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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internal Dual-/Multi-Network Antennas for Laptop Computers

Chou, Liang-che 28 April 2008 (has links)
For laptop computers, the conventional internal antennas are usually used to operate in the WLAN system only, which can not provide sufficient and seamless services for wireless users. In order to overcome this problem, we propose some internal antennas having dual-/multi-network operation capability in this dissertation. Firstly, we present a combo antenna, which combines two shorted monopole antennas for operating in the WWAN/WLAN dual-network system. Secondly, we introduce a shorted monopole antenna through adding a parasitic element to enhance the impedance bandwidth for operating in the WLAN/WiMAX dual-network system. Thirdly, for achieving the compact-size antenna, we present a composite antenna which is composed of a ceramic chip and a printed radiating portion. Fourthly, we introduce a wideband shorted monopole antenna which can provide a wide bandwidth to cover the WPAN, WLAN, and WiMAX operations, and apply it to the MIMO system. Finally, we propose a coupling-type monopole antenna having multi-network operation capability and a compact size, which is about the smallest antenna for wideband operation in the laptop computer so far.

Κεραίες πολλαπλών τυπωμένων στοιχείων για συστήματα απόκλισης ασύρματων τοπικών δικτύων / Multi element antennas for wireless local area network diversity systems

Καραμποϊκης, Εμμανουήλ 25 June 2007 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή παρουσιάζεται µια εκτενής µελέτη συστηµάτων απόκλισης τυπωµένων κεραιών για ασύρµατες συσκευές. Η εξέλιξη των ασύρµατων επικοινωνιών και ειδικότερα η κατανόηση των φαινοµένων που λαµβάνουν χώρα στο ασύρµατο κανάλι µετάδοσης έδωσε ώθηση στην ανάπτυξη τεχνικών αντιµετώπισης φαινοµένων όπως η πολυοδευτική εξασθένηση και η διασυµβολική παρεµβολή. Τέτοιες τεχνικές είναι οι τεχνικές απόκλισης και ειδικότερα οι τεχνικές απόκλισης κεραιών (χώρου, πόλωσης και διαγράµµατος ακτινοβολίας) οι οποίες συνδυάζουν τα λαµβανόµενα από διαφορετικές κεραίες σήµατα µε σκοπό την δηµιουργία ενός σήµατος υψηλότερης στάθµης. Η µεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης της ικανότητας απόκλισης ενός συστήµατος κεραιών περιλαµβάνει τα κριτήρια του συντελεστή συσχέτισης των λαµβανοµένων σηµάτων και του λόγου των µέσων ενεργών κερδών των κεραιών που αποτελούν το σύστηµα. Καθοριστικό ρόλο στην τεχνική απόκλισης διαδραµατίζει ο τρόπος που συνδυάζονται τα λαµβανόµενα σήµατα στον δέκτη, µε την τεχνική του µεγίστου λόγου να αποτελεί την βέλτιστη λύση από πλευράς απόδοσης, αλλά ταυτοχρόνως την πιο δύσκολα υλοποιήσιµη. Η ποσοτικοποίηση της ικανότητας απόκλισης ενός συστήµατος πραγµατοποιείται µε το κέρδος απόκλισης το οποίο λαµβάνει διαφορετικές µορφές και ουσιαστικά παρέχει την πληροφορία του ποσοστού βελτίωσης του συνδυασµένου σήµατος σε σχέση µε µία κεραία αναφοράς. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής αναπτύχθηκαν συστήµατα απόκλισης τυπωµένων κεραιών δύο, τριών, τεσσάρων έως και έξι στοιχείων. Χρησιµοποιήθηκαν κεραίες γεωµετρίας fractal λόγω της σπουδαίας ικανότητας σµίκρυνσης που παρέχει η εν λόγω τεχνική καθώς και το µονόπολο γεωµετρίας ανεστραµµένου F. Ακολουθήθηκε η µεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης της ικανότητας απόκλισης για όλα τα προτεινόµενα συστήµατα και έγινε σύγκριση µεταξύ των συστηµάτων. Μελετήθηκε αφ’ ενός η επίδραση της θέσης της κεραίας σε µία ασύρµατη συσκευή και αφ’ ετέρου η επιλογή της καταλληλότερης προς χρήση κεραίας στην µείωση του φαινοµένου της αµοιβαίας σύζευξης, φαινόµενο το οποίο αποτελεί τον κυριότερο παράγοντα µείωσης της συνολικής ικανότητας απόκλισης σε ένα σύστηµα πολλαπλών κεραιών. Ακόµη, µελετήθηκαν συστήµατα απόκλισης κεραιών τα οποία λειτουργούν σε διαφορετικές µπάντες συχνοτήτων. Τέλος, έγινε µια συγκριτική µελέτη για τον ρόλο που διαδραµατίζει το περιβάλλον και ο τρόπος που κατανέµεται η προσπίπτουσα ισχύς στην συµπεριφορά της απόκλισης των µελετηθέντων συστηµάτων. / This thesis presents a comprehensive study on printed antenna diversity systems for wireless devices. The current upsurge in wireless communications systems and, in particular, the realization of the immanent propagation mechanisms that take place in the transmission medium led to the development of special techniques in order to mitigate the undesired phenomena such as multipath fading and intersymbol interference. Antenna diversity (space, polarization and pattern) is one of these techniques and is based on the assumption that the received signals of two or more antennas could be efficiently combined in order to produce a stronger signal. The evaluation of the diversity performance involves the correlation coefficient of the received signals and the mean effective gain ratio of the diversity antennas. A key role in diversity action plays the combining technique used with the maximum ratio technique producing the best results. Diversity performance is “quantified” by means of diversity gain, which gives the amount of improvement of the combined signal relative to a signal received from a reference antenna. In this thesis, printed antenna diversity systems comprising up to six elements were developed. Antennas of fractal geometry such as the Koch, Minkowski, Sierpinski and FRC monopoles, were utilized due to their inherent miniaturization ability as well as the printed inverted F antenna. All the proposed systems were evaluated according to the methodology mentioned earlier and a comparison of the diversity performance between the systems was carried out. The effect of the antenna placement as well as the proper antenna selection for each system on the reduction of mutual coupling was addressed, which is an issue of primal importance in multi element antenna systems. Multi band antenna diversity systems were also studied. Finally, the impact of the environment’s power distribution on the diversity performance of the antenna systems was considered.

