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Mokyklos nelankymo prevencija rajono sąlygomis: diagnostinis tyrimas / Prevention of unwillingness to attend school in district conditions: diagnostic investigationSabaitis, Raimondas 15 June 2005 (has links)
Urgency of the problem. Each country faces the problem of pupils who, for some reasons, do not finish schools. This problem exists in many countries of the world, and this problem is linked with different social values. Quick social changes bring about and even make bigger gap between parents’ and children’s system of values. The changes in family relations, the growth of cities, the increase of requirements in the fields of education and the changes of values cause the loss of immunity. A new understanding of education is being formed.
When Lithuania regained its independence and when the Law on Education was established, compulsory education was legitimated. It determines that children must gain basic education or at least they have to study at school until they are 16 years old. It determined a possibility for a pupil to freely choose the type of education according to his/her own wish.
During the period of constant changes the main features of a leader become the ability to cope with those changes, the ability to learn oneself and inspire others to learn as well. School is in a rather controversial situation under such constantly changing process. The reasons for missing school haven’t been investigated, thus, this topic under such great changes is really of great importance and urgent.
The unwillingness to attend school is one of the most urgent problems of today. Until now it is not known the number of pupils who do not attend school. That ‘s why this problem should... [to full text]
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Socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo sprendžiant blogai mokyklą lankančių vaikų problemas / The role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendanceTamulionienė, Jolita 08 June 2004 (has links)
This work is about the role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance. The main aim of the work is to show the opportunities of social pedagogue, solving bad school attendance problem. In the theoretical part of work the following topics are overviewed; the educational reform in Lithuania, socializational problems and their prevention, the purpose of social pedagogue and his work trends, the features of adolescent spread, unwillingness to learn and the ways it is shown. In the practical part the results of the investigation. The information was gathered, while interviews with schoolchildren, dealing with class monitor's information about children, who attend school badly and method's of social pedagogue's work with a contrete pupil. In this work you can find the results of the investigation, which show the reasons of bad school attendance, pupls' and class monitors' opnions, talking about relationship with teachers, classmates, and how it influences the children wish and unwillingness to attend school and the model of social pedagogue's work.
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Vidurinės mokyklos automatizuota valdymo sistema / The automated control system of high schoolVagero, Jelena 11 June 2004 (has links)
The electronic magazine has been realized on platform Visual Basic. NET. Therefore work of the master can be divided into two parts: Use Windows of forms,Use Web of forms. Advantage of the given system will be, that the magazine works in real time, that is the program calculates time and what lesson under the schedule now at the teacher who is registered in system.
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Vadovų komandos darbo ypatumai jaunimo mokykloje / A Youth is an initiator to implement the innovations and fluctuationsBardauskas, Balys 21 June 2005 (has links)
A Youth is an initiator to implement the innovations and fluctuations. The all school’s has to become the subject – character with his face, traditions and swings of activities, not a object which is just administer something externally. The conditions to become this kind of subject are close relationship among all participants of the educational process and particular self-support and autonomy of these members. The concept of scholl often includes only the pupils and teachers. Parents or the pupils often are like an addition to educational process, which takes part only in solving school daily living needs problems and is informed about the pupils learning. The rapports between the parents and school have not wait for the reform of the education system. It must change now, for the successful work of school.
The team of administration of the schools play a very big role in all the chantes of education system. Their authorities, competence, possibilities of managing and managing style have a big influence on this process wiht no doubt. Today’s institutions, related to education system, have many problems to introduce their main objectives into everyday life. We think that only strong-minded, team of administratores, who work is based on the knowledge and who has very good competence in his work area, coulp help for schools, as an instutions, to keep abreast with the times and to improve themselves.
The concept of socialization means the process when the individual become a... [to full text]
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Mokyklos kaip organizacijos kultūra: sampratos ir ypatumų aspektai / Culture of School as Organisation: Aspects of Concept and SingularitiesStonytė, Kristina 25 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinė organizacija, suburianti profesionalus bendrai veiklai, turi skirti didelį dėmesį savo veiklos socialiniams aspektams, tarp kurių svarbią vietą užima organizacijos kultūra. Švietimo organizacijos kultūros idėjai ir jos diegimo būdų problematikai pastaruoju metu yra skiriama nemažai dėmesio, universiteto, gimnazijos kultūra yra įvairių sričių mokslininkų tyrinėjama ir analizuojama, tačiau tyrimų duomenų apie bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos organizacijos kultūrą ir jos ypatumų sisteminį pagrindimą neteko aptikti. Kaip leidžia teigti daugelio autorių patirtis, mokyklų kultūros sisteminiai tyrimai yra aktualūs, nes gali ypač padėti mokykloms aptikti vystymosi rezervus netgi mokyklos kultūros tyrimo procesas gali tapti mokyklos veiklos tobulinimo priemone.
