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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caquexia do câncer: potencial terapêutico do treinamento físico aeróbio sobre o músculo esquelético / Cancer cachexia: potential therapeutic effects of aerobic exercise training on skeletal muscle

Alves, Christiano Robles Rodrigues 21 March 2017 (has links)
A caquexia do câncer é uma síndrome multifatorial cuja principal característica é a atrofia do músculo esquelético, resultando na progressiva incapacidade funcional do paciente. Essa síndrome está diretamente associada a uma redução da tolerância ao esforço físico e uma menor sobrevida em pacientes com câncer. O tratamento farmacológico para a caquexia ainda é muito limitado, possivelmente devido à característica multifatorial dessa síndrome. Nesse sentido, as evidências indicam que uma abordagem multimodal é necessária para atenuar a caquexia, incluindo estratégias não-farmacológicas como o treinamento físico. Contudo, os mecanismos envolvidos nos efeitos terapêuticos do treinamento físico sobre a caquexia do câncer ainda foram pouco explorados. Portanto, esse estudo teve como objetivo central avaliar os efeitos do treinamento físico aeróbio sobre a disfunção do metabolismo energético e a atrofia muscular em modelos experimentais de caquexia do câncer, além de explorar os mecanismos envolvidos nos possíveis efeitos terapêuticos do treinamento físico. Para isso, inicialmente padronizamos um modelo de caquexia em ratos utilizando injeção de células tumorais Walker 256 na medula óssea. Esse modelo apresentou consistente crescimento tumoral e atrofia muscular. Avaliamos sobre esse modelo os efeitos de dois protocolos diferentes de treinamento físico aeróbio, a saber: treinamento físico aeróbio contínuo em intensidade moderada (MIT, do inglês moderate intensity training) e o treinamento físico intervalado em alta intensidade (HIIT, do inglês high-intensity interval training). Embora não tenham sido observados efeitos sobre o crescimento tumoral, o MIT e o HIIT melhoraram a capacidade aeróbia e aumentaram a sobrevida dos animais, sugerindo que o treinamento físico aeróbio induz efeitos benéficos durante a progressão da caquexia do câncer. De fato, o HIIT normalizou marcadores de estresse oxidativo e reestabeleceu a função do músculo esquelético. Com o intuito de explorar mecanismos responsáveis por esses benefícios, realizamos uma análise proteômica de larga escala no músculo esquelético de ratos controle, do modelo Walker e do modelo Walker submetido ao HIIT. Nessa análise identificamos a COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2/Thyroid receptor interacting protein 15 (COPS2/TRIP15) como uma das principais proteínas alteradas, estando o seu conteúdo reduzido no músculo esquelético de ratos com caquexia e normalizado após a realização do HIIT. Resultados similares foram observados em outro modelo experimental de câncer (B16F10 em camundongos) submetido ou não ao HIIT. Na próxima etapa buscamos avaliar se a COPS2/TRIP15 poderia apresentar um papel terapêutico no músculo esquelético. Para isso, realizamos a superexpressão dessa proteína em miotubos primários de camundongos. Os miotubos foram incubados com meio de cultura previamente condicionado em células tumorais por 48 horas para induzir disfunção do metabolismo e perda de conteúdo proteico. Contudo, a superexpressão da COPS2/TRIP15 nos miotubos não foi suficiente para impedir os efeitos induzidos pelo meio