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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifikace změn mechanických vlastností axiálního systému člověka v důsledku zátěžového a relaxačního režimu / Identification of changes in mechanical characteristics of human axial system as a result of loading and relaxation regime

Van der Kamp Kloučková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Problem: A lot of attention is given to the safety of the driving and the possibility to register fatigue of the drivers. Driving cars is monotony and static. Vibration loading, which causes changes in the axial system. This causes discomfort and fatigue to drivers after some time of exposure to the loading. Hypothesis: It is possible to prove the changes of mechanical characteristics (indicators) of the axial system using the TVS (transfer vibration through spine) method. By using TVS method before and after different types of loading or before and after relaxation it is possible to detect changes of the viscoelastic properties. This can be done by checking changes in the way of waves transfer through the axial system of the observed participants. Objective: Verify the possibility of use of TVS method to register changes of the viscoelastic characteristics of the axial system. Method: The TVS was chosen as a detection method. The method is based on the use of five-msec semi-bandwidth γ pulse stimuli and consequent application of continuously changing harmonic stimuli which periodically differ between 5Hz and 160Hz to the vertebrae C7 and L5. This wave is carried through the axial system and its acceleration on the spinous processes between C7 and S1 is scanned with the help of accelerometric...

Job Rotation in Software and Network Engineering in the European and North American Markets : Focus During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Georgakis, Grigorios January 2021 (has links)
Currently, many companies face the problem of IT employee exhaustion. Reports state that network and software engineers feel exhausted due to an elevated workload resulting from the increased demand for digitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV2. Moreover, remote work has been associated with a loss of motivation and boredom among some employees. Job rotation is a management technique widely used to increase motivation and expand the skillset of employees. While studies investigating the effects of job rotation on the working conditions of IT employees exist, these date back to the period before the pandemic. This thesis aims to investigate the potential of using job rotation with several network and software engineers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the European and North American markets. In other terms, this master thesis is a case study that investigates the specific community of these 44 software and network engineers. Therefore, I collected data in the form of responses of software and network engineers in interviews and a survey, for qualitative and quantitative research respectively. This study provides important insights and forms a base for the further investigation of the potential of job rotation for the maintenance of sustainable working conditions for IT employees during a global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The case study shows how job rotation may promote social sustainability. / För närvarande möter många företag problemet med utmattning av IT -anställda. Rapporter säger att nätverks- och programvaruutvecklare känner sig utmattade på grund av en ökad arbetsbelastning till följd av den ökade efterfrågan på digitalisering under COVID-19-pandemin orsakad av coronaviruset SARS-CoV2. Dessutom har distansarbete förknippats med förlust av motivation och tristess bland vissa anställda. Jobbrotation är en ledningsteknik som används i stor utsträckning för att öka motivationen och utöka de anställdas kompetens. Medan studier som undersöker effekterna av arbetsrotation på IT -anställdas arbetsförhållanden finns, går dessa tillbaka till perioden före pandemin. Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka potentialen för att använda jobbrotation med ett antal nätverksingenjör och programvaruutvecklare under COVID-19-pandemin på de europeiska och nordamerikanska marknaderna. Med andra ord är detta examensarbete en fallstudie som undersöker den specifika gemenskapen hos dessa 44 programvaruutvecklare och nätverksingenjörer. Därför samlade jag in data i form av svar från programvaruutvecklare och nätverksingenjörer i intervjuer och en undersökning, för kvalitativ respektive kvantitativ forskning. Denna studie ger viktiga insikter och utgör en grund för den fortsatta undersökningen av potentialen för jobbrotation för att upprätthålla hållbara arbetsförhållanden för IT-anställda under en global kris som COVID-19-pandemin. Fallstudien visar hur jobbrotation kan stödja social hållbarhet.

