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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La mise en défense de l'ensemble fortifié de Coucy (Aisne) et l'introduction de l'artillerie à poudre : histoire et archéologie d'une modernisation (fin du XIVè-milieu du XVIIè siècle) / The defense implementation of Coucy fortified complex (Aisne) and the introduction of the powder artillery : History and archeology of a modernization (end of the XIVth-mid XVIIth century)

Lallau, Etienne 12 October 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse consistait à déterminer la nature des aménagements liés à l'adaptation à l'artillerie à poudre de l'ensemble fortifié de Coucy, en particulier de la ville, et à appréhender chronologiquement ces développements. Il n'existait pas, en amont de ce travail, d'étude archéologique et architecturale d'envergure relative à cette période et portant sur ces questions. La destruction des archives municipales lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, puis celle des archives départementales lors du conflit suivant, explique en partie ce manque. Un bilan des connaissances s'est donc imposé. Ce travail devait déterminer le contexte historique d'émergence des travaux et les conditions dans lesquelles les chantiers se sont déroulés. Parallèlement, la compréhension du système de mise en défense de Coucy passait aussi par l'étude de ses acteurs. Notre démarche visait à confronter les données matérielles de terrain et les données testimoniales, iconographiques et graphiques. Les données matérielles ont été récoltées directement sur le terrain par le biais d'une analyse archéologique du bâti complétée par des fouilles archéologiques sur deux secteurs de l'enceinte urbaine à fort potentiel. Enfin, à travers un corpus de sites fortifiés soigneusement choisis pour lesquels des mentions d'aménagements existent, il a été possible de comparer les différentes solutions défensives à l'échelle régionale et d'éclairer certains travaux propres à Coucy et mal datés. De plus, cette méthode devait clarifier le rôle stratégique de la place. À l'issue de ces travaux, nous sommes désormais en mesure de proposer une image plus précise de l'évolution défensive de la place et d'en comprendre les enjeux. / The present thesis aimed at investigating the site evolution related to the adaptation to the powder artillery in the fortification of Coucy, in particular the city walls, and at identifying the chronology of this evolution. Prior to this work, there was no strong enough archeological study for this period and dealing with these matters. The destruction of the municipal archives during the first world war, and of the departmental ones along the following conflict, partially explains this lack of data. Therefore, a report on current knowledge was necessary. This work had to determine the historical context of emergence of the fortification work, and the conditions under which it was carried out. In parallel, understanding the defensive system of Coucy required the study of ail players involved. Our approach consisted in confronting material and testimonial data. Material data were directly collected on the field and treated by a building archeology analysis, completed by excavations on two sectors of the city walls with great potential. Finally, the evolution of the fortifications in Coucy was better understood by a comparative analysis. Indeed, through a carefully chosen corpus of fortified sites, it has been possible to compare the local defensive solutions with the regional ones and to define and properly date some work related to Coucy. Furthermore, this method had to clarify the strategic rule of Coucy. To conclude, the present work allowed us to offer a clearer picture of the defensive development of Coucy, and to understand the related stakes.

Un espace rural en pays d’openfield : appropriation et occupation du sol à Blandy-les-Tours (Seine-et-Marne), du XVIe au XIXe siècle / A rural area in the openfield country : appropriation and land use in Blandy-les-Tours (Seine-et-Marne), from the 16th to the 19th century

