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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Catalytic Decomposition of Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Gases Using Nanofiber Based Filter Media of Varying Diameters

Petty, Renee Lynn 19 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Nya material från protein-nanofibrer / New materials from protein nanofibers

Ilic, Natasa, Lalangas, Nektaria, Rostami, Jowan, Wiorek, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Under det här kandidatexamensarbetet har protein-nanofibers påverkan på material undersökts genom att jämföra fibrillerade filmer med ofibrillerade. Sojaproteinisolat fibrillerades under förhållandena pH 2 och 85 ◦C under minst ett dygn och de syntetiserade nanofibrerna analyserades med Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescens och atomkraftsmikroskopi (AFM). Spektra från analysmetoden ThT fluorescens indikerade på förekomsten av β-flak och analyserna med AFM visade på att fibrerna hade en morfologi som är karakteristisk för protein-nanofibrer. Resultaten antyder att de parametrar som påverkar morfologin hos fibrerna är fibrilleringstid och typ av protein. De gjutna filmerna från fibrillära respektive ofibrillära proteiner var sammanhängande bortsett från vissa sprickor. Värdena på E-modulen från AFM visade att det fibrillerade materialet var mer heterogent än det ofibrillerade. Filmer med sammanhängande yta erhölls vid tillsats av det mjukgörande additivet glycerol. Slutligen, material av både fibrillär och ofibrillär form kan framställas, däremot krävs vidare forskning för att optimera materialens egenskaper. / During this bachelor thesis project, the impact of protein nanofibers on materials has been analysed by comparing films made from fibrillar and non-fibrillar protein. Fibrillation of soy protein isolate was performed during at least 24 hours at pH 2 and a temperature of 85 ◦C. Analysis of the nanofibers was made with Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The spectra from ThT Fluorescens indicated the presence of β-sheets and AFM confirmed that the fibrils had a morphology that is characteristic of protein nanofibers. The results indicated that heating time and protein type were the parameters which had the largest impact on the morphology of the fibrils. The synthesised films from both fibrillar and non-fibrillar protein were coherent with exception of some cracks. The elastic modulus from AFM indicated that the fibrillar film was more heterogeneous compared to the non-fibrillar film. To attain coherent films, the plasticising agent glycerol was added. To summarise, both fibrillar as well as non-fibrillar materials were successfully synthesised, however, further research is necessary to optimise the properties of the material.

Towards a sustainable substitute for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) in automotive industry / Mot en hållbar ersättning för Acrylnitrilbutadienstyren (ABS) inom fordonsindustrin

