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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation multi-échelle des tissus secs : Application à l'impact / Multi-scale modelling of dry fabrics : Application to impact

Del sorbo, Pietro 21 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est dédié au développement d’un modèle numérique prédictif du comportement de tissu sec soumis à l’impact à haute vitesse. La capacité d’un modèle numérique à prédire au plus juste des performances balistiques d’un tissu est étroitement liée à la bonne représentation des énergies en jeu et de la dynamique de rupture des plis. Parmi les différentes stratégies adoptées pour modéliser un tissu, les modèles mésoscopiques sont les plus populaires du fait de leur capacité à représenter fidèlement l’évolution de l’impact combinée à un coût de calcul raisonnable ; les torons sont alors traités comme des milieux continus.Pour représenter un ensemble de fibres disjointes comme un milieu continu, un modèle constitutif approprié est nécessaire. Celui généralement adopté est capable de bien représenter les propriétés longitudinales d’un toron mais limitatif pour représenter le comportement de sa section droite. Récemment, différents travaux ont démontré l’importance de la mécanique liée à la section droite d’un toron dans la rupture des tissus. Elle joue un rôle majeur pour aboutir à un modèle numérique prédictif. L’objet de cette thèse est de développer une nouvelle loi constitutive capable de surpasser les limites du modèle linéaire élastique classique tout en maintenant une bonne représentation des propriétés longitudinales du toron et un coût de calcul acceptable.La première étape a été de comprendre les phénomènes physiques et de quantifier en particulier les effets liés à la section droite du toron sur les propriétés balistiques d’un tissu. Pour répondre à cette question, deux modèles numériques à l’échelle microscopique d’un toron de Kevlar soumis à l’impact transverse ont été développés. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la mécanique de la section droite a des répercussions sur l’initialisation de la rupture du fil mettant en jeu des énergies significatives pendant la première phase d’un impact. La nécessité de prendre en compte les aspects physiques liés à la section droite d’un toron a été finalement confirmée.A partir des résultats précédents, un nouveau modèle constitutif de toron adapté à des applications dynamiques a été développé. Une formulation hyperélastique, précédemment utilisée pour des analyses statiques a été étendue au cas de l’impact et une nouvelle approche multi-échelle a été proposée pour la détermination des paramètres matériaux. La validation de la nouvelle loi a été faite en comparant les résultats obtenus à l’échelle mésoscopique (toron) avec ceux obtenus par les analyses à la micro-échelle (fibre). L’approche proposée est capable de reproduire l’évolution de la section droite du fil pendant l’impact en gardant la bonne représentation de ses propriétés longitudinales.Par la suite, le modèle de toron proposé a été implémenté au niveau du tissu. Les résultats ont confirmé les observations faites à l’échelle du toron. Le modèle de tissu composé par des torons hyperélastiques est capable de représenter correctement la dynamique d’impact , l’évolution des énergies en jeu et la rupture du tissu. La stabilité numérique du modèle a également pu être appréciée.Finalement, le modèle mésoscopique de toron proposé permet une bonne représentation du comportement dynamique et appréhension de la rupture. Il devient ainsi un outil pratique et efficace pour la prédiction des performances balistiques de tissus. / The current thesis work focused on the development of a predictive numerical model of dry fabrics under high velocity impact.A mature bibliography exists on the subject. The impact phenomenon can be essentially resumed as an energy transfer between the colliding object and the fabric layers. The correct prediction of the fabric ballistic performance by a numerical model is related to the correct representation of the fabric energy evolution and its failure dynamic. Different numerical strategies have been proposed to model a fabric under ballistic impact. Mesoscopic numerical models resulted to be the most popular since they provide a realistic representation of the phenomenon for a reasonable computational cost. This is possible thanks to the main assumption of treating yarns as continuous media.In order to represent a discrete fiber bundle as a continuum an appropriate constitutive behavior have to be formulated. The universally adopted constitutive law accurately describes yarns longitudinal properties but it is limited in the representation of their transverse mechanical behavior. Recent studies have demonstrated how this last point is intrinsically related to fabrics failure and multilayer textiles response, then its correct representation becomes a critical point for an accurate model. The goal of the current work has been to provide a new constitutive model which overcome the limitation of the classic linear elastic approach while keeping unaltered its advantages, i.e. low computational costs and accurate description of yarn longitudinal behavior.The first step of this dissertation was to quantify the yarn cross section effects over textile ballistic properties and the phenomena related to this aspect. In order to provide an answer, two microscopic numerical studies of a single Kevlar yarn transversely impacted have been presented. Results showed how yarn transverse mechanical behavior has a role in failure initialization, while its energetic contribution to the global energy balance is not negligible during the first phases of an impact. The importance of a correct representation of the yarn transverse behavior for a predictive fabric numerical model was then confirmed.Starting from the previous microscopic observations, a consistent yarn continuum model for impact applications has been proposed. An hyperelastic formulation previously developed for static applications has been extended to impact analyses and a novel multiscale approach for the determination of all the material parameters has been introduced. The validation of the hyperelastic approach has been performed comparing the results with those obtained at the microscale. Compared to the classical approach, the introduced constitutive law is actually able to reproduce the evolution of the yarn cross section during the impact while keeping a correct representation of the yarn longitudinal properties. Moreover, the proposed formulation provides new physical measurement to exploit the physic behind the impact and new possibilities in terms of failure modelisation.In the final part of the dissertation, the proposed yarn continuum model is introduced at the fabric level. Results confirmed the observation performed at the yarn level. The proposed hyperelastic approach is able to correctly represent the impact dynamic and fabric energies trends. Moreover, it provides more stability and a better representation of the fabric failure compared to linear elastic approach. The proposed hyperelastic constitutive law and the linear elastic one can be adopted for different portion of the same yarn without occurring into model instabilities and providing accurate results.The yarn mesoscopic model developed in the current work offers new possibilities in terms of failure modelisation and post processing tools. These could be used to develop more accurate fabric model and exploit the phenomena behind fabrics and yarns failure mechanic.


