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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization and improvement of a surface aerator for water treatment / Caractérisation et amélioration d’un aérateur de surface pour le traitement des eaux

Issa, Hayder Mohammed 24 October 2013 (has links)
Un nouveau système d’aération de surface pour le traitement des eaux usées a été étudié. Sa spécificité réside dans sa capacité à fonctionner selon deux modes : aération ou simple brassage, en modifiant uniquement le sens de rotation du système. Un pilote a permis de cibler le travail sur l’étude expérimentale du transfert de matière et de l’hydrodynamique. Les champs d'écoulement et les mesures de vitesse à l'intérieur de la cuve agitée ont été réalisés par vélocimétrie laser à effet Doppler (LDV) et par vélocimétrie par images des particules (PIV) pour le mode monophasique (brassage) et pour le mode diphasique (aération). Le transfert d'oxygène se produit à la fois dans la cuve et dans le spray au-dessus de la surface de l'eau. Il a été étudié dans les deux zones. Différentes configurations et conditions opératoires ont été testées afin de comprendre les phénomènes d’interaction : tube de guidage, hélice complémentaire RTP, vitesse de rotation, niveau de submersion des pales de la turbine. La partie expérimentale sur l’hydrodynamique et les champs d'écoulement montre que le mode de fonctionnement en pompage vers le bas (brassage) avec tube de guidage procure les meilleurs résultats en termes de mélange si on se réfère aux champs d'écoulement et à la mesure du temps de mélange. Pour le mode de fonctionnement en pompage vers le haut (aération), les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la configuration du système complet est la plus efficace si on considère le transfert d’oxygène, les vitesses moyennes, l'intensité de l'écoulement turbulent et le temps de mélange. Il est constaté que la meilleure efficacité d'aération standard est atteinte (SAEb = 2.65 kgO2kw-1h-1) lorsque le système complet est utilisé. L'efficacité d'aération standard à 20°C la plus élevée au niveau du spray d'eau est obtenue ((ESP)20 = 51,3%) avec la configuration du système complet. Plusieurs modèles sont proposés pour calculer le transfert d'oxygène dans la cuve et dans le spray, la consommation énergique et le temps de mélange. Ces relations permettent d’évaluer l’influence des différents paramètres géométriques et de fonctionnement dans des systèmes similaires à une échelle industrielle. / A new surface aeration system for water and wastewater treatment has been studied. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to operate in two modes: aeration or simply blending (mixing) by just reversing the direction of rotation. An experimental plant has enabled to focus on mass transfer performance and hydrodynamics. The flow pattern and the velocity field measurements inside the agitated tank were performed by both the Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques for the single phase (Mixing) mode and for the two phases (Aeration) mode. The oxygen mass transfer occurs both in the water bulk and in the spray above water surface and has been independently investigated. Different configurations and operational conditions were tested during the experimental part in order to interpret phenomenon effect of the draft tube and RTP propeller, rotational speed, turbine blades submergence and else on the flow field and the oxygen mass transfer in the agitated system that produced mainly by a cone shape turbine. The experimental part dealing with hydrodynamics and flow field shows that the down-pumping operation mode with the draft tube has the most convenient results in the mixing mode with respect to turbulent flow field and mixing time. Whilst for the up-pumping aeration mode the hydrodynamics experimental results show the whole system configuration is the most convenient with regarded to mean velocities, turbulent flow intensity and mixing time. For the oxygen mass transfer experimental part, it is found that the highest standard liquid bulk aeration efficiency is achieved (SAEb = 2.65 kgO2 kw-1h-1) when the whole system configuration is used. The highest standard aeration efficiency at 20°C for the water spray zone is accomplished ((Esp)20 = 51.3 %) with the whole system configuration. Several correlations models have been derived for the oxygen mass transfer in water bulk and spray zones, power consumption and mixing time, on the basis of experimental results. They can be used as tools to estimate these parameters for geometrical and dynamical similar systems at industrial scales.

Contrôle modulaire décentralisé - Application aux convertisseurs multi-phasés isolés entrelacés et magnétiquement couplés / Modular decentralized control - application for multi-phase interleaved isolated and magnetically coupled converters

