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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of Ephemeral Channel Cross-Section Morphology Following Pipeline Construction in Southern Arizona

Miller, Hennessy Felicia, Miller, Hennessy Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Morphologic change of ephemeral stream cross-sections is a natural component of fluvial geomorphology but disruptions to natural erosion and deposition by anthropogenic disturbances has the potential for cascading impacts down the channel corridor. The proximal impact of a natural gas pipeline construction on ephemeral stream cross-section geometry in southern Arizona was evaluated from July 2014 (pre-construction) to July 2016 (two years post construction). Cross-sections at three locations (upstream the pipeline Right-Of-Way (ROW)), through the middle of the ROW, and downstream of the ROW) were measured using Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) and field methods for 16 ephemeral streams. Results of both the LIDAR and field measurements indicated insignificant difference in cross-sectional area change between upstream, across, and downstream-ROW cross-sections [(F 2,64) = 0.341, p = 0.73; (F2,18)= 0.980, p = 0.395]. Sediment generated during pipeline construction appeared to have moved beyond the physical confines of the study site, which limited the assessment of larger-scale geomorphic impacts. Furthermore, the 2014-2016 study period experienced only small (high-recurrence frequency) precipitation events, indicating the absence of large flows capable of significant morphologic change. To further explain differences in cross-section area change between LIDAR datasets, a linear regression model was used to assess the predictive value of nine variables: year of measurement, drainage area, drainage density, basin slope, upstream-, across-, downstream-ROW cross-section locations, percent bare soil in basin, percent mesquite in basin, total precipitation, and number of storms with average precipitation above 25 mm/hour. Though the amount of bare soil in the basin and the second study period (February 2015-July 2016) at least partially explained the changes in cross-section area, the model was not a strong predictor of morphologic change during the 2014-2016 study period. The majority of the variability in cross-sectional area change in the study basins remained unexplained.

Future, conditional and autonomous morphology in Occitan

Esher, Louise January 2012 (has links)
Occitan presents a complex inflectional paradigm together with extensive regional variation, thus offering a rich source of morphological data; as the present study demonstrates, these data are of significant value both to morphological theory and to comparative Romance linguistics. The study is concerned with the form and meaning of two categories within the Occitan verb paradigm, the ‘synthetic future’ (SF) and ‘synthetic conditional’ (SC) derived from the Latin periphrastic constructions CANTARE HABEO and CANTARE HABEBAM respectively. In Romance languages which present this type of future and conditional, SF and SC typically share a stem: due to their parallel origin, it is often assumed that this identity of stem is unremarkable, and that it diagrams a common semantic value, usually that of temporal futurity. However, careful examination of the Occitan data reveals that both these assumptions are overly simplistic. While the semantic values associated with SF and SC in varieties of Occitan certainly overlap to some extent, this functional commonality is not absolute, nor does the distribution of semantic values map exactly to the distribution of stems within the paradigm. Furthermore, while in the majority of cases SF and SC do share a stem, Occitan also presents a phenomenon which may be unique within Romance, that of ‘asymmetrical’ stem distribution, in which the stems of the SF and SC are distinct from one another. The distribution of stems between SF and SC in Occitan can only be adequately explained by appealing both to semantic motivations and to the purely formal motivations of autonomous morphology. The phenomena discussed here show that autonomous morphology can interact with extramorphological factors, and, as a consequence, that an autonomously morphological element may be present even in morphological phenomena which prima facie appear extramorphologically motivated.

Effects of N⁶,O²'-Dibutyryl Cyclic Adenosine 3' ,5' Monophosphate on Transformation of Rat Kidney Cells and Chick Embryo Fibroblasts by Wild-Type and Temperature-Sensitive Rous Sarcoma Virus

Marshall, David A. (David Allen) 12 1900 (has links)
N^6,O^2' -Dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (Bt_2cAMP) was investigated for its effects on various tissue culture cells infected with temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant, LA31 and Bratislava 77 (B77), a wild-type Rous sarcoma virus. Specifically, known parameters of transformation were investigated and a possible site of action has been tenably proposed. The drug Bt_2cAMP was found to have little effect on the transformation related properties of primary chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) infected with either virus or normal rat kidney fibroblasts (NRK) infected with the wild-type B77-RSV. However, significant inhibition of the transforming properties in NRK infected with the ts mutant LA31 (LA31-NRK) were reported at the permissive temperature 33 degrees centigrade (33 C).