ANDREW DINIZ DA COSTA 16 April 2009 (has links)
[pt] Sistemas multi-agentes são sociedades com agentes autônomos e heterogêneos que podem trabalhar em conjunto para alcançar objetivos similares ou totalmente diferentes. Quando falhas acontecem enquanto algum agente de software tenta alcançar seus objetivos, torna-se importante entender porque tais falhas acontecem e o que pode ser feito para remediar tais problemas. Considerando o ambiente distribuído, dinâmico e a natureza dos sistemas multi-agentes, é importante definir os requisitos necessários para realizar diagnósticos das falhas e recomendações de planos alternativos para agentes que desejam alcançar seus objetivos. Assim, esta dissertação propõe soluções para os principais desafios de criar um sistema que realize diagnósticos e proveja recomendações sobre execuções de agentes. Além disso, o trabalho propõe um framework híbrido de diagnóstico e recomendação que provê suporte para tais desafios. A partir do framework, instâncias de diferentes domínios podem ser criadas, como, por exemplo, aplicações baseadas em computação ubíqua e diferentes diagnósticos e recomendações podem ser providas. / [en] Multi-agent systems are societies with autonomous and heterogeneous agents that can work together to achieve similar or different goals. Agents executing in such systems may not be able to achieve their goals due to failures during system execution. When an agent tries to achieve its desired goals, but faces failures during execution, it becomes important to understand why such failures occurred and what can be done to remedy the problem. The distributed, dynamic and nature of multi-agent systems calls for a new form of failure handling approach to address its unique requirements, which involves both diagnosing specific failures and recommending alternative plans for successful agent execution and goal attainment. We discuss solutions to the main challenges of creating a system that can perform diagnoses and provide recommendations about agent executions to support goal attainment, and propose a hybrid diagnostic-recommendation framework that provides support for methods to address such challenges. From the framework, instances of different domains can be created, such as, applications based on ubiquitous computing and different diagnoses and recommendations can be provided.


