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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tactical Messaging And Usage Of Extensible Markup Language Message Text Formats In The Tactical Command Control And Information Systems

Sayin, Huseyin 01 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the usage area of Extensible Markup Language Message Text Format (XML-MTF) in Tactical Command and Control Information System (TC2IS). It examines the used tactical message types and their application area in Turkish Army and what the XML and XML-MTFs are explained. Finally / MTF traffic of a brigade is simulated to verify that XML technology can be used effectively in Turkish Land Forces Tactical Command Control and Information System Projects (TLF TC2IS).

Edge Response Characterization of Interferometers and the Effect of Aberrations

Millstone, Daniel Brucker, Millstone, Daniel Brucker January 2017 (has links)
An edge response characterization technique to predict the ITF of an interferometer using non- interferometric measurements has been shown to be effective. This technique eliminates the need for phase objects to be used in the characterization process. Using coherent imaging with an irradiance sensitive detector and an irradiance step as a characterization artifact to determine an interferometer's ITF was proven viable for diffraction limited, defocused, astigmatic, and spherically aberrated systems. Simulations and collected data demonstrated agreement between the interferometric edge response characterization technique results and coherent imaging edge response characterization technique results. The effect that aberrations have on ITF curves has been investigated in this thesis and an understanding of the system behavior under aberrated conditions was investigated.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação do desempenho de sistema óptico aplicado a sensoriamento remoto orbital / Development and performance evaluation of an optical system applied to orbital remote sensing

Scaduto, Lucimara Cristina Nakata 12 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o sistema óptico desenvolvido para a câmera WFI (Wide Field Imaging Camera) que integrará os satélites CBERS 3 e 4 (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). O Brasil é responsável por duas das câmeras dos satélites CBERS 3 e 4, a WFI e a MUX (Multispectral Camera). Estas câmeras são destinadas a sensoriamento remoto orbital da Terra. É a primeira vez que câmeras destinadas a este tipo de aplicação são inteiramente desenvolvidas e construídas no país. Devido ao alto nível de vibração durante o vôo, à exposição a vácuo e a radiação espacial durante o período de vida útil em órbita, o desenvolvimento desta câmera exige um cuidadoso processo de análise e avaliação do desempenho óptico em terra de modo a garantir seu funcionamento a bordo. Em especial, serão apresentados as análises ópticas realizadas durante a fase de projeto preliminar e os testes ópticos realizados em terra dos requisitos: distância focal, campo de visada - FOV, função de transferência de modulação - MTF, distorção, sensibilidade à polarização, transmitância, sensibilidade à luz espalhada e degradação da transmitância com a radiação espacial. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que o desempenho do sistema óptico atende os requisitos de projeto. / The purpose of this work is to present the optical system developed for the WFI camera (Wide Field Imaging Camera), which will be integrated to the CBERS 3 and 4 satellites (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). Brazil is responsible for two cameras of CBERS 3 and 4 satellites, WFI and MUX (Multispectral Camera). These cameras are used for orbital remote sensing of the Earth. It is the first time that cameras for this type of application are being entirely developed and built in our country. Due to the high vibration level during flight, the vacuum and space radiation exposure during the lifetime in orbit, the development of this camera requires a meticulous analysis process and evaluation of optical performance on the ground in order to ensure the effective operation on board. In particular, the optical analyses performed during the preliminary design and optical test requirements performed on ground will be presented, such as: focal length, field of view - FOV, modulation transfer function - MTF, distortion, polarization sensitivity, transmittance, stray light sensitivity and transmittance degradation with space radiation. The results obtained exhibit that the optical system performance satisfies all project requirements.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação do desempenho de sistema óptico aplicado a sensoriamento remoto orbital / Development and performance evaluation of an optical system applied to orbital remote sensing

