Spelling suggestions: "subject:"modeldriven"" "subject:"modelldriven""
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Entwicklung eines Editors zum Entwurf von Benutzerschnittstellen für Web Services auf Basis der abstrakten UI-Beschreibungssprache WSGUISpillner, Josef 19 September 2006 (has links)
Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt das Themengebiet der automatischen Erzeugung von grafischen Benutzeroberflächen (GUIs) im Kontext von Webservices. Es geht dabei konkret um einen Editor, mit dem Hinweise zur Generierung von Dialogen erstellt werden können. Diese Hinweise sollen dann von den dialogerzeugenden Anwendungen einbezogen werden, um eine dynamische Interaktion mit Webservices durch beliebige Nutzer ohne dienstspezifische Software zu ermöglichen. Die Arbeit führt in die aktuellen Techniken zur GUI-Generierung ein und stellt Transformationsprinzipien vor, die eine Generierung ausgehend von einem formalen Datenmodell ermöglichen. Dabei müssen mangelnde Modellparameter in Beschreibungen von Webservices manuell ausgeglichen werden (WSGUI-Konzepte). Diese Zielstellung führt zum Entwurf des WSGUI-Editors. Die anschließende Implementierung berücksichtigt darüber hinaus Integrationsaspekte wie die Publizierung von WSGUI-Hinweisen, Einbindung von GUI-Übersetzungen und eine Vorschau auf die zu generierenden Dialoge. Abgeschlossen wird die Arbeit mit einer Bewertung des Editors, aber auch einer Reihe von Vorschlägen zur Vereinfachung ähnlich gelagerter zukünftiger Projekte im Umfeld von Webservices.
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Designing Round-Trip Systems by Change Propagation and Model PartitioningSeifert, Mirko 28 June 2011 (has links)
Software development processes incorporate a variety of different artifacts (e.g., source code, models, and documentation). For multiple reasons the data that is contained in these artifacts does expose some degree of redundancy. Ensuring global consistency across artifacts during all stages in the development of software systems is required, because inconsistent artifacts can yield to failures. Ensuring consistency can be either achieved by reducing the amount of redundancy or by synchronizing the information that is shared across multiple artifacts. The discipline of software engineering that addresses these problems is called Round-Trip Engineering (RTE).
In this thesis we present a conceptual framework for the design RTE systems. This framework delivers precise definitions for essential terms in the context of RTE and a process that can be used to address new RTE applications. The main idea of the framework is to partition models into parts that require synchronization - skeletons - and parts that do not - clothings. Once such a partitioning is obtained, the relations between the elements of the skeletons determine whether a deterministic RTE system can be built. If not, manual decisions may be required by developers. Based on this conceptual framework, two concrete approaches to RTE are presented.
The first one - Backpropagation-based RTE - employs change translation, traceability and synchronization fitness functions to allow for synchronization of artifacts that are connected by non-injective transformations. The second approach - Role-based Tool Integration - provides means to avoid redundancy. To do so, a novel tool design method that relies on role modeling is presented. Tool integration is then performed by the creation of role bindings between role models.
In addition to the two concrete approaches to RTE, which form the main contributions of the thesis, we investigate the creation of bridges between technical spaces. We consider these bridges as an essential prerequisite for performing logical synchronization between artifacts. Also, the feasibility of semantic web technologies is a subject of the thesis, because the specification of synchronization rules was identified as a blocking factor during our problem analysis.
The thesis is complemented by an evaluation of all presented RTE approaches in different scenarios. Based on this evaluation, the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches are identified. Also, the practical feasibility of our approaches is confirmed w.r.t. the presented RTE applications.
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Improving business to customer communication : Applying lean and information and communication technologiesBrandel, Mikael C, Syarif, Mohammad H January 2010 (has links)
In this current economical environment business are looking to become more efficient to lower the costs and provide a better service. New technological advances are quickly being integrated to automate or more rapidly perform the task. Most of these technological advances are in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). Nevertheless, the introduction of technologies is not enough, as better management strategies and organization structures are needed to develop the business further. Duroc Machine Tools identified a problem within the sales and service approach, which does not employ ICT tools while communicating with the customer. Therefore, the cost per order is high and a direct one to one communication is the only approach. The project focuses on lowering the cost of each order, without decreasing the customer care and the overall quality of the service. This was firstly done by studying the possibilities of what ICT tools would be applied to enhance the communication processes. Data was collected from statistical sources to give an overall idea. Next case studies of companies within similar industries and region were performed to indicate in more detail the tools used and available. An educated guess was formulated of what ICT tools should be considered, the more infrequent or conflicting ICTs recommended were verified by interviewing employees with a demonstration of the tools application. The second stage was to analyze the organizational structure and applying lean tools to add value to the customer. A customer perspective is at the centre of this theory and several tools were used to improve the system. Finally the ICT tools were integrated with the new organizational structure to demonstrate the developments possibilities in the future vision. The study found that common ICT functions such as information upload have become essential for doing business today. Another trend that was established is that live information or user-generated approach which is a must have factor in the future ICT platform, this was mostly suggested by introducing micro-blogs. The infrequent and conflicting ICTs within the industry that were recommended were: e-commerce, order management and model driven process solving (MDP). The verification showed a strong consent within the company to apply such tools. To finish the project a strategy of implementation was formulated to guide the company towards its vision of a better system.