GREIS FRANCY MIREYA SILVA CALPA 25 March 2013 (has links)
[pt] O autismo e um transtorno global do desenvolvimento (TGD) que afeta principalmente a comunicação, a interação social e os comportamentos do indivíduo. Como parte dos TGDs encontram-se outras categorias, entre elas o autismo de alta funcionalidade (AAF) considerado como um autismo leve dentro do espectro autístico. A ciência da computação apresenta muitas vantagens que podem ser usadas para o benefício destas pessoas, permitindo o desenvolvimento de aplicações para contribuir nas suas necessidades específicas. Entre essas aplicações, as aplicações colaborativas de multitoque tem mostrado importantes resultados no que diz respeito a facilidade de uso, interesse, motivação, possibilidade de comunicação e melhora no comportamento social de usuários com AAF. Este trabalho apresenta um jogo colaborativo multi-usuário (PAR: Peco, Ajudo, Recebo) utilizando multi-toque, desenvolvido para avaliar diferentes dimensões de colaboração elaboradas conforme as necessidades de um grupo de usuários com autismo com funcionalidades mais comprometidas do que os AAF, a m de contribuir na sua interação social. Nesse sentido, são apresentadas quatro dimensões de colaboração obtidas a partir das dimensões usadas em aplicações destinadas para AAF e modificadas conforme os requerimentos dos usuários alvo. Essas dimensões são incluídas no PAR e permitiram incentivar um trabalho colaborativo e validar tanto sua utilidade na interação social de autistas quanto os benefícios sobre outras dificuldades que esses usuários apresentam. / [en] Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) that primarily aects communication, social interaction and behaviors. As part of TGDs there exist other categories, including high-function autism (HFA), considered a light autism within the autistic spectrum. Computer science has many advantages that can be used for the benet of these people, allowing application development to contribute to their specic needs. Among these applications, collaborative multi-touch applications have produced some important results regarding ease of use, interest, motivation, ability to communicate and to improve the social behavior of users with HFA. This work presents a multi-user collaborative game (PAR, acronym in Portuguese for Ask, Help, Receive) using multi-touch designed to assess diferent dimensions of collaboration, developed according to the needs of a user group with a degree of autistic impairment higher than that of the HFA, to contribute in their social interaction. In this sense, four dimensions of collaboration are presented, obtained from the dimensions used in applications designed for HFA and modied according to the requirements of target users. These dimensions are included in PAR and allowed to encourage a collaborative behavior and validate its usefulness both in the social interaction and other difficulties the target users have.

Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Reliability Modeling of Modern Electronic Devices and System

Woojin Ahn (7046000) 12 August 2019 (has links)
<div>Electronics have now become a part of our daily life and therefore the reliability of microelectronics cannot be overlooked. As the Moore's law era comes to an end, various new system-level innovations (e.g., 3D packaging, evolution of packaging material to molding compounds) with constant scaling of transistors have resulted in increasingly complicated integrated circuits (ICs) configurations. The reliability modeling of complex ICs is a nontrivial concern for a variety of reasons. For example, ever since 2004, self-heating effect (SHE) has become an important reliability concern for ICs. Currently, many groups have developed thermal predictive models for transistors, circuits, and systems. In order to describe SHE self-consistently, the modeling framework must account for correlated self-heating within the ICs. This multi-scales nature of the self-consistency problem is one of the difficult factors poses an important challenge to self-consistent modeling. In addition, coupling between different physical effects within IC further complicates the problem.</div><div><br></div><div>In this thesis, we discuss three challenges, and their solutions related to an IC's reliability issues. We (i) generalize the classical effective medium theory (EMT) to account for anisotropic, heterogeneous system; (ii) develop computationally efficient a physics-based thermal compact model for a packaged ICs to predict junction temperature in the transistor based on the EMT model, and image charge theory. Our thermal compact model bridges different length scales among the sources and rest of the system. Finally (iii) propose the modeling framework of electrical chip package interaction (CPI) due to charge transport within mold compounds by coupling moisture diffusion, electric distribution, and ions transport. The proposed modeling framework not only addresses the three major modeling challenges discussed earlier, but also provides deep and fundamental insights regarding the performance and reliability of modern ICs. </div>

Analyse intégrée de données de génomique et d’imagerie pour le diagnostic et le suivi du gliome malin chez l’enfant / Integrated analysis of genomic and imaging data dedicated to the diagnosis and follow-up of pediatric high grade glioma