Lucimara Cristina Nakata Scaduto 12 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o sistema óptico desenvolvido para a câmera WFI (Wide Field Imaging Camera) que integrará os satélites CBERS 3 e 4 (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). O Brasil é responsável por duas das câmeras dos satélites CBERS 3 e 4, a WFI e a MUX (Multispectral Camera). Estas câmeras são destinadas a sensoriamento remoto orbital da Terra. É a primeira vez que câmeras destinadas a este tipo de aplicação são inteiramente desenvolvidas e construídas no país. Devido ao alto nível de vibração durante o vôo, à exposição a vácuo e a radiação espacial durante o período de vida útil em órbita, o desenvolvimento desta câmera exige um cuidadoso processo de análise e avaliação do desempenho óptico em terra de modo a garantir seu funcionamento a bordo. Em especial, serão apresentados as análises ópticas realizadas durante a fase de projeto preliminar e os testes ópticos realizados em terra dos requisitos: distância focal, campo de visada - FOV, função de transferência de modulação - MTF, distorção, sensibilidade à polarização, transmitância, sensibilidade à luz espalhada e degradação da transmitância com a radiação espacial. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que o desempenho do sistema óptico atende os requisitos de projeto. / The purpose of this work is to present the optical system developed for the WFI camera (Wide Field Imaging Camera), which will be integrated to the CBERS 3 and 4 satellites (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). Brazil is responsible for two cameras of CBERS 3 and 4 satellites, WFI and MUX (Multispectral Camera). These cameras are used for orbital remote sensing of the Earth. It is the first time that cameras for this type of application are being entirely developed and built in our country. Due to the high vibration level during flight, the vacuum and space radiation exposure during the lifetime in orbit, the development of this camera requires a meticulous analysis process and evaluation of optical performance on the ground in order to ensure the effective operation on board. In particular, the optical analyses performed during the preliminary design and optical test requirements performed on ground will be presented, such as: focal length, field of view - FOV, modulation transfer function - MTF, distortion, polarization sensitivity, transmittance, stray light sensitivity and transmittance degradation with space radiation. The results obtained exhibit that the optical system performance satisfies all project requirements.

Critical evaluation of the accuracy of the enumeration methodology of Coliforms and E. Coli in water from rivers used for the irrigation of fresh produce