condicionado. Em suma, essa tese de doutorado demonstrou que o HIIT foi capaz de atenuar a intolerância ao esforço físico e normalizar o conteúdo de COPS2/TRIP15 no músculo esquelético em diferentes modelos experimentais de caquexia do câncer. Esses resultados pré-clínicos abrem perspectivas de avaliar os efeitos do HIIT em pacientes com caquexia do câncer. Novos experimentos são necessários para entender a função da COPS2/TRIP15 no músculo esquelético durante a progressão da caquexia / Cancer cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome characterized by skeletal muscle wasting, resulting in a functional impairment. This syndrome is associated with exercise intolerance and early mortality in cancer patients. Pharmacological treatment is still limited, perhaps due to the multifactorial characteristics of this syndrome. In this sense, evidences indicate that a multimodal approach is necessary to counteract cachexia, including non-pharmacological strategies, such as exercise training. However, little is known regarding the mechanisms underlying the potential therapeutic effects of exercise training on cancer cachexia. Therefore, the current study aimed to evaluate the effects of aerobic exercise training on metabolic impairment and skeletal muscle wasting in cancer cachexia experimental models. Additionally, we aimed to explore mechanisms involving the potential therapeutic effects of exercise training. For doing that, we first standardized a cancer cachexia rat model by injecting Walker 256 tumor cells in the bone marrow. This model displayed consistent tumor growth, skeletal muscle wasting and good reproducibility. By using this experimental model, we assessed the effects of two different aerobic exercise training protocols: moderate intensity training (MIT) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Even though tumor growth was not affected, both MIT and HIIT improved aerobic capacity and survival. Moreover, HIIT reestablished the skeletal muscle function and normalized oxidative stress markers. To further explore mechanisms underlying such benefits, we applied a proteomics screening in the skeletal muscle of 1) control rats, 2) rats with cancer cachexia and 3) rats with cancer cachexia submitted to HIIT. In this analysis, we identified COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2/Thyroid receptor interacting protein 15 (COPS2/TRIP15) as one of the most regulated proteins, showing lower content in the skeletal muscle during cancer cachexia progression, which was normalized after HIIT. Similar results were observed for B16F10 model in mice submitted or not to HIIT. We further assessed whether COPS2/TRIP15 could present a therapeutic role in the skeletal muscle. For doing that, we overexpressed this protein in primary mouse myotubes using an adenovirus. Cell culture media taken from tumor cells were incubated in the myotubes to induce metabolism impairment and loss of protein content. However, COPS2/TRIP15 overexpression was not sufficient to mitigate deleterious effects induced by the conditioned media. In summary, the current PhD thesis demonstrated that HIIT mitigated exercise intolerance and normalized COPS2/TRIP15 protein content in the skeletal muscle of different cancer cachexia experimental models. These pre-clinical data open perspectives to evaluate HIIT effects in cancer cachexia patients. New experiments are necessary to explore the role of COPS2/TRIP15 during cancer cachexia progression