Xiao, Zijian 20 November 2013 (has links)
Le domaine de la conversion d’énergie requiert, la plupart du temps, la mise en œuvre d’études spécifiques et coûteuses pour répondre, avec les meilleures performances possibles (rendement, compacité, CEM), aux diverses applications. Afin de proposer une solution générique et évolutive, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’utilisation d’un réseau de micro-convertisseurs optimisés, de faible puissance, que l’on peut associer en série et/ou en parallèle, pour couvrir un large domaine d’applications. Dans ces conditions, un effort unique de réflexion est à porter sur le dimensionnement d’un micro-convertisseur optimisé qui joue le rôle de cellule élémentaire ou de brique de base pour l’établissement du réseau complet. Cependant, cela suppose de mettre en œuvre également une méthode de contrôle adaptée au grand nombre de micro-convertisseurs ainsi qu’une technique de communication entre tous les micro-convertisseurs, pour assurer un bon équilibrage de la puissance. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de fournir une solution intégrée pour le contrôle à la fois des cellules de commutation internes du micro-convertisseur et du réseau lui-même. Pour y parvenir, une solution modulaire de contrôle entièrement décentralisé est proposée. Trois étapes essentielles sont alors étudiées : la génération des porteuses entrelacées, l’équilibrage des courants de phase et la régulation des grandeurs de sortie courant et/ou tension. Ces trois étapes sont abordées de manière à proposer une solution entièrement décentralisée. Plusieurs cartes de test ont été réalisées pour valider chaque fonction indépendamment. Un circuit intégré (démonstrateur), implémentant l’ensemble des fonctions nécessaires au contrôle d’un micro-convertisseur 5V-2A-1MHz, a également été conçu et testé. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent clairement la validité des solutions proposées, ce qui ouvre la voie vers un contrôle mieux adapté aux nouveaux types d’architectures multi-phasées et distribuées en réseau. / The field of energy conversion requires, in most cases, the implementation of specific and expensive studies in order to answer to various applications with the best performances of efficiency, compactness, and EMC for example. To propose a generic and scalable solution, we are interested in the use of a network of optimized micro-converters, low power, which can be combined in series and/or in parallel, to cover a wide range of applications. Under these conditions, one single effort is to focus on the design of an optimized micro-converter which plays the role of individual cell or brick base for the establishment of the complete network. However, this means also to implement a control method adapted to many micro-converters and a communication method between all micro-converters, to ensure a good balance of power. The main objective of this thesis is to provide an integrated solution for controlling both internal commutation cells of each micro-converter and the all network itself. To achieve this, a modular and fully decentralized control solution is proposed. Three essential steps are studied: the generation of interleaved carriers, the phase currents balancing and the output variables regulation (current and / or voltage). These three steps are discussed in order to propose a fully decentralized solution. Several test cards were realized to validate each function independently. An integrated circuit (demonstrator), implementing all the necessary control functions for a 5V-2A-1MHz micro-converter has also been designed and tested. The experimental results clearly demonstrate the validity of the proposed solutions, which opens the way to a control much more adapted to these new architectures of multi-phase conversion and distributed network.

Modélisation numérique de l’abattage humide comme procédé d’assainissement de l’air / Numerical modeling of aerosol particles scavenging by drops as a process of air depollution

Cherrier, Gaël 01 December 2017 (has links)
Ce doctorat est consacré à la modélisation de l’abattage humide comme procédé d’assainissement de l’air. Les situations d’abattage humide étudiées concernent des particules d’aérosol de diamètre aérodynamique variant entre 1 nm et 100 µm capturées dans l’air par des gouttes d’eau de diamètre compris entre 80 µm et 600 µm (nombre de Reynolds de goutte dans la gamme [1 ; 100]). La modélisation de l’assainissement de l’air par abattage humide nécessite deux phases complémentaires. La première étape consiste à définir un noyau de capture calculant le débit d’aérosols capturés par une goutte dans une situation qui peut être complexe de par la grande variété de collectes différentes (brownienne, phorétique, électrostatique et inertielle). La deuxième étape repose sur la définition d’une approche de simulation numérique des phénomènes prenant place dans l’abattage humide. À cet effet, l’approche de simulation de l’abattage humide proposée comporte une modélisation RANS pour simuler l’écoulement de l’air, une approche lagrangienne donnant la trajectoire des gouttes d’eau et une méthode eulérienne permettant de suivre l’évolution du champ de concentration en particules d’aérosol. Ainsi, la capture de particules d’aérosol par des gouttes d’eau est modélisée via l’implémentation du noyau de capture précédemment défini dans un terme puits au sein du modèle Diffusion-Inertia de Zaichik et al., (2004) / This PhD-Thesis is dedicated to the numerical modeling of aerosol particles scavenging by drops. Investigated situations are about aerosol particles of aerodynamic diameter ranging from 1 nm to 100 µm captured in the air by water drops of diameter varying between 80 µm and 600 µm, with corresponding droplet Reynolds number ranging between 1 and 100. This air depollution modeling is achieved in two steps. The first step consists in obtaining a scavenging kernel predicting the flow rate of aerosol particles captured by a drop in a situation where several collection mechanisms may take place (Brownian, phoretic, electrostatic and inertial scavenging). The aim of the second step is to propose a numerical simulation modeling the scavenging phenomenon. To do so, the scavenging simulation includes a RANS modeling for the air flow, a Lagrangian approach for the drops and an Eulerian approach for the aerosol particles. Thus, aerosol scavenging by drops is modeled by implementing the collection kernel defined previously into a sink term in the Diffusion-Inertia model of Zaichik et al., (2004)