Philippe, Cathy 08 December 2014 (has links)
Les tumeurs cérébrales malignes sont la première cause de mortalité par cancer chez l’enfant avec une survie médiane de 12 à 14 mois et une survie globale à 5 ans de 20%, pour les gliomes de haut grade. Ce travail de thèse propose des méthodes innovantes pour l’analyse de blocs de données de génomiques, dans le but d’accroître les connaissances biologiques sur ces tumeurs. Les méthodes proposées étendent les travaux de Tenenhaus et al (2011), introduisant le cadre statistique général : Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis (RGCCA). Dans un premier temps, nous étendons RGCCA à la gestion de données en grande dimension via une écriture duale de l’algorithme initial (KGCCA). Dans un deuxième temps, la problématique de la sélection de variables dans un contexte multi-Blocs est étudiée. Nous en proposons une solution avec la méthode SGCCA, qui pénalise la norme L1 des poids des composantes. Dans un troisième temps, nous nous intéressons à la nature des liens entre blocs avec deux autres adaptations. D’une part, la régression logistique multi-Blocs (multiblog) permet de prédire une variable binaire, comme la réponse à un traitement. D’autre part, le modèle de Cox multi-Blocs (multiblox) permet d’évaluer, par exemple, le risque instantané de rechute. Enfin, nous appliquons ces méthodes à l’analyse conjointe des données de transcriptome et d’aberrations du nombre de copies, acquises sur une cohorte de 53 jeunes patients avec un gliome de haut grade primaire. Les résultats sont décrits dans le dernier chapitre du manuscrit. / Cerebral malignant tumors are the leading cause of death among pediatric cancers with a median survival from 12 to 14 months and an overall survival of 20% at 5 years for high grade gliomas. This work proposes some innovative methods for the analysis of heterogeneous genomic multi-Block data, with the main objective of increasing biological knowledge about such tumors. These methods extend works of Tenenhaus and Tenenhaus (2011), who introduce Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis (RGCCA) as a general statistical framework for multi-Block data analysis. As a first step, we extended RGCCA to handle large-Scale data with kernel methods (KGCCA). As a second step, SGCCA for variable selection within the RGCCA context is studied and leads to an additional constraint on the L1-Norm of the weight vectors. Then, as a third step, we focused on the nature of the links between blocks, with 2 other developments. On one hand, multi-Block logistic regression (multiblog) enables to predict a binary variable, such as response to treatment. On the other hand, the Cox model for multi-Block data (multiblox) enables the assessment of the instant risk, for instance, of relapse. We applied these methods to the joint analysis of Gene Expression and Copy Number Aberrations, acquired on a cohort of 53 young patients with a primary High Grade Glioma. Results are detailed in the last chapter of this work.

Régulation de trafic urbain multimodal : une modélisation multi-agents / Cooperative system for multimodal traffic regulation : a multiagent model

Gaciarz, Matthis 05 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, la congestion urbaine est de plus en plus répandue et dégrade la qualité de vie des habitants des villes. Plusieurs méthodes sont utilisées pour diminuer la congestion urbaine, notamment la régulation du trafic et la valorisation des transports en commun. Depuis les années 1990 l'utilisation d‘outils issus de l'intelligence artificielle, et en particulier des méthodes distribuées et les systèmes multi-agents, a permis de concevoir de nouvelles méthodes de régulation du trafic. Parallèlement, l'amélioration des capacités de communication des véhicules et des conducteurs et l'arrivée de voitures autonomes permettent d'envisager de nouvelles approches en matière de régulation. Le travail de recherche proposé dans le cadre de cette thèse est structuré en deux volets. Nous proposons d'abord une méthode de régulation du trafic à une intersection s'appuyant sur la négociation automatique. Notre méthode se fonde sur un système d'argumentation décrivant l'état du trafic et les préférences de chacun, appuyé par des méthodes de raisonnement pour les véhicules et les infrastructures. Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, nous proposons une méthode de coordination des bus avec le reste du trafic. Celle-ci permet à un bus de se coordonner de manière anticipative avec les prochaines intersections qu'il prévoit de traverser, afin de mettre en place une politique commune de régulation qui permet au bus d'atteindre son prochain arrêt en subissant le minimum de congestions potentielles / Since several decades, urban congestion is more and more widespread and deteriorate the quality of life of citizens who live in cities. Several methods are used to reduce urban congestion, notably traffic regulation and promotion of public transportation. Since the 1990's, the usage of tools from artificial intelligence, particularly distributed systems and multi-agent systems, allowed to design new methods for traffic regulation. Indeed, these methods ease to take into account the complexity of traffic-related problems with distribution. Moreover, the improvement of the communication abilities of the vehicles and the coming of autonomous vehicles allow to consider new approaches for regulation.The research work presented in this work is twofold. First we propose a method for traffic regulation at an intersection based on automatic negotiation. Our method is based on an argumentation system describing the state of the traffic and the preferences of each vehicle, relying on reasonning methods for vehicles and infrastructures. In the second part of this thesis, we propose a coordination method for buses for the rest of the traffic. This method allows a bus to coordinate in an anticipatory way with the next intersections on its trajectory, in order to define a common regulation policy allowing the bus to reach its next stop without suffering from potential congestions

