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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationsdesign i kristid : Regioner och effektiv kommunikation genom Instagram / Information Design in Times of Crisis: Regional government and efficient communication through Instagram

Apelman, Jonas, Johnson, Konrad January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund I slutet av 2019 började spridningen av SARS-CoV-2 i Kina. För a; förhindrasmi;spridning har myndigheterna i Sverige stå; inför en utmaning a; förmedlakrisinforma<on på e; effek<vt sä;. E; sä; de når många är genomsociala medier där bild och text oTa kombineras för a; förmedla e; budskap.Syfte SyTet är a; analysera hur tre regioner använt Instagram för a; förmedlainforma<on om pandemin <ll sina medborgare, samt vilken strategi somfungerat bäst.Metod Undersökningen använde intervjuer för a; se hur regionerna såg på si; arbeteoch mål med Instagram. DäreTer en enkätundersökning för a; kollamålgruppens aVtyd <ll regionernas inlägg. Inläggen jämfördes även mot enmul$modal analys för a; kunna klassificera och analysera dem.Resultat Undersökningen visade a; regionerna hade olika målgrupper och syTenmed Instagram, och a; de;a speglades i inläggen. Undersökningen visadea; vissa mul<modala u;ryck som kulturella symboler, analy$ska processeroch textuella metafunk$oner kan ha posi<v inverkan på medborgarnas upplevelseav Instagraminläggens informa<onsförmedling. Undersökningen visadeäven a; det är en utmaning för regionerna a; få medborgarna a; viljaläsa hela inläggen. I synnerhet om kulturella symbolerna används på e; felak<gt sä; eller om bildens budskap uppfa;as vara irrelevant. Undersökningenvisade a; regionerna ämnar följa myndigheternas skrivregler mena; det i prak<ken inte all<d uXörs.Slutsatser Undersökningen visade a; vissa mul<modala val kan leda <ll både posi<vaoch nega<va effekter på medborgarnas aVtyder <ll informa<onen som förmedlas.Regionerna behöver vara medvetna om a; inläggens budskap ochhur användandet av kulturella symboler kan ha en nega<v påverkan påmedborgarnas vilja a; ta <ll sig e; inläggs informa<on. / Background At the end of 2019 the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus began in China. Inorder to stall the spread of the virus, government agencies in Sweden havefaced a challenge with communica<ng informa<on in an effec<ve way. Oneway to reach a large number of people is through social media.Aim The study analyzed how three local government agencies had used Instagramto convey informa<on about the pandemic to their ci<zens. As well aswhat strategy has worked the best.Method Interviews were conducted in order to find out how the regions saw theirown work and goal with their use of Instagram. To accompany the interviews,an online form was used to pinpoint the target audience's aVtudetowards different types of Instagram posts. Together with a mul<modalanalysis of the posts, a triangula<on of the results was made.Results The strategies, target groups and goals with Instagram varied between theregional government agencies. Certain mul<modal strategies like culturalsymbols, analy<cal processes and textual metafunc<ons can have a posi<veimpact on the ci<zens aVtude towards the posts. It also showed the difficultywith designing informa<on for Instagram in a way that encourages citizensto read the post in its en<rety. This was especially prominent whenusing cultural symbols in a careless way or the message conveyed by theimage was perceived to be irrelevant. Finally, it showed that the local governmentsaim to follow the governmental wri<ng guidelines but don’t alwayssucceed.Conclusions The target audience and purpose of using Instagram varies between the regionalgovernment agencies and this is reflected in their mul<modal execu-<on of Instagram posts. Regional governments need to be aware that themessage of the image and the use of cultural symbols can have a nega<veimpact on the ci<zens' will to understand the content of the post.