Modélisation du rôle des produits de corrosion sur l'évolution de la vitesse de corrosion des aciers au carbone en milieu désaéré et carbonaté / Modelling of the role of corrosion products on the evolution of the corrosion rate of carbon steel in deaerated and carbonated media

Mohamed-Saïd, Maalek 06 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de la durabilité des structures en acier au carbone envisagées pour le stockage des déchets radioactifs à haute activité et à vie longue. Ce travail porte plus particulièrement sur la simulation numérique de la corrosion généralisée (et de son évolution), principale forme de corrosion susceptible d’affecter ces aciers en phase aqueuse et en condition désaérée.Le processus de corrosion des aciers au carbone est grandement influencé par la formation de couches de produits de corrosion (CPC) dont le rôle sur l’évolution de la vitesse de corrosion a été mis en évidence dans de nombreuses études. Le caractère plus ou moins protecteur d’une CPC dépend de plusieurs paramètres physiques (porosité, épaisseur et propriétés électriques de CPC) et chimiques (pH, PCO2, formations de complexes,…). Le principal objectif de ce travail de thèse est l’étude du rôle d’une CPC de sidérite sur la vitesse de corrosion des aciers au carbone en condition désaérée. Le régime de corrosion est ainsi simulé sur la base de modèles mécanistes en faisant appel à une résolution par la méthode des éléments finis de l’équation de transport réactif en milieu poreux et en potentiel libre.Dans un premier temps, l’étude de la stabilité d’une CPC par expérience numérique est présentée et constitue une étape importante dans la mesure où elle permet de sélectionner les paramètres influençant cette stabilité et par conséquent le processus de corrosion. Cette expérience numérique confirme des résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur des coupons dans un environnement représentatif des conditions de stockage mais sur des durées beaucoup plus courtes (de l’ordre de quelques années). Ces calculs montrent qu’en fonction des conditions chimiques (pH, complexants,…), morphologiques (épaisseur, distribution de porosité dans la CPC, …) et des propriétés électriques de la couche, on obtient soit un dépôt stable pouvant potentiellement entraîner une diminution de la vitesse de corrosion, ou soit un dépôt instable mettant à nu la surface du métal et qui se traduit par une vitesse de corrosion élevée.De manière complémentaire, le transitoire de croissance d’une CPC est également étudié en prenant en compte numériquement le déplacement de l’interface métal – CPC correspondant à la création de vide par la dissolution du métal. Deux approches, la première dite « implicite » et la seconde dite « explicite », de mouvement de cette interface sont présentées. Tous ces modèles numériques sont comparés à différents retours d’expérience. A cet égard, une loi de précipitation de la sidérite, discutée et confrontée aux différentes lois de la littérature, est proposée. Les résultats de simulation d’un transitoire de croissance d’une CPC conductrice sont conformes à certains retours d’expériences, montrant d’abord une phase active de corrosion suivie d’une phase pseudo-passive où la vitesse de corrosion est ralentie par le recouvrement de la surface métallique par la CPC. / This thesis is related to the issue of the sustainability of carbon steel structures intended for the storage of high-level long-lived radioactive waste. This work focuses on the numerical simulation of the uniform corrosion (and on its evolution), representing the main form of corrosion likely to affect these steel components in aqueous and deaerated conditions.The corrosion process of carbon steels is greatly influenced by the formation of corrosion product layers (CPL) whose role on the evolution of the corrosion rate has been demonstrated in numerous studies. The more or less protective nature of a CPL depends on several physical (porosity, thickness and electrical properties of CPL) and chemical parameters (pH, PCO2, complex formations, ...). The main objective of this thesis is the study of the role of a siderite CPL on the corrosion rate of carbon steels in deaerated conditions. The corrosion regime is simulated on the basis of mechanistic models using a finite element method to resolve the reactive transport equation in porous media and in free potential conditions.Firstly, the stability of a CPL is studied by numerical experiment and constitutes an important step that permits to select the key parameters influencing this stability and consequently the corrosion process. This numerical experiment confirms experimental results obtained on coupons in an environment representative of the storage conditions but on much shorter durations (few years). These calculations show that depending on the chemical conditions (pH, complexing medium, ...), morphological (thickness, distribution of porosity in the CPC, ...) and the electrical properties of the layer, we obtain either a stable deposit that could potentially lead to a decrease of the corrosion rate, or an unstable deposit exposing the metal surface and resulting in a high corrosion rate.In a second time, the transient step i.e. the formation and growth process of a CPL, is also studied numerically considering the displacement of the metal-CPC interface corresponding to the creation of voids caused by the dissolution of the metal. Two approaches, the first one called "implicit" and the second "explicit", of the movement of this interface are presented. All these numerical models are compared with different experimental feedbacks. Thus, a kinetics law of precipitation of siderite, discussed and compared with different laws proposed in the literature, is implemented in these models. The results obtained by simulating the growth of a conductive CPL are consistent with some experimental feedbacks, showing firstly a period of active corrosion followed by a pseudo-passive period during which the corrosion rate is significantly decreased resulting from the coverage of the metal surface by the CPL.

