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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insights into the Role of Structural Modification on the Surface Molecular Interactions Probed Using Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy

Premadasa, Uvinduni I. 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Méthodes statistiques pour les essais de phase I/II de thérapies moléculaires ciblées en cancérologie / Statistical Methods for Phase I/II Trials of Molecularly Targeted Agents in Oncology

Altzerinakou, Maria Athina 12 October 2018 (has links)
Les essais cliniques de phase I en cancérologie permettent d’identifier la dose optimale (DO), définie comme la dose maximale tolérée (DMT). Les approches conventionnelles de recherche de dose reposent uniquement sur les événements de toxicité observés au cours du premier cycle de traitement. Le développement des thérapies moléculaires ciblées (TMC), habituellement administrées sur de longues périodes, a remis en question cet objectif. Considérer uniquement le premier cycle de traitement n’est pas suffisant. De plus, comme l'activité n'augmente pas nécessairement de façon monotone avec la dose, la toxicité et l'activité doivent être prises en compte pour identifier la DO. Récemment, les biomarqueurs continus sont de plus en plus utilisés pour mesurer l'activité.L’objectif de cette thèse était de proposer et d'évaluer des designs adaptatifs pour identifier la DO. Nous avons développé deux designs de recherche de dose, basés sur une modélisation conjointe des mesures longitudinales de l'activité des biomarqueurs et de la première toxicité dose-limitante (DLT), avec un effet aléatoire partagé. En utilisant des propriétés de distribution normales asymétriques, l'estimation reposait sur la vraisemblance sans approximation ce qui est une propriété importante dans le cas de petits échantillons qui sont souvent disponibles dans ces essais. La DMT est associée à un certain risque cumulé de DLT sur un nombre prédéfini de cycles de traitement. La DO a été définie comme la dose la moins toxique parmi les doses actives, sous la contrainte de ne pas dépasser la DMT. Le second design étendait cette approche pour les cas d’une relation dose-activité qui pouvait atteindre un plateau. Un modèle à changement de pente a été implémenté. Nous avons évalué les performances des designs avec des études de simulations en étudiant plusieurs scénarios et divers degrés d'erreur de spécification des modèles.Finalement, nous avons effectué une analyse de 27 études des TMCs de phase I, en tant que monothérapie. Les études ont été réalisées par l'Institut National du Cancer. L'objectif principal était d'estimer le risque par cycle et l’incidence cumulative de la toxicité sévère, jusqu’à six cycles. Les analyses ont été effectuées séparément pour différents sous-groupes de doses, ainsi que pour les toxicités hématologiques et non-hématologiques. / Conventional dose-finding approaches in oncology of phase I clinical trials aim to identify the optimal dose (OD) defined as the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), based on the toxicity events observed during the first treatment cycle. The constant development of molecularly targeted agents (MTAs), usually administered in chronic schedules, has challenged this objective. Not only, the outcomes after the first cycle are of importance, but also activity does not necessarily increase monotonically with dose. Therefore, both toxicity and activity should be considered for the identification of the OD. Lately, continuous biomarkers are used more and more to monitor activity. The aim of this thesis was to propose and evaluate adaptive designs for the identification of the OD. We developed two dose-finding designs, based on a joint modeling of longitudinal continuous biomarker activity measurements and time to first dose limiting toxicity (DLT), with a shared random effect, using skewed normal distribution properties. Estimation relied on likelihood that did not require approximation, an important property in the context of small sample sizes, typical of phase I/II trials. We addressed the important case of missing at random data that stem from unacceptable toxicity, lack of activity and rapid deterioration of phase I patients. The MTD was associated to some cumulative risk of DLT over a predefined number of treatment cycles. The OD was defined as the lowest dose within a range of active doses, under the constraint of not exceeding the MTD. The second design extended this approach for cases of a dose-activity relationship that could reach a plateau. A change point model was implemented. The performance of the approaches was evaluated through simulation studies, investigating a wide range of scenarios and various degrees of data misspecification. As a last part, we performed an analysis of 27 phase I studies of MTAs, as monotherapy, conducted by the National Cancer Institut. The primary focus was to estimate the per-cycle risk and the cumulative incidence function of severe toxicity, over up to six cycles. Analyses were performed separately for different dose subgroups, as well as for hematologic and non-hematologic toxicities.

