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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise Termodinâmica de um Buraco Negro com Monopolo Global em Teorias f(R)

Pereira, Francisco Bento Lustosa da Costa Duarte 26 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca do Instituto de Física (bif@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-26T20:14:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseFranciscoLustosa.pdf: 726667 bytes, checksum: b1704d3cae6ec9a91da3b57f936bc53b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-26T20:14:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseFranciscoLustosa.pdf: 726667 bytes, checksum: b1704d3cae6ec9a91da3b57f936bc53b (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho estudamos o problema do Buraco Negro (BN) em um região contendo um Monopolo Global em uma teoria de gravidade f(R). Utilizando o formalismo da métrica, obtemos as equações de campo em termos de [Fórmula] e assumimos que F(R) seja uma fun c~ao de grau n da coordenada radial. Adotando uma aproximação, conseguimos obter soluções do tipo BN e analisamos suas quantidades termodinâmicas, como temperatura local, energia e capacidade térmica para qualquer n. Comparamos os resultados obtidos com o caso do BN de Scharzschild com um Monopo Global e também observamos se há influência do grau n nos efeitos termodinâmicos. / In this work we study the problem of a Black Hole (BH) in a region containing a Global Monopole in a f(R) gravity. We use the metric formalism to obtain the eld equations in terms of [Formula] and assume that F(R) is a n-degree function of the radial coordinate. Adopting an aproximation, we obtain BH solutions and analise the resulting thermodynamical quantities, such as local temperature, energy and heat capacity for all n's. We compare the results with the ones obtaines in the case of the Scharzschild BH with a Global Monopole and observe if there is an in uence of the degree n in the thermodynamical e ects.

Les nationalistes et le rôle de l'État provincial en matière économique à travers la lutte antitrust au Québec (1927-1945)

Lacombe, Alain 25 April 2018 (has links)
Pour l'idéologie nationaliste traditionnelle, la lutte antitrust entreprise en 1927 et se terminant en 1945 constitue une occasion privilégiée de débattre du rôle de l'Etat dans la vie économique de la province. De 1927 à 1932, les nationalistes commencent à souhaiter une certaine intervention étatique. Puis, de 1933 à août 1936, ils revendiquent énergiquement un rôle accru de l'Etat face aux monopoles, particulièrement contre celui de l'électricité. Enfin, de septembre 1936 à 1945, ils seront divisés autour du degré souhaitable d'interventionnisme. D'un côté, il y aura ceux qui favorisent le principe d'Etat-entrepreneur, et de l'autre, ceux qui s'y objecteront farouchement. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Nouvelles tendances dans les condensats d'exciton-polaritons spineurs : défauts topologiques et structures de basse dimensionnalité / New trends in the physics of spinor exciton-polariton condensates : topological defects and low dimensional structures

Flayac, Hugo 13 September 2012 (has links)
Au long de ce manuscrit de thèse je présenterai des effets non linéaires émergents dans les condensats d'exciton-polaritons spineurs. Après un chapitre d'introduction amenant les notions de bases nécessaires, je me concentrerai dans une première partie sur les défauts topologiques quantifiés par des nombres demi-entiers et discuterai leur stabilité, accélération et nucléation en présence de champs magnétiques effectifs. Nous verrons que ces objets se comportent comme des charges magnétiques manipulables démontrant une analogie fascinante avec les monopoles de Dirac. De manière remarquable nous verrons également que ces objets peuvent être utilisés comme des signaux stables pour sonder la physique d'analogues acoustiques de trous noirs. Dans une seconde partie j'étudierai des structures de basse dimensions. Plus particulièrement, je décrirai la formation de solitons de bande interdite et les oscillations de Bloch des exciton-polaritons dans des microfils comportant des structures périodiques et d'autre part les oscillations Josephson à température ambiante dans des paires de micropilliers couplés. / Along this thesis manuscript I shall present some emergent nonlinear phenomena in spinor exciton polariton condensates. After an introductory chapter bringing the necessary background, I will in a first part focus on half-integer topological defects discussing their stability, acceleration and nucleation in the presence of effective magnetic fields. We will see that these objects behave as magnetic charges being fascinating dirac's monopole analogues. Remarkably we will see as well how they can be used as stable signals allowing to seed the physics acoustic black holes analogues. In a second part I will concentrate on low dimensional structures. Especially, I'll describe the formation of gap solitons and the Bloch oscillations of exciton-polaritons in periodically patterned microwires, and besides, the room temperature Josephson oscillations within pairs of coupled micropillars.