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Statische Codemetriken als Bestandteil dreidimensionaler SoftwarevisualisierungenSchilbach, Jan 07 April 2010 (has links)
Statische Codemetriken sind wichtige Indikatoren für die Qualität eines Softwaresystems. Sie beleuchten dabei unterschiedliche Aspekte eines Softwaresystems. Deshalb ist es notwendig, mehrere Codemetriken zu nutzen, um die Qualität eines Softwaresystems in seiner Gesamtheit bewerten zu können. Wünschenswert wäre zudem eine Darstellung, die die Struktur des Gesamtsystems und die Bewertung einzelner Elemente eines Softwaresystems in einer Darstellung kombiniert. Die Arbeit untersucht deshalb, welche Metaphern geeignet sind, um eine solche Darstellung zu ermöglichen. Ein zweites Ziel der Arbeit war es, eine solche Visualisierung automatisch erzeugen zu können. Dafür wurde ein Generator entwickelt, der diese Anforderung erfüllt. Zur Konzeption dieses Generators kamen Techniken aus der generativen Softwareentwicklung zum Einsatz. Bei der Umsetzung des Generators wurde auf Techniken aus der modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung zurückgegriffen, vor allem auf Techniken aus dem openArchitectureWare-Framework. Der Generator kann in Eclipse eingebunden werden und ist in der Lage, aus einem Java-Projekt die Struktur und die Metrikwerte automatisch zu extrahieren. Diese Werte werden daraufhin in ein dreidimensionales Modell überführt, das auf dem offenen Extensible 3D Standard basiert. Der Generator ermöglichte zudem die Evaluierung zweier unterschiedlicher Metaphern, die im Rahmen der Arbeit durchgeführt wurde.
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Modelom vođena semantička integracija poslovnih aplikacija / Model based semantic enterprise application integrationVuković Željko 21 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U sklopu doktorske disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje vezano za<br />automatizaciju integracije poslovnih aplikacija. Prikazani pristup<br />kombinuje model strukture interfejsa aplikacija koje se integrišu sa<br />formalnim opisom njihove semantike, datim u vidu ontologije. Na<br />osnovu ovih izvora, obavlja se automatsko mapiranje među elementima<br />interfejsa koji se integrišu, kao i detekcija i razrešavanje<br />semantičkih konflikata. Razvijena je praktična implementacija<br />predloženog pristupa, koja je korišćena za verifikaciju teorijskih<br />razmatranja, a uključuje adaptivan radni okvir i jezik specifičan za<br />domen. Predloženi pristup je verifikovan na dva realna<br />integraciona scenarija i jednim eksperimentom.</p> / <p>This thesis presents a research in the field of automation of enterprise<br />application integration. The approach combines structural models of<br />interfaces of the applications being integrated with a formal specification of<br />their semantics, given in form of an ontology. Using information from these<br />sources, automated interface mapping is performed, along with detection and<br />resolution of semantic conflicts. A practical implementation of the presented<br />approach was developed and used to verify theoretical considerations. The<br />implementation includes an adaptive framework and a domain specific<br />language. The proposed approach has been verified on two real-world<br />integration scenarios and one experiment.</p>
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Models and algorithms for managing quality of context and respect for privacy in the Internet of Things / Modèles et algorithmes pour la gestion de la qualité du contexte et de respect de la vie privée dans l'Internet des ObjetsMachara Marquez, Samer 17 November 2015 (has links)
L’Internet des Objets (IdO) est un nouveau paradigme, dont l’idée de base est d’avoir un grand nombre d’objets de façon ubiquitaire. Ces objets sont capables d’interagir les uns avec les autres et de coopérer avec leurs voisins en partageant des données acquises directement en mesurant certains faits. Tout cela, afin d’atteindre des objectifs communs. Cette information ne représente pas seulement l’état des utilisateurs, mais aussi les processus dans lesquels ils sont impliqués, on appelle cela le Contexte. Le Contexte informe à la fois la reconnaissance et le mappage des opérations en fournissant une vue structurée et unifiée du monde dans lequel un système fonctionne.Avec l’IdO, de nombreuses applications récupèrent des informations de contexte concernant les utilisateurs (propriétaires de contexte) tels que, leurs habitudes, leurs comportements et leur «sentiment» (état de santé). Ceci, offre alors beaucoup d’avantages pour les utilisateurs, mais au dépend de leur intimité. La problématique de recherche de cette thèse se situe dans la vision orientée sémantique de l’IdO. Dans ce cadre, les technologies sémantiques jouent un rôle clé dans l’exploitation des solutions de modélisation parfaitement appropriée pour intégrer la notion de sécurité de la vie privée dans l’IdO. Les applications et services (consommateurs de contexte), qui sont sensibles au contexte, attendent des données de contexte correctes et fiables afin d’adapter leurs fonctionnalités. Dans cette thèse, la qualité de Contexte (QoC) est une métadonnée qui est associée aux informations de contexte. Elle décrit une série de critères exprimant la