Effektbelysning i trafikmiljö / Effect lighting in traffic environment

Nordén, Catharina January 2017 (has links)
Examensarbetet genomfördes vid Jönköping University i samband med Ljusdesign utbildningen år 2017. Undersökningen avsåg att undersöka trafikmiljön utmed motorvägen mellan Värnamo och Jönköping, för att kunna kartlägga och få en uppfattning av hur effektbelysningen där kan användas med färgat ljus utan att skapa en fara i trafiken. Målet var att undersöka om effektbelysningarna visade en påverkan på bilförarnas upplevelse av motorvägen, samt om färgerna gav en skillnad i upplevelsen eller skapade distraktioner. Området var aktuellt att undersöka eftersom effektbelysningar utmed vägar blir alltmer vanliga efter teknologin inom belysning blivit mer användbar och ekonomiskt försvarbar. Av det skälet blir effektbelysningar av färg vanliga men antas också ge en påverkan i trafiken som vi inte är medvetna om. Studiens frågeställningar formulerades därefter och undersökte hur effektbelysning på objekt påverkar bilförares upplevelse i trafiken. Samt om effektbelysning av färg och neutralt ljus påverkade upplevelsen olika.Fältstudien genomfördes under tre kvällar i mars månad på en bensinstation i anknytning till sträckan som undersöktes. Deltagarna svarade på ett frågeformulär med semantiska skalor där de fyllde i hur de känt sig och upplevt vägsträckan de hade kört. Av deltagarna tillfrågades slumpmässiga uttagna personer om de kunde svara på följdfrågor i form av en intervju. På sträckan fanns sju stycken effektbelysningar varav tre hade färgat ljus. Resultaten visade att effektbelysningen på objekten fångade bilförarnas uppmärksamhet och påverkade bilförarnas upplevelse av vägsträckan. Studien visade även att förarna påverkades olika av effektbelysningarna beroende på om ljussättningen var av färgat eller neutralt ljus. Slutsatserna av undersökningen visar hur förarna i denna studie upplevde sträckan mellan Jönköping och Värnamo. För att konstatera hur belysta objekt generellt påverkar trafiksäkerheten krävs mer forskning. / The thesis was conducted at Jönköping University in conjunction with the lighting design education in year 2017. The study aimed at investigating the traffic environment along the high way between Värnamo and Jönköping in order to map and get an idea of how the effect lighting can be used with colored light without creating a danger to traffic. The aim was to investigate whether the effect lights showed an impact on the driver's perception of the highway, and if the colors gave a difference in the experience or created distractions. The area was relevant to investigate as effect lighting are becoming more common after the technology has become more useful and economically justifiable. For that reason effect lighting with color are becoming more common, but are believed to have an impact on traffic that we are not aware of. The thesis questions were then formulated and investigated how effect lighting on objects affects drivers' experience in traffic. As well as if effect lighting of color and neutral light affect drivers’ experience of the road differently.The field study was conducted for three nights in March at a gas station related to the route that was investigated. Participants answered questions with semantic scales where they answered how they felt and experienced the road. Some of the participants were also randomly picked and asked if they could answer any following questions in the form of an interview.The road that was investigated had seven different effect lightings, witch three of them had colored light. The results showed that the lighting on the objects caught the attention of car drivers and affected the road drivers' experience of the road. The study also showed that the drivers were affected differently by the effect lights depending on whether the lighting was of colored or neutral light. The conclusions of the survey show how the drivers in this study experienced the road between Jönköping and Värnamo. To find out how effect lighting on objects generally affect road safety, more research is required.

Identifikace změn mechanických vlastností axiálního systému člověka v důsledku zátěžového a relaxačního režimu / Identification of changes in mechanical characteristics of human axial system as a result of loading and relaxation regime

Van der Kamp Kloučková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Problem: A lot of attention is given to the safety of the driving and the possibility to register fatigue of the drivers. Driving cars is monotony and static. Vibration loading, which causes changes in the axial system. This causes discomfort and fatigue to drivers after some time of exposure to the loading. Hypothesis: It is possible to prove the changes of mechanical characteristics (indicators) of the axial system using the TVS (transfer vibration through spine) method. By using TVS method before and after different types of loading or before and after relaxation it is possible to detect changes of the viscoelastic properties. This can be done by checking changes in the way of waves transfer through the axial system of the observed participants. Objective: Verify the possibility of use of TVS method to register changes of the viscoelastic characteristics of the axial system. Method: The TVS was chosen as a detection method. The method is based on the use of five-msec semi-bandwidth γ pulse stimuli and consequent application of continuously changing harmonic stimuli which periodically differ between 5Hz and 160Hz to the vertebrae C7 and L5. This wave is carried through the axial system and its acceleration on the spinous processes between C7 and S1 is scanned with the help of accelerometric...

Aplikace kooperativní teorie her pro Cournotovy oligopoly / Application of cooperative game theory in Cournot oligopoly

Eryganov, Ivan January 2019 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the application of cooperative game theory for solving the problems of Cournot's oligopolies. The knowledge of oligopoly theory and game theory has been elaborated to build a model describing the behavior of companies at a market that meets the preconditions of Cournot's oligopoly. The definition of cooperative game is based on the -characteristic function, which takes into account, compared to classical methods, that companies which are not in the coalition are pursuing their own profits, not suppressing coalition positions. The properties of the resulting cooperative games are examined in detail, focusing on monotony and convexity. Several theorems about these properties have been derived and their economic interpretations are given. Also, the question of calculation of the -characteristic function using the best-reply dynamics algorithm is being solved, and its convergence for a given type of games is justified. The model is applied to data from the oil market, which is further characterized by the results of the cooperative game.

