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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactive effects of nutrients and physical factors on phytoplankton growth

Shatwell, Tom 09 January 2014 (has links)
Phytoplanktonarten unterscheiden sich in ihren Ansprüchen hinsichtlich Ressourcen wie Nährstoffe, Licht und andere physikalische Faktoren. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Nährstoffen und physikalischen Faktoren beeinflussen daher die Artenzusammensetzung einer Phytoplanktongemeinschaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Temperatur und Photoperiode auf das Phytoplanktonwachstum in Abhängigkeit vom Lichtregime und dem Angebot an Phosphor (P) und Silizium (Si) untersucht. Hierfür wurden Wachstums- und Konkurrenzexperimente unter Laborverhältnissen mit Stephanodiscus minutulus, Nitzschia acicularis (beides Bacillariophyceae) und Limnothrix redekei (Cyanophyceae) durchgeführt, ein Modell der Faktorinteraktionen entwickelt sowie ökologische Langzeitdaten des Müggelsees (Berlin) statistisch ausgewertet. Die Effekte von Temperatur und Photoperiode auf die Wachstumsraten unterschieden sich nicht zwischen konstantem und fluktuierendem Licht. Die Auswirkungen der Photoperiode und der Lichtfluktuationen auf die Wachstumsraten waren hierbei additiv. Der Grad der Limitation der Wachstumsraten durch P oder Si wurde durch die Photoperiode nicht signifikant beeinflusst. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Temperatur und P oder Si waren hingegen komplex und artspezifisch. Unabhängig davon, ob die Wachstumsraten durch P, Si oder fluktuierendes Licht gesteuert wurden, war S. minutulus konkurrenzstärker bei niedrigeren Temperaturen und N. acicularis bei höheren Temperaturen. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Faktorinteraktionstypen artspezifisch sind, die Adaptation der Arten widerspiegeln und so zur Nischen-Differenzierung beitragen. Kenntnisse dieser Wechselwirkungen fördern deshalb unser Verständnis der Phytoplanktondiversität und ermöglichen es, Reaktionen des Phytoplanktons auf Klimaerwärmung und Trophieveränderung, die mit einer Verschiebung der Verhältnisse zwischen Nährstoffen, Temperatur und Licht einhergehen, besser vorherzusagen. / Phytoplankton species have different resource requirements and different sensitivities to important growth factors. Interactions between nutrients and physical factors, such as temperature and light should therefore influence the species composition. Because these interactions are poorly understood, this study investigated the interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on phytoplankton growth controlled by fluctuating light, phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si). Growth and competition experiments were performed in the laboratory on Stephanodiscus minutulus, Nitzschia acicularis (both Bacillariophyceae) and Limnothrix redekei (Cyanophyceae). A model of factor interactions was developed and long-term field data from Lake Müggelsee (Berlin) were statistically analysed. Temperature and photoperiod had the same influence on growth under fluctuating light as they did under constant light. The photoperiod and short term light fluctuations caused by mixing had additive effects on growth. P and Si interacted strongly with temperature with respect to growth, but less with the photoperiod. The Droop relation fitted to S. minutulus but not N. acicularis. The Monod equation could not sufficiently account for non-steady dynamics of diatom growth under Si limitation, underestimating uptake rates and overestimating uptake affinity. Estimates based on the Monod model may therefore considerably underestimate the degree of Si limitation. The types of factor interactions were generally species-specific, reflected niche adaptation and enhanced niche differentiation. Interactions between nutrients and physical factors are relevant to growth during spring and contribute to the phytoplankton composition. Understanding the interactions should improve our knowledge of phytoplankton diversity and increase our ability to predict phytoplankton response to climate and trophic change, which shift the relationship between nutrients, temperature and light.

Tratamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários em sistema de reatores anaeróbio e aeróbio operados em batelada seqüencial / Landfill leachate treatment in sequence anaerobic and aerobic batch reactors systems

Contrera, Ronan Cleber 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho avaliou a tratabilidade dos lixiviados do aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP, utilizando-se reatores biológicos. O experimento foi conduzido à temperatura ambiente, em uma unidade piloto construída no aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP. Inicialmente foram testados e comparados dois tipos de reatores anaeróbios, cada um com volume total de 1.200 L e ambos providos de agitação mecânica, diferenciando-se pelo tipo de imobilização da biomassa, sendo o primeiro com biomassa auto-imobilizada (ASBR) e o segundo com biomassa imobilizada em espuma de poliuretano (ASBBR). Um filtro biológico anaeróbio contínuo de fluxo ascendente de aproximadamente 120 L também foi avaliado. Além do pré-tratamento anaeróbio, foi avaliado também o pós-tratamento, que consistiu em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial de aproximadamente 180 L. O ASBR, inoculado com lodo granular de reator UASB, apresentou-se ineficiente, com problemas de desagregação e sedimentação da biomassa. O ASBBR, inoculado com lodo proveniente do fundo de uma lagoa de lixiviados, ao final de sua adaptação, apresentou eficiências superiores a 70%, em termos de remoção de DQO, utilizando-se lixiviado sem diluição, com DQO afluente da ordem de 11.000 mg/L, relação AVT/DQO aproximadamente igual a 0,6 e tempo de reação igual a 7 dias. Verificou-se que a biodegradabilidade anaeróbia dos lixiviados está diretamente relacionada à relação AVT/DQO, e que para relações AVT/DQO Total inferiores a 0,25, a biodegradabilidade é baixa, para relações entre 0,25 e 0,40 é média, e acima de 0,40 pode ser considerada elevada. Observou-se também que concentrações de N-amoniacal, da ordem de até 4.500 mg/L, não impedem o tratamento anaeróbio, desde que a biomassa esteja devidamente adaptada. Aos perfis temporais de concentração, realizados no ASBBR, foi ajustado um modelo de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato, na forma de DQO Total, obtendo valores de K1 variando entre 3,18 x \'10 POT.-5\' e 5,82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). O pós-tratamento dos efluentes do ASBBR foi avaliado em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial, que obteve eficiência máxima da ordem de 30% em termos de remoção de DQO, com DQO afluente da ordem de 5.000 mg/L. Quanto ao filtro biológico anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente, obteve-se eficiências superiores a 70%, ao ser alimentado com uma mistura de lixiviado recalcitrante e etanol acidificado, com DQO afluente da ordem de 20.000 mg/L. / This work evaluated the tractability of landfill leachate from São Carlos-SP, utilizing biological reactors. The experiment was conducted at environmental temperature, in a pilot scale unity constructed into the São Carlos-SP landfill area. Initially, it was compared and tested two kinds of anaerobic reactors, each one with 1.200 L of total volume and both provided of mechanical agitation, differing by the kind of biomass immobilization, having the first (ASBR), self-immobilized biomass, and the second (ASBBR), immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam cubes. An approximately 120 L volume continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter was also evaluated. Additionally to the anaerobic treatment, it was also evaluated the post-treatment of landfill leachate in a sequence batch activated sludge system of 180 L. The ASBR, inoculated with a granular UASB sludge from a poultry wastewater treatment, was inefficient and presented sludge segregation and sedimentation problems. The ASBBR, inoculated using the sludge from the bottom of a landfill leachate reservoir, at the final of acclimation, presented efficiency over 70%, in terms of COD removal, utilizing landfill leachate without water dilution, with an inlet COD at the range of 11,000 mg/L, a TVA/COD ratio of approximately 0.6 and reaction time equal to 7 days. It was realized that the landfill leachate anaerobic biodegradability has a directly relationship to the TVA/COD ratio, and for TVA/COD Total ratio lower than 0.25, the biodegradability is low, for ratios between 0.25 and 0.40 is medium, and up to 0.40 may be considered high. It was also observed that \'NH IND.4\' POT.+\' concentrations at the range of 4,500 mg N/L has no significant interference in the anaerobic treatment, since the biomass has properly acclimated. At the temporal profiles of concentration performed in the ASBBR, it was adjusted a first order model for the substrate consumption, in terms of COD Total, obtaining K1 values ranging between 3.18 x \'10 POT.-5\' and 5.82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). The post-treatment of the ASBBR effluents was evaluated in a sequence batch activated sludge system, which has obtained maximum efficiencies at the range of 30% in terms of COD removal, with an inlet COD at the range of 5,000 mg/L. As regards of the continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter, it has obtained efficiencies superiors to 70% when fed by a mixing of recovery landfill leachate and acidified ethanol, with an inlet COD at the range of 20,000 mg/L.

Tratamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários em sistema de reatores anaeróbio e aeróbio operados em batelada seqüencial / Landfill leachate treatment in sequence anaerobic and aerobic batch reactors systems

Ronan Cleber Contrera 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho avaliou a tratabilidade dos lixiviados do aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP, utilizando-se reatores biológicos. O experimento foi conduzido à temperatura ambiente, em uma unidade piloto construída no aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP. Inicialmente foram testados e comparados dois tipos de reatores anaeróbios, cada um com volume total de 1.200 L e ambos providos de agitação mecânica, diferenciando-se pelo tipo de imobilização da biomassa, sendo o primeiro com biomassa auto-imobilizada (ASBR) e o segundo com biomassa imobilizada em espuma de poliuretano (ASBBR). Um filtro biológico anaeróbio contínuo de fluxo ascendente de aproximadamente 120 L também foi avaliado. Além do pré-tratamento anaeróbio, foi avaliado também o pós-tratamento, que consistiu em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial de aproximadamente 180 L. O ASBR, inoculado com lodo granular de reator UASB, apresentou-se ineficiente, com problemas de desagregação e sedimentação da biomassa. O ASBBR, inoculado com lodo proveniente do fundo de uma lagoa de lixiviados, ao final de sua adaptação, apresentou eficiências superiores a 70%, em termos de remoção de DQO, utilizando-se lixiviado sem diluição, com DQO afluente da ordem de 11.000 mg/L, relação AVT/DQO aproximadamente igual a 0,6 e tempo de reação igual a 7 dias. Verificou-se que a biodegradabilidade anaeróbia dos lixiviados está diretamente relacionada à relação AVT/DQO, e que para relações AVT/DQO Total inferiores a 0,25, a biodegradabilidade é baixa, para relações entre 0,25 e 0,40 é média, e acima de 0,40 pode ser considerada elevada. Observou-se também que concentrações de N-amoniacal, da ordem de até 4.500 mg/L, não impedem o tratamento anaeróbio, desde que a biomassa esteja devidamente adaptada. Aos perfis temporais de concentração, realizados no ASBBR, foi ajustado um modelo de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato, na forma de DQO Total, obtendo valores de K1 variando entre 3,18 x \'10 POT.-5\' e 5,82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). O pós-tratamento dos efluentes do ASBBR foi avaliado em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial, que obteve eficiência máxima da ordem de 30% em termos de remoção de DQO, com DQO afluente da ordem de 5.000 mg/L. Quanto ao filtro biológico anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente, obteve-se eficiências superiores a 70%, ao ser alimentado com uma mistura de lixiviado recalcitrante e etanol acidificado, com DQO afluente da ordem de 20.000 mg/L. / This work evaluated the tractability of landfill leachate from São Carlos-SP, utilizing biological reactors. The experiment was conducted at environmental temperature, in a pilot scale unity constructed into the São Carlos-SP landfill area. Initially, it was compared and tested two kinds of anaerobic reactors, each one with 1.200 L of total volume and both provided of mechanical agitation, differing by the kind of biomass immobilization, having the first (ASBR), self-immobilized biomass, and the second (ASBBR), immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam cubes. An approximately 120 L volume continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter was also evaluated. Additionally to the anaerobic treatment, it was also evaluated the post-treatment of landfill leachate in a sequence batch activated sludge system of 180 L. The ASBR, inoculated with a granular UASB sludge from a poultry wastewater treatment, was inefficient and presented sludge segregation and sedimentation problems. The ASBBR, inoculated using the sludge from the bottom of a landfill leachate reservoir, at the final of acclimation, presented efficiency over 70%, in terms of COD removal, utilizing landfill leachate without water dilution, with an inlet COD at the range of 11,000 mg/L, a TVA/COD ratio of approximately 0.6 and reaction time equal to 7 days. It was realized that the landfill leachate anaerobic biodegradability has a directly relationship to the TVA/COD ratio, and for TVA/COD Total ratio lower than 0.25, the biodegradability is low, for ratios between 0.25 and 0.40 is medium, and up to 0.40 may be considered high. It was also observed that \'NH IND.4\' POT.+\' concentrations at the range of 4,500 mg N/L has no significant interference in the anaerobic treatment, since the biomass has properly acclimated. At the temporal profiles of concentration performed in the ASBBR, it was adjusted a first order model for the substrate consumption, in terms of COD Total, obtaining K1 values ranging between 3.18 x \'10 POT.-5\' and 5.82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). The post-treatment of the ASBBR effluents was evaluated in a sequence batch activated sludge system, which has obtained maximum efficiencies at the range of 30% in terms of COD removal, with an inlet COD at the range of 5,000 mg/L. As regards of the continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter, it has obtained efficiencies superiors to 70% when fed by a mixing of recovery landfill leachate and acidified ethanol, with an inlet COD at the range of 20,000 mg/L.

