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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protection du blé contre l'oïdium par des champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules : mécanismes et optimisation / Wheat protection against powdery mildew by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi : mechanisms and optimization

Mustafa, Ghalia 10 September 2015 (has links)
L'utilisation des champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) pourrait constituer une alternative potentielle aux traitements fongicides conventionnels pour lutter contre les maladies cryptogamiques des plantes. Notre travail a consisté à étudier l'éventuel effet protecteur de la mycorhization arbusculaire chez le blé tendre (triticum aestivum L.) contre Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), un champignon biotrophe responsable de l'oïdium, une maladie affectant les parties aériennes de la plante. L'inoculation mycorhizienne du blé avec le CMA Funneliformis mosseae (FM), en conditions controlées et optimisées, nous a permis d'obtenir parallèlement à un taux de mycorhization de 38% des plants de blé, une amélioration significative de la biomasse et un taux de protection contre Bgt estimé à 78%. Ces résultats suggèrent l'induction d'une résistance systémique des réactions de défense du blé par mycorhization (Mycorrhiza-Induced Resistance, MIR). Cette protection serait liée à une accumulation de composés phénoliques et de preoxyde d'hydrogène dans les cellules épidermiques des feuilles de blé mycorhizé, au niveau du site de pénétration de Bgt. Une surexpression des gènes POX, PAL, CH11 et NPR1 codant pour des marqueurs de défense a également été mise en évidence dans les feuilles en absence d'infection par Bgt. Enfin, nos travaux ont également souligné l'intégration de divers paramètres pour optimiser l'utilisation des CMA comme agents de biocontrôle chez le blé. La meilleure protection contre l'oïdium a été obtenue aec un apport en phosphore réduit de 5 fois par rapport à celui préconisé au champ et un inoculum mycorhizien à base de Fm, que ce soit chez un cultivar modérément sensible ou un cultivar plus résistant. / The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could be an innovative alternative to chemicals against fungal plant diseases. Our work aimed at studying the possible protective effect of arbuscular mycorrhization in the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) against Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), a biotrophic fungi responsible of wheat powdery mildew, a disease affecting the aerial plant organs. Wheat mycorrhizal inoculation by Funneliformis mosseae (Fm), under controlled and optimized conditions, allowed us to obtain concomitantly a micorrhizal rate of 38%, a significant increase of plant biomass and a protection level against Bgt estimated at 78%. These results suggest the induction of systemic wheat defense reactions resulting from mycorrhization (Mycorrhiza-Induced Resistance - MIR). This protection is linked to an accumulation of phenolic compounds and hydrogen peroxide at the Bgt penetration sites in epidermal leaf cells of mycorrhized wheat plants. Up-regulations of POX, PAL, NPR1 and CH11 genes encoding for defense markers were also pointed out in leaves of mycorrhizal wheat in the absence of Bgt infection. Moreover, our study highlighted the importance of taking into account various parameters to optimize the use of AMF as biocontrol agents. The highest protection against powdery mildew was obtained with a 5-fold reduced phosphorus input compared to that recommended in the field and with the mycorrhizal inoculum Fm, in both a moderately susceptible or a more resistant cultuva

Diversidade micorrízica em Coppensia doniana (Orchidaceae) e filogenia de fungos micorrízicos associados à subtribo Oncidiinae / Mycorrhizal diversity in Coppensia doniana (Orchidaceae) and phylogeny of mycorrhizal fungi associated with the Oncidiinae subtribe

