Spelling suggestions: "subject:"model based."" "subject:"godel based.""
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Les rôles : médiateurs dynamiques entre modèles système et modèles de simulation / Roles : dynamic mediators between system models and simulation modelsSchneider, Jean-Philippe 25 November 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes actuels tendent à être intégrés les uns avec les autres. Mais cette intégration n'est pas forcément prévue à l'origine du système. Cette tendance créée des systèmes de systèmes. Un système de système de systèmes est un système constitué de systèmes qui sont gérés par des équipes indépendantes, qui sont fonctionnellement indépendants, qui collaborent, qui évoluent et qui sont géographiquement distribués. La communication entre les différentes équipes facilite la conception d'un système de systèmes. Cette communication peut être réalisée par l'utilisation de modèles et de simulation. Cependant, la modélisation du système de systèmes et la modélisation des simulations ne reposent pas sur les mêmes langages. Pour assurer la cohérence des modèles, il faut pouvoir créer les modèles de simulation à partir des modèles système. Cependant, il faut tenir compte des contraintes liées aux propriétés des systèmes de systèmes. Il faut être capable de manipuler des modèles systèmes réalisés dans des langages différents, de réaliser des simulations de natures différentes et suivre les évolutions des langages de modélisation et des outils de simulation. Pour répondre à ces problématiques, nous avons défini l'environnement Role4AII pour la manipulation de modèles systèmes réalisés dans des langages hétérogènes. Role4AII est basé sur la notion de rôles. Les rôles permettent de créer des simulations en accédant aux informations contenues dans des éléments de modèles indépendamment de leur type. Role4AII est capable de prendre en entrée des modèles sérialisés par différents outils grâce à l'utilisation de parsers combinateurs. Ces derniers apportent modularité et extensibilité aux fonctionnalités d'import. L'environnement Role4AII a été utilisé sur un exemple de système de systèmes : l'observatoire sous-marin MeDON. / Current Systems tend to become integrated with each others. However, this intégration may not be designed for the System. This trend raises the concept of System of Systems. A System of Systems is a System made of Systems which are managed independently, functionaly independent, collaborating, evolving and geographically distributed. The communication among the different teams eases the design of the System of Systems. This communication may be made through the use of models and simulation.However, System of Systems models and simulation models do not rely on the same modeling languages. In order to ensure coherency between the two types of models, simulation models should be obtained from System models. But this approach should take into account the constraints coming from the properties of System of Systems. System models made in different modeling languages should be handled, simulation of different kinds should be generated and the evolution of both modeling languages and simulation tools should be managed.In order to tackle these issues, we defined the Role4AII environment to manipulate System models made in heterogeneous modeling languages. Role4AII is based on the concept of rôles. Rôles enable to create simulations by accessing to information stored in model éléments despite their types differences. Role4AII is able to take as input serialized models from different modeling tools by using parser combinators. Parser combinators bring modularity and extensibility to the import features. Role4AII has been used on a System of System example: the MeDON seafloor observatory.
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Proof-of-concept of Model-based testing based on an UML-model of a water-level measurement systemAlshekhly, Zoubida, Gill, Namra January 2020 (has links)
Software testing is a very important phase in software development as it minimize risks ina software system, however, it consumes time and can be very expensive. With automatictest case generation time consumption and cost can be reduced. Model-based testing isa method to test a software system with a model of the systems behaviour. Automatictest case generation is often considered a favorable support in model-based testing. In thiswork, the concept of model-based testing is explored along with testing the embedded partof a water-level measurement system (WLM) to investigate the efficiency of model-basedtesting on a software system. As a result of this, a model-based testing tool, MoMut::UMLis used to generate the test-cases on the UML model of WLM system that is built ina UML modeling environment, Eclipse-Papyrus. However, MoMut::UML implements aspecial type of model-based testing technique, model-based mutation testing; that injectsfaults in the UML model, and generates test-data on the fault-based model. By this, thebehaviour of system-under-test, only the UML model of water-level measurement system,is tested.