Uma contribuição ao estudo de algoritmos de rastreamento de máxima potência de sistemas fotovoltaicos utilizando a equação de Monod

Camilo, Jones Clemente January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Alfeu Joãozinho Sguarezi Filho / Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Joel David Melo Trujillo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Santo André, 2018. / Neste trabalho é proposto um algoritmo de rastreamento de máxima potência com a utilização da equação de Monod. O algoritmo aplica-se em sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede elétrica. Os resultados e as comparações mostram que o algoritmo proposto apresenta algumas vantagens em comparação ao algoritmo de perturbação e observação para diversas condições de operação, em especial quando os painéis são submetidos a sombreamento parcial. / In this work we propose an algorithm of maximum power point tracking with using the Monod Equation. The algorithm applies to photovoltaic systems connected to the grid. The results and the comparition show that the algoritmo proposal has some advantages compared to algoritm Perturb and Observe in many situation of operation, in special when the fotovoltaics painels have parcial shading.

Pilot-scale Development of Trickle Bed Air Biofiltration Employing Deep Biofilms, for the Purification of Air Polluted with Biodegradable VOCs

Smith, Francis Lee January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Estudio y modelación matemática del cambio metabólico de las bacterias responsables de la eliminación biológica de fósforo en el tratamiento de aguas residuales