Christoula, Amalia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla ett hållbart ersättningsmaterial till akrylnitrilbutadienstyren plast (ABS), genom att applicera principerna för grön kemi och teknik. ABS är en icke-nedbrytbar plast som till exempel används i slagtåliga produkter för hyttinteriörer. Att utveckla ett nytt material baserat på en kravspecifikation med en specifik produkt i åtanke är av stor betydelse då en initial teoretiska utvärdering kan ge resultat som driver ytterligare innovation och säkerställer en god överensstämmelse med förväntningarna på produkten. Baserat på den genomförda litteraturutvärderingen och kravspecifikationen för produkten valdes polylaktid (PLA) som matrismaterial och blandades med nanofibrer av lignocellulosa (LCNF) och naturgummi (NR), där maleinsyraanhydrid (MA) användes som kompatibilisator. Denna modifieringsstrategi syftade till att förbättra PLAs styrka och minska dess sprödhet. Flera olika parametrar undersöktes, vilka inkluderar olika torkningsmetoder för LCNF:en och olika metoder för MA tillsats före bearbetningen av blandningen. Termisk analys av blandningarna visade att tillsatsen av LCHF och NR inte påverkar nedbrytningstemperaturen för PLA-matrisen i någon större utsträckning, men att kristalliniteten påverkades av dem och de olika behandlingsmetoderna. Styvheten hos de PLA-baserade materialen var likvärdig ABS, medan elasticitet var generellt likvärdig PLA och där tillsatsen av naturgummi förbättrade materialens deformationskapacitet. SEM bilder indikerade att de tre komponenterna var kompatibiliserade, då fibrösa strukturer och sammanflätade nätverk av LCNF och NR i PLA-matrisen kunde observeras. SEM bilderna visade också att NR agglomererade då stora agglomerat och porösa strukturer uppstod, vilket understryker vikten av att optimera framtida blandningsstrategier. En livscykelbedömning (LCA), enligt en vagga-till-graven metod, förväntas visa lägre koldioxidutsläpp för det föreslagna alternativet jämfört med ABS tack vare tillämpningen av principerna för grön kemi vid produktutformningen. Detta bekräftar den ursprungliga hypotesen om en ökad miljövänligheten hos PLA-baserade ersättningsmaterial jämfört med ABS. / This thesis aims to develop sustainable replacement for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) in high-impact applications within construction equipment’s Cab interior. Adhering to the principles of Green Chemistry and Engineering, the study focused on developing and accessing an environmentally friendly substitute for ABS, a commonly used non-biodegradable plastic. Investigating novel materials with a tailored requirements list is vital in materials science and engineering. Theoretical approaches can yield results which drive further innovation, ensuring comprehensive alignment with application expectations through a holistic approach to address critical factors. Following this guideline, the chosen alternative was Polylactide (PLA), fortified with a blend of lignocellulose nanofibers (LCNFs) and natural rubber (NR) at a 10 wt.% concentration, with the addition of Maleic Anhydride (MA) as a compatibilizer. This modification strategy aimed to enhance PLA's strength and reduce its brittleness. The investigation encompassed various parameters, including different LCNF drying methods and variations in additive treatment before melt-mixing with PLA. The outcomes from thermal analysis indicated that the inclusion of reinforcements does not significantly affect the degradation temperature of the PLA matrix. Crystallinity, on the other hand, was found to be influenced by the presence of lignocellulose reinforcements and natural rubber, with intriguing nuances emerging from the interplay of these components and different treatment methods. PLA-based alternatives performed similarly to low grade ABS and had similar stiffness levels. In terms of elasticity, most materials behaved similarly to neat PLA, but the addition of natural rubber enhanced their deformation capacity. Successful compatibilization between lignocellulose reinforcements, natural rubber, and PLA was assumed from the observed fibrous structures and interwoven networks within the PLA matrix. Additionally, the presence of aggregates and porous structures highlighted the challenges posed by rubber agglomeration. Finally, the observation of larger agglomerates beyond typical interphase sizes raised concerns about brittle behavior, emphasizing the need for optimizing blend toughening strategies. The input for a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), following a cradle-to-gate approach, is anticipated to show lower carbon emissions for the proposed alternative in comparison to ABS due to the principles of Green Engineering applied in the product design, denoting the environmental viability of the PLA-based substitute.

Desarrollo de materiales compuestos mediante la modificación de matrices de polipropileno por adición de nanofibras de carbono y nanotubos de carbono para su utilización en el sector textil