La distribution officinale du médicament à l'épreuve de l'européanisation et de la globalisation : une étude au travers de trois exemples : la France, l'Angleterre et l'Italie / Retail pharmacy drug distribution contending with europeanisation and globalisation

Amouric, Jane 08 January 2016 (has links)
L'influence européenne, notamment politique et juridique, la globalisation des échanges de médicaments de même que les conséquences de la globalisation - des crises sanitaires, économiques, financières - affectent les modalités d'organisation et d'exercice de la pharmacie d'officine française, italienne et anglaise. La convergence étant généralement présentée comme figurant au titre des conséquences possibles de l'européanisation et de la globalisation, les régimes français, italien et anglais de distribution de médicament à l'officine évoluent-ils vers une forme de « modèle juridique » commun, dépassant leur opposition historique ? En réalité, non seulement l'on assiste à l'émergence de modèles juridiques d'organisation et d'exercice de la pharmacie qui ne sont pas porteurs d'une unité susceptible de réduire de manière significative les différences entre les législations nationales, mais encore, cette unité n'est pas opportune. En effet, le maintien de spécificités nationales ainsi que l'adaptation des réglementations aux contextes nationaux apparaissent comme des éléments garants de l'efficacité des régimes nationaux de distribution officinale des médicaments. Pour autant, l'efficacité des réglementations ne se résume pas à la garantie des spécificités nationales de l'encadrement du secteur, comme l'illustrent les obstacles à la réparation des dommages imputables aux médicaments et à la protection du monopole pharmaceutique. Si certains apparaissent justement liés aux caractéristiques nationales, d'autres concernent de manière spécifique la lutte contre les ventes illégales de médicaments / European influence, especially political and legal, the globalisation of drug trade as well as the consequences of the globalisation of health, economic and financial crises impact the organisation and practice of French, Italian and English retail pharmacy. Convergence is generally presented as one of the possible consequences of europeanisation and globalisation. In effect, are the legal regimes of drug distribution in retail pharmacies in France, Italy and England evolving towards a common « legal model », beyond their historical opposition ? In reality, not only are we witnessing the emergence of organisational and operational retail pharmacy legal models that do not carry a unicity that would enable significantly reducing differences between national legislations, but this unicity would not be timely. Indeed, the preservation of national specificities, as well as the adaptation of regulations to national contexts appear as key guarantors of the efficacy of retail pharmacy drug distribution national legal regimes. However, the efficacy of regulations cannot be summarised to guaranteeing the sector’s national specificities, as illustrated by the obstacles to compensation for damages attributable to medicines and to the protection of the pharmaceutical monopoly. While some of these obstacles appear precisely linked to national characteristics, others relate specifically to the war against illegal drug sales

Nouvelles tendances dans les condensats d'exciton-polaritons spineurs : défauts topologiques et structures de basse dimensionnalité

Flayac, Hugo 13 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Au long de ce manuscrit de thèse je présenterai des effets non linéaires émergents dans les condensats d'exciton-polaritons spineurs. Après un chapitre d'introduction amenant les notions de bases nécessaires, je me concentrerai dans une première partie sur les défauts topologiques quantifiés par des nombres demi-entiers et discuterai leur stabilité, accélération et nucléation en présence de champs magnétiques effectifs. Nous verrons que ces objets se comportent comme des charges magnétiques manipulables démontrant une analogie fascinante avec les monopoles de Dirac. De manière remarquable nous verrons également que ces objets peuvent être utilisés comme des signaux stables pour sonder la physique d'analogues acoustiques de trous noirs. Dans une seconde partie j'étudierai des structures de basse dimensions. Plus particulièrement, je décrirai la formation de solitons de bande interdite et les oscillations de Bloch des exciton-polaritons dans des microfils comportant des structures périodiques et d'autre part les oscillations Josephson à température ambiante dans des paires de micropilliers couplés.

