spent on maintenance related to the rotor system, and the impact on Operational Availability. Experiments were conducted using a discrete event simulation model of squadron flight operations and organizational level maintenance. The simulation is generic and can be used in the analysis of other helicopters. Input parameters governing the distributions of maintenance action inter-arrival times were estimated from Naval Aviation Logistics Data Analysis (NALDA) databases and squadron experiences on such systems. The analysis suggests that flight hours spent in FCF are dependent upon vibration growth rate, an unknown quantity, and the maintenance policy for rotor smoothing. Directed maintenance man-hours decrease with increasing numbers of IMD HUMS configured aircraft and further gains are achieved with a maintenance policy suited to a continuous monitoring system. / Captain, United States Marine Corps

Interdicting a force deployment two-sided optimization of asset selection, lift scheduling, and multi-commodity load planning

Koprowski, Peter M. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / A military deployment is visible and vulnerable. But, deployments are currently planned assuming they can be completed with surprise, or defended from any threat. JFAST, the current deployment planning and visualization tool of choice, uses heuristics of unknown reliability that yield deployment plans of unknown quality, and ignores vulnerability. We introduce LIFTER, an integer-linear program (ILP) that optimizes a time-phased force deployment (TPFDD) by day, by asset cycle, and by TPFDD line (individual shipment from an origin to a destination), and ATTACKER, also an ILP, representing a smart enemy's resource-limited interdictions to maximally disrupt LIFTER's subsequently re-optimized TPFDD plan. LIFTER activates transport assets from an allocation list, and yields a complete logistic plan that minimizes disruption represented by penalties for early, tardy, late, or dropped shipments, and for under-utilization of asset capacity. We use LIFTER to qualitatively assess JFAST heuristic plans. We also link both ILPs in a decomposition-based search for the best deployment plan around the worst-case interdiction, given that the actions of deployer and interdictor are transparent to both parties. We explain how JFAST could be embellished with its own version of ATTACKER. A key discovery here is a gauge of the value of intelligence, deception, and secrecy. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

An operational concept for the transformation of SOF into a fifth service / Operational concept for the transformation of Special Operation Forces into a fifth service

Riga, Christopher N., Mahla, Philip L. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis defines the strategic utility of Special Operation Forces (SOF), identifies why SOF only provide limited strategic utility, and presents an operational concept for the reorganization, alignment, and employment of SOF to overcome these shortf alls. The thesis is presented in a deductive manner that argues that SOF were designed for strategic purposes, and leads the reader to conclude that reformation must occur for SOF to provide strategic utility and meet their intent. SOF would be in an optimal position to meet their organizational intent by becoming a fifth armed service within the Department of Defense (DoD). Through the creation of mission-based units and a holistic employment strategy, SOF would become a strategic instrument capability of assisting national decision -makers in blending the elements of national power. Finally, the thesis concludes with additional required areas for research to make this concept become a reality, but that are beyond the scope of this study. / Major, United States Army

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