Nanosystèmes électromécaniques pour la biodétection : intégration d'un moyen de transduction et stratégies de biofonctionnalisation / Nanoelectromechanical systems for biodetection : development of an integrated transducer and biofunctionalization strategies

Dezest, Denis 16 November 2015 (has links)
Avec une limite de détection ultime pouvant atteindre le yoctogramme (1 yg = 10-24 g), les nanosystèmes électromécaniques (NEMS) employés comme capteurs gravimétriques présentent un fort potentiel pour la détection ultra-sensible et sans marquage de molécules biologiques. A l’heure actuelle, plusieurs défis restent cependant à relever avant de pouvoir envisager de manière réaliste leur utilisation comme outils de biodétection. Ces travaux de thèse adressent en particulier l’intégration du moyen de transduction et le développement de stratégies de biofonctionnalisation. En vue de répondre à la première problématique, l’intégration d’une couche piézoélectrique à base de Titano-Zirconate de Plomb (PZT) selon une approche de fabrication collective de réseaux de NEMS par voie descendante a été développée et caractérisée.Deux approches de biofonctionnalisation adaptées à une organisation de NEMS en réseaux,respectivement basées sur le dépôt localisé de matériel biologique par impression moléculaire et sur la structuration par photolithographie d’une couche bioréceptrice à base de polymères à empreintes moléculaires (MIP), ont ensuite été mises en oeuvre et ont permis de démontrer une première preuve de concept. Ces différentes contributions constituent un premier pas dans le développement des NEMS pour des applications de biodétection. / With an ultimate limit of detection down to the yoctogram regime (1 yg = 10-24 g),nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) resonators used as ultra-sensitive and label-free gravimetric sensors have a high potential for biodetection applications. To date, several challenges currently limit their wide spread use as viable biosensing tools. This PhD thesis addresses the issues related to the transducer integration and the biofunctionnalization. A Lead Zirconate Titatane (PZT)-based piezoelectric transducer has been implemented according to a top-down approach compatible with collective fabrication of NEMS arrays. Two biofunctionnalization strategies, suitable for a NEMS array organization and based on the localized deposition of biological material assisted by microcontact printing and the patterning of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) by photolithography, have also been investigated and first proof-of-concept biosensors were demonstrated. These various contributions have the potential to drive future advancements in the realm of NEMS as effective biosensing tools.

