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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explaining complexity in human language processing : a distributional semantic model / . : .

Chersoni, Emmanuele 04 July 2018 (has links)
Le présent travail aborde le thème de la complexité sémantique dans le langage naturel, et il propose une hypothèse basée sur certaines caractéristiques des phrases du langage naturel qui déterminent la difficulté pour l'interpretation humaine.Nous visons à introduire un cadre théorique général de la complexité sémantique de la phrase, dans lequel la difficulté d'élaboration est liée à l'interaction entre deux composants: la Mémoire, qui est responsable du rangement des représentations d'événements extraites par des corpus, et l'Unification, qui est responsable de la combinaison de ces unités dans des structures plus complexes. Nous proposons que la complexité sémantique depend de la difficulté de construire une représentation sémantique de l'événement ou de la situation exprimée par une phrase, qui peut être récupérée directement de la mémoire sémantique ou construit dynamiquement en satisfaisant les contraintes contenus dans les constructions.Pour tester nos intuitions, nous avons construit un Distributional Semantic Model pour calculer le coût de composition de l'unification des phrases. Les tests sur des bases de données psycholinguistiques ont révélé que le modèle est capable d'expliquer des phénomènes sémantiques comme la mise à jour context-sensitive des attentes sur les arguments et les métonymies logiques. / The present work deals with the problem of the semantic complexity in natural language, proposing an hypothesis based on some features of natural language sentences that determine their difficulty for human understanding. We aim at introducing a general framework for semantic complexity, in which the processing difficulty depends on the interaction between two components: a Memory component, which is responsible for the storage of corpus-extracted event representations, and a Unification component, which is responsible for combining the units stored in Memory into more complex structures. We propose that semantic complexity depends on the difficulty of building a semantic representation of the event or the situation conveyed by a sentence, that can be either retrieved directly from the semantic memory or built dynamically by solving the constraints included in the stored representations.In order to test our intuitions, we built a Distributional Semantic Model to compute a compositional cost for the sentence unification process. Our tests on several psycholinguistic datasets showed that our model is able to account for semantic phenomena such as the context-sensitive update of argument expectations and of logical metonymies.

Semantic richness effects in visual word processing

Rabovsky, Milena 01 December 2014 (has links)
Lesen zielt darauf ab, Bedeutung aus geschriebenem Text zu extrahieren. Interessanterweise unterscheiden sich Wörter beträchtlich hinsichtlich der Menge mit ihnen assoziierter Bedeutung, und es wurde kürzlich gezeigt, dass eine hohe Bedeutungshaltigkeit lexikalische und semantische Aufgaben erleichtert. Die vorliegende Dissertation kombiniert ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs) und konnektionistische Modellierung, um einige offene Fragen zur Rolle der Bedeutungshaltigkeit bei der Wortverarbeitung anzugehen. Hierbei wurden EKPs verwendet, um den Zeitverlauf unabhängiger Einflüsse der Anzahl semantischer Merkmale und Assoziationen beim Wortlesen zu bestimmen sowie Einflüsse von Bedeutungshaltigkeit auf implizites Wortlernen zu untersuchen. Um die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen besser zu verstehen, wurden die Ergebnisse anschließend mittels eines semantischen Netzwerk-Modells simuliert. Es zeigten sich keine Einflüsse der Anzahl der Assoziationen, aber eine schnelle Aktivierung semantischer Merkmale, die das EKP bereits ab 190 ms beeinflussten - nur 20 bis 30 ms nach und zeitlich überlappend mit der Aktivierung orthographischer Repräsentationen, die durch N1-Lexikalitätseffekte angezeigt wurden. Im weiteren Verlauf ging eine hohe Merkmalsanzahl mit größeren N400-Amplituden einher. Zudem verstärkten semantische Merkmale Wiederholungseinflüsse auf die Akkuratheit lexikalischer Entscheidungen und N400-Amplituden, was einen ersten Hinweis auf Einflüsse von Bedeutungshaltigkeit auf implizites Wortlernen darstellt. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im Einklang mit merkmalsbasierten semantischen Netzwerk-Modellen. Simulationen legen nahe, dass semantische Aktivierung lexikalische Entscheidungen erleichtert, während Netzwerk-Fehler in engem Zusammenhang mit N400-Amplituden stehen. Da Netzwerk-Fehler psychologisch als implizite Vorhersagefehler interpretiert werden, deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass N400-Amplituden implizite Vorhersagefehler im semantischen System widerspiegeln. / Language ultimately aims to convey meaning. Importantly, the amount of associated semantic information varies considerably between words. Recent evidence suggests that the richness of semantic representations facilitates performance in lexical and semantic tasks, but much remains to be learned about semantic richness effects. The present dissertation combined event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and connectionist modeling to address several unresolved issues concerning the role of semantic richness in word processing. Specifically, ERPs were employed to investigate the time course of independent influences of the number of semantic features and associates during word reading (study 1) and influences of semantic richness on implicit word learning (study 2). Aiming at advancing a mechanistic understanding of the obtained results, both studies were subsequently simulated using a network model of semantic cognition (study 3). Results showed no influences of the number of associates, but fast access to semantic features, with influences of feature-based semantic richness starting at about 190 ms - a mere 20 to 30 ms after and temporally overlapping with the activation of orthographic representations as reflected by N1 lexicality effects. Later on, a high number of semantic features induced larger N400 amplitudes. Furthermore, the number of semantic features enhanced repetition priming effects on lexical decision accuracy and N400 amplitudes, providing initial evidence for influences of semantic richness on implicit word learning. These results are in line with feature-based network models of semantic cognition. Simulations with such a model suggest that semantic activation can facilitate lexical decisions, while network error closely corresponds to N400 amplitudes. In psychological terms, network error has been conceptualized as implicit prediction error. Thus, these results are taken to suggest that N400 amplitudes reflect implicit prediction error in semantic memory.