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Subsystem Failure Analysis Within the Horizon Simulation FrameworkLunsford, Ian M 01 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
System design is an inherently expensive and time consuming process. Engineers are constantly tasked to investigate new solutions for various programs. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is an up and coming successful method used to reduce the time spent during the design process. By utilizing simulations, model-based systems engineering can verify high-level system requirements quickly and at low cost early in the design process. The Horizon Simulation Framework, or HSF, provides the capability of simulating a system and verifying the system performance. This paper outlines an improvement to the Horizon Simulation Framework by providing information to the user regarding schedule failures due to subsystem failures and constraint violations. Using the C# language, constraint violation rates and subsystem failure rates are organized by magnitude and written to .csv files. Also, proper subsystem failure and constraint violation checking orders were stored for HSF to use as new evaluation sequences. The functionalities of the systemEval framework were verified by five test cases. The output information can be used for the user to improve their system and possibly reduce the total run-time of the Horizon Simulation Framework.
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Model Based Control Design And Rapid Calibration For Air To Fuel Ratio Control Of Stoichiometric EnginesRajagopalan, Sai S.V. 29 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Inverkan av MBD på tiden för industrialisering hos ett tillverkande företag / Impact of MBD on the time for industrialisation within a manufacturing companyNordström, Fanny, Nilsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
En ökad konkurrens i flera branscher medför större krav på företagen inom dessa, där de behöver lansera sina produkter i en snabbare takt för att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Tiden det tar för ett företag att börja utveckla en produkt tills att den kan lanseras på marknaden, ergo Time-To-Market (TTM), är ett av de mätetal som företag idag behöver förbättra. Denna studie var på uppdrag av konsultbolaget Combitech AB, där en fallstudie genomfördes på Epiroc Rock Drill AB i Örebro, en av deras kunder. Undersökningen syftade till att undersöka hur tiden för industrialisering kan reduceras inom en monteringslina på divisionen Operations Epiroc URE genom att implementera arbetssättet Model Based Definition (MBD). Detta är ett arbetssätt där ingenjörs- och affärsprocesser hanteras med hjälp av 3D-modeller. Utöver tiden för industrialisering beaktades även aspekterna kostnader, kvalitet och hållbarhet. Genomförandet av studien inleddes med en datainsamling inom två olika delar. Den första delen är Epirocs nulägesbeskrivning, där data angående den nuvarande arbetsprocessen inom den undersökta monteringslinan eftersöks. Den andra delen är MBD och dess användning, där data angående de olika fördelar och utmaningar som generellt följer av arbetssättet eftersöks. Utifrån all insamlade data genomfördes sedan en kvalitativ dataanalys för att identifiera kopplingar mellan Epirocs utmaningar och de olika fördelarna som MBD kan bidra med. Resultaten visar att MBD kan bidra till kortare tid för industrialisering, lägre kostnader och en förbättrad hållbarhet för Epiroc utan att deras produktkvalitet kompromissas. Några faktorer som bidrar till detta är att; tvetydigheter kan reduceras, olika aktiviteter i produktutvecklingsprocessen kan genomföras parallellt och tvärfunktionellt samt att fel och problem kan upptäckas tidigare i processen. En utmaning som har identifierats med att implementera MBD är att det kräver en god företagskultur där det gäller att få med sig hela organisationen i omställningen. Denna studie är av kvalitativ karaktär och framtida arbete skulle därför kunna vara att kvantifiera de resultat som presenteras i denna studie. / Increased competition in several industries entails greater requirements on companies in these, where they need to launch their products at a faster pace in order to remain competitive. The time it takes for a company to start developing a product until it can be launched on the market, ergo Time-To-Market (TTM), is one of the metrics companies today need to improve. This study was commissioned by the consulting company Combitech AB, where a case study was conducted at Epiroc Rock Drill AB in Örebro, one of their customers. The study aimed to investigate how the time for industrialisation can be reduced within an assembly line in the Operations Epiroc URE division by implementing the Model Based Definition (MBD) approach. This is a way of working where engineering and business processes are handled using 3D models. In addition to the time of industrialisation, the aspects of cost, quality and sustainability were also considered. The implementation of the study began with a data collection in two different parts. The first part is description of the current situation at Epiroc, where data regarding the current work process within the examined assembly line is collected. The second part is MBD and its use, where data regarding the various benefits and challenges that generally follow from the working method are collected. Based on collected data, a qualitative data analysis was carried out to identify links between Epiroc's challenges and the various benefits that MBD can contribute. The results show that MBD can contribute to shorter time for industrialization, lower costs and improved durability for Epiroc without compromising their product quality. Some factors that contribute to this are that ambiguities are reduced; the work can take place both in parallel and cross-functionally and that errors and problems can be detected earlier in the process. A challenge that has been identified with implementing MBD is that it requires a good corporate culture where it is important to involve the entire organization in the changeover. This study is of a qualitative nature and future work could therefore be to quantify the results presented in this study.