Imperfect indifference : the rhythm, structure and politics of neutrality

Carr, Angela 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l’émergence d’une poésie de l’entre deux dans la littérature expérimentale, en suivant ses développements du milieu du vingtième siècle jusqu'au début du vingt-et-unième. Cette notion d’entre-deux poétique se fonde sur une théorie du neutre (Barthes, Blanchot) comme ce qui se situe au delà ou entre l'opposition et la médiation. Le premier chapitre retrace le concept de monotonie dans la théorie esthétique depuis la période romantique où il est vu comme l'antithèse de la variabilité ou tension poétique, jusqu’à l’émergence de l’art conceptuel au vingtième siècle où il se déploie sans interruption. Ce chapitre examine alors la relation de la monotonie à la mélancolie à travers l’analyse de « The Anatomy of Monotony », poème de Wallace Stevens tiré du recueil Harmonium et l’œuvre poétique alphabet de Inger Christensen. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la réalisation d’une poésie de l’entre-deux à travers une analyse de quatre œuvres poétiques qui revisitent l’usage de l’index du livre paratextuel: l’index au long poème “A” de Louis Zukofsky, « Index to Shelley's Death » d’Alan Halsey qui apparait à la fin de l’oeuvre The Text of Shelley's Death, Cinema of the Present de Lisa Robertson, et l’oeuvre multimédia Via de Carolyn Bergvall. Le troisième chapitre retrace la politique de neutralité dans la théorie de la traduction. Face à la logique oppositionnelle de l’original contre la traduction, il propose hypothétiquement la réalisation d’une troisième texte ou « l’entre-deux », qui sert aussi à perturber les récits familiers de l’appropriation, l’absorption et l’assimilation qui effacent la différence du sujet de l’écrit. Il examine l’oeuvre hybride Secession with Insecession de Chus Pato et Erin Moure comme un exemple de poésie de l’entre-deux. A la fois pour Maurice Blanchot et Roland Barthes, le neutre représente un troisième terme potentiel qui défie le paradigme de la pensée oppositionnelle. Pour Blanchot, le neutre est la différence amenée au point de l’indifférence et de l’opacité de la transparence tandis que le désire de Barthes pour le neutre est une utopie lyrique qui se situe au-delà des contraintes de but et de marquage. La conclusion examine comment le neutre correspond au conditions de liberté gouvernant le principe de créativité de la poésie comme l’acte de faire sans intention ni raison. / This dissertation proposes the emergence of a poetry of the threshold in experimental literature, tracing its development from the mid-twentieth century to the early twenty-first century. The notion of threshold poetry is premised on a theory of the neutral (Barthes, Blanchot) as that which is located beyond or between opposition or mediates. Chapter One retraces the concept of monotony in aesthetic theory, from the Romantic period, where it figures as the antithesis to changefulness or poetic tension, to the emergence of conceptual art in the twentieth century. Chapter One further examines the relationship of monotony to melancholy through an analysis of “The Anatomy of Monotony” by Wallace Stevens and alphabet by Inger Christensen. Chapter Two proposes a ‘poetry of the threshold’ through an analysis of four works of experimental, paratextually structured works of poetry: Louis Zukofsky’s index to “A”; Alan Halsey’s “Index to Shelley’s Death,” which comes after The Text of Shelley’s Death; Lisa Robertson’s Cinema of the Present; and Carolyn Bergvall’s multimedia work Via. Chapter Three retraces the politics of neutrality in translation theory. Against the oppositional logic of original versus translation, it hypothetically proposes the realization of a ‘third’ or threshold text, which also serves to disrupt the familiar narratives of appropriation, absorption and assimilation that efface the difference of the writing subject. It examines the hybrid work Secession with Insecession by Chus Pato and Erin Moure as an example of threshold poetry. For both Maurice Blanchot and Roland Barthes, the neutral represents a potential third term that baffles the paradigm of oppositional thought. For Blanchot, the neutral is difference taken to the point of indifference and the opacity of transparency while Barthes’ desire for the neutral is for a lyrical utopia that is located beyond the constraints of purpose and marketability. The conclusion examines how the neutral corresponds to the conditions of freedom governing the creative principle of poiesis as the act of making without intention or purpose.

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