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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Between Sovereignty and Coloniality--Manchukuo Literature and Film

Chen, Yue 06 September 2018 (has links)
This dissertation studies the cultural imagination of Manchukuo the nation (1932-1945). As a nominal nation-state imposed upon Chinese Manchuria by the Empire of Japan, Manchukuo is a contradiction between sovereignty and coloniality, both due to the historical competition of geopolitical powers in the region and its multiethnic composition of the national community. In its short political life, Manchukuo bears witness to an unprecedented flourish of literary and film production. This textual corpus remains understudied and its relationship to Chinese literature and culture or Japanese literature and culture is insufficiently explored. Armed with postcolonial and minority discourse, this project examines how Manchukuo cultural production mediates the notion of the nation and sovereignty in the context of Japanese imperialism. The close reading and critical interrogation of this body of literary and filmic texts shall generate provocative questions for the reconstruction of Chinese literary studies and East Asian studies. The body of the dissertation consists of four interrelated arguments. Framing the reading in the context of recent scholarly debate on “the Sinophone,” Chapter two considers Manchukuo literature as a “minor literature” whose distinction lies in its writers’ use of “deterritorialized” Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Multilingualism and multiethnicity are therefore the (trans)national features of Manchukuo literary production. This literary “sovereignty” is then re-examined through the representation of Manchukuo’s women and family in Chapter three. Interpreting coloniality through reading gender relations, this chapter highlights the unusual progressive portrayal of women in Manchukuo. This discovery of Manchukuo women’s autonomy and mobility is reinforced in the interpretation of Manchukuo’s dramatic feature films. Working through feminist critique of gender division and looking into magazines of the era, chapter four and five analyze the films’ explanation of a contradiction within Japanese imperialism. This contradiction of “sovereignty” and “submission” gets further elaboration in Chapter five. An interpretation of the star text of Ri Kōran reveals her stardom and Manchukuo film musical provides a unique anti-romantic “affiliation” of the Manchukuo nation.

Constraint and compromise: university researchers, their relation to funders and to policymaking for a multiethnic Britain

Husband, Charles H. January 2015 (has links)

Managing diversity in post-war Kosovo: multiculturalism in practice

Krasniqi, Arton January 2015 (has links)
This thesis embarks on efforts to understand how effective is multiculturalism in addressing ethnic cleavages in post-conflict societies. Kosovo, as a post-socialist and post-war country, is the particular case analyzed in order to understand how multiculturalist policies have in the last fifteen years affected interethnic relations in the country. By embarking on a case study approach, I use two main methods, interviewing and document analysis, as a means of triangulation to reinforce the arguments used in the analysis and interpretation of data. Liberal multiculturalism as elaborated by Kymlicka is the theoretical model which is used continuously to give meaning to the empirical data analyzed. The success of multiculturalism is approached in two respects: first, I look at what went wrong during the implementation of such multicultural policies, namely, the approach of international community in addressing interethnic relations through the introduction of group-rights. Secondly, I look specifically at the elements of liberal multiculturalism and how did they affect interethnic relations for the last fifteen years. The thesis shows a shared blame for the persisting fragility of interethnic relations in Kosovo both to the approach of the international community, as well as to the multiculturalist model itself.

Multiethnicity and Identity in Kosovo through European Integration : The Construction of Group-Differentiated Rights in Kosovo

Mislimi, Elma January 2023 (has links)
The Republic of Kosovo’s self-declared multiethnic society has strived to construct an inclusive attitude and tolerating spirit toward all communities within. This study has explored how group-differentiated rights are used to construct identity and multiethnicity in relation to European integration in four official documents using the research questions; how is the production of identity and multiethnicity through group-differentiated rights in Kosovo constructed in the documents and related to EU integration; and how has the EU accession process affected the construction of multiethnicity and identity in Kosovo’s documents on minorities relating to group-differentiated rights? An ethnographic content analysis and comparative design, with a social constructivist perspective, grasping the constituents of group-differentiated rights concerning exclusive rights granted to minorities employed to develop, and safeguard identities was applied. The key findings have demonstrated that the development of group-differentiated rights through multiethnicity and identity relating to EU accession and integration may be considered mutually constitutive, creating a path for Kosovo's future EU membership and a sustainable multiethnic society founded on democracy and the rule of law. Although, Kosovo has demonstrated a readiness to adjust and adhere to EU directives, adequate implementation of minority and human rights is the first and primary step toward EU membership.

