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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mikrobiální kontaminace fotografických materiálů / Microbial contamination of photographic materials

Ouředníčková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work is focused on a study of microbial contamination of photographic materials. In the first part of this work the information about the archive and museum microbial contaminations were collected. The most frequent contaminants of photographic collections – Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus niger were studied. Their activity on photographic papers Fomaspeed and Fomabrom was evaluated. It was found that at the given experimental conditions the image layers of Fomaspeed paper are resistant to fungi mycelium growth. On the other hand, the Fomabrom paper image layer was irrecoverably damaged by action of fungi mentioned above. The degree image layer deterioration was evaluated with the aid of sensitometric curves.

Nové směry v konstrukci a výrobě forem pro voskové odlitky / New ways in manufacturing and construction of mould for wax casting

Dostál, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is to compare technology of silicon and aluminium moulds used to make castings using technology of cire perdue with single – piece work. The work itself deals with physical production of silicon mould in vacuum casting system, shaping aluminium mould using CNC machine and subsequent casting of wax models into these moulds. It also handles with physical production of one piece by shaping. It contains background research of the method lost wax casting manufacturing aluminium and silicon moulds and last but not least of Rapid Prototyping technology for producing master model.

EMBRACING THE DIGITAL TO THE HAND MADE : Bridging digital technology with glassblowing moulds crafting methods

Dover, Noam January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This report accompanies my Master project in the fields of ceramic and glass, the CRAFT! MA program, Konstfack. In this project I fuse my industrial design toolbox and my current engagement in open-source 3D printing technology with my ceramic and glass craft practice. The first pair brings in notions of innovation and an active approach towards technological change, while the second carry ancient craft methods and knowledge. I develop and make 3D printers for clay and use them as an experimental ceramic work method. In this research based practice I use ceramics as the material for 3D printed glassblowing moulds. This act represents a link between ceramic and glass crafts, one that was known to the ancient Roman craftsmen.  A view on craft and digital innovation Although the computer is in use for several decades now, in most crafts it is still used mainly as an assistive device and we seem not to look at it as a professional tool; as a craft tool. New methods of making are out there. We need to have two toolboxes now: Our traditional one and our new digital one. We can already CAD our concepts, control CNC machines and build 3D-printers customised to our growing new practice. We share our new knowledge on open-source platforms, teach each other through the web (and around the globe) how to apply digital techniques to our craft. We now have the opportunity to join hands with the movements of democratisation of contemporary manufacturing techniques and reinvent our practice, our tools and what new-craft could be.

Desenvolvimento de pó fluxuante sem flúor para o lingotamento contínuo de placas de aço baixo carbono

Márcia Maria da Silva Monteiro Pereira 03 March 2015 (has links)
Há uma clara tendência na indústria para eliminar o flúor dos pós fluxantes usados durante o lingotamento contínuo de aços, pois, embora o flúor seja importante no comportamento de fusão, infiltração e cristalização do filme de escória, ele evolui facilmente a partir de escórias para substâncias gasosas prejudiciais à saúde, como o ácido fluorídrico. Além disso, os compostos contendo flúor ocasionam problemas de armazenamento, de utilização de resíduos sólidos e contribui para a corrosão dos equipamentos. Com a finalidade de retirar o flúor da formulação desses pós, foi desenvolvida uma formulação isenta de flúor, para a aplicação em aços baixo carbono, utilizando óxido de boro. A fim de comparar o comportamento do produto desenvolvido com o do produto tradicional, foram realizados testes laboratoriais e industriais. Nos testes laboratoriais, o produto isento de flúor apresentou menor velocidade de fusão, temperatura de fusão mais baixa, menor cristalinidade e menor viscosidade que o pó tradicional. Nos ensaios industriais, a absorção de alumina foi maior para o produto sem flúor que também obteve uma redução significativa da corrosão da válvula submersa, porém apresentou um menor consumo de pó. Com a finalidade de corrigir o baixo consumo de pó, realizou-se um ajuste na viscosidade da formulação desenvolvida e um novo ensaio, no qual o consumo de pó foi similar ao do produto tradicional. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a formulação desenvolvida e testada pode ser utilizada em substituição da formulação tradicional. / There is a clear trend in the industry to eliminate fluorine from mould powders used during continuous casting of steel, even fluorine is important in the melting behavior, infiltration and slag film crystallization, it evolves from the slags to gases that are harmful to health, such as hydrofluoric acid. Furthermore, the compounds that contain fluorine can cause storage problems, use of solid residues and contribute to the corrosion of the equipment. In order to remove fluorine from the formulation of these powders, a fluor free formulation has been developed for use in low carbon steels, by using boron oxide. For the purpose of to compare the behavior of the product developed with the traditional products, industrial and laboratory tests were performed. In the lab tests the fluor free material showed lower melting speed, lower melting temperature, lower crystallinity, lower viscosity and higher fluidity than the recipe with fluorine. In the industrial tests, the alumina absorption was higher for recipe without fluorine which also obtained a significant reduction in corrosion of the submerged valve, SEN, but presented a lower powder consumption. In order to correct the low consumption, an adjustment of the viscosity of this recipe was made, and a new industrial test showed that the powder consumption of the recipe without fluorine was similar to the recipe with fluorine. Thus, it demonstrates that the recipe without fluorine can be used in an industrial scale replacing the recipe with fluorine.