Polymerizable BODIPY Probes for Molecularly Imprinted Optical Sensing

Sun, Yijuan 10 October 2024 (has links)
Ein aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkt in der analytischen Chemie ist die Entwicklung (bio)chemischer Sensoren mit hoher Selektivität, Empfindlichkeit und schnellem Ansprechverhalten für den Nachweis und das Monitoring von besorgniserregenden Analyten in Realproben. Fluoreszierende molekular geprägte Sensormaterialien bieten einen innovativen Ansatz, indem sie die spezifischen Erkennungsfähigkeiten molekular geprägter Polymere (MIPs) mit der hohen Empfindlichkeit der Fluoreszenzdetektion kombinieren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, MIPs mit optischen Sensoreigenschaften zu entwickeln, um Umweltschadstoffe schnell und spezifisch nachzuweisen. Zur Konstruktion von MIPs mit außergewöhnlichen optischen Eigenschaften wurden fluoreszierende Sonden-Monomere auf Basis des Bor-Dipyrromethen (BODIPY)-Fluorophors entwickelt, synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Verschiedene Akzeptor-Einheiten wurden in das BODIPY-Gerüsts eingeführt, um das Ansprechverhalten auf Zielanalyten mit Carboxylatfunktionen (z.B. Arzneimittelwirkstoffe, Pestizide, oberflächenaktive Substanzen) zu untersuchen. Diese fluoreszierenden Sonden-Moleküle wurden mit polymerisierbaren Einheiten ausgestattet, um ihre kovalente Einbindung in ein quervernetztes MIP-Netzwerk zu ermöglichen, das als Erkennungselement und Signalübermittler dient. Die Molekülstrukturen wurden durch Röntgenkristallanalyse bestätigt. Mit Hilfe spektroskopischer Methoden wurden die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften der Sonden-Monomere und ihre Bindungsaffinität für die Zielmoleküle untersucht, wobei die Sonden-Monomere eine starke Fluoreszenz im sichtbaren bis nahen Infrarotbereich aufwiesen und bemerkenswerte spektrale Veränderungen bei der Bindung mit den Zielanalyten zeigten. Der Einbau der Sonden in MIP-Schalen auf Siliziumdioxid-Kernpartikeln ermöglichte den selektiven Nachweis eines bestimmten Antibiotikums gegenüber anderen Antibiotika mit ähnlichen funktionellen Gruppen. Weiterhin wurden rot-emittierende BODIPY-Farbstoffe zur Dotierung von Polymerkernen eingesetzt, um ein Sensorsystem mit dualer Emission (d. h., mit Farbstoff dotierter Polymerkern/SiO2-Schale/fluoreszierendes Sonden-Monomer enthaltende MIP-Schale). Diese sensorischen MIPs zeigten eine ratiometrische Fluoreszenzantwort auf ein Antihistaminikum, wobei das eingebaute Referenzsignal im Kern eine Selbstkalibrierung in den Assays ermöglichte. Ein weiteres dual fluoreszierendes MIP-Sensormaterial (d. h. farbstoffdotierter Siliziumdioxidkern/fluoreszierendes Sonden-Monomer enthaltende MIP-Schale) wurde für die direkte Messung von Perfluorcarbonsäuren entwickelt. Die Integration der sensorischen MIPs in einen mikrofluidischen Aufbau führte zu einer mobilen und vielseitigen Sensorplattform, die einfach zu bedienen ist. / One of the current focal points of research in the field of analytical chemistry is the development of (bio)chemical sensors with high selectivity, sensitivity, and rapid response for the detection and monitoring of analytes of high concern in complicated samples. Fluorescent molecularly imprinted sensor materials represent a cutting-edge approach to developing sensors that combine the specific recognition capabilities of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) with the high sensitivity of fluorescence detection. The objective of this thesis was to design, synthesize, and evaluate MIPs with optical sensing properties, focusing mainly on fluorescence, with the aim of rapidly and specifically detecting emerging environmental contaminants. To construct MIPs with exceptional optical characteristics and a well-defined binding mechanism for the recognition of target molecules, a series of tailor-made fluorescent probe monomers based on the boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) fluorophore have been designed, synthesized and characterized. Identical acceptor modules were introduced at various positions, or different acceptor modules were introduced at the same position of the BODIPY scaffold, to preliminarily investigate the response behavior of different types of probe monomers for target analytes containing carboxylate functions, ranging from pharmaceuticals to pesticides and surfactants. Additionally, one or two polymerizable units were attached to these fluorescent probe molecules to enable their covalent incorporation into a crosslinked MIP network, serving as recognition element and signal transducers. The molecular structures of these probe monomers were confirmed via X-ray crystal analysis. Spectroscopic approaches were employed to assess the photophysical characteristics of the probe monomers and their binding affinities for the target molecules. These probe monomers exhibited strong fluorescence in the visible-to-near infrared wavelength region, along with remarkable spectral changes upon binding with the target analytes. Incorporation of the fluorescent probes into MIP shells on silica cores achieved selective detection of a targeted antibiotic from other antibiotics with similar carboxylate, amine and aromatic functional groups. In addition, the synthesis of red-emitting BODIPY dyes for doping into polymer cores facilitated the fabrication of a dual-emission sensing system (i.e., dye-doped polymer core/silica shell/MIP shell). The sensory MIPs exhibited a ratiometric fluorescence response to an antihistaminic drug and the presence of a built-in reference signal in the core provided self-calibration for MIP assays. Furthermore, another dual-fluorescent MIP sensor material was engineered (i.e., dye-doped silica core/MIP shell) for the direct monitoring of perfluorocarboxylic acids. The integration of the sensory MIPs into a dedicated microfluidic setup resulted in a portable and easy-to-operate versatile sensing platform.

