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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling and Design of Modular MultilevelConverters for Grid Applications

Ilves, Kalle January 2012 (has links)
Grid-connected high-power converters are found in high-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC), static compensators (STATCOMs), and supplies for electric railways. Such power converters should have a high reliability, high efficiency, good harmonic performance, low cost, and a small footprint. Cascaded converters are promising solutions for high-voltage high-power converters since they allow the combination of excellent harmonic performance and low switching frequencies. A high reliability can also be achieved by including redundant submodules in the chain of cascaded converters. One of the emerging cascaded converter topologies is the modular multilevel converter (M2C). This thesis aims to bring clarity to the dimensioning aspects and limiting factors of M2Cs. The dc-capacitor in each submodule is a driving factor for the size and weight of the converter. It is found that the voltage variations across the submodule capacitors will distort the voltage waveforms and also induce alternating components in the current that is circulating between the phase-legs. It is, however, shown that it is possible to control the alternating voltage by feed-forward control. It is also shown that if the circulating current is controlled, the injection of a second-order harmonic component can extend the operating region of the converter. The reason for this is that when the converter is operating close to the boundary of overmodulation the phase and amplitude of the second-order harmonic is chosen such that the capacitors are charged prior to the time when a high voltage should be inserted by the submodules. The controller that is used must be able to balance the sbmodule capacitor voltages. Typically, an increased switching frequency will enhance the performance of the balancing control scheme. In this thesis it is shown that the capacitor voltages can be balanced with programmed modulation, even if fundamental switching frequency is used. This will, however, increase the voltage ripple across the aforementioned capacitors. In order to quantify the requirements on the dc-capacitors a general analysis is provided in this thesis which is based on the assumption that the capacitor voltages are well balanced. It is found that for active power transfer, with a 50 Hz sinusoidal voltage reference, the capacitors must be rated for a combined energy storage of 21 kJ/MW if the capacitor voltages are allowed to increase by 10% above their nominal values. / <p>QC 20121127</p>

Battery Digital Twin : Modeling and Characterization of a Lithium-Ion Battery / Batteriets digitala tvilling : modellering och karaktärisering av ett lithiumjonbatteri

Sund, Fabian, Erbing, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Electrical vehicles have become more popular during recent years due to their reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The research within Li-ion batteries is therefore moving fast. Presently, two-level converters transforming the current from DC to AC. However, an alternative method of power conversion is by utilizing modular multilevel converters, which can perform better harmonics than the two-level converter. This study aims to research the impact of these converters on battery cell heat generation. In doing so, developing a digital twin of the Li-ion battery cell, which in this case is a Samsung 28 Ah nickel, manganese, and cobalt prismatic battery cell, focusing on the thermal aspects such as heat generation, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity. The modular multilevel converter may also cause significant overtones, harmonics. Therefore, this study investigates the thermal impact of these frequencies. The results show that it is possible to, via experiments and simulations, determine the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of a Li-ion cell. Furthermore, the frequencies caused by the modular multilevel converter cause a temperature rise in the cell, compared to the two-level converter. Although, if the same root mean square for the modular multilevel converter current is used, the temperature rise is lower compared to DC. During the load cycles, the results show that there are slightly higher temperatures at the positive current collector side compared to the negative. It is, however, the jelly roll core that has the highest temperatures.

Development of a Real-Time Simulation Model in RSCAD of a STATCOM and its Control System

Redander, Jessica, Lenárd, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
The development of interconnected power systems together with an increasing number of renewable non-synchronous power sources, create major challenges for the power system to meet the voltage stability and power quality requirements. One way to increase the voltage stability in a sustainable way is to locally implement a STATCOM. By enhancing grid voltage stability under varying network conditions, the active power transfer capability will increase. However, before a STATCOM can be deployed in the power system, the behavior of it needs tobe investigated for the specific network conditions at the point of interface. The thesis develops a software model in RSCAD of a STATCOM along with important control functions for real-time simulations in RTDS without hardware-in-the-loop. The model aims to be sufficient for representing the gross behavior of a STATCOM in real-time simulations in order to get a quick overview of the dynamic response of the system. The model’s overall performance is evaluated through simulations in RTDS. The results indicate that the main control functions are operating in a stable and sufficient way. Hence, the model can perform in different operation modes as well as handling unbalances that are introduced in the system without losing controllability. There is potential for improvements in order to obtain a model with a more sophisticated control system. The main area would be to introduce limiters and anti-windups at appropriate places as well as a fault-ride-through logic to ensure a safe and stable operation during disturbances.