The role of semantic context and attentional resource distribution in semantic comprehension in Swedish pre-schoolers

Schelhaas, Johanna Renate January 2016 (has links)
Research on semantic processing focused mainly on isolated units in language, which does not reflect the complexity of language. In order to understand how semantic information is processed in a wider context, the first goal of this thesis was to determine whether Swedish pre-school children are able to comprehend semantic context and if that context is semantically built up over time. The second goal was to investigate how the brain distributes attentional resources by means of brain activation amplitude and processing type. Swedish preschool children were tested in a dichotic listening task with longer children’s narratives. The development of event-related potential N400 component and its amplitude were used to investigate both goals. The decrease of the N400 in the attended and unattended channel indicated semantic comprehension and that semantic context was built up over time. The attended stimulus received more resources, processed the stimuli in more of a top-down manner and displayed prominent N400 amplitude in contrast to the unattended stimulus. The N400 and the late positivity were more complex than expected since endings of utterances longer than nine words were not accounted for. More research on wider linguistic context is needed in order to understand how the human brain comprehends natural language. / Tidigare forskning på semantisk processning har fokuserad på isolerade språkliga enheter vilket inte reflekterar språkets komplexitet. För att kunna förstår hur semantisk information processeras i en större kontext, var studiens första syfte att undersöka om svenska förskolebarn om svenska förskolebarn förmår att förstå semantisk kontext och om denna kontext byggs upp över tid. Det andra syftet var att undersöka hur hjärnan fördelar uppmärksamhetsbaserade resurser i avseende på hjärnaktiveringsamplitud och olika processesningstyper. För detta testades svenska förskolebarn i ett dikotiskt lyssningstest med olika barnsagor. Utvecklingen av N400-komponenten, en händelse-relaterad potential, användes för detta. Nedgången av N400 komponenten och den sena positiviteten visades i både de uppmärksammade och ouppmärksammade kanalerna och detta indikerar semantisk förståelse och att semantisk kontext byggdes upp över tid. Därutöver kunde en större N400-amplitud observeras i den uppmärksammade kanalen, vilket indikerar att den fick mer hjärnresurser och använde sig av top-down-bearbetning i större utsträckning än bottom-up-processer. N400-komponenten och sena positiviteten visade sig vara mer komplex än förväntat. Det kan bero för att de sista orden i ett yttrande som var längre än nio ord exkluderades från analysen. Det finns ett behov av forskning som använder sig av längre lingvistiska kontexter och deras effekter i människohjärnan.