Tyrimo objektas. Mokyklos kaip organizacijos kultūra.
Tyrimo tikslas. Išanalizuoti mokyklos kultūros sampratą, atskleisti mokyklos kaip organizacijos kultūros ypatumus.
Tyrimo metodai. Tyrimas vykdytas pasitelkus mokslinės informacijos šaltinių analizę, aprašomąją statistiką, anketinę mokytojų ir mokinių apklausą, sudarytą remiantis P. Jucevičienės, A. Poškienės, L. Kudirkaitės, N. Damansko (2000) klausimynu universiteto organizacijos kultūrai tirti. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti Microsoft Excel kompiuterine programa.
Tyrimo imtis. Tyrimas atliktas 2008 metų kovo mėnesį. Apklausoje dalyvavo dvi respondentų grupės: 166 – VII-X klasių mokiniai (iš kurių – 85 miesto vietovės ir 81 rajono vietovės mokyklų mokinys); 56 mokytojai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays organisation rallying the professionals for common activities should pay great attention to social aspects of its activity, among which organisational culture takes an important place. Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the idea of educational organisation culture as well as problematic of introduction of related methods, culture of university, gymnasium is analysed and surveyed by scientists of diverse fields, however it was impossible to find any survey data related to organisational culture of general education school and systematic substantiation of singularities of the latter. Referring to the experience by many authors, systematic survey of school culture is relevant as it may help schools in establishing the development reserve, and even more the process of survey of school culture could become the measure for improvement of school activity.
The object of the survey: The culture of school as organisation.
The aim of the survey: To analyse the concept of school culture, to reveal singularities of culture of the school as organisation.
The methods of the survey. The survey was conducted referring to the analysis of scientific information sources, descriptive statistics, interview of teachers and pupils with the help of questionnaires formed according to the questionnaire for survey of culture of university organisation by P. Jucevičienė, A. Poškienė, L. Kudirkaitė, N. Damanskas (2000). The survey data was processed with Microsoft Excel computer programme... [to full text]
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Mokinių nenoro lankyti mokyklą priežastys ir jų šalinimas / Reluctance of students to attend school and removalGrikštaitė, Aušra 27 August 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendrosiose programose pažymima, kad visas bendrasis ugdymas yra orientuotas į vaiką, jaunuolį, jaunuolę, jų poreikius ir gebėjimus. Todėl šiandieninės mokyklos tikslas — padėti asmeniui maksimaliai išskleisti individualias kūrybos galias ir gebėjimus, tenkinant jo įgimtas reikmes: savirealizacijos — savęs įprasminimo, laisvės, meilės, pagarbos, kūrybos, tvarkos ir darnos poreikius. Tačiau šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje mokyklos autoritetas mažėja, moksleivių lankomumas prastėja, o motyvacija mokytis taip pat turi neigiamą tendenciją. Siekiant atsakyti į šiuos klausimus autorė analizuoja vieną aktualiausių šiandienos mokyklos problemų- tai mokinių nenoras lankyti mokyklą.
Mokinių nenoro lankyti mokyklą yra ne tik švietimo sistemos, bet ir visos Lietuvos valstybės nuostolis, todėl jau kurį laiką Lietuvoje sprendžiama nelankančiųjų mokyklos iki 16 metų apskaita ir sąlygų grįžti į švietimo sistemą sudarymas. Mokyklos nelankymo problema, mokinių požiūriu į mokyklą ir į mokymąsi, domėtasi visais laikais. Priežastys, kodėl mokiniai vengia lankyti mokyklos aktualios nuo pat mokslo atsiradimo iki šių dienų, o vaikų vengimas lankyti mokyklą yra aktualus ir tapęs socialine problema netik Lietuvoje, bet ir užsienyje, nes morališkai ir ekonomiškai susilpnėjo esminė vaiko saugumą garantuojanti institucija — šeima: tėvų abejingumas, nesidomėjimas vaiko mokymusi; nenoras mokytis, motyvacijos stoka; sunki mokymo programa; prastas mikroklimatas ir t.t.