Properties of Normal Rat Kidney Cells Transformed by a Temperature-Sensitive Mutant (LA31) of Rous Sarcoma Virus

Connolly, John R. (John Robert) 08 1900 (has links)
The basis of this investigation is to characterize growth property differences in normal versus virally transformed cells. Using a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus, the cells' transformation state is regulated by the growth temperature; at 33°C the cells are transformed, while at 39°C the cells have normal characteristics. The morphology of NRK cells is elongated and fibroblastic; when transformed the cells are rounded. Normal cells grow to a monolayer and stop, while transformed cells grow to saturation densities greater than just a monolayer amount. Transformed cells can form foci when grown in mixture with normal cells. Normal cells must be in contact with the culture vessel in order to grow, but transformed cells lack anchorage dependence for growth.

Compounding and Incorporation in the Ket Language: Implications for a More Unified Theory of Compounding

Smith, Benjamin C 01 January 2014 (has links)
Compounding in the world’s languages is a complex word-­‐formation process that is not easily accounted for. Moreover, incorporation is equally complex and problematic. This examination of compounding and incorporation in the Ket language seeks to identify the underlying logic of these processes and to work towards a typology that captures generalizations among the numerous ways in which languages expand their lexicons through these processes. Canonical Typology provides a framework that does just this. A preliminary canonical typology of compounds is proposed here, one that subsumes a range of compounds as well as incorporation. For this reason, the Ket language, which relies heavily on compounding and incorporation, will be used as a test case. The aim is to define the canonical com


Hardymon, Nathan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Shawnee is a language whose alignment system is of the type first proposed by Nichols (1992) and Siewierska (1998): hierarchical alignment. This alignment system was proposed to account for languages where distinctions between agent (A) and object (O) are not formally manifested. Such is the case in Shawnee; there are person-marking inflections on the verb for both A and O, but there is not set order. Instead, Shawnee makes reference to an animacy hierarchy and is an inverse system. This thesis explores how hierarchical alignment is accounted for by Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), and also applies Paradigm Function Morphology to LFG’s m(orphological)-structure as most of the alignment system in Shawnee is realized in the inflectional morphology.

Uma revisão da anatomia de Polypteridae (Vertebrata: Cladistii) / A review of the anatomy of Polypteridae (Vertebrata: Cladistii).