Peris Abad, Fernando 30 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] Los Nanotubos (CNTs) y Nanofibras de Carbono (CNFs) son materiales de nueva generación que tienen características mejores que los materiales convencionalmente utilizados. Los Nanotubos están formados por carbono, siendo su unidad elemental un plano de grafito enrollado cilíndricamente creando tubos de diámetro nanométrico. Por otro lado, las Nanofibras son materiales intermedios entre las habituales fibras de carbono y los CNTs, las cuales se han desarrollado con la finalidad de obtener fibras de carbono nanométricas y pudiendo reemplazar a los CNTs, de una forma más económica y pudiéndose obtener en grandes cantidades. Todo ello, ha llevado a que estos materiales susciten grandes intereses como consecuencia de sus variadas aplicaciones posibles, provocando que se haya trabajado en optimizar y trasladar su proceso de producción a nivel industrial y cada día sean más atractivos. La conveniencia de utilizar estos productos radica en sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, alta conductividad térmica y eléctrica, así como buena estabilidad a altas temperaturas. Todo ello hace que este tipo de materiales sea muy interesante para ser empleado como refuerzo en matrices termoplásticas. Sin embargo, los materiales compuestos que se ha conseguido obtener hasta la fecha presentan unas propiedades muy inferiores a las inicialmente esperadas, debido a la naturaleza de los materiales y la elevada incompatibilidad existente entre la matriz polimérica y el nano-refuerzo. Ésta provoca la aglomeración de las partículas y la formación de una interfase polímeronanopartícula de malas propiedades mecánicas, donde la transferencia de tensión entre la matriz y el refuerzo no es efectiva. En busca de alternativas a esta problemática, el presente trabajo trata de evaluar como evolucionas distintas propiedades, como las mecánicas, térmicas, reológicas y/o eléctricas, en los materiales desarrollados tras la incorporación de distintas cantidades tanto de CNFs como de CNTs a una matriz de Polipropileno, mediante un proceso de mezclado en fundido o compounding. En un último estudio, se ha analizado cómo evolucionan las propiedades eléctricas o antiestáticas de estos materiales al ser sometidos a subsiguientes procesados con aportes térmicos (Tª) como son la extrusión de monofilamento y la posterior impresión 3D del mismo, para transformarse en una pieza final. / [CA] Els Nanotubs (CNTs) i Nanofibres de Carboni (CNFs) són una nova generació de materials que presenten unes propietats superiors als materials convencionalment utilitzats. Els CNTs són uns materials formats per carboni, on la unitat bàsica és un pla grafític enrotllat que forma un cilindre, formant uns tubs el diàmetre dels quals és de l'ordre d'alguns nanòmetres. Les CNFs per part seua, es consideren com a materials intermedis entre les fibres de carboni convencionals i els CNTs, desenvolupades a fi de produir unes fibres de carboni de grandària nanométrica alternatives als nanotubs, més econòmiques i amb la possibilitat de ser produïdes en grans volums. Tot això, ha portat al fet que aquests materials susciten grans interessos a causa de les seues múltiples possibles aplicacions, provocant que s'haja treballat a optimitzar i traslladar el seu procés de producció a nivell industrial i cada dia siguen més atractius. La conveniència d'utilitzar aquests productes radica en les seues excel·lents propietats mecàniques, alta conductivitat tèrmica i elèctrica, així com bona estabilitat a altes temperatures. Tot això fa que aquest tipus de materials siga molt interessant per a ser emprat com a reforç en matrius termoplàstiques. No obstant això, els materials compostos que s'ha aconseguit obtindre fins hui presenten unes propietats molt inferiors a les inicialment esperades, a causa de la naturalesa dels materials i l'elevada incompatibilitat existent entre la matriu polimèrica i el nano-reforç. Aquesta provoca l'aglomeració de les partícules i la formació d'una interfase polímer-nanopartícula de baixes propietats mecàniques, on la transferència de tensió entre la matriu i el reforç no és efectiva. A la recerca d'alternatives a aquesta problemàtica, el present treball tracta d'avaluar com evoluciones diferents propietats, com les mecàniques, tèrmiques, reològiques i/o elèctriques, en els materials desenvolupats després de la incorporació de diferents quantitats tant de CNFs com de CNTs a una matriu de Polipropilè, mitjançant un procés de barrejat en fos o compounding. En un últim estudi, s'ha analitzat com evolucionen les propietats elèctriques o antiestàtiques d'aquests materials en ser sotmesos a subsegüents processaments amb aportacions tèrmiques (Tª) com són l'extrusió de monofilaments i la posterior impressió 3D d'aquest, per a transformar-se en una peça final. / [EN] Nanotubes (CNTs) and Carbon Nanofibers (CNFs) are a new generation of materials that present superior properties to conventionally used materials. CNTs are materials made of carbon, where the basic unit is a rolled graphite plane that forms a cylinder, forming tubes whose diameter is of the order of a few nanometres. For their part, CNFs are considered as intermediate materials between conventional carbon fibres and CNTs, developed in order to produce nano-sized carbon fibres that are alternatives to nanotubes, cheaper and with the possibility of being produced in large volumes. . All this has led to these materials arousing great interest due to their multiple possible applications, causing work to be done to optimize and transfer their production process to an industrial level and become more attractive every day. The convenience of using these products lies in their excellent mechanical properties, high thermal and electrical conductivity, as well as good stability at high temperatures. All this makes this type of material very interesting to be used as reinforcement in thermoplastic matrices. However, the composite materials that have been obtained to date have much lower properties than those initially expected, due to the nature of the materials and the high incompatibility between the polymeric matrix and the nanoreinforcement. This causes the agglomeration of the particles and the formation of a polymer-nanoparticle interface with poor mechanical properties, where the transfer of tension between the matrix and the reinforcement is not effective. In search of alternatives to this problem, this work tries to evaluate how different properties evolve, such as mechanical, thermal, rheological and / or electrical, in the materials developed after the incorporation of different amounts of both CNFs and CNTs to a matrix. Polypropylene, through a melt mixing process or compounding. In a last study, it has been analysed how the electrical or antistatic properties of these materials evolve when subjected to subsequent processing with thermal inputs (Tª) such as the extrusion of monofilament and the subsequent 3D printing of it, to become a final piece . / Peris Abad, F. (2021). Desarrollo de materiales compuestos mediante la modificación de matrices de polipropileno por adición de nanofibras de carbono y nanotubos de carbono para su utilización en el sector textil [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165209