En studie om visuella klassrepresentationer och makt i filmen “Parasite” : En visuell multimodal analys av filmen “Parasite” / A study on visual class representations and power in the movie "Parasite" : A visual multimodal analysis of the movie "Parasite"

Eriksson, Adam, Torres, Camila, Phionuan, Supreeya January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att analysera vilka klasskildringar som görs i filmen “Parasite” (2019) med fokus på semiotiska element, metaforer och stereotyper. Förhoppningen med studien är att bidra till allmänhetens kunskap om hur visuella resurser som kameravinklar, miljöer, kroppsspråk, kläder, ljus och färgsättning kan användas vid produktioner för att påverka publikens åsikter och uppfattning. Parasite blev av intresse då filmen har fått ett så stort genomslag internationellt, bland annat genom att vara den första icke-engelsktalande filmen som vunnit en Oscar för “best picture”. Filmen har också blivit väldigt omtalad för just hur regissören Bong Joon-ho har lyckats att föra berättelsen om samhällsklassernas skillnader på ett kraftfullt sätt.  Studiens frågeställningar blev: Hur representeras makt och klasskillnader i filmen? Med vilka semiotiska resurser (färgsättning, ljus, kameravinklar, miljöer, kläder och kroppsspråk) reproduceras eller utmanas klasskillnader i filmen? Metodvalet är en visuell multimodal analys där tre filmsekvenser har analyserats. Fokus i studien låg på visuella element och andra icke-visuella delar som kommunicerar filmens handling. De teoretiska ramverken bygger på representationsteori, socialsemiotik och teorin om stereotyper. Dessa har hjälpt studien att ta hänsyn till de kulturella tolkningar och underliggande meningar som finns i filmen vilket blir ett underlag till denna studies analys. Tidigare forskning inom ämnet har fokus på representation, stereotyper, metaforer och ledtrådar då dessa är fenomen som frekvent uppkommer i Parasite.  Resultaten av studien visade att representationen makt och klasskillnader framställdes genom designval som miljöer, kroppsspråk, kläder m.m. Stereotyper om de rika och fattiga användes också, där fattiga är oärliga, bor trångt och saknar formell utbildning medan rika bär lyxiga kläder och bor glamoröst. Men filmen bryter även dessa stereotyper när en fattig person börjar bära kostym och upplevs då som framgångsrik. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för hur visuella medier kan påverka människors synsätt. / This study aimed to analyze the portrayal of class in the film “Parasite” (2019) with a focus on visual elements, metaphors and stereotypes. The aim of the study is to contribute to the public's knowledge of how visual resources such as camera angles, composition, settings, body language, clothing, lighting and coloring can be used in productions to influence the audience's opinions and perceptions. Parasite was of interest because of its international impact, including being the first non-English speaking film to win an Oscar for best picture. The film has also been highly publicized for how director Bong Joon-ho has managed to tell the story of social class differences in a powerful way.  The questions of the study were: How are power and class differences represented in the movie? With which semiotic resources (coloring, lighting, camera angles, environments, clothing and body language) are class differences reproduced or challenged in the film? The chosen method is a visual multimodal analysis where three film sequences have been analyzed. The focus of the study was on visual elements and other non-visual elements that communicate the film's plot. The theoretical frameworks include the theory of representation, social semiotics and the theory of stereotypes. These have helped the study to take into account the cultural interpretations and underlying meanings in the film, which supports the analysis of this study. Previous research on the subject focuses on representation, stereotypes, metaphors and clues used in 'Parasite'.  The results of the study showed that the representation of power and class differences were portrayed through design choices such as settings, body language, clothing etc. Stereotypes of the rich and poor were also used, where the poor are dishonest, live in cramped conditions and lack formal education while the rich wear luxurious clothes and live glamorously. But the movie also breaks these stereotypes when a poor person starts wearing a suit and is perceived as successful. The study contributes to a better understanding of how visual media can influence people's perceptions.

