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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de dirigibilidade de um veículo comercial leve em ambiente multicorpos considerando flexibilidade do quadro / Handling analysis of a light commercial vehicle considering frame flexibility

Maíra Martins da Silva 27 August 2004 (has links)
Apresenta um modelo multicorpos completo de um veículo comercial leve considerando a flexibilidade do quadro para estudos de dirigibilidade. O modelo de multicorpos foi desenvolvido utilizando o software MSC.ADAMS e inclui a suspensão primária, a cabine, o sistema de esterçamento, o trem de força, o modelo do pneu e um quadro flexível. O comportamento direcional, a dirigibilidade e a interação veículo/pavimento são os fatores que definem o desempenho do veículo em relação à dinâmica lateral. Os parâmetros mais importantes considerando o comportamento lateral do veículo são: a velocidade longitudinal, a rigidez em curva do pneu, a elasticidade da suspensão e do sistema de esterçamento, a transferência lateral de carga, centro de rolamento e propriedades inerciais. Conseqüentemente, considerando a transferência lateral de carga, o uso do quadro flexível se mostra importante. O modelo completo foi validado com resultados experimentais. Típicas manobras para estudo de dirigibilidade foram simuladas, entre elas: curva de raio e velocidade constantes e manobras de dupla mudança de pista. Os resultados obtidos foram a aceleração lateral, a velocidade de guinada, o ângulo de deriva da trajetória, o ângulo de rolamento e o gradiente de esterçamento. Com a análise dos resultados, o veículo mostrou comportamentos diferentes em função da aceleração lateral. Em baixas acelerações laterais, o veículo apresenta um comportamento levemente sub-esterçante. Contudo, em acelerações laterais altas, o veículo se torna sobre-esterçante. Finalmente, uma análise no domínio da freqüência foi realizada e ambos modelos mostraram as mesmas características. / This dissertation presents a complete multibody model of a light commercial truck considering the frame flexibility for handling characteristics studies. The flexible multibody model was developed using MSC.ADAMS, and it includes a complete primary suspension, the cabin, the steering system, the powertrain, a tire model (Delft) and the flexible frame. The directional response behavior, the driveability and the vehicle/road interaction are the factors that define vehicle handling performance. The most important parameters concerning lateral behavior are: longitudinal velocity, tire cornering stiffness, suspension system elasticity, steering systems elasticity, lateral load transfer, roll center and inertial properties. Consequently, regarding lateral load transfer, the use of a flexible frame is very important. The complete model was validated with experimental results and for the purpose of vehicle analyses, typical standard handling maneuvers were undertaken including constant radius turn, constant velocity turn and double lane change. The results obtained were lateral acceleration, yaw rate, side slip angle, roll angle and the understeer gradient. Analyzing the results, the vehicle showed a changing behavior concerning steer. At low velocities and lateral accelerations, the vehicle is slightly understeer. However, at higher velocities and lateral accelerations, it becomes oversteer. Finally, a frequency domain analysis was undertaken using the simplified and the complete model and both models shown the same characteristics.

Estudo de dirigibilidade de veículos longos combinados / Handling study of heavy articulates vehicles