Modélisation, simulation et optimisation pour l'éco-fabrication / Modeling, simulation and optimization for sustainable manufacturing

Hassine, Hichem 09 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se focalise sur la proposition et l’application des approches pour la modélisation de l’éco-fabrication. Ces approches permettent de préparer et simuler une démarche de fabrication des produits en assurant le couplage entre les objectifs écologiques et économiques.Les approches développées dans cette thèse sont basées sur les notions d’aide à la décision ainsi que l’optimisation multi objectifs. L’aide à la décision permet l’intervention en deux différents niveaux : le choix des impacts environnementaux à quantifier ainsi que le choix du scénario final de fabrication. Pour l’optimisation multi objectifs, elle assure le couplage entre les deux piliers principaux de l’éco-fabrication : l’écologie et l’économie. Au niveau de l’aide à la décision multi critères, les méthodes Evamix et Promethee ont été appliqués, tandis que les essaims particulaires ont été développés dans le cadre de l’optimisation multi objectifs.Ces approches ont été appliquées tout d’abord aux quelques opérations d’usinage : tournage et fraisage. Finalement, la chaîne de fabrication de l’acide phosphorique ainsi que celle d’acide sulfurique ont été le sujet de l’application des deux approches développées. / This thesis focuses on the proposal and implementation of approaches for modeling sustainable manufacturing. These approaches are used to prepare and simulate a process of manufacturing products providing coupling between environmental and economic objectives.The approaches developed in this thesis are based on the concepts of decision support as well as multi-objective optimization. The decision support allows intervention in two different levels: the choice of indicator to quantify the environmental impacts and the choice of the final manufacturing scenario. For multi-objective optimization, it provides the coupling between the two main pillars of sustainable manufacturing: ecology and economy. In terms of multi criteria decision aid methods, Evamix and Promethee were applied, while particulate swarms were developed as part of the multi-objective optimization. These approaches have been applied initially to some machining operations: turning and milling. Finally, the production line of phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid were the subject of application of the two approaches developed.


LUIZ FERNANDO CHAGAS RODRIGUES 30 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] A complexidade e a distribuição de sistemas multiagentes tornam seu desenvolvimento muito sujeito a falhas. Ao mesmo tempo, poucas iniciativas procuram resolver o problema através de teste automatizado da mesma maneira que no desenvolvimento orientado a objetos. Este trabalho apresenta um framework para o desenvolvimento de aplicações de teste automatizado através de agentes Stubs para o middleware M-Law. O middleware implementa um interpretador para a linguagem XMLaw, atuando como mediador da comunicação dos agentes segundo a definição das leis de interação. / [en] Complexity and distribution of multi-agent systems make the development of such systems failure prone. In this context, few solutions try to solve the problem through automated tests as we see in object oriented development. This work presents a framework for test automated applications development through the use of Stub agents for the middleware M-Law. This middleware implements the law-enforcement mechanism for regulating OMAS specified by the description language XMLaw which implements a law definition language, called XMLaw, for agent interaction in open multi-agent systems.