Rossi, Albane 19 December 2018 (has links)
Des travaux récents, inscrits dans un processus d’ouverture à la pluridisciplinarité, ont souligné que l’organisation des sociétés rurales ne peut plus être comprise sans prendre en compte leur relation à l’espace. Ces évolutions conduisent aujourd’hui à travailler sur la dimension spatiale des données extraites des sources historiques.Cette étude doctorale repose, en grande partie, sur la mise en parallèle de données textuelles et planimétriques, modernes et contemporaines, intégrées dans un système d’information géographique. Les documents concernés (un terrier de 1508 ; un autre terrier associé à un plan, tous deux datés du milieu du XVIIIe siècle ; le cadastre de 1845 avec son état de section de 1848), en inventoriant parcelles et tenanciers/propriétaires, ont en commun de présenter de nombreux renseignements sur l’organisation de l’espace rural. Ils décrivent cependant chacun une réalité en relation avec les structures sociales et économiques propres à la période dont ils sont issus.En choisissant de travailler à l’échelle micro- historique, c’est la pratique quotidienne et la perception des acteurs qui seront considérées ; le temps long permet, quant à lui, d’analyser les évolutions (permanences ou mutations) intervenues dans l’organisation de l’appropriation et de l’occupation du sol, entre le début du XVIe siècle et le milieu du XIXe siècle. / Recent work, part of a process of opening up to multidisciplinarity, has underlined that the organisation of rural societies can no longer be understood without taking into account their relationship to space. These developments are now leading to work on the spatial dimension of data extracted from historical sources.This doctoral study is based, in large part, on the parallel use of modern and contemporary textual and planimetric data, integrated into a geographical information system. The documents concerned (a terrier of 1508; another terrier associated with a plan, both dating from the middle of the 18th century; the 1845 land register with its 1848 section status), by listing parcels and tenant/owners, have in common that they present a great deal of information on the organisation of rural areas. However, they each describe a reality in relation to the social and economic structures specific to the period from which they emerged.By choosing to work on a micro-historical scale, it is the daily practice and perception of the actors that will be considered; the long time allows, for its part, to analyse the evolutions (permanences or mutations) that occurred in the organisation of land appropriation and occupation between the beginning of the 16th century and the middle of the 19th century.

"Un homme sur deux est une femme" : intégrer le genre dans les manuels d’histoire de la civilisation occidentale au collégial : quelques propositions

Brodeur, Rosemarie 07 1900 (has links)
L’histoire des femmes et l’histoire du genre se sont développées conjointement depuis plus d’une trentaine d’années. Pourtant, elles ne sont pas encore pleinement reconnues par les institutions universitaires, et encore moins par les institutions collégiales, les progrès historiographiques dans ces domaines étant exclus du cursus enseigné. Du moins, c’est ce que nous avons observé au niveau collégial au Québec, à la suite d’une évaluation de la trame narrative des manuels francophones et anglophones utilisés pour le cours Histoire de la civilisation occidentale. En effet, grâce à une analyse des chapitres couvrant la période moderne, soit de 1500 à 1800 environ, des manuels les plus utilisés pour l’enseignement de ce cours, nous avons pu établir que l’histoire des femmes et l’histoire du genre ne sont pas intégrées et qu’une différence existe entre la trame du manuel francophone et celle du manuel anglophone. Nous avons constaté que le seul cours d’histoire obligatoire au niveau collégial, qui tend à former des citoyens et des citoyennes éclairé(e)s ainsi qu’à transmettre une culture générale de base, exclut la moitié de la population de leurs enseignements. Aussi ce mémoire propose-t-il trois façons de remédier à cette situation. / Women and gender history have developed in conjunction for more than thirty years. Nevertheless, these domains are still not fully recognized by the university institutions, and even less by the college institutions, as the historiographical advances in these areas are being excluded from the curriculum. Indeed, this is the situation we have observed at the college level in Quebec, following an evaluation of the narrative transmitted by French and English textbooks used in the History of western civilization courses. In fact, thanks to an analysis of the chapters covering the early modern period, which ranges approximately from 1500 to 1800, in the most often used textbooks for the teaching of this course, we were able to establish that the history of women and the history of gender are not integrated in the narrative and that a difference exists between the narrative of the French and English textbooks. We observed that the only mandatory history course at the college level, which endeavours to form enlightened male and female citizens as well as to transmit a basic general culture, excludes half of the population of their teachings. Thus, this work proposes three solutions to remedy this situation.