”I betalt samarbete med…” : En språkvetenskaplig studie om influencers reklam på sociala medier, parasociala relationer, identiteter och värderingar

Barck, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Samtidens reklam har i takt med digitaliseringens utveckling nått ett maktskifte. En populär marknadsföringsstrategi i den nutida reklamen som växer explosionsartat och omsätter miljarder är att använda influencer marketing för att nå ut till sin målgrupp. Eftersom dessa influencers har sin arbetsplats på sociala medier, och att denna plattform nyttjas av så många är det vanligt att användarna, frivilligt eller ej, möts av reklam så väl ifrån sängen som på språng. Trots influencer markering och influencers stora genomslagskraft i företags marknadsföringsstrategi är dessa ämnen ett tämligen outforskat fält, varför denna undersökning ämnar fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att utforska influencerinlägg med hjälp av språkvetenskapliga metoder. De huvudsakliga teorierna som ligger till grund för analysen är den interpersonella metafunktionen i den systemisk funktionella grammatiken samt socialsemiotiken. I studien undersöks hur influencers skapar nära eller distanserade parasociala relationer och en identitet genom marknadsföringen samt hur detta stärker reklamen. Förhoppningen är därtill att kunna bidra med nya insikter och lärdomar i ett hittills relativt outforskat område.  I studiens resultat har framkommit att det finns en stor variation vad gäller vilken parasocial relation som upprättas i medieprofilernas inlägg, men slutsatsen bevittnar dock om att influencerinläggen som helhet tyder på en nära parasocial relation. Därtill är tolkningen att den parasociala relation och identitet som attribueras influencern skapar ett ideal som gynnar företagen och gör att följarna vill köpa samma produkter som deras idoliserade medieprofiler. Dock har användare på sociala medier lärt sig att känna igen samtidens reklam och vet därför att man kan bortse från reklamen, vilket gör att det trots det inte är självklart att marknadsföringen faktiskt främjar företagen.

Deep Brain Dynamics and Images Mining for Tumor Detection and Precision Medicine

Lakshmi Ramesh (16637316) 30 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Automatic brain tumor segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans is essential for the diagnosis, treatment, and surgery of cancerous tumors. However, identifying the hardly detectable tumors poses a considerable challenge, which are usually of different sizes, irregular shapes, and vague invasion areas. Current advancements have not yet fully leveraged the dynamics in the multiple modalities of MRI, since they usually treat multi-modality as multi-channel, and the early channel merging may not fully reveal inter-modal couplings and complementary patterns. In this thesis, we propose a novel deep cross-attention learning algorithm that maximizes the subtle dynamics mining from each of the input modalities and then boosts feature fusion capability. More specifically, we have designed a Multimodal Cross-Attention Module (MM-CAM), equipped with a 3D Multimodal Feature Rectification and Feature Fusion Module. Extensive experiments have shown that the proposed novel deep learning architecture, empowered by the innovative MM- CAM, produces higher-quality segmentation masks of the tumor subregions. Further, we have enhanced the algorithm with image matting refinement techniques. We propose to integrate a Progressive Refinement Module (PRM) and perform Cross-Subregion Refinement (CSR) for the precise identification of tumor boundaries. A Multiscale Dice Loss was also successfully employed to enforce additional supervision for the auxiliary segmentation outputs. This enhancement will facilitate effectively matting-based refinement for medical image segmentation applications. Overall, this thesis, with deep learning, transformer-empowered pattern mining, and sophisticated architecture designs, will greatly advance deep brain dynamics and images mining for tumor detection and precision medicine.</p>

A semiotic multimodal analysis and South African case study: the representation and construction of masculinities in men's health (Sa)