Brand, Amanda Salome 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The accuracy of methods for the enumeration of coliforms and Escherichia coli present in river water intended for the irrigation of fresh produce has been critically evaluated to determine whether the results of the traditional method were reliable in indicating faecal pollution. The potential of rapid alternative methods were also explored. Baseline monitoring of the Berg River showed the presence of potential pathogens such as Salmonella, and also that E. coli levels exceeded international guidelines for the safe irrigation of minimally processed foods (MPFs) in 20.5% of cases, which indicated faecal intrusion. An exploratory study into the use of microbiological and physico-chemical parameters in predicting E. coli numbers, as a rapid alternative to direct enumeration, was conducted. These measurements, neither individually nor in combination, could accurately predict the E. coli numbers. The rapid method Colilert-18 was compared against multiple tube fermentation (MTF) for the enumeration of coliforms and E. coli. Spearman rank correlation coefficients showed that Colilert-18 had acceptable (r2=0.69) and fair (r2=0.74) correlations with MTF for coliform and E. coli enumeration, respectively. Bland and Altman statistics were used to determine pollution influence, and Colilert-18 showed increasing disagreement with MTF at very high concentrations of coliforms and E. coli. Bacterial isolates obtained from MTF reactions were identified using biochemical and mass spectrometry methods. These identifications revealed that the greatest contributors to inaccurate coliform enumeration by MTF were false negative coliforms which fail to produce gas from lactose. Numerical biochemical data suggested that these isolates may be able to use other carbohydrates preferentially over lactose. Inaccurate E. coli enumeration was caused by E. coli strains which could not utilise lactose or 4-methylumbelliferyl- -D-glucuronide (MUG), as well as non-E. coli isolates which were able to hydrolyse MUG. The method of transfer of bacteria between MTF media was also identified as problematic for accuracy. Monoplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) differentiation of MTF isolates showed that detection of the uidA gene showed the greatest accuracy in the detection of E. coli, while the multiplex PCR protocol for detecting diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes identified one strain of enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC). A qualitative methodological risk classification was used, in combination with the individual reactions of MTF isolates, to elucidate their contribution to enumeration inaccuracy and to evaluate the effect of MUG and Levine-eosin methylene blue (L-EMB) agar. The classification indicated that inaccurate enumeration of E. coli was more problematic than that of coliforms, but revealed that the exclusion of MUG from MTF may increase the accuracy of E. coli enumeration. The omission of L-EMB would have very little effect on E. coli enumeration accuracy. This work confirmed that MTF is fairly reliable in the enumeration of coliforms and E. coli. Inaccuracies are primarily attributable to atypical organisms which are considered to make up a small proportion of the total bacterial population. Colilert-18 was shown to be an acceptably accurate alternative, and its rapid production of results can be highly advantageous in the monitoring of irrigation water used for MPFs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die akkuraatheid van metodes vir die telling van kolivorme en Escherichia coli in rivier water, gebruik vir besproeiing van vars produkte, is krities geëvalueer om vas te stel of die resultate van tradisionele metodes betroubaar was in die aanduiding van fekale besoedeling. Die potensiaal van snelle alternatiewe metodes is ook ondersoek. Basislyn monitering van die Berg River het aangedui dat potensiële patogene soos Salmonella teenwoordig is, en dat E. coli vlakke internasionale riglyne vir die veilige besproeiing van minimaal geprosesseerde voedsels (MGVs) oorskry het in 20.5% van gevalle, wat dui op fekale besmetting. ‘n Ondersoekende studie van die bruikbaarheid van mikrobiologiese en fisieschemiese parameters in die voorspelling van E. coli getalle, as snelle alternatief tot direkte telling, is uitgevoer. Hierdie metings kon nie, individueel of in kombinasie, akkurate voorspellings van E. coli getalle maak nie. Die snelle metode Colilert-18 is vergelyk met veelvoudige buis fermentasie (VBF) in die telling van kolivorme en E. coli. Spearman rang korrelasie koëffisiënte het aangetoon dat Colilert- 18 aanvaarbare (r2=0.69) en goeie (r2=0.74) korrelasies met VBF gehad het vir kolivorm en E. coli tellings, respektiewelik. Bland en Altman statistiek is gebruik om die invloed van besoedeling te bepaal, en Colilert-18 het afnemende ooreenstemming met VBF getoon by baie hoë kolivorm en E. coli konsentrasies. Bakteriële isolate verkry vanaf VBF reaksies is geïdentifiseer met behulp van biochemiese en massa spektrometrie metodes. Hierdie identifikasies het getoon dat vals-negatiewe kolivorme, wat nie gas vanaf laktose kan produseer nie, die grootste bydraende faktor is in onakkurate kolivorm telling deur VBF. Biochemiese data het voorgestel dat hierdie isolate moontlik ander koolhidrate by voorkeur bo laktose gebruik. Onakkurate E. coli tellings is veroorsaak deur E. coli isolate wat nie laktose of 4-metielumbelliferiel- -D-glukuronied (MUG) kon verbruik nie, sowel as nie-E. coli isolate wat wel MUG kon hidroliseer. Die oordrag-metode van bakterieë tussen VBF media is ook geïdentifiseer as problematies. Monopleks polimerase ketting reaksie (PKR) onderskeiding van VBF isolate het aangedui dat opsporing van die uidA geen die grootste akkuraatheid vir die opsporing van E. coli het, terwyl die multipleks PKR protokol vir die opsporing van diarree-veroorsakende E. coli patotipes een stam van entero-aggregerende E. coli (EAEC) geïdentifiseer het. ‘n Kwalitatiewe metodologiese risiko klassifikasie is gebruik, in kombinasie met die individuele reaksies van VBF isolate, om hul bydrae tot telling onakkuraatheid vas te stel. Die effek van MUG en Levine-eosien metileenblou (L-EMB) agar is ook geëvalueer. Daar is bevind dat die onakkurate telling van E. coli meer problematies is as dié van kolivorme, maar ook dat die uitlating van MUG by VBF die akkuraatheid van E. coli tellings kan verhoog. Die uitlating van LEMB agar sal ‘n ignoreerbare effek hê op E. coli telling akkuraatheid. Hierdie werk het bevestig dat VBF akkuraat is in die telling van kolivorme en E. coli. Onakkuraathede word primêr toegeskryf aan atipiese organismes, wat beskou word as ‘n klein proporsie van die totale bakteriële bevolking. Colilert-18 is ‘n aanvaarbaar akkurate alternatief, en die metode se produksie van snelle resultate kan hoogs voordelig wees in die monitering van MGVs besproeiingswater.

