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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyresniųjų (9 - 12) klasių mokinių kūrybiškumo ir mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai bei kaita / The alternation and the conection between the senior pupil's (9 - 12) creativity and learning motivation peculiarities

Palevičienė, Danguolė 27 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the alternation and the connection between the senior pupils’ creativity and motivation peculiarities. Hypothesis that pupil having high creativity questionnaire indicators will have higher creative thinking indicators were formulated. The positive connection between the senior pupils’ (9-12) creative thinking, creativity and learning motivation does not exist. The connection between creativity questionnaire indicators and independent criteria such as progress, gender and age is presumable. Most of tests in use today are based on the theory of Guilford (1950). Guilford (1950) identified three components of creative thinking: fluency (the ability to find multiple solution to a problem quickly); flexibility (being able to simultaneously consider a variety of alternatives); and originality (referring to ideas that differ from those of other people). Early tests designed to assess an individual’s aptitude for divergent thinking included the Torrance (1962) tests. So Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (1974) was chosen to test senior pupils in case to explore their peculiarities of creative thinking. (IICT) the visual aids (uncompleted figure task) of creative thinking measuring method, (TTCT, B form) originality evaluation and detail evaluation criteria were used as well. The personality creativity questionnaire of V. Petrulis (1988) was also used in order to ascertain the pupils’ evaluation level of their own creativity. The pupils’... [to full text]
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DARBO KLUBŲ MOTYVUOJANTI VEIKLA SUAUGUSIŲJŲ PROFESINIO KRYPTINGUMO FORMAVIMUISI DARBO BIRŽOJE / Motivating activities of Work Clubs for formation of professional singleness in employment exchange

Gintalienė, Irina 30 May 2006 (has links)
On the ground of research data it was established that organisation of professional conveyance and consultation in Work Clubs stimulates busyness of the unenployed and cognition of new professions as well as their integration into work market. If work market professional teaching corresponds with adequate work market teaching requirements and personal learning needs, employment possibilities after finishing professional teaching courses increase. Employment possibilities are conditioned by motivation, personal, background and professional factors.

SOCIALINĖS APLINKOS POVEIKIS MOKINIŲ MOKYMOSI MOTYVACIJAI / Influence of the social environment on pupils learning motivation

Rugienius, Gintaras 02 June 2006 (has links)
Author of the work: Gintaras Rugienius Topic of the work: Influence of the social environment on pupils learning motivation. Preparation place of the work: Lithuania’s University of Agriculture. Departament of professional pedagogics and psychology Kaunas, 2006. Span of the work: 75 pages Work consists: 12 tables, 21 pictures, 3 annexes. Sources of the literature: 30 Object of the research: Pupils learning motivation Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of the literature; 2. Analysis of the documents; 3. Questionnaire made of literature analysis Questionairre made of V. Mikoliūnienė’s (1996), L. Rupšienė’s (2000) and B. Bitinas’ (2002) questionnaires; 4. Statistics analysis of data-basis using “PAULA“ software. Results of the reseach: It was stated that teenagers motivation is influenced by a group of social factors lieing in the family, school and relations among the friends. it was found that teenagers having different rates of attendance and progressive are influenced of different groups of factors. It was also stated that motivation of teenagers learning at different schools is influenced by different group of social factors.

Improvizavimas – aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių teatrinio ugdymosi motyvacijos veiksnys / Improvisation – the senior pupils theatrical development motivation factor

Mauruševičiūtė, Kristina 02 July 2006 (has links)
The senior pupils development motivation is affected by speciality and education that pupils are going to achieve in the future. If pupil is attracted by activity that requires creative initiative or by needs to express themselves in any field of life, that choice will stimulate his creative activity further. In other case it is very likely that need for creative self-expression is damned to disappear. The inferiority complexes that appeared in teen ages, very high self-criticism, diffidence also affects theatrical development motivation in a negative way. In the proceeding, the scientific issue raised – how improvisation can be employed to stimulate the senior pupils theatrical development motivation. For the issue resolution, the K. Johnstone author improvisation method and V. Spolin theatrical games methods are involved. The investigation subject is stimulation of senior pupils theatrical development motivation by means of improvisation. The proceedings object is to reveal effect of improvisation for senior pupils theatrical development motivation. The literature analysis confirmed that pupil gets motivated only when teaching satisfies his or her confidence, respect, self-expression, cognitive and functional treat needs. It has been defined that K. Johnstone and V. Spolin author improvisation methods due to their playing nature, satisfy functional treat needs. The literature analysis confirmed that employing these methods would make pupils immune from destructive impact of... [to full text]
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Darbo autorius Egidijus Urbutis Magistrinio darbo tema "Besimokančiųjų savo lėšomis studentų mokymosi motyvacija" Darbo vadovas:dr. doc Pranas Gudynas Vilnius, 2005 / Egidijus Urbutis Scientific supervisor Dr. Pranas Gudynas The Motivation of the Students Studying at Their Own Expense