Model and design of small compact dielectric resonator and printed antennas for wireless communications applications : model and simulation of dialectric resonator (DR) and printed antennas for wireless applications : investigations of dual band and wideband responses including antenna radiation performance and antenna design optimization using parametric studies

Elmegri, Fauzi O. M. January 2015 (has links)
Dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) technologies are applicable to a wide variety of mobile wireless communication systems. The principal energy loss mechanism for this type of antenna is the dielectric loss, and then using modern ceramic materials, this may be very low. These antennas are typically of small size, with a high radiation efficiency, often above 95%; they deliver wide bandwidths, and possess a high power handling capability. The principal objectives of this thesis are to investigate and design DRA for low profile personal and nomadic communications applications for a wide variety of spectrum requirements: including DCS, PCS, UMTS, WLAN, UWB applications. X-band and part of Ku band applications are also considered. General and specific techniques for bandwidth expansion, diversity performance and balanced operation have been investigated through detailed simulation models, and physical prototyping. The first major design to be realized is a new broadband DRA operating from 1.15GHz to 6GHz, which has the potential to cover most of the existing mobile service bands. This antenna design employs a printed crescent shaped monopole, and a defected cylindrical DRA. The broad impedance bandwidth of this antenna is achieved by loading the crescent shaped radiator of the monopole with a ceramic material with a permittivity of 81. The antenna volume is 57.0  37.5  5.8 mm3, which in conjunction with the general performance parameters makes this antenna a potential candidate for mobile handset applications. The next class of antenna to be discussed is a novel offset slot-fed broadband DRA assembly. The optimised structure consists of two asymmetrically located cylindrical DRA, with a rectangular slot feed mechanism. Initially, designed for the frequency range from 9GHz to 12GHz, it was found that further spectral improvements were possible, leading to coverage from 8.5GHz to 17GHz. Finally, a new low cost dual-segmented S-slot coupled dielectric resonator antenna design is proposed for wideband applications in the X-band region, covering 7.66GHz to 11.2GHz bandwidth. The effective antenna volume is 30.0 x 25.0 x 0.8 mm3. The DR segments may be located on the same side, or on opposite sides, of the substrate. The end of these configurations results in an improved diversity performance.