Optical Performance Test & Analysis of Intraocular Lenses

Choi, Junoh January 2008 (has links)
Cataract is a condition in the eye that if left untreated, could lead to blindness. One of the effective ways to treat cataract is the removal of the cataractous natural crystalline lens and implantation of an artificial lens called an intraocular lens(IOL). The designs of the IOLs have shown improvements over the years to further imitate natural human vision. A need for an objective testing and analysis tool for the latest IOLs grow with the advancements of the IOLs.In this dissertation, I present a system capable of objective test and analysis of the advanced IOLs. The system consists of-Model eye into which an IOL can be inserted to mimic conditions of the human eye.-Modulation Transfer Function measurement setup capable of through-focus test for depth of field studies and polychromatic test for study of effects of chromatization.-Use of Defocus Transfer Function to simulate depth of field characteristic of rotationally symmetric multifocal designs and extension of the function to polychromatic conditions.-Several target imaging experiments for comparison of stray light artifacts and simulation using a non-sequential ray trace package.

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : noterade bolags agerande / Abolishment of statutory audit : listed companies behavior

Aronsson, Johan, Erlandsson, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
EU vill minska den administrativa bördan med 25 procent för företag inom EU, detta för att de skall bli mer konkurrenskraftiga i den allt mer globaliserade ekonomin. Ett led i detta arbete är att ta bort revisionsplikten för vissa aktiebolag. Svenska statens offentliga utredningar har tagit fram ett förslag om ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten för aktiebolag. Om de inte överskrider någon utav nedanstående punkter, behöver inte företaget revideras utav en revisor.• Balansomslutning på 41,5 miljoner kronor• Nettoomsättning på 83 miljoner kronor• Fler anställda än 50(SOU 2008:32)Det mesta tyder på att förslaget kommer att gå igenom vilket i så fall skulle innebära att endast cirka fyra procent av aktiebolagen skulle vara tvungna att anlita en revisor.Syftet med studien är att studera hur företag noterade på oreglerade handelsplatser kommer att agera om förslaget att avskaffa revisionsplikten blir verklighet.För att kunna göra vår studie har vi använt oss av sekundärdata såväl som primärdata. Sekundärdatan har varit i form av tidigare forskning inom området och bildar vår teoretiska referensram. Primärdatan har vi skapat genom en kvantitativ studie, respondenterna är bolag noterade på oreglerade marknadsplatser, datan redovisas i empiri kapitlet. Teori och empiri knyts samman i analysen.Vår studie visar att en majoritet av bolagen, 20 av 28, anger att de kommer att fortsätta med revision även efter ett avskaffande a revisionsplikten. Resultatet överensstämmer väl med tidigare forskning, och vi anser därför att reliabiliteten är hög. Undersökningen pekar även på ett tydligt samband mellan företagens storlek och viljan att behålla sin revisor. Av de minsta bolagen i studien är 7 av 16 osäkra på om de kommer fortsätta att anlita en revisor.

