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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En intersektionell studie av Jonas Hassen Khemiris roman Montecore : en unik tiger

Andersson, Joakim January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats utgår från romanen Montecore: en unik tiger av Jonas Hassen Khemiri, som utkom 2006 på Norstedts Förlag och är Khemiris andra bok efter succédebuten med Ett öga rött. Detta är en intersektionell studie av den förstnämnda som tittar på hur de olika maktordningarna inom romanen ter sig. Men även hur dessa påverkar varandra.</p>

En intersektionell studie av Jonas Hassen Khemiris roman Montecore : en unik tiger

Andersson, Joakim January 2007 (has links)
Denna uppsats utgår från romanen Montecore: en unik tiger av Jonas Hassen Khemiri, som utkom 2006 på Norstedts Förlag och är Khemiris andra bok efter succédebuten med Ett öga rött. Detta är en intersektionell studie av den förstnämnda som tittar på hur de olika maktordningarna inom romanen ter sig. Men även hur dessa påverkar varandra.

Khemiriskans knasiga kreativitet : en kartläggning av Jonas Hassen Khemiris artificiella språk i boken Montecore - en unik tiger

Skowronska, Martina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Den tigrerade svenskheten : konstruktionen av en ”svensk” identitet i Jonas Hassen Khemiris roman Montecore: En unik tiger

Hallonsten, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This paper is about the construction of a ”Swedish” identity in the novel Montecore: en unik tiger by Jonas Hassen Khemiri (translated in English to Montecore: the silence of the tiger). In the paper I start by, after a short introduction, introducing the theoretical background against which the novel will be analyzed. The main focus is postcolonial theories with Edward Saids work about making “the Other” as a base. I then go through some contemporary Swedish studies about race as a category and internalized racism, make a brief introduction to performativity, to finish with the thought provoking theories about the cyborg by Donna J. Haraway. In the section about method I present discourse analysis and the social constructionism that permeates postcolonial studies and discourse analysis and therefore the paper. Finally I analyze the material. In this section I use made-up dialogues to illustrate the different positions the characters take when responding to the imagined community that is Sweden, and the conditions imposed on those wanting to be accepted as Swedes. I use policy documents of a Swedish political party, Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats) as a counterpart in the dialogues. Thereafter I have a short conclusion, and then you’re free.

Spegel, spegel på texten där : – En studie i mise en abyme som dekonstruktiv praktik i skönlitteraturen / Mirrors within mirrors in literature : – A study in the mise en abyme as a deconstructive practice in fiction

Paananen, Annika January 2014 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersökts hur greppet mise en abyme kan användas som ett dekonstruktivt verktyg i fiktionen. De tre romanerna som ligger till grund för uppsatsen är Montecore - en unik tiger av Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Sara Stridsbergs Drömfakulteten: tillägg till sexualteorin samt If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler av Italo Calvino. Gemensamt för romanerna är att de alla genom att kommentera sin egen tillkomst och låta boken uppträda i boken skapar en osäkerhet i frågan om vad som är sanning och inte i de respektive berättelserna. Sanningen rubbas och dekonstrueras om vartannat genom användandet av mise en abyme.

Khemiriskans knasiga kreativitet : en kartläggning av Jonas Hassen Khemiris artificiella språk i boken Montecore - en unik tiger

Skowronska, Martina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Den personliga korrespondensen : En komparativ analys mellan hur det intima visas i brevromanerna Pamela or Virtue Rewarded och Montecore – en unik tiger

Sollander Jergeby, Ina January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Förtvivlade läsningar : Litteratur som motstånd och läsning som etik

Hjort, Elisabeth January 2015 (has links)
This study has two aims and addresses two areas of investigation. The first aim is to examine, in four novels and their textual worlds, what role is played by collective self-images and essentialist identities in maintaining power structures in regard to gender, class, norms for mental functions, and ethnicity. Whether, and if so, how, the novel’s deconstruction of language and images can function as resistance to hegemonic oppression? What does the encounter between the privileged collective and the marginalized look like in the novel, and what happens in this encounter? The project’s second aim is to probe what criticism of, and what strategies for resistance to, various power structures reading can provide. To what extent is it possible to speak of responsibility for, and in, the reading of fictional works? What role is played by the (un)expected and the conditionality in the poetical novel’s ethical demands on the reader? What might reading as an ethical practice mean and entail? The dual aim situates this dissertation in an interdisciplinary field between ethics, literary studies and aesthetics. In this study despair is the fundament on which the ethical reader stands to approach literature. Rather than discovering meanings, finding examples, or experiencing empathy, it is being engaged in the conditions determined by suffering and injustice that constitutes ethical reading. The novels Drömfakulteten (The Dream Faculty) by Sara Stridsberg, Hevonen häst (Hevonen Horse) by Annika Korpi, Montecore by Jonas Hassen Khemiri, and Personliga pronomen (Personal Pronouns) by Daniel Sjölin comprise the material for the study. They are analysed in terms of deconstructive hermeneutics. Theories brought to bear are primarily Gayatri Spivak’s post-colonial and Emmanuel Levinas’ phenomenological thinking about ethics, together with ideas from, among others, Derek Attridge, Judith Butler, and Sara Ahmed. The readings of the novels are done via four points of entry: identity, the body, the human, and the post-political, as part of the project’s work process, with each reading leading to new questions and critical interventions. The analysis points to a responsibility in relation to identity, a practice where oneself is shifted and transformed. This responsibility also encompasses accountability for the normative orders that need to be changed. Literary projects per se cannot achieve this, but they can be read as a stab at resistance, material for the reader to elaborate upon. This responsibility is an ethical practice that is not completed, that has uncertainty inscribed in its very essence, and that is reinvigorated with each new reading.

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