Mécanismes cognitifs du changement de langue chez les multilingues : études comportementales et électrophysiologiques / Cognitive mechanisms of language switching in trilinguals : behavioral and electrophysiological studies

Aparicio, Xavier 14 December 2010 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous étudions les mécanismes du changement de langue lors de la reconnaissance visuelle de mots chez des trilingues français /anglais /espagnol. Dans un premier temps, nous avons examiné les processus d’accès pour chacune des langues étudiées, indépendamment de la présentation des autres langues. Nous nous sommes ensuite interrogés sur les relations entre les langues et l’organisation lexicale sous-jacente dans la mémoire multilingue, ainsi que la mise en place des mécanismes cognitifs permettant de passer d’une langue à une autre. Dans cette perspective, nous avons réalisé trois séries d’expériences afin d’examiner l’influence mutuelle des langues et le coût cognitif consécutif à un changement de langue lors de la reconnaissance visuelle de mots isolés. Nous avons comparé le traitement de mots spécifiques à différentes langues (ayant un degré de recouvrement orthographique minimal) en faisant varier les situations de changement et en recueillant des données comportementales et chronométriques dans des tâches de décision lexicale, de catégorisation sémantique et d’amorçage sémantique par traduction. Les résultats mettent en évidence un ralentissement global du traitement dû au changement pour les trois langues. Nous avons également observé un coût cognitif suite à un changement de langue pour les trois langues, mais plus important lorsqu’il s’opère entre les deux langues les moins maîtrisées (L2 vers L3 et L3 vers L2). Les données obtenues confirment l’hypothèse d’unités lexicales intégrées au sein d’un même lexique dans la mémoire multilingue. Les résultats sont interprétés dans leur ensemble dans le cadre des principaux modèles de la mémoire bilingue/multilingue. / The present work focuses on language switching mechanisms during visual word recognition in French / English / Spanish trilinguals. First, we examined access to processing for each language, independently from the presentation of other languages. Then, our concern was to determine the different relations between languages and the underlying lexical organization inside the multilingual memory, as well as the activation of cognitive mechanisms allowing language switching. With this goal in mind, we performed three series of experiments to examine the influences between the languages, and the cognitive cost subsequent to a language switching during visual word recognition. We compare the processing of non-cognate words belonging to the three languages, manipulating the language switching situations and recording behavioral and electrophysiological data during lexical decision, semantic categorization and semantic translation priming. Results of these experiments highlight a general slowdown of processing consecutive to a language switch for all languages. Moreover, we observed a cognitive cost related to language switching for all the three languages, but bilaterally larger when it concerns the two non-dominant languages (L2 to L3 and L3 to L2). The recording data confirms the hypothesis of lexical representations integrated into a shared lexicon of multilingual memory. The results are interpreted in the light of the main models accounting for bilingual memory.