Design and fabrication of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) based microcapsules and their applications

Mubarak, Shuaib Ahmed 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Emulsions, comprising dispersed oil or water droplets stabilized by surfactants, are widely employed across industries. However, conventional surfactants raise environmental concerns, and emulsions may encounter stability challenges during storage. A promising alternative lies in Pickering emulsions, where particles adhere irreversibly at the water-oil interface, providing enhanced stability. Recent research explores the use of natural bio-based particles as interfacial stabilizers for creating Pickering emulsions, offering improved stability and environmental friendliness. This significant change towards particle-stabilized emulsions addresses sustainability and efficacy concerns. This dissertation investigates the application of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) in stabilizing Pickering emulsions for the development of functional microcapsules with diverse applications. A novel CNF aerogel with a hierarchical pore structure was developed using n-hexane-CNF oil-in-water (O/W) Pickering emulsions as templates. These hollow microcapsule-based CNF (HM-CNF) aerogels demonstrated high oil absorption capacities of 354 grams per gram for chloroform and 166 grams per gram for n-hexadecane, without requiring hydrophobic modifications, highlighting their potential as environmentally sustainable and high-performance oil absorbents. Further, the research explored the microencapsulation of n-hexadecane, an organic phase change material (PCM), within a hybrid shell of CNFs and chitin nanofibers (ChNFs). This method significantly improved the thermal stability of the encapsulated n-hexadecane, with maximum weight loss temperatures increasing from 184 degrees Celsius to 201 degrees Celsius with ChNF loading. The char yield also increased with ChNF content, indicating enhanced thermal degradation resistance. These emulsions demonstrated stability in various ionic solutions and elevated temperatures, showcasing their potential for applications such as thermal energy storage, cosmetics, food, and pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the dissertation examined stable water-in-oil (W/O) inverse Pickering emulsions using TEMPO-treated cellulose nanofibrils (TCNF). These emulsions, stabilized by TCNF-oleylamine complexes, exhibited droplet sizes ranging from 27 micrometers to 8 micrometers depending on TCNF concentration. They maintained stability under varying pH, ionic strength, and temperature conditions and demonstrated the encapsulation of water-soluble components like phytic acid, highlighting their versatility for diverse encapsulation applications. Overall, the research presents significant advancements in the utilization of CNF-stabilized Pickering emulsions, employing them as templates for fabricating aerogels and microcapsules. This approach enhances oil absorption, thermal stability, and encapsulation capabilities, offering eco-friendly solutions for diverse applications.