qualité de l’information de contexte. Ces métadonnées peuvent être utilisées pour déterminer la valeur de l’information pour une application particulière dans une situation particulière. Nous explorons des solutions intergicielles et des structures logiciels pour intégrer la gestion de la vie privée et QoC dans l’IdO.Cette thèse se distingue des autres recherches du domaine de la gestion de contexte et tient compte du découplage des participants IdO; à savoir, les propriétaires des informations de contexte et les consommateurs de ces informations de contexte. De plus, nous considérons la QoC comme un facteur affectant la vie privée des individus. Cette thèse fournit les contributions suivantes selon deux axes: Axe 1: Concevoir un contexte contrat méta-modèle pour définir la vie privée et QoC pour exprimer les préoccupations des propriétaires et consommateurs de contexte; basé sur la confiance réciproque, puisque les deux sont découplés. Cette conception est basée sur deux points : Premièrement, nous considérons que la vie privée est la capacité des propriétaires de contexte à contrôler quoi, comment, quand, où et avec qui partager des informations. Par conséquent, nous identifions quatre dimensions de la vie privée (le but, la visibilité, la rétention, la QoC), pour les utiliser au moment de la définition des politiques et des obligations d’accès. Deuxièmement, les consommateurs de contexte attendent un certain niveau de QoC afin d’accomplir leurs tâches. Nous proposons alors de définir deux types de contrat de contexte : le premier, pour la partie producteur et un second pour le côté du consommateur.Axe 2 : Proposer un algorithme pour créer des accords entre les producteurs et les consommateurs de contexte en évaluant et en comparant les exigences par rapport aux garanties indiquées sur leurs contrats de contexte respectives.Comme les deux participants de l’IdO ont des contrats symétriques, quand un participant définit ses besoins, l’autre définit ses garanties. Le processus de correspondance de ces contrats de contexte vérifie si les exigences de l’une des parties sont incluses dans les garanties offertes par l’autre partie.A partir de cette définition, nous avons conçu des algorithmes pour déterminer si l’accès et la consommation sont autorisés ou non, selon la correspondance des contrats de contexte / The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm, which basic idea is the pervasive presence around us of a variety of things or objects that are able to interact with each other and cooperate with their neighbors by sharing data, directly acquired by measuring some facts, in order to reach common goals. This information not only represents the state of users but also the processes in which they are involved, this is called the Context. The context informs both recognition and mapping operations by providing a structured, unified view of the world in which a system operates. With the IoT, many applications consume context information concerning users (context owners) such as, daily routines, behaviors and health, offering lots of benefits to users, but compromising their privacy. The re-search problematic of this thesis lies within the “semantic-oriented” IoT vision. In this context, semantic technologies play a key role in exploiting appropriate modelling solutions for integrating privacy security into the IoT. Context-aware applications and services (context consumers) expect correct and reliable context data to adapt their functionalities. In this thesis the Quality of Context (QoC) is meta-data attached to context information describing a range of criteria that express context information quality. These meta-data can be used to determine the worth of the information for a particular application in a particular situation. We explore middleware and framework solutions to integrate the management of privacy and QoC in the IoT. This thesis is distinguished from other context management domain researches by bearing in mind the decoupling of the IoT participants, i.e., the owners of context information and the consumers of this context information. Moreover, we consider the QoC as a factor affecting the privacy of individuals. This thesis provides the following contributions along two axis: 1. Designing a Context Contract Meta-model to define privacy and QoC concerns of decoupled context owners and context consumers based on reciprocal trust. This design is based on two points. Firstly, we consider that privacy is the capacity of context owners to control what, how, when, where and with whom to share information. Therefore, we identify four privacy dimensions (purpose, visibility, retention, QoC), and use them in the definition of access policies and obligations. Secondly, context consumers expect a certain QoC level in order to perform their tasks. We then propose to define two kinds of context contract for the producer and the consumer sides as follows: Context producer contract: A context contract whose clauses are expressions of the production of context data, of privacy requirements, and of QoC guarantees; Context consumer contract: A context contract whose clauses are expressions of the consumption of context data, of QoC requirements, and of privacy guarantees. Each context contract is created without the knowledge of is counter party.2. Proposing