Rizzato, Pedro Pereira 15 March 2019 (has links)
Polypteridae é um grupo de peixes de água doce e salobra que ocorre atualmente apenas em regiões tropicais da África. As 14 espécies viventes de polipterídeos estão distribuídas em dois gêneros, Polypterus (bichirs, 13 espécies) e Calamoichthys (o peixe-corda, C. calabaricus). O grupo atrai interesse especial dos pesquisadores devido à sua peculiar anatomia que combina características observadas em diferentes grupos viventes e extintos de vertebrados, com caracteres exclusivos, como a presença de um tipo único de nadadeira dorsal. Essa combinação singular de características dificulta o estabelecimento de sua posição filogenética, embora sejam considerados atualmente o grupo irmão de todos os peixes de nadadeiras raiadas viventes, ocupando uma posição filogenética chave entre os peixes ósseos. Nesse contexto, compreender em detalhes sua anatomia é fundamental para entender a história evolutiva dos vertebrados como um todo e particularmente dos peixes ósseos. O presente estudo consiste de uma revisão sobre a anatomia dos polipterídeos, enfatizando sistemas e complexos mofológicos pouco explorados, como os sistemas laterossensorial e musculoesquelético, em uma abordagem holística. Integramos a análise de espécimes vivos, espécimes preservados em coleções (preservados em etanol ou preparações secas do esqueleto), espécimes corados e dissecados, radiografias, e modelos tridimensionais gerados por tomografia computadorizada. A análise é focada no bichir do Senegal, Polypterus senegalus, mas inclui vários espécimes de diferentes tamanhos de todas as espécies de polipterídeos, incluindo espécimes-tipo de quase todas elas. Foram incluídas informações da ontogenia, com base em uma análise das séries de desenvolvimento de P. senegalus e de representantes dos demais grupos de peixes actinopterígios não-teleósteos (Acipenseriformes, Lepisosteiformes e Amiiformes). O estudo também inclui uma extensa revisão da literatura sobre a anatomia e relações filogenéticas dos polipterídeos e outros peixes ósseos basais. Várias novas interpretações sobre a anatomia dos polipterídeos e dos demais peixes ósseos são apresentadas, muitas dos quais são incorporadas em novas propostas de terminologia anatômica para Actinopterygii ou para Osteichthyes. Também é apresentada uma análise detalhada da variação intra- e interespecífica na anatomia externa dos polipterídeos, que será útil em futuras tentativas de desvendar sua taxonomia e inter-relações filogenéticas. O presente estudo demonstra que, mesmo considerando todos os esforços anteriores, ainda há muito a ser conhecido sobre a anatomia dos polipterídeos, bem como de outros grupos basais de peixes ósseos. Muitas dessas informações podem ser incorporadas em estudos filogenéticos, a fim de aperfeiçoar as hipóteses sobre as relações evolutivas entre os principais clados de Vertebrata, e também podem fornecer novas idéias sobre a anatomia e a história evolutiva dos vertebrados. / Polypteridae is a group of freshwater and brackish water fishes currently ocurring exclusively in tropical regions of Africa. The 14 extant species of polypterids are distributed in two genera, Polypterus (bichirs, 13 species) and Calamoichthys (the reedfish, C. calabaricus). The group attracts special interest of researchers due to their peculiar anatomy that combines features observed in different groups of living and extinct vertebrates with exclusive characters such as the presence of a unique type of dorsal fin. The singular combination of characteristics difficults establishing the phylogenetic position of polypterids, although they are considered nowadays the sister-group of all living ray-finned fishes, occupying a key phylogenetic position among the bony fishes. In this context, understanding in details their anatomy is crucial for understanding the evolutionary history of vertebrates as a whole and particularly of bony fishes. The present study consists of a revisionary investigation of the anatomy of polypterids, emphasizing underexplored mophological systems and complexes such as the laterosensory and musculoskeletal systems, on a holistic approach. We integrate the analysis of living specimens, specimens preserved in collections (ethanol-preserved and dry-skeleton preparations), stained and dissected specimens, radiographs, and tridimensional models generated by computadorized tomography. The analysis focuses on the Senegal Bichir, Polypterus senegalus, but includes several specimens of different sizes of all species of polypterids, including types of almost all of them. We include information from early ontogeny, with basis on an analysis of developmental series of P. senegalus and of representatives of the remaining groups of non-teleost actinopterygians (Acipenseriformes, Lepisosteiformes and Amiiformes). The study also includes an extensive revision of the literature on the anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of polypterids and other basal bony fishes. We provide several new interpretations about the anatomy of polypterids and other bony fishes, many of which are incorporated into new proposals of anatomical terminology for Actinopterygii or for Osteichthyes. We also provide a detailed analysis of the intra- and interspecific variation on the external anatomy of polypterids that will be useful in future attempts to unravel their taxonomy and phylogenetic interrelationships. The present study demonstrates that, even considering all the efforts by previous authors, there is still a lot to be known regarding the anatomy of polypterids, as well as of other basal groups of bony fishes. Much of this information can be incorporated into phylogenetic studies in order to improve our hypotheses of evolutionary relationships between the major clades of Vertebrata, and can also provide new ideas about the anatomy and evolutionary history of vertebrates.

Diacronia e produtividade dos sufixos -agem, -igem, -ugem, -ádego, -ádigo e -ádiga em português / Diachrony and productivity of the suffixes -agem, -igem, -ugem, -ádego, -ádigo and -ádiga in portuguese