Quantitative Analysis of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamine in Human Urine Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as a Potential Tool for Cancer Risk Assessment

Shah, Kumar 18 November 2009 (has links)
Measuring urinary tobacco specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and its glucuronide conjugate may provide the best biomarker of tobacco smoke lung carcinogen metabolism. Existence of differences in the extent of NNAL metabolism rates may be potentially related to an individuals’ lung cancer susceptibility. Low concentrations of NNAL in smokers urine (<1 ng/mL) require sensitive and selective methods for analysis. Traditionally, this involves extensive, time-consuming sample preparation that limits throughput and adds to measurement variability. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been developed for the analysis of urinary NNAL by offline cartridge extraction combined with LC-MS/MS. This method when reproduced demonstrated problems with matrix effects. In the first part of this work, investigation of matrix effects and related problems with sensitivity for the published offline extraction method has been conducted. In order to address the need to improve throughput and other analytical figures of merit for the original method, the second part of this work deals with development of a high-throughput online microfluidic method using capillary-columns packed with MIP beads for the analysis of urinary NNAL. The method was validated as per the FDA guidance, and enabled low volume, rapid analysis of urinary NNAL by direct injection on a microfluidic column packed with NNAL specific MIP beads. The method was used for analysis of urinary NNAL and NNAL-Gluc in smokers. Chemometric methods were used with this data to develop a potential cancer-risk-assessment tool based on pattern recognition in the concentrations of these compounds in urine. In the last part, method comparison approaches for the online and the offline sample extraction techniques were investigated. A ‘fixed’ range acceptance criterion based on combined considerations of method precision and accuracy, and the FDA bioanalytical guidance limits on precision and accuracy was proposed. Data simulations studies to evaluate the probabilities of successful transfers using the proposed criteria were performed. Various experimental designs were evaluated and a design comprised of 3 runs with 3 replicates each with an acceptance range of ±20% was found appropriate. The off-line and the on-line sample extraction methods for NNAL analysis were found comparable using the proposed fixed range acceptance criteria.

Development of NMR methodology for the analysis and simplification of complex mixtures / Développement d'une méthodologie RMN pour l'analyse et la simplification de mélanges complexes

Nambiath chandran, Jima 04 April 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l'analyse des mélanges réels et synthétiques complexes composés de petites molécules à l'aide de la RMN HRMAS. Dans une première partie, une approche RMN HRMAS basée sur l'analyse métabolomique en combinaison avec des techniques de reconnaissance des formes (PCA et O-PLS-DA) a été appliquée pour le diagnostic des lésions thyroïdiennes indéterminées et étudier également les effets biologiques négatifs des nanoparticules d'aluminium sur pseudomonas brassicacearum. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons étudié la RMN chromatographique en utilisant la silice comme matrice de support qui pourrait fournir une alternative rapide et complète de la LC pour la caractérisation de mélanges complexes. En outre, l'exigence de la suppression du signal dans l'extrait de plantes naturelles et d'hydrocarbures aromatiques conduit à l'élaboration d'une méthode rapide et précise en utilisant des polymères à empreintes moléculaires avec une excellente sélectivité. La sélectivité des polymères à empreintes moléculaires à travers la capture d'une cible moléculaire spécifique est exploitée ici pour éliminer efficacement les signaux RMN. / This thesis work deals with the analysis of natural and synthetic complex mixtures composed of small molecules using HRMAS NMR. In a first part, an integrated HRMAS-NMR based metabolomic analysis in combination with pattern recognition techniques (PCA and O-PLS-DA) has been applied for the diagnosis of indeterminate thyroid lesions and also studied the potential adverse biological effects of aluminium nanoparticles on pseudomonas brassicacearum. In a second part we investigated that chromatographic NMR using silica as the matrix support could provide a quick alternative and complement to LC for the characterization of complex mixtures. In addition, requirement for signal suppression in natural plant extract and aromatic hydrocarbons led to the development of a rapid and accurate method using molecularly imprinted polymers with excellent selectivity. The selectivity of Molecularly Imprinted polymers towards capturing a specific molecular target is exploited here to efficiently remove NMR signals.