La paroisse de Soulac de la fin du XVIe au milieu du XIXe siècle : les transformations d’un territoire littoral entre la Gironde et l’Atlantique / The Soulac parish from the end of the 16th century to the middle of the 19th century : the transformations of coastal land between Gironde and Atlantic

Caillosse, Pierre 21 October 2015 (has links)
Située à la pointe du Médoc, la paroisse de Soulac (communes actuelles de Soulac-sur-Mer et du Verdon-sur-Mer, Gironde) est selon une expression médiévale « à la fin des terres ». Prise en tenaille entre l’Atlantique, à l’ouest, et la Gironde, à l’est, son finage comprend un long liseré littoral (14 km de rivages océaniques et 11 km de rives estuariennes) qui l’expose aux phénomènes d’origine naturelle liés à des dynamiques maritimes et fluviomaritimes. Depuis la fin du XVIe siècle, le sable accumulé le long du littoral sous la forme de dunes est porté par le vent sur les habitations et les cultures, poussant à l’abandon de l’église de Soulac et du bourg primitif au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Parallèlement, le littoral est fortement attaqué par l’érosion qui se généralise au milieu du Siècle des Lumières. À l’est, les marais salants s’envasent, réduisant en moins d’un siècle la moitié de leur surface. Enfin, les zones basses de la paroisse sont exposées aux submersions marines, qui demeurent cependant peu fréquentes. Ce micro-espace de 50 km² constitue un bon point d’observation pour étudier les transformations d’un territoire littoral et l’adaptation des populations à ces changements. Prenant appui sur des ressources documentaires importantes (archives textuelles et cartographiques) et continues dans le temps (de la fin du XVIe au milieu du XIXe siècle), l’analyse croise les méthodes historiques traditionnelles avec les possibilités offertes par les outils informatiques contemporains tels que les SIG (géolocalisation et extraction de données qualitatives et quantitatives de cartes anciennes). L’analyse spatio-temporelle permet la reconstitution géohistorique des paysages de Soulac sur un temps long, en mettant en avant les dynamiques naturelles, les transformations importantes et les réponses apportées par les habitants. Ces derniers, d’abord impuissants et livrés à eux-mêmes par les autorités, tentent de s’adapter aux changements en adoptant plusieurs stratégies au cours du XVIIIe siècle. De la simple retenue des sables par des palissades à l’assèchement des marais doux et salés, ils essayent de répondre aux contraintes exercées sur eux par leur environnement. Mais ce sont les actions de l’État au début du XIXe siècle qui conditionnent la réussite des opérations de lutte et le début d’une nouvelle ère. Les dunes fixées par des pins et l’érosion enrayée par la construction d’ouvrages donnent naissance au paysage actuel de la pointe du Médoc. Plus qu’une simple monographie paroissiale, cette étude de cas permet de s’interroger sur notre environnement et les interactions que son exploitation et son peuplement influencent. Reconstruire sur un temps long les transformations permet une meilleure compréhension des risques et des phases de construction d’un espace géographique, et offre un recul historique permettant de mieux comprendre les événements récents. / Situated at the pointe du Medoc region, the parish of Soulac (modern day communes of Soulac-sur-Mer and Verdon-sur-Mer) is according to a medieval expression “at the end of the lands”. Squeezed between the Atlantic to the west, and the Gironde estuary to the east, the area includes a long coastline (14km of ocean coastline and 11km of estuary banks) which exposes it to phenomenon of natural origin linked to these maritime and fluvial-maritime movements. Since the end of the sixteenth century, the sand accumulated along the length of the coastline in the forms of dunes and carried by the wind onto habitations and cultures, causing the abandonment of the Soulac church and the early initial village in the mid eighteenth century. Simultaneously, the coastline was strongly attacked by erosion that spread in the middle of the Age of Enlightenment. To the east, the flat salt marshes were getting wider, reducing half their surface in less than a century. Finally, the low-lying areas of the parish are exposed to marine submersions, despite beginning with little frequency. This micro space, of 50km2, encompasses a good observation point in order to study the transformations of coastal land and the adaptations of populations to these changes. Taking support from important documentary resources (textual archives and cartographic maps) and continuous in the time (from the end of the 16th century to the middle of the 19th century), the analysis combines traditional historic methods with the possibilities offered by the contemporary computer tools, such as GIS (geolocation, extraction of qualitative data and quantitative old maps). The spatiotemporal analysis allows for the geohistoric reconstruction of the Soulac landscape over a long period, reflecting the natural dynamics, the important transformations and the responses from the inhabitants. The inhabitants, firstly made powerless by the authorities and had given up on themselves, have adapted to the changes by adopting many strategies throughout the course of the 18th century. From the simple control of the sand, using boundaries that dry up the soft, dirty marshes, they are trying to respond to the constraints forced upon them by their environment. However, the actions of the government at the beginning of the nineteenth century which allow for the success of the preventative actions and the start of a new era. The dunes fixed by pine trees and the erosion, stopped by the construction of structures, has given birth to the current landscape at the point of Medoc. More than a simple parish monograph, this case study allows us to ask questions about our environment and the affect that the interactions of cultivation and people have. Reconstructing over a long period of time the transformations offers a better understanding of the risks and the phases of construction of a geographical area offering a historical reviews which allows for a better understanding recent events.

