Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multiagent system"" "subject:"multitangent system""
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Modélisation et Optimisation d’un Système de Transport à la Demande Multicritère et Dynamique / Modeling and Optimization a Dynamic and Multicriteria Dial a Ride ProblemZidi, Issam 06 July 2012 (has links)
Le Problème de Transport à la Demande (PTD), consiste à prendre en charge le transport des personnes d'un lieu de départ vers un lieu d'arrivée. Il est caractérisé par un ensemble de demandes de transport et d'un nombre de véhicules disponible. L'ultime objectif dans ce travail de thèse est d'offrir une alternative optimisée au déplacement individuel et collectif. Le PTD est classé parmi les problèmes NP-difficile, la majorité des travaux de recherche ont été concentrés sur l'utilisation des méthodes approchées pour le résoudre.Ce problème est également multicritère, la solution proposée dans ce travail permet à la fois une réduction du temps de voyage et également de la distance parcourue. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons notre contribution à l'étude et à la résolution du problème de transport à la demande multicritère et dynamique en appliquant l'algorithme de recuit simulé multi-objectif. Une grande partie de notre travail concerne la conception, le développement et la validation des approches qui permettent de donner des solutions optimales ou quasi optimales, pour un PTD. Ces approches utilisent une méthode multicritère qui s’appuie sur l’algorithme de recuit simulé. La modélisation du PTD est représentée par une architecture multi-acteurs. Cette architecture met en évidence l’aspect distribué du système ainsi que les interactions et les relations qui peuvent avoir lieu entre les différents acteurs. Nous présentons dans ce travail un Système Multi-Agents pour la planification des itinéraires des véhicules affectés au transport des voyageurs. Les agents de ce système utilisent le module d’optimisation développé dans la première partie / The Dial a Ride Problem (DRP) is to take passengers from a place of departures to places of arrivals. Different versions of the dynamic Dial a Ride Problem are found in every day practice; transportation of people in low-density areas, transportation of the handicapped and elderly persons and parcel pick-up and delivery service in urban areas. In the DRP, customers send transportation requests to an operator. A request consists of a specified pickup location and destination location along with a desired departure or arrival time. The ultimate aim is to offer an alternative to displacement optimized individually and collectively. The DRP is classified as NP-hard problem that’s why most research has been concentrated on the use of approximate methods to solve it. Indeed the DRP is a multi-criteria problem, the proposed solution of which aims to reduce both route duration in response to a certain quality of service provided. In this thesis, we offer our contribution to the study and solving the DRP in the application using a multi agent system based on the Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing Algorithm
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ROMIE, une approche d'alignement d'ontologies à base d'instances / ROMIE, Resource based Ontology Mapping within an Interactive and Extensible environmentElbyed, Abdeltif 16 October 2009 (has links)
L'interoperabilite semantique est une question importante, largement identifiee dans les technologies d’organisation et de l'information et dans la communaute de recherche en systemes d'information. L’adoption large du Web afin d’acceder a des informations distribuees necessite l'interoperabilite des systemes qui gerent ces informations. Des solutions et reflexions comme le Web Semantique facilitent la localisation et l’integration des donnees d'une maniere plus intelligente par l'intermediaire des ontologies. Il offre une vision plus semantique et comprehensible du web. Pourtant, il souleve un certain nombre de defis de recherche. Un des principaux defis est de comparer et aligner les differentes ontologies qui apparaissent dans des taches d'integration. Le principal objectif de cette these est de proposer une approche d’alignement pour identifier les liens de correspondance entre des ontologies. Notre approche combine les techniques et les methodes d’appariement linguistiques, syntaxiques, structurelles ou encore semantiques (basees sur les instances). Elle se compose de deux phases principales : la phase d'enrichissement semantique des ontologies a comparer et la phase d’alignement ou de mapping. La phase d'enrichissement est basee sur l'analyse des informations que les ontologies developpent (des ressources web, des donnees, des documents, etc.) et qui sont associes aux concepts de l’ontologie. Notre intuition est que ces informations ainsi que les relations qui peuvent exister entre elles participent a l’enrichissement semantique entre les concepts. A l’issue de la phase d'enrichissement, une ontologie contient plus de relations semantiques entre les concepts qui seront exploitees dans la deuxieme phase. La phase de mapping prend deux ontologies enrichies et calcule la similarite entre les couples de concepts. Un processus de filtrage nous permet de reduire automatiquement le nombre de fausses relations. La validation des correspondances est un processus interactif direct (avec un expert) ou indirect (en mesurant le degre de satisfaction de l’utilisateur). Notre approche a donne lieu a un systeme de mapping appele ROMIE (Resource based Ontology Mapping within an Interactive and Extensible environment). Il a ete experimente et evalue dans deux differentes applications : une application biomedicale et une application dans le domaine de l’apprentissage enrichi par les technologies (ou e-learning). / System interoperability is an important issue, widely recognized in information technology intensive organizations and in the research community of information systems. The wide adoption of the World Wide Web to access and distribute information further stresses the need for system