Θεωρίες για την σκοτεινή ύλη και σχετικές εναλλακτικές θεωρίες

Κατσιάνης, Αντώνης 21 March 2011 (has links)
Ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα θεωρητικά κατασκευάσματα της φυσικής είναι αυτό της σκοτεινής ύλης. Στην παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διπλωματική εργασία αναλύονται οι λόγοι για τους οποίους πιστεύουμε στην ύπαρξη της σκοτεινής ύλης, τα σωματίδια και γενικά τα αντικείμενα που μπορεί να την απαρτίζουν, η σκοτεινή ενέργεια και οι μορφές της και τέλος εναλλακτικές προτάσεις. / One of the most important theoretical creations of physics is dark matter. In this master thesis we describe the reasons we believe in the existence of dark matter, the particles and the objects that consists dark matter, dark energy and finally alternative theories.

Essais sur les déterminants et l'efficacité de la tarification des services publics : une application aux évolutions du secteur de l'eau potable en France / Essays on the determinants and the efficiency of the public utilies’ tarification : an approach to the French drinking water sector evolutions

Mayol, Alexandre 14 November 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse propose une étude théorique et empirique des déterminants de la tarification des services publics et de leurs conditions d’efficacité. La prise en compte des enjeux environnementaux et sociaux, le déploiement des réseaux intelligents et la contrainte forte de maîtrise des coûts ont conduit à la mise en œuvre de nouvelles pratiques en matière tarifaire et organisationnelle dans les services publics. Cette thèse propose trois essais consacrés à l’impact de ces nouvelles pratiques dans l’eau potable en France. Dans un premier temps, nous analysons le passage d’un tarif affine à un tarif progressif sur le comportement des consommateurs d’eau potable, à partir d’une expérience naturelle menée à Dunkerque. Un premier résultat indique que la demande a baissé avec ce nouveau tarif, tout en créant des distorsions. Un deuxième résultat indique que la réaction des consommateurs au signal-prix a été ambivalente. Ces travaux suggèrent de repenser le design tarifaire et l’accompagnement des consommateurs dans leurs choix pour limiter les biais cognitifs. Dans un deuxième temps, nous analysons comment l’organisation politique locale (en France, le niveau de la commune, du syndicat de communes ou de l’intercommunalité) et le mode de gestion (public ou privé) peuvent influencer la performance du service public. L’incidence de ces configurations organisationnelles sur les coûts n’a jamais été étudiée simultanément par la littérature. Nous proposons un modèle théorique, validé par une étude empirique à partir d’un panel des services d’eau français, qui met en évidence l’impact de ces différentes configurations organisationnelles sur le prix. / The present thesis proposes a theoretical and empirical study of the determinants of the pricing of public services and their conditions of effectiveness. Taking into account environmental and social issues, the deployment of smart grids and the strong constraint on cost control have led to the implementation of new pricing and organizational practices in public services. This thesis proposes three essays devoted to the impact of these new practices in drinking water in France. First, we analyze the transition from an affine tariff to a progressive tariff on the behavior of consumers of drinking water, starting from a natural experiment conducted in Dunkerque. A first result indicates that demand has decreased with this new tariff, while creating distortions. A second result indicates that the consumer reaction to the price signal has been ambivalent. This work suggests to rethink the tariff design and the accompaniment of the consumers in their choices to limit the cognitive biases. In a second step, we analyze how the local political organization (in France, the level of the single municipality, the union of communes (Syndicats) or super-municipality (communauté de communes) and the management mode (public or private) can influence the performance of the public service. The impact of these organizational configurations on costs has never been studied simultaneously by the literature. We first propose a theoretical model to analyze them together. Then, from a panel of French water services, we observe empirically that these different organizational combinations have an impact on the price.

An?lise e s?ntese de antenas e superf?cies seletivas de frequ?ncia utilizando computa??o evolucion?ria e intelig?ncia de enxames