Cilliers , Christiaan Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
The main question of this study was: How and in what way can a multimodal semiotic visual analysis model be developed and used for contributing to the analysis and understanding of the manner in which the Men’s Health (South Africa) magazine – as a case study – represents and constructs masculinities in South Africa? The following three subsidiary research questions were formulated to address this topic: • What is the literature revealing with reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts? • How and in which way can a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model be developed with the purpose of contributing to the analysis of visual texts? • What is the outcome of the visual analysis multimodal model with reference to the case study about the representation and construction of masculinities in visual texts in MH? The first aim of this research was to establish an overview of masculinities and to explore the visual representation of masculinity with reference to mediation, reality, and ideology in the media. With reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts, a semiotic visual analysis and social semiotics were used to unpack culture as a site of the production of meanings. The media is one of the main sources from which men receive their entertainment and information about the world. In this sense, the media makes sense of the world. Mass media plays a key role in discourse and constructing the relationships between reality and ideology. During this construction, the media reflects on existing opinions and attitudes in society. A quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic multimodal visual analysis were conducted on 27 visual texts purposively selected from MH to include editions from July 2010 to June 2011. This population covered 12 front covers, 12 editorials and three flip covers. The developed visual multimodal model was tested qualitatively on nine visual texts since these texts included the front covers, flip covers and editorials of the three editions with flip covers. v A second major aim of the study was to establish the way in which a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model needed to be developed and used for analysing visual texts, as well as for analysing the visual texts according to the multimodal model in order to understand how the multimodality and social semiotic resources were applied in MH to represent and construct masculinities. The rationale for the development and design of this model was based on the premise that a basic understanding of semiotics and visual language was needed. Without such an understanding, the vast amounts of visual messages that confront the reader would remain incomprehensible. Consequently, a productive dialogue in relation to visual communication cannot take place. The multimodal model developed in this thesis highlights visual text layout, in conjunction with language-in-use, that does not occur in isolation and that is deeply reliant on other forms of making meaning. The heptagon multimodal model consists of concept maps of the six functions of the designed hexagon model. This multimodality approach includes analysing simultaneously occurring semiotics and their various roles in conjunction with detailed, all-inclusive discourses. In the quantitative content analysis and the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis, the six components of the developed heptagon model (visual grammar, positioning, typography, colour, modality, and iconography) are illustrated. The quantitative research supported the main research design, i.e. the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis. It is envisaged that the development and construction of a multimodal semiotic model will make a contribution to the scholarly field of semiotic analysis. By discussing the fluidity of the variations of masculinities and male identities, by giving a brief overview of the role of the media in constructing masculinities, and by focusing on the discourses that took place in MH, the researcher creates an awareness of the inherited patriarchal masculinities by recommending envisioned masculinities to be inclusive as a component of the solution. This approach is illustrated by the use and findings of the multimodal semiotic visual analysis. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et. Phil

O processo inicial de competência profissional docente: por uma análise multimodal do trabalho real/concretizado