Efeitos da suplementação com HMB sobre a musculatura esquelética de ratos submetidos ao tratamento com dexametasona / Effects of supplementation with HMB on the skeletal muscle of rats subjected to treatment with dexamethasone

Pereira, Mizael 19 May 2016 (has links)
O músculo estriado esquelético é uma entidade extremamente versátil, capaz de alterar seus padrões e características fenotípicas sob diversas condições, tais como, atividade neuromuscular, estimulação elétrica, idade, atividade hormonal e exercício físico. Sabe-se também que o balanço entre estímulos atróficos e hipertróficos controlam diretamente a massa muscular do indivíduo e estas variações implicam diretamente não apenas sobre o volume muscular, mas também conteúdo de proteínas e produção de força. Neste sentido, a atrofia muscular (perda de massa muscular) é caracterizada tanto pela diminuição na área de secção transversa das fibras musculares, como também pelo decréscimo no conteúdo de proteínas miofibrilares e consequente redução do volume muscular. Esta atrofia muscular pode ocorrer sob diversas condições clinicas e/ou patológicas, acarretando na diminuição ou perda da massa magra levando à uma consequente diminuição da atividade física, da qualidade de vida e inclusive pior resposta ao tratamento, ocasionando consequentemente aumento da mortalidade. Fica claro desta maneira, que, os métodos que visam a prevenção ou tratamento à atrofia muscular tem importante relevância clínica em muitos grupos de pacientes, além de ser um importante fator contribuinte na qualidade de vida e autonomia destes indivíduos. Com isso o estudo de determinados tratamentos que combatam a atrofia muscular torna-se de vital importância, dentre os quais, vem ganhando destaque o &#x3B2;Hidroxi &#x3B2;Metilbutirato (HMB). Deste modo teve-se como objetivo neste trabalho verificar a efetividade do HMB em prevenir a atrofia muscular induzida por dexametasona (DEXA). Para isto, foram utilizados 32 animais da linhagem Wistar com idade de 60 dias, distribuídos nos seguintes grupos: Grupo Experimental Placebo (GEP), n=8, tratados por 10 dias consecutivos com gavagem e injeção intraperitoneal, ambas contendo apenas solução salina; Grupo Experimental Dexametasona (GED), n=8, tratados por 10 dias consecutivos com gavagem contendo solução salina e injeção intraperitoneal contendo dexametasona; Grupo Experimental HMB (GEH), n=8, tratados por 10 dias consecutivos com gavagem contendo HMB e injeção intraperitoneal contendo solução salina; e Grupo Experimental Dexametasona + HMB (GEDH), n=8, tratados por 10 dias consecutivos com gavagem contendo HMB e injeção intraperitoneal contendo DEXA. Os animais foram acondicionados em caixas coletivas com 4 animais por caixa, com comida e agua à vontade em sala climatizada com temperatura de 22o e respeitando o ciclo de 12 horas claro/escuro. Finalizados os dez dias de tratamento, os animais foram eutanasiados para a coleta do material. Após as análises, as médias dos grupos para peso corpóreo dos animais, peso muscular e os valores da morfometria foram todos submetidos ao teste One-Way ANOVA, seguidos do Teste de Tukey, sendo o valor considerado estatisticamente significante de p<0,05. Ao final pôde-se concluir que, no delineamento experimental aqui aplicado, o HMB não foi capaz de atenuar ou prevenir a perda de peso corporal induzida pela DEXA, sendo que o efeito anticatabólico esperado pelo HMB não repercutiu no musculo EDL, contudo foi capaz de prevenir a atrofia no musculo sóleo. / The skeletal muscle is an extremely versatile entity, able to change their patterns and phenotypic characteristics under various conditions such as neuromuscular activity, electrical stimulation, age, hormonal activity and exercise. It is also known that the balance between atrophic and hypertrophic stimuli directly control the muscle mass of the individual and these changes directly affect not only on muscle volume, but also protein content and production strength. In this sense, muscle atrophy (loss of muscle mass) characterized by both, the decrease in cross-sectional area of muscle fibers, but also by decreasing the content of myofibrillar proteins and consequent reduction in muscle volume. This muscle atrophy may occur in various pathological conditions, resulting in decrease or loss of lean body mass leading to a consequent reduction in physical function, quality of life and even worse response to treatment, thus leading to increased mortality. It is clear in that way that the methods aimed at preventing or treating muscle atrophy has important clinical relevance in many groups of patients, as well as being a major contributing factor in the quality of life and autonomy of individuals. Thus, the study of certain treatments that combat muscle atrophy become of vital importance, among which highlight is winning the &#x3B2;-hydroxy-&#x3B2;-methylbutyrate (HMB). Thus, it is aimed in this study to assess the effectiveness of HMB to prevent muscle atrophy induced by dexamethasone (DEXA). For this, we used 32 Wistar animals aged 60 days, distributed in the following groups: experimental group Placebo (GEP), n = 8, treated for 10 consecutive days with gavage and intraperitoneal injection, both containing only saline. Experimental group Dexamethasone (GED), n = 8, treated for 10 consecutive days with gavage containing saline and intraperitoneal injection containing dexamethasone. Experimental group HMB (GEH), n = 8, treated for 10 consecutive days with gavage containing HMB and intraperitoneal injection containing saline solution and Experimental Group Dexamethasone + HMB (GEDH), n = 8, treated for 10 consecutive days with gavage containing HMB and intraperitoneal injection containing DEXA. The animals were placed in collective boxes with 4 animals per cage with food and water at will in a room with 22o temperature and respecting the light / dark 12-hour cycle. Completed the ten days of treatment, the animals were euthanized to collect the material. After the analysis, the mean body weight to groups of animals, muscle weight and values of morphometry were all subjected to one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test, with the amount considered statistically significant at p <0.05. At the end, it could be concluded that the experimental design applied here, the HMB was not able to mitigate or prevent the loss of body weight induced by DEXA, and the anti-catabolic effect expected by HMB not reflected in the EDL muscle, but was able to prevent atrophy in the soleus muscle.

Papel da proteína de choque térmico 70 induzível (HSP70) na atrofia muscular e subsequente recuperação. / Role of inducible Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in skeletal muscle atrophy and subsequent recovery.