Valadares, Rafael Borges da Silva 22 January 2010 (has links)
Na natureza, as orquídeas são totalmente dependentes de fungos micorrízicos para germinar. Estes fungos podem penetrar nas células das raízes e formar pélotons, os quais, quando digeridos pela planta, providenciam açúcares simples para o embrião. Durante a fase aclorofilada de desenvolvimento da plântula, orquídeas são obrigatoriamente dependentes dos fungos; algumas continuam assim por toda vida enquanto outras se tornam facultativamente responsivas à colonização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar quantos clados de fungos podem estabelecer associação micorrízica com Coppensia doniana (sin. Oncidium donianum), uma orquídea amplamente distribuída nos arredores de Campos do Jordão e, demonstrar como as características morfológicas dos isolados, quando analisadas com ferramentas de estatística multivariada, podem ser úteis para a taxonomia destes fungos. Dez plantas foram amostradas em um sítio com vegetação típica de campos de altitude, junto ao Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão. Fungos foram isolados pela transferência asséptica de cortes de raízes contendo pélotons para meios de cultura BDA modificados. Três clados de fungos foram formados, tanto analisando as características qualitativas das culturas quanto as quantitativas. Os clados foram identificados como dois morfotipos do gênero Ceratorhiza (fase anamórfica de Ceratobasidium) e uma Rhizoctonia-uninucleada. O sequenciamento da região ITS produziu resultados idênticos a estes, mostrando os mesmos três clados. Todas as sequências tiveram alta correlação com sequências de Ceratobasidium depositadas no Genbank, o que sugere uma alta afinidade de Coppensia doniana com este gênero. Também ficou demonstrado que os dados morfológicos, quando associados à estatística multivariada são uma ferramenta útil na taxonomia polifásica de Rhizoctonia spp. As sequências dos isolados de Coppensia doniana também foram comparadas com as de isolados de outras orquídeas, dentro da subtribo Oncidiinae, incluindo: Ionopsis utricularioides e Psygmorchis pussila, coletadas na região do Valle del Cauca Colômbia e isolados de 10 Ionopsis utricularioides, Oncidium altissimum e Tolumnia variegata, estudados por Otero (2002, 2004, 2007), em diferentes regiões de Porto Rico, Costa Rica, Cuba e Panamá. Esta última análise veio a comprovar a preferência de orquídeas da subtribo Oncidiinae por fungos do gênero Ceratobasidium, apesar de que os clados obtidos no Brasil e na Colômbia foram distantes filogeneticamente dos clados previamente estudados na América Central. Representantes dos três clados obtidos de C. doniana em Campos do Jordão foram também testados quanto à capacidade de induzir germinação em suas sementes. Todos isolados testados tiveram sucesso na germinação das sementes, levando as plântulas a estádios avançados de desenvolvimento após 30 dias, o que indica um alto potencial para utilização biotecnológica destes isolados para a germinação das sementes destas orquídeas, tanto para a floricultura comercial quanto para programas de reintrodução de espécies de orquídeas ameaçadas de extinção. / In nature, orchids are fully dependent on mycorrhizal fungi for germination. These fungi can penetrate root cells and form pelotons, whose digestion provides simple sugars for the embryo. During the achlorophyllous seedling stage, orchids are obligatory dependent on the fungi, and some species remain so through life, while others become facultatively responsive to fungal infection. The aim of this study was to identify how many fungal clades can establish mycorrhizal associations with Coppensia doniana, a widespread orchid from Campos do JordãoBrazil, and to demonstrate how their morphological features, analyzed with multivariate statistics, can be useful for classification. Ten plants were sampled in an Araucaria forest near Campos do Jordão. Fungi were isolated by transferring surface disinfected root segments containing pelotons to PDA culture medium. Three main fungal clades were formed by qualitative and quantitative morphological data. They were identified as two morphotypes of Ceratorhiza (anamorphic stage of Ceratobasidium) and one uninucleated Rhizoctonia. The ITS sequencing corroborates this identification, since the same three clades were found. All sequences were highly correlated to Ceratobasidium ITS data deposited at the Genebank, suggesting a high affinity between this species of Oncidiinae and Ceratobasidium. It also could be shown that morphological data associated with multivariate statistics can be a useful tool in fungal multi-level taxonomy. C. doniana sequences were also compared to sequences obtained from isolates of other orchids, belonging to the sub-tribe Oncidiinae, including: Ionopsis utricuarioides and Psygmorchis pussila, collected in Valle del Cauca Colombia and isolated from I. utricularioides, Oncidium altissimum and Tolumnia variegata, studied by Otero (2002, 2004, 2007) in different regions of Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and other Caribbean islands. This last analysis confirmed the preference of this Oncidiinae sub-tribe for Ceratobasidium, although isolates obtained in Brazil or Colombia belong to different clades from those previously studied in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama and Cuba. 12 Fungi representing the three clades obtained from C. doniana in Campos do Jordão were also tested for their ability to induce germination of C. doniana seeds, with a positive response for all of them, being able to bring the seedlings to advanced development stages in 30 days. These results suggest a high biotechnological potential of these isolates, to be used in orchid symbiotic germination for commercial flower production or for the reintroduction of endangered Brazilian orchid species.