Gonçalves, Anielle Aparecida Gomes 26 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo palavras derivadas presentes no português que possuem os sufixos agem, igem, ugem, ádego, ádigo, e ádiga em sua formação, e que estão presentes no Dicionário eletrônico Houaiss da língua portuguesa. O objetivo é conhecer e classificar os aspectos semânticos destes sufixos a partir do significado contido na criação da palavra, independentemente da língua em que foi formada. Por tratar-se de pesquisa de caráter diacrônico, o método utilizado foi o histórico, pois, através da pesquisa etimológica, examinaremos a função primitiva dos sufixos que compõem nossa análise. Deste modo, trata-se inicialmente da questão da formação de palavras e suas teorias; depois, sobre a origem destes sufixos e a importância das línguas em que estão presentes. Em seguida, são explicitadas (i) as classes e subclasses empregadas na classificação dos vocábulos, baseadas em Rio-Torto (1998) e em sua versão, criada pelo Grupo de Morfologia Histórica do Português, (ii) a análise etimológica das palavras e (iii) a análise semântico-categorial dos sufixos agem, ádega, ádego, ádigo, igem e ugem em português. Por último, analisam-se itens lexicais formados contemporaneamente com o sufixo agem. / The object of this work is derived words present in Portuguese that own the suffixes agem, igem, ugem, ádego, ádigo and ádiga in their formation and that are in the Dicionário eletrônico Houaiss da língua poruguesa [Electronic Dictionary Houaiss of the Portuguese Language]. The aim is to know and to classify these suffixes in the semantics aspects that are contained in the creation of the word, independently of the language in which it was formed. As this research has a diachronic character, the method used was the historical, since it will be examined the primitive function of the suffixes that compose this analysis across etymological research. Therefore, initially its treated the issue of the word formation and its theories; afterwards, the origin of the suffixes and the importance of the languages in which they are present. After that, (i) the classes and subclasses used in the classification of the words, based on Rio-Torto (1998) and in its version, created by Grupo de Morfologia Histórica do Português [Group of Historical Morphology of the Portuguese Language], (ii) the etymological analysis of the words and (iii) the semantic-categorial analysis of the suffixes agem, ádega, ádego, ádigo, igem and ugem in Portuguese are explicited. Finally, items formed with the suffix agem in recent years are analyzed.

Os lapsos de fala em português brasileiro sob a perspectiva da Morfologia Distribuída / The slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese under the perspective of the Distributed Morphology

Espadaro, Mayara 04 July 2018 (has links)
Os lapsos de fala são enunciados que apresentam um desvio em relação ao que o falante pretendia dizer (cf. FROMKIN, 1973). Esse erro pode se manifestar em níveis linguísticos distintos, afetando segmentos fonológicos, morfemas, palavras ou sentenças. Muitos linguistas defendem que os lapsos de fala são uma importante evidência para a postulação de modelos de performance que levem em conta a realidade psicológica das unidades linguísticas e suas regras (cf. FROMKIN, 1973; PFAU, 2009; LEVELT, 1989). O objetivo do nosso trabalho é, portanto, investigar a estrutura dos lapsos de fala espontâneos do português brasileiro que afetam o nível morfológico e explicitar as propriedades que regem os lapsos na nossa língua. Para isso, adotamos como modelo teórico o sistema de Pfau (2009), que foi desenvolvido com base nas evidências fornecidas pelos lapsos de fala e tem como alicerces a arquitetura da gramática proposta no quadro teórico da Morfologia Distribuída (cf. HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993; MARANTZ, 1997) e o modelo de performance em níveis (cf. LEVELT, 1989). Nossa hipótese inicial é a de que o sistema proposto por Pfau (2009) consegue dar conta da análise dos lapsos de fala em português brasileiro. Os resultados da pesquisa incluem a construção de um corpus constituído por 140 dados, coletados pelo método naturalístico, isto é, os lapsos foram anotados em contexto natural e espontâneo de fala, sem indução por testes. Os dados apontam para a existência de diferentes estruturas subjacentes aos lapsos de fala morfológicos no português do Brasil, sendo possível classificá-los em seis tipos distintos de acordo com suas características. As classes são: (1) blends de palavra, (2) blends frasais, (3) substituições que envolvem aspectos semânticos, (4) substituições que envolvem aspectos fonológicos, (5) lapsos que envolvem morfemas, e (6) lapsos que atingem traços gramaticais. / The slips of the tongue are utterances that present a deviation as compared to the speaker\'s intention (cf. FROMKIN, 1973). This error can occur in different linguistic levels, affecting phonological segments, morphemes, words or sentences. Many linguists claim that the slips of the tongue constitute important evidence for proposing performance models that consider the psychological reality of the linguistic units and the rules that apply to them. Our aim is to investigate the properties of spontaneous slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese and to determine the structure of those which affect the morphological level. Hence, we have adopted as a theoretical model the system proposed in Pfau (2009), which has been developed based on evidence from the slips of the tongue. This system takes as a starting point the architecture of the grammar proposed by the Distributed Morphology model for language treatment (cf. HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993; MARANTZ, 1997) and by a model based on performance levels (cf. LEVELT, 1989). Our initial hypothesis is that Pfau\'s system can manage the analysis for slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese. The results of this research include a corpus formed by 140 data, collected according to a naturalistic method, noted under natural context and spontaneous speech, without any induction by test. The data point to the existence of different subjacent structures to the morphological slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese, classified in six distinct categories according to their characteristics. These types can be described as: (1) word blends, (2) phrasal blends (3) substitutions based on semantic aspects, (4) substitutions based on phonological aspects, (5) slips involving morphemes and, (6) slips involving grammatical features.

