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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of municipal approaches to incorporating the informal economy into the urban fabric : a comparative study of Msunduzi Local Municipality (Pietermaritzburg) and Hibiscus Coast Municipality (Port Shepstone)

Quazi, Tasmi. January 2011 (has links)
This study is necessitated by the emergence of the notions of a developmental approach towards the informal economy within urban governance. Using the case-study methodology to draw a comparative analysis between Msunduzi Local Municipality and Hibiscus Coast Municipality, the study highlights various key challenges facing the development of the informal economy in South Africa. The study reveals that there has been a slight shift towards a developmental approach, for instance, where some level of infrastructure investment and skills support has become a part of the intervention strategies for the informal economy. However, it is argued that local government lacks adequate institutional arrangements, and is characterized by an underdeveloped policy and legislative environment with regards to the development of the informal economy. These issues at the local government level are exacerbated by a lack of direction at the national level in terms of structuring the outcomes of policy, legislation and the institutional environments in addressing the dual objectives of poverty alleviation and economic development through the informal economy. At the local level, these factors have subsequently led to unstructured, uneven and uncoordinated interventions, which have collectively hampered the development of the informal economy. This has also been aggravated by the wider struggles of stakeholders such as urban elites, political interests and informal traders’ agencies at the local level, competing to influence urban development and policy for their preferential gains. Furthermore, the state continues to determinedly institutionalise global economic competitiveness between its cities and towns in the pursuit of reaching ‘world class’ standards. This leaves local governments ill-equipped to deal with the socio-economic issues and challenges of developing the growing informal economy as an unfunded mandate. Moreover, the political ambivalence at all levels of government is fundamentally limiting the creative assimilation of alternative urban configurations that meet and synthesize the diverse needs of both formal and informal economy actors in reimagining a hybrid economy. Finally, the study raises key recommendations around the need for a deeper democratization process which attempts to overcome the barriers to more deliberative policy making and implementation. This also includes the need for aligned national, provincial and local government policy and legislative frameworks for the development of the informal economy. These should outline clear implementation plans and mechanisms, and the coordination and integration of interventions between various stakeholders as a multi-disciplinary approach. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

A democratic governance approach to urban economic development policymaking

Maclin, Stephen Alexander 26 February 2007 (has links)
This dissertation contributes to the literature on urban development politics. It takes a normative ideal, democratic urban governance, out of the esoteric realm of academic debate and applies it to a critical case study which concerns the most financially consequential area of urban policy, that of urban economic development. The principal elements of democratic urban governance are described, examined, and reconstructed as a framework for evaluating the policy making potentials in the present case. Beyond its academic contribution, this dissertation provides developmental policy makers with an intellectually sound basis for considering, more candidly and more directly, issues concerning democracy and governance. / Ph. D.

Faktorer som orsakar skillnader i investeringsprocesser : En komparativ flerfallsstudie i ett kommunägt bostadsbolag och en kommunal förvaltning / Factors which cause differences in investment processes : A comparative multiple case study in one municipal housing company and one municipal government unit