Urbutis, Egidijus 15 June 2005 (has links)
The paper explores the motivation of the VPU (Vilnius Pedagogical University) students studying at their own expense. The subject is relevant, because the overall causes determining a person’s decision to acquire a higher education are chiefly analyzed in the area of learning motivation researches, however, there is a lack of more detailed investigations of the motivation of the students studying at their own expense. In the provided overview of literature sources, various learning motivation theories are examined. Based on these, a survey questionnaire has been worked out and a survey has been carried out in order to find out what kind of motivation groups (social, cognitive, practical, professional, educational, self-educational or other motives) pointed out in the works concerning the motivation topic are most important in choosing the studies at one’s own expense. The dynamics of the number of students studying at their own expense at Lithuanian higher education institutions is analyzed in order to evaluate actuality of the subject. On the basis of statistical data it is shown that the number of the students paying for their education and their per cent ratio in the overall number of students is growing, which confirms the demand and need of this study form. The results of the VPU students’ survey are provided which were obtained after analysis of the answers of the students of II and IV courses of Bachelor studies studying at their own expense and occupying the places... [to full text]
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Kūno kultūros ir sporto pedagogo specialybės pasirinkimo motyvai / Motives for chosing speciality of physical culture and sport pedagogy

Lisauskaitė, Vilma 09 April 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas yra teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti pagrindinius kūno kultūros ir sporto pedagogo specialybės studentų profesijos pasirinkimo motyvus. / The aim of the study is to theoretically base and empirically investigate the basic motives of physical education and sports’ speciality students for chosing their profession.

Rūkymo paplitimo tarp Kauno aukštųjų mokyklų studentų epidemiologinės situacijos ir motyvacijos mesti rūkyti įvertinimas / Estimating the epidemiological situation of smoking and motivation to quit smoking among the student population in Kaunas universities

Škėma, Mindaugas 08 June 2005 (has links)
Summary Estimating the epidemiological situation of smoking and motivation to quit smoking among the student population in Kaunas universities. Public Health Educology Mindaugas Škėma Supervisor Vaclovas Šveikauskas, Dr., Department of Preventive medicine. Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine.– Kaunas, 2005. – P. 59 Objective: To estimate the epidemiological situation of smoking and motivation to quit smoking among the student population in Kaunas universities Methods: the smoking situation was assessed by spreading questionnaires among students in Kaunas universities. The systematic random sample of the target population was 706 students of undergraduate studies; 410 females and 296 males. Respondents were 18-30 years of age. Statistical data analysis was performed with the statistical package SPSS 11.0 for Windows. The differences inside the sample were tested with Pearson’s χ2 – test, to find the difference among means a Stjudent’s t – test was used. Results: 19,9 percent of females and 25,7 percent of males are daily smokers. There is a stronger relationship between respondents smoking if their parents and/or friends are smokers. 53 percent of smokers have tried to quit smoking. 52 percent of respondents have gained advice to quit smoking and most often they give preference to family influence. 52 percent of smoking respondents want to quit. Responses wanting to quit smoking were significantly higher if advice to quit was obtained. Conclusions: ·... [to full text]
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Priklausomų nuo alkoholio asmenų motyvacijos ypatumai / The specific features of motivation of persons depending on strong drinks

Kliorienė, Loreta 09 June 2005 (has links)
The theme of the work: the specific features of motivation of persons depending on strong drinks; to describe their psychological characteristics; to foresee possibilities of the correction. The aim to be achieved: to present the survey of pedagogical, psychological and sociological literature; to reveal the most important reasons of the motivation of the alcoholism, to survey the possibilities of correction of persons depending on strong drinks. Analysis of the literature part has showed that the alcoholism has ones etiology and develops little by little under certain stages of the development of the alcoholism. Strong drinks are used to raise ones spirits, to relax, also I critical periods of a person’s life (when a person looses friends, ideals, dreams, friendship, social status, family). In time the consuming of strong drinks becomes dependence and later this dependence develops into chronicle alcoholism. Physical and psychical decline is characteristic for the chronicle alcoholism. Scientists have not established types of personality of an alcoholic but only have indicated the influence of alcohol upon them and have identified certain characteristic features of a personality. To form a character and a personality two types of reasons have influence: 1) Inborn reasons: inheritance, course of the mother’s pregnancy, lesion of the embryo and the fetus, illnesses of the baby, disorders of brain. 2) Acquired reasons: education, work, process of intercourse. All these... [to full text]
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Vidinės komunikacijos, kaip darbuotojų motyvavimo priemonės, svarba / The importance of the internal communication in the employees motivation