interoperability. Initiative solutions like the Semantic Web facilitate the localization and the integration of the data in a more intelligent way via the use of ontologies. The Semantic Web offers a compelling vision, yet it raises a number of research challenges. One of the key challenges is to compare and map different ontologies, which evidently appears in integration tasks. The main goal of the work is to introduce a method for finding semantic correspondences among ontologies with the intention to support interoperability of Information Systems. The approach brings together syntactic, linguistic, structural and semantic (based on instance information) matching methods in order to provide a semi-automatic mapping. The approach consists of two phases: semantic enrichment phase and mapping phase. The enrichment phase is based on the analysis of the information developed by the ontologies (like web resources, data, documents, etc.) and that are associated to the concepts in the ontologies. Our intuition is that this information as well as the relations that can exist between them is used in semantic enrichment between the concepts. At the end of enrichment phase, the ontology contains more semantic relations between its concepts that will be exploited in the second phase. The phase of mapping takes two enriched ontologies and calculates the similarity between the couples of concepts. A process of filtering enables us to automatically reduce the number of false relations. The validation of the correspondences is a direct interactive process (with an expert) or indirect (by measuring the satisfaction level of the user). The approach has been implemented in a prototype system called ROMIE (Resource based Ontology Mapping within and Interactive and Extensible environment). It was tested and evaluated in two applications: a biomedical application and technology enhanced learning (or e-learning) domain application.
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As humans, we tackle many problems in complex societies and manage the complexities of networked social systems. Cognition and sociability are two vital human capabilities that improve social life and complex social interactions. Adding these features to smart devices makes them capable of managing complex and networked Internet of Things (IoT) settings.
Cognitive and social devices can improve their relationships and connections with other devices and people to better serve human needs. Nowadays, researchers are investigating two future generations of IoT: social IoT (SIoT) and cognitive IoT (CIoT). This study develops a new framework for IoT, called CSIoT, by using complexity science concepts and by integrating social and cognitive IoT concepts. This framework uses a new mechanism to leverage the friendships between devices to address service management, privacy, and security. The framework addresses network navigability, resilience, and heterogeneity between devices in IoT settings. This study uses a new simulation tool for evaluating the new CSIoT framework and evaluates the privacy-preserving ability of CSIoT using the new simulation tool. To address different CSIoT security and privacy issues, this study also proposes a blockchain-based CSIoT. The evaluation results show that CSIoT can effectively preserve the privacy and the blockchain-based CSIoT performs effectively in addressing different privacy and security issues.
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Dual-agent simulation model of the residential development process : an institutional approach to explaining the spatial patterns of residential developments in France, England and the Netherlands / Modèle de simulation à double-agent du processus de développement résidentiel : une approche institutionnelle pour expliquer la forme spatiale des développements résidentiels en France, en Angleterre et aux Pays-BasKamps, Stephan 22 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente PARDISIM, un modèle de simulation qui propose uneapproche économique institutionnelle pour la simulation du processus dedéveloppement résidentiel. Plutôt que de modéliser le développement résidentielcomme le résultat de choix de localisation au niveau des ménages, PARDISIMmet l’accent sur les objectifs et les interactions des acteurs du développementrésidentiel. L’idée est que les acteurs du développement, y compris les au-torités publiques d’aménagement, jouent un rôle important dans le processusde développement résidentiel. L’approche est donc top-down et se démarquedes approches habituelles bottom-up. Les premiers résultats obtenus montrentque PARDISIM est capable de produire des configurations spatiales réalistes. / This thesis presents PARDISIM, a simulation model that takes an institutionaleconomic approach in the simulation of the residential development process.Rather then modelling the residential development as the result of locationchoices at household level, PARDISIM focusses on the objectives and interac-tions of development actors. The idea behind this approach is that developmentactors, including public planning authorities, play an important role in the pro-cess of residential development. The model is top-down whereas the most recentefforts by other scholars focus instead on a bottom-up approach. Initial testingshows that PARDISIM is capable of producing realistic spatial patterns. / Dit proefschrift presenteert PARDISIM, een simulatiemodel dat een institu-tioneel economische benadering toepast in de simulatie van de ontwikkeling vanwoningbouw. In plaats van deze ontwikkeling te definiëren als gevolg van locatiekeuzes op huishoudniveau, richt PARDISIM zich op de doelstellingen en de in-teracties van actoren met een professioneel belang in de stedelijke ontwikkeling.Het idee achter deze aanpak is dat deze actoren, waaronder ondermeer localeoverheden, een belangrijke rol spelen in het proces van de ontwikkeling vanwoningbouw. Het model is top-down terwijl de meest recente inspanningen inde literatuur een bottom-up benadering toepassen. Uit de eerste testresultatenblijkt dat PARDISIM in staat is realistische, ruimtelijke configuraties te pro-duceren.