Johansen, Louise, Eriksson, Ebba, Svensson, Nikki January 2016 (has links)
Kandidatuppsats, Civilekonomprogrammet, controllerfördjupning, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, ekonomistyrning, Kurskod: 2FE24E, VT16. Författare: Ebba Eriksson, Louise Johansen och Nikki Svensson Handledare: Natalia Semenova Titel: Faktorer som orsakar skillnader i investeringsprocesser - En komparativ flerfallsstudie i ett kommunägt bostadsbolag och en kommunal förvaltning Bakgrund och problem: Tidigare forskning har identifierat faktorer som påverkar investeringsprocesser i privata bolag. Huruvida dessa faktorer påverkar investeringsprocesser i två olika verksamheter diskuteras dock ej. Detta är av särskild vikt i kommuner då investeringar påverkar kommunens alla invånare. Kunskap om hur olika faktorer påverkar investeringsprocesser kan ge möjlighet att göra aktiva val i utformningen av denna process. Påverkan av en faktor kan konstateras om skillnader i denna faktor orsakar skillnader även i investeringsprocessen. I denna uppsats förklaras därför de faktorer som orsakar skillnader i investeringsprocessen mellan en hybridorganisation i form av ett kommunägt bostadsbolag respektive en offentlig verksamhet i form av en kommunal förvaltning. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara vilka faktorer samt hur och varför dessa orsakar skillnader i investeringsprocessen mellan ett kommunägt bostadsbolag respektive en kommunal förvaltning. Metod: Metodvalet för studien är en komparativ flerfallsstudie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer i AB Ronnebyhus och den tekniska förvaltningen i Ronneby kommun. Slutsatser: I studien har tre faktorer identifierats som orsakar skillnader i investeringsprocessen mellan ett kommunägt bostadsbolag och en kommunal förvaltning. Dessa är ledning, mål och mått samt verksamhetsrelaterade egenskaper. / Authors: Ebba Eriksson, Louise Johansen och Nikki Svensson Supervisor: Natalia Semenova  Title: Factors which cause differences in investment processes - A comparative multiple case study in one municipal housing company and one municipal government unit Original title: Faktorer som orsakar skillnader i investeringsprocesser - En komparativ flerfallsstudie i ett kommunägt bostadsbolag och en kommunal förvaltning Background: Previous research has identified factors that affect the investment process in private companies. If these factors affect the investment process between two different organizations is not yet discussed. Effect of a factor can be stated if differences in this factor also cause differences in the investment process. This is of great importance in municipal governments because investments affect all municipal citizens. Knowledge of how different factors affect investment processes creates opportunities to make active choices in the designing of this process. Therefore, in the thesis has factors that cause differences between the investment process in a hybrid organization and a public organization been studied and explained. These are constituted by one municipal housing company and one municipal government unit. Method: The method of the thesis is a comparative multiple case study in AB Ronnebyhus and the technical unit in the municipal government of Ronneby.  Conclusions: In the thesis three factors which cause differences in the investment process between the municipal housing company and the municipal government unit has been identified. These factors are: management, goals and measurements and organization-related attributes.

Assessing prospects for adequate service delivery in a rural South African municipality : a case stuy of Engcobo Municipality