Januário Leal de Moraes Vieira 22 June 2010 (has links)
Apresenta um modelo completo em sistemas multicorpos de uma combinação veicular formada por um cavalo mecânico e um semi-reboque para um estudo de dirigibilidade. O modelo multicorpos foi desenvolvido no MSC.Adams/Car e inclui a suspensão primária, sistema de direção, trem de força, modelo de pneu e um quadro flexível para o cavalo mecânico, e a suspensão primária, modelo de pneu e quadro rígido para o semi-reboque. A resposta dinâmica lateral de uma composição veicular depende das características combinadas de estabilidade direcional, dirigibilidade e interação pneu/pavimento da unidade motora e da unidade rebocada. Os parâmetros mais importantes em relação à dinâmica lateral dos veículos longos combinados são: a velocidade longitudinal, o concerning stiffness dos pneus da combinação veicular, as elasticidades dos sistemas de suspensão e esterçamento do cavalo mecânico, a localização, distribuição do carregamento e momento de inércia em guinada da unidade movida e transferência lateral de carga do veículo como um todo. O modelo foi validado no âmbito dos modos de vibração. As análises de dirigibilidade foram realizadas mediante execução de manobras de mudança simples de pista e de esterçamento com entrada rampa, no MSC.Adams/Car, para calcular métricas comumente utilizadas para avaliação da dinâmica lateral de veículos longos combinados como aceleração lateral, velocidade de guinada, offtracking dinâmico e o gradiente de esterçamento. Análises dos resultados mostraram a influência no tempo de resposta, em regime transitório, do cavalo quando atrelado ao semi-reboque e um comportamento sub-esterçante nas velocidades longitudinais simuladas. A combinação veicular utilizada para este estudo apresenta um comportamento direcional estável. / This work presents a complete multibody model of a heavy articulated vehicle with a tractor and a semitrailer for handling study purposes. The model had been developed on MSC.Adams/Car and includes primary suspension system, steering system, powertrain, tire model and a flexible frame for tractor, suspension system, tire model and a rigid frame for semitrailer. The lateral dynamics response of a heavy articulated vehicle depends on tractor/semitrailer combined characteristics of the directional stability, the manouverability and the tire/road interaction. The most important parameters concerning of the lateral dynamics of heavy articulated vehicles are: longitudinal velocity, combined tire cornering stiffness of vehicular composition, suspensions systems compliance and steering system compliance of tractor, location, load distribution and yaw moment of towing unit and vehicle overall lateral load transfer. The model was validated about modal shapes and frequencies vibrations. Handling analyses had performed with single lane change and ramp steer maneuvers simulation on MSC.Adams/Car to calculate common measures for heavy articulated vehicles lateral dynamics evaluation as lateral acceleration, yaw velocity, dynamic offtracking and understeer gradient. The results analyses showed that the towing unit influences on response of the tractor and an understeer behavior of all vehicular composition over longitudinal velocity range simulated. The heavy articulated vehicle used on this study shows a stable directional behavior.

Méthodologie de modélisation des systèmes mécatroniques complexes à partir du multi-bond graph : application à la liaison BTP-fuselage d’un hélicoptère / Methodology for modeling complex mecatronics systems with multi-bond graph : application to the helicopter

Boudon, Benjamin 12 December 2014 (has links)