Būtent... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / General education programs of Lithuania state, that all general education is oriented to children, young people, their needs and abilities. Therefore, the goal of modern school is to help a person to develop the maximum power of individual creativity and capacity to meet the needs of his or her innate needs such as self - expression, freedom, love, respect, creativity, trim and harmony. However, in modern society, the standing of schools is decreasing, school attendance is falling and the learning motivation has a negative tendency as well. To answer these questions, the author examines one of the most urgent problems - students' reluctance to attend school.
Reluctance of students to attend school is the loss not only in the education system, but also in general context of Lithuania as a state. The accounting and the return of the education system of students under the age of 16 who do not attend school in Lithuania has already been in solving process for some time. The school attendance problem s well as the attitude of students towards school and learning has always been under consideration. The reasons why students avoid going to school have been relevant since the origination of science. Nowadays it has become a social problem in Lithuania and abroad because the family as an essential institution for ensuring the safety weakened morally and economically. Parents became indifferent to children‘s success and progress at school. Lack of motivation, stiff school curriculum... [to full text]
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Pradinės mokyklos kultūra kaip organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo prielaida / The Culture of Primary School as the Presumption of Improvement of Quality of Activity of OrganizationKučinskienė, Jurga 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvos švietimo ateitį projektuojame žvelgdami į Europos Sąjungos brėžiamas švietimo perspektyvas ir mūsų nacionalinį kontekstą. Mūsų švietimo kokybės siekiai dera su Europos kokybės siekiais. Europos Sąjungos šalys susitarė dėl trijų esminių strateginių tikslų: siekti, kad švietimo sistemos būtų prieinamos visiems; atverti šias sistemas platesniam pasauliui; pagerinti ES švietimo ir mokymo sistemų kokybę ir efektyvumą.
Ypatingas vaidmuo užtikrinant švietimo kokybę tenka pradinei mokyklai, kuri yra pirmoji pakopa ugdymo institucijų hierarchijoje, ir išlaiko visas kitas, aukštesnes pakopas. Todėl svarbu, kad pradinė mokykla gilintųsi į vykdomos veiklos specifiką, dom���tųsi švietimo politika bei kokybės standartais, ieškotų efektyvesnių veiklos modelių.
Šiame kontekste formuluojama magistrinio darbo tyrimo hipotezė: ar pradinės mokyklos kultūra yra svarbi organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo prielaida. Tyrimo objektas: pradinės mokyklos kultūra organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo aspektu. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti pradinės mokyklos kultūrą veiklos kokybės tobulinimo aspektu.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti švietimo organizacijos kultūros sampratą ir jos parametrus, nustatyti pradinės mokyklos kultūros ir organizacijos veiklos kokybės tobulinimo sąsajas, ištirti pradinių, pagrindinių, vidurinių mokyklų organizacijos kultūros charakteristikų reikšmingumą mokyklos veiklos srityse, išanalizavus ir apibendrinus tyrimo duomenis pateikti pradinės mokyklos veiklos kokybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The future of education of Lithuania is projected with a view to the perspectives outlined by the common policy of the European Union and our national context. Our national objectives of quality of education are in line with European objectives of quality. Member states of the European Union have agreed on the following three key strategic objectives: to ensure the accessibility of educational systems to all, to open such systems to the world and to improve the quality and effectiveness of EU educational and teaching systems.
An important role in ensuring the quality of education lies in the activity of primary school, which is the first educational stage in all hierarchy of educational institutions and therefore acts as a backbone of all higher stages. Thus, primary schools must acknowledge the importance of analyzing its own activities, showing interest in education policy and quality standards and seeking for more effective models of activity.
With the view to this context, the hypothesis of the research of this masters’ paper is formed as follows: the culture of primary school is the prerequisite for improvement of quality of activity of organization. The object of the research of this master’s paper is the culture of primary school in the light of quality improvement of quality of activity of organization. The objective of the research of this master paper is to reveal the culture of primary school in the light of improvement of quality of activity of organization.