Dynamics of Bubbles and Drops in the Presence of an Electric Field

Shyam Sunder, * January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis deals with two-phase electrohydrodynamic simulations of bubble and droplet dynamics under externally applied electric fields. We used the Coupled Level-Set and Volume-of-fluid method (CLSVOF) and two different electrohydrody-namic formulations to study the process of bubble and drop formation from orifices and needles, the interactions of two conducting drops immersed in a dielectric medium, and the oscillations of sessile drops under two different ways of applying external elec-tric field. For the process of bubble formation in dielectric liquids due to the injection of air from submerged orifices and needles, we show that a non-uniform electric field pro-duces smaller bubbles while a uniform electric field changes only the bubble shape. We further explain the reason behind the bubble volume reduction under a non-uniform electric field. We show that the distribution of the electric stresses on the bubble inter-face is such that very high electric stresses act on the bubble base due to a non-uniform electric field. This causes a premature neck formation and bubble detachment lead-ing to the formation of smaller bubbles. We also observe that the non-uniform elec-tric stresses pull the bubble interface contact line inside the needle. With oscillatory electric fields, we show that a further reduction in bubble sizes is possible, but only at certain electric field oscillation frequencies. At other frequencies, bubbles bigger than those under a constant electric field of strength equal to the amplitude of the AC electric field, are produced. We further study the bubble oscillation modes under an oscillatory electric field. We implemented a Volume-of-fluid method based charge advection scheme which is charge conservative and non-diffusive. With the help of this scheme, we were able to simulate the electrohydrodynamic interactions of conducting-dielectric fluid pairs. For two conducting drops inside a dielectric fluid, we observe that they fail to coalesce when the strength of the applied electric field is beyond a critical value. We observe that the non-coalescence between the two drops occur due to the charge transfer upon drop-drop contact. The electric forces which initially bring the two drops closer, switch direction upon charge transfer and pull the drops away from each other. The factors governing the non-coalescence are the electric conductivity of the drop’s liquid which governs the time scale of charge transfer relative to the capillary time scale and the magnitude of the electric forces relative to the capillary and the viscous forces. Similar observations are recorded for the interactions of a charged conducting drop with an interface between a dielectric fluid and a conducting fluid which is the same as the drop’s liquid. For the case of a pendant conducting drop attached to a capillary and without any influx of liquid from the capillary, we observed that the drop undergoes oscillations at lower values of electric potential when subjected to a step change in the applied electric potential. At higher values of electric potential, we observed the phenomenon of cone-jet formation which results due to the accumulation of the electric charges and thus the electric forces at the drop tip. For the formation of a pendant conducting drops from a charged capillary due to liquid injection, we observed that the drops are elongated in presence of an electric field. This happens because the free charge which appears at the drop tip is attracted towards the grounded electrode. This also leads to the formation of elongated liquid threads which connect the drop to the capillary during drop detachment. We plotted the variation of total electric charge inside the drops with respect to time and found the charge increases steeply as the drop becomes elongated and moves towards the grounded electrode. For sessile drop oscillations under an alternating electric field, two different modes of operations are studied. In the so called ‘Contact mode’ case, the droplet is placed on a dielectric coated grounded electrode and the charged needle electrode remains in direct contact with the drop as it oscillates. In the ‘Non-contact mode’ case, the drop is placed directly on the grounded electrode and electric potential is applied to a needle electrode which now remains far from the drop. We show that the drop oscillations in the contact mode are caused by concentration of electric forces near the three phase contact line where the electric charge accumulates because of the repulsion from the needle. For the non-contact mode, we observe that the electric charge is attracted by the needle towards the drop apex resulting in a concentration of the electric forces in that region. So the drop oscillates due to the electric forces acting on a region near the drop tip. We also present the variation of the total electric charge inside the drop with respect to time for the two cases studied.