Luwaga, Lydia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research analyses traditional public sector delivery impediments and the resultant reforms which have emanated from these impediments, how the reforms have been implemented in the developed and developing countries and the challenges facing rural local government structures, which must implement alternative service delivery mechanisms at the grassroots level in South Africa. The research further explores external and internal issues affecting public service delivery in general, and then concludes by exploring the local government and rural development realities in South Africa. The developmental divide between developed and developing countries is increasing for various reasons, among them, the public management reforms that have enhanced performance in developed countries, but cannot do the same in developing countries due to the overwhelming constraints. Developing countries experience constraints which include vague definitions of what performance entails in a developing context, unresponsive organisational cultures, unclear performance indicators, a resilient ethos of governance, unfavourable organisational factors, incorrect use of resources and unsuccessful policy initiatives. A literature review has shown that ideological contradictions, lack of a common vision and policy process constraints are also hampering South African public sector service delivery processes. Although local government legislation and reforms have freed municipalities from many impediments to improve delivery, the huge service backlog, infrastructure neglect, lack of integration with other spheres of government, lack of capacity, the impact of HIV/AIDS and the culture of non-payment are still eroding that ability, especially in rural areas. In addition, rural areas have even greater levels of underdevelopment, poverty and service backlogs and consequently municipal structures in deep rural areas carry less legitimacy. The ethnographic research chapter focuses on a rural municipality in South Africa, Engcobo, and on how effectively it will be able to deliver the required municipal services in the absence of resources and amid a culture of non-payment for services, a huge unemployment rate and escalating HIV/AIDS in the area. Local economic development will be hard to realise because the municipality faces the constraints of finance, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS, lack of institutional skills and inadequate infrastructure to foster and drive developmental local government. The premise, that such a municipality cannot deliver the expanded local government designated services while it faces the above internal constraints and external ones that emanate from the traditional public sector context, the global economic set up and the South Africa national government constraints, is qualified in this research. Amid the magnitude of the service backlogs, delivering the basic services in Engcobo Municipality will require sustainable funds and skills currently lacking. Engcobo Municipality does not have the required capacity to deliver the designated services for local government and neither will this capacity be built up in the short term. A number of recommendations for improving on the prospects are nevertheless made. These recommendations focus on institutional development and capacity building, improving financial viability, harnessing profit in service delivery, public participation, partnership arrangements, dealing with HIV/AIDS, infrastructure development as well as waste and environmental management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing analiseer die tradisionele hindernisse vir openbare sektor dienslewering en die hervormings wat daaruit voortspruit, hoe die hervormings uitgevoer is in ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande en die uitdagings van landelike plaaslike regeringsstrukture wat die implimentering van alternatiewe diensleweringsmeganismes op voetsoolvlak in Suid Afrika in die gesig staar. Die navorsing ondersoek verder die eksterne en interne aspekte wat openbare sektor dienslewering oor die algemeen beïnvloed, en ondersoek dan plaaslike regering en landelik ontwikkelingsrealiteite. Die ontwikkelingsskeiding tussen ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande vergroot vir verskeie redes, insluitend die openbare bestuurshervormings wat prestasie in ontwikkelde lande verbeter het, maar wat nie dieselfde doen in ontwikkelende lande nie, weens oorweldigende beperkings. Ontwikkelende lande ondervind beperkings wat vae definisies oor wat prestasie in 'n ontwikkelende konteks behels, insluit, onresponsiewe organisatoriese kulture, onduidelike prestasie-indikatore, 'n elastiese karakter van regeerkunde, ongunstige organisatoriese faktore, verkeerde gebruik van hulpbronne en onsuksesvolle beleidsinisiatiewe. 'n Literatuuroorsig het getoon dat ideologiese teenstrydighede, gebrek aan 'n gemeenskaplike visie en beleidsproses beperkinge ook Suid Afrikaanse openbare sektor diensleweringsprosesse aan bande lê. Alhoewel die wetgewing oor plaaslike regering en hervormings munisipaliteite bevry het van baie hindernisse om lewering te verbeter, veroorsaak die enorme diensagterstand, die verwaarlosing van die infrastruktuur, die gebrek aan integrasie met ander sfere van regering, die gebrek aan kapasiteit, die impak van HIV/VIGS en die kultuur van nie-betaling nog steeds dat diensleweringsvermoë aangetas word, veral in die landelike gebiede. Boonop, het landelike gebiede nog groter vlakke van onderontwikkeling, armoede en diensagterstande en dus geniet munisipale strukture in diep landelike gebiede minder legitimiteit. Die etnografiese navorsingshoofstuk fokus op 'n landelike munisipaliteit in Suid Afrika, Engcobo, en hoe effektief die munisipaliteit in staat is om verlangde munisipale dienste te lewer te midde van die afwesigheid van hulpbronne en te midde van 'n kultuur van niebetaling vir dienste, enorme werkloosheid en stygende HIV/VIGS in die area. Plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling sal moeilik wees om te realiseer omdat die munisipaliteit die beperkinge van onvoldoende fondse, HIV/VIGS, 'n gebrek aan institusionele bekwaamhede en 'n onvoldoende infrastruktuur om ontwikkelende plaaslike regering te bevorder en te bestuur, in die gesig staar. Die premis dat so 'n munisipaliteit nie die aangewese uitgebreide plaaslike regeringsdienste kan lewer terwyl dit die interne gedwongendhede en eksterne beperkinge voortspruitend uit die konteks van 'n tradisionele openbare sektor, die globale ekonomiese opset en die gedwongendhede van die Suid Afrikaanse nasionale regering in die gesig staar nie, word met hierdie navorsing gekwalifiseer. Te midde van die omvang van diensagterstande, sal die lewering van basiese dienste in Engcobo Munisipaliteit genoegsame fondse en vaardighede wat tans ontbreek, benodig. Engcobo Munisipaliteit het nie die vereiste kapasiteit om die aangewese dienste vir plaaslike regering te lewer nie en ewemin sal hierdie kapasiteit oor die korttermyn opgebou word. 'n Aantal aanbevelings ter verbetering van die vooruitsigte word nietemin gemaak. Hierdie aanbevelings fokus op institusionele ontwikkeling en kapasiteitsbou, verbetering van finansiële lewensvatbaarheid, aanwending van die winsmotief in dienslewering, publieke deelname, vennootskapsreëlings, hantering van MIV/VIGS, infrastruktuur ontwikkeling sowel as afval en omgewingsbestuur.

