Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multifactor"" "subject:"multipactor""
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Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of EU Policies for First Generation BiofuelsMartinov, Sonja January 2015 (has links)
In this paper multi-actor multi-criteria decision aid methodology are developed to examine the impacts of EU policies related to first generation biofuels on identified key stakeholders. The thesis focuses on the integration of relevant qualitative and quantitative criteria defined by key stakeholders into one comprehensive evaluation process, to serve as a decision support tool for decision makers. Weight allocation of the defined criteria will be assessed by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) framework, where the multi-criteria decision-aid method PROMETHEE II is used to rank relevant policy alternatives based on the information provided. In the end, results will help the decision makers to identify the impacts of different EU policy alternatives on each stakeholder group.
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Interdisciplinary and interspatial discrepancies in urban planning : a multi-actor-multi-criteria analysis of the effects of densification on accessibility and sustainabilityvan der Ham, Jelmer January 2022 (has links)
Density has increasingly been used as a strategy by urban planners to increase accessibility and urban sustainability. Particularly, it has been opted as a tool to achieve sustainable development goal 11 ‘inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements’. Though densification is considerably impactful in realising resource efficiency and transport benefits, its effects are too multi-lateral to be used as a linear tool to realise accessibility and sustainability. This is both caused by the assume d knowledge-practice gap between academics and urban planners, as well as the complexity of interspatial collaboration between local and global practitioners. Particularly, the universal application of sustainable development goal 11 and the top-down approaches to evaluate performance in achieving sustainability hinder strategic interspatial integration. Fostering interspatial and interdisciplinary collaboration would require establishing a holistic indicator framework that acts as a foundation for contextualised project appraisal. Relevant topics were identified and validated by expert opinion to establish such an operationalised indicator framework that could be used as a foundation for practitioners to evaluate the effects of densification projects on accessibility and sustainability. To identify what topics planning actors across spatial scales (i.e., local, regional, and national)and between disciplines (i.e., academia and practice) value differently, the priorities of topics presented in the indicator list were compared by various stakeholders from the Greater Gothenburg region. Comparing priorities and identifying disparities was done using the methodological framework of the Analytical Hierarchy Process. More specifically, a multi-actor-multi-criteria analysis was used to compare priorities. The differences between responses showed that the gap between knowledge and adaptation might be smaller than initially suspected. Differences in priorities between planning actors across spatial scales shows interspatial discrepancies in mainly the valuation of public transport, urban services, and biodiversity conservatio n. Furthermore, notable differences in prioritisation by singular actors illustrate the need to qualitatively inquire certain topics further, including the role of inter-urban employment on transport networks, the incorporation of social factors in quantitative appraisal, the capacity of small municipalities to incorporate contextualised biodiversity conservation, and the role of a varied accommodation supply on metropolitan housing shortage.
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Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Wind Power Community Benefit SchemesLeach, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
Community benefit schemes in the context of wind power are increasingly provisioned by developers as a means of generating local socio-economic and environmental value, fostering social relations and strengthening acceptance. Determining an appropriate and effective benefit scheme can prove challenging, given the variation of exposed stakeholders, diversity in schemes and the lack of decision making guidance. A multi-criteria decision aid framework for identifying the most appropriate scheme(s) for a hypothetical wind power project is developed. The framework is based on AHP and PROMETHEE II decision support tool, where six (6) alternative schemes are assessed using the preferences of five (5) stakeholders and their relevant criteria. The framework was applied to a fictitious development on the island of Gotland. Results from the applied example indicate that the most locally suited outcome was the ownership based models. It is anticipated that the methodological framework can help identify the scheme(s) that respond to the needs and preferences of the locality. Moreover, a decision making platform of this nature can provide practical support to developers, communities and local authorities, and contribute to a more effective and efficient development and negotiation process surrounding community benefit schemes.
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Impatto e prevenzione dell'inquinamento delle acque sotterranee da pesticidi e nitrati nei vigneti collinari: valutazione delle fonti di contaminazione e sviluppo delle migliori pratiche di gestione e misure di mitigazione / IMPACT AND PREVENTION OF GROUNDWATER POLLUTION BY PESTICIDES AND NITRATE IN HILLY VINEYARDS: EVALUATION OF CONTAMINATION SOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MITIGATION MEASURES / Impact and prevention of groundwater pollution by pesticides and nitrate in hilly vineyards: evaluation of contamination sources and development of best management practices and mitigation measuresZAMBITO MARSALA, ROBERTA 28 April 2021 (has links)
Molte attività antropiche danno origine a problemi ambientali per i quali è necessario trovare soluzioni. La presenza di sostanze indesiderabili nell'acqua, infatti, può rappresentare un rischio per la salute e l'igiene sia degli uomini che degli animali. È quindi fondamentale trovare metodi per evitare gli inquinanti di queste matrici, in modo da renderli compatibili con il mantenimento di condizioni ambientali adeguate e salutari.