Thermal process and novel control methods for spin-casting

Huan, Z., Jordaan, G.D. January 2006 (has links)
Published Article / The quality of spin casting products and mould life are critically dependent on thermal conditions they undergo. In order to improve the performance of production and to optimise the spin-casting process, characteristics of the thermal process was firstly identified by means of the measurement and simulation. Furthermore the investigation of the developed control methods, including the thermal property substitute method and mixture method of the metal powder, was kept on the effect of air-cooling induced automatically from the spinning of the mould on the thermal process. <br>The air cooling system was developed to optimise the thermal process during casting, utilising a theoretical analysis of the air-flow characteristics in a cooling tube submerged in a silicon mould and the characteristics of convection heat transfer associated with the mould and cast part. A numerical simulation of the casting process was also adopted in the analysis. The effect of the developed system on the thermal process was determined experimentally and it was found that a system of aircooling, automatically induced from the spinning of the mould, is feasible in optimisation of the thermal process. <br>The developed control methods can be applied to the practice of spin casting individually or collectively according to the specific situations and requirements.

Mould Resistance of Full Scale Wood Frame Wall Assemblies

Black, Christopher January 2006 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to investigate mould growth resistance of different types of wood products which include the sheathing and framing within full scale wall assemblies. Secondary objectives were to investigate the difference in mould growth resistance between borate-treated and untreated wood products as well as provide information about mould growth under different temperature and humidity conditions for treated and untreated wood products. <br /><br /> The objective of the study is to better understand mould growth, and to examine the effects of varying high moisture conditions on wooden products and the mould growth which may result. More importantly this will be examined on full scale wall assemblies; to date mould growth studies have only been performed within a laboratory on small samples of materials. Moreover, this study recreates the conditions which evidently cause mould growth on full scale wall assemblies. Tests were performed within a climate chamber on three full scale wall assemblies. The original scope of this study included an examination of the sheathing and framing components within a full scale wall assembly, however this study will focus mainly on the sheathing. <br /><br /> Results of this study indicate that the relative humidity conditions needed for mould growth on wood are higher than originally believed (i. e. , significantly greater than 80%RH). During the first eight weeks of test number one the relative humidity at the surface of the sheathing was held constant at 95% and little mould growth was observed on the untreated sheathing (mould growth index of 3 or less); little or no mould growth on the treated sheathing (mould growth index of 1 or less). The second and third tests demonstrated that the presence of liquid water greatly accelerated the time to germinations, the amount of mould growth (up to a mould growth index of 6), and the rate of mould growth. All three tests clearly showed that borate-treatment reduced the amount of mould growth; however, the concentration of borate-treatment, and the types of materials treated, does affect the resistance of mould growth. Furthermore, there was some evidence to suggest Borate treatments of the plywood increased the time to germination significantly, from a few weeks to 16 weeks in this study, but once mould growth was initiated, the rate of mould growth was similar to that of the untreated plywood. Two mathematical models to determine mould growth were examined: Viitanen and WUFIBIO (Sedlbauer). Viitanen?s model predicted time to germination and rate of growth rate well for untreated plywood, and WUFIBIO predicted time to germination but not the growth rate. It was also found both models err on the side of caution in predicting mould growth. <br /><br /> Recommendations include improvements to the test method and producers, and for future work.