Analyse des attitudes envers les sciences chez des élèves du secondaire d'origine haïtienne de milieux défavorisés de la région de Montréal

Fils-Aimé, Nestor 01 1900 (has links)
Ayant en perspective la faible représentativité des élèves d’origine haïtienne issus des milieux défavorisés de la grande région de Montréal dans les filières scientifiques à l’école secondaire et dans les orientations de carrière, cette étude vise à examiner l’incidence de caractéristiques individuelles ainsi que de facteurs associés à l’environnement familial, scolaire, socioéconomique et culturel sur les attitudes de ces élèves envers les sciences. L’analyse des données est basée sur les résultats d’un questionnaire portant sur le profil sociodémographique d’un groupe d’élèves de quatrième et cinquième année fréquentant deux écoles secondaires multiethniques de la couronne-nord de Montréal ainsi que sur des entretiens avec quinze de ces élèves qui sont d’origine haïtienne. Des entretiens ont également été réalisés avec des parents, un membre d’un organisme communautaire, des membres du personnel des écoles ainsi que des professionnels et scientifiques haïtiano-québécois dans le but de porter un regard croisé sur les différentes positions exprimées par les quinze élèves. Le modèle écosystémique de Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1986) a servi de cadre de référence permettant de dégager les pôles les plus marquants dans les attitudes envers les sciences chez les élèves d’origine haïtienne. La synthèse des opinions exprimées par les différents répondants souligne l’existence d’un environnement peu valorisant des sciences autour des élèves d’origine haïtienne. Les conditions socioéconomiques, les pratiques familiales, le statut ethnoculturel ainsi que des représentations individuelles des sciences concourent à créer et à maintenir des attitudes très peu engageantes envers les sciences chez ces élèves. L’étude met en évidence l’urgence de démystifier les sciences en brisant certains stéréotypes qui empêchent certaines catégories d’élèves d’accéder aux sciences. Elle commande aussi les politiques en matière d’éducation d’être plus ouvertes aux différences ethnoculturelles et d’explorer des manières dynamiques de rendre la culture scientifique accessible à tous les groupes sociaux. / Having in perspective the slight representativeness of students, from Haitian background, from the most unprivileged sections of the great region of Montreal in the scientific fields in High School and in the choices of career, this study intends to examine the effect of the individual characteristics as well as the associated factors related to the familial, scholastic, socio-economic, and cultural environment upon the attitudes of those students toward sciences. The analysis of the datum is based on the results of a questionnaire focusing on the socio-demographic profile of a group of students from fourth and fifth year attending two multiethnic High Shools of the North-Crown of Montreal as well as on the interviews with fifteen of those students who are from a haitian background. There were also interviews with some parents, a member of a community organism, some staff members of some schools as well as some Haitian-Quebecer professionals and scientists, in order to have a critical viewpoint upon the different positions expressed by the fifteen students. The Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic model (1979, 1986) has been used as scope of reference allowing to draw the prominent aspects from the attitudes toward science in the students, from haitian background. The synthesis of ideas expressed by different interviewee reveals the existence of a environment not much enhancing the value of sciences around of students, from Haitian background. The socio-economic conditions, the familial practices, the ethnocultural status as well as some individual representations of sciences contribute to create and maintain some attitudes very little committed to sciences in those students. The study shows how much it is urgent to demystify the sciences by breaking with some stereotypes that prevent some categories of students from acceding to sciences. It also commands to politicians, concerning education, to be more open to ethnocultural differences and to explore some dynamic ways in order to make the scientific culture accessible to all social groups.

Analyse des attitudes envers les sciences chez des élèves du secondaire d'origine haïtienne de milieux défavorisés de la région de Montréal

Fils-Aimé, Nestor 01 1900 (has links)
Ayant en perspective la faible représentativité des élèves d’origine haïtienne issus des milieux défavorisés de la grande région de Montréal dans les filières scientifiques à l’école secondaire et dans les orientations de carrière, cette étude vise à examiner l’incidence de caractéristiques individuelles ainsi que de facteurs associés à l’environnement familial, scolaire, socioéconomique et culturel sur les attitudes de ces élèves envers les sciences. L’analyse des données est basée sur les résultats d’un questionnaire portant sur le profil sociodémographique d’un groupe d’élèves de quatrième et cinquième année fréquentant deux écoles secondaires multiethniques de la couronne-nord de Montréal ainsi que sur des entretiens avec quinze de ces élèves qui sont d’origine haïtienne. Des entretiens ont également été réalisés avec des parents, un membre d’un organisme communautaire, des membres du personnel des écoles ainsi que des professionnels et scientifiques haïtiano-québécois dans le but de porter un regard croisé sur les différentes positions exprimées par les quinze élèves. Le modèle écosystémique de Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1986) a servi de cadre de référence permettant de dégager les pôles les plus marquants dans les attitudes envers les sciences chez les élèves d’origine haïtienne. La synthèse des opinions exprimées par les différents répondants souligne l’existence d’un environnement peu valorisant des sciences autour des élèves d’origine haïtienne. Les conditions socioéconomiques, les pratiques familiales, le statut ethnoculturel ainsi que des représentations individuelles des sciences concourent à créer et à maintenir des attitudes très peu engageantes envers les sciences chez ces élèves. L’étude met en évidence l’urgence de démystifier les sciences en brisant certains stéréotypes qui empêchent certaines catégories d’élèves d’accéder aux sciences. Elle commande aussi les politiques en matière d’éducation d’être plus ouvertes aux différences ethnoculturelles et d’explorer des manières dynamiques de rendre la culture scientifique accessible à tous les groupes sociaux. / Having in perspective the slight representativeness of students, from Haitian background, from the most unprivileged sections of the great region of Montreal in the scientific fields in High School and in the choices of career, this study intends to examine the effect of the individual characteristics as well as the associated factors related to the familial, scholastic, socio-economic, and cultural environment upon the attitudes of those students toward sciences. The analysis of the datum is based on the results of a questionnaire focusing on the socio-demographic profile of a group of students from fourth and fifth year attending two multiethnic High Shools of the North-Crown of Montreal as well as on the interviews with fifteen of those students who are from a haitian background. There were also interviews with some parents, a member of a community organism, some staff members of some schools as well as some Haitian-Quebecer professionals and scientists, in order to have a critical viewpoint upon the different positions expressed by the fifteen students. The Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic model (1979, 1986) has been used as scope of reference allowing to draw the prominent aspects from the attitudes toward science in the students, from haitian background. The synthesis of ideas expressed by different interviewee reveals the existence of a environment not much enhancing the value of sciences around of students, from Haitian background. The socio-economic conditions, the familial practices, the ethnocultural status as well as some individual representations of sciences contribute to create and maintain some attitudes very little committed to sciences in those students. The study shows how much it is urgent to demystify the sciences by breaking with some stereotypes that prevent some categories of students from acceding to sciences. It also commands to politicians, concerning education, to be more open to ethnocultural differences and to explore some dynamic ways in order to make the scientific culture accessible to all social groups.