Nascimento, Tábata Leal 13 December 2012 (has links)
As proteínas de choque térmico exercem um papel regulatório chave na defesa celular. Com o intuito de investigar o papel da proteína de choque térmico 70 kDa induzível (HSP70) na atrofia muscular e subsequente recuperação, os músculos extensor longo dos dedos e sóleo de camundongos transgênicos hiperexpressantes de HSP70 foram imobilizados durante 7 dias e subsequentemente liberados da imobilização e avaliados após 7 dias. Houve redução da área de secção transversal (AST) das fibras musculares após imobilização nos animais selvagens e HSP70 porém, apenas os animais HSP70 recuperaram a AST. O número de células satélites bem com a contração tetânica máxima permaneceram inalterados somente nos animais HSP70. O aumento da expressão dos genes atrogin-1 e MuRF-1 induzido pela imobilização foi atenuado nos animais HSP70. Nosso trabalho sugere que a HSP70 é importante para a melhor recuperação estrutural e funcional do músculo após imobilização, e este resultado pode estar relacionado à preservação da quantidade de células satélites e regulação de atrogenes. / Heat shock proteins play a key regulatory role in cellular defense. In order to investigate the role of the inducible 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) in skeletal muscle atrophy and subsequent recovery, extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles from overexpressing HSP70 transgenic mice were immobilized during 7 days and subsequently released from immobilization and evaluated after 7 days. There was a decrease in myofiber cross-sectional area after immobilization in both wild type and HSP70 mice, but only myofibers from HSP70 mice recovered their size. The number of satellite cells and the muscle tetanic contraction were unchanged only in the muscles from HSP70 mice. In addition, the increase of atrogin-1 and MuRF-1 gene expression was attenuated in HSP70 mice. Therefore, our study suggests that the HSP70 is important for structural and functional recovery of muscles after immobilization and this effect might be associated with preservation of satellite cell amount and regulation of atrogenes.

Avaliação dos músculos quadriceps femoris de cães diagnosticados com displasia coxofemoral após o uso de plataforma vibratória

Gomes, Mayara Viana Freire January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Sheila Canevese Rahal / Resumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da Vibração de Corpo Inteiro (VCI) em cães diagnosticados com displasia coxofemoral. Dez cães diagnosticados com displasia coxofemoral foram submetidos a 48 sessões de VCI, por um período de 16 semanas. Foram avaliadas a musculatura dos membros pélvicos utilizando-se a mensuração da circunferência da coxa, ultrassom muscular e eletromiografia de superfície; a claudicação e os sinais de dor por meio de avaliação visual da claudicação, e questionários preenchidos pelos tutores; análise cinética por meio da plataforma de pressão. A circunferência da coxa em ambos os membros pélvicos e a mensuração ultrassonográfica dos muscúlos glutei no membro pélvico esquerdo e quadriceps femoris bilateral mostraram aumento significativo ao longo do tratamento. Os escores da eletromiografia de superfície do músculo vastus lateralis e os questionários de dor ficaram mais próximos dos padrões de normalidade após 48 sessões de VCI. Por outro lado, a avaliação visual de claudicação e a análise cinética não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Foi possível concluir que o emprego da plataforma vibratória em longo período promoveu melhora da hipotrofia muscular dos membros pélvicos e dos sinais de dor em cães com displasia coxofemoral, mesmo que sem alteração na porcentagem da distribuição de peso ou dos sinais de claudicação. / Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Whole-body Vibration (WBV) in dogs with hip dysplasia. Ten dogs with hip dysplasia were submitted to 48 sessions of WBV for a period of 16 weeks. The muscles of the hind limbs were evaluated using measurement of thigh circumference, muscle ultrasound and surface electromyography. Lameness and clinical signs of pain were assessed by visual lameness scoring and owner-based questionnaire, respectively. Kinetic analysis was performed by using a pressure-sensitive walkway. Thigh circumference measurements of both hind limbs and ultrasound measurements of the left hind limb glutei muscles and both right and left quadriceps femoris muscles showed a significant increase. Surface electromyography scores of the vastus lateralis muscle and results of pain questionnaires were close to normal patterns after 48 WBV sessions. On the other hand, no significant differences were observed in visual lameness scoring and kinetic analysis. In conclusion, the use of long term WBV caused improvement of muscle atrophy of the hind limbs and the pain signs in dogs with hip dysplasia, even though alterations in percentage of body weight distribution and lameness signs were not observed. / Mestre

Efeitos do treinamento de força no músculo esquelético em ratos com caquexia induzida pelo câncer / Effects of strength training on skeletal muscle in rats with cachexia-induced cancer