Lins, Hertz Wilton de Castro 11 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HertzWCL_TESE.pdf: 4465162 bytes, checksum: b8574ba7e4819cb59386ad0ba99ebd86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The frequency selective surfaces, or FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), are structures consisting of periodic arrays of conductive elements, called patches, which are usually very thin and they are printed on dielectric layers, or by openings perforated on very thin metallic surfaces, for applications in bands of microwave and millimeter waves. These structures are often used in aircraft, missiles, satellites, radomes, antennae reflector, high gain antennas and microwave ovens, for example. The use of these structures has as main objective filter frequency bands that can be broadcast or rejection, depending on the specificity of the required application. In turn, the modern communication systems such as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX, whose services are highly demanded by society, have required the development of antennas having, as its main features, and low cost profile, and reduced dimensions and weight. In this context, the microstrip antenna is presented as an excellent choice for communications systems today, because (in addition to meeting the requirements mentioned intrinsically) planar structures are easy to manufacture and integration with other components in microwave circuits. Consequently, the analysis and synthesis of these devices mainly, due to the high possibility of shapes, size and frequency of its elements has been carried out by full-wave models, such as the finite element method, the method of moments and finite difference time domain. However, these methods require an accurate despite great computational effort. In this context, computational intelligence (CI) has been used successfully in the design and optimization of microwave planar structures, as an auxiliary tool and very appropriate, given the complexity of the geometry of the antennas and the FSS considered. The computational intelligence is inspired by natural phenomena such as learning, perception and decision, using techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, fractal geometry and evolutionary computation. This work makes a study of application of computational intelligence using meta-heuristics such as genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence optimization of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Genetic algorithms are computational search methods based on the theory of natural selection proposed by Darwin and genetics used to solve complex problems, eg, problems where the search space grows with the size of the problem. The particle swarm optimization characteristics including the use of intelligence collectively being applied to optimization problems in many areas of research. The main objective of this work is the use of computational intelligence, the analysis and synthesis of antennas and FSS. We considered the structures of a microstrip planar monopole, ring type, and a cross-dipole FSS. We developed algorithms and optimization results obtained for optimized geometries of antennas and FSS considered. To validate results were designed, constructed and measured several prototypes. The measured results showed excellent agreement with the simulated. Moreover, the results obtained in this study were compared to those simulated using a commercial software has been also observed an excellent agreement. Specifically, the efficiency of techniques used were CI evidenced by simulated and measured, aiming at optimizing the bandwidth of an antenna for wideband operation or UWB (Ultra Wideband), using a genetic algorithm and optimizing the bandwidth, by specifying the length of the air gap between two frequency selective surfaces, using an optimization algorithm particle swarm / As superf?cies seletivas de freq??ncia, ou FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), s?o estruturas constitu?das por arranjos peri?dicos de elementos condutores, denominados patches, geralmente muito finos e impressos sobre camadas diel?tricas, ou de aberturas, perfuradas em superf?cies met?licas muito finas, para aplica??es nas faixas de microondas e ondas milim?tricas. Estas estruturas s?o frequentemente utilizadas em aeronaves, m?sseis, sat?lites, radomes, antenas de refletor, antenas de alto ganho e fornos de microondas, por exemplo. A utiliza??o destas estruturas tem como objetivo principal filtrar bandas de freq??ncia, que podem ser de transmiss?o ou de rejei??o, dependendo da especificidade da aplica??o desejada. Por sua vez, os sistemas de comunica??o modernos, tais como GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi e WiMAX, cujos servi?os s?o altamente demandados pela sociedade, t?m requerido o desenvolvimento de antenas que apresentem, como caracter?sticas principais, baixo custo e perfil, al?m de peso e dimens?es reduzidas. Neste contexto, a antena de microfita se apresenta como uma excelente op??o para os sistemas de comunica??es atuais, pois (al?m de atenderem intrinsicamente aos requisitos mencionados) s?o estruturas planares de f?cil fabrica??o e integra??o com outros componentes de circuitos de microondas. Em consequ?ncia, a an?lise e principalmente a s?ntese destes dispositivos, em face da grande possibilidade de formas, dimens?es e periodicidade de seus elementos, tem sido efetuada atrav?s de modelos de onda completa, tais como o m?todo dos elementos finitos, o m?todo dos momentos e o m?todo das diferen?as finitas no dom?nio do tempo. Entretanto, estes m?todos apesar de precisos requerem um grande esfor?o computacional. Neste contexto, a intelig?ncia computacional (IC) tem sido utilizada com sucesso nos projetos e na otimiza??o de estruturas planares de microondas, como uma ferramenta auxiliar e muito adequada, dada a complexidade das geometrias das antenas e das FSS consideradas. A intelig?ncia computacional ? inspirada em fen?menos naturais como: aprendizado, percep??o e decis?o, utilizando t?cnicas como redes neurais artificiais, l?gica fuzzy, geometria fractal e computa??o evolucion?ria. Este trabalho realiza um estudo de aplica??o de intelig?ncia computacional utilizando metaheur?sticas como algoritmos gen?ticos e intelig?ncia de enxames na otimiza??o de antenas e superf?cies seletivas de frequ?ncia. Os algoritmos gen?ticos s?o m?todos computacionais de busca baseados na teoria da sele??o natural proposta por Darwin e na gen?tica utilizados para resolver problemas complexos como, por exemplo, problemas em que o espa?o de busca cresce com as dimens?es do problema. A otimiza??o por enxame de part?culas tem como caracter?sticas a utiliza??o da intelig?ncia de forma coletiva sendo aplicada em problemas de otimiza??o em diversas ?reas de pesquisa. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste na utiliza??o da intelig?ncia computacional, na an?lise e s?ntese de antenas e de FSS. Foram consideradas as estruturas de um monopolo planar de microfita, do tipo anel, e de uma FSS de dipolos em cruz. Foram desenvolvidos os algoritmos de otimiza??o e obtidos resultados para as geometrias otimizadas de antenas e FSS consideradas. Para a valida??o de resultados foram projetados, constru?dos e medidos v?rios prot?tipos. Os resultados medidos apresentaram excelente concord?ncia com os simulados. Al?m disso, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho foram comparados com os simulados atrav?s de um software comercial, tendo sido observada tamb?m uma excelente concord?ncia. Especificamente, a efici?ncia das t?cnicas de IC utilizadas foram comprovadas atrav?s de resultados simulados e medidos, objetivando a otimiza??o da largura de banda de uma antena para opera??o em banda ultralarga, ou UWB (Ultra Wideband), com a utiliza??o de um algoritmo gen?tico e da otimiza??o da largura de banda, atrav?s da especifica??o do comprimento do gap de ar entre duas superf?cies seletivas de frequ?ncia, utilizando um algoritmo de otimiza??o por enxame de part?culas