De par le fonctionnement de son rotor, l'hélicoptère est le siège de vibrations mécaniques importantes impactant notamment la fatigue des pièces mécaniques et le confort des passagers. La liaison BTP-Fuselage équipé du système SARIB est un système anti-vibratoire qui permet d'atténuer mono-fréquentiellement les vibrations transmises au fuselage. Des solutions intelligentes semi-actives sont donc étudiées afin que la filtration soit réglable en fonction des vibrations excitatrices. Ce type d'études souffre, par contre, d'un manque d'outils et de méthodes indispensables, d'une part, à la modélisation de systèmes mécaniques complexes et d'autre part, à l'élaboration d'une liaison intelligente. Ces travaux proposent une démarche de modélisation à partir d'un outil de modélisation structurel tel que le multi-bond graph (MBG) permettant une vision global et modulaire pour l'étude de systèmes mécaniques complexes tels qu'on peut les trouver sur un hélicoptère. Dans un premier temps, une analyse des outils de modélisation conduisant au choix du MBG a été présentée. Dans un second temps, les développements ont porté sur la modélisation MBG de la liaison BTP/ Fuselage 3D d'un banc d'essai réel qui a été conçu et réalisé au sein du laboratoire. Cette liaison est un système mécanique cinématiquement bouclé. Les équations de la dynamique d'un tel système forment un système d'équations algébro-différentiel (DAE) nécessitant des techniques de résolution spécifiques. Le modèle MBG de la liaison BTP-fuselage entier a été simulé à l'aide du logiciel 20-sim. Les résultats obtenus ont été vérifiés à l'aide du logiciel multicorps LMS Virtual Lab. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus par les deux méthodes a donné, pour différents cas d'excitations de la BTP (pompage, roulis, tangage), une corrélation très satisfaisante. Dans un troisième temps, le modèle MBG a été exploité pour la mise en place d'un dispositif de contrôle semi-actif. Le modèle du dispositif SARIB développé également sous 20-sim permet de régler la position des masses mobiles en fonctionnement de manière à minimiser le niveau de vibratoire du fuselage. L'algorithme de contrôle (algorithme de gradient) permet de calculer les consignes de position des masses mobiles sur les batteurs SARIB. La position des masses mobiles actionnée par un moteur électrique à courant continu et un système vis-écrou est ensuite asservie aux consignes générées par l'algorithme de contrôle. Enfin, la commande a pu être mise en place sur un modèle bond graph non-linéaire qui n'a pas nécessité une linéarisation en vue d'une transformation en fonction de transfert. / Due to the operation of the rotor, the helicopter is subject to important vibrations affecting namely the fatigue of mechanical parts and the passengers comfort. The MGB-Fuselage joint equipped with the DAVI system is an anti-vibration system that helps to reduce, in a single frequency way, vibrations transmitted to the fuselage. Semi-active intelligent solutions are studied so that the filtering can be adjusted according to the vibration sources. Such studies suffer from a lack of tools and necessary methods, firstly, for the design of complex mechanical systems and secondly, for the development of an intelligent joint. This work proposes a modeling approach using a structural modeling tool : the multi-bond graph (MBG) which offers a global and modular view for the study of complex mechatronic systems such as helicopter. At first, an analysis of modeling tools leading to the selection of MBG is presented. Secondly, developments have focused on the MBG modeling of the 3D MGB-fuselage joint of an experimental setup which was designed and built in the laboratory. This joint is a mechanical system with kinematic loops. The equations of the dynamics of such system are a differential-algebraic system (DAE) requiring specific solving methods. The MBG model of the MGB-fuselage was simulated using the 20-sim software. The results were verified using the multibody software LMS Virtual Lab. A comparison of results obtained by the two methods led to a very good correlation to various cases of excitations of the MGB (pumping, roll, pitch). Thirdly, the MBG model was used for the establishment of semi-active control system. The model of the DAVI device also developed in 20-sim allows to adjust the position of the moving masses in operation so as to minimize the level of vibration of the fuselage. The control algorithm (gradient algorithm) enables to calculate the setpoint positions of the moving masses on the DAVI beaters. The position of the moving masses driven by an electric DC motor and a screw-nut system is then controlled to the setpoints generated by the control algorithm. Finally, the command could be implemented on a non-linear bond graph model which did not require a linearization to get a transfer function.