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Hyper-heuristic cooperation based approach for bus driver scheduling / Approche fondée sur la coopération hyper-heuristique pour la planification de chauffeurs de busLi, Shi 18 October 2013 (has links)
La conception d’un système de transport en commun doit prendre en compte différentes dimensions pour résoudre deux problèmes importants d’optimisation : l’ordonnancement des véhicules (le graphicage) et l’affectation des conducteurs (l’habillage). Dans nos travaux, nous nous sommes focalisés sur le problème de l'habillage. L’objectif est de minimiser le nombre de conducteurs en respectant toutes les contraintes sociales et économiques. Par sa nature combinatoire, l’habillage est considéré comme une tâche complexe du processus de conception de réseaux de transport en commun. Nous avons proposé une approche fondée sur les hyper-heuristiques dont le principal avantage réside dans leur faculté d’adaptation à différents problèmes. Nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement à une approche coopérative, capable de prendre en compte les changements au cours du processus de résolution. Nous avons étendu les fonctionnalités et amélioré les performances du framework traditionnel des hyper-heuristiques. L’algorithme proposé comporte une combinaison de plusieurs phases et plusieurs niveaux. La métaphore de la coalition est utilisée pour permettre la coopération entre hyper-heuristiques. Elle est destinée à favoriser la diversification des solutions et amplifier la capacité de recherche selon un contrôle décentralisé où chaque hyper-heuristique possède une certaine autonomie. Il est ainsi possible d’envisager différents modes de coopération entre les hyper-heuristiques : partage de solutions, apprentissage par mimétisme ou encore mise en concurrence de différentes stratégies de recherche. L’expérimentation a été réalisée aussi bien sur des instances réelles que sur des benchmarks. Elle a donné de bons résultats tant sur la déviation que sur le temps d’exécution. / The design of public transport system must take into account different dimensions to solve two main problems of optimization: the vehicles scheduling and driver scheduling. In our work, we focused on bus driver scheduling. Its objective is to minimize the number of drivers in accordance with social and environmental constraints. By its combinatorial nature, bus driver scheduling is considered a complex task in the design process of network transport. We have proposed an approach based on hyper-heuristics whose main advantage lies in their ability to adapt to different problems. We are particularly interested in a cooperative approach, which is able to take into account changes in the resolution process. We have extended the functionality and improved performance of the traditional framework of hyper- heuristics by proposing a pattern based on an organizational model. The proposed algorithm consists of a combination of several phases and several levels. The metaphor of the coalition is used to make cooperate several hyper-heuristics. The coalition is intended to favor diversified solutions and expand search capacity with decentralized control where each hyper-heuristic has certain autonomy. It is thus possible to consider different ways of cooperation between the hyper-heuristics: sharing solutions, learning by mimetism or carrying out different competitive search strategies. The experiment was carried out both on real-world instances and benchmarks. It gave good results on both quality of solution and execution time
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A study of corporate culture compatibility on supply chain performanceAl-Mutawah, Khalid January 2009 (has links)
Supply chain systems have become a vital component of successful networked business firms/organisations. Over the last three decades, there has been a dramatic growth globally in the formation of supply chain networks. Research, however, indicates that there has been an increase in reported supply chains failures, and the incompatibility issues between participated organisations. Yet, these incompatibility issues are not just technical, but encompass wider cultural, organisational, and economical factors. Whilst research has shown the effect of such factors on supply chain performance, the influence of achieving corporate culture compatibility to the success of supply chains remains poorly understood. This is because it is widely accepted that organisations that operate in the same region possess a similar culture. In contrast, this research will examine the existence of corporate culture diversity between organisations in the same region, rather than diversity of national culture across different regions. Specifically, the study described the development of corporate culture compatibility between supply chains’ organisations and its influences on supply chain performance. Therefore, the thesis focus is the complex interrelationships between corporate culture compatibility of member organisations and supply chain performance. This research identifies cultural norms and beliefs of supply chain members within key organisational factors, rather than national or multi-national organisations factors, as in Hofstede (1983). A multi-method research design (combining case study, simulation, and neuro-fuzzy methods) was used to provide a rounded perspective on the phenomena studied. The multiple case studies helped to explore how corporate culture compatibility influences supply chain performance and develop a conceptual model for this association. The simulation experiments were conducted to verify the obtained conceptual framework from the multiple case studies, and investigate the effects of changing the corporate culture compatibility level on supply chain