Polymères à empreinte moléculaire pour l'extraction d'un insecticide organophosphoré utilisé en oléiculture : le phosmet / Molecular-imprinted polymers for the extraction of an organophosphorus insecticide used in olive culture : phosmet

Aftim, Nadin 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse a consisté en la synthèse d’un polymère à empreinte moléculaire (MIP) permettant l’extraction du phosmet, un pesticide organophosphoré largement utilisé en oléiculture. La recherche du monomère fonctionnel (MF) disposant de la meilleure capacité à interagir de manière non-covalente avec le phosmet en présence du solvant porogène le plus approprié a été réalisée pour la toute première fois au moyen d’un capteur à acétylcholinestérase. Cette stratégie innovante a permis une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes cinétiques à l’œuvre lors de l’interaction MF-molécule cible. De par l’importance de son rôle dans la détermination de la structure d’un MIP, le choix d’un agent réticulant aux caractéristiques physico-chimiques adéquates a permis de sélectionner le meilleur MIP en s’appuyant sur l’étude des isothermes d’adsorption selon les modèles de Freundlich et Langmuir. La procédure d’extraction du phosmet selon la procédure MISPE (Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction) a été effectuée par le biais d’une cartouche SPE dont la capacité a été évaluée à partir d’une solution standard. La validation du choix des réactifs de MIP sélectionnés a été confortée par la réalisation d’une expérience de réactivité croisée appliquée à une molécule analogue au phosmet. L’extraction du phosmet de l’huile d’olive a pu être effectuée avec succès selon un protocole d’extraction en flux inverse optimisé. Cette étude ouvre ainsi la voie à la recherche de nouvelles interactions MFs-molécules cibles au moyen de biocapteurs enzymatiques inhibant des composés toxiques tels que les herbicides, fongicides et autres pesticides. / The objective of this thesis has been the synthesis of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for the extraction of phosmet, an organophosphorus pesticide widely used in olive growing. The search for the functional monomer (FM) having the best ability to interact non-covalently with phosmet in the presence of the most suitable pore-forming solvent was carried out for the first time by means of an acetylcholinesterase sensor. This innovative strategy allowed us to better understand the kinetic mechanisms of FM-template interaction. Because of the importance of its role in determining the structure of a MIP, the selection of a crosslinking agent with adequate physicochemical characteristics made it possible to select the best MIP, whose adsorption isotherms were studied according to Freundlich and Langmuir models. Extraction of phosmet using a Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction (MISPE) procedure was carried out via an SPE cartridge, whose capacity was evaluated from a standard solution. The choice of reagents and experimental conditions were validated by carrying out selectivity assays using another organophosphorus insecticide. Extraction of phosmet from olive oil was successfully carried out according to an optimized reverse flow extraction protocol. This work opens new opportunities for studying new FM-template interactions by means of enzymatic biosensors capable of detecting other inhibitors such as herbicides, fungicides and other pesticides.

Microextração de canabinoides em urina usando dispositivo empacotado com polímero molecularmente impresso e análise por cromatografia líquida - espectrometria de massas sequencial / Microextraction of cannabinoids in urine using device packed with molecularly imprinted polymer and analysis by liquid chromatography - sequential mass spectrometry