Development of 3D Printing Multifunctional Materials for Structural Health Monitoring

Cole M Maynard (6622457) 11 August 2022 (has links)
<p>Multifunctional additive manufacturing has the immense potential of addressing present needs within structural health monitoring by enabling a new additive manufacturing paradigm that redefines what a sensor is, or what sensors should resemble. To achieve this, the properties of printed components must be precisely tailored to meet structure specific and application specific requirements. However due to the limited number of commercially available multifunctional filaments, this research investigates the in-house creation of adaptable piezoresistive multifunctional filaments and their potential within structural health monitoring applications based upon their characterized piezoresistive responses. To do so, a rigid polylactic acid based-filament and a flexible thermoplastic polyurethane based-filament were modified to impart piezoresistive properties using carbon nanofibers. The filaments were produced using different mixing techniques, nanoparticle concentrations, and optimally selected manufacturing parameters from a design of experiments approach. The resulting filaments exhibited consistent resistivity values which were found to be less variable under specific mixing techniques than commercially available multifunctional filaments. This improved consistency was found to be a key factor which held back currently available piezoresistive filaments from fulfilling needs within structural health monitoring. To demonstrate the ability to meet these needs, the piezoresistive responses of three dog-bone shaped sensor sizes were measured under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions for the optimally manufactured filaments. The characterized piezoresistive responses demonstrated high strain sensitivities under both tensile and compressive loads. These piezoresistive sensors demonstrated the greatest sensitivity in tension, where all three sensor sizes exhibited gauge factors over 30. Cyclic loading supported these results and further demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the printed sensors within SHM applications.</p>

Fabrication of polymeric composite nanofiber materials and their antibacterial activity for effective wound healing

More, Dikeledi Selinah January 2023 (has links)
D. Tech. (Department of Biotechnology and Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The synthesis of Ag and Cu nanoparticles was carried out using the thermal decomposition method in the presence of oleylamine as a capping agent. This method was used because it can produce uniform and monodisperse nanoparticles with controlled size distribution. The nanoparticles synthesized under various conditions were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV/Vis spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The effect of precursor concentration on the morphology and size of the nanoparticles was investigated. It was observed that an increase in the precursor concentration resulted in an increase in particle sizes with different morphologies for both Ag and Cu nanoparticles. The increase in particle sizes for Ag nanoparticles was due to Ostwald ripening, while for Cu nanoparticles it was due to agglomeration, as Cu tends to oxidize in the atmosphere, leading to a change in particle size and shape. However, the ability to control and manipulate their physical and chemical properties depends on tuning their size and shape. Therefore, varying the precursor concentration helped in selecting the optimal concentration for this study. The nanoparticles produced were used in another study as fillers or additives for the production of nanofiber composites. The development of nanofibers by electrospinning process has led to potential applications in filtration, tissue engineering scaffolds, drug delivery, wound dressing and etc. The current study is an attempt to fabricate composite nanofibers that can be used as wound dressing material for effective wound healing. The approach involves the blending of two different polymers both being biocompatible and biodegradable were one is a natural polymer and the other is a synthetic polymer. In this study, different weight ratios of CS/PVA blends, Ag/Cu/CS/PVA, Ag/CS/PVA and Cu/CS/PVA composite fibers have been successfully prepared by the electrospinning process. The tip-to-collector distance was kept at 15 cm and the applied voltage was varied from 15 to 25 kV. The effects of the weight ratios applied voltage and the nanoparticles loading on the morphology and diameter of the fibers were investigated. The resultant fibers were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), XRD, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The SEM results showed that an increase the amount of chitosan in the CS/PVA blend resulted in a decrease in the fiber diameters while an increase in the voltage from 15 to 25 kV led to a decrease in the fiber diameters. Furthermore, an increase in fiber diameters was observed with irregular morphologies upon addition of Ag/Cu nanoparticles into the blend. The latter changes are perceived to be as a result of an increased conductivity and a higher charge density. The XRD results showed peaks which correspond to Ag in the face centred cubic. Ag peaks are more dominant than Cu peaks in the XRD of the mixed nanoparticles. The FTIR spectra of the Ag/Cu/CS/PVA composite fibers gave almost identical features as the blend. This proves that there was an interaction between CS and PVA polymer due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The TGA curves showed no significant effect on the thermal stability of the composite fibers upon addition of different nanoparticles loadings. The absorption spectra of the composite fibers showed an improved optical properties compared to the blend. For Ag and Cu nanoparticles composite fibers it was observed that addition of Ag nanoparticles in the blend resulted in an increase in fiber diameters with uniform morphology whereas for Cu resulted in a decrease in fiber diameters. Both Ag and Cu composite fibers showed an improved optical properties. The effect of CS/PVA, Ag/Cu, Ag, and Cu nanofibers on the selected microorganism (K.pneumoniae, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and E.coli) was evaluated using the disk diffusion method. It was observed that Ag/Cu/CS/PVA composite fibers showed greater activity against all microorganisms compared to Ag and Cu composite fibers. The alamar blue and Pierce Lactase dehydrogenase (LDH) assay were used to assess the effect of the blend and the composite fibers on cell viability and cytotoxicity, respectively. The results show that the prepared blend and the composite fibers did not have any toxic effect on human adipose derived stem cells (hADSC). The results also showed that as the concentration of Ag/Cu nanoparticles was increased the viability of the cells also increased after 24 hour incubation. More proliferation was observed in day 1 compared to day 3. The 30/70 blend showed more viable cell compared to the negative control. For Ag and Cu composite fibers the 30/70 CS/PVA blend increased cell proliferation after 3 days with 17% more viable cells compared to the negative control. These results show that the prepared blend with its composite fibers are biocompatible with human (ADSC) and may be suitable for use in biomedical application such as wound dressing.