matlab scripts for MMC Pareto optimization

Lopez, Mario, Fehr, Hendrik 22 October 2020 (has links)
Calculate the Pareto frontier with minimum arm energy ripple and conduction loss of an MMC when the second and fourth harmonic of the circulating current is used as free parameters. ParetoMMC attempts to solve min F(X, lambda), X where F(X, lambda) = E_ripple(X)*lambda + P_loss*(1 - lambda). X denotes the amplitudes and phases of the second and fourth harmonic of the circulating current. lambda is the weighting scalar in the range 0 <= lamda <= 1. The MMC dc side is connected to a dc voltage source, while the ac side is a symmetric three phase voltage with isolated star point. A third harmonic in the common mode voltage is assumed.:ParetoMMC.m F_eval.m LICENSE.GNU_AGPLv3

Une Topologie CA-CC Baseé sur un Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveau Entrelacé Faisible à Applications de Transformateur d’Électronique de Puissance / An AC-DC Topology Based on an Interleaved Modular Multilevel Converter Feasible to Solid-State Transformer Applications

Rabelo joca, Davi 11 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l'étude théorique,l’analyse numérique et la validationexpérimentale d'une topologie de convertisseurd’électronique de puissance basée sur unconvertisseur multiniveau modulaire entrelacéavec transformateur moyenne fréquence.L’architecture est adaptée pour l’étage deconversion AC-DC dans les applications detransformateur d'électronique de puissance pourla connexion entre un réseau alternatif moyennetension et un réseau continu basse tension.L’entrelacement réduit les pertes par conductiondans les interrupteurs. Le transformateurmoyenne fréquence 10 kHz assure une isolationgalvanique et connecte le convertisseurmultiniveau modulaire entrelacé à unconvertisseur pont complet. Avec comme pointde départ la structure, le principe defonctionnement, la modélisation, la technique demodulation et le schéma de commande sontdiscutés. Une caractéristique du convertisseur estla génération simultanée de la tension du réseaubasse fréquence et de la tension primaire dutransformateur moyenne fréquence.L'équilibrage de la tension des condensateurs etla minimisation du courant de circulation sontcombinés dans un seul algorithme. La commanderégule le courant alternatif et la tension du buscontinu, du côté haute tension, ainsi que latension continue et le flux de puissance, du côtébasse tension. La validation expérimentale duconvertisseur est réalisée avec un prototype de720 W monophasé à l’échelle réduite. Lesrésultats démontrent la stabilité du système decommande lors d'opérations en régimepermanent et dynamiques (pas de charge,inversion du flux de puissance). / This work aims to present thetheoretical study, the numerical analysis and theexperimental validation of a power electronicsconverter topology based on an interleavedmodular multilevel converter with mediumfrequencytransformer. The architecture issuitable for the AC-DC stage in solid-statetransformer applications for the connectionbetween a medium-voltage AC grid and a lowvoltageDC grid. The interleaving reduces theswitch conduction losses. The 10 kHz mediumfrequencytransformer provides galvanicisolation and connects the interleaved modularmultilevel converter to a full-bridge converter.From the converter structure, the principle ofoperation, the modeling, the modulationtechnique, and the control scheme are discussed.One feature of the converter is the simultaneousgeneration of the low-frequency grid voltageand the medium-frequency transformer primaryvoltage. The capacitor voltage balancing and thecirculating currents minimization are combinedtogether in a single algorithm. The controlsystem regulates the AC current and the DC busvoltage, on the high-voltage side, and the DCvoltage and power flow, on the low voltage side.The experimental validation of the converter ismade with a scaled-down single-phase 720 Wprototype. The results demonstrate the controlsystem stability in steady-state and dynamic(load step, power flow inversion) operations.