Questa tesi si propone di valutare la qualità delle acque sotterranee di un'area in cui la qualità dell'acqua non è mai stata studiata, in particolare indagando la presenza di pesticidi e nitrati al fine di comprendere l’impatto della viticoltura sull'inquinamento delle acque sotterranee. Questo studio nasce dalla necessità di migliorare la governance delle acque e di implementare le migliori pratiche di gestione e misure di mitigazione per prevenire l'inquinamento delle acque e quello ambientale.
I risultati degli studi di monitoraggio hanno mostrato una contaminazione delle acque sotterranee da parte di pesticidi e nitrati e quindi è stata effettuata una valutazione della fonte di contaminazione da pesticidi e nitrati attraverso studi isotopici di N e O di NO3-, e attraverso analisi idrologiche utilizzando il modello CRITERIA 3D.
Come una delle principali conclusioni del lavoro si può affermare che la presenza di pesticidi nelle acque sotterranee in un’area ad attività vitivinicola intensa, non può essere correlata solo alle proprietà e al destino chimico-ambientale delle sostanze o alle condizioni pedoclimatiche, ma anche al comportamento dell'utilizzatore finale. In effetti, la fonte di contaminazione valutata, è risultata essere dovuta sia a una contaminazione diffusa che a una contaminazione puntiforme.
Per quanto riguarda l'influenza della fertilizzazione a base di azoto sulla presenza di nitrati nelle acque sotterranee, i risultati hanno mostrato un'elevata vulnerabilità dell'acquifero ai cambiamenti esterni. Dalle indagini isotopiche è emerso che la maggior parte dell'NO3- rilevato nelle acque sotterranee, deriva dall'utilizzo di fertilizzanti azotati inorganici, in accordo con le pratiche di uso del suolo e di viticoltura dichiarate dagli agricoltori della zona.
Il risultato più importante dello studio, tuttavia, è stato che alla fine del processo, l'approccio multi-actor e la strategia di coinvolgimento adottati, hanno avuto successo nel migliorare gli atteggiamenti verso pratiche più sostenibili. / Many anthropic activities give rise to environmental problems for which it is necessary to find solutions. The presence of undesirable substances in water, indeed, can pose a risk to the health and hygiene of both men and animals. It is, therefore, essential to find methods in order to avoid pollutants from these matrices, so as to make them compatible with the maintenance of healthy environmental conditions.
This thesis aims to assessing the groundwater quality of an area in which the quality of water was never studied, particularly investigating the occurrence of pesticides and nitrate in order to understand the grant of viticulture on water pollution. This study derives from the necessity to improve the water governance and to implement the best management practices and mitigation measures to prevent groundwater and environmental pollution.
The results of monitoring studies showed a contamination of groundwater by pesticides and nitrate and thus an evaluation of PPPs and nitrates source contamination was carried out through isotopic studies of N and O of NO3- , and through hydrologic analysis by use of the model CRITERIA 3D.
As one of the main conclusions of the work, the occurrence of PPPs in groundwater in areas with intensive viticultural activities cannot be related just to chemical environmental fate properties or pedoclimatic conditions, but also to end-user behavior. In fact, the contamination source evaluated, resulted to be due to both diffuse and point-source contamination.
For what concerns the influence of nitrogen-based fertilization on nitrate occurrence in groundwater, the results showed a high vulnerability of the aquifer to external changes. Isotopic investigations showed that most of the NO3- detected in the groundwater, derived from the use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers, in agreement with the land use and viticulture practices declared by the farmers.
The most important result of the study, however, was that at the end of the overall process, the multi-actor approach and engagement strategy adopted were successful in improving attitudes to more sustainable practices.