n Ontleding van direkte Kleurlingverteenwoordiging op die munisipale vlak in Suid-Afrika tot 1971 / An analysis of the direct representation of the coloured population group at the municipal level in South Africa until 1971

Cloete, Gideon Stephanus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1976. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the representation of the Coloured population group in the local evaluation process in South Africa until 1971, is analysecd to determine the effectiveness of this system of representation. In theory representatives selected in an open democratic election are supposed to act in the interest of the voters they represent, in a manner responsive to them. In this way the voters or citizens have access to and control over the decision-making centres of government, and are represented in the legislative structures of government. Representation can be analysed in two ways. / INLEIDING: Gedurende die periode 1960 - 1972 was die Kaapprovinsie die enigste provinsie binne die Republiek van Suid-Afrika waar Kleurlinge (en Indiërs) saam met Blankes deelgeneem het aan die plaaslike bestuursprosesse, sonder dat daar formeel ‘n rasse- of kleuronderskeid gemaak is tussen munisipale kiesers. Hierdie gesamentlike deelname het egter nie sonder "wrywing" plaasgevind nie, en dit was dan ook een van die redes vir die verwydering van die Kleurlingkiesers op 14 Januarie 1972 vanaf die gemeenskaplike munisipale kieserslys en die ontneming daardeur van hul direkte stemreg op die plaaslike bestuursvlak ten gunste van verteenwoordiging in sekere adviserende bestuurs- of raadplegende komitees vir Kleurlinge wat in ‘n ondergeskikte posisie teenoor die munisipale- of afdelingsraad in die betrokke plasslike owerheidsgebied verkeer.

Port Elizabeth Munisipaliteit strategiese beplanningsproses : 'n kritiese evaluering

Barnard, Christian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Strategic management and planning is essential to local government. It provides the framework against which the quality of life of the community and economic development are supported by local government. The strategic plan is the framework used to determine whether local government supports the National Government's objectives in respect of the Reconstruction and Development Program and complies with the requirements of the legislation in respect of local government. The purpose of the research is a critical evaluation of the Port Elizabeth Municipality (PEM) strategic planning process. The aim is firstly to determine whether the PEM Strategic Plan is in compliance with the requirements of the Integrated Development Plan as prescribed by legislation, and secondly to determine whether both the PEM strategic planning process and the integrated development planning process are in compliance with the academic literature requirements of the conventional strategic planning process. The evaluation results in the formulation of conclusions and recommendations in respect of deficiencies that affect the success or failure of the PEM Strategic Plan. The research demonstrates that the determination of meaningful strategies in order to satisfy a specific objective is critical for the successful implementation of the PEM Strategic Plan. The deficiencies that were identified during the implementation phase of the PEM Strategic Plan, confirm the necessity of having in place an appropriate organisational structure and culture that supports the strategies. The research also indicates the necessity of having frequent and thorough communication of implementation results, human resource management and the buy-in and acceptance of the strategic process by motivated staff in order to promote the achievement of the vision and the mission statement of PEM. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Strategiese bestuur en beplanning is van kardinale belang vir plaaslike owerhede. Dit verskaf die raamwerk waarvolgens die lewensgehalte van die gemeenskap verhoog en ekonomiese ontwikkeling deur die plaaslike owerheidsektor bevorder word. Die strategiese plan dien as die metingsraamwerk waarvolgens bepaal word of plaaslike owerhede die doelwitte van die nasionale regering se Heropbou en Ontwikkelingsprogram ondersteun en aan die vereistes van die wetgewing, wat daarop van toepassing is, voldoen. Die doel van die navorsing is 'n kritiese evaluasie van die Port Elizabeth Munisipaliteit (PEM) strategiese beplanningsproses. Eerstens word bepaal of die PEM Strategiese Plan voldoen aan die vereistes van die Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan soos wat deur die " wetgewing voorgeskryf word, en tweedens of beide die PEM strategiese beplanningsproses en die geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanningsprosesse voldoen aan die akademiese vereistes verbonde aan die konvensionele strategiese beplanningsproses. Die evaluasie lei tot die maak van gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings ten opsigte van die leemtes en probleme wat die sukses of mislukking van die PEM Strategiese Plan beinvloed. Die navorsing toon dat die bepaling van verstaanbare strategiee, ten einde 'n spesifieke doelwit te bereik, van uiterste belang is vir die suksesvolle implementering van die PEM Strategiese Plan. Die probleme wat tydens die implementering van die PEM Strategiese Plan gei'dentifiseer is, bevestig die noodsaaklikheid van die daarstelling van 'n toepaslike organisasiestruktuur en -kultuur wat die geformuleerde strategiee behoorlik kan ondersteun. Die navorsing dui ook aan die noodsaaklikheid van gereelde en behoorlike kommunikasie van implementeringsresultate, menslike hulpbronbestuur en die inkoop van gemotiveerde personeel tot die strategiese proses ten einde die suksesvolle bereiking van die visie en die missiestelling van PEM te bevorder.