Adaptations in Speech Processing

Xu, Jue 06 July 2021 (has links)
Wie sich die Sprachwahrnehmung an ständig eingehende Informationen anpasst, ist eine Schlüsselfrage in der Gedanken- und Gehirnforschung. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, zum Verständnis von Anpassungen an die Sprecheridentität und Sprachfehler während der Sprachverarbeitung beizutragen und unser Wissen über die Rolle der kognitiven Kontrolle bei der Sprachverarbeitung zu erweitern. Zu diesem Zweck wurden ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs, englisch: event-related potentials, ERPs) N400 und P600 in der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) analysiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich insbesondere mit der Frage nach der Anpassung an die Sprecheridentität bei der Verarbeitung von zwei Arten von Sprachfehlern (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2019), und untersuchte die proaktive Anpassungen, die durch die Erkennung von Sprachfehlern (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021) und durch die Sprecher(dis)kontinuität über aufeinanderfolgende Sätze in Situationen mit mehreren Sprechern ausgelöst wurden (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021, in press). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass unterschiedliche Sprachverarbeitungsstrategien entsprechend der Sprecheridentität von Muttersprachlern oder Nicht-Muttersprachlern und zwei verschiedenen Arten von Sprachfehlern angepasst wurden, was sich in unterschiedlichen N400- und P600-Effekten widerspiegelte. Darüber hinaus kann die Erkennung von Konflikten (Sprachfehler) und Sprecher(dis)kontinuität über aufeinanderfolgende Sätze hinweg eine proaktive kognitive Kontrolle erfordern, die die Verarbeitungsstrategien für den folgenden Satz schnell anpasst, was sich in bisher nicht gemeldeten sequentiellen Anpassungseffekten in der P600-Amplitude manifestierte. Basierend auf dem DMC Modell (Braver, 2012; Braver, Gray, & Burgess, 2007) und dem Überwachungsmodell der Sprachverarbeitung (van de Meerendonk, Indefrey, Chwilla, & Kolk, 2011) schlage ich vor, dass die P600-Amplitude nicht nur reaktive Anpassungen manifestiert, die durch Konflikterkennung ausgelöst werden, nämlich die klassischen P600-Effekte, die eine erneute Analyse der Sprachverarbeitung widerspiegeln, sondern auch proaktive Anpassungen in der Überwachung der Sprachverarbeitung, die Mechanismen der kognitiven Kontrolle von Aufmerksamkeit und Gedächtnis beinhalten. / How language perception adapts to constantly incoming information is a key question in mind and brain research. This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of adaptation to speaker identity and speech error during speech processing, and to enhance our knowledge about the role of cognitive control in speech processing. For this purpose, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) N400 and P600 in the electroencephalography (EEG) were analyzed. Specifically, the present work addressed the question about adaptation to the speaker’s identity in processing two types of speech errors (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2019), and explored proactive adaptation initiated by the detection of speech errors (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021) and by speaker (dis-)continuity across consecutive sentences in multi-speaker situations (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021, in press). Results showed that different speech processing strategies were adapted according to native or non-native speaker identity and two different types of speech errors, reflected in different N400 and P600 effects. In addition, detection of conflict (speech error) and speaker (dis-)continuity across consecutive sentences engage cognitive control to rapidly adapt processing strategies for the following sentence, manifested in hitherto unreported sequential adaptation effects in the P600 amplitude. Based on the DMC model (Braver, 2012; Braver, Gray, & Burgess, 2007) and the monitoring theory of language perception (van de Meerendonk, Indefrey, Chwilla, & Kolk, 2011), I propose that the P600 amplitude manifests not only reactive adaptations triggered by conflict detection, i.e., the classic P600 effect, reflecting reanalysis of speech processing, but also proactive adaptations in monitoring the speech processing, engaging cognitive control mechanisms of attention and memory.

Synchronizing timelines: Relations between fixation durations and N400 amplitudes during sentence reading

Dambacher, Michael, Kliegl, Reinhold January 2007 (has links)
We examined relations between eye movements (single-fixation durations) and RSVP-based event-related potentials (ERPs; N400’s) recorded during reading the same sentences in two independent experiments. Longer fixation durations correlated with larger N400 amplitudes. Word frequency and predictability of the fixated word as well as the predictability of the upcoming word accounted for this covariance in a path-analytic model. Moreover, larger N400 amplitudes entailed longer fixation durations on the next word, a relation accounted for by word frequency. This pattern offers a neurophysiological correlate for the lag-word frequency effect on fixation durations: Word processing is reliably expressed not only in fixation durations on currently fixated words, but also in those on subsequently fixated words.

Speech Comprehension : Theoretical approaches and neural correlates

Roos, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
This review has examined the spatial and temporal neural activation of speech comprehension. Six theories on speech comprehension were selected and reviewed. The most fundamental structures for speech comprehension are the superior temporal gyrus, the fusiform gyrus, the temporal pole, the temporoparietal junction, and the inferior frontal gyrus. Considering temporal aspects of processes, the N400 ERP effect indicates semantic violations, and the P600 indicates re-evaluation of a word due to ambiguity or syntax error. The dual-route processing model provides the most accurate account of neural correlates and streams of activation necessary for speech comprehension, while also being compatible with both the reviewed studies and the reviewed theories. The integrated theory of language production and comprehension provides a contemporary theory of speech production and comprehension with roots in computational neuroscience, which in conjunction with the dual-route processing model could drive the fields of language and neuroscience even further forward.