Os lapsos de fala em português brasileiro sob a perspectiva da Morfologia Distribuída / The slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese under the perspective of the Distributed Morphology

Mayara Espadaro 04 July 2018 (has links)
Os lapsos de fala são enunciados que apresentam um desvio em relação ao que o falante pretendia dizer (cf. FROMKIN, 1973). Esse erro pode se manifestar em níveis linguísticos distintos, afetando segmentos fonológicos, morfemas, palavras ou sentenças. Muitos linguistas defendem que os lapsos de fala são uma importante evidência para a postulação de modelos de performance que levem em conta a realidade psicológica das unidades linguísticas e suas regras (cf. FROMKIN, 1973; PFAU, 2009; LEVELT, 1989). O objetivo do nosso trabalho é, portanto, investigar a estrutura dos lapsos de fala espontâneos do português brasileiro que afetam o nível morfológico e explicitar as propriedades que regem os lapsos na nossa língua. Para isso, adotamos como modelo teórico o sistema de Pfau (2009), que foi desenvolvido com base nas evidências fornecidas pelos lapsos de fala e tem como alicerces a arquitetura da gramática proposta no quadro teórico da Morfologia Distribuída (cf. HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993; MARANTZ, 1997) e o modelo de performance em níveis (cf. LEVELT, 1989). Nossa hipótese inicial é a de que o sistema proposto por Pfau (2009) consegue dar conta da análise dos lapsos de fala em português brasileiro. Os resultados da pesquisa incluem a construção de um corpus constituído por 140 dados, coletados pelo método naturalístico, isto é, os lapsos foram anotados em contexto natural e espontâneo de fala, sem indução por testes. Os dados apontam para a existência de diferentes estruturas subjacentes aos lapsos de fala morfológicos no português do Brasil, sendo possível classificá-los em seis tipos distintos de acordo com suas características. As classes são: (1) blends de palavra, (2) blends frasais, (3) substituições que envolvem aspectos semânticos, (4) substituições que envolvem aspectos fonológicos, (5) lapsos que envolvem morfemas, e (6) lapsos que atingem traços gramaticais. / The slips of the tongue are utterances that present a deviation as compared to the speaker\'s intention (cf. FROMKIN, 1973). This error can occur in different linguistic levels, affecting phonological segments, morphemes, words or sentences. Many linguists claim that the slips of the tongue constitute important evidence for proposing performance models that consider the psychological reality of the linguistic units and the rules that apply to them. Our aim is to investigate the properties of spontaneous slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese and to determine the structure of those which affect the morphological level. Hence, we have adopted as a theoretical model the system proposed in Pfau (2009), which has been developed based on evidence from the slips of the tongue. This system takes as a starting point the architecture of the grammar proposed by the Distributed Morphology model for language treatment (cf. HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993; MARANTZ, 1997) and by a model based on performance levels (cf. LEVELT, 1989). Our initial hypothesis is that Pfau\'s system can manage the analysis for slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese. The results of this research include a corpus formed by 140 data, collected according to a naturalistic method, noted under natural context and spontaneous speech, without any induction by test. The data point to the existence of different subjacent structures to the morphological slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese, classified in six distinct categories according to their characteristics. These types can be described as: (1) word blends, (2) phrasal blends (3) substitutions based on semantic aspects, (4) substitutions based on phonological aspects, (5) slips involving morphemes and, (6) slips involving grammatical features.

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