Avaliação da perfusão miocárdica por TC com 320 colunas de detectores e por PET com Rubídio na investigação da doença arterial coronariana / Myocardial perfusion in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: comparison between 320-MDCT and Rubidium-82 PET

Roberto Nery Dantas Júnior 16 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Na investigação não invasiva da doença arterial coronariana (DAC), destacam-se a tomografia computadorizada com 320 colunas de detectores (TC320) e a tomografia por emissão de pósitrons com Rubídio-82 (PET82Rb), por suas elevadas acurácias. A avaliação por imagem da perfusional miocárdica (MPI) por TC é predominantemente estática, em razão das limitações associadas à radiação ionizante. Avanços tecnológicos, como a reconstrução iterativa, permitiram o desenvolvimento de novos protocolos de aquisição multifásica, com baixa exposição à radiação. Objetivos: Avaliar a concordância entre TC320 multifásica e PET82Rb na avaliação de MPI (visual e semiquantitativa), em repouso e sob estresse farmacológico, em pacientes de risco intermediário para DAC significativa. Como objetivo secundário, avaliar o protocolo da perfusão multifásica na TC320 quanto à segurança, qualidade de imagem e dose de radiação. Métodos: Entre junho e outubro de 2013, foram incluídos, consecutivamente, 45 pacientes com suspeita de DAC significativa referidos para PET82Rb sob estresse com dipiridamol no Departamento de Medicina Nuclear do InCor-HCFMUSP, realizando, posteriormente, a TC320 multifásica volumétrica (cinco fases sob estresse), em um intervalo de até 30 dias. Um paciente foi excluído por descontinuar o protocolo. Os 44 indivíduos tiveram seus escores perfusionais (SSS e SDS) e percentual de miocárdio isquêmico (%MI) calculados para comparação. A análise estatística foi realizada com o programa R. Resultados: A idade média foi 63 anos e o sexo feminino (64%) predominou. A hipertensão foi o principal fator de risco presente (91%), e angina foi o sintoma mais frequente (48%). Uma forte correlação entre os métodos para o SSS (r=0,76, p < 0,001) e moderada para %MI (r=0,64, p<0,001) foram encontradas. Houve alta concordância na identificação de SSS >= 4 (Kappa 0,77, IC 95% 0,55-0,98, p < 0,001) e moderada para SDS >= 2 (Kappa 0,51, IC 95% 0,23-0,80, p < 0,001). Na avaliação por segmento, a concordância foi elevada para identificação de déficits no estresse e no repouso (Kappa 0,75 e 0,82, respectivamente), sendo moderada para sua gravidade (Kappa 0,58 e 0,65, respectivamente). O protocolo multifásico foi diagnóstico, seguro, e com baixa dose de radiação total (9,28 mSv). Oito pacientes apresentaram sintomas, todos considerados leves. Conclusão: Houve concordância significativa entre MPI por TC320 e por PET82Rb na avaliação da DAC significativa em pacientes de risco intermediário. O protocolo de perfusão multifásica por TC320 mostrou-se seguro, diagnóstico e com baixa dose de radiação / Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) assessment evolves towards high accuracy non-invasive techniques, such as 320-row MDCT (320-CT) and Rubidium-82 PET (82RbPET). The latter is well established for myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) and quantitative measurements, while widespread clinical use of 320CT multiphase MPI has been hampered due to high radiation exposure. However, recent technology advances such as the development of iterative reconstruction algorithms made possible the research of new multiphase MPI protocols, with relatively low radiation burden. Objectives: The primary aim was to evaluate the agreement between 82RbPET MPI and contrast-enhanced 320-CT MPI using a multiphase first pass protocol during dipyridamole stress, in patients with suspected CAD. The secondary aim was to determine feasibility, image quality and radiation exposure of this new multiphase volumetric CT protocol. Methods: From June to October 2013 forty five patients referred for MPI evaluation were prospectively enrolled and underwent dipyridamole stress 82RbPET and multiphase 320-CT MPI protocol (five consecutive volumetric acquisitions during stress, and a single rest phase) within 30 days. One patient was excluded for discontinuing the protocol. Perfusional scores (SSS and SDS) and percent myocardium ischemic (%MI) for both methods were calculated for comparison, and statistical analyses were performed using the software R. Results: Mean age was 63 years old, and females were 64% of the sample. Hypertension was present in 91%, and chest pain was the predominant symptom in 48%. A strong correlation between methods regarding SSS was evidenced (r=0.76, p < 0.001), and moderate for %MI (r=0.64, p < 0.001). There was a high agreement for recognizing SSS >= 4 (Kappa 0.77, 95% CI 0.55-0.98, p < 0.001) and moderate for detecting SDS >= 2 (Kappa 0.51, 95% CI 0.23-0.80, p < 0.001). In a per-segment analysis, agreement was high for the presence of perfusion defects during both stress and rest (Kappa 0.75 and 0.82, respectively) and was moderate for impairment severity (Kappa 0.58 and 0.65, respectively). The 320- CT protocol was safe, diagnostic and with low radiation burden (9.3 ± 2.4 mSv). Eight patients referred symptoms during the CT protocol, but those where mild and transient. Conclusions: There was a significant agreement between dipyridamole stress 320-CT MPI and 82RbPET MPI in the evaluation of suspected CAD patients of intermediate risk. The multiphase 320-CT MPI protocol was feasible, diagnostic and with relatively low radiation exposure