Teoria de calibre e geometria via conexões de Cartan- Ehresmann

Santos, Diego Henrique Carvalho dos 07 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:34:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Diego Henrique Carvalho dos Santos.pdf: 664413 bytes, checksum: 9b89955577d748bc73682dc9f48c6e83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-07 / O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar como se dá a correspondência entre teoria de calibre e conexões em espaços …brados. Mais precisamente estabelecemos um dicionário entre a teoria de calibre da mecânica quântica de uma partícula carregada sujeita a um campo eletromagnético e o estudo das conexões em …brados por círculos e por retas complexas. Em seguida, analisamos dois objetos de estudo em física utilizando o conhecimento adquirido no estudo da geometria de espaços …brados. As classes de Chern e a holonomia de uma conexão nos fornecerão uma visualização geométrica de, respectivamente, monopolos magnéticos e o efeito Aharonov-Bohm / The aim of this work is to present how works the correspondence between the gauge theory and connections in ber bundles. More precisely establishing a dictionary between gauge theory of the quantum mechanics of a charged particle under the in‡uence of an electromagnetic eld and the studies of connections in circle bundles and line bundles. Then, we analyzed two objects of studies in physics using the knowledge acquired in the study of the geometry of ber bundles. The Chern classes and the holonomy of a connection will provide a geometrical visualization of, respectively, magnetic monopoles and the Aharonov-Bohm e¤ect

Estudo via simulação computacional do comportamento da magnetização de nanoilhas ferromagnéticas elípticas