Identificação e caracterização de genes com expressão diferencial durante o desenvolvimento de micorrizas arbusculares em cana-de-açúcar / Identification and characterization of genes differentially expressed during arbuscular mycorrhiza development in sugarcane

Kiriachek, Soraya Gabriela 18 November 2008 (has links)
As micorrizas arbusculares (MAs) são associações simbióticas mutualísticas entre fungos da ordem Glomales e as raízes da maioria das plantas terrestres. Os mecanismos moleculares que controlam o desenvolvimento e a eficiência da simbiose são pouco conhecidos, dificultando sua aplicação agrícola em larga escala. No entanto, a análise sistemática e em larga escala de genes expressos em raízes colonizadas por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) em diferentes condições ambientais poderia contribuir de forma significativa para o conhecimento da biologia dessa simbiose. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar genes com expressão induzida ou suprimida em raízes de cana-de-açúcar colonizadas por Glomus clarum em condições de baixo e alto fósforo (P) no substrato de cultivo, durante o desenvolvimento da simbiose. Usando hibridização subtrativa supressiva (\"Suppresive Subtractive Hybridization, SSH) foram encontrados 74 genes com expressão diferencial significativa em raízes micorrizadas de 12 semanas após inoculação (SAI). Por outra parte, um total de 386 genes foram arranjados em membranas de nylon e sua expressão diferencial avaliada por sondas sintetizadas a partir de cDNA extraído em 4 SAI e 12 SAI. A hibridização em macroarranjos mostrou na presença da micorriza acúmulo diferencial de transcritos de genes codificando proteínas putativas envolvidas no metabolismo de jasmonato (COI1) e de etileno (ET) em raízes com 4 SAI, e ácido salicílico (AS) em raízes com 12 SAI. Dos genes que apresentaram acúmulo de transcritos regulados pela micorrização foram escolhidos 12 genes: que codificam cisteina protease (meabolismo de proteínas); remorina (dinâmica celular); dehidroascorbato redutase, e proteína rica em hidroxiprolina (resposta ao estresse); duas proteína associadas a senecência; a horcolina (função não definida); COI1 (metabolismo de jasmonato); catalase, germina, glutationa (estresse oxidativo); quitinase (resposta de defesa), para analise de acúmulo de transcritos por qRT-PCR em 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 SAI. Os resultados indicam que em etapas precoces do desenvolvimento das MAs são ativados genes que estão relacionados com a resposta ao estresse oxidativo e com metabolismo de fitohormônios, em etapas tardias esses genes mostraram diminução no acúmulo de transcritos. A análise dos padrões de expressão dos genes envolvidos no estabelecimento da simbiose poderia contribuir para elucidar os mecanismos genéticos que controlam a simbiose e poderiam facilitar a aplicação agrícola em larga escala dos FMAs / Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) are mutualistic symbiotic associations between fungi of the order Glomales and most of the terrestrial plants. The molecular mechanisms regulating AM development and efficiency are not well understood so that agricultural large scale application is so difficult. Although so many approaches are being used to the identification of differentially expressed genes in AMs, large scale analysis it must contributed to the knowledge of symbiosis molecular biology. The aim of this work was identify genes induced or suppressed in sugarcane roots colonized for G. clarum in low and high phosphorus (P) conditions, during symbiosis development. Using suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) was possible to detect 74 genes with differential significant expression in 12 weeks mycorrhized roots. In other hand a total of 386 genes were spotted into nylon membranes and differential expression was evaluated with probes of cDNA of 4 and 12 weeks. Macroarray hybridization shows increase of genes transcripts involved in jasmonate metabolism (COI1) and ethylene metabolism (ET) 4 weeks after inoculation, and in salycilic acid 12 weeks after inoculation. Twelve genes differentially expressed in mycorrhizal presences were choosen to analyse the expression with qRT-PCR in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks after inoculation. A cistein protease (protein metabolism); a remorin (cellular dynamic), dehydroascorbate reductase, hidroxiproline rich protein (estress response); two proteins associated to senescence; a horcolin (unknown function); COI1 (jasmonate metabolism); catalase, germin, glutathione (oxidative estress); chitinase (defence response) were tested. The results showed that genes relationated with oxidative stress are activated in early stages of MAs development, and, in late stages these phytohormones metabolism related genes are suppressed. Patterns expression of genes involved in MAs development it must contributed to elucidate the genetics mechanisms controlling the symbiosis and it must facilitate large scale use of FMAs.