Personální složení městských rad v Českých Budějovicích v 17. století / Personal structure of town councils in České Budějovice in 17th century

SAHULA, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compile the personal structure of town councils in 17th century in České Budějovice. The work shows functioning of the two highest institutions in town, the town council and local elders. It will shows families, which participated in local administrative. Also present important councillors and their careers. It will tries to reveal their social origin. All of these findings will be compared with the works of authors, which done the same researches for other towns. The last chapter will be focused on relationships between councillors

Habsburkové a slezská knížata. Postavení a pozice vládců slezských knížectví v rámci habsburské monarchie a říše v raném novověku / The Habsburgs and the Silesian Princes. The Status of Silesian Principalitiesˈ Rulers within the Habsburg Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire in the Early Modern Period

Schindlerová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Silesia greatly differed from other lands of the Bohemian Crown with regard to its specific political, administrative, religious and cultural development. This situation was caused partly due to the fragmentation of Silesian territory. In the Middle Ages, Silesia was divided among many independent principalities ruled by the members of the Piast Dynasty. During the 14th century the Silesian princes accepted the sovereignty of the Bohemian king. When the ruling dynasties died out, these principalities were inherited by the Crown. The king could then grant the principality to the members of noble families. At the same time as the Habsburgs entered the Bohemian throne, reformation began to spread in Silesia. By the end of 16th century most of the Silesian princes had converted to lutheranism. The only Catholic prince was the bishop of Wrocław as a master of Nysa principality. Approximately 90 percent of the Silesian inhabitants had become Lutheran by the end of 16th century. Confesinal tensions were simmering throughout the Habsburg Monarchy. With the help of Bohemian estates, the protestant Silesian princes received the letter of majesty containing religious rights (1609). Due to the violations of religious freedom, the Silesian princes and estates joined the Bohemian revolt (1619) After the defeat...

Portugalský pokus o kolonizaci Šrí Lanky (1580-1630) / Portuguese attempt to settle Sri Lanka (1580-1630)

Staněk, Karel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Portuguese attempt to settle Sri Lanka in the period between 1580-1630. It analyses, at first, the origin of the colonization project which was a product of the transformation of the character of the Portuguese influence on the island in the transition of 16th and 17th centuries. This character has been changed from commerce oriented on conquest-oriented. At second, it finds the causes of decisive failure of Portuguese and their evaluation. It attempts to contextualize the events within the scope of Portuguese policy in Sri Lanka and within the overall context of the Portuguese expansion in the East. The events outside of the island were immensely important for the development in Sri Lanka because they contribute to the formation of military and political concepts as well as to take of specific decisions. In Sri Lanka, the Portuguese traded since 1506 when they for the first time stood on its shore, but, during the 16th century, they have been still more involved in the local political situation on the part of the Kingdom of Kotte. Finally, during the 80's and 90's of the 16th century, they decided to control the island. In a very short time, they gained under their direct or indirect control all island territories, except the Sri Lankan central plateau on which the...

Topografie, funkce a vybavení úřednických prostor ve šlechtických sídlech na počátku novověku / Topography, functions and equipment of the office space in the noble settlements at the beginning of Early Modern period

CHALUPA, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with the issue of office room, offices, in the years 1580-1700. Its goal is to describe and interpret office equipment and office aids. The author used a number of preserved inventories from Bohemia and Moravia from the 16th and 17th centuries. The first chapter classifies the aristocratic residence into the resident network and deals with typology of seats. The second section discusses the usability of castle inventories and their problems. The third part describes topography and material culture of aristocratic offices. Next it focuses on the possible change of office space in a longer period of time. The last chapter compares office facilities to different categories. These include the social affiliation of the nobleman, his economic background and career as well as the type of residence. The conclusion summarizes the findings and presents opportunities for further research.