an algorithm to create agreements among context producers and context consumers by evaluating and compare requirements against guarantees, stated on their respective context contracts. As both IoT participants have symmetric contracts, when one participant defines its requirements, the other one defines its guarantees. The matching process of these context contracts verifies if the requirements of one party are included within the guarantees offered by the other party. Therefore, taking a decision based on this compatibility match from the producer point of view is to permit or deny the access to context data. Complementarily, from a consumer point of view, the consumption of context data is permitted or denied. From this definition, we designed algorithms to determine whether access and consumption are authorized or not, according to the context contracts matching
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A model-driven framework development methodology for robotic systems / Une méthodologie de développement de structure logicielle orientée modèle pour les systèmes robotiquesRamaswamy, Arunkumar 05 September 2017 (has links)
La plupart des applications robotiques, telles que les véhicules autonomes, sont développées à partir d’une page blanche avec quelques rares réutilisations de conceptions ou de codes issus d’anciens projets équivalents. Qui plus est, les systèmes robotiques deviennent de plus en plus critiques, dans la mesure où ils sont déployés dans des environnements peu structurés, et centrés sur l’humain. Ces systèmes à fort contenu logiciel qui utilisent des composants distribués et hétérogènes interagissent dans un environnement dynamique, et incertain. Or, il s’agit là d’étapes indispensables pour la mise en place de méthodes d’évaluation extensibles, ainsi que pour permettre la réutilisation de composants logiciels pré-existants. Le développement de structures logicielles et d’outils de conception d’architectures, orientés pour la robotique, coûte cher en termes de temps et d’effort, et l’absence d’une approche systématique pourrait conduire à la production de conceptions adhoc, peu flexibles et peu réutilisables. Faire de la meta-structure de l’architecture un point de convergence offre de nouvelles possibilités en termes d’interopérabilité, et de partage de la connaissance, au sein des communautés dédiées à la mise en place d’architectures et de structures. Nous suivons cette direction, en proposant un modèle commun, et en fournissant une approche méthodologique systématique aidant à spécifier les différents aspects du développement d’architectures logicielles, et leurs relations au sein d’une structure partagée. / Most innovative applications having robotic capabilities like self-driving cars are developed from scratch with little reuse of design or code artifacts from previous similar projects. As a result, work at times is duplicated adding time and economic costs. Absence of integrated tools is the real barrier that exists between early adopters of standardization efforts and early majority of research and industrial community. These software intensive systems are composed of distributed, heterogeneous software components interacting in a highly dynamic, uncertain environment. However, no significant systematic software development process is followed in robotics research. The process of developing robotic software frameworks and tools for designing robotic architectures is expensive both in terms of time and effort, and absence of systematic approach may result in ad hoc designs that are not flexible and reusable. Making architecture meta-framework a point of conformance opens new possibilities for interoperability and knowledge sharing in the architecture and framework communities. We tried to make a step in this direction by proposing a common model and by providing a systematic methodological approach that helps in specifying different aspects of software architecture development and their interplay in a framework.
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Integrating recommender systems into domain specific modeling toolsNair, Arvind 09 March 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis investigates integrating recommender systems into model-driven engineering
tools powered by domain-specific modeling languages. The objective of
integrating recommender systems into such tools is overcome a shortcoming of proactive
modeling where the modeler must inform the model intelligence engine how to
progress when it cannot automatically determine the next modeling action to execute
(e.g., add, delete, or edit). To evaluate our objective, we integrated a recommender
system into the Proactive Modeling Engine, which is a add-on for the Generic Modeling
Environment (GME). We then conducted experiments to both subjective and
objectively evaluate the enhancements to the Proactive Modeling Engine.
The results of our experiments show that integrating recommender system into
the Proactive Modeling Engine results in an Average Reciprocal Hit-Rank (ARHR) of
0.871. Likewise, the integration results in System Usability Scale (SUS) rating of 77.
Finally, user feedback shows that the integration of the recommender system to the
Proactive Modeling Engine increases the usability and learnability of domain-speci c
modeling tools.