Aperfeiçoamento de um detector de espalhamento de luz laser em baixo ângulo (LALLS in-line) para acompanhamento em tempo real do processo de extrusão / Improvement of a low angle laser light scattering – LALLS detector to access in-line the extrusion process

Gasparini, Thiago Manha 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-06-08T17:59:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTMG.pdf: 5915699 bytes, checksum: 6ec0af39899ad70e102eda93fa21e0e0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-06-14T13:47:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTMG.pdf: 5915699 bytes, checksum: 6ec0af39899ad70e102eda93fa21e0e0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-06-14T13:48:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTMG.pdf: 5915699 bytes, checksum: 6ec0af39899ad70e102eda93fa21e0e0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T13:55:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTMG.pdf: 5915699 bytes, checksum: 6ec0af39899ad70e102eda93fa21e0e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / The morphology of extruded multiphase polymer systems is usually assessed through off-line characterization methods such as microscopy, which require much time for sample preparation and analysis of the results. This work aimed to the improvement of an optical detector to measure in real time the morphology of blends and polymeric composites in processing by extrusion, by laser light scattering at low angle (LALLS). Such equipment includes hardware and software and is based on measuring the intensity of light from a laser and is spread across and under the melt flow. The signals are collected by an array 91 of photodetectors sent to a computer, and displayed in real time on a three- dimensional plot of scattered light intensity to form a surface defined by 321 points. When analyzing the scattering profile valuable information can be determined that help to elucidate the morphology of the second phase particles. The LALLS detector was tested on bench using standard samples, which were prepared so that one of its parameters (orientation, second phase concentration, dispersed particle size or type of dispersed particle) were known. This allowed the systematic study of these samples and the detector device validation. Finally, the device was tested in real time on the extrusion process, and under different materials and operating conditions. Thus, the LALLS detector device created by the group was improved making it possible to evaluate in a practical way and in real time polymer blends in solid films and morphology of some blends and polymeric composites during extrusion. / A morfologia de sistemas poliméricos polifásicos é usualmente avaliada através de métodos de caracterização off-line, tal como a microscopia, os quais demandam muito tempo para a preparação das amostras e para a análise dos resultados. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo o aperfeiçoamento de um detector óptico para medida em tempo real da morfologia de misturas e compostos poliméricos no processamento por extrusão, através do espalhamento de luz laser em baixo ângulo (LALLS). Tal equipamento inclui hardware e software e baseia-se na medida da intensidade da luz que provém de um laser e que é espalhada através do material fundido e sob fluxo. Os sinais são coletados por um arranjo de 91 fotodetectores, enviados a um computador, e apresentados em tempo real num gráfico tridimensional da intensidade de luz espalhada formando uma superfície definida por 321 pontos. Ao se analisar o perfil de espalhamento tem-se valiosas informações que ajudam elucidar a morfologia das partículas de segunda fase presentes. O detector de LALLS foi testado em bancada com o uso de amostras-padrão, as quais foram elaboradas de maneira que um de seus parâmetros (orientação, concentração de segunda fase, tamanho de partícula dispersa ou tipo de partícula dispersa) tivesse sido alterado de forma conhecida. Isso permitiu o estudo sistematizado dessas amostras e a validação do dispositivo detector. Por fim, o dispositivo foi testado em tempo real no processo de extrusão, sob diferentes condições materiais e de operação. Com isso, o dispositivo detector de LALLS criado pelo grupo foi aperfeiçoado possibilitando avaliar-se de forma prática e em tempo real: a morfologia de misturas poliméricas na forma de filmes sólidos e algumas misturas e compostos poliméricos durante a extrusão.

Modelagem do escoamento trifásico sólido-líquido-gás em golfadas acoplando transferência de calor e massa com a formação de hidratos / A three-phase solid-liquid-gas slug flow mechanistic model coupling hydrate formation with heat and mass transfer