Vieira Júnior, Damião de Sousa 03 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-06-28T14:29:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 damiaodesousavieirajunior.pdf: 10265456 bytes, checksum: 8b1ceaeb4c4be0e91a46c2d30add7349 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-07T21:17:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 damiaodesousavieirajunior.pdf: 10265456 bytes, checksum: 8b1ceaeb4c4be0e91a46c2d30add7349 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T21:17:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 damiaodesousavieirajunior.pdf: 10265456 bytes, checksum: 8b1ceaeb4c4be0e91a46c2d30add7349 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O contínuo desenvolvimento das técnicas de fabricação de estruturas em escala nanométrica, com considerável precisão e reprodutibilidade, tem permitido e estimulado a investigação científica em torno das propriedades básicas e novas aplicações tecnológicas desses sistemas. Especialmente a partir dos anos 90, é crescente o interesse da comunidade científica no comportamento de sistemas magnéticos nano-estruturados. Nestes, a quebra da simetria espacial devido às pequenas dimensões faz com que exibam comportamentos completamente distintos dos observados em amostras macroscópicas. A anisotropia de forma resultante das interações clássicas entre os dipolos magnéticos permite a formação de estruturas magnéticas exóticas em nanomagnetos como vórtices, skyrmions, paredes de domínio individuais e, até mesmo, excitações topológicas similares a monopolos magnéticos. A compreensão e controle do comportamento magnético estático e dinâmico dessas estruturas é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos tecnológicos baseados em spintrônica. Neste trabalho foram estudadas nanopartículas planares, alongadas na forma elíptica, de material ferromagnético macio, especificamente o Permalloy-79. Tais nanopartículas tem atraído atenção devido ao seu potencial de aplicação prática no desenvolvimento de novos sensores, dispositivos de lógica, mídias de armazenamento de dados de alta densidade e dispositivos MRAM (Magnetic Random Access Memory). Pelo viés do interesse científico básico, tais nano-ilhas ferromagnéticas são a unidade fundamental em arranjos magnéticos bidimensionais geometricamente frustrados, como sistemas de gelo de spin artificiais. Nestes sistemas o arranjo geométrico das ilhas quebra a degenerescência do estado fundamental da rede, caracterizando um estado de frustração geométrica que permite excitações de comportamento análogo ao de monopólos magnéticos. Sob tais aspectos, é essencial caracterizar as configurações magnéticas no estado fundamental e os processos de reversão da magnetização em nanopartículas individuais. A forma elíptica planar gera uma forte anisotropia magnética, definindo duas configurações fundamentais para a magnetização do estado fundamental das nanopartículas: o estado de vórtice ou o estado alinhado ao longo do maior eixo — estado tipo C. A partir de uma razão de aspecto limite, a magnetização do estado fundamental é confinada no plano e ao longo do eixo maior de cada nano ilha, definindo um nanomagneto monodomínio com dois estados degenerados de magnetização, útil às aplicações previamente descritas. Partindo desse intuito estudamos inicialmente, através de simulação por dinâmica de spin, a competição entre os estados de vórtice e os estados alinhados tipo C como uma função da forma de cada nano-ilha elíptica, construindo um diagrama de fases de estados vórtice - tipo C. Cada nanopartícula magnética é modelada por momentos magnéticos que interagem via interação de troca entre primeiros vizinhos e por interação dipolar clássica de longo alcance. Nossos resultados mostram que é possível fabricar nano-ilhas alongadas com estado fundamental alinhado tipo C em razões de aspecto menores que dois. Este é um resultado interessante do ponto de vista tecnológico, pois permite usar ilhas menores que as atuais em pesquisas com gelos de spin e MRAM. Geralmente, os arranjos experimentais são feitos com nanopartículas de razão de aspecto próximas a três para garantir o estado fundamental alinhado da magnetização. Acrescentando ao modelo um termo de interação Zeeman com um campo magnético externo, estudamos o comportamento da reversão da magnetização nas nanopartículas. Consideramos espessuras diferentes e duas razões de aspecto distintas: uma do tamanho experimental usual e outra menor proposta a partir de nossos resultados. Aplicando campo magnético senoidal em diferentes frequências e em direções distintas no plano das nanoilhas, observou-se a dependência dos processos de reversão em função da espessura das partículas e com a direção e frequência do campo aplicado. Os resultados permitem traçar linhas gerais acerca do comportamento da reversão da magnetização nas nanopartículas individuais sob campo magnético externo. Evidentemente para o desenvolvimento das possíveis aplicações tecnológicas, inclusive o controle de excitações como monopólos magnéticos em gelos de spin, é crucial entender os processos ultra rápidos de reversão da magnetização, o que envolve a aplicação de campo externo de alta frequência em direções cuidadosamente definidas. Com esse objetivo, também estudamos a reversão da magnetização nas nano-ilhas por pulsos curtos de campo magnético (da ordem de nanosegundos) aplicados em diferentes direções. Observamos uma forte dependência da coerência da reversão da magnetização com a direção do campo aplicado e uma significante diferença na dependência angular da coercividade em relação ao observado em trabalhos prévios para campos aplicados na condição