Bioaéroelasticité d’aéronefs à voilure tournante par bond graphs / Rotorcraft bioaeroelasticity using bond graphs

Tod, Georges 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans certaines conditions de vol, les aéronefs à voilure tournante souffrent parfois de l’émergence d’oscillations indésirables, phénomènes potentiellement instables connus sous le nom de Couplages Pilote-Aéronef aéroélastiques (CPA). Ces phénomènes affectent de manière critique la sécurité et la performance des aéronefs. Par conséquent, il est important d’être capable de prédire l’émergence de tels phénomènes dynamiques, le plus tôt possible dans le processus de conception des hélicoptères. Une revue de la littérature révèle que ces phénomènes sont le résultat d’interactions entre les comportements biodynamique du pilote et aéroélastique des hélicoptères. Afin d’avoir une plus grande modularité et granularité dans le processus de modélisation de systèmes complexes, une approche par bond graphs est adoptée. Un modèle aéromécanique d’hélicoptère et un modèle neuro-musculo-squelettique d’un des membres supérieurs du pilote sont développés en bond graphs. Parmi les représentations proposées, trois sont originales, notamment afin de modéliser : des efforts aérodynamiques quasi-statiques, la liaison traînée-battement-pas entre pale et moyeu rotor, et les efforts musculaires à partir d’un modèle de Hill qui tient compte d’une boucle de rétroaction neuromusculaire. Des résultats encourageants sont obtenus lorsque l’on compare la transmissibilité, entre l’angle de manche de pas cyclique imposé par le pilote et des accélérations latérales de la cabine, calculée à partir du modèle biodynamique, et à partir des résultats expérimentaux tirés de la littérature. Un modèle du système bioaéroélastique homme-machine est linéarisé, au voisinage d’un vol stationnaire, et analysé en termes de stabilité. L’étude révèle, comme conjecturé dans la littérature, que le mode régressif de traînée peut être déstabilisé. De plus, il apparaît que le mode progressif de traînée peut également être déstabilisé lors d’un CPA sur l’axe latéral-roulis. Un critère d’analyse de la stabilité d’un équilibre d’un système dynamique à partir d’un modèle linéaire limite la possibilité de prendre en compte certains comportements non-linéaires et donc réduit l’espace de conception. Les premières pierres vers une méthode basée sur des fonctions de Chetaev sont posées, afin de déterminer si l’équilibre d’un système dynamique est instable, directement à partir d’un modèle mathématique non-linéaire de grande dimension, à un coût de calcul potentiellement intéressant. Afin d’illustrer la pertinence de la proposition, le cas de la résonance sol d’un hélicoptère est présentée. / Under certain flight conditions, rotorcrafts might suffer from the emergence of undesirable oscillations, potentially unstable phenomena, known as aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings (RPCs). These phenomena critically affect the safety and performance of rotorcraft designs. Therefore, there is an important interest in being able to predict the emergence of such dynamic phenomena, as soon as possible during the design process of helicopters. A review of the state-of-the-art reveals that these phenomena are the result of interactions between pilots’ biodynamics and helicopters’ aeroelastic behaviors. In order to provide more modularity and granularity in the modeling of complex systems, a bond graph based approach is used. A helicopter aeromechanical model and a pilot upper limb neuromusculoskeletal model are developed using bond graphs. Three original bond graph representations are proposed, to model: quasi-steady aerodynamic forces, lag-flap-pitch joint at blades’ roots, and a Hill-type muscle force model that accounts for muscle reflexive feedback. Encouraging results are found when comparing the pilot biodynamic model transmissibility cyclic lever angle to lateral cockpit accelerations computations to literature experimental results. A linear model of the coupled human-machine bioaeroelastic system around hover is analyzed in terms of stability. It reveals not only the regressing lag mode, as conjectured in literature, but also the advancing lag mode can be destabilized during a lateral-roll aeroelastic RPC. Furthermore, a criterion to assess the stability of the equilibrium of a dynamic system from a linear model limits the possibility to take into account nonlinear physical behaviors, reducing the design space. The first blocks towards a method based on Chetaev functions is proposed, to determine if an equilibrium is unstable, directly from its large nonlinear mathematical model, at a potentially interesting computational cost. The helicopter ‘ground resonance’ case illustrates the soundness of the proposal.


Graneß, Henry 18 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Bei Raupenfahrwerken wird das allgemeingültige Prinzip verfolgt, dass durch die scharnierbare Aneinanderreihung von Kettengliedern eine fahrzeugeigene Fahrstrecke entsteht. Dies erlaubt selbst schwere Geräte im unwegsamen, brüchigen Gelände mit großen Vortriebskräften zu mobilisieren. Jedoch wohnt, der Diskretisierung des Raupenbandes in Glieder endlicher Länge geschuldet, dem Fahrwerk eine hohe Fahrunruhe inne. Dadurch entstehen zeitvariante Lasten im Fahrwerk, welche die Lebensdauer der Kette, des Fahrwerkantriebs und der Tragstruktur des Fahrzeugs limitieren und somit regelmäßig kostenintensive Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen erzwingen. Diese Problemstellung aufgreifend beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit der Analyse und Optimierung des fahrdynamischen Verhaltens von Raupenfahrzeugen. Zugleich werden Methoden vorgestellt, welche eine rechenzeiteffiziente Simulation von Raupenfahrzeugen und Antriebssystemen zulassen.

A Contribution to Validation and Testing of Non-Compliant Docking Contact Dynamics of Small and Rigid Satellites Using Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation

Bondoky, Karim 22 December 2020 (has links)
Spacecraft (S/C) docking is the last and most challenging phase in the contact closure of two separately flying S/C. The design and testing of S/C docking missions using software-multibody simulations need to be complemented by Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) simulation using the real docking hardware. The docking software multibody simulation is challenged by the proper modeling of contact forces, whereas the HIL docking simulation is challenged by proper inclusion of the real contact forces. Existing docking HIL simulators ignore back-reaction force modeling due to the large S/C sizes, or use compliance devices to reduce impact, which alters the actual contact force. This dissertation aims to design a docking HIL testbed to verify docking contact dynamics for small and rigid satellites by simulating the real contact forces without artificial compliance. HIL simulations of docking contact dynamics are challenged mainly by: I. HIL simulation quality: quality of realistic contact dynamics simulation relies fundamentally on the quality of HIL testbed actuation and sensing instrumentation (non-instantaneous, time delays, see Fig. 1) II. HIL testbed design: HIL design optimization requires a justified HIL performance prediction, based on a representative HIL testbed simulation (Fig. 2), where appropriate simulation of contact dynamics is the most difficult and sophisticated task. The goal of this dissertation is to carry out a systematic investigation of the technically possible HIL docking contact dynamics simulation performances, in order to define an appropriate approach for testing of docking contact dynamics of small and rigid satellites without compliance and using HIL simulation. In addition, based on the investigations, the software simulation results shall be validated using an experimental HIL setup. To achieve that, multibody dynamics models of docking S/C were built, after carrying out an extensive contact dynamics research to select the most representative contact model. Furthermore, performance analysis models of the HIL testbed were built. In the dissertation, a detailed parametric analysis was carried out on the available models’ design-spaces (e.g., spacecraft, HIL testbed building-blocks and contact dynamics), to study their impacts on the HIL fidelity and errors (see Fig. 1). This was done using a generic HIL design-tool, which was developed within this work. The results were then used to identify the technical requirements of an experimental 1-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) HIL testbed, which was conceived, designed, implemented and finally utilized to test and validate the selected docking contact dynamics model. The results of this work showed that the generic multibody-dynamics spacecraft docking model is a practical tool to model, study and analyze docking missions, to identify the properties of successful and failed docking scenarios before it takes place in space. Likewise, the 'Generic HIL Testbed Framework Analysis Tool' is an effective tool for carrying out performance analysis of HIL testbed design, which allows to estimate the testbed’s fidelity and predict HIL errors. Moreover, the results showed that in order to build a 6DOF HIL docking testbed without compliance, it is important to study and analyze the errors’s sources in an impact and compensate for them. Otherwise, the required figure-of-merits of the instruments of the HIL testbed would be extremely challenging to be realized. In addition, the results of the experimental HIL simulation (i.e., real impacts between various specimen) serve as a useful contribution to the advancement of contact dynamics modeling.

Simulační analýza nosiče předního kola formulového vozidla / Formula Car Front Wheel Carrier Simulation Analysis

Gach, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This Master’s thesis is focused on the suspension of the front wheel, more accurately for specific part, upright. It describes the basic requirements for construction, distribution of uprights, their method of production and types of materials used. It briefly mentions topology optimization and its two optimization methods. Also deals with vehicle dynamics for driving conditions – standing vehicle, braking and cornering. In the practical part, the work is focused on determining the load effects on the upright during the aforementioned driving conditions using MBS software. At the end of the work, FEM stress and deformation analyses are performed for loading on the wheel side and on the suspension side, which are then compared and evaluated.

Výpočtové modelování dynamiky pístního kroužku / Computational Modelling of Piston Ring Dynamics

Dlugoš, Jozef January 2014 (has links)
Piston rings are installed in the piston and cylinder wall, which does not have a perfect round shape due to machining tolerances or external loads e.g. head bolts tightening. If the ring cannot follow these deformations, a localized lack of contact will occur and consequently an increase in the engine blow-by and lubricant oil consumption. Current 2D computational methods can not implement such effects – more complex model is necessary. The presented master’s thesis is focused on the developement of a flexible 3D piston ring model able to capture local deformations. It is based on the Timoshenko beam theory in cooperation with MBS software Adams. Model is then compared with FEM using software ANSYS. The validated piston ring model is assembled into the piston/cylinder liner and very basic simulations are run. Finally, future improvements are suggested.

Modelování vibrací pohonných jednotek aplikací virtuálních prototypů / Powertrain Vibration Modelling using Virtual Prototypes

