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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cross-Cultural Knowledge Transfer within Multinational Corporations : A Comparative Study of Subsidiaries in Romania and Sweden

Domsa, Tudor, Junghausz, Gergö January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the dynamics of knowledge transfer between cultures within multinational firms, with a particular emphasis on subsidiaries located in Sweden and Romania. This study investigates how subsidiaries adjust corporate knowledge to fit local cultural contexts through semi-structured interviews with participants from a range of sectors. It also looks at the wider effects of these changes on organizational knowledge transfer processes. The research methodology used is qualitative research.   The data indicates that local cultural and regulatory variations have an impact on knowledge transfer tactics. Different techniques to integrating and adjusting corporate knowledge are shown by companies in Sweden and Romania, which reflect different operational and cultural contexts. The results show how subsidiaries improve their strategic positioning and operational efficacy within the multinational framework by utilizing both local and global advantages.   The study's methodology involves using thematic analysis to analyze the gathered interview data in order to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying cross-cultural knowledge transfer. The main results suggest that the effectiveness of knowledge transfer is heavily dependent upon the ability to navigate and incorporate local cultural characteristics alongside international standards.   By offering empirical insights into the difficulties and methods of knowledge transfer within Eastern European contexts, which are less studied than those in the West, this study adds to the body of literature already in existence. Additionally, it has useful ramifications for global firms looking to maximize knowledge management in various cultural contexts.

The global corporation and its role as a source of innovation for sustainable development : beyond corporate social responsibility

Gonzalez, Maria Susana Muhamad, Hamann, R., Loorbach, D. 03 1900 (has links)
77 leaves single side printed, preliminary pages i-v and numbered pages 1-72. Includes bibliography. / Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores how to bring about change through innovation by using current power structures to move towards a more sustainable society. The type of change we are concerned with is the transformation from social structures, economic systems and institutions which diminish natural resources; to systems of production, institutions and social structures which affirm and interact productively with living systems, assuring their own sustainability. This change cannot be limited to address the social, environmental and economic consequences of the current system but should redefine the basic principles of society’s design and operation. One of the key actors in the current system are Multinational Corporations (MNCs) which have the capacity to mobilize natural resources, labour, and financial capital at a global scale. It is defined that to contribute proactively towards sustainability, the role of the corporation is to innovate in its core business, creating products and services that help to solve the current un-sustainability patterns of society. However, how effective are targeted innovation platforms within MNC’s in designing and implementing meaningful innovations for sustainability? How meaningful are these innovation efforts in terms of the broader CSR strategy of the company and its sustainability performance? What can we learn from business innovation platforms in terms of organization and entrepreneurship for sustainability? In order to answer these questions an action research method was used in which I reflect on my own experience of using the innovation platform from the Royal Dutch Shell Group (Shell) to develop sustainability innovations. Within this perspective, the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is re-visited to highlight its potential to hinder or facilitate this process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Hierdie tesis ondersoek hoe verandering met innovasie te weeg gebring kan word deur gebruikmaking van huidige magstrukture om sodoende te beweeg na ’n meer volhoubare gemeenskap. Die verandering waarmee ons gemoeid is, is die transformasie van sosiale strukture, ekonomiese stelsels en instansies - wat natuurlike hulpbronne verminder - na stelsels van produksie, asook instellings en sosiale strukture wat regstel en produktief wisselwerk met lewenskragtige stelsels om sodoende hulle eie volhoubaarheid te verseker. Hierdie verandering kan geensins beperk word om die sosiale, omgewings en ekonomiese gevolge van die huidige stelsel aan te spreek nie, maar behoort die basiese beginsels van die gemeenskap se ontwerp en optrede te herdefinieer. Een van die sleutelspelers in die huidige stelsel is die Multinasionale Korporasies (‘MNCs’) wat oor die vermoë beskik om natuurlike hulpbronne, arbeid en geldelike kapitaal op globale skaal te mobiliseer. Om pro-aktief tot volhoubaarheid by te dra, moet die rol van die korporasie – volgens definisie – van so ’n aard wees dat hy in sy kern-sakebedrywighede innoverend optree om produkte en dienste te skep wat sal bydra om die huidige nie-volhoubare patrone binne die gemeenskap uit te skakel. Maar hoe doeltreffend is geteikende innovasie-platforms binne die Multinasionale Korporasies egter vir soverre dit die ontwerp en toepassing van betekenisvolle innovasies betref wat op volhoubaarheid gerig is? Hoe betekenisvol is dié pogings rondom innovasie gemeet teen die breër strategie van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid van die maatskappy en sy volhoubaarheidsprestasie? Wat kan ons van innovasie-platforms van sakeondernemings met betrekking tot organisasie en entrepreneurskap - gerig op volhoubaarheid - wys word? Met die oog op die beantwoording van hierdie vrae, is ’n aksie-navorsingsmetode gebruilc, waarin ek besin oor my eie ondervinding met die gebruik van innovasieplatforms van die Royal Dutch Shell Group (Shell) om volhoubaarheidsinnovasies te ontwikkel. Binne hierdie perspektief word weer gekyk na die konsep van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid om sodoende sy potensiaal om dié proses te kortwiek of te fasiliteer, uit te lig.