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Development of a Business Model Framework for Collaborative Model-Based EngineeringAristeidou, Antonis January 2024 (has links)
The shift towards Smart Manufacturing Systems has led to the digital transformation era, leveraging various technologies to drive enhanced productivity and production efficiency. In addition, the digitalization of the manufacturing industry makes extensive use of industrial information systems to support technical and business operations throughout a product’s lifecycle. However, evidence highlights the financial and environmental costs incurred by creating and maintaining digital models, which threaten an organization’s sustainability. Therefore, in this thesis, it is believed that alternative revenue sources emerging from monetizing repurposed knowledge embedded into digital models will serve as enablers to sustainability while promoting industrial innovation through collaborative ecosystems of partners where the focus is on the mutual exchange of value. This thesis emphasizes the process planning task entirely, and it aims to investigate two main areas, the former involving a bibliographic analysis of business models associated with the servitization of the manufacturing industry within value co-creation environments, along with their corresponding technical enablers and requirements, while the latter focusing on identifying the stages in which company knowledge and expertise is embedded into digital models. A series of case studies in collaboration with a major Swedish manufacturing company revealed process planning experts’ workflows, challenges, and opportunities to improve the company’s current services. The analysis and comparison of the two use cases indicated two discrete types of process planning workflows that are assumed to apply in different production systems. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to correlate process planning to business modeling by suggesting several conceptual digital products and services that can enhance the company’s existing offerings’ functionality. The corresponding value propositions of the proposed digital offerings have been formulated. The proposed conceptual digital offerings have been validated together with the involved organization. At this stage, further improvements and validation are needed to justify the feasibility of the proposed business model framework and digital offerings. However, further developments and compliance of industrial information system providers with information standards can potentially enable business innovation through collaboration in the manufacturing industry. / Skiftet mot Smarta tillverkningssystem är en del av den digitala omvandling, där olika teknologier utnyttjas för att öka produktivitet och effektivitet inom produktion. Digitaliseringen av tillverkningsindustrin leder dessutom till en omfattande användning av industriella informationssystem för att stödja tekniska och affärsmässiga operationer genom en produkts hela livscykel. Dock innebär skapande och underhåll av digitala modeller ekonomiska och miljömässiga kostnader, vilket kan hota en organisations hållbarhet. Därför studeras i denna avhandling de möjliga alternativa inkomstkällor som uppstår från att generera intäkter av den kunskap som finns inbäddad i digitala modeller. Tanken är att detta kommer att fungera som en möjliggörare för hållbarhet samtidigt som de främjar industriell innovation genom industriella ekosystem av partners där fokus ligger på ömsesidigt värdeutbyte. Den här avhandlingen betonar helt och hållet uppgiften med processplanering och syftar till att undersöka två huvudområden; det första innefattar en bibliografisk analys av affärsmodeller associerade med tjänstefieringen av tillverkningsindustrin inom miljöer för sam-skapande av värde, tillsammans med motsvarande tekniska möjliggörare och krav, medan det andra fokuserar på att identifiera de skeden där företagskunskap och expertis är inbäddade i digitala modeller. En serie fallstudier i samarbete med ett stort svenskt tillverkningsföretag visade processplaneringsexperts arbetsflöden, utmaningar och möjligheter att förbättra företagets nuvarande tjänster. Analysen och jämförelsen av de två användningsfallen indikerade två distinkta typer av arbetsflöden för processplanering som antas tillämpas i olika produktionssystem. Dessutom har ett försök gjorts att korrelera processplanering med affärsmodellering genom att föreslå flera konceptuella digitala produkter och tjänster som kan förbättra funktionaliteten i företagets befintliga erbjudanden. Värdepropositionerna för de föreslagna digitala erbjudandena har formulerats. Dessa konceptuella digitala erbjudanden har validerats tillsammans med den studerade organisationen. Nu behövs ytterligare förbättring och validering för att motivera genomförbarheten av det föreslagna affärsmodellsramverket och de digitala erbjudandena. Vidare kan informationsstandarder som underlättar informationsutbyte, och efterlevnad av dessa hos leverantörer av industriella informationssystem, potentiellt möjliggöra affärsinnovation genom ökat samarbete inom tillverkningsindustrin.