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Extraction of UML class diagrams from natural language specificationsYang, Song 11 1900 (has links)
Dans l’ingénierie dirigée par modèle, les diagrammes de classes UML servent à la planification
et à la communication entre les différents acteurs d’un projet logiciel. Dans ce mémoire,
nous proposons une méthode automatique pour l’extraction des diagrammes de classes UML
à partir de spécifications en langues naturelles. Pour développer notre méthode, nous créons
un dépôt de diagrammes de classes UML et de leurs spécifications en anglais fournies par
des bénévoles. Notre processus d’extraction se fait en plusieurs étapes: la segmentation
des spécifications en phrases, la classification de ces phrases, la génération des fragments de
diagrammes de classes UML à partir de chaque phrase, et la composition de ces fragments en
un diagramme de classes UML. Nous avons validé notre approche d’extraction en utilisant
le dépôt de paires diagramme-spécification. Même si les résultats obtenus montrent une
précision et un rappel bas, notre travail a permis d’identifier les éléments qui peuvent être
améliorés pour une meilleure extraction. / In model-driven engineering, UML class diagrams serve as a way to plan and communicate
between developers. In this thesis, we propose an automated approach for the extraction of
UML class diagrams from natural language software specifications. To develop our approach,
we create a dataset of UML class diagrams and their English specifications with the help of
volunteers. Our approach is a pipeline of steps consisting of the segmentation of the input into
sentences, the classification of the sentences, the generation of UML class diagram fragments
from sentences, and the composition of these fragments into one UML class diagram. We
develop a quantitative testing framework specific to UML class diagram extraction. Our
approach yields low precision and recall but serves as a benchmark for future research.
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Early Warning Leakage Detection for Pneumatic Systems on Heavy Duty Vehicles : Evaluating Data Driven and Model Driven Approach / Tidigt varningssystem för att upptäcka läckage på luftsystem i tunga fordon : Utvärdering av en datadriven och en modellbaserad metodLarsson Olsson, Christoffer, Svensson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Modern Heavy Duty Vehicles consist of a multitude of components and operate in various conditions. As there is value in goods transported, there is an incentive to avoid unplanned breakdowns. For this, condition based maintenance can be applied.\newline This thesis presents a study comparing the applicability of the data-driven Consensus SelfOrganizing Models (COSMO) method and the model-driven patent series introduced by Fogelstrom, applied on the air processing system for leakage detection on Scania Heavy Duty Vehicles. The comparison of the two methods is done using the Area Under Curve value given by the Receiver Operating Characteristics curves for features in order to reach a verdict.\newline For this purpose, three criteria were investigated. First, the effects of the hyper-parameters were explored to conclude a necessary vehicle fleet size and time period required for COSMO to function. The second experiment regarded whether environmental factors impact the predictability of the method, and finally the effect on the predictability for the case of nonidentical vehicles was determined.\newline The results indicate that the number of representations ought to be at least 60, rather with a larger set of vehicles in the fleet than with a larger window size, and that the vehicles should be close to identical on a component level and be in use in comparable ambient conditions.\newline In cases where the vehicle fleet is heterogeneous, a physical model of each system is preferable as this produces more stable results compared to the COSMO method. / Moderna tunga fordon består av ett stort antal komponenter och används i många olika miljöer. Då värdet för tunga fordon ofta består i hur mycket gods som transporteras uppstår ett incitament till att förebygga oplanerade stopp. Detta görs med fördel med hjälp av tillståndsbaserat underhåll. Denna avhandling undersöker användbarheten av den data-drivna metoden Consensus SelfOrganizing Models (COSMO) kontra en modellbaserad patentserie för att upptäcka läckage på luftsystem i tunga fordon. Metoderna ställs mot varandra med hjälp av Area Under Curve-värdet som kommer från Receiver Operating Characteristics-kurvor från beskrivande signaler. Detta gjordes genom att utvärdera tre kriterier. Dels hur hyperparametrar influerar COSMOmetoden för att avgöra en rimlig storlek på fordonsflottan, dels huruvida omgivningsförhållanden påverkar resultatet och slutligen till vilken grad metoden påverkas av att fordonsflottan inte är identisk. Slutsatsen är att COSMO-metoden med fördel kan användas sålänge antalet representationer överstiger 60 och att fordonen inom flottan är likvärdiga och har använts inom liknande omgivningsförhållanden. Om fordonsflottan är heterogen så föredras en fysisk modell av systemet då detta ger ett mer stabilt resultat jämfört med COSMO-metoden.
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