跨國公司台灣與巴拿馬員工文化差異對管理影響之研究─以巴拿馬台商為例 / The Impact of Culture on Management between Taiwanese and Panamanian employees in a Multinational Corporation: The Case of a Taiwanese Company in Panama

古俊華, David Koo Chong NG Unknown Date (has links)
跨國公司台灣與巴拿馬員工文化差異對管理影響之研究─以巴拿馬台商為例 / Growth of international business has provoked the drain of companies venturing into cross borders. It is vitally decisive to consider facts before encountering any major problems. Corporations constructed by talented people dedicate the time to study economic factors such as taxation, government policies, and other investment dimensions. And nowadays, considered more important, the management of cross culture. This thesis measured the cultural similarities and differences between Panamanian and Taiwanese in a Taiwanese company established in Panama. The use of academic journals and surveys was important for collecting primary and secondary data. Local staff and Taiwanese managers transferred to Panama were interviewed; using a questionnaire structured using 5 (five) cultural dimensions discovered by Professor Geert Hofstede during his study in IBM, and studying the two constructs (communication and management style). Research Findings depicted that Taiwanese and Panamanians are more culturally similar than different; however, there are still challenges to face in this scenario. Some of these challenges for Taiwanese managers are to broaden their communication with staff, so local staff can fully enjoyed and receive a coaching style. Also, a challenge for local staff is their low uncertainty avoidance, which denotes a lack of communication in order to produce efficiently. Despite the challenges that have to be faced by the two parties, findings concluded that in this interaction, there is a positive relationship. Also, conclusion provided some recommendations for Taiwanese managers and other companies planning to establish in Panama. Those recommendations were as mentioned before, adapt their Taiwanese working style into the local staff considering some differences between; and use rewards for motivating staff. This study could also be used by Taiwanese Corporations planning to invest in Panama, and for any other country used as a reference to consider in advance. International community seeking to nurture knowledge regarding to culture and its consequences in organizations.

The Perceived Effect of Management Education on the Indigenization of Selected Nigerian Multinational Corporations

Oshunkentan, Samson Oladele 12 1900 (has links)
The problem of this research concerned the perceived effect of management education on the indigenization of selected multinational corporations in Nigeria. The related purposes of the investigation were to analyze data from the respondents in multinational corporations, higher educational institutions and government parastatals to identify the differences and similarities that existed between the perceptions of general managers, managing directors, management educators, government officials, and final-year business administration students. Four areas addressed in the inquiry were to: identify the management training objectives for Nigerian higher education institutions, determine the perceived effect of management education on the indigenization of selected Nigerian multinational corporations, ascertain the increased number of Nigerians who assumed management positions between 1973 and 1984, and examine the perceived effect of management education on the job performance of the management education graduates.

Multinational Corporation and Its Sustainable Engagement with Local Small Businesses : A Case Study of Unilever Thailand

Gaiga, Roméo, Thorngmun, Siriwimon January 2017 (has links)
Once the boundary in global investment does no longer exist, a substantial number of multinational corporations (MNCs) seek for the lower-cost countries such as developing countries or emerging countries to be their production bases. It is undeniable to say that these recipient countries will benefit abundantly in several aspects namely: capital and technical knowledge, employment boost and economic development stimulation. However, the disadvantages that occur may not be worth the trade-off in a long run whether it is economic inflation, impact to the environment and disappearance of small-scale business. Hence, sustainable business approaches concerning every involved stakeholder is vital, some firms might view that adjusting entire activities in the value chain does increase the costs, but some realizes that aligning their practices with along Sustainable Development Goals is the only way to gain profit, and save people and the planet simultaneously.Nevertheless, there are billions of poor people at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) who are consumers and entrepreneurs especially in the developing countries. Part of the theorizers believes that producing products and service that respond to the grassroots turns out to be new opportunities for MNCs to develop new types of businesses; bring prosperity to the firms; enhance the poor by offering them knowledge and alternative solutions, shaping their aspirations and improving the accessibility of the products. On the other hand, the other part of the theorizers argued that this method does not only harm the poor since these people are vulnerable consumers, it also has less emphasis on legal, regulatory and social mechanisms. In a nutshell, nothing can guarantee that this approach will enventually take us closer to sustainability.In our study, we have seen that there are some MNCs looking at the BoP market with different perspectives. For instance, the arrival of MNCs in term of modern trade business in Thailand caused a severe effect to traditional retail stores or ‘Mom & Pop1 stores’ in the country. Unilever is one of the MNCs that have a major engagement with local small businesses through their new business model which does not only alleviate Mom & Pop store owners to retrieve their businesses, but it also creates a win-win situation between Unilever and these owners concurrently, allowing them to be self-reliance and operate their businesses sustainability in the days to come.The purpose of this master’s thesis is to understand and assess sustainable development theory, particularly in corporate social responsibility thinking in the BoP perspective based on sufficiency economy. Qualitative research and case study of Unilever Thailand were chosen as appropriate research methods to conduct this thesis.