Large deformation shear and elongation rheology of polymers for electrospinning and other Industrial Processes

Ahirwal, Deepak 17 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The goals of this thesis are the characterization of polymer melts using mainly non-linear shear and extensional rheological techniques. The fabrication of scaffolds with excellent physical and mechanical properties using solution electrospinning technology for tissue engineering applications and the development of melt electrospinning equipment to facilitate the fabrication of solvent free scaffolds. To achieve the first goal, we focused on the characterization of entangled polymer melts in the linear and nonlinear viscoelastic regimes. The influence of molecular weight, Mw, molecular weight distribution (MWD), long-chain branching (LCB) and addition of particles to the polymer matrix on polymer melt properties were investigated using shear and extensional rheological techniques. The resulting structure-property relationships were established using newly introduced mechanical parameters under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) flow.

Electrospinning and characterization of self-assembled inclusion complexies

Liu, Yang 08 1900 (has links)
L’électrofilage est une technique permettant de fabriquer des fibres polymériques dont le diamètre varie entre quelques nanomètres et quelques microns. Ces fibres ont donc un rapport surface/volume très élevé. Les fibres électrofilées pourraient trouver des applications dans le relargage de médicaments et le génie tissulaire, comme membranes et capteurs chimiques, ou dans les nanocomposites et dispositifs électroniques. L’électrofilage était initialement utilisé pour préparer des toiles de fibres désordonnées, mais il est maintenant possible d’aligner les fibres par l’usage de collecteurs spéciaux. Cependant, il est important de contrôler non seulement l’alignement macroscopique des fibres mais aussi leur orientation au niveau moléculaire puisque l’orientation influence les propriétés mécaniques, optiques et électriques des polymères. Les complexes moléculaires apparaissent comme une cible de choix pour produire des nanofibres fortement orientées. Dans les complexes d’inclusion d’urée, les chaînes polymères sont empilées dans des canaux unidimensionnels construits à partir d’un réseau tridimensionnel de molécules d’urée liées par des ponts hydrogène. Ainsi, les chaînes polymère sonts très allongées à l’échelle moléculaire. Des nanofibres du complexe PEO-urée ont été préparées pour la première fois par électrofilage de suspensions et de solutions. Tel qu’attendu, une orientation moléculaire inhabituellement élevée a été observée dans ces fibres. De tels complexes orientés pourraient être utilisés à la fois dans des études fondamentales et dans la préparation de matériaux hiérarchiquement structurés. La méthode d’électrofilage peut parfois aussi être utilisée pour préparer des matériaux polymériques métastables qui ne peuvent pas être préparés par des méthodes conventionnelles. Ici, l’électrofilage a été utilisé pour préparer des fibres des complexes stables (α) et "métastables" (β) entre le PEO et l’urée. La caractérisation du complexe β, qui était mal connu, révèle un rapport PEO:urée de 12:8 appartenant au système orthorhombique avec a = 1.907 nm, b = 0.862 nm et c = 0.773 nm. Les chaînes de PEO sont orientées selon l’axe de la fibre. Leur conformation est significativement affectée par les ponts hydrogène. Une structure en couches a été suggérée pour la forme β, plutôt que la structure conventionnelle en canaux adoptée par la forme α. Nos résultats indiquent que le complexe β est thermodynamiquement stable avant sa fonte et peut se transformer en forme α et en PEO liquide par un processus de fonte et recristallisation à 89 ºC. Ceci va dans le sens contraire aux observations faites avec le complexe β obtenu par trempe du complexe α fondu. En effet, le complexe β ainsi obtenu est métastable et contient des cristaux d’urée. Il peut subir une transition de phases cinétique solide-solide pour produire du complexe α dans une vaste gamme de températures. Cette transition est induite par un changement de conformation du PEO et par la formation de ponts hydrogène intermoléculaires entre l’urée et le PEO. Le diagramme de phases du système PEO-urée a été tracé sur toute la gamme de compositions, ce qui a permis d’interpréter la formation de plusieurs mélanges qui ne sont pas à l’équilibre mais qui sont été observés expérimentalement. La structure et le diagramme