Identificação e caracterização de genes com expressão diferencial durante o desenvolvimento de micorrizas arbusculares em cana-de-açúcar / Identification and characterization of genes differentially expressed during arbuscular mycorrhiza development in sugarcane

Soraya Gabriela Kiriachek 18 November 2008 (has links)
As micorrizas arbusculares (MAs) são associações simbióticas mutualísticas entre fungos da ordem Glomales e as raízes da maioria das plantas terrestres. Os mecanismos moleculares que controlam o desenvolvimento e a eficiência da simbiose são pouco conhecidos, dificultando sua aplicação agrícola em larga escala. No entanto, a análise sistemática e em larga escala de genes expressos em raízes colonizadas por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) em diferentes condições ambientais poderia contribuir de forma significativa para o conhecimento da biologia dessa simbiose. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar genes com expressão induzida ou suprimida em raízes de cana-de-açúcar colonizadas por Glomus clarum em condições de baixo e alto fósforo (P) no substrato de cultivo, durante o desenvolvimento da simbiose. Usando hibridização subtrativa supressiva (\"Suppresive Subtractive Hybridization, SSH) foram encontrados 74 genes com expressão diferencial significativa em raízes micorrizadas de 12 semanas após inoculação (SAI). Por outra parte, um total de 386 genes foram arranjados em membranas de nylon e sua expressão diferencial avaliada por sondas sintetizadas a partir de cDNA extraído em 4 SAI e 12 SAI. A hibridização em macroarranjos mostrou na presença da micorriza acúmulo diferencial de transcritos de genes codificando proteínas putativas envolvidas no metabolismo de jasmonato (COI1) e de etileno (ET) em raízes com 4 SAI, e ácido salicílico (AS) em raízes com 12 SAI. Dos genes que apresentaram acúmulo de transcritos regulados pela micorrização foram escolhidos 12 genes: que codificam cisteina protease (meabolismo de proteínas); remorina (dinâmica celular); dehidroascorbato redutase, e proteína rica em hidroxiprolina (resposta ao estresse); duas proteína associadas a senecência; a horcolina (função não definida); COI1 (metabolismo de jasmonato); catalase, germina, glutationa (estresse oxidativo); quitinase (resposta de defesa), para analise de acúmulo de transcritos por qRT-PCR em 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 SAI. Os resultados indicam que em etapas precoces do desenvolvimento das MAs são ativados genes que estão relacionados com a resposta ao estresse oxidativo e com metabolismo de fitohormônios, em etapas tardias esses genes mostraram diminução no acúmulo de transcritos. A análise dos padrões de expressão dos genes envolvidos no estabelecimento da simbiose poderia contribuir para elucidar os mecanismos genéticos que controlam a simbiose e poderiam facilitar a aplicação agrícola em larga escala dos FMAs / Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) are mutualistic symbiotic associations between fungi of the order Glomales and most of the terrestrial plants. The molecular mechanisms regulating AM development and efficiency are not well understood so that agricultural large scale application is so difficult. Although so many approaches are being used to the identification of differentially expressed genes in AMs, large scale analysis it must contributed to the knowledge of symbiosis molecular biology. The aim of this work was identify genes induced or suppressed in sugarcane roots colonized for G. clarum in low and high phosphorus (P) conditions, during symbiosis development. Using suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) was possible to detect 74 genes with differential significant expression in 12 weeks mycorrhized roots. In other hand a total of 386 genes were spotted into nylon membranes and differential expression was evaluated with probes of cDNA of 4 and 12 weeks. Macroarray hybridization shows increase of genes transcripts involved in jasmonate metabolism (COI1) and ethylene metabolism (ET) 4 weeks after inoculation, and in salycilic acid 12 weeks after inoculation. Twelve genes differentially expressed in mycorrhizal presences were choosen to analyse the expression with qRT-PCR in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks after inoculation. A cistein protease (protein metabolism); a remorin (cellular dynamic), dehydroascorbate reductase, hidroxiproline rich protein (estress response); two proteins associated to senescence; a horcolin (unknown function); COI1 (jasmonate metabolism); catalase, germin, glutathione (oxidative estress); chitinase (defence response) were tested. The results showed that genes relationated with oxidative stress are activated in early stages of MAs development, and, in late stages these phytohormones metabolism related genes are suppressed. Patterns expression of genes involved in MAs development it must contributed to elucidate the genetics mechanisms controlling the symbiosis and it must facilitate large scale use of FMAs.