Reglering av effektflöde i HVDC-system genom centraliserad och distribuerad spänningskontroll i realtid

Ahmadi, Seyedhesam, Bahmani, Mehrdad January 2019 (has links)
“High voltage direct current” (HVDC) teknologi har blivit allt viktigare teknik för att integrera förnybara energikällor i elnätet. För att styra ett sådant elsystem på bästa möjliga sätt krävs optimala kontrollstatergier både för omvandlarna och nätet. Så syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka hur olika regleringsmetoder, såsom centraliseradoch distribuerad spänningskontroll, kan påverka driften i ett 4-terminal HVDC-system. Ett optimalt effektflöde uppstår i systemet endast när likspänningen inte avviker från sitt börvärde och det uppnås genom att ha aktiv effekt regulator i varje nod i nätet. Olika scenarier som ändring av effektens börvärde och omvandlaravbrott har simulerats med hjälp av HIL-processen i realtid. Simuleringarna hjälper till att analysera hur väl dem implementerade regleringsmetoder i nodernas regulatorer hantera dessa förändringar. Resultatet ger bevis på att både centraliseradoch distruebued metoden har positiva och negativa aspekter. Fördelen med centraliserade metoden är att den ger en väldefinierad operationspunkt men den hanterar den inte svåra transienter (tex. avbrott) vilket distribuerade metoden gör.

New Topology for STATCOM / Ny topologi för STATCOM

Ibáñez Sánchez, Marta January 2017 (has links)
Static compensators (STATCOM) based on high-power converters are widely used for utilitiesand industrial applications in order to enhance the power system reliability. Nowadays,the Chain-Link Modular Multilevel Converter is the best solution for such applications,providing high eciency and reliability, and good harmonic performance. However, thecurrent delta and wye congurations present diculties in controlling negative sequencein unbalanced networks, as well as high capacitance requirements, which results in bulkySTATCOMs.This thesis aims to analyse a new Chain-Link Modular Multilevel Converter for STATCOMapplications. The main feature of the proposed topology is the presence of a commondc-link that will allow the exchange of energy between phases, facilitating the compensationof negative sequence components. Consequently, the required zero sequence componentinjection for the current Chain-Link congurations are avoided, and thus, also theconsequent over-sizing of the converter. Moreover, it is expected to have lower capacitancerequirements, because of the elimination of the second order harmonic (100 Hz)component in most of the capacitors, as they are charged and discharged by a bi-phasecurrent instead of a single-phase one. Additionally, lower conduction losses are expectedby reducing the number of devices in the conduction path.The layout and operation of the new converter have been analysed in this thesis.A STATCOM Simulink model provided by ABB has been modied to satisfy the newtopology. The theoretical benets of the proposed converter are supported by dierentsimulations carried out in Matlab-Simulink. In particular, it is shown a 50 % of negativesequence capability without any zero sequence component injection. The total capacitanceof the converter can be reduced a 30 % in comparison with the delta Chain-LinkModular Multilevel Converter, which is the preferable topology in the market nowadays.Furthermore, the losses are kept quite low if SiC semiconductors are used.On the other hand, the proposed topology requires the usage of bi-directional switchesto do the commutation and allow the exchange of energy between phases. An in-depthanalysis of the commutation process is shown at the end of this thesis, concluding that BidirectionalControlled Thyristors would be a promising solution for this converter topology. / Reaktiv effektkompensering (STATCOM) baserade på högeffektomvandlare används vidaför samhällsservice och industriella användningar för att förbättra elsystemet pålitliga.Nuförtiden, Chain-Link Modular Multilevel Converter är den bästa lösningen för sådanaanvändningar, vilket ger hög verkningsgrad och mycket pålitliga, samt låg harmonisk distortion.Hursomhelst, den nuvarande delta och wye konfigurationer presentera svårigheteratt kontrollera negativ sekvens i obalanserade nätverk, vilket leder till överdimensioneringav omvandlaren. Vidare, dessa Chain-Link topologier har hög kapacitans kraven, vilketresulterar i skrymmande STATCOMs.Den här avhandlingen syftar till att analysera en ny Chain-Link Modular MultilevelConverter för STATCOM användningar. Det viktigaste kännetecken av den föreslagnatopologi är närvaron av en gemensam likspänningslänk som gör det möjligt utbytet avenergi mellan faserna, som underlättar ersättning av negativ sekvens komponenter. Pådetta sätt, den behövlig noll sekvens komponent injektion i de aktuella konfigurationernaundviks, och således, också den därav följande överdimensioneringen av omvandlaren.Dessutom, förväntas det att ha lägre kapacitans kraven, eftersom den första övertonens(100 Hz) komponent undviks i några av kondensatorerna, såsom de är laddas och urladdasav en bi-fas ström i stället för en enda-fas ett. Vidare, lägre ledningsförluster förväntasgenom att reducera antalet enheter i ledningsvågen.Layouten och drift av den nya omvandlaren beskrivs i denna avhandling. En Simulinkmodell från ABB har modifierats för att tillfredsställa den nya topologin. De teoretiskafördelarna med det föreslagna omvandlare topologi stöds av simuleringsresultat i Matlab-Simulink. I synnerhet, är det visas en 50 % av negativ sekvens kapacitet utan noll sekvenskomponent injektion. Den totala kapacitansen hos omvandlaren kan minskas på ett 30 %jämfört med den delta Chain-Link Modular Multilevel Converter, som är den föredragnatopologin på marknaden idag. Vidare är förlusterna hålls ganska låg om SiC halvledareanvänds.Å andra sidan, kräver den föreslagna topologi användningen av dubbelriktade omkopplareatt göra kommuteringen och möjliggöra utbytet av energi mellan faserna. Enfördjupad analys av kommuteringsförloppet visas i slutet av denna avhandling, slutsatsenatt Bi-directional Controlled Tyristors skulle vara en lovande lösning för topologin.