The... [to full text]
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Įvaizdžio kūrimas Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijose / Image building of lithuanian higer education institutionsKaminskaitė, Edita 09 July 2011 (has links)
Kiekviena organizacija, turi vienokį arba kitokį įvaizdį. Šiandienos rinkos sąlygomis, kai konkurencija jaučiama bet kurioje srityje, nepakanka pagaminti gerą produktą, ar suteikti tinkamą paslaugą. Kiekvienos organizacijos, firmos, įstaigos populiarumas ir sėkmė visų pirma priklauso nuo jos sukurto įvaizdžio. Atsiradus konkurencijai aukštosioms mokykloms iškilo būtinybė sugebėti pristatyti save visuomenei, todėl kiekviena mokykla turi ieškoti įvairių būdų kaip išlikti arba išsikovoti sau vietą rinkoje. Siekdamos užsitikrinti nuolatinį visuomenės palankumą ir gerą įvaizdį visuomenėje, mokyklos paskutiniu metu vis daugiau dėmesio turi skirti ryšių su visuomene plėtojimui. Tik visapusiška informacija sudaro vartotojui galimybę rinktis. Užsienyje organizacijos (įmonės) įvaizdžio kūrimo ir plėtojimo tema yra labai aktuali, gausu įvairių mokslinių publikacijų. Tuo tarpu Lietuvoje ši tema dar yra nauja. Mokslo leidiniuose dažniau randami tokie straipsniai, kuriuose nagrinėjamas verslo įmonių įvaizdis, tačiau konkrečiai apie švietimo organizacijų įvaizdį beveik neužsimenama. Taigi Lietuvos įmonės bei švietimo organizacijos neturi ne tik ilgametės įvaizdžio valdymo patirties, bet taip pat susiduriama su palyginti menku Lietuvos mokslo atstovų domėjimusi šia tema. Šio mokslinio darbo pasirinktas objektas – Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijų įvaizdis. Tyrimo dalykas – Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijos. Darbo tikslas – ištyrus įvaizdžio kūrimo strategijas identifikuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every organization has an image of its own. Today, in the competitive environment, it is not enough just to make a product or to provide a service. The success of any organization, firm, company depends primarily on the image it has built. Increased competition made it imperative for the Higher education institution to make itself visible to the public, that is why every institution has to find its ways to do that in the best way. Higher education institutions have to allocate more time to development of the public relations if they want to have a positive public opinion and a favourable image. Only complex information makes it possible for the consumer to choose. The topic of image building and development is very popular abroad – there are many articles on the issue. However, this topic is quite new in Lithuania. One can find publications on the business organization image but there are few on the image building of a higher education institution. Lithuanian organizations and higher education institutions have limited experience in image management. Moreover, the representatives of these institutions are even not concerned with the issue. The object of this research paper is Lithuanian higher education institutions. The aim of the paper is to identify the most efective Lithuanian higher education image building means based on the research results from the image building strategies. To achieve this aim the following tasks have been formulated: 1. To present a general concept... [to full text]
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Akmenės gimnazijos interaktyvi informacinė sistema / Akmenes gymnasium information systemLiuokaitis, Ramūnas 29 May 2005 (has links)
This work – school‘s informational system – electronic diary, which can collect, edit and analyze various data, used in lessons time. This system also makes e-reports, finds mistakes and warns system administrator.
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Mokytojų požiūris į pagrindinės mokyklos kaitą / The Attitude of Teachers Towards the Changes in a Basic SchoolZaukevičiūtė, Jolita 08 June 2006 (has links)
The problem of the study is defined by the fact that there are many talks about the changes in Lithuanian educational system but there was no analysis of the attitude of teachers of the reorganized schools from this aspect. From the theoretical point of view this work will stimulate going deeper into the possibilities, ways and peculiarities of changes, and, in practice, it will help the persons who are independently analysing the problems of educational changes and seeking to improve practical educational work.
Aim of the work – to estimate the changes in the reorganized basic school and the attitude of teachers towards them.
155 educators, 146 of whom were teachers and 9 school executives working in basic schools, participated in the study.
The findings of the study have showed that educational changes are mostly stimulated by focussed vision and strategy of the school, and the advantages of today’s educational system comparing to the Soviet one are that teachers are allowed individualizing educational content. The most significant years for educational system were 1997 – 2002 when reform of schools network was performed and in Utena town it was determined by the decisions of educational policy. After the secondary schools were reorganized into basic the schoolchildren feel better in them but less motivated schoolchildren remain learning in 9-10 forms. After the network reform the teaching base had mostly improved in basic schools as well as assistance of psychologists... [to full text]
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