The effect of the mycorrhizal type on root-rhizosphere interactions in AM and ECM tree species: field studies and mesocosm experiments

Liese, Rebecca 18 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Análise do desenvolvimento de micorrizas arbusculares em mutantes hormonais de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum cv Micro-Tom) / Analysis of arbuscular mycorrhiza development in hormonal mutants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv Micro-Tom)

Zsögön, Agustin 17 April 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito que a alteração na sensibilidade ou metabolismo hormonal em uma planta hospedeira poderia ter sobre o desenvolvimento de micorrizas arbusculares (MAs). Para tal, uma coleção de mutantes hormonais de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) introgredidos na cultivar miniatura Micro-Tom foi inoculada com o fungo Glomus clarum, em dos níveis de P no substrato. Foram realizados 3 experimentos, com os genótipos Never ripe (parcialmente insensível ao etileno), epinastic (superprodutor de etileno), bushy root (parcialmente insensível a citocinina), diageotropica (parcialmente insensível a auxina), procera (supersensível a giberelina) e notabilis (deficiente em ABA). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: porcentagem de colonização micorrízica, massa seca da parte aérea e massa seca da raiz em condições de P suficiente e insuficiente. Com os genótipos que apresentaram maiores alterações no desenvolvimento de MAs, Never ripe e epinastic , foram conduzidas análises morfológicas por meio de microscopia de luz, dosagem de P na parte aérea e estudos de expressão gênica através da técnica de PCR em tempo real (PCR Real-Time). Concluiu-se que, nas condições do presente trabalho, o grupo hormonal que mostrou a maior influencia sobre a formação de MAs foi o etileno, sendo que o seu efeito parece ser tanto estimulatório quanto inibitório. Contudo, os resultados de expressão de genes de defesa não permitem explicar as diferenças observadas. / The aim of the present work was to study the effect that alterations in hormonal sensitivity and metabolism in a host plant could have in the development of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM). In this regard, a series of hormone-related mutants introgressed in the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cultivar Micro-Tom were inoculated with the fungus Glomus clarum, in two different levels of substrate P. Three experiments were performed, using the genotypes Never ripe (partially insensitive to ethylene), epinastic (ethylene overproducer), bushy root (partially insensitive to cytokinin), diageotropica (partially insensitive to auxin), procera (gibberellin hypersensitive) and notabilis (ABA-deficient). The following parameters were assessed: mycorrhizal colonization percentage, shoot and root dry mass, under conditions of either sufficient or insufficient P on the substrate. Further analyses, such as root morphology, P dosage and gene expression quantification (through Real-Time PCR), were performed on the genotypes which presented the most alterations in mycorrhizal development, namely Never ripe and epinastic. It was concluded that the hormone showing most influence on AM formation was ethylene. Its effect appears to be either stimulatory o inhibitory. In any case, defense gene expression alone could account for the observed differences.