Acevedo Juárez, Brenda 15 April 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Phosphorus is very important in life because it plays an essential role in biological processes. The main use of phosphorus is in the fertilizer industry in the form of phosphates. These phosphates come mainly from phosphate rocks which might be exhausted in 50-100 years. The overexploitation of phosphate rocks has resulted in decreased quality of reserves, and it has raised the cost of extraction, processing and shipping. Moreover, phosphorus coming from wastewater, phosphate rock dissolution, and soil with an excessive supply of fertilizer, is deposited on the surface water bodies causing a serious pollution problem called eutrophication. One of the systems most used to reduced phosphorus levels in the wastewater is the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). This process involves capturing biologically, alternating between anaerobic oxic/anoxic conditions, the wastewater phosphorus through the phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). However, one of the main problems of this process is that the glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs) compete with PAOs for volatile fatty acids (VFA). Even though there have been many studies on the factors affecting competition between PAOs and GAOs, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the metabolism of PAOs when they lack energy reserves in the form of intracellular polyphosphates (poly-P) and its effect on the population dynamics of PAOs and GAOs in an activated sludge system. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation is to study short- and long-term the metabolic behavior of the PAOs to different levels of poly-P; to analyze the population dynamics of microorganisms involved in the process EBPR; to model mathematically that metabolic behavior; and finally, to evaluate the possible recovery of phosphorus by extracting poly-P present in the PAOs. In the short- and long-term study was observed a metabolic shift correlates with the content in poly-P so that under low contents of poly-P the PAOs are able to behave as GAOs but without a significant development of the GAO population. Although, in both studies was observed the same metabolic behavior, from the microbiological point of view were observed some differences. In the short-term, the PAO Type II clearly showed the metabolic shift, while long-term were the PAO Type I. From the experiments performed, necessary expressions (stoichiometric and kinetic) were developed to include new behaviors observed (metabolic rate) in metabolic models existing today. Monod type expressions were developed and implemented on the model of the PAOs to represent the change between the typical stoichiometric parameters of PAO and GAO metabolism. The model was calibrated and validated showing the ability to correctly represent the metabolic change of PAOs under low concentrations of poly-P. When was observed that with low concentrations of poly-P the PAOs have the ability to change its metabolism, without the process was deteriorated by the development of the GAO population, two operating strategies were evaluated to obtain a stream rich in phosphorus to allow later retrieval. The strategies studied differed in the level of extraction of the poly-P from PAOs. In the first strategy, it was extracted less than 40 % of poly-P, while the second strategy, it came to extract more than 90 % of poly-P. The second strategy showed a higher extraction efficiency, achieving recover up to 81 % of the phosphorus present in the wastewater. As a result, of work performed four articles were generated, three of them published in journals of particular importance (2 in the journal Water Research and 1 in the journal Chemical Engineering Journal) constituting the main body of this thesis. / [ES] El fósforo es de gran importancia para la vida debido a que desempeña un papel esencial en los procesos biológicos. El principal uso del fósforo está en la industria de los fertilizantes en forma de fosfatos. Estos fosfatos provienen principalmente de las rocas fosfáticas, las cuales podrían llegar a agotarse entre los próximos 50 y 100 años. La sobreexplotación de la roca fosfática, ha generado una disminución en la calidad de las reservas, y ha elevado el coste de su extracción, procesamiento y transporte marítimo. Por otra parte, el fósforo proveniente de las aguas residuales, de la disolución de las rocas fosfáticas y de los suelos con excesivo aporte de fertilizantes, se deposita en los cuerpos de aguas superficiales produciendo un grave problema de contaminación llamado eutrofización. Uno de los sistemas más empleados para reducir los niveles de fósforo en el agua residual es el proceso de eliminación biológica de fósforo (EBPR). Este proceso implica capturar biológicamente, alternando entre condiciones anaerobias óxicas/anóxicas, el fósforo del agua residual mediante organismos acumuladores de fósforo (PAOs). Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas de este proceso, es la competencia de las PAOs con los organismos acumuladores de glucógeno (GAOs) por los ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV). Aunque si bien se han realizado muchos estudios sobre los factores que afectan la competencia entre PAOs y GAOs, existen aún muchas preguntas sin respuesta en relación al metabolismo de las PAOs cuando estas carecen de reservas energéticas en forma de polifosfatos intracelulares (poli-P) y a su efecto sobre la dinámica de las poblaciones de PAOs y GAOs en un sistema de fangos activados. Es por ello que el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral consiste en: estudiar a corto y largo plazo el comportamiento metabólico de las PAOs al cambiar el contenido en poli-P; analizar la dinámica poblacional de los microorganismos implicados en el proceso de EBPR; modelizar matemáticamente dicho comportamiento metabólico y por último evaluar la posible recuperación de