Design optimization for obtaining zero defects in steel casting

Purkar, Pranit Pramod January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is about the design of the gating system and selection of proper alloy for defects free (grate bar) casting. The gating system plays an important role in casting manufacturing process. The gating system has different elements like pouring cup, sprue, well, runner, riser, and ingates. The function of the gating system is to provide molten metal to the mould cavity through different gating system elements.  Casting is a metal shaping process which is used to produce a cast component. The casting process depends upon the material, type of pattern, mould and various techniques like sand casting, investment casting, die casting, squeeze casting and lost foam casting. The sand mould casting process is used in this report. The casting process is used for making small to large cast parts, complicated shapes, and precision parts, etc. Making a casting without defects is an important requirement for its strength. The effective and efficient design of the gating system is necessary for making defects free castings. There are various defects like shrinkage cavity, porosity, pinholes, blowholes and incomplete filling that may occur in sand casting. The simulation software like Magma Soft and Nova Flow Solid are used to predict the possible defects in the casting. The uses of the simulation improve product quality and increase productivity. It also helps to reduce the rejection rate by identifying and controlling defects. This work is done at AB Bruzaholms Bruk as part of master thesis work at Jönköping University, Sweden. The company provides all the necessary data for simulation purposes. The design of the gating system is finalized as per company requirements and needs. The research questions that have been answered in this report based on the following points. 1) What does zero-defect mean? 2) Which is the best design among the ones that are prepared and simulated? 3) Which is the best alloy combination for casting parts that give defects free casting and better fluidity and filling?

Método para redução de mancha nas vedações externas de edifícios. / Method to reduce soiling deposition on building envelope.

Maranhão, Flávio Leal 11 December 2009 (has links)
O permanente contato das vedações externas dos edifícios com os materiais integrantes das vedações externas dos edifícios (fachadas e telhados) com os agentes de degradação provocam o surgimento de manchas, que normalmente estão associadas à deposição de poluentes e a proliferação de microorganismos. Para inibir o surgimento dessas manchas existem, atualmente, diversos métodos disponíveis, sendo que nenhum tem se mostrado efetivo. Esta tese de doutorado, com base em um extenso programa laboratorial - com o uso de métodos como MEV, FTIR, ângulo de contato, crescimento acelerado de microrganismos, atividade fotocatalítica, entre outros-, criou um novo método, destinado aos materiais de construção silicosos e porosos, que se baseia na modificação de suas propriedades superficiais, por meio da sobreposição de uma camada hidrofóbica por uma hidrofílica. Para se obter essa disposição superficial, utilizou-se um hidrofugante à de octil-silicone, que apresenta elevada repelência à água e maior durabilidade, e um semicondutor à base de dióxido de titânio, que apresenta atividade fotocatalítica quando incidido por radiação ultravioleta. Como resultado, o método proposto (denominado na tese por WR+TiO2-sequencial) apresenta, comprovadamente, os seguintes benefícios: (i) redução de manchas causadas pela adesão de partículas com características apolares, similares às partículas de poluição dos grandes centros urbanos; (ii) limpeza espontânea de certos tipos de manchas, decorrentes dos processos fotocatalíticos que promovem a oxidação/redução de matéria orgânica; (iii) inibição do crescimento de microrganismo em escala laboratorial; (iv) redução da absorção total de água e, principalmente, da cinética do ganho de massa. Por isso, edificações cujas vedações externas venham a ser tratadas com o método aqui proposto são, potencialmente, células ativas para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído, pois: reduzem o consumo de energia, reduz os custos de manutenção e contribuem para despoluição da atmosfera urbana. / Building roofs and façades usually show blackening surfaces after few years in large cities. On porous and silicious materials those soiling is caused by particles pollution depositions and mould growth, and the available methods available to prevent this phenomenum do not have a good performance along its service life. This thesis, based on an intensive laboratory research with many test technics as SEM, FTIR, contact angle, accelerated mould growth, and photocatalytical activity, create a new method to prevent soiling on porous and silicous building materials. This method modify the materials surface properties, making the outer surface layers with nano-actived titanium dioxide particles, which has photocatalitycal activity under UV radiation, and below it a hydrophobic layer, composed by octyl-silicones. The main results in laboratory scale experiments obtained by this new method (so-called in this thesis by WR+TiO2-sequencial) are: (i) stainings reductions caused by apolar agent, (ii) self-cleaning properties for some stain and after UV radiation exposition, (iii) mould growth resistance, and (iv) water absorption reduction. As a consequences, building envelopes trated with the new method is supposed to contribute to built and environment sustantability, because: can reduce the energy consumption, reduce de maintenance costs e has a de-pollution properties.