Silva, Willian das Neves 23 February 2016 (has links)
A ausência de terapias eficazes para a caquexia permanece como um problema central para o tratamento do câncer no mundo. Em contrapartida, o treinamento de força (i.e. também conhecido como treinamento resistido) tem sido amplamente utilizado como uma estratégia não farmacológica anticatabólica, prevenindo a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética. Entretanto, o papel terapêutico do treinamento de força na caquexia do câncer permanece apenas especulativo. Portanto, nesse estudo avaliamos se o treinamento de força poderia atenuar a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética em um severo modelo de caquexia do câncer em ratos. Para isso, ratos machos da linhagem Wistar foram randomizados em quatro grupos experimentais: 1) ratos sedentários injetados com solução salina na medula óssea (Controle); 2) ratos injetados com solução salina na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Controle + T); 3) ratos sedentários injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea (Tumor); e 4) ratos injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Tumor + T). Foram avaliados a massa e a área de secção transversa da musculatura esquelética, marcadores de disfunção metabólica e do turnover proteico, a função da musculatura esquelética in vivo e ex vivo, o consumo alimentar, o crescimento tumoral e a sobrevida dos grupos experimentais com tumor. O grupo Tumor apresentou atrofia muscular após quinze dias da injeção das células tumorais como pode ser observado pela redução na massa dos músculos Plantaris (- 20,5%) e EDL (-20%). A atrofia no músculo EDL foi confirmada por análises histológicas, demonstrando uma redução de 43,8% na área de secção transversa. Embora o treinamento de força tenha aumentado o conteúdo proteico da lactato desidrogenase e revertido totalmente o conteúdo da forma fosforilada de 4EBP-1 (i.e. repressor da transcrição de mRNA), ele não atuou na morfologia da musculatura esquelética nos animais com tumor. Além disso, o treinamento de força não atenuou a perda de função da musculatura esquelética, a anorexia, o crescimento tumoral ou a taxa de mortalidade. Contudo, a força muscular, avaliada pelo teste de 1RM, apresentou uma correlação negativa com a sobrevida dos animais (p = 0,02), sugerindo que a perda de força prediz a mortalidade nesse modelo experimental de caquexia do câncer. Em suma, a injeção de células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea induz caquexia do câncer em ratos. O treinamento de força não foi eficaz em atenuar a perda de massa e função da musculatura esquelética nesse modelo. Entretanto, a força muscular prediz a sobrevida dos animais, sugerindo que novos estudos são necessários para elucidar o possível efeito terapêutico do treinamento de força para atenuar a caquexia do câncer e a progressão tumoral / The lack of therapies for cachexia is a key problem in cancer treatment. In contrast, resistance exercise training (RET) has been adopted as nonpharmacological anti-catabolic strategy, preventing muscle wasting and muscle dysfunction. However, the role of RET to counteract cancer cachexia is still speculative. Presently, we test whether RET would counteract skeletal muscle wasting in a severe cancer cachexia rat model. Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four experimental groups; 1) untrained control rats injected with saline solution in the bone marrow (control), 2) rats injected with saline solution in the bone marrow and submitted to RET (control + RET), 3) untrained rats injected with Walker 256 tumor cells in the bone marrow (tumor) and 4) rats injected with Walker 256 tumor cells in the bone marrow and submitted to RET (tumor + RET). Skeletal muscle mass and fiber cross sectional area, markers of metabolic and protein turnover impairment, in vivo and ex vivo skeletal muscle function, food intake, tumor growth and mortality rate were assessed. Results: Tumor group displayed skeletal muscle atrophy fifteen days post tumor cells injection as assessed by Plantaris (-20.5%) and EDL (-20.0%) muscle mass. EDL atrophy was confirmed by histological analysis, showing 43.8% decline in the fiber cross sectional area. Even though RET increased the lactate dehydrogenase protein content and fully restored phosphorylated form of 4EBP-1 (i.e. a repressor of mRNA translation) to the control levels in skeletal muscle, it failed to rescue muscle morphology in tumorbearing rats. Indeed, RET has not mitigated loss of muscle function, anorexia, tumor growth or mortality rate. However, loss of strength capacity (assessed by 1-RM test performance) demonstrated a negative correlation with rats´ survival (p = 0.02), suggesting that loss of strength capacity predicts cancer mortality. Conclusions: Bone marrow injection of Walker 256 tumor cells in rats induces cancer cachexia. RET is ineffective to mitigate cancer-induced skeletal muscle wasting in this rat model. However, strength capacity predicts cancer survival, suggesting that new studies are needed to elucidate the putative therapeutic role of different exercise training regimens in counteracting cancer cachexia and tumor progression