Espalhamento de ondas acústicas em defeitos topológicos / Scattering of acoustic waves in topological defects

Ribeiro, Átila Pereira 21 November 2016 (has links)
Research on topological defects has been of increasing interest in recent years, since no laboratory-produced crystal is perfect, that is, it will always present a remarkable number of defects in its structure. Topological defects have different names that depend particularly on the symmetry breaking of the system. Thus, in this work we investigate the acoustic scattering by rigid scatter included in media with topological defects such as declination and global monopole. For these media the acoustic scattering by solid scatter and isotropic included in liquid crystals in the nematic phase with disclination as well as global monopole defects were investigated. In these systems, the amplitude and the scattering patterns were computed as well as the cross section. The results revealed that for low frequencies and < 1 the backscattered wave is dominant, however for values of > 1 the spread wave becomes dominant, where is the default parameter. For high frequencies, when the value of approaches to 0.1 we found that the backscattered wave becomes dominant. We conclude that both the disclination and the global monopoles media have a great advantage in the use in devices that make use of acoustic wave scattering because of the large amplitudes that can be achieved using these cylindrical and spherical structures included in defective fluids. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As pesquisas em defeitos topológicos têm apresentado um interesse crescente nos últimos anos, visto que nenhum cristal produzido em laboratório é perfeito, ou seja, ele sempre apresentará um notável número de defeitos em sua estrutura. Os defeitos topológicos apresentam diferentes nomes que dependem particularmente da quebra de simetria do sistema. Assim, neste trabalho investigamos o espalhamento acústico por espalhadores rígidos inclusos em meios com defeitos topológicos tais como desclinação e monopolo global. Para estes meios foram investigados o espalhamento acústico por espalhadores sólidos e isotrópicos inclusos em cristais líquidos na fase nemática com desclinação bem como defeitos de monopolo. Nestas sistemas, foram computados a amplitude e os padrões de espalhamento bem como a seção de choque. Os resultados reveleram que para baixas frequências e < 1 a onda retroespalhada é dominante, porém para valores de > 1 a onda espalhada se torna dominante, onde é o parâmetro de defeito. Para altas frequências, quando o valor de se aproxima de 0.1 verificamos que a onda retroespalhada passa a ser dominante. Concluímos que tanto os meios com desclinação quanto os monopolos globais apresentam uma grande vantagem na utilização em dispositivos que fazem uso de espalhamento de ondas acústicas em razão das grandes amplitudes que se pode alcançar utilizando essas estruturas cilíndricas e esféricas inclusas em fluidos com defeitos.

Otimiza??o dos par?metros de monopolos planares de microfita para aplica??es em sistemas de banda ultra larga