Does arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis increase the capacity or the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in the model legume Medicago truncatula?

Rehman, Ateeq ur January 2010 (has links)
<p>The Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is an endosymbiont of higher plant roots. Most land plants and cultivated crops are concerned to AM symbiosis. This endosymbiosis is based on the mutual exchange of nutrients between plant and fungus. Therefore, AM symbiosis leads to an increased demand for photosynthetic products. The aim of this study was to investigate the pathway used by plants during AM symbiosis to increase photosynthetic performance. Therefore, we have carried out a systematic characterization of photosynthesis in Medicago truncatula (M. truncatula), which is a model legume. We observed colonization by the fungus in roots and that AM symbiosis increases the fresh and dry plant biomass. This could be attributed to an increase in both photosynthetic efficiency and capacity in AM plants. Consistent with these observations, AM symbiosis enhanced phosphorus uptake from the soil into roots, stems and leaves, as based on analyses of phosphorus content. Based on equal chl loading, no differences were found regarding D1, Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 protein content in four plant groups. This indicates similar ratio between chl and PSII proteins. Furthermore, AM symbiosis increases the amount of chlorophyll, steady state oxygen evolution activities, maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), and photosynthetic electron transport rate (about 5 fold). Nevertheless, photoprotection was not affected by AM symbiosis. We observed an increase in weight of seed/fruit and weight of seed/plant in AM plants (about 2 fold). Based on these results, we propose that AM symbiosis increases both the efficiency and the capacity of photosynthetic apparatus in the M. truncatula.</p>

Impact of mycorrhiza helper bacterium Streptomyces sp. AcH 505 on the genetic and physiuological regulation in oaks associated to pathogenic and symbiotic fungi

Kurth, Florence 14 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis was performed within the research project “TrophinOak”, which addresses the impact of multitrophic interactions on the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) clone DF159. In this frame, the present work focuses on the genetic and physiological mechanisms ruling the interaction of the mycorrhiza helper bacterium (MHB) Streptomyces sp. AcH 505 with microcuttings of DF159 either alone or in presence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Piloderma croceum or the fungal leaf pathogen oak powdery mildew Microsphaera alphitoides. The work consists of 3 chapters. Chapter 1 characterises the growth of AcH 505 and P. croceum in a soil-based culture system used within the TrophinOak project. Besides the establishment and evaluation of quantification methods of these microorganisms by quantitative real-time PCR, the impact of the soil microbial community and the oak on the bacterium-fungus interaction was investigated, and AcH 505 and P. croceum were visualized by scanning electron microscopy. It was observed that the presence of the soil microorganisms and the oak both affect the bacterium-fungus interaction, and that P. croceum enhances the growth of AcH 505. Chapter 2 presents a study with the oak, AcH 505 and the EM fungus P. croceum, enabling to disentangle the direct effect of the MHB on the oak from the indirect one via the EM symbiosis. The used approach was transcriptomic based on RNA sequencing. It was shown that i) differential gene expression occurred between root and the distant leaf tissues (local vs. systemic effects), different developmental stages and treatments, suggesting that oak specifically coordinates its gene expression patterns, and ii) that genes related to plant growth, defence and DNA modification were dominant among the differential expressed genes, suggesting that these processes play essential roles in both symbiotic interactions investigated. Chapter 3 represents a second transcriptome study, addressing how AcH 505 suppresses powdery mildew infection in oak by analysing RNA Sequencing data from singly- and coinoculated oaks. This study combined the systemic impact of the root associated bacterium with local effects of the leaf pathogen, thereby linking belowground and aboveground interactions. Systemic defence response is induced by the bacterium and further enhanced upon pathogen challenge, suggesting that on the leaf level, some bacterial effectors are recognized as harmful for the plant.