Porodnictví doby pobělohorské: Infanticidium. / Midwifery of Period Called Pobelohorska Infanticide

Surá, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
I initially explored historic figures of European accoucheur of the 17. and 18. century. Beyond this I focused on a period called "Pobělohorská" in Czech countries. I summarized the health conditions of the population during this period, and described medical professions, midwifery and emergency Christening ceremonies. One chapter discusses partnerships and considers women who hid their pregnancy to avoid the prospect of caring for their children in the future. For this reason I present questions relating to how women hid their pregnancy during the Early Modern period. In the next chapter I discuss aspects of the process of giving birth, the locations where women gave birth and the moments thereafter. I present the circumstances of the death of the baby and the possible causes of death. The process of investigation of the scene, an assessment of the body and the search for the mother of the baby (as a potential murderer) are all considered. The assessment of the body was in the hands of the regional physiciusurgeon and a midwife. In my work I describe how the body was assessed, how they judged the maturity of the newborn baby and if the baby was born dead or alive. Further chapters explain the treatment of the umbilical cord, the inquisition of the witnesses and the suspect, and the next steps of...

Língua: questões ideológicas, discursivas e a identidade cultural. Qual será, realmente, o segredo?

Pavarini, Selma Rizério Betaressi 11 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T21:48:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 Selma Rizerio Betaressi Pavarini1.pdf: 729046 bytes, checksum: af9c86eee53e61548253d8bf2d58978d (MD5) Selma Rizerio Betaressi Pavarini2.pdf: 1147027 bytes, checksum: 4de5cc16002ba77063d18ce27aaa4a5a (MD5) Selma Rizerio Betaressi Pavarini3.pdf: 2342583 bytes, checksum: 878485379715a34f5447f398395c97cb (MD5) Selma Rizerio Betaressi Pavarini4.pdf: 1019746 bytes, checksum: ed4411073bb88f3188783c4ba3cba968 (MD5) Selma Rizerio Betaressi Pavarini5.pdf: 444525 bytes, checksum: 6c206dd44d6f282328741f44127d6e76 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-11 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This work approaches the ideological formations in the historic and current situation, inside the The Secret O Segredo by Rhonda Byrne, the author, who induces its general context of discursive formations. The post-modern man faces the stage which he has his relation with the discourse, nevertheless, he loses references and manifestations in the disconnecting of the infinite ideological complexities and the representations of new social roles. The book explores these subject s current questions and, through the language and its perfect arrangements, intends to centralize and unify him, promising the discovery of the human centralization which is in the relation I/ you. In such a manner, the enunciators positions in the contexts, the words of place and person, the ideological and discursive formations inside the book, showing the sense s effects in the discourse, in the language and in the post-modern subject are analyzed, based in the studies of French Discourse Analysis and Cultural Identity. / Este trabalho aborda as formações ideológicas da situação histórica atual, dentro do livro The Secret O Segredo da autora Rhonda Byrne, que motivam seu contexto geral de formações discursivas. O homem pós-moderno depara-se com a fase em que tem sua relação com o discurso, porém perde referências e manifestações na desarticulação das infinitas complexidades ideológicas e das representações de novos papéis sociais. O livro explora essas questões atuais desse sujeito e, por meio da linguagem e de seus perfeitos arranjos, pretende centralizá-lo e unificá-lo, prometendo a descoberta de uma centralização humana que está na relação eu/ tu. Dessa forma, analisam-se os posicionamentos do enunciador nos enunciados, os dêiticos de pessoa e lugar, as formações ideológicas e discursivas inseridas nos enunciados, evidenciando os efeitos de sentido no discurso, na linguagem e no sujeito pós-moderno, baseados nos estudos da Análise do Discurso de Linha Francesa e da Identidade Cultural.

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