N?brega, Clarissa de Lucena 21 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClarissaLN.pdf: 3152047 bytes, checksum: a2e14bfa9e4c314444ebb4284dc7608b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work presents a theoretical and experimental investigation about the properties of microstrip antennas for ultra-wideband systems. Configurations of elliptic monopoles with different eccentricities and circular monopoles are considered. Two prototypes for each antenna configuration were built, one with the typical microstrip configuration and the other is similar to the first, except for a small aperture in the ground plane. Therefore, this work proposes to modify the configuration of the ground plane of the monopoles designed adding a rectangular stub, in order to optimize and improve the performance of such structures. The obtained results show that the introduction of that rectangular aperture in the ground plane allows an improvement of the frequency response for the considered antenna propotypes. It is observed a good agreement between the measured and simulated results. Finally, some proposals for future works are presented / Este trabalho apresenta uma investiga??o te?rica e experimental sobre as propriedades de antenas de microfita para sistemas de banda ultra larga. S?o consideradas configura??es de monopolos el?pticos com excentricidades diferentes, e monopolos circulares. Foram constru?dos dois prot?tipos para cada configura??o de antena, um com a configura??o t?pica de microfita e outro similar ao primeiro, mas com uma pequena abertura no plano de terra. Assim, este trabalho objetiva modificar a configura??o do plano de terra dos monopolos projetados atrav?s da inser??o de um recorte retangular, para fins de otimiza??o e melhoria nos desempenhos das estruturas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a introdu??o dessa abertura retangular no plano de terra permite melhorar a resposta em freq??ncia das antenas consideradas. Observa-se uma boa concord?ncia entre os resultados medidos e simulados. Algumas propostas para a realiza??o de trabalhos futuros s?o apresentadas

Antenas monopolo planar com patch em anel circular para sistemas UWB

Silva, Bruna Alice Lima da 14 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaALS_DISSERT.pdf: 4847936 bytes, checksum: ecc365df0d6ba32afff7d15a2ae1d14a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The microstrip antennas are largely used in wireless communication systems due to their low cost, weight, less complex construction and manufacturing, in addition to its versatility. UWB systems have emerged as an alternative to wireless communications over short distances because they offer of higher capacity and lower multipath distortion than other systems with the same purpose. Combining the advantages of microstrip antennas to the characteristics of UWB, it is possible to develop more and more smaller devices, with diverse geometries to operate satisfactorily in these systems. This paper aims to propose alternatives to microstrip antennas for UWB systems operate in the range between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, with a patch on circular ring. Some techniques are analyzed and employed to increase the bandwidth of proposed antenna: the insertion of a parasitic elements and a rectangular slit in the displaced ground plane. For this, key issues are presented as the basic principles of UWB systems, the fundamental theory of antennas and microstrip antennas. The simulations and experimental characterization of constructed antennas are presented, as well as analysis of parameters such as bandwidth and radiation pattern / As antenas de microfita s?o amplamente utilizadas nos sistemas de comunica??o sem fio devido ?s suas caracter?sticas de baixo custo, peso, menor complexidade de constru??o e fabrica??o, al?m de sua versatilidade. Os sistemas UWB surgiram como uma alternativa ?s comunica??es sem fio de curtas dist?ncias por oferecerem maior capacidade e menor distor??o por multipercurso que outros sistemas com a mesma finalidade. Aliando as vantagens das antenas de microfita ?s caracter?sticas do UWB ? poss?vel desenvolver dispositivos cada vez menores e com geometrias diversificadas para operar satisfatoriamente nesses sistemas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor alternativas de antenas de microfita para operar em sistemas UWB, na faixa entre 3,1 e 10,6 GHz, com patch em anel circular. S?o empregadas e analisadas algumas t?cnicas para aumentar a largura de banda das antenas propostas: a inser??o de elementos parasitas e de uma fenda retangular no plano terra deslocado. Para isto, s?o apresentados temas fundamentais como os princ?pios b?sicos dos sistemas UWB, a teoria fundamental de antenas e antenas de microfita. S?o apresentadas as simula??es e caracteriza??es experimentais das antenas constru?das, bem como uma an?lise de par?metros como a largura de banda e o diagrama de radia??o