Sartore, Douglas Morisue 30 July 2018 (has links)
O preparo da amostra é uma das etapas mais importantes em toda a análise química. O isolamento e a concentração dos componentes da amostra são cruciais e busca-se sempre que essas etapas sejam as mais simples e consumam o mínimo possível de tempo e reagentes. Nos últimos anos, um tipo de material tem se mostrado bastante útil para análises químicas a partir de fluidos biológicos, os polímeros molecularmente impressos (MIPs). Os MIPs são sintetizados por reações de polimerização, na presença de uma molécula molde (template). A molécula molde se liga aos monômeros funcionais do polímero durante a reação de polimerização e permanece ligada à superfície das cadeias poliméricas quando a reação se completa. Terminada a polimerização, realiza-se a completa lavagem das moléculas molde, assim, restam na superfície polimérica cavidades tridimensionais complementares à molécula empregada como molde. Essas cavidades permitem a ligação reversível e preferencial da molécula molde ou outras com estrutura química semelhante. A Cannabis sativa é a droga ilícita mais consumida em todo o mundo e nos últimos anos muita atenção tem se voltado a seus efeitos toxicológicos no corpo humano e a aplicações medicinais. Nesta dissertação, foi sintetizado um MIP com a molécula molde catequina para a extração e posterior análise por LC-MS/MS dos canabinóides &Delta;9-tetrahidrocanabinol (THC), 11-hidroxi-&Delta;9-tetrahidrocannabinol (THC-OH) e 11-nor-&Delta;9-tetrahidrocannabinol-9-ácido carboxílico (THC-COOH) em amostras de urina. O MIP produzido foi empacotado em microdispositivo e empregado no preparo das amostras de urina por microextração por sorvente empacotado (MEPS). O método desenvolvido apresentou boa linearidade (valores de r de 0,977 para o THC e 0,994 para THC-OH e THC-COOH). Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram respectivamente de 5 ng mL-1 e 20 ng mL-1, para os compostos THC e THC-OH, na faixa linear de 25 a 250 ng mL-1. Para o composto THC-COOH os limites de detecção e quantificação alcançados foram de 1 ng mL-1 e 5 ng mL-1, respectivamente, na faixa linear de 5 a 170 ng mL-1. O método apresentou valores razoáveis de precisão entre 3,2% (THC-COOH) e 25,1% (THC) e de exatidão, que variou entre -18,4 e 17,4 (ambos para o THC). O MIP empregado no preparo da amostra mostrou-se mais seletivo e específico do que materiais normalmente empregados para a extração dos canabinoides das amostras de urina, além de a técnica de extração por MEPS apresentar baixo consumo de solventes e amostra para a extração dos analitos e posterior análise por LC-MS/MS. / The sample preparation is one of the most important steps in every chemical analysis. The isolation and concentration of the sample components are crucial and it is always sought that these steps are simple and consume the lowest amount of time and reagents. In the recent years, a type of material has proved to be very useful for chemical analyzes of biological fluids, the molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). MIPs are synthesized by polymerization reactions in the presence of a template molecule. The template molecule binds to the functional monomers of the polymer during the polymerization reaction and remains bonded to the surface of the polymeric chains after the reaction is complete. After the polymerization is finished, the complete washing of the template molecules is carried out, thus, three-dimensional cavities, complementary to the molecule used as a template, remain on the polymer surface. These cavities allow the reversible and preferential bonding of the template molecule or others with similar chemical structure. Cannabis sativa is the most commonly consumed illicit drug in the world and in recent years much attention has focused on its toxicological effects on human body and for medical applications. In this master dissertation, a MIP was synthesized with the catechin molecule as template, for extraction and subsequent analysis by LC-MS/MS of the cannabinoids &Delta;9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-&Delta;9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-OH), and 11-nor-&Delta;9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) in urine samples. The MIP produced was packed in a microdevice and used in the preparation of the urine samples by microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS). The developed method showed good linearity (r values of 0.977 for THC and 0.994 for THC-OH and THC-COOH). The detection and quantification limits were respectively 5 ng mL-1 and 20 ng mL-1 for THC and THC-OH in the linear range from 25 to 250 ng mL-1. For the compound THC-COOH the limits of detection and quantification achieved were 1 ng mL-1 and 5 ng mL-1, respectively, in the linear range from 5 to 170 ng mL-1. The method presented reasonable values of precision, between 3.2% (for THC-COOH) and 25.1% (for THC) and displayed accuracy ranging from -18.4 to 17.4 (both for THC). The MIP used in the sample preparation was more selective and specific than other materials usually employed for the extraction of the cannabinoids from the urine samples. The MEPS technique also showed low consumption of solvents and sample for sample preparation, extraction of analytes and subsequent analysis by LC-MS/MS.

Desenvolvimento de uma fase extratora com polímeros de impressão molecular para extração em fase sólida de Venlafaxina, O-desmetilvenlafaxina e N-desmetilvenlafaxina em amostras de plasmas e análises por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência acoplada à espectometria de massas em tandem (UPLC-MS/MS). / Development of an extraction phase with molecularly imprinted polymers for solid phase extraction of venlafaxine, o-desmethylvenlafaxine, and n-desmethylvenlafaxine in plasma samples and analysis by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS)