Bassani, Carlos Lange 20 February 2017 (has links)
CNPq / O bloqueio de linhas de produção devido à formação de hidratos é uma das principais preocupações na garantia do escoamento em operações de produção de óleo e gás devido aos altos custos associados às paradas de produção. Os hidratos são formados pelo aprisionamento de moléculas de gás em uma gaiola de moléculas de água formada por ligações de hidrogênio. As condições de alta pressão e baixa temperatura necessárias para a formação de hidratos são frequentemente encontradas em cenários de produção no mar, sendo que o escoamento em golfadas é considerado o padrão de escoamento predominante. O presente trabalho utiliza uma abordagem em regime permanente para modelar a formação de dispersões homogêneas de hidrato-em-água durante o escoamento em golfadas em tubulações horizontais. O consumo das fases para a formação de hidratos é estimado em função da área interfacial gás-água e da temperatura de subresfriamento do sistema. O modelo de escoamento em golfadas é acoplado com: (i) termos de transferência de massa para recalcular as velocidades das estruturas das golfadas e (ii) termos de geração de calor, visto que a formação de hidratos é um processo exotérmico. O modelo foi implementado em linguagem Fortran90, utilizando lógica nodal de marcha. Comparações do modelo com dados experimentais da literatura apresentam desvios de aproximadamente ±20%. O modelo foi utilizado para analisar os efeitos da formação de hidratos sobre a hidrodinâmica e transferência de calor do escoamento em golfadas, analisando: velocidades (superficiais e das estruturas do escoamento em golfadas), pressão, temperatura, coeficiente de transferência de calor e geometria da célula unitária do escoamento em golfadas (comprimento das regiões características e frações de fase). O modelo também foi utilizado para analisar a influência das condições de entrada do escoamento (velocidade superficial da mistura, razão de líquido/mistura, pressão, uso de inibidores químicos) e de geometria da tubulação (diâmetro interno, espessura da parede, condutividade da parede) que retardam a formação de hidratos. Ao final, a influência da deposição de camadas de hidratos sobre o escoamento em golfadas (pressão, temperatura, velocidades, geometria da geometria da célula unitária) é analisado. / Hydrate formation is one of the main flow assurance concerns in offshore oil and gas production due to the high cost of production interruptions or impairments. Hydrates are formed by the imprisonment of gas molecules into hydrogen bonded cages of water molecules. The high pressure and low temperature conditions needed for hydrate formation are frequently found in offshore production scenarios, where slug flow is often the prevailing flow regime. The present work uses a steady-state approach for modeling homogeneous hydrate-in-water dispersion formation on horizontal slug flow in pipelines. The consumption of the phases during hydrate formation is estimated by a kinetic model in terms of the gaswater interfacial surface and the subcooling of the system. The slug flow model is coupled with: (i) mass transfer terms so as to recalculate the velocities of the slug flow structures and (ii) heat generation terms, since hydrate formation is an exothermic process. Comparisons of the model with experimental data present an average deviation of ±20%. The model was used to analyze the effects brought by hydrate formation over the slug flow hydrodynamics and heat transfer, analyzing: velocities (superficial and structure velocities), pressure, temperature, heat transfer coefficient and unit cell geometry (region lengths and phase fractions). The model was also used to analyze the influence of the pipe inlet conditions (mixture superficial velocity, liquid loading, pressure, use of chemical inhibitors) and of the pipeline geometry (internal diameter, wall width, wall thermal conductivity) in delaying hydrate formation. Finally, the influence of hydrate deposits on the slug flow behavior (pressure, temperature, velocities, unit cell geometry) is analyzed.

Um novo método ultrassônico para detecção da posição da interface em escoamentos bifásicos ar-água

Coutinho, Fábio Rizental 01 August 2014 (has links)
IBP; FINEP / Técnicas de medição de velocidade baseadas em ultrassom vem sendo muito utilizadas atualmente para o estudo de escoamentos de fluidos devido ao seu caráter não intrusivo. Em escoamentos bifásicos ar-água, a grande dificuldade na aplicação dessa metodologia é resolver a que fase pertence a velocidade medida. Esse problema envolve a tarefa de determinar a posição da interface líquido-gás. O algoritmo de estimação de velocidade denominado de Velocity Matched Spectrum (VMS) se diferencia dos demais por apresentar como resultado um espectro de velocidades para cada volume amostral interrogado. Neste trabalho um método baseado no formato dessa curva espectral da velocidade é utilizado para gerar um mapeamento espaço-temporal, o qual, após aplicação de filtros espaciais, resulta na detecção acurada da posição da interface água-ar. Para isso, um sistema de medição que utiliza o estimador VMS foi desenvolvido e validado através de um experimento de escoamento em cilindro girante e de um escoamento horizontal monofásico turbulento. A ascensão de bolhas em líquido estagnado apresenta dificuldades na detecção da fronteira água-ar devido às mudanças abruptas na inclinação da interface da bolha no seu movimento de subida. É mostrado que a técnica proposta apresenta um erro RMS entre 1,71 a 3,39 e uma probabilidade de falha na detecção e de falsa detecção entre 0,89% a 11,9% na determinação da posição espaço-temporal da interface água-ar de um escoamento externo de ascensão de bolhas em líquido estagnado. Mostra-se que a exatidão na determinação é mantida mesmo no caso de um transdutor obstruído por uma chapa metálica, ou então, emitindo externamente a uma tubulação de acrílico. / Ultrasonic measurement techniques for velocity estimation are currently widely used in flow study due to its non-intrusive nature. The difficulty on the application of this methodology to a two-phase air-water flow is in deciding from which phase the velocity data measured comes from. This problem involves the task of evaluating gas-liquid interface position. The algorithm known as Velocity Matched Spectrum (VMS) is a velocity estimator that stands out from other methods by returning a spectrum of velocities for each interrogated volume sample. In this work a method based on velocity spectrum curve shape is used to generate a spatial-temporal mapping, which, after spatial filtering, yields an accurate contour of the air-water interface. Therefore, a measurement system that implements VMS estimator was developed and validated through a rotating cylinder and a horizontal single-phase pipe turbulent flow experiments. Interface detection of free-rising bubbles in quiescent liquid presents some difficulties for interface detection due to abrupt changes in interface inclination. It is showed that the proposed technique yields a RMS error between 1.71 to 3.39 and a probability of detection failure or false detection between 0.89% to 11.9% in determining the spatial-temporal gas-liquid interface position in the flow of free rising bubbles in stagnant liquid. This result is valid for both free path and with transducer emitting through a metallic plate or a Plexiglas pipe.