Bandwidth enhanced antennas for mobile terminals and multilayer ceramic packages

Komulainen, M. (Mikko) 12 June 2009 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, bandwidth (BW) enhanced antennas for mobile terminals and multilayer ceramic packages are presented. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, electrically frequency-tunable mobile terminal antennas have been studied. The first three antennas presented were of a dual-band planar inverted-F type (PIFA) and were tuned to operate in frequency bands appropriate to the GSM850 (824–894 MHz), GSM900 (880–960 MHz), GSM1800 (1710–1880 MHz), GSM1900 (1850–1990 MHz) and UMTS (1920–2170 MHz) cellular telecommunication standards with RF PIN diode switches. The first antenna utilized a frequency-tuning method developed in this thesis. The method was based on an integration of the tuning circuitry into the antenna. The tuning of the second antenna was based on a switchable parasitic antenna element. By combining the two frequency-tuning approaches, a third PIFA could be switched to operate in eight frequency bands. The planar monopole antennas researched were varactor-tunable for digital television signal reception (470–702 MHz) and RF PIN diode switchable dual-band antenna for operation at four cellular bands. The key advantage of the former antenna was a compact size (0.7 cm3), while for the latter one, a tuning circuit was implemented without using separate DC wiring for controlling the switch component. The second part of the thesis is devoted to multilayer ceramic package integrated microwave antennas. In the beginning, the use of a laser micro-machined embedded air cavity was proposed to enable antenna size to impedance bandwidth (BW) trade-off for a microwave microstrip in a multilayer monolithic ceramic media. It was shown that the BW of a 10 GHz antenna fabricated on a low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) substrate could be doubled with this technique. Next, the implementation of a compact surface mountable LTCC antenna package operating near 10 GHz was described. The package was composed of a BW optimized stacked patch microstrip antenna and a wide-band vertical ball grid array (BGA)-via interconnection. Along with the electrical performance optimization, an accurate circuit model describing the antenna structure was presented. Finally, the use of low-sintering temperature non-linear dielectric Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) thick films was demonstrated in a folded slot antenna operating at 3 GHz and frequency-tuned with an integrated BST varactor.

Le service public postal face au droit de l’Union européenne : histoire d’un compromis (1957-2012) / The postal public service from the perspective of European law : story of a compromise (1957-2012)

Le Jan, Morgane 17 November 2016 (has links)
En 1957, l’État est l’organisateur du service public postal en France à travers son administration centrale. Cette même année est signé un traité à Rome entre six États européens autour de l’idée de marché commun avec délégation de souveraineté.Le service public postal et l’Europe du traité de Rome vont, tout d’abord, évoluer parallèlement. Mais, au début des années 1980, le contexte politique, économique et technologique change et l’Europe se saisit de la question postale ; d’une phase d’ignorance, on entre alors dans une phase de confrontation : l’Europe soumet le service postal au droit commun de la concurrence et remet en cause le monopole, organisation traditionnelle du service postal. Par ailleurs, le service public postal organique est transformé : La Poste, exploitant public doté de la personnalité juridique est née. Progressivement, la logique de confrontation laisse place à une phase de concertation entre l’Europe du traité de Rome et les États membres qui donne naissance à plusieurs directives. Ces dernières placent en leur cœur le service universel postal. En 2012, la libéralisation du service postal devient totale : il n’existe plus de monopole légal.Cette ouverture du marché est concomitante avec la révolution numérique. Ainsi, dans ce contexte de bouleversements idéologiques, technologiques et économiques, le service public postal connaît des évolutions significatives tant dans sa forme – La Poste devient une société anonyme – que dans sa mission : pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins d’intérêt général, raison d’être du service public, le service public postal est reconfiguré. / In 1957, the State is the organiser of the public postal service in France through its central administration. That same year, a treaty was signed in Rome between six European States around the idea of a common market with a delegation of sovereignty. At first, the public postal service and the Europe of the Treaty of Rome develop separately. But in the early 1980s, the political, economic and technological context evolves and Europe decides to take an active interest in the matter of the postal service. After a phase of disinterest in postal matters, we enter in a phase of confrontation; Europe submits the postal service to the competition law: monopoly, the traditional organisation of the postal service, is challenged. Moreover, the French public postal service is transformed: La Poste, independent public operator is born. Following the period of confrontation, a period of dialogue follows, bringing together the Europe of the Treaty of Rome and the States members to write the postal law. Several guidelines are adopted, focused in particular on the universal postal service. By 2012, the process of liberalisation of the postal service is complete: there is no legal monopoly in Europe. This new openness is concomitant with the digital era. The postal service must now continue to adapt to this new ideological, technological and economical context: in its form – La Poste becomes a public limited company – as well as in its mission to serve the public interest, the raison d’être of the public service, so the public postal service is reconfigured.