fósforo mediante la extracción del poli-P presente en las PAOs. En el estudio a corto y largo plazo se observó un cambio metabólico correlacionado con el contenido en poli-P, de forma que a bajos contenidos de poli-P las PAOs se comportaban metabólicamente como las GAOs, pero sin que estas últimas se llegaran a desarrollar de forma significativa. A pesar de observar el mismo comportamiento metabólico en ambos estudios, desde el punto de vista microbiológico se observaron diferencias. A corto plazo, las PAO Tipo II mostraron claramente el cambio metabólico, mientras que a largo plazo fueron las PAO Tipo I. A partir de los experimentos realizados, se desarrollaron las expresiones necesarias (estequiométricas y cinéticas) para incluir los nuevos comportamientos observados (cambio metabólico) en los modelos metabólicos existentes en la actualidad. Expresiones tipo Monod fueron desarrolladas e implementadas en el modelo de las PAOs para representar el cambio entre los parámetros estequiométricos típicos del metabolismo PAO y GAO. El modelo fue calibrado y validado mostrando la capacidad de representar correctamente el cambio metabólico de las PAOs a concentraciones bajas de poli-P. Al observar que las PAOs tienen la habilidad de cambiar su metabolismo a bajas concentraciones de poli-P, sin que se deteriorara el proceso por el desarrollo de las GAOs, se evaluaron dos estrategias de operación para la obtención de una corriente rica en fósforo que permita su posterior recuperación. Las estrategias estudiadas se diferenciaban en el nivel de extracción de poli-P de las PAOs. En la primera estrategia se extraía menos del 40 % de poli-P, mientras que en la segunda estrategia se llegaba a extraer más del 90 % de poli-P. La segunda estrategia mostró una eficacia de extracción superior, consiguiendo recuperar hasta el 81 / [CA] El fòsfor és de gran importància per a la vida a causa que exerceix un paper essencial en els processos biològics. El principal ús del fòsfor està en la indústria dels fertilitzants en forma de fosfats. Aquests fosfats provenen principalment de les roques fosfatades, les quals podrien arribar a esgotar-se entre els pròxims 50 i 100 anys. La sobreexplotació de la roca fosfatada, ha generat una disminució en la qualitat de les reserves, i ha elevat el cost de la seua extracció, processament i transport marítim. D'altra banda, el fòsfor provinent de les aigües residuals, de la dissolució de les roques fosfatades i dels sòls amb excessiva aportació de fertilitzants, es diposita en els cossos d'aigües superficials produint un greu problema de contaminació anomenat eutrofització. Un dels sistemes més utilizats per a reduir els nivells de fòsfor en l'aigua residual és el procés d'eliminació biològica de fòsfor (EBPR). Aquest procés implica capturar biològicament, alternant entre condicions anaeròbies aeròbies/anòxies, el fòsfor de l'aigua residual mitjançant organismes acumuladors de fòsfor (PAOs). No obstant açò, un dels principals problemes d'aquest procés, és la competència de les PAOs amb els organismes acumuladors de glucogen (GAOs) pels àcids grassos volàtils (AGV). Encara que si bé s'han realitzat molts estudis sobre els factors que afecten la competència entre PAOs i GAOs, existixen encara moltes preguntes sense resposta en relació al metabolisme de les PAOs quan aquestes careixen de reserves energètiques en forma de polifosfat intracel·lulars (poli-P) i al seu efecte sobre la dinàmica de les poblacions de PAOs i GAOs en un sistema de fangs activats. És per això que l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en: estudiar a curt i llarg termini el comportament metabòlic de les PAOs en canviar el contingut en poli-P; analitzar la dinàmica poblacional dels microorganismes implicats en el procés de EBPR; modelatge matemàticament d'aquest comportament metabòlic i finalment avaluar la possible recuperació de fòsfor mitjançant l'extracció del poli-P present en les PAOs. En l'estudi a curt i llarg termini es va observar un canvi metabòlic correlacionat amb el contingut en poli-P, de manera que a baixos continguts de poli-P les PAOs es comportaven metabolicament com les GAOs, però sense que aquestes últimes s'arribaren a desenvolupar de forma significativa. Malgrat observar el mateix comportament metabòlic en tots dos estudis, des del punt de vista microbiològic es van observar diferències. A curt termini, les PAO Tipus II van mostrar clarament el canvi metabòlic, mentre que a llarg termini van ser les PAO Tipus I. A partir dels experiments realitzats, es van desenvolupar les expressions necessàries (estequiomètriques i cinètiques) per a incloure els nous comportaments observats (canvi metabòlic) en els models metabòlics existents en l'actualitat. Expressions tipus Monod van ser desenvolupades e implementades en el model de les PAOs per a representar el canvi entre els paràmetres estequiomètrics típics del metabolisme PAO i GAO. El model va ser calibrat i validat mostrant la capacitat de representar correctament el canvi metabòlic de les PAOs a concentracions baixes de poli-P. En observar que les PAOs tenen l'habilitat de canviar el seu metabolisme a baixes concentracions de poli-P, sense que es deteriorara el procés pel desenvolupament de les GAOs, es varen avaluar dues estratègies d'operació per a l'obtenció d'un corrent ric en fòsfor que permeta la seua posterior recuperació. Les estratègies estudiades es diferenciaven en el nivell d'extracció de poli-P de les PAOs. En la primera estratègia es va extraure menys del 40 % de poli-P, mentre que en la segona estratègia s'arribava a extraure més del 90 % de poli-P. La segona estratègia va mostrar una eficàcia d'extracció superior, aconseguint recuperar fins al 81 % del fòsfor p / Acevedo Juárez, B. (2016). Estudio y modelación matemática del cambio metabólico de las bacterias responsables de la eliminación biológica de fósforo en el tratamiento de aguas residuales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62585 / Compendio