Miranda, Luís Felippe Cabral 18 March 2015 (has links)
A venlafaxina (VEN), em razão de sua eficácia e brandos efeitos adversos, tem sido um dos antidepressivos mais prescritos no tratamento da depressão e ansiedade. Neste trabalho, um método analítico empregando as técnicas MISPE miniaturizada e cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas em Tandem, foi utilizado para a determinação de VEN e seus principais metabólitos em amostras de plasma para fins de monitorização terapêutica. A fase MIP foi sintetizada via polimerização radicalar por precipitação, fazendo uso de VEN (molécula molde), ácido metacrílico (monômero funcional), etileno glicol dimetacrilato, (reagente reticulante) e 2,2 azobisisobutironitrila (iniciador radicalar) em tolueno (solvente). Para controle utilizou-se o polímero não impresso (NIP), sintetizado por procedimento análogo ao do MIP, porém sem o uso da molécula molde. A caracterização química e estrutural dos polímeros foi realizada por espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de fourier e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A otimização das variáveis de MISPE miniaturizada favoreceu a detectabilidade analítica e diminuiu o efeito de memória. As extrações realizadas com MIP apresentaram taxa de recuperação de 84% para VEN e de 2-28% para os antidepressivos (clorpromazina, fluoxetina, clomipramina, imipramina e sertralina). O polímero não impresso apresentou baixa recuperação para a VEN (taxa de recuperação: 49%) e para os demais antidepressivos (taxas de recuperação menores que 40%). Estes experimentos comprovam a seletividade da fase MIP desenvolvida. O método padronizado apresentou linearidade na faixa de 3 a 700 ng mL-1 para VEN, 5 a 700 ng mL-1 para O-desmetilvenlafaxina (ODV) e de 3 a 500 ng mL-1 para N-desmetilvenlafaxina (NDV), precisão com coeficientes de variação menores que 15% e exatidão com valores de erro padrão relativo na faixa de -11,8 a 16,01 %. As concentrações correspondentes aos limites inferiores de quantificação para VEN (3 ng mL-1) e ODV ( 5 ng mL-1) foram inferiores aos intervalos terapêuticos preconizados. O método desenvolvido, quando comparado a aos métodos da literatura para determinação de VEN e metabolitos, apresentou maior seletividade, menor consumo de amostra e de solventes orgânicos e permitiu a reutilização da fase extratora. Segundo os parâmetros de validação analítica avaliados e amostras de pacientes em terapia com VEN analisadas, o método proposto é adequado para determinação de VEN, ODV e NDV em amostras de plasma para fins de monitorização terapêutica. / Venlafaxine elicits a small number of adverse effects, so it is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs to treat major depression, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety disorders in adults. In this study, venlafaxine (VEN), O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV), and N-desmethylvenlafaxine (NDV) were pre-concentrated with the aid of miniaturized SPE based on MIPs as extraction phase. MIPs are synthetic polymers with cavities specifically designed to hold a target molecule or structurally similar compounds. The molecularly imprinted polymers were prepared by addition of VEN, metacrylic acid (MAA, monomer), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA, cross-linker), and 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN, initiator) to toluene (solvent). The non-imprinted polymer (NIP), used for comparison, was also synthesized by following exactly the same procedure, but excluding the template VEN from the formulation. The polymer was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Optimization of the MIP phase extraction variables favored miniaturized analytical detectability and reduced the memory effect. The extractions performed with the synthesized MIP showed recovery rate of 84% for VEN and 2-28% for other antidepressants (chlorpromazine, fluoxetine, clomipramine, imipramine, and sertraline). The non-imprinted polymer provided low recovery of VEN (recovery rate: 49%) and other antidepressants (recovery rates lower than 40%). These experiments demonstrated the selectivity of the developed MIP phase. The standardized method was linear in the range of 300 - 700 ng mL-1 for VEN, 5-700 ng mL-1 for ODV, and 3 to 500 ng mL-1 for NDV. Precision had coefficients of variation smaller than 15%; the accuracy standard error values ranged from -11.8 to 16.01%. Compared with literature methods, the developed method was more selective for determination of VEN and metabolites, required lower consumption of sample and organic solvents, and enabled reuse of the extraction phase. According to the assessed analytical validation parameters and to the analysis of samples obtained from patients undergoing therapy with VEN, the proposed method is suitable to determine VEN, NDV, and ODV in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring.