Drey, Rafaela Fetzner 08 November 2011 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-06-29T19:56:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 52.pdf: 3989849 bytes, checksum: 7271666fc8926a82500fbf32e4b0016a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-29T19:56:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 52.pdf: 3989849 bytes, checksum: 7271666fc8926a82500fbf32e4b0016a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-08 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / Esta pesquisa se fundamenta na ideia que concebe o ensino como profissão, assumindo que, para realizar um trabalho, incluindo a docência, é preciso formação adequada. A investigação tem como objetivo analisar quais elementos interacionais, vistos sob uma perspectiva multimodal, permitem descrever o trabalho real/concretizado de alunas-professoras, de forma a observar a emergência de uma competência profissional docente. Para isso, foram filmadas 4 aulas de produção textual de duas alunas-professoras do curso de Letras de uma universidade particular da região Sul, no momento da realização de seu Estágio Curricular Supervisionado nas aulas de língua portuguesa em duas turmas de Ensino Fundamental em escolas públicas da região. As filmagens foram, posteriormente, transcritas, para que se analisassem os momentos de interação entre professora e alunos, nos eventos de formulação de tarefa e de exposição de conteúdo. Com este fim, foi realizada uma análise que integra elementos discursivos (BRONCKART, 2003; MACHADO e BRONCKART, 2009), gestuais (KENDON, 2004) e sequenciais, da fala-em-interação, consubstanciando uma análise multimodal (GOODWIN, 2000). Os resultados mais importantes deste estudo se concentram em três aspectos: (i) na apresentação de uma metodologia inicial de análise do trabalho real/concretizado sob a perspectiva multimodal, no quadro epistemológico do ISD (interacionismo sociodiscursivo); (ii) na reflexão sobre um conceito dinâmico de competência profissional docente, esta vista como um processo em constante (re)construção; e (iii) na motivação para repensar o estágio como prática de ensino nos moldes que os cursos de licenciatura apresentam atualmente. O primeiro foi construído a partir de um cruzamento epistemológico entre os dois quadros teóricos: o Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD) (BRONCKART, 2003, 2006, 2008), que propõe uma análise da linguagem como ação social; e o da Sociolinguística Interacional, que prevê uma perspectiva de análise da interação como prática social. Este cruzamento possibilitou a incorporação de novos elementos para a análise de interações na perspectiva do ISD – até o momento, desenvolvida com maior extensão no plano textual/discursivo. Essa possibilidade parece viável, a partir dos estudos sociointeracionistas de Vygotsky (1939/2005), que consideram a interação professor/alunos um instrumento que altera o desenvolvimento do pensamento – gerando uma mudança de ação. Na análise do trabalho real/concretizado (GUIMARÃES, DREY e CARNIN, 2011), buscou-se verificar a ação profissional concretizada de fato nas interações, pois se acredita que a ação docente se constitui nelas. A análise multimodal apresentou resultados que conduzem ao segundo aspecto: a competência profissional docente concebida como um processo dinâmico (BULEA, 2007; 2011), que se institui na ação e considera os saberes docentes propostos por Tardif (2002). Foi possível concluir que a análise do trabalho real/concretizado sob a perspectiva multimodal pode ser decisiva no sentido de revelar uma gama maior de elementos interacionais que permitem inferir uma competência profissional docente qualificada como um processo em constante (re)construção, alavanca de reflexões necessárias às mudanças nas práticas de ensino propostas, atualmente, nos cursos de licenciatura. / This research is based on the concept of teaching as an occupation – instead of a gift – and it assumes that an appropriate training is necessary in the accomplishment of a work. The investigation has as its main goal analyzing which interactional elements, from a multimodal perspective, allow the description of the real/concrete work of training-teachers to observe the emergency of a teaching competence. In order to accomplish this goal, four writing lessons of two trainingteachers were video recorded. The training-teachers were undergrad students, taking Languages (Letras) at a private university in the Southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, and the recorded lessons were part of their Portuguese teaching practice in the Supervised Curricular Teacher Training. These recordings were transcribed for the analysis of interaction between teacher and students, in events of task formulation and content exposition. An integrated analysis concerning the discourse elements (BRONCKART, 2003; MACHADO e BRONCKART, 2009), gesture (KENDON, 2004) and talk in interaction sequence took place, supporting a multimodal analysis. The most remarkable results of this study are concentrated in three main aspects: (i) presenting a preliminary methodology for analyzing the real/concrete work in a multimodal perspective for the ISD (Sociodiscursive Interactionism) theory; (ii) reflecting about a dynamic concept of professional teaching competence considered as a process in a constant in (re)construction; and (iii) motivating the reflection of the teacher training as a teaching practice in a different standard from what is offered by the licensing courses nowadays. The first result came from an epistemological crossing between two theories: the ISD (BRONCKART, 2003, 2006, 2008), which proposes an analysis of language as a social action; and the Interactional Sociolinguistics, which previews a perspective of an interaction analysis as a social practice. This crossing enabled the incorporation of new elements for interaction analysis in the ISD perspective – developed mostly in the textual/discursive level. This possibility seems feasible according to Vytgotsky’s (1939/2005) studies that consider teaching/students interactions as an instrument, which changes the thought development – occasioning an action change. In the real/concrete work analysis (GUIMARÃES, DREY e CARNIN, 2011), the focus was checking the concrete professional action in the interaction, because it is believed that it constitutes teaching action. The multimodal analysis presented results, which lead to the second point: the teaching professional competence as a dynamic process (BULEA, 2007; 2011) – instituted in the action and taking into account the teaching knowledge theory develorelacped by Tardif (2002). Conclusions pointed out that the real/concrete work analysis under the multimodal perspective can be decisive in the sense of revealing a wider range of interactional elements that allow the inference of a teaching competence qualified as a process in constant (re)construction, meaning a lever of reflections needed for the changings in the proposed teaching practices used, nowadays, in licensing undergrad courses.