de phases du complexe PEO-thiourée, qui est aussi un complexe très mal connu, ont été étudiés en détail. Un rapport molaire PEO :thiourée de 3:2 a été déduit pour le complexe, et une cellule monoclinique avec a = 0.915 nm, b = 1.888 nm, c = 0.825 nm et β = 92.35º a été déterminée. Comme pour le complexe PEO-urée de forme β, une structure en couches a été suggérée pour le complexe PEO-thiourée, dans laquelle les molécules de thiourée seraient disposées en rubans intercalés entre deux couches de PEO. Cette structure en couches pourrait expliquer la température de fusion beaucoup plus faible des complexes PEO-thiourée (110 ºC) et PEO-urée de forme β (89 ºC) en comparaison aux structures en canaux du complexe PEO-urée de forme α (143 ºC). / Electrospinning is a technique that allows production of polymeric fibers with diameters ranging from nanometers to a few microns, and thus with an inherent high surface-to-volume ratio. Electrospun fibers are finding potential applications in drug delivery and tissue engineering, as membranes and chemical sensors, and in nanocomposites and electronic devices. Electrospinning was initially used to prepare disordered, non-woven mats, but it is now possible to produce highly aligned fibers by using different target collectors. However, it is of great interest to not only control the macroscopic alignment of the fibers but also their orientation at the molecular level since it influences the mechanical, optical and electrical properties of polymers. Molecular complexes were targeted as a means of increasing molecular orientation in electrospun fibers. In the host-guest urea inclusion complexes (ICs), polymer chains are packed in one-dimensional channels constructed from an essentially infinite three-dimensional network of hydrogen-bonded urea molecules. The polymer chains are thus highly extended at the molecular scale. PEO-urea complex nanofibers have been prepared for the first time by electrospinning of suspension and solutions. As predicted, an unusually large molecular orientation in the fibers was achieved. Such highly ordered IC fibers could find use both for fundamental studies of the inclusion complexes and for the preparation of hierarchically structured materials. Electrospinning can also sometimes be used to prepare metastable polymeric materials that cannot be prepared by the conventional methods. Here, solution electrospinning was used to prepare fibers of both the stable (α) and "metastable" (β) complexes between PEO and urea. Detailed characterization of the ill-studied β complex reveals that it possesses a 12:8 PEO:urea stoichiometry and belongs to the orthorhombic system with a = 1.907 nm, b = 0.862 nm, and c = 0.773 nm. The PEO chains are oriented along the fiber axis and present a conformation significantly affected by strong hydrogen bonding with urea as compared to the pure polymer and the stable α complex. A layered structure, rather than the conventional channel structure, is suggested. In contrast with previous suggestions based on melt-quenched PEO-urea α complex, our results further indicate that the β complex is thermodynamically stable before melting and can phase-transfer to the α complex and liquid PEO through a thermodynamic melt-recrystallization process at 89 ºC. In contrast, the β complex obtained by melt-quenching the α complex is mixed with urea crystal and is metastable. It can experience a kinetic solid-solid phase transition process to produce α complex within a large temperature range. This transition is induced by a PEO conformation change and by the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between urea and PEO. The phase diagram of the PEO/urea system was drawn over the complete composition range, which allowed interpreting the formation of various out-of-equilibrium mixtures observed experimentally. The structure and phase diagram of the PEO/thiourea complex, another poorly understood system, was also studied in detail. An EO:thiourea molar ratio of 3:2 was deduced for the complex, and a monoclinic unit cell with a = 0.915 nm, b = 1.888 nm, c = 0.825 nm and β = 92.35º was determined. Just as for the PEO-urea β complex, a layered structure was suggested for the PEO-thiourea complex, in which the thiourea molecules would be arranged into a ribbon-like structure intercalated between two PEO layers. This layered structure could explain the much lower melting temperature of the PEO-thiourea (110 ºC) and PEO-urea β complexes (89 ºC) as compared to the well known channel-structured PEO-urea α complex (143 ºC).