The dynamics of microbial ferric and sulfate reduction in acidic mine lake sediments and their impact on water quality

Pham, Huynh Anh January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Acidic mine lakes are formed as a result of the oxidation and dissolution of metal sulfide minerals and are primarily characterized by low pH values of 2 – 4. Many strategies for the bioremediation of acidic mine lakes depend on the alkalinity generation capabilities of microbial ferric and/or sulfate reducing bacteria. However nearly all mine lakes are oligotrophic, with very low concentrations of available organic carbon and nutrients; all required for healthy microbial growth. There is also an unusual class of mine lakes characterized by low concentrations of organic carbon and also very low concentrations of dissolved iron and sulfate. Our ability to promote microbial activity in these systems is especially challenging. This study focuses on one of these systems, Lake Kepwari, a coal mine lake in Western Australia. Numerical modeling of remediation strategies is an efficient way of testing scenarios prior to expensive in-field trials. However such modeling relies on good descriptions of microbial processes, including kinetic parameterizations of ferric and sulfate reduction. There has been little research to date on the study of kinetic parameterizations of the chemical and biological alkalinity generation in acidic mine lakes. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate the viability of microbial ferric and sulfate reduction in an ultraoligotrophic, acidic mine lake, to assess the impact of these microbial processes on water quality and to parameterize the Dual Monod kinetics of neutralization under dual limitation conditions. Molecular analyses including most probable number, DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction, polymerase chain reaction – denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis were used to examine the microbial communities in the lake sediments. ... The Monod maximum specific microbial growth rates with respect to dissolved organic carbon and ferric, and as determined in batch experiments, were 0.07 ± 0.01 and 0.048 ± 0.02 day-1, respectively, and their corresponding Monod half saturation constants and were 14.37 and 5.6 mmol L-1. The Monod maximum consumption rates under ferric and OC limitation were also estimated. The Monod maximum specific microbial growth rates with respect to dissolved organic carbon and sulfate, , and were 0.05 ± 0.01, 0.08 ± 0.01 and 0.07 ± 0.02 day-1, respectively, and their corresponding Monod half saturation constants, and were 75.5, 131.8 and 10.2 mmol L-1. The Monod maximum consumption rates under sulfate and OC limitation were also estimated. The results of this study suggest that strategies for the remediation of ultraoligotrophic, acidic mine lakes may rely on microbial ferric and sulfate reduction, however additions of both organic carbon and sulfate/ferric are essential. These results can be immediately applied to mesocosm studies in outdoor enclosures and to the management of acidic mine lakes. Furthermore, this thesis has provided a new, valuable understanding on the Dual Monod kinetic parameterizations of neutralization for an ultraoligotrophic, acidic mine lake environment. These parameterizations are essential for the lake ecological models that will be used to investigate remediation scenarios for acidic mine lakes.