Tapinienė, Jurgita 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėse verslo organizacijose vidinė komunikacija suvokiama kaip vienas iš svarbiausių vadybos elementų, užtikrinančių efektyvią organizacijos veiklą, kuriančių darnius darbuotojų tarpusavio santykius, įtakojančių sprendimų priėmimo procesą, lemiančių grįžtamąjį ryšį. XX-ojo amžiaus pabaigoje imtas tirti komunikacijos poveikis darbuotojų ir organizacijos santykiams: nagrinėjama komunikacijos ir lojalumo, pasitenkinimo, įsipareigojimo koreliacija. Taigi, imama nagrinėti vidinės komunikacijos įtaką darbuotojų motyvacijai. Magistro darbo objektas – vidinė komunikacija, kaip darbuotojų motyvavimo priemonė. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti, kokį vaidmenį atlieka vidinė komunikacija darbuotojų motyvavimo procese. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: analizuoti besikeičiančius darbuotojų poreikius ir santykius su organizacija, nagrinėti, kokios priemonės darbuotojus motyvuoja dirbti, įvertinti, kokią svarbą vidinė komunikacija turi darbuotojų motyvavimo procese, ištirti ir įvertinti, ar vidinė komunikacija motyvuoja ir kaip motyvuoja Lietuvos įmonių darbuotojus. Darbe naudoti metodai - metaanalizė ir kiekybinis tyrimas leidžia daryti išvadą, jog vidinė komunikacija daro įtaką darbuotojų motyvacijai. Vidinė komunikacija didina organizacinį įsipareigojimą, prisirišimą, didina pasitikėjimą. Šis magistro darbas ypač aktualus besikeičiančios darbo rinkos sąlygomis: didėjanti Lietuvos darbuotojų migracija ir jų paklausa vietinėje rinkoje, augantys darbo užmokesčiai, besikeičiančios darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this master‘s study is the internal communication as means for the motivation of employees. The aim of the study is to analyse the role of the internal communication in the employee motivation process. The major goals of the study are to analyse the changing needs of employees and organizations, to examine, which means provide effective employee motivation, to investigate and evaluate the importance of internal communication in employee motivation process and to analyse whether the internal communication works as a motivator in the companies of Lithuania. Metaanalysis and quantitative research results show that the internal communication is one of the most important employee motivation factors. Research in Lithuanian companies revealed that the major factor for now is the financial motivation, however, the social transformation has formed a new generation of employees who have other needs than that. In the age of changing values and needs the employees are not loyal if they cannot trust their employer or if they are not determined to stay in the same workplace for good. In the employer‘s pursuit to find, to „tie“, to keep and to motivate the talents, the role of the internal communication becomes more and more vital. Effective communication seeking organizations admit the strategic nature of this field and use the tools of internal communication when making changes to increase the loyalty of employees. This becomes the major goal of the internal communication... [to full text]
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Augalų pavadinimų etimologinė motyvacija / Etymologic motivation of denominating plants

Barščauskaitė, Jolanta 31 July 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo „Augalų pavadinimų etimologinė motyvacija“. Darbo tikslas –augalų pavadinimus iš „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ suskirstyti pagal etimologinę motyvaciją. „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas“– lobynas, kuriame gausu plačios vartosenos lietuvių kalbos leksikos, tarp jų ir fitonimų terminų reikšmės. Norint pasiekti darbo tikslą, įgyvendinti šie uždaviniai: išrinkti ,,Dabartinės Lietuvių kalbos žodyne“ esantys augalų pavadinimai ir jų reikšmės; parengtas augalų pavadinimų etimologijos sąvadas; procentais apskaičiuoti augalų kilmės šaltiniai; remiantis literatūra, aptartos augalų pavadinimų kilmės hipotezės. Išvadose pateikti statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad iš ,,Dabartinės Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ esančių 800 augalų pavadinimų yra: a) ~12 % senosios indoeuropiečių prokalbės žodžių; b) ~ (9%) tik baltų kalboms būdinga leksika; c) ~6% tik lietuvių kalbos leksikai būdingų žodžių; d) ~5 % baltų ir slavų kalbų bendrybių; e) ~ 49% dūrinių; f) ~ 68% Skolintinė leksika, kurios didžiąją dalį sudaro tarptautiniai žodžiai, arba internacionalizmai ir slavizmai. Išnagrinėjus augalų pavadinimų etimologinę motyvaciją pastebėta, kad kalbininkams, įdomi ne tik augalų reikšmė, paskirtis, bet ir kilmė, leidžianti iš arčiau pažinti įvairovės pilną augalų pasaulį. Darbas gali būti naudingas leksikologijos, kalbos istorijos, terminologijos ir botanikos specialistams. / The aim of the master‘s work the main purpose of this work is to fractionate plants' names from the current Lithuanian dictionary by etymological motivation. The current Lithuanian Dictionary is a treasury rich in wide usage of Lithuanian language lexicon, including the meaning of terms as plants. In order to achieve this purpose the following tasks were implemented: some names of plants and their meanings were selected from the "current Lithuanian language dictionary"; the collection of plants' names was prepared; the percentage of origin sources of plants was calculated; the hypothesis of the plants names origin were discussed according to the literature. In conclusion, statistics says, that from 800 names of plants: a) ~12 % words are from old Indo-European parent language; b) ~ 9 % words are from Balts; c) ~ 6 % words are from Lithuanian lexic; d) ~ 5 % are from generalities of Balts and Slavs; e) ~ 49 % complex words; f) ~ 68% the lent lexicon which is consisting mainly of international words or internationalisms and slavisms. After the examination of plant names etymological motivation, it was noticed that linguists were intrested not only in the meaning of plant names, but also in the origin, allowing to acknowledge the full diversity of the plant world. This work might be useful for lexicology, the history of the language, terminology and botanical experts.
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