Insubordination, criminalité et cohésion militaire. Le cas du 41e bataillon (canadien-français) du Corps expéditionnaire canadien, 1914-1916

Mailloux, Alex 08 1900 (has links)
Autorisé le 31 décembre 1914, le 41e bataillon (canadien-français) du Corps expéditionnaire canadien était voué à suivre les traces du désormais célèbre 22e bataillon et à combattre à ses côtés sur le théâtre européen. Sept mois après sa formation, cette unité composée d’un amalgame hétéroclite de francophones et de volontaires étrangers fut pourtant dissoute, succombant à une vague d’insubordination marquée par un nombre record d’infractions, des désertions par centaines, plusieurs délits de corruption, une épidémie d’ivrognerie et deux homicides. Aussitôt oublié, le dossier du 41e fut rouvert une première fois en 1974 par l’historien Desmond Morton, qui imputait l’échec de l’unité à l’incompétence de ses officiers. Nous jugeons cette interprétation recevable quoique limitée, car si Morton a prouvé de façon convaincante l’inaptitude des gradés du 41e, son approche traditionnelle à l’histoire militaire nous en dit peu sur les mécanismes qui permirent la propagation de l’insubordination parmi les hommes du rang. Ce mémoire, qui se réclame de l’approche microhistorique, vise à réorienter l’analyse du point de vue du simple soldat, en insistant sur les facteurs sociaux, culturels et circonstanciels qui provoquèrent la désintégration prématurée de l’unité. Reposant sur un corpus inédit composé, entre autres, des rapports de cour martiale et des dossiers de service du 41e bataillon, cet effort de réinterprétation révèle une absence généralisée de cohésion au sein de l’unité. Dans le cas insolite du 41e bataillon, la discipline apparaît ainsi comme étant fonction de la qualité des relations interpersonnelles de ses membres plutôt qu’uniquement liée aux qualités individuelles de leurs supérieurs. / Authorized on December 31, 1914, the 41st Battalion (French-Canadian) of the Canadian Expeditionary Force was destined to follow in the footsteps of the renowned 22nd Battalion and fight on the western front. However, only seven months after its formation, this multiethnic unit made up of French-Canadian and foreign volunteers was disbanded due to a wave of insubordination that included a record number of infractions, desertions by the hundreds, several corruption scandals, widespread drunkenness and the cold- blooded murder of two Canadian servicemen. Long forgotten, the case of the 41st Battalion was examined for the first time in 1974 by historian Desmond Morton, who attributed the unit’s failure to the shortcomings of its officers. We find this interpretation acceptable, albeit limited. While Morton convincingly demonstrated the incompetence of the Battalion’s officers, his traditional approach to military history fails to unveil the mechanisms by which indiscipline was allowed to spread among the rank and file. This thesis, grounded in the micro-historical approach, shifts the analysis from a top-down to a bottom-up perspective, emphasizing the social, cultural and circumstantial factors which played into the unit’s collapse. Drawing from unpublished sources including court-martial reports and personnel record files of the 41st Battalion, this study reveals a widespread lack of cohesion within the unit. In the strange case of the 41st Battalion, discipline thus depends not only on the individual qualities of the officers, but also on the quality of interpersonal relationships among the rank and file.

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