ADOLFO GUILHERME SILVA CORREIA 11 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] Os últimos anos têm sido marcados pelo significativo crescimento em todo o mundo da demanda por serviços de telecomunicações. Tal cenário de expansão de redes e da necessidade de coexistência e interoperabilidade de diferentes tecnologias de forma economicamente viável proporciona grandes desafios para a gerência, operação e manutenção de redes de telecomunicações. O presente trabalho apresenta alguns dos principais modelos e paradigmas de gerência de redes tradicionalmente empregados em redes de telecomunicações e que ainda hoje são amplamente utilizados pela indústria. Muitos dos modelos apresentados foram significativamente influenciados por conceitos e técnicas oriundos da área de engenharia de software. Uma grande ênfase é dada particularmente ao uso de técnicas baseadas em agentes de software para gerência de redes. Para tanto, importantes conceitos sobre agentes de software são apresentados, assim como exemplos de trabalhos em que agentes de software são utilizados no domínio de gerência de redes. Por fim, é proposta uma arquitetura baseada em agentes de software para gerência de falhas em redes legadas de telecomunicações, que são comumente gerenciadas por sistemas centralizados. O objetivo principal desta arquitetura é permitir o diagnóstico e a correção de falhas de rede de forma a não sobrecarregar o sistema centralizado de gerência. Para tanto, são utilizados agentes de software que distribuem informações mantidas no sistema centralizado para outros agentes do sistema. Desta forma, é possível que os agentes responsáveis por executar os procedimentos de diagnóstico e correção de falhas desempenhem suas atividades sem a necessidade de uma comunicação direta com o sistema centralizado. / [en] The last few years have been marked by a significant and worldwide growth in the demand for telecommunications services. Such scenery of network expansion and the need for coexistence and interoperability of different technologies in an economically viable way provides great challenges for the management, operation and maintenance of telecommunications networks. This work presents some of the main network management models and paradigms traditionally employed in telecommunications networks and that still count with wide adoption in the industry as of this day. Many of the presented models have been significantly influenced by concepts and techniques originated in the software engineering field. A great emphasis is particularly given to the use of network management techniques based on software agents. To this end, important concepts of software agents are presented, as well as examples of works where software agents are used in the network management domain. Finally, an architecture based on software agents used for fault management in legacy telecommunications networks, which are usually managed by centralized systems, is proposed. The main objective of this architecture is to allow the diagnosis and the correction of network faults in a way not to overload the centralized management system. To this end, the architecture uses software agents that distribute information maintained in the centralized management system to other agents of the system. In such way, it is possible for the agents responsible for executing the fault diagnosis and correction procedures to perform their activities without the necessity for direct communication with the centralized system.


LEONARDO CARDARELLI LEITE 28 June 2006 (has links)
[pt] Game Design é o processo de criação de um jogo, que engloba a definição de seu funcionamento, a descrição dos elementos que o compõe, bem como a transmissão destas informações à equipe que irá desenvolve- lo. O presente trabalho aborda o estudo do Game Design de jogos eletrônicos multi-plataforma, analisando criticamente como esta classe de jogos está sendo projetada. Por ser uma mídia em estágio de amadurecimento, a formação acadêmica necessária aos profissionais que atuam na área de jogos eletrônicos ainda não está claramente definida, e sua linguagem e potencialidades estão longe de serem enxergadas em sua totalidade. O exorbitante retorno financeiro da indústria a tornou conservadora e esta tendência está ofuscando a criação de um conteúdo significativo e exploratório. Com o objetivo de identificar e justificar as decisões de Game Design recorrentes em jogos eletrônicos multi-plataforma, questiona-se quais são as características presentes nestes jogos que influenciam a maneira em que são percebidos e jogados quando em diferentes plataformas e situações de uso, e quais as qualidades destas situações que devem ser relevadas durante o processo de sua criação e desenvolvimento. A pesquisa analisa o Game Design de quatro títulos, comparando suas diferentes versões de acordo com seus usos em contextos público, privado e móvel, adotando uma abordagem que compreende as percepções de um jogador e também as de um designer. / [en] Game Design is the process of creating a game, which includes defining its functionality, describing its composing elements, as well as transmiting these informations to the development team. The current work approaches the study of the Game Design present on multi-platform electronic games, analysing how they´re being designed. Being a maturing medium, the academic profile needed for its professionals still isn´t clearly defined, and its language and potencials haven´t been fully explored. The industry´s exorbitant financial return has made it conservative, blinding the creation of meaningful content. With the objective of identifying and justifying the Game Design decisions recurrent on multi-platform electronic games, it is questioned what characteristics affect the way theses games are percepted and played when in different platforms and situations, and which qualities of these situations must be considered during the creative and development processes. The study analyses the Game Design of four titles, comparing their different versions according to their uses on public, private and mobile contexts, through a point-of-view that corresponds to both player and designer.

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