Characterization of the plankton community in the lower Rincon Delta: Investigations regarding new approaches to management

Buyukates, Yesim 17 February 2005 (has links)
In light of increasing harmful algal blooms and the need to protect human health and aquatic resources, proactive management approaches merit further study. For this purpose I conducted field samplings to characterize plankton community composition and laboratory experiments to test some approaches to new management schemes in the lower Rincon Delta. On site measurements and microscopic analysis showed that environmental parameters and plankton community composition varied considerably among sampling stations and sampling dates. A recent modeling study suggested that manipulation of freshwater inflow to estuaries might prevent phytoplankton blooms and enhance secondary productivity. To test this theory I conducted three semi-continuous design and flow-through incubation design experiments using natural plankton assemblages. I investigated the effect of two different pulsing regimes of inflow and nutrient loading on zooplankton densities, and phytoplankton biomass and diversity. Despite differences in zooplankton structure and phytoplankton community composition between the two experiment designs, the results confirmed that pulsed inflows might alter plankton dynamics. My findings showed that 3-day pulse treatments consistently supported greater zooplankton densities and higher phytoplankton species diversity when compared to 1-day pulse treatments. In addition, accumulation of phytoplankton biovolume remained low during 3-day pulse treatments. Differences in zooplankton performance between 3-day pulse and 1-day pulse inflow treatments were likely due to the ability of phytoplankton to uptake and store greater amounts of nutrients under conditions of 3-day pulse inflow. This resulted in food of higher quality for zooplankton, and might have supported greater zooplankton population growth rates. Additionally, in an attempt to understand the mechanisms leading to high biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems, I built a resource-storage model and studied the effects of resource-storage on competition of multiple phytoplankton species on multiple abiotic resources. I compared this model with a well-established multi-species competition model. My results showed that for certain species combinations a resource-storage-based model can generate dissimilar outcomes when compared to a model without resource-storage.

Characterization of the plankton community in the lower Rincon Delta: Investigations regarding new approaches to management

Buyukates, Yesim 17 February 2005 (has links)
In light of increasing harmful algal blooms and the need to protect human health and aquatic resources, proactive management approaches merit further study. For this purpose I conducted field samplings to characterize plankton community composition and laboratory experiments to test some approaches to new management schemes in the lower Rincon Delta. On site measurements and microscopic analysis showed that environmental parameters and plankton community composition varied considerably among sampling stations and sampling dates. A recent modeling study suggested that manipulation of freshwater inflow to estuaries might prevent phytoplankton blooms and enhance secondary productivity. To test this theory I conducted three semi-continuous design and flow-through incubation design experiments using natural plankton assemblages. I investigated the effect of two different pulsing regimes of inflow and nutrient loading on zooplankton densities, and phytoplankton biomass and diversity. Despite differences in zooplankton structure and phytoplankton community composition between the two experiment designs, the results confirmed that pulsed inflows might alter plankton dynamics. My findings showed that 3-day pulse treatments consistently supported greater zooplankton densities and higher phytoplankton species diversity when compared to 1-day pulse treatments. In addition, accumulation of phytoplankton biovolume remained low during 3-day pulse treatments. Differences in zooplankton performance between 3-day pulse and 1-day pulse inflow treatments were likely due to the ability of phytoplankton to uptake and store greater amounts of nutrients under conditions of 3-day pulse inflow. This resulted in food of higher quality for zooplankton, and might have supported greater zooplankton population growth rates. Additionally, in an attempt to understand the mechanisms leading to high biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems, I built a resource-storage model and studied the effects of resource-storage on competition of multiple phytoplankton species on multiple abiotic resources. I compared this model with a well-established multi-species competition model. My results showed that for certain species combinations a resource-storage-based model can generate dissimilar outcomes when compared to a model without resource-storage.

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