Local Authorities and the Development of the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland, 1939 to 1974

Merrick, Leigh Ann January 2009 (has links)
Local authorities were at the forefront of the provision of health services and health service planning before the establishment of the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland and in Britain more generally in 1948. By 1929 the Local Government Act had consolidated the position of local authorities, who provided a range of hospital services and clinics and carried out public health duties. Furthermore, in Scotland local authorities were influential in the planning of health services. They gave evidence, through their associations and individually, to a range of committees including the Committee on Scottish Health Services in the 1930s and the Committee on Post-War Hospital Problems in Scotland in the 1940s. Yet, despite their centrality in the provision of health services and their influence on future planning, historians such as Morrice McCrae and Jacqueline Jenkinson have paid little attention to local authorities in their histories of the NHS which stress consensus and the domination of the medical profession and organisations. The Department of Health for Scotland (DHS) was also increasing their role within the provision of health services through the administration of the Highlands and Islands Medical Service (HIMS) and the war-time Emergency Medical Service. As a result the DHS believed that effective administration of health services, particularly the hospitals, could only be achieved through centralisation under their authority. This created competition between the DHS and local authorities over the administration of hospitals, the most prestigious part of the health services. This thesis provides evidence to support the view of Charles Webster and Rudolf Klein that conflict within consensus characterised the establishment of the NHS in Britain. The thesis argues that conflict was evident within the Scottish NHS as it was in the NHS in England and Wales. The period between 1939 and 1974 witnessed the slow removal of local authorities from the Scottish NHS, initially through negotiations over policy formation. Policy network theory is utilised in this thesis as a tool to analyse the relationship between the DHS and local authorities. Policy network theory suggests that organisations with bargaining resources can influence policy formation in an area in which they have interests, and the policy formation process does not end with the passing of an Act but continues during the implementation process. On this basis local authorities would be expected to have been in a strong position to influence the NHS (Scotland) Act, 1947 and its implementation. This thesis argues that the DHS created a hierarchical relationship with local authorities which prevented them from influencing the development of the NHS in any significant way. The relationship between the DHS and local authorities was both a partnership and hierarchical, making it difficult for local authorities to oppose the proposals put forward by the DHS, particularly the removal of their hospital services. The local authorities’ acceptance of assurances from the DHS, that the removal of services from their remit was temporary, resulted in an auxiliary role for them in the NHS (Scotland) Act, 1947. The implementation process continued the slow removal of local authorities from the administration and planning of health services. Despite local authorities’ attempts to increase their influence within the NHS, the DHS (later the Scottish Home and Health Department) regarded local authorities as service providers of peripheral health services. Only in the development of their own areas of responsibility were local authorities able to assert any influence, with the caveat that it did not have an impact on any other part of the NHS. Throughout its implementation, the NHS continually encountered problems of co-operation, co-ordination and clarity in division of responsibility throughout its implementation. The DHS tended to resolve these issues in favour of the hospitals and general practitioners, rather than the local authorities. Despite the DHS’ attempt to promote the importance of the local authorities’ role in the NHS through publicity, both the attitude of the DHS and the relatively small proportion of NHS expenditure accounted for by local authorities, led local authorities to see themselves on the periphery of the NHS. The removal of local authorities from the NHS continued in the 1950s and 1960s, encouraged not only by the DHS but also by legislation such as the Social Work (Scotland) Act, 1968, which removed many of their health services including mental health services. In 1960s the Scottish Home and Health Department (SHHD) came to the view that the inherent administrative problems within the NHS could only be removed through reorganisation. Local authorities had little bargaining power left by this stage and although they attempted to reassert their position within the NHS were effectively removed from the negotiating table. The reorganisation of the health services in 1974 achieved both the Department of Health for Scotland’s goal of centralisation and the removal of local authorities from the Scottish health services.