語りの開始にともなう他者への指さし : 多人数会話における指さしのマルチモーダル分析

YASUI, Eiko, 安井, 永子 31 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Hur gestaltar man ondska? : En multimodal analys om gestaltning och representation inom journalistiken, med fokus på Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring händelserna i Trollhättan och på Drottninggatan / How is evil framed? : A multimodal analysis on Aftonbladet's and Dagens Nyheter's coverage of the events in Trollhättan and Drottninggatan, with focus on framing and representation

Larsson Swärd, Josefin, Persson, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Nyhetsmedia har en stor påverkan på samhället, det är till dem vi med största sannolikhet vänder oss till när en stor händelse drabbar oss. Under de senaste åren har nyhetsmedia fått motstå kritik för hur de särbehandlar olika fall och händelser beroende på vem gärningsmannen är. Vi ville utforska om det faktiskt stämde att vita gärningsmän blir klassificerade som psykisk sjuka, när icke-vita gärningsmän blir beskrivna som terrorister. Genom att fokusera på representation, gestaltningsteorin och attributdagordningen utfördes en multimodal analys på Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring händelsen i Trollhättan respektive Drottninggatan. Målet var att se om det fanns några tendenser för särbehandling vid rapporteringen och porträtteringen av gärningsmän och deras dåd. Studien gav inte några definitiva resultat, däremot lade vi bland annat märke till att det fanns nyanser i artiklarna som kunde peka på särbehandling. Vi märkte bland annat att porträtteringen av gärningsmännen skilde sig drastiskt, när Rakhmat Akilov beskrivs som den invandrade brutala gärningsmannen med IS-sympatier, gestaltas Anton Lundin Pettersson som den tillbakadragne, svenska killen som tyckte om hårdrock OCH Nazityskland. / The influence news media has on society is huge, we most certainly turn to the news media whenever a big event affects us. For the last couple of years critique has been directed towards the news media concerning the coverage of crime and how some cases get special treatment depending on who the perpetrator is. We wanted to investigate if it actually is true that white criminals get described as ‘mentally ill’, while non white criminals are categorized as ‘terrorists’. By focusing on representation, the Attribute framing theory and the Framing theory, we did a multimodal analysis on the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet's and Dagens Nyheter’s coverage of the events in Trollhättan and at Drottninggatan. Our goal was to distinguish if there actually are any tendencies for special treatment while covering a case and portraying a perpetrator within the news media. With this study, we weren’t able to come to any conclusions, but the study did show that there were some nuances which pointed towards special treatment in the news articles. For instance we discovered that there were some differences in the portraying of the perpetrators; while Rakhmat Akilov was described as the immigrating veil criminal who shared sympathies with ISIS, Anton Lundin Pettersson was portrayed as the shy guy from Sweden who was passionate about metal AND Nazi Germany.

A semiotic multimodal analysis and South African case study: the representation and construction of masculinities in men's health (Sa)