quase-estática. Finalmente, baseado em nossos resultados, propomos um método para o controle da reversão coerente da magnetização de nanopartículas individuais em matrizes quadradas de gelos de spin artificiais. Acreditamos que nossos resultados poderão ser úteis no desenvolvimento ulterior de arranjos magnéticos artificiais geometricamente frustrados e no controle das excitações topológicas destes sistemas. / The continuous development of structures fabrication techniques at the nanometer scale with considerable precision and reproducibility has allowed and encouraged scientific research around the basic properties and new technological applications of these systems. Especially from the 90's, there is growing interest of the scientific community in the behavior of nanostructured magnetic systems. In these, the breaking of spatial symmetry due to small dimensionality causes quite different behaviors from those observed in the bulk. The resulting shape anisotropy of the classical interaction between magnetic dipoles allows the formation of exotic magnetic structures in nanomagnets as vortices, skyrmions, single domain walls and even topological excitations similar to magnetic monopoles. The understanding and control of static and dynamic magnetic behavior of these structures is essential for the development of new technological devices based on spintronics. In this work we studied planar elongated nanoparticles in the elliptical shape of soft ferromagnetic material, specifically the Permalloy-79. Such nanoparticles have attracted attention because of their potential to practical application in the development of new sensors, logic devices, high density data storage media and MRAM (Magnetic Random Access Memory) devices. By the bias of basic scientific interest, such ferromagnetic nano-islands are the fundamental unit in two-dimensional magnetic arrangements geometrically frustrated as artificial spin ice systems. In these systems, the geometric arrangement of islands break the degeneracy of the network ground state featuring a state of geometrical frustration that allows excitations with analogous behavior of magnetic monopoles. Under these aspects, it is essential to characterize the magnetic configurations in the ground state and the magnetization reversal processes in individual nanoparticles. The elliptical planar shape generates a strong magnetic anisotropy which defines two basic configurations for the magnetization of the ground state of the nanoparticles: the vortex state or the aligned state along the major axis - type C state. As from an aspect ratio limit value, the magnetization of the ground state is confined in the plane and along the major axis of each nano-island defining mono-domain nanomagnet with two degenerate states of magnetization, useful for the applications previously described. Starting from this purpose we study initially, through simulation by spin dynamics, the competition between the vortex states and aligned type C states as a function of the shape of each elliptical nano-island to build a states diagram. Each magnetic nanoparticle is modeled by magnetic moments that interact by exchange interaction between nearest neighbors and by the classical long-range dipolar interaction. Our theoretical results indicate the possibility to manufacture elongated nano-islands with ground state like aligned C state for aspect ratios less than two. This is an interesting result from the technological point of view because it will be possible to use smaller islands in researches on spin ice and MRAM. Generally, the experimental arrangements are made with nanoparticles of aspect ratio close to three to ensure aligned magnetization in the ground state. Adding to the model a Zeeman interaction term between the magnetic moments and an external magnetic field we study the behavior of the magnetization reversal in nanoparticles. We consider different thickness and two different aspect ratios: one in the usual experimental size and a smaller proposed from our results. Applying sinusoidal magnetic field at different frequencies along the anisotropy axis in directions of ten and forty-five degrees from this, we observed the dependence of the reversal processes on the thickness of the particles and with the direction and frequency of the applied field. The results allow to establish general guidelines about the magnetization reversal behavior of the individual nanoparticles under external magnetic field. Evidently, for the development of possible technological applications, including the control of excitation like magnetic monopoles in spin ice, it is crucial to understand the ultrafast magnetization reversal processes which involves the application of high frequency magnetic fields in carefully defined directions. With this aim, we also studied the magnetization reversal of the nano-islands by short pulses of magnetic field (of the nanosecond order) applied in different directions. We observed a strong dependence on the coherence of the magnetization reversal with the direction of the applied field and a significant difference in the angular dependence of the coercivity compared to those seen in previous studies with applied magnetic fields in quasistatic conditions. Finally, based on our results we propose a method for the control of the coherent magnetization reversal of individual nanoparticles in square artificial spin ice arrays. We believe that our results may be useful in further developments of geometrically frustrated magnetic artificial arrangements and in the control of the topological excitations of these systems.

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