As práticas de comunicação em projetos globais de desenvolvimento de produtos em empresas multinacionais brasileiras / The practice of communication in global development projects of products in Brazilian multinational corporations

Silveira, Franciane Freitas 27 August 2008 (has links)
Os projetos globais de desenvolvimento de produtos passam pelas áreas de conhecimento da gestão tradicional de projetos e, adicionalmente, demandam maior atenção de diversos aspectos inerentes ao ambiente global, tais como: coordenação e controle; construção de confiança e cooperação entre as equipes dispersas geograficamente. Outro tema especialmente importante nesse contexto é o processo de comunicação que se torna bastante crítico à medida que os recursos tradicionais de comunicação em projetos (reuniões face-a-face, comunicação não-verbal, visualização do trabalho in loco, entre outros) passam a ser limitados e/ ou substituídos por outros baseados em meios eletrônicos (videoconferência, emails, mensagens instantâneas, entre outros). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de mapear as práticas de comunicação aplicadas aos projetos globais e analisar se essas práticas variam de acordo com o tipo e com algumas características do modelo de gestão dos projetos. A unidade de análise escolhida foram os projetos globais de desenvolvimento de produtos de empresas multinacionais brasileiras e o método de pesquisa, o estudo de casos múltiplos. Os resultados permitiram verificar que a freqüência da comunicação nos projetos globais diminui com a distância, o que dificulta o controle e a coordenação das equipes. Mas a distância por si só, apesar de impor desafios adicionais, não causa necessariamente problemas de comunicação, pois pode ser contornada pelo apoio das ferramentas eletrônicas de comunicação que formam as bases para os projetos acontecerem de forma dispersa. O estudo permitiu concluir que o uso das práticas de comunicação, bem como a importância dada a elas variam em função do tipo de projeto e de algumas características de gestão deles. Apesar de ter sido possível identificar tais variações, verificou-se que as práticas não ocorrem de forma padronizada nos projetos; ao contrário, são desenvolvidas de forma improvisada e circunstancial e não contam com um planejamento específico no início do projeto. / Global new product development projects go through the traditional knowledge areas of project management, and additionally they demand more attention related to the global environment aspects, such as coordination and control, and trust building and cooperation between geographically dispersed teams. Another important theme in this context is that the communication process becomes critical, as traditional communication resources employed in projects (face-to-face meeting, nonverbal communication, in locus work visualization, among others) undergo constraints or are replaced by those based upon electronic means (video conference, email, instant message). This research aimed to identify the communication practices applied to global projects and analyze whether these practices vary across some project characteristics and its management model. The unit of analysis adopted was the global new product development projects undertaken by Brazilian multinational companies, and the research method employed was the case study. The findings showed that the communication frequency in global projects diminishes as the physical distance increases. Athough it represents additional challenges, the distance itself does not cause communication problems. This is due to the support of electronic communication tools that create the basis over which projects are dispersedly held. This study allowed me to conclude that the use of communication practices along with the importance paid to them, vary according to the project type and some characteristics of its management. In spite of the variations, it has been also identified that communication practices are not used in projects in a standard way. On the contrary, these practices are employed in an improvised and contingent manner, and they are not planned since the beginning of the project.

O investimento externo direto das maiores multinacionais brasileiras como função de vantagens específicas