Synthèse par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur catalytique (C-CVD) de nanostructures de carbone et leurs applications en catalyse et pour des matériaux composites / Synthesis of carbon nanostructures by Catalytic chemical vapor deposition : Application in catalysis and in composite materials

Oubenali, Mustapha 14 July 2011 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous décrivons les différentes formes, la structure, les propriétés et la croissance catalytique de nanotubes et nanofibres de carbone (Chapitre I). L'hydroxyapatite a été utilisée comme support de la phase active pour la synthèse de nanotubes de carbone multi-feuillet (MWCNTs) et de nanofibres de carbone (CNFs-H) par la technique de dépôt chimique en phase de vapeur catalytique (C-CVD) en lit fluidisé (Chapitre II). Après l'élimination du support par un simple lavage à l'acide chloridrique dilué, une étude théorique et expérimentale de l'oxydation de la surface de nanotubes de carbone par un traitement à l'acide nitrique a permis d'une part d'identifier et de quantifier les groupes formés à la surface de nanostructures carbonées et d'autre part de proposer un mécanisme pour la formation de ces groupes (Chapitre III). Les matériaux résultants après génération des fonctions carboxyliques de surface ont été utilisés comme support de catalyseur. L'hydrogénation du p-halogénonitrobenzène a été choisit comme réaction modèle pour comparer les performances catalytiques de catalyseurs à base de ruthénium en fonction de la nature du support utilisé, MWCNTs ou CNFs-H. L'influence de certains paramètres tels que la température, la nature du substrat et un traitement thermique du catalyseur (activation) est présentée. Une explication des performances catalytiques est proposée après caractérisation du catalyseur par MET, TPD, TPR et PZC (Chapitre IV). Les nanostructures carbonnées produites et caractérisées ont été utilisées comme charge de renforcement d'hydroxyapatites connue comme biomatériaux. Nous avons étudié en particulier la capacité de germination du phosphate octocalcique par la méthode de croissance cristalline à composition constante (C4) (Chapitre V). / In this work, we describe the different forms, the catalytic growth, the structure and properties of carbon nanotubes and nanofibres (Chapter I). Hydroxyapatite was used as catalyst support for the synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and nanofibres (CNFs) by catalytic chemical vapour deposition (C-CVD) in a fluidized bed reactor (Chapter II). After support removal by washing with diluted hydrochloric acid, a theoretical and experimental study of surface oxidation of carbon nanotubes by nitric acid treatment has been performed. It allows to identify and quantify the groups formed on the surface of carbon nanostructures and also to propose a mechanism for the formation of these groups (Chapter III). The functionalized nanotubes and nanofibers have been used as supports for heterogeneous catalysis. The hydrogenation of p-halonitrobenzene was used as model reaction to compare the catalytic performances of ruthenium supported on MWCNTs or CNFs-H catalysts. The influence of experimental parameters such as temperature, nature of the substrate and prior heat treatment (activation) of the catalyst on the catalytic activity and selectivity is presented. The catalytic performances have been correlated to the structure of the catalyst as determined from TEM, TPD, TPR and PZC analysis (Chapter IV). The carbon nanostructures produced have also been used as reinforcement fillers for hydroxyapatite-nanotube composites. We have studied in particular, the germination of octacalcium phosphate crystals under conditions of constant solution composition on the surface of the composite (Chapter V).

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