Le droit "exclusif" de l'organisateur sportif / Sports organiser's "exclusive" right

Lebon, Geoffroy 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’organisateur sportif est investi en France d’une prérogative juridique singulière qui lui accorde une maîtrise souveraine de la commercialisation de ses événements sportifs. Organisée dans un premier temps autour d’un monopole de fait, cette réservation du spectacle sportif est aujourd’hui pleinement consacrée au sein de l’article L. 333-1 du Code du sport. Pourtant, en raison de l’assignation d’un régime juridique laconique, la réception légale de la patrimonialisation du fait sportif laisse perplexe et impose, pour en saisir parfaitement le sens, de devoir s’interroger sur sa nature. Ne se satisfaisant ni de la qualification doctrinale de droit sui generis, ni de la qualification doctrinale de droit voisin, le droit de l’organisateur sportif doit être alors appréhendé comme un nouveau droit de propriété incorporelle. En effet, la subjectivation du spectacle sportif se veut être l’aboutissement de la transposition du concept général de droit de propriété à la problématique de l’appropriation de la compétition sportive. En d’autres termes, l’article L. 333-1 du Code du sport institue un droit de propriété original qui, au-delà de l’incorporalité de son objet, fonde directement son régime à partir de ce qui est au cœur de la singularité de l’activité sportive compétitive, à savoir l’aléa sportif. Ainsi, au-delà des dispositions spécifiques du Code du sport, le droit « exclusif » de l’organisateur sportif doit-il directement s’inspirer des dispositions résiduelles du Code civil / The sports organiser has, in France, a singular legal prerogative that grants him a sovereign control over the marketing of its sports events. Organized initially around a de facto monopoly, this reservation of the sporting spectacle is now fully laid down in article L. 333-1 of the sport code. However, due to the assignment of a laconic legal regime, the legal reception of the patrimonialization of the sporting fact leaves perplexing and imposes, in order to seize perfectly its meaning, to have to determine its nature. Not being satisfied either with the doctrinal qualification of sui generis law, or with the doctrinal qualification of neighboring rights legislation, the right of the sports organiser must be then regarded as a new right of intangible property. Indeed, the subjectivation of the sporting spectacle is intended to be the culmination of the transposition of the general concept of property right to the issue of the appropriation of sporting competition. In other words, article L. 333-1 of the sport code establishes an original ownership right which, beyond the incorporation of its object, directly bases its regime on what is at the heart of the singularity of competitive sports activity, namely the sporting uncertainty. Thus, beyond the specific provisions of the sport code, the sports organiser’s “exclusive” right must be directly inspired by the residual provisions of the civil code

Does size matter? Exploring the viability of measuring the charge radius of the first excited nuclear state in muonic zirconium

Wilkinson-Zan, Benjamin 25 August 2020 (has links)
From the point of view of the electromagnetic interaction, empirical descriptions of the nucleus involve only a few parameters, one of the most important being the nuclear charge radius. This has been well measured for ground state nuclei, but it is difficult to measure for excited states, since they decay too quickly for conventional methods to be used. We study the atomic transitions in muonic ^{90}Zr and find that the nuclear charge radius of the first excited state can be inferred by measuring the gamma emissions from certain transitions. We find that with 1keV photon resolution, we can infer a difference between the charge radius of the nuclear ground state and first excited state as small as 0.13%. We will work in units where h = c = 4\pi\epsilon_0 = 1 so that e^2 = \alpha \approx 1/137 (unless otherwise specified). Mass, momentum, and energy will have units of eV, whereas distances will be given in eV^{-1}. In qualitative discussion, we will sometimes revert to discussing distances in meters due to the familiarity of typical scales (e.g. nuclear radius, Bohr radius). When working with 4-vectors in Minkowski space, we use the metric convention (+,-,-,-). / Graduate

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