Avaliação de caquexia reumatoide em pacientes com artrite reumatoide e sua relação com desfechos clínicos, funcionais e terapêuticos

Moro, Ana Laura Didonet January 2016 (has links)
Base Teórica: A artrite reumatoide (AR) é uma doença crônica e inflamatória que além de sintomas articulares pode levar à perda de massa muscular com peso estável ou aumentado, condição denominada caquexia reumatoide (CR). A CR está associada com pior prognóstico, mas ainda é negligenciada na prática clínica. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de CR em um hospital público terciário de Porto Alegre e determinar sua correlação com características da AR, com níveis de atividade física e com as medicações em uso. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 91 pacientes com AR que foram submetidos à densitometria corporal total (DEXA) para medida total e regional de índice de massa gorda (IMG; Kg/m2), índice de massa magra (IMM; Kg/m2), conteúdo mineral ósseo (CMO) e índice de massa livre de gordura (IMLG; Kg/m2) para avaliar a prevalência de CR pelas duas definições mais recentemene utilizadas na literatura: IMLG < percentil 10 com IMG > percentil 25 e IMLG < percentil 25 com IMG > percentil 50. Foram exploradas as medidas de associação dos parâmetros de composição corporal com características da AR – idade, duração da doença, atividade de doença (através do DAS 28), capacidade funcional (através do HAQ), atividade inflamatória (através da proteína C reativa – PCR – e velocidade de hemossedimentação – VHS), nível de atividade física (através do questionário IPAQ) e medicações em uso. Resultados: A idade média dos participantes foi 56,8 ± 7,3, a duração de doença foi 9 anos (3-18), o DAS 28 3,65 ± 1,32, o HAQ 1,12 (0,25 – 1,87) e o tempo de uso entre os que usaram biológico foi de 25 meses (17,8 – 52,5). A CR foi evidenciada em 17,6% dos pacientes com AR de acordo com a definição mais rigorosa e em 33% de acordo com a classificação mais abrangente. O IMLG teve correlação negativa com idade (r= -0,219; p=0,037) e duração da doença (rs= -0,214; p=0,042). O IMG teve correlação positiva com PCR (rs=0,229; p=0,029), VHS (rs=0,235; p=0,025), DAS 28 (rs=0,273; p=0,009) e HAQ (rs=0,297; p=0,004). Na comparação de pacientes com e sem CR, de acordo com a definição mais rigorosa, dos 26 pacientes usando biológico apenas 1 tinha CR (3,8%), enquanto dos que não usavam, 15 (23%) tinham CR (p=0,033). Conclusão: A prevalência de CR foi considerável e, portanto, merece estudos adicionais. A composição corporal neste estudo, especialmente o IMLG, teve associação inversa com idade e tempo de diagnóstico. Além disso, pacientes em uso de biológico tiveram diferença significativa na prevalência de CR, sugerindo papel protetor do uso de biológico na CR. / Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and inflammatory disease that besides articular symptoms leads to loss of muscle mass in presence of stable or increased fat mass (FM), condition defined as rheumatoid cachexia (RC). RC is associated with a worse prognosis, but it is still overlooked in clinical practice. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of rheumatoid cachexia (RC) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and determine its correlation with the features of RA, the level of physical activity and with the current therapy. Methods: Ninety one RA patients in a cross-sectional study underwent total body dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for measurement of total and regional fat mass index (FMI; Kg/m2), lean mass index (LMI; Kg/m2), bone mineral content (BMC; Kg/m2) and fat free mass index (FFMI; Kg/m2) to assess the prevalence of RC. The associations of measures of body composition with RA features - age, diagnosis time, Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (DAS 28), C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) -, level of physical activity (measured by International Physical Activity Questionnaire – IPAQ) and current therapy were explored. Results: Mean age was 56,8 ± 7,3 , disease duration 9 years (3 – 18), DAS28 3,65 ± 1,32, HAQ 1,12 (0,25 – 1,87) and use duration of biological agents was 25 months (17,8 – 52,5). Seventeen per cent of the patients had FFMI below the 10th percentile and FMI above the 25th percentile of a reference population and 33% of the patients had FFMI below the 25th percentile and FMI above the 50th percentile, condition known as RC, according to the more recently used definitions. FFMI correlated negatively only with age (r=-0,219; p=0,037) and disease duration (rs=-0,214; p=0,042). FMI correlated positively with CRP (rs=0,229; p=0,029), ESR (rs=0,235; p=0,025), DAS 28 (rs=0,273; p=0,009) and HAQ (rs=0,297; p=0,004). Of the 26 patients using biological therapy, 25 were non cachetic (p=0,033) according to the stricter definition of RC. In another words, 3,8% (n=1) and 23% (n=15) of the patients receiving and not receiving biological agents had RC, respectively (p=0,033). Conclusion: The prevalence of RC was considerable and deserves additional research. Body composition, in this study, particularly FFMI is inversely associated with age and disease duration. Besides that, patients under biological therapy had lower prevalence of RC, suggesting a protective effect of biological agents.