Conception et Réalisation de Capteurs et de Biocapteurs Électrochimiques à Base de Nanomatériaux pour le Contrôle de la Qualité en Agroalimentaire et pour l'Analyse Biomédicale / Design and Achievement of Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials for Food Quality Control and Biomedical Analysis

El Alami el Hassani, Nadia 19 December 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, les capteurs et les biocapteurs électrochimiques ont connu un développement considérable en raison de leur simplicité, fiabilité, rapidité et sélectivité. Ils ont constitué les alternatives les plus séduisantes pour les méthodes analytiques classiques dans des domaines aussi variés que l'agro-alimentaire, la médecine et la biologie clinique, ou le contrôle de la qualité de l'environnement. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés, dans un premier volet, aux développements des immunocapteurs et capteurs électrochimiques à base des polymères à empreintes moléculaires (MIPs) pour le contrôle de la qualité des miels. La première partie de ce volet concerne le développement des immunocapteurs sur des structures dites Bio-MEMS basées sur des microélectrodes en or. L'élaboration de ces immunocapteurs a été dédiée à la détection des résidus d'antibiotiques à savoir la sulfapyridine (SPy) et la tétracycline (TC). Une nouvelle structure des nanoparticules magnétiques (MNPs) revêtues du copolymère poly (acide pyrrole-co-pyrrole-2-carboxylique) a été exploitée dans ces travaux pour leur réseau d'immobilisation tridimensionnel ainsi que pour leur stabilité pendant de longues périodes. La détection de la SPy et de la TC a été réalisée par différentes approches compétitives en utilisant des anticorps polyclonaux. Dans la deuxième partie de ce volet, nous avons fabriqué des capteurs à base des MIPs pour la détection de la sulfaguanidine, la doxycycline et le chloramphénicol dans le miel. Ces dispositifs ont été développés sur la surface des électrodes sérigraphiées en or en employant une matrice polymérique du polyacrylamide en présence des molécules empreintes. Les performances de ces capteurs et biocapteurs (limite de détection, sélectivité, reproductibilité, application dans les milieux réels) ont ensuite été évaluées. Dans un deuxième volet, nous nous sommes parvenus à appliquer un dispositif de la langue électronique voltammétrique (Langue-EV) pour des analyses agroalimentaires et biomédicales. Dans un premier temps, nous avons discriminé les miels issus de quatorze régions de la France et du Maroc par le dispositif de la Langue-EV. Nous nous sommes aussi parvenus à démontrer la fiabilité de ce dispositif à prédire les résultats des différents paramètres physico-chimiques d'après les réponses des méthodes analytiques utilisées. Dans un deuxième temps, nous sommes passés à l'application du dispositif de la Langue-EV en analyse biomédicale dans le but de discriminer les urines des patientes souffrants des infections urinaires avec celles des femmes saines / In recent decades, the use of electrochemical sensors and biosensors have grown considerably due to their simplicity, reliability, rapidity, and selectivity. They were the most attractive alternative tools for conventional analytical methods in various fields such as food control, medicine, and clinical biology or environmental control. In this research works, we focused, in the first part, on the development of immunosensors and electrochemical sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the quality control of honey. In the second part, we managed to apply a voltammetric electronic tongue (VE-tongue) for food monitoring and biomedical analyzes. The first part of our research work concerns the development of immunosensors based on gold microelectrodes of the Bio-MEMS devices. The development of these immunosensors was dedicated to the detection of antibiotic residues namely sulfapyridine (SPy) and tetracycline (TC). A new structure of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) coated with the poly (pyrrole-co-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid) copolymer has been exploited in this work for their three-dimensional immobilization network as well as for their stability for long periods. The detection of SPy and TC was performed by different competitive approaches using polyclonal antibodies. In this part, we have also synthesized the MIP sensors dedicated to the detection of sulfaguanidine, doxycycline, and chloramphenicol in honey. These devices have been developed on the surface of the screen-printed gold electrodes by employing a polyacrylamide matrix in the presence of the target molecules. The performances of these sensors and biosensors (limit of detection, selectivity, reproducibility, applications in real samples) were then evaluated. Regarding the second part of our research works, it involved the discrimination between honeys from fourteen regions from France and Morocco. We have succeeded in demonstrating the reliability of this device in predicting the results of the different physico-chemical parameters of honey samples according to the responses of the used analytical methods. In other steps, we proceeded to the application of the VE-tongue in biomedical analyzes to discriminate urine specimens of patients suffering from urinary tract infections and those of healthy subjects

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