Prokop, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with the matter of powertrain vibration reduction, focusing on the transmission. These units, depending on the purpose of utilization, consist of a high number of dimensionally complex components. These need to possess features, selected already in the design phase, which would guarantee smooth and quiet operation. A properly designed tooth profile and the related specified accuracy of manufacturing are one of the most important features. The basic function and the purpose of transmissions application indicate a relatively wide range of operating speeds and transmitted loads. Moreover, combination of both loading with improperly designed string’s parameter can cause a number of various problems. The vibration initiation with related noise from gear mesh belong to the most significant sources of issues. There are multiple mechanisms of oscillation initiation. Even when using the latest trends in the development of teeth, when their shape is upgraded and developed to meet specifically given load range, the above mentioned irregularity of transferred torque cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary, already in the design phase, to eliminate the transmission paths by which are vibrations transmitting to other components. People perceive this action in the form of vibration, noise, or temperature change in the surroundings. With the increasing comfort levels and number of produced vehicles the reduction of vibration and noise of machinery parts becomes stricter, including gears. The experimental approach is primarily used to assess the accuracy of designed gearboxes, but it is a very expensive and a time consuming method. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a process that utilizes both numerical simulation and experimental approach but also combines the advantages of both, particularly time and cost savings and comparability of results. For this purpose, the experimental gearbox is designed and manufactured including the single-stage gear enabling variable configurations in terms of the ratio change. The gearbox is subjected to numerical simulation of different complexity levels, as well as technical experiment. Furthermore, the universal virtual prototype in Multi-Body System ADAMS is created, which reflects the impact of several key parameters for proper functionality, such as axial distance, backlash, gear mesh stiffness, shaft mounting stiffness (bearings) and modal properties of the shafts and gearbox housing. Last but not least, the impact of imbalance or irregularity of input shaft speed is incorporated. The last part focuses on a brief description of the application of the presented methodology – modelling of vibrations on the tractor gearbox.

Implementierung eines EMKS-Programms in MATLAB zur Verifikation von reduzierten FE-Modellen aus MORPACK