performance. The simulation is designed based on a Multi-Agent System (MAS) approach, in which each organisation in a supply chain is represented as an intelligent agent. Finally, a neuro-fuzzy approach is presented to assess corporate culture on supply chains context using real data. The analysis of the quantitative neuro-fuzzy study confirmed and validated the theoretical findings and adds depth to our understanding of the influences of corporate culture compatibility on supply chain performance. The study confirmed that organisations within the same supply chain in the same region possess different corporate cultures that consequently need the achievement of corporate culture compatibility as it is indicated by the literature. Moreover, the study revealed two types of corporate culture in supply chains’ context: individual culture and common culture. Individual culture refers to the internal beliefs within the organisation’s boundary, while common culture refers to beliefs when trading with partners across the organisation’s boundary. However, the study shows that common culture has more influences on supply chain performance than individual culture. In addition, the study highlighted bi-directional association between individual culture and common culture that helps the supply chain’s organisations developing their corporate culture compatibility. The results from the current study also showed that supply chain performance was shown to arise dramatically in response to corporate culture compatibility level increases. Yet, this increase in performance is diminished at a higher level of corporate culture compatibility, because more corporate culture compatibility increases are not cost effective for the organisations. In addition, organisations at a higher level of compatibility have more preferences to preserve their individual culture because it represents their identity. Furthermore, the study complements the gap in the literature related to the assessment of corporate culture of individual organisations in supply chains for sustaining a higher supply chain performance. While current culture assessment models observe individual organisations’ culture, the proposed approach describes a single concentrated model that integrates both individual and common culture in measuring influences of culture compatibility on supply chain performance. The findings from this study provide scholars, consultants, managers, and supply chain systems vendors with valuable information. This research thesis contributes to supply chain configuration and partnership formation theory, along with corporate culture theory, and is the first of its kind to establish the use of intelligent methods to model corporate culture compatibility. It is also one of the first empirical studies to compare corporate culture compatibility of supply chains’ organisations from organisational perspectives, rather than national perspectives.
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Logics of Knowledge and Cryptography : Completeness and ExpressivenessCohen, Mika January 2007 (has links)
An understanding of cryptographic protocols requires that we examine the knowledge of protocol participants and adversaries: When a participant receives a message, does she know who sent it? Does she know that the message is fresh, and not merely a replay of some old message? Does a network spy know who is talking to whom? This thesis studies logics of knowledge and cryptography. Specifically, the thesis addresses the problem of how to make the concept of knowledge reflect feasible computability within a Kripke-style semantics. The main contributions are as follows. 1. A generalized Kripke semantics for first-order epistemic logic and cryptography, where the later is modeled using private constants and arbitrary cryptographic operations, as in the Applied Pi-calculus. 2. An axiomatization of first-order epistemic logic which is sound and complete relative to an underlying theory of cryptographic terms, and to an omega-rule for quantifiers. Besides standard axioms and rules from first-order epistemic logic, the axiomatization includes some novel axioms for the interaction between knowledge and cryptography. 3. Epistemic characterizations of static equivalence and Dolev-Yao message deduction. 4. A generalization of Kripke semantics for propositional epistemic logic and symmetric cryptography. 5. Decidability, soundness and completeness for propositional BAN-like logics with respect to message passing systems. Completeness and decidability are generalised to logics induced from an arbitrary base of protocol specific assumptions. 6. An epistemic definition of message deduction. The definition lies between weaker and stronger versions of Dolev-Yao deduction, and coincides with weaker Dolev-Yao regarding all atomic messages. For composite messages, the definition withstands a well-known counterexample to Dolev-Yao deduction. 7. Protocol examples using mixes, a Crowds style protocol, and electronic payments. / QC 20100524
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行動多様性に対する情報共有の影響とその適応性 : イベント会場における混雑情報提供に関するマルチエージェントシミュレーションARITA, Takaya, SUZUKI, Reiji, 有田, 隆也, 鈴木, 麗璽 01 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems with Regional DynamicsSchöllig, Angela 23 August 2007 (has links)
In this work, hybrid systems with regional dynamics are considered. These are systems where transitions between different dynamical regimes occur as the continuous state of the system reaches given switching surfaces. In particular, the attention is focused on the optimal control problem associated with such systems. More precisely, given a specific cost function, the goal is to determine the optimal path of going from a given starting point to a fixed final state during an a priori specified time horizon.