Control, Modulation and Implementation of Modular Multilevel Converters

Antonopoulos, Antonios January 2011 (has links)
Denna avhandling behandlar analys och styrning av den modulära multinivå omvandlaren (M2C). M2C är en lovande omvandlarteknologi för högspända högeffekttillämpningar. Anledningen till detta är låg distorsion i utstorheterna kan uppnås med låg  medelswitchfrekvens per switch och utan utgångsfilter. Med M2C har utspänningen så lågt övertonsinnehåll att drift av högeffektmotorer är möjlig utan reduktion av märkeffekten. Emellertid innebär det stora antalet styrda switchar att styrningen blir mer komplex än för motsvarande tvånivåomvandlare. Styrningen av M2C måste måste konstrueras så att submodulernas kondensatorspänningar balanseras och är stabila oberoende av driftfall. En aktiv mekanism för val av submoduler, som är integrerad i modulatorn, har visat sig vara effektiv för att ombesörja den interna balanseringen av omvandlararmarna. Utöver balanseringen av de individuella kondensatorerna krävs en strategi för styrning av den totalt upplagrade energin i omvandlaren. Med utgångspunkt i en analytisk beskrivning av omvandlaren föreslås styrlagar för både öppen styrning och sluten reglering, vilka genom både simuleringar och med hjälp av experiment har visat sig vara stabila i hela arbetsområdet. Den potentiella växelverkan mellan den inre omvandlarstyrningen och en yttre strömreglering undersöks också. Både simuleringar och experiment bekräftar att eventuell interaktion inte innebär några avsevärda problem vare sig för omvandlaren eller motorn. En  hårdvaruimplementering av en nedskalad trefasig 10kVA-omvandlare har genomförts för att verifiera modellering och styrning. Implementeringen av styrningen beskrivs i detalj. Styrningen är anmärkningsvärt snabb och kan utökas till godtyckligt antal nivåer. Den kan därför användas för en fullskaleimplementering i MW-klassen. / This thesis deals with the analysis and control of the modular multilevel converter (M2C). The M2C is a promising converter technology for various high-voltage high-power applications. The reason to this is that low-distortion output quantities can be achieved with low average switching frequencies per switch and without output filters. With the M2C the output voltage has such a low harmonic content that high-power motors can be operated without any derating. However, the apparent large number of devices, requires more complex converter control techniques than a two-level counterpart. The internal control of an M2C must be designed so that the submodule capacitor voltages are equalized and stable independent of the loading conditions. An active submodule selection mechanism, included in the modulator, has been shown able to provide voltage sharing inside the converter arm. Apart from the individual capacitor voltage sharing, a strategy has to be designed to ensure that the total amount of energy stored inside the converter will always be controlled. Based on an analytical description of the converter, both feedback and open-loop control methods are suggested, simulated and experimentally evaluated, which will ensure stable operation in the whole operation range. The potential interaction of the internal controllers with an external motor current controller is also investigated. Both simulation and experimental results show that any interaction will not result in any problems neither for the converter nor for the motor control itself. A hardware implementation of a down-scaled 10 kVA three-phase laboratory prototype converter is performed, in order to evaluate the modeling and the controllers developed. The controller implementation is described in detail, as it exhibits remarkably fast response, and can be expanded up to an arbitrary number of levels. Therefore it can be used even by a full-scale converter implementation in the MW range. / QC 20110628


Gebreel, Abd Almula G. M. 13 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Saha, Aparna, Saha January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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