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Computational Analysis With Parallel Imaging Configurations To Improve Breast Cancer Detection

Rayford II, Cleveland Eugene 01 May 2011 (has links)
The best way to conquer breast cancer is early detection of the disease. Research studies show that earlier detection results in the increase of life span of the affected person. Traditional two-dimensional mammography is the most prevalent method used in detecting breast cancer. Recently, a three-dimensional digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) system has been created, which is hopeful to surpass the technology of traditional mammography systems. The DBT system can provide three-dimensional information, allowing physicians to reduce the amount of false negative screening in addition to better monitoring of breast cancer and to catch lesions that may be otherwise cancerous. In this research, the View Angle (VA) and number of projection images (N) were investigated and compared with parallel imaging configurations using two reconstruction algorithms, including Back Projection (BP) and Shift-And-Add (SAA). Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) analyses were conducted with both algorithms, in order to determine which method displayed better image qualities to ultimately improve the detection of breast cancer.

Identifiering av immateriella tillgångar : En studie om redovisning av tillgångar vid företagsförvärv på svenska MTF:er

Danielsson, Rebecka, Yamada, Maki January 2014 (has links)
An accounting issue that has received attention is the issue of identification of intangible assets in acquisitions. This is because the company's result can be different depending on how much the company chooses to identify intangible assets separated from goodwill. As the practice for identification of intangible assets lacks clarity, companies are able to account for this in different ways. In this study, the manner in which identification of intangible assets are managed by companies listed on Swedish multilateral trading facilities and the manner in which companies distribute the purchase sum on net tangible assets, intangible assets and goodwill in comparison with listed companies is examined. The study emanates from a systems approach and is descriptive. It seeks to describe the concerns relating to identification of intangible assets in acquisitions rather than creating general conclusions. It alos emanates from a quantitative method where data is gathered from annual reports from the companies in question for the year 2012. The result showed that listed companies identified more intangible assets separated from goodwill. At the same time it was not possible to determine if this depended on whether or not the companies listed on multilateral trading facilities were better or worse than listed companies in the accounting of acquisitions. It also emerged that the information concerning acquisitions in annual reports left much to be desired. To improve the identification of intangible assets, clearer practice is required as well as auditors speaking up on the issue. / Ett uppmärksammat redovisningsproblem är identifiering av immateriella tillgångar vid företagsförvärv. Företagets resultat kan bli annorlunda beroende på hur företaget väljer att identifiera immateriella tillgångar skilt från goodwill. Då praxis kring identifiering av immateriella tillgångar saknar tydlighet lämnas utrymme för företag att redovisa immateriella tillgångar på olika sätt. I studien undersöks hur identifiering av immateriella tillgångar hanteras av företag på svenska Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) och hur dessa företag fördelar köpeskillingen på netto materiella tillgångar, immateriella tillgångar och goodwill i jämförelse med börsnoterade företag. Studien utgår ifrån ett systemsynsätt och är deskriptiv. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att beskriva problematiken kring identifiering av immateriella tillgångar vid ett företagsförvärv snarare än att skapa generella slutsatser. Studien utgår från en kvantitativ metod där data samlas in från årsredovisningar för de aktuella företagen för år 2012. Resultatet visade att börsnoterade företag identifierade mer immateriella tillgångar skilt från goodwill. Samtidigt gick det inte att avgöra om det berodde på att företag på MTF:er var bättre eller sämre än börsnoterade företag i redovisningen av företagsförvärv. Utöver detta framkom dessutom att informationen kring företagsförvärv i årsredovisningen lämnar mycket att önska. För att förbättra identifieringen av immateriella tillgångar krävs tydligare praxis samt att revisorerna vågar säga ifrån.

Etude du fonctionnement psychique de jeunes femmes en demande de changement de sexe : approche psychanalytique et projective / Study on psychic functioning of young women in demand for a sex change : psychoanalytical and projective approach

Lintanff, Marion 21 November 2013 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Résumé confidentiel

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