The key characteristic of the approach presented in this thesis is a hierarchical decomposition of the hybrid optimal control problem, yielding to a framework which allows a solution on different levels of control. On the highest level of abstraction, the regional structure of the state space is taken into account and a discrete representation of the connections between the different regions provides global accessibility relations between regions. These are used on a lower level of control to formulate the main theorem of this work, namely, the Hybrid Bellman Equation for multimodal systems, which, in fact, provides a characterization of global optimality, given an upper bound on the number of transitions along a hybrid trajectory. Not surprisingly, the optimal solution is hybrid in nature, in that it depends on not only the continuous control signals, but also on discrete decisions as to what domains the system's continuous state should go through in the first place.
The main benefit with the proposed approach lies in the fact that a hierarchical Dynamic Programming algorithm can be used to representing both a theoretical characterization of the hybrid solution's structural composition and, from a more application-driven point of view, a numerically implementable calculation rule yielding to globally optimal solutions in a regional dynamics framework. The operation of the recursive algorithm is highlighted by the consideration of numerous examples, among them, a heterogeneous multi-agent problem.
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Agentenbasierter Programmassistent zur Verwaltung von NC-Informationen in Produktionssystemen mit KommunikationsnetzwerkenDang, Thien Ngon 30 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In den letzten Jahren hat sich die rapide Entwicklung der Elektrotechnik ebenso wie die der Softwaretechnologie auf die numerischen Steuerungen in den heutigen CNC-Maschinen groß ausgewirkt. Diese numerischen Steuerungen sind sowohl intelligenter und flexibler als auch mit größerer Internspeicherkapazität ausgerüstet. Dies führt zu einer Änderung der Art und Weise, wie DNC-Systeme zu etablieren sind, besonders solcher, die auf bisher verfügbaren, aber ungleichartigen DNC-Systemen basieren. In einem solch heterogenen DNC-System wird Datenspeicherungsfähigkeit stärker verteilt angeordnet, d.h., sie ist nicht nur in einem zentralen DNC-Server vorhanden, sondern auch in Terminals oder Steuerungen selbst angelagert. Diese Änderung des Archivierungsmittels benötigt neue DNC-Software, die die DNC-Grundfunktionen voll realisiert. Zudem sollte sie auch den neuen spezifischen Softwareanforderungen entsprechen und erlauben, neue Funktionen, z.B. Maschinendatenerfassung, Betriebsdatenerfassung usw., als Module hinzuzufügen. Derzeit wird die Agententechnologie bzw. ein MAS (Multiagentensystem) als ein aussichtsreicher Ansatz angesehen, um die Probleme der heutigen komplexen Softwaresysteme, wie ungleichartige Systemumgebungen und verteilte Strukturen, zu lösen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Idee zum Aufbau eines heterogenen DNC-Systems und die Konzipierung zur Gestaltung der agentenbasierten DNC-Software vor. Ausgehend von dem vorgestellten Lösungskonzept wird zudem der Programmassistent als erster Modul der agentenbasierten DNC-Software präsentiert. / In the network-based DNC systems and especially heterogeneous DNC systems data get more distributed due to the ability to store not only in the DNC Server but also in the CNC controller or CNC Terminal. This leads a challenge to the DNC software in the implementation of its basic functions. The agent-based DNC software with assistants (ADNC) is suggested to solve the above problem. Its tasks are to collect distributed NC information and transfer data safely as well as performing other extended functions, i.e. NC program generation, machine data collection, production data collection, control machines in system, etc. The present work presented the concept to develop the ADNC and its first prototype. This prototype was developed in a process using a framework of agent-based assistants, called AgentAP. It is applicable on distributed manufacturing data and had been implemented on the agent platform JADE. The module Program Assistant, one of these prototype modules, which is responsible for management, bidirectional transfer, and monitoring change of NC programs, is also discussed.
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