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Méthodes d'aide à la décision multi-attribut et multi-acteur pour résoudre le problème de sélection dans un environnement certain/incertain : cas de la localisation des centres de distribution / Multi-attribute and multi-actor decision making methods for solving the selection problem under certain/uncertain environment : case of distribution centers locationAgrebi, Maroi 12 April 2018 (has links)
Le travail de recherche présenté dans cette thèse s’inscrit dans la continuité des travaux de l’aide à la décision multi-critère de groupe (décideurs), particulièrement dans le champ de sélection de la localisation des centres de distribution. Dans un environnement certain, si la décision de sélection de la localisation des centres de distribution a donné lieu à plusieurs travaux de recherche, elle n’a jamais été l’objet, à notre connaissance, d’une décision prise par plusieurs décideurs. À cet égard, le premier objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une méthode d’aide à la décision multi-attribut et multi-acteur (MAADM) pour résoudre le problème posé. Pour se faire, nous avons adapté et étendu la méthode ELECTRE I. Dans un environnement incertain, au vu de l’incertitude inhérente et l’imprécision du processus décisionnel humain ainsi que les comportements futurs du marché et des entreprises, le deuxième objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthode floue d’aide à la décision multi-attribut et multi-acteur (FMAADM) pour traiter le problème en question. Pour cela, nous avons couplé la méthode MAADM avec la théorie des ensembles flous. Pour la validation des deux contributions, nous avons conçu un système d’aide à la décision (S-DSS) pour implémenter les algorithmes de la méthode MAADM et la méthode FMAADM. Sur la base du S-DSS, deux études expérimentales ont été menées. Nous avons, aussi, appliqué une analyse de sensibilité pour vérifier la sensibilité de la solution retenue vis-à-vis aux variations de poids des critères d’évaluation. Les résultats obtenus prouvent que les deux méthodes proposées répondent à l’objectif recherché et ainsi retenues pour la sélection de la meilleure localisation dans un contexte certain/incertain de multi-attribut et multi-acteur. / The research work presented in this thesis is part of the works’ continuity on multi-criteria group (decision-makers) decision-making, particularly in the field of the distribution centers’ location selection. Under certain environment, although the decision to select the location of the distribution centers has given rise in several research works, it has never been the object, to our knowledge, of a decision taken by several decision makers. In this regard, the first objective of this thesis is to develop a multi-attribute and multi-actor decision-making method (MAADM) to resolve the posed problem. For this purpose, we have adapted and extended the ELECTRE I method. Under uncertain environment, In view of the inherent uncertainty and inaccuracy of human decision-making, the future behavior of the market and companies, the second objective of this thesis is to propose a fuzzy multi-attribute and multi-actor decision-making method (FMAADM) to treat the problem in question. To this end, we have coupled the MAADM method with the fuzzy set theory. To validate the two contributions, we designed a decision support system (S-DSS) to implement the MAADM method and the FMAADM method. Based on the S-DSS, two experimental studies were conducted. We also applied a sensitivity analysis to verify the sensitivity of the solution retained vis-a-vis to weights’ variations of evaluation criteria. The obtained results prove that the MAADM method and the FMAADM method meet the desired objective and thus retained for the selection of the best location under certain/uncertain context of multi-attribute and multi-actor.
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Evaluation multicritères multi-acteurs de la performance des projets de rénovation énergétique : cas des copropriétés touchées par la précarité énergétique. / A multi-criteria multi-actors assessment of performance energy concerning energy projects of renovation : case of Condominium housing touched by the phenomenon of fuel poverty.Hini, Sihame 30 November 2017 (has links)
Le phénomène de la Précarité Energétique (PE) ne cesse de gagner du terrain, il concerne 20,4% de la population françaises en 2016 contre 18,4% en 2013 (ONPE ; 2016). Ce constat oblige une attention particulière à la question de la performance énergétique des bâtiments.Malheureusement, cette performance est limitée aujourd’hui à la seule question de l’efficacité énergétique, or, il faudra prendre en compte la sobriété énergétique et le comportement des acteurs pour atteindre une vraie performance. Pour ce faire, nous avons mobilisé le parc de la copropriété qui est un parc avec une gouvernance complexe où la prise de décision commune pour voter les travaux est difficile à atteindre. Afin de répondre à ce problème complexe, une démarche délibérative établissant un dialogue entre les acteurs de la copropriété (syndic, conseil syndical, copropriétaires résidents et copropriétaires bailleurs), mais aussi avec les autres parties prenantes portant des connaissances sur la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments (architecte, thermicien, chargés d’opérations ...etc.), permettrait d’une part d’accompagner les copropriétaires à comprendre et à s’approprier les défis de la performance énergétique et d’une autre part de faire une évaluation pour comprendre comment les copropriétaires prennent des décisions sur des choix de performance énergétique dans une situation de précarité énergétique.Le défi de cette démarche est qu’à travers ce dialogue et évaluation, les copropriétés puissent faire des décisions performantes pour les travaux de rénovation même quand plusieurs de ces copropriétaires sont en situation de PE. / The phenomenon of fuel poverty continues to grow, it is affecting 20.4% of the French population in 2016 against 18.4% in 2013 (ONPE, 2016). This situation requires special attention to the issue of energy performance in buildings energy.Unfortunately, this performance, nowadays is only limited to the question of energy efficiency, it will be necessary to consider the energy saving and the behavior of the actors to achieve true performance. In order to do this, we have mobilized the park of the condominium housing which is a park with complex governance where common decision-making votes for needed tasks is difficult to achieve. To address this complex problem, a deliberative approach establishing a dialogue between co-owners (the managing office, union council, resident co-owners and lessor co-owners) but also with other stakeholders with knowledge on buildings energy renovation (Architect, heat engineer, operation manager…etc.), would enable the co-owners to understand and appropriate the challenges of energy performance and to make an assessment to understand how the co-owners take decisions on energy performance choices in a situation of fuel poverty.The challenge of this approach is that through this dialogue and evaluation, the condominiums housing can make efficient decisions for renovations even when several of its co-owners are in a fuel poverty situation.