Influência da substituição de matérias primas nas propriedades dos fluxantes para lingotamento contínuo de aços médio carbono / The Influence of the replacement of raw materials on the properties of mold fluxes for continuous casting of medium carbon steel

Diego, Alexandra de Almeida 25 January 2016 (has links)
O fluxante é uma escória sintética que influencia na qualidade superficial do aço e na estabilidade do processo de lingotamento contínuo. Este produto é aplicado diretamente sobre o aço líquido na região do molde de cobre refrigerado a água e atua diretamente no resfriamento primário do aço. O fluxante tem as propriedades físico-químicas adaptadas para cada tipo de aço e também para as condições de lingotamento. Na superfície do aço líquido, o fluxante funde e forma uma poça líquida, atuando como isolante térmico, protegendo o aço da reoxidação e absorvendo inclusões principalmente de Al2O3. A poça líquida escoa, lubrificando e controlando a transferência de calor na interface entre o molde e a pele de aço em solidificação. O problema de qualidade superficial do aço, quando relacionado ao fluxante, se resume a alarmes de colamento, trincas de quina, marcas de oscilação profundas e trincas longitudinais, sendo este último um problema particular do aço médio carbono. Neste trabalho, foram analisados diferentes fluxantes baseados inicialmente no fluxante comercial aplicado no lingotamento contínuo de placas de aço médio carbono. Todos os fluxantes foram desenvolvidos com composições químicas similares. O objetivo foi avaliar o impacto da substituição de fontes de matérias-primas em diferentes composições de modo a avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas com base no fluxante comercial de referência. Como resultado, de todas as propriedades físico-químicas, foi a temperatura de cristalização que sofreu a alteração mais significativa. / The mould flux is a synthetic slag which influences the quality of steel surface and also the stability of the continuous casting process. This product is applied in direct contact with the surface of liquid steel in the region of the water cooled cupper mold and acts directly on the primary cooling of steel. The mould flux has the physical and chemical properties adapted for each type of steel as weel as casting conditions. On the surface of liquid steel, the mould flux melts and forms the liquid pool, working as an insulator, protecting the steel against reoxidation and also absorbing mainly Al2O3 inclusions. The liquid pool flows, lubricating and controlling the heat transfer in the interface between the mold and the steel shell during solidification. The surface quality issues when related with mould flux can cause alarms of breakout, corner cracks, deep oscillation marks, longitudinal cracks that is a particular problem in medium carbon steel grade. In this study, different mould fluxes were investigated and compared to a commercial mould flux applied to the continuous casting of slabs in the medium carbon steel grade. All mould fluxes were developed with a similar chemical composition. The main goal was to evaluate the impact of changing raw material sources on the physicochemical properties of the different mould fluxes and the results was compared with a commercial standard mould flux. As result, variations in the crystallization temperatures were observed more than others properties analyzed.

Avaliação da adaptação marginal e rugosidade de superfície de copings confeccionados de Níquel-Cromo e Cobalto-Cromo injetados em moldes de revestimento a temperatura reduzida / Evaluation of the marginal fit and surface roughness of Nickel Cromium and Cobalt Cromium copings injected in refractory molds under reduced temperature