Regional development and governance in an era of globalization: a study of the Pearl River delta Region,China

胡燕, Hu, Yan. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning and Environmental Management / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Gendered images of expertise, leadership and virture: applying Stivers' theoretical framework to police practices as represented in publications from 1979 to 2009

Unknown Date (has links)
In this dissertation, a theoretical framework is developed from Camilla Stivers' (2002) argument that images of expertise, leadership and virtue are used to defend public administration's legitimacy in the face of criticisms about the inefficiencies of government and the power wielded by bureaucrats. Stivers argues that these legitimizing and traditional images have historical and cultural roots in ideas associated with masculinity, and that this harms women in the public sector. The realm of policing faced similar criticisms and defended its legitimacy by altering practices, the day-to-day actions of police practitioners. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the possibility that police practitioners have defended their legitimacy on the same basis as public administrators have done by offering images of expertise, leadership and virtue, which Stivers (2002) claims are deeply gendered. Using Ethnographic Content Analysis (ECA), imagery is qualitatively examined using using Stivers' (2002) descriptions of characteristics, qualitiers, values and actions that she associates with images of expertise, leadership and virtue... Masculine images of virtue portray the police as dedicated and committed professionals who protect the citizenry through laudable programs and initiatives. Masculine images of leadership are less prevalent, but consistently portray the police as controlling and direction-setting visionaries. Alternative imagery patterns include leadership images more aligned with femininity, such as collaboration and cooperation. Throughout the thirty-one years, these patterns of images are observed, despite differences in practices associated with the three paradigms of policing. / by Robin Lynn Larson. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Neighbourhood trajectories and social exclusion : towards a citizenship of place

Lee, Peter January 2011 (has links)
This submission develops a set of arguments around the path dependency of places – how previous policy eras shape the trajectory and outcomes of places - and the tensions between social inclusion policies and practices on the one hand and competitiveness on the other. Path dependency results from previous legacies of the built form and access and eligibility rights. The "narrative" of places, the categories and descriptions used in delineating neighbourhoods and shaping policy is also influential. A coherent line of research is demonstrated which has revolved around the definition, measurement and scale of deprivation and housing's role in social exclusion and competitiveness debates. Originally focused at household and individual level, the enquiry shifted to the role of neighbourhoods and places in terms of their "compositional" and "environmental" meaning. The thesis revolves around the concept of participation standards and the underpinning principles of citizenship arising from denial of access to relative "norms and standards". This highlights tensions in the competing goals of competitiveness and inclusion in housing and urban policy at different scales resulting in differential speeds and experiences of place. Logically this would suggest that the evolution of citizenship and participation can legitimately embrace the concept of citizenship of place.

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