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Improving Quality Assurance of Radiology Equipment Using Process Modelling and Multi-actor System Analysis / Förbättring av kvalitetsledning för radiologisk utrustning med hjälp av processmodellering och multi-aktör systemanalysDashti, David January 2021 (has links)
With the introduction of RIS and PACS technologies in clinical radiology, the field has become increasingly technology dependent. The quality assurance in radiology have however yet to catch on. With many quality assurance programs mainly focusing on the clinical side of radiology whilst little attention is paid to the technical aspects. This thesis serves to change that, by investigating quality assurance of radiology equipment in the workflow of hospital physicists and biomedical engineers at Södersjukhuset emergency hospital. To improve said workflows, process modelling and multi-actor system analysis was utilized in combination with the on-site inventory system Medusa. In order to model the workflows, the process modelling technique flowchart was used. To add additional information into the flowcharts, multi-actor system analysis was employed. This was done for the workflow of both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of radiology equipment. Initially resulting in a pair of pre-study models which modelled the after the existing workflows. From said pair of pre-study models, both redundancies and main objectives for improvement were deduced. This in combination with an extensive semistructured literature review, led to a list of requirements. Two pairs of improved models were then created with the list of requirements in mind. All the models were then evaluated, including the pair of pre-study models, in workshops held with hospital physicists, biomedical engineers and respective leadership staff. These workshops contained both an open discussion and a questionnaire, asking the participants to rate the alignment of the models with the different requirements in the list. Based on the results from the workshops, one of the proposed pairs of improved models were then chosen as the final solution of an improved workflow. A workflow in which redundancies were reduced, traceability capabilities added in form of digital storage, and alignment with legislative demands from SSM assured. A step in the digitalization of Södersjukhuset. Utilizing digital technology to improve quality assurance in the workflow of radiology equipment. / I samband med introduktionen av RIS och PACS teknologi i klinisk radiologi, så har fältet blivit mer teknikdrivet. Kvalitetledning av radiologisk utrustning har däremot inte förändrats. Då de flesta kvalitetslednings program har primärt fokus på den kliniska sidan av radiologi och förbiser de tekniska aspekterna. Detta examensarbete försöker bemöta detta, genom att utreda kvalitetsledningen av radiologisk utrustning hos arbetsflödena av sjukhusfysiker och medicintekniska ingenjörer på Södersjukhuset. För att förbättra arbetsflödena, så användes processmodellering och analys av multi-aktörsystem i kombination med det lokala inventariesystemet Medusa. För att skapa en modell av arbetsflödet så användes processmodelleringstekniken flowchart. För att lägga till ytterligare information i flödena så utfördes en multi-aktörsystem analys. Detta utfördes för både förebyggande- och avhjälpande underhåll av radiologisk utrustning. Vilket resulterade i ett par av förstudiemodeller som modellerade det nuvarande arbetsflödet. Baserat på detta par av förstudiemodeller, så kunde både överflödigheter och huvudsakliga förbättringsmål härledas. Detta i kombination med en semistrukturerad litteraturundersökning, ledde till en lista med krav på modellerna. Sedan så skapades två par av modeller som förslag till förbättrat arbetsflöde, baserat på listan med krav. För att utvärdera alla modeller, inklusive förstudiemodellerna, så hölls workshops med sjukhusfysiker, medicintekniska ingenjörer och respektive chefspersonal. Dessa workshops innehöll både en öppen diskussion och ett formulär, som bad deltagarna att utvärdera de olika paren av modeller gentemot de olika kraven som hade formulerats i listan. Baserat på resultaten från dessa workshops, så valdes en av de två förslagna paren av modeller för förbättrat arbetsflöde, som en slutgiltig lösning. Ett arbetsflöde där överflödigheter har motarbetats, spårbarhet förbättrats med hjälp av digital lagring, och sammanstämning med regulatoriska krav från SSM har säkerställts. Ett steg i digitaliseringen av Södersjukhuset, genom att utnyttja digital teknik för att förbättra kvalitetledningen av radiologisk utrustning.
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