Chevarria, Diego Gonzales 28 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:38:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 28 / Nenhuma / Nos últimos anos, tem ocorrido a intensificação do processo de internacionalização das empresas brasileiras, com destaque ao crescimento do investimento externo direto nacional. Em especial, observa-se o surgimento de empresas brasileiras que controlam de forma direta operações em outros países, ou seja, são multinacionais. Dado este contexto, esta dissertação busca explicações para o crescimento recente no investimento externo direto nacional, focando as três maiores multinacionais brasileiras: Petrobras, Gerdau e Vale do Rio Doce. Adotou-se, como base teórica deste estudo, os trabalhos de Hymer (1960) e Dunning (1993, 2000, 2001). O objetivo principal desta dissertação é analisar se o investimento externo direto de grandes multinacionais brasileiras pode ser entendido como função da posse por estas empresas de vantagens específicas, as quais lhes capacitam a operar com vantagens no exterior. A pesquisa utilizou estudo de casos múltiplos, com entrevistas com executivos das três empresas e coleta de dados sec / In recent years, Brazilian companies internationalization process has been intensified, with prominence to foreign direct investment growth. As a consequence, it is observed the arising of Brazilian companies which control operations in other countries. This thesis is looking for explanations to the recent growth in foreign direct investment, focusing on the three largest Brazilian multinationals: Petrobras, Gerdau and Vale do Rio Doce. As theoretical basis, Hymer (1960) and Dunning (1993, 2000, 2001) studies were adopted. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze if the foreign direct investment of large Brazilian multinationals can be understood as a function of the ownership of specific advantages by these companies, which enable them to operate with advantage in foreign countries. To achieve this goal, the research adopts a multiple cases study approach. Interviews with executives of the three companies were conducted, and secondary data were collected. The study determines the foreign direct invest

Enforcing global strategies in subsidiaries of highly decentralized multinational corporations : the role of international sales managers

Schill, Richard Bruno January 2013 (has links)
Resistance of subsidiaries of multinational corporations to global coordination efforts by their headquarters is an important contemporary research subject in the field of international business studies. This case study of sales and marketing organizations in five international subsidiaries of a highly divisionalized corporation illustrates how the capabilities and the willingness to adopt and pursue global strategies is strongly influenced by local situational and organizational factors. The defining business problem was different in each country organization, ranging from product related issues such as quick innovation cycles and price competition, to economic concerns like emerging market dynamics and economic crisis, and other problems related to cultural dissimilarity. A large degree of divisionalization seems to dilute central leadership, as central managers compete for the attention and the resources of the subsidiaries and local managers behave like independent distributors, picking and choosing the most favorable offerings. In order to establish successful leadership in the absence of hierarchical control, intermediate central sales and marketing managers need to first of all internally coordinate their activities towards their local counterparts. Top management needs to establish legitimate authority of intermediate managers by clear definitions of international matrix roles and management procedures. Central sales and marketing managers need to have enough international field experience to be able to correctly assess the different local situations, advance their initiatives in a diplomatic way on all local hierarchy levels and to become overall credible and accepted partners for the local teams. Directly engaging in field activities with local customers and sales teams seems to help achieving these objectives and thus to contribute to the successful enforcement of global strategies.

Technology Spillovers And Transfer Through Mncs: A Case Study On Turkish Automotive Industry

Sonmez, Alper 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to provide evidence on whether FDI occurring in the Turkish economy has any effect on domestic firms, especially whether and to what extent it leads to KTTs towards domestic firms by paying attention to the role of MNCs. In order to do so, we firstly conduct a series of econometric analyses to analyze the impact of FDI-related technology spillovers on domestic firms&rsquo / productivity level in the Turkish manufacturing industry. Estimation results produced positive evidence on horizontal and backward technology spillovers, while negative evidence on forward spillovers. Secondly, we conduct a comprehensive empirical research based on case study at firm-level in the Turkish automotive industry. By this study, generally we aim to investigate the existence, nature and intensity of transfers, and what &ndash / if any &ndash / kind of KTTs occur at both inter- and intra-firm level in the industry. For this aim, we used two different research methods to collect detailed data and information from both suppliers and AMMs at the firm-level. Our main findings in terms of KTTs at inter-firm level can be summarized in this way: foreign suppliers are seen to dominate local suppliers in terms of many indicators and absorptive capacity level / it seems that KTTs occur from AMMs to their domestic suppliers mainly on providing documentations, assistances for logistic management, quality control, know-how, R&amp / D, co-design and co-development activities, designing and cost reduction / compared to foreign suppliers, local suppliers tend to be involved in those production-product-training related KTTs which are less knowledge-intensive and of a lesser quality. Also, performing R&amp / D activities is found as the most important firm level factor which influences positively KTTs, strategic collaboration activities with the AMMs, and many technology activities of the suppliers. The technology policies on attracting more FDI flows should be reviewed under the findings and insights of this study since it is a necessary condition &ndash / although not sufficient - to have an efficient absorptive capacity level and/or skilled human capital stock in order to get benefit from these flows.

The Impact Of Multinational Corporations On International Relations -a Study Of American Multinationals

Koksal, Evren 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the development of Multinational Corporations and their changing position and effects on International Relations. The historical evolution of multinationals with important historical milestones in their development, the definition, the concepts and their changing power capabilities and effects on nation states, international organizations and international relations will be discussed in this study. This thesis will also put forward some important case studies from the biggest American multinationals giving answers to questions such as to what extend can American multinationals effect inter-state relations or do giant multinationals became equivalent actors as nation states, what kind of interdependence do multinationals create among other actors.

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