Vonstein, Tobias 19 June 2015 (has links)
Für die elastische Mehrkörpersimulation bzw. die FEM-MKS-Kopplung sind reduzierte FE-Modelle von großer Bedeutung. Die Erstellung reduzierter Modelle mit hoher Abbildungsgüte im Rahmen einer Modellordnungsreduktion erfordert einerseits ein geeignetes Reduktions-verfahren und andererseits zuverlässige Korrelationsmethoden. Beides wird durch die Soft-ware MORPACK bereitgestellt. Die Korrelation reduzierter FE-Modelle basiert in MORPACK derzeit ausschließlich auf modalen Eigenschaften. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass sich die Abbildungsgüte eines reduzierten FE-Modells erst im Rahmen einer Zeitbereichssimula-tion vollständig beurteilen lässt, ist eine dahingehende Erweiterung von MORPACK geplant. Für einfache Topologien muss die Möglichkeit bestehen, das dynamische Verhalten, redu-zierter Modelle, direkt in MORPACK zu simulieren. Mit Hilfe der resultierenden Zeitsignale werden die reduzierten Modelle bewertet. Für die Umsetzung dieser Idee muss in MORPACK zunächst ein eigenständiges EMKS-Programm implementiert werden. Die Implementierung des EMKS-Programms in MORPACK (bzw. MATLAB) stellt den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit dar. Es werden zunächst die Anforderungen an das EMKS-Programm formuliert. Nach der Behandlung aller erforderlichen theoretischen Grundlagen werden die Systemgleichungen hergeleitet. Anschließend wird ein Formalismus bereitgestellt, der den Aufbau der Systemgleichungen, auf Basis der Nutzereingaben ermöglicht. Nach der Implementierung des Formalismus wird das EMKS-Programm verifiziert und erprobt.:1 Einleitung 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Zielsetzung 2 1.3 Lösungsweg 3 2 Verifikation und Optimierung durch Zeitbereichssimulationen 5 2.1 Erweiterung von MORPACK 5 2.2 Anforderungen an das EMKS-Programm 10 2.3 Korrelation von Zeitsignalen 12 3 Grundlagen der elastischen Mehrkörpersimulation 16 3.1 Berücksichtigung elastischer Deformationen in Mehrkörpersystemen 16 3.2 Kinematik freier Einzelkörper 19 3.2.1 Räumliche Drehungen von Bezugssystemen 19 3.2.2 Methode des bewegten Bezugssystems 23 3.2.3 Diskretisierung und Variablen für die Zustandsbeschreibung 25 3.2.4 Kinematik der Schnittstellenknoten 28 3.3 Kinetik freier Einzelkörper 31 3.4 Wahl des Körperbezugssystems 40 3.4.1 Kinematische Zwangsbedingungen 40 3.4.2 Kinetische Zwangsbedingungen 42 3.5 Gebundene Mehrkörpersysteme 44 3.6 Daten von elastischen Körpern 48 4 Bewegungsgleichungen und EMKS Formalismus für zwei beliebig gekoppelte Körper 52 4.1 Modellbildung 52 4.2 Bewegungsgleichungen in einem Satz natürlicher Koordinaten 54 4.3 Transformation auf Minimalkoordinaten 62 4.3.1 Formalismus 63 4.3.2 Herleitung der notwendigen Vektoren und Matrizen 65 5 Erweiterung des EMKS-Algorithmus für die festgelegte Topologie 76 6 Implementierung in MORPACK 84 6.1 Struktur der Eingabe- und Definitionsdaten 84 6.2 Grafische Benutzeroberfläche und Einbindung in MORPACK 90 6.3 Implementierung des EMKS-Formalismus 92 7 Verifikation und Erprobung 98 7.1 Verifikation mit SIMPACK 98 7.2 Erprobung der Prozesskette 101 7.2.1 Erprobungsmodell 101 7.2.2 Ergebnisse der Zeitbereichssimulation im Vergleich zu modalen Korrelationskriterien 103 7.2.3 Optimierung durch Zeitbereichssimulation 108 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 112 / Reduced FE-Models are very important for elastic multibody simulation and FEM-MKS-coupling. The generation of reduced FE-models with high approximation quality in a model order reduction requires on the one hand a suitable reduction method and on the other hand reliable correlation methods. Both are provided by the MORPACK software. In MORPACK the correlation of reduced FE models based currently only on modal properties. An extension of the MORPACK software is planned on the assumption, that the approximation quality of a reduced FE-model can be completely assessed only in a time domain simulation. For simple topologies, it must be possible to simulate the dynamic behavior of reduced models directly into MORPACK. With the correlation of resulting time signals, the reduced models are as-sessed. To realize this idea, an independent EMKS program must be implemented in MORPACK. The implementation of the EMKS program in MORPACK (respectively MATLAB) represents the focus of this thesis. The first part is to formulate the necessary requirements for the EMKS program. After handling of all the necessary theoretical foundations, the system equa-tions are derived. Subsequently, formalism is provided that allows a construction of the sys-tem equations based on the user input. After the implementation of the formalism, the EMKS program will verify and tested.:1 Einleitung 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Zielsetzung 2 1.3 Lösungsweg 3 2 Verifikation und Optimierung durch Zeitbereichssimulationen 5 2.1 Erweiterung von MORPACK 5 2.2 Anforderungen an das EMKS-Programm 10 2.3 Korrelation von Zeitsignalen 12 3 Grundlagen der elastischen Mehrkörpersimulation 16 3.1 Berücksichtigung elastischer Deformationen in Mehrkörpersystemen 16 3.2 Kinematik freier Einzelkörper 19 3.2.1 Räumliche Drehungen von Bezugssystemen 19 3.2.2 Methode des bewegten Bezugssystems 23 3.2.3 Diskretisierung und Variablen für die Zustandsbeschreibung 25 3.2.4 Kinematik der Schnittstellenknoten 28 3.3 Kinetik freier Einzelkörper 31 3.4 Wahl des Körperbezugssystems 40 3.4.1 Kinematische Zwangsbedingungen 40 3.4.2 Kinetische Zwangsbedingungen 42 3.5 Gebundene Mehrkörpersysteme 44 3.6 Daten von elastischen Körpern 48 4 Bewegungsgleichungen und EMKS Formalismus für zwei beliebig gekoppelte Körper 52 4.1 Modellbildung 52 4.2 Bewegungsgleichungen in einem Satz natürlicher Koordinaten 54 4.3 Transformation auf Minimalkoordinaten 62 4.3.1 Formalismus 63 4.3.2 Herleitung der notwendigen Vektoren und Matrizen 65 5 Erweiterung des EMKS-Algorithmus für die festgelegte Topologie 76 6 Implementierung in MORPACK 84 6.1 Struktur der Eingabe- und Definitionsdaten 84 6.2 Grafische Benutzeroberfläche und Einbindung in MORPACK 90 6.3 Implementierung des EMKS-Formalismus 92 7 Verifikation und Erprobung 98 7.1 Verifikation mit SIMPACK 98 7.2 Erprobung der Prozesskette 101 7.2.1 Erprobungsmodell 101 7.2.2 Ergebnisse der Zeitbereichssimulation im Vergleich zu modalen Korrelationskriterien 103 7.2.3 Optimierung durch Zeitbereichssimulation 108 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 112

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