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Model-Based Engineering für die Automatisierung von Validierungsaktivitäten am Beispiel FahrerassistenzsystemeMandel, Constantin, Lutz, Sebastian, Rau, Olivia, Behrendt, Matthias, Albers, Albert 06 January 2020 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag untersucht Potenziale des Einsatzes von MBE-Ansätzen bei der Validierung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen. Ziel ist die Untersuchung der Machbarkeit des Aufbaus einer Validierungsumgebung zur Automatisierung von Tests im Rahmen der kontinuierlichen Validierung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen. [... aus der Einleitung]
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ROS2 is an increasingly popular middleware framework for developing robotic applications. A ROS2 applicationbasically is composed of nodes that run concurrently and can be deployed distributedly. ROS2 nodes communicatewith each other through asynchronous interfaces; they reside in memory and wait to respond events that circulatearound the system during the interactions between the robot(s) and the environment. Rebeca is an actor-basedlanguage for modelling asynchronous, concurrent applications. Timed Rebeca added timing features to Rebeca todeal with timing requirements of real-time systems. The similarities in the concurrency and message-basedasynchronous interactions ofreactive nodes justify the relevance of using Timed Rebeca to assist the developmentand verification of ROS2 applications. Model-based development and model checking allow quicker prototypingand earlier detection ofsystem errors without the requirement of developing the entire real system. However, thereare challenges in bridging the gaps between continuous behaviours in a real robotic system and discrete behavioursin a model, between complex computations in a robotic system and the inequivalent programming facilities in amodelling language. There have been previous attempts in mapping Rebeca to ROS, however they could not beput into practice due to over-simplifications or improper modelling approaches. This thesis addresses the problemfrom a more systematic perspective and has been successful in modelling a realistic multiple autonomous mobilerobots system, creating corresponding ROS2 demonstration code, showing the synchronization between the modeland the program to prove the values of the model in driving development and automatic verification of correctnessproperties (freedom ofdeadlocks, collisions, and congestions). Stability of model checking results confirms designproblems that are not always detected by simulation. The modelling principles, modelling and implementingtechniques that are invented and summarized in this work can be reused for many other cases.
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<p>Manufacturers have begun to adopt advanced digital methods and tools to release higher-quality products more quickly at a lower cost. Model-based technologies and Visual/Vision Inspection System (VIS) are two representative approaches and are trends to facilitate manufacturers’ digitalization. With model-based technologies, manufacturers can define digital product requirements and specifications as the primary data source for all engineering activities during the entire product lifecycle, including design, manufacturing, and inspection, rather than relying on traditional paper-based documents. Moreover, the manufacturers can improve product defect detection efficiency and reduce labor requirements by implementing a VIS without artificial visual inspection in their inspection process. Traditionally, inspectors rely heavily on information from 2D engineering drawings to inspect manufactured products with/without a VIS. This inspection process is out of the model-based context, hindering manufacturers from transiting paper-based to model-based processes.</p>
<p>To answer the question of how we can adapt a VIS to support model-based inspection, the author selected a developmental research methodology to address the research gap of model-based visual inspection. An image-based Model-Based Visual Inspection System (MBVIS) framework integrating Model-Based Definition (MBD) and VIS applications was proposed to demonstrate the process of utilizing the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) information from the MBD dataset and driving the VIS to measure physical targets. A plastic bottle with a high dimensional standard obtained from a plastic bottle manufacturer was chosen to evaluate the proposed system’s performance in extracting GD&T information from the MBD dataset and measuring relevant critical bottle dimensions. </p>
<p>The interchangeability of the proposed MBVIS with a commercial VIS from the partner bottle company in measuring critical bottle dimensions was proven by conducting the Bland and Altman (B&A) analysis and other statistical analyses in this research. Moreover, two other customized tests were run to understand the effectiveness of the GD&T extraction and measurement result output processes within the MBVIS framework. The results indicated that both processes were reliable in extracting GD&T information and exporting measurement results.</p>
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Applying model-based testing to network monitor user interfacePanday, Ashish January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Robby / This report is a case study of applying Model-Based testing approach using SpecExplorer, which is a model-based testing tool developed by Microsoft, to test a component of Microsoft Network Monitor. The system under test is the UI of the Network Monitor feature, Parser Profiles Management. Model-Based testing is a methodology for automated testing which not only automates the test execution, but the test design and generation. This approach starts by expressing an abstract model of the system which is a smaller subset of the product behavior, but retains essential elements which form the focus of the testing problem. A model-based testing tool creates a finite state machine from the model which is traversed to produce test cases. Thus, it provides more efficient coverage and flexibility in developing and maintaining test cases.
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