Dias, Ana Paula 30 June 2017 (has links)
A adaptação marginal e a rugosidade de superfície são parâmetros fundamentais para o sucesso clinico e longevidade das coroas metalocerâmicas. O primeiro permite o selamento das bordas do preparo, prevenindo contra problemas relacionados a exposição do preparo aos fluidos orais e a placa bacteriana e o segundo, remete ao auxilio de uma boa adaptação a fatores mecânicos e biológicos importantes a qualidade da restauração final. Visto que ambos os aspectos são diretamente relacionados a temperatura em que as ligas são submetidas, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desajuste marginal, por meio de microscopia óptica, e rugosidade de superfície, por meio de microscopia confocal, de copings metálicos obtidos com as ligas metalicas de Ni-Cr [Verabond II e experimental (SR)] e Co-Cr (Keragen) injetadas no molde de revestimento a duas diferentes temperaturas de estufagem (900°C e 700°C), de forma a avaliar se a redução da temperatura de estufagem possa causar o melhoramento do resultado das fundições, minimizando os efeitos das altas temperaturas. As leituras foram realizadas em copings confeccionados a partir da fundição de casquetes de munhão calcináveis. Cada coping foi cimentado a uma matriz (munhão) por meio de um padronizador da pressão de assentamento e levado aos respectivos microscópios para leitura de desajuste marginal e rugosidade de superfície. Para a avaliação do desajuste marginal foi calculada a media das distancias da borda da restauração a borda do preparo a partir de um ponto inicial aleatório selecionado sobre a margem cervical do coping. Duas leituras eram realizadas a cada &frac14; de volta, totalizando 8 leituras por coping. Para os dados obtidos, que tiveram distribuição não normal, foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis e foi observado que a liga VB apresentou menor desajuste marginal (56,92&micro;m) quando comparado a liga Keragen (66,75 &micro;m) com p<0,05 e a liga SR apresentou resultado intermediário (49,87&micro;m), sem diferença estatística entre as demais. Para comparação das temperaturas foi utilizado o teste Mann-Whitney e a fundição a 700 °C resultou em melhor adaptação marginal que a 900 °C (50,75 &micro;m e 66,75 &micro;m, respectivamente) com p=0,045. Para a avaliação da rugosidade foi selecionada uma área do coping distante 100 m da borda cervical da peca e realizada a leitura. Os dados de rugosidade de superfície seguiram distribuição normal, sendo utilizado um teste paramétrico (ANOVA), seguindo pelo teste de Bonferroni. Ao se compararem as Ligas, SR apresentou menor rugosidade que Keragen (p=0,002) e que Vera Bond (p=0,001); ao se compararem as temperaturas a fundição a 700 °C resultou em menor rugosidade que a 900 °C (p=0,045). O que se concluiu com a presente metodologia apresentada foi que o comportamento das ligas as diferentes temperaturas varia de acordo com a sua composição tanto em relação a superfície quanto a adaptação marginal e que a fundição a 700 °C proporcionou obtenção dos melhores resultados em ambas as variáveis, sendo possível a otimização da superfície da peca fundida sem o comprometimento da adaptação marginal por meio da redução da temperatura de injeção da liga no molde, favorecendo o resultado final das restaurações. / A proper marginal fit and surface roughness are fundamental aspects for the clinical success of metal-ceramic crowns. The first parameter allows to preserve the margins adaptation accuracy of the restaurations, thus preventing issues related to an improper exposition of the dental tissues into the oral fluids and biofilm. The second parameter is related to mechanical and biological important aspects for the restoration quality and is also able to optimize the piece final adaptation. Both parameters are associated to temperature levels and the understanding of their behavior is convenient for the improvement of the Fixed Prostheses, therefore the aim of this study was to mensure the maginal gap by using the optical microscopy and evaluate the surface roughness by confocal microscopy of metallic copings fused with Nickel-Chromium alloys [Verabond II e experimental (SR)] and Cobalt- Chromium (Keragen) under two distinct mold temperature for the alloy injection: 700°C and 900°C. Performing those analysis represents a way to find out if the temperature reduction of the mold can be convenient to increase the quality of the casting patterns`s surface without affect the marginal fidelity, thus minimizing the overheat casting problems. The mensurements were performed in copings fused from resin cylinders for casting and each one, after fused, was cimented in a abutment cylinder analogue with standardized pression and placed under the respective microscopes for marginal fit and surface analyses. For the marginal fit mensurement were selected two equidistant points in a metal coping that representing &frac14; turn on the measurement device, in a total of 8 measurements for coping in each step that results in a misfit average. Once it was found a non-normal distribution, the non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test was performed for the data and was observed that the allow VBII conferred lower values of marginal fit (56,92 &micro;m) when compared to Keragen alloy (66,75 &micro;m), p<0,05, and SR conferred average values between the others (49,87 &micro;m),with no statistic difference. In the comparison between the mold temperatures the Mann-Whitney test was implemented and the temperature at 700°C reveled better results of marginal fit than the 900 °C temperature (50,75 &micro;m e 66,75 &micro;m, respectively) with p=0,045.For the surface analysis was selected an anatomic reference line in each coping and was set up a distance of 100 &micro;m from this point to make the quantification. For the surface roughness data, with normal distribution, comparisons were performed using a parametric test for independent data (ANOVA), followed by Bonferroni test. The level of significance was set at 5%. At the comparison of alloys, the SR granted lower values of roughness in its patterns than Keragen (p=0.002) and Verabond II (p=0,001). Comparing the temperatures, the values of roughness of the patterns fused under 700° were lower than those fused under 900° (p=0,045). There was no significant difference for interaction between alloy X temperature (p=0,280). The conclusion of the present study was that the behavior of the alloys regarding the marginal fit and surface roughness vary depending of its composition and the Mold temperature and Pieces injected at 700°C in the mold conferred better results in both parameters, therefore being possible to optimize the fixed photesis casting patterns surfaces without marginal fit commitment by reducing the mold temperature for the alloy injection, thus Contributing to the quality of the metal ceramic restorations.

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