Identification of bovel mechanisms mediating skeletal muscle atrophy

Fox, Daniel Kenneth 01 May 2016 (has links)
Skeletal muscle atrophy is a common, debilitating consequence of muscle disuse, malnutrition, critical illness, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological disease, cancer, and organ failure. Despite its prevalence, little is known about the molecular pathogenesis of this devastating condition due in large part to an incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms that drive the atrophy process. In previous studies, we identified the transcription factor ATF4 as a critical mediator of skeletal muscle atrophy. We found that ATF4 is necessary and sufficient for skeletal muscle atrophy during limb immobilization. However, ATF4 mKO mice were only partially protected from skeletal muscle atrophy during limb immobilization, indicating the existence of another pro-atrophy factor that acts independently of the ATF4 pathway. Using mouse models, we identify p53 as this ATF4-independent factor. We show that skeletal muscle atrophy increases p53 expression in skeletal muscle fibers. In addition, overexpression of p53 causes skeletal muscle atrophy. Further, p53 mKO mice are partially resistant to muscle atrophy during limb immobilization. Taken together, these data indicate that like ATF4, p53 is sufficient and required for skeletal muscle atrophy during limb immobilization. Importantly, overexpression of p53 induces muscle atrophy in the absence of ATF4, whereas ATF4-mediated muscle atrophy does not require p53. Furthermore, overexpression of p53 and ATF4 induces greater muscle atrophy than p53 or ATF4 alone. Moreover, skeletal muscle lacking both p53 and ATF4 is more resistant to skeletal muscle atrophy than muscle lacking either p53 or ATF4 alone. Taken together, these data indicate that p53 and ATF4 mediate distinct and additive mechanisms to skeletal muscle atrophy. However, the precise mechanism by which p53 and ATF4 cause skeletal muscle atrophy remained unclear. Using genome-wide expression arrays, we identify p21 as a skeletal muscle mRNA that is highly induced by p53 and ATF4 during limb immobilization. Further, overexpression of p21 causes skeletal muscle atrophy. In addition, p21 is required for muscle atrophy due to limb immobilization, p53, and ATF4. Collectively, these results identify p53 and ATF4 as critical and complementary mediators of skeletal muscle atrophy during limb immobilization, and discover p21 as an essential downstream mediator of the p53 and ATF4 pathways.

Molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy

Ebert, Scott Matthew 01 December 2012 (has links)
Skeletal muscle atrophy is a common and often debilitating complication of diverse stresses including muscle disuse, fasting, aging, critical illness and many chronic illnesses. However, the pathogenesis of muscle atrophy is still poorly understood. The thesis herein describes my studies investigating the molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy. Using mouse skeletal muscle and cultured skeletal myotubes as experimental systems, I discovered a novel stress-induced pathway in skeletal muscle that causes muscle atrophy. The pathway begins with stress-induced expression of ATF4, a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor with an evolutionarily ancient role in cellular stress responses. I found that diverse stresses including fasting and muscle disuse increase expression of ATF4 in skeletal muscle. ATF4 then activates the growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45a (Gadd45a) gene, leading to increased expression of Gadd45a protein, an essential and inducible subunit of DNA demethylase complexes. Gadd45a localizes to skeletal myonuclei where it interacts with and stimulates demethylation of a specific region in the promoter of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1a (Cdkn1a) gene. By demethylating the Cdkn1a promoter, Gadd45a activates the Cdkn1a gene, leading to increased expression of Cdkn1a protein, also known as p21WAF1/CIP1. Cdkn1a stimulates protein breakdown (a critical pro-atrophy process) and inhibits anabolic signaling, protein synthesis and PGC-1α expression (processes that maintain healthy skeletal muscle and protect against atrophy). As a result, Cdkn1a causes skeletal muscle fibers to undergo atrophy. Importantly, interventions that reduce any one component of this pathway (ATF4, Gadd45a or Cdkn1a) reduce skeletal muscle atrophy during fasting, muscle disuse, and perhaps other skeletal muscle stresses such as illness and aging. Conversely, forced expression of any one component of this pathway is sufficient to cause skeletal muscle fiber atrophy in the absence of upstream stress. These data suggest the ATF4/Gadd45a/Cdkn1a pathway as a potential therapeutic target. Collectively, my studies demonstrate that the sequential, stress-induced expression of ATF4, Gadd45a and Cdkn1a is a critical process in the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle atrophy. This significantly advances our understanding of how muscle atrophy occurs and it opens up new avenues of investigation into the causes and treatment of muscle atrophy.