The effects of defoliation on seasonal growth dynamics, the importance of internal nitrogen-recycling and the availability of soil nutrients: implications for the invasive potential of Buddleia davidii (Franch.)

Thomas, Marc Merlin January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Assessing the impact of herbivory on plant growth and reproduction is important to predict the success of biocontrol of invasive plants. Leaf area production is most important, as photosynthesis provides the foundation for all plant growth and fitness. High levels of defoliation generally reduce the productivity of plants. However, leaf area production fluctuates during the season and compensational growth may occur, which both complicate accurate estimations of defoliation impacts. Under field conditions the interaction with neighbouring species and the availability of soil nutrients need to be assessed in order to gauge long term effects of weed invasions on natural environments. In this thesis I have investigated seasonal leaf area dynamics in Buddleia davidii following repeated artificial defoliation, to quantify compensational leaf production and to understand the regulatory mechanisms involved. The impact of defoliation on photosynthesis, seed production, germination and nitrogen translocation patterns were analysed. Finally, possible facilitation between B. davidii and a native nitrogen fixer, Coriaria arborea, and the impact of B. davidii on soil nutrient availability were investigated. In defoliated B. davidii, increased node production (34%), leaf size (35%) and leaf longevity (12%) resulted in 52% greater total emergent leaf area in the short term. However, with time and diminishing tissue resources the compensation declined. No upregulation of photosynthesis was observed in pre-existing leaves. Compensational leaf area production occurred at the expense of reproduction but the germination capacity of individual seeds was unaffected. In B. davidii, nitrogen reserves are stored in old leaves. Thus, the defoliation-induced decline in tissue reserves led to changes in the remobilisation pattern and increased the importance of soil uptake but biomass production especially that of roots had declined significantly (39%). Slight facilitation effects from the neighbouring nitrogen fixer and VA-mycorrhizae were observed on B. davidii in the field, while its impact on soil chemistry during spring was negligible. Defoliation of B. davidii resulted in priority allocation of resources to compensational leaf growth and a concomitant reduction in flower and seed production. The compensational leaf production greatly increased the demand for nitrogen, while continued leaf removal decreased the pool of stored nitrogen. This led to changes in nitrogen remobilisation and an increased importance of root uptake. However, the significant decline in root growth will likely impair adequate nutrient uptake from the soil, which is especially important where B. davidii invades nutrient poor habitats and will increase the success of biocontrol of the species. While mycorrhizae increase nutrient accessibility for B. davidii, it is likely that the additional stress of defoliation will negate the small facilitative effects from nitrogen-fixing species like C. arborea. This research provides new insights into the mechanisms regulating leaf area dynamics at the shoot level and systemic physiological responses to defoliation in plants, such as nitrogen translocation. The compensation in leaf area production was considerable but only transitory and thus, the opportunity to alleviate effects of leaf loss though adjustment of light capture limited. However, to ascertain that photosynthesis at whole plant level does not increase after defoliation, more detailed measurements especially on new grown leaves are necessary. In general, defoliation had greatly reduced plant growth and performance so that an optimistic outlook for controlling this species can be given. Conclusions about the wider impacts of B. davidii on soil chemistry and community function will require further research.

Liší se klíčivost vybraných druhů vstavačovitých rostlin\nl{} na přirozených a obnovených loukách? / Does it differ the germinability of the chosen orchids on the natural and renewed meadows?

SUCHÁČEK, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The survey presented in this thesis focused on germination of six orchid species in the Protected landscape area White Carpathians; specifically Platanthera bifolia, Neottia ovata, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea, Traunsteinera globosa, Orchis militaris on restored medows of various age. As the control, two National Protected Areas (Zahrady pod Hájem and Čertoryje) were used. The initial stage of germination was detected on both restored and control meadows. The advanced stage of germination (protocorm) was recorded in three species (GC, NO, PB) on restored meadows, and in all species on kontrol meadows. The other aim of the thesis was to determine via molecular methods, which species of mycorrhizal fungi are associated with the model orchid species.

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