Cilliers , Christiaan Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
The main question of this study was: How and in what way can a multimodal semiotic visual analysis model be developed and used for contributing to the analysis and understanding of the manner in which the Men’s Health (South Africa) magazine – as a case study – represents and constructs masculinities in South Africa? The following three subsidiary research questions were formulated to address this topic: • What is the literature revealing with reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts? • How and in which way can a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model be developed with the purpose of contributing to the analysis of visual texts? • What is the outcome of the visual analysis multimodal model with reference to the case study about the representation and construction of masculinities in visual texts in MH? The first aim of this research was to establish an overview of masculinities and to explore the visual representation of masculinity with reference to mediation, reality, and ideology in the media. With reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts, a semiotic visual analysis and social semiotics were used to unpack culture as a site of the production of meanings. The media is one of the main sources from which men receive their entertainment and information about the world. In this sense, the media makes sense of the world. Mass media plays a key role in discourse and constructing the relationships between reality and ideology. During this construction, the media reflects on existing opinions and attitudes in society. A quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic multimodal visual analysis were conducted on 27 visual texts purposively selected from MH to include editions from July 2010 to June 2011. This population covered 12 front covers, 12 editorials and three flip covers. The developed visual multimodal model was tested qualitatively on nine visual texts since these texts included the front covers, flip covers and editorials of the three editions with flip covers. v A second major aim of the study was to establish the way in which a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model needed to be developed and used for analysing visual texts, as well as for analysing the visual texts according to the multimodal model in order to understand how the multimodality and social semiotic resources were applied in MH to represent and construct masculinities. The rationale for the development and design of this model was based on the premise that a basic understanding of semiotics and visual language was needed. Without such an understanding, the vast amounts of visual messages that confront the reader would remain incomprehensible. Consequently, a productive dialogue in relation to visual communication cannot take place. The multimodal model developed in this thesis highlights visual text layout, in conjunction with language-in-use, that does not occur in isolation and that is deeply reliant on other forms of making meaning. The heptagon multimodal model consists of concept maps of the six functions of the designed hexagon model. This multimodality approach includes analysing simultaneously occurring semiotics and their various roles in conjunction with detailed, all-inclusive discourses. In the quantitative content analysis and the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis, the six components of the developed heptagon model (visual grammar, positioning, typography, colour, modality, and iconography) are illustrated. The quantitative research supported the main research design, i.e. the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis. It is envisaged that the development and construction of a multimodal semiotic model will make a contribution to the scholarly field of semiotic analysis. By discussing the fluidity of the variations of masculinities and male identities, by giving a brief overview of the role of the media in constructing masculinities, and by focusing on the discourses that took place in MH, the researcher creates an awareness of the inherited patriarchal masculinities by recommending envisioned masculinities to be inclusive as a component of the solution. This approach is illustrated by the use and findings of the multimodal semiotic visual analysis. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et. Phil

Så sjung, bara sjung! : initiala och operationella normer i sångboksöversättningar av Astrid Lindgrens visor via multimodal analys av text, bild och musik. / Sing, just sing! : initial and operational norms in song book translation of songs written by Astrid Lindgren.

Larsson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att analysera vilka initiala och operationella normer som har använts vid översättningar till tyska av sångboksuppslag till visor skrivna av Astrid Lindgren. Modellerna som har använts är hämtade från Franzon (2009), Franzon (2016) och van Meerbergen (2010). Frågeställningarna berör musikalisk rytm, retoriska stilmedel inom texterna samt interaktionsgraden i text och bild med läsaren. Syftet är även att se hur aktiva respektive passiva huvudpersonerna i böckerna är. Resultaten visar att översättningarna av beskrivande visor med långa verser tenderar att bli kortare och mycket förändrade i jämförelse med översättningarna av visor med korta verser och en mindre beskrivande natur. Interaktionsgraden med läsaren är för det mesta låg i både text och bild i käll- och måltexterna. Huvudpersonerna i de tyska översättningarna är även mer aktiva i det tyska översättningarna än i de svenska originalen. / The aim of this study is to analyse which initial and operational norms that were used in the German translation of pages from a songbook written by Astrid Lindgren. The models that are used are taken from Franzon (2009), Franzon (2016) and van Meerbergen (2010). The research questions concern musical rhythm, rhetorical methods within the text, the interaction level between images and text and the reader. The purpose is also to see how active or passive the main characters in the books are portrayed. The results show that translations of describing songs with long verses tend to become shorter and very changed compared to translations of songs with short verses and with a less describing nature. The interaction level with the reader is mostly low in both source and target texts and images. The main characters are also more active in the German translations than in the Swedish originals.

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