Técnicas ópticas para investigação de escoamentos multifásicos / Optical measuring techniques for the investigation of multiphases flows

Vendruscolo, Tiago Piovesan 14 October 2016 (has links)
ANP; FINEP; MCT; PETROBRAS / Escoamentos multifásicos estão presentes em diversos processos da natureza bem como em atividades industriais como em reatores químicos, plantas de geração de energia, e também na exploração, produção e transporte de petróleo e gás. Na produção de petróleo, é comum encontrar-se escoando pelos dutos, uma mistura que pode conter duas ou mais fases compostas por óleo, gás e água, assumindo diversos padrões de escoamentos com configurações espaciais distintas. Em muitos casos o tipo de escoamento determina a eficiência e segurança dos processos e equipamentos onde ocorrem. Em função disso, várias técnicas já foram desenvolvidas para realizar a investigação experimental de escoamentos em tubulações ou componentes industriais, no entanto, no caso específico do óleo cru, poucas técnicas foram desenvolvidas devido a suas particularidades, como por exemplo, sua alta viscosidade, que em alguns casos impossibilita o uso de técnicas intrusivas, bem como, por ser uma substância isolante eletricamente não é possível o uso de algumas técnicas de medição por impedância. O uso de técnicas ópticas, como por exemplo câmera de vídeo ou sensores ópticos no espectro visível também não pode ser utilizado devido a opacidade natural do petróleo nessa faixa do espectro. No entanto, o uso de técnicas de espectroscopia óptica demonstra ser uma importante técnica para a análise de diversas substâncias devido ao fato do espectro óptico ser único para cada substância, com isso, escolhendo-se um comprimento de onda apropriado, é possível fazer a investigação de uma determinada substância. No caso do óleo cru, ele possui uma alta transparência na faixa do infravermelho médio e distante, o que possibilitaria sua investigação. Juntamente com a espectroscopia óptica, a tomografia óptica é uma importante técnica para a análise de escoamentos bifásicos, por ser não intrusiva e não invasiva, juntamente com uma boa resolução espacial e temporal. Com isso, foram desenvolvidos nesse trabalho dois tomógrafos ópticos na faixa do infravermelho próximo (950 nm) com o intuito de demonstrar a aplicabilidade dessa técnica em escoamentos bifásicos água-ar vertical e horizontal. Também foram realizados diversos testes da transmitância no infravermelho médio (MIR), e testes iniciais de tomografia óptica no petróleo. Os resultados obtidos mostram que essa é uma técnica viável para o desenvolvimento de sensores que possam realizar a investigação de escoamentos que envolvem óleo cru. / Multiphase flows are present in many processes of nature as well as in industrial activities for instance in chemical reactors, power generation plants, as well as in exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas. In oil production, a mixture of two or more phases composed by oil, gas and/or water is commonly found. Such multiphase mixtures stream in pipes and equipment assuming different patterns with different spatial configurations. In numerous situations, flow behavior determines the efficiency and safety of processes and equipment inside which they occur. As a result, various techniques have been developed to investigate multiphase flows. However, in the specific case of crude oil, only a few techniques have been developed and even fewer found use in industrial applications so far. Crude oil is a substance completely opaque in the visible light spectrum. However, optical spectroscopy has proven an important technique for the analysis of several substances due to the fact that the optical spectrum is unique for each substance. In this way, it is possible to investigate different substances by choosing a suitable wavelength. In the case of crude oil, it presents a high transparency in the range of mid and far infrared, which allows for the development of non-invasive measuring techniques. Along with optical spectroscopy, optical tomography has proved an alternative technique for the analysis of flow. Thus, in this work two optical tomograph in the near infrared range (950 nm) were developed in order to demonstrate the feasibility of its use in the investigation of two-phase air-water flows. Several tests of light transmittance through crude oil were conducted in mid-infrared (MIR), as well as initial test of optical tomography in crude oil. The results obtained shown that this is a viable option for flow investigation involving crude oil.

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