The molecular pathogenesis of skeletal muscle atrophy

Bongers, Kale Stephen 01 May 2016 (has links)
Skeletal muscle atrophy is a debilitating condition that commonly occurs as a secondary consequence of many acute and chronic medical conditions, including muscle disuse, heart and renal failure, starvation, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and aging. Though it leads to weakness, falls, and fractures, and reduces independence and quality of life for millions of Americans annually, no effective pharmacologic therapies for muscle atrophy exist. This is largely due to a poor understanding of the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle atrophy at a molecular level. In this thesis, I describe my studies into the molecular pathogenesis of skeletal muscle atrophy. Using mouse models, I showed that the gene encoding the pro-atrophy nuclear protein Gadd45a is regulated by distinct pathways after muscle denervation and fasting, and also identified a novel protein regulating skeletal muscle fiber size. First, we demonstrated that denervation-induced muscle atrophy, unlike atrophy mediated by fasting, does not require the bZIP transcription factor ATF4. However, the lysine deacetylase HDAC4 is sufficient to induce Gadd45a mRNA and necessary for Gadd45a mRNA induction after denervation, but not after fasting. Taken together, these data show that Gadd45a is a central convergence point for muscle atrophy caused by several stimuli, and also demonstrate that distinct pathways mediate Gadd45a induction in different models of skeletal muscle atrophy. Second, we identified spermine oxidase as a critical regulator of muscle fiber size. We observed that spermine oxidase mRNA and spermine oxidase protein were reduced by several distinct causes of muscle atrophy (i.e. immobilization, denervation, fasting, and aging). Furthermore, spermine oxidase overexpression increased muscle fiber size, while spermine oxidase knockdown caused muscle fiber atrophy. Restoring spermine oxidase expression significantly attenuated muscle atrophy after limb immobilization, denervation, and fasting. Finally, we identified p21 as a key upstream regulator of spermine oxidase expression, and spermine oxidase as a required mediator of p21-mediated skeletal muscle fiber atrophy. Collectively, these findings greatly advance our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of skeletal muscle atrophy. These data demonstrate that Gadd45a is a convergence point for multiple pro-atrophy pathways and identify spermine oxidase as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of skeletal muscle atrophy. These discoveries suggest several important new areas for future research, and further our understanding of this common, debilitating condition.

The Role of the Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4-1 in Skeletal Muscle Atrophy

Nagpal, Preena 26 November 2012 (has links)
Skeletal muscle (SM) atrophy complicates many illnesses, diminishing quality of life and increasing disease morbidity, health resource utilization and health care costs. In animal models of muscle atrophy, loss of SM mass results predominantly from ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis and ubiquitin ligases are the key enzymes that catalyze protein ubiquitination. We have previously shown that ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-1 is up-regulated in a rodent model of denervation-induced SM atrophy and the constitutive expression of Nedd4-1 is sufficient to induce myotube atrophy in vitro, suggesting an important role for Nedd4-1 in the regulation of muscle mass. In this study we generate a Nedd4-1 SM specific-knockout mouse and demonstrate that the loss of Nedd4-1 partially protects SM from denervation-induced atrophy confirming a regulatory role for Nedd4-1 in the maintenance of muscle mass in vivo. Nedd4-1 did not signal downstream through its known substrates Notch-1, MTMR4 or FGFR1, suggesting a novel substrate mediates Nedd4-1’s induction of SM atrophy.

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