Relations entre conscience et représentations sémantiques verbales : approche comportementale et neurophysiologique chez le sujet sain et le patient cérébro-lésé / Relations between semantic processing & consciousness : a behavioral and neurophysiological approach in healthy volunteers and brain-injured patients

Rohaut, Benjamin 25 September 2015 (has links)
L'étude de fonctions cognitives telles que le langage, la conscience et a fortiori leurs relations, constitue un défi aux confins de la médecine et des neurosciences cognitives. Le traitement sémantique procure à nos expériences perceptuelles un niveau de représentation abstrait, permettant une variété de fonctions conceptuelles. Dans ce travail, nous avons voulu explorer les relations entre le traitement sémantique verbal et la conscience en adoptant une double approche : d'une part en étudiant des sujets sains en condition de perception consciente et inconsciente (en utilisant une technique de masquage visuel), et d'autre part en étudiant des patients présentant un trouble de la conscience. Au travers de ce travail, nous apportons des arguments en faveur de l'existence de représentations sémantiques verbales inconscientes. Nous proposons également que les deux signatures cérébrales observées en potentiels évoqués (N400 puis LPC/P600) puissent s'intégrer dans un modèle à deux temps : premier temps inconscient (correspondant à la N400), puis second temps conscient (correspondant à la LPC/P600). En explorant les différences entre traitement conscient et non conscient, nous montrons que le traitement sémantique non conscient est sensible aux influences descendantes conscientes, ce qui réfute une conception strictement automatique de la cognition inconsciente. Nos résultats apportent également un nouveau regard sur les mécanismes de résolution d'ambiguïté sémantique. L'exploration des capacités cognitives telles que le traitement sémantique verbal, chez des patients présentant un trouble de la conscience, devrait permettre des avancées notables dans leur prise en charge. / The study of cognitive functions so complex such as language and consciousness, and of their interactions, is a challenge at the boundaries between medicine (intensive care, anesthesia, neurology) and cognitive neuroscience. Semantic processing provides our perceptual experiences with a level of abstraction allowing a variety of conceptual functions such as object recognition, social cognition, or language. In this thesis, we explored the relationships between verbal semantic processing and consciousness using a double approach: first, by studying healthy subjects in conscious and unconscious condition (using visual masking), and secondly by studying patients with disorders of consciousness. Through this work we provided empirical evidence of unconscious semantic representations. We then proposed that the two main brain signatures of semantic processing observed in ERPs (N400 and LPC / P600) could be integrated in a two stages model: a first unconscious stage (corresponding to the N400), followed or not by a second stage of processing corresponding to conscious semantics (LPC / P600). Exploring the differences between conscious and nonconscious processing, we showed that nonconscious semantic processing is sensitive to conscious top-down influences. These results refute a strictly automatic conception of unconscious cognition. Our results also shed new light on the respective roles of the two hemispheres in the resolution of semantic ambiguity. The exploration of high-level cognitive abilities, - such a verbal semantic processing - in patients affected with disorder of consciousness should enable significant advancements in their medical management.

Beyond Orthographic Segmentation: Neurophysiological Evidence That Pseudo-Derived Word Stems Are Processed Semantically

Herbert, Theresa 13 March 2009 (has links)
Morphological segmentation while reading is essential for new vocabulary learning. The study's aim was to investigate semantic-level morphological segmentation using event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in typical young adult readers. Past research has suggested that, because semantically opaque words prime their stems (e.g., corner/corn) similarly to transparent words (e.g., farmer/farm), readers recognize complex words from their constituent morphemes without regard to semantic information. However, this priming effect may be due to orthographic and phonological overlap between prime and target words. The research presented here addressed this possibility by creating five conditions in which orthographic, phonological, and semantic relationships between prime and target words were manipulated: Condition 1,wherein prime and target shared no relationship (e.g., inn/brother), served as Control. In Condition 2, prime and target were the same (e.g., brother/brother). In Condition 3, prime was the stem of target (e.g., broth/brother). Condition 4, our critical experimental condition, used primes semantically related to the stem of the target word (e.g., soup/brother). Finally, in Condition 5, prime was semantically related to the whole target word (e.g., sibling/brother). Semantically priming the stem (Condition 4) did not modulate the amplitude of the standard N400 ERP component (as did Conditions 2, 3, and 5), but did affect an early N400-like ERP component peaking in amplitude at ~262 ms after target. Other ERPs were observed that responded uniquely to shared orthography (Conditions 2, 3). Results set the stage for investigating morphological processing in adult reading impairments to evaluate whether, and to what extent, these readers semantically process morphological stems during text comprehension.

Les effets non réciproques de l’activation du schéma hostile et non hostile sur le processus d’attribution d’intention chez les individus non agressifs

Kim, Wan Seo 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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