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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanostructures de silicium par croissance chimique catalysée : une plate-forme pour des applications micro-supercondensateurs / Silicon nanostructures by catalyzed chemical growth : a platform for micro-supercapacitors applications

Gaboriau, Dorian 30 November 2016 (has links)
Les supercondensateurs sont des dispositifs de stockage électrochimique de l’énergie ayant été récemment mis au point et possédant des performances intermédiaires entre les condensateurs diélectriques et les batteries. Leurs intéressantes valeurs de densité d’énergie et de puissance, conjuguées à leur excellente durée de vie et à leur miniaturisation facilité rendent ces composants prometteurs pour des micro-dispositifs électroniques, tels des micro-capteurs autonomes ou des implants médicaux.Le silicium nanostructuré par CVD a prouvé être un remarquable matériau d’électrode de supercondensateur, pour des applications miniaturisées, lors de récents travaux. L’excellent contrôle de la morphologie et des propriétés électroniques permis par la synthèse montante de nano-fils et nano-arbres de silicium, ainsi que la grande stabilité électrochimique et thermique de ce matériau font des nanostructures de silicium obtenues par synthèse montante une excellente plate-forme pour des micro-supercondensateurs.La présente thèse s’attache à explorer plusieurs voies d’amélioration et d’utilisation des nano-fils et nano-arbres de silicium. Une étude systématique de l’optimisation des nanostructures a été conduite, permettant d’améliorer largement les performances précédemment établies. Ensuite, une fonctionnalisation par des couches minces d’alumines utilisant la technique d’ALD a permis d’accroitre largement la plage de tensions d’utilisation des supercondensateurs, et d’augmenter leur stabilité électrochimique. Enfin, la croissance « sur-puce », ainsi que l’étude de la stabilité en température des dispositifs ont été effectuées, laissant entrevoir d’importantes perspectives d’applications. / Supercapacitors are electrochemical energy storage devices which have been recently developed, and possess intermediate performances between dielectric capacitors and batteries. These components exhibit interesting power and energy densities, combined with an exceptional cycle life and an easy miniaturization. Supercapacitors are thus envisioned as energy storage solutions for electronic micro-devices, such as autonomous micro-sensors or implantable medical devices.In recent studies, CVD nanostructured silicon proved to be an excellent electrode material candidate for micro-supercapacitor applications. Bottom-up synthesis allows an exceptional control of the morphology and electrical properties of the obtained silicon nano-wires and nano-trees. Moreover, the nanostructured electrodes possess superior electrochemical and temperature stability. These arguments lead to consider silicon as an excellent platform for micro-supercapacitors applications.This PhD thesis details various ways to improve and use silicon nano-wires and nano-trees. The nanostructures have been subjected to a systematic optimization study, yielding a significant increase of the electrochemical performances of the electrodes, compared to previously published studies. In addition, surface functionalization using thin ALD alumina layers permitted a considerable increase of the supercapacitor voltage window and an improved electrochemical stability. Finally, “on-chip” nanostructure growth, and temperature stability studies of the device were conducted, opening a broad field of improvements and potential uses for these silicon nanostructures.

Transport de phonons dans le régime quantique / Phonon transport in the quantum regime

Tavakoli-Ghinani, Adib 14 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à la mesure de transport de chaleur par les phonons dans le régime quantique dans des systèmes confinés à très basse température.Le contexte de ce sujet est de soumettre ces systèmes à deux conditions extrêmes : basse température et faibles dimensions et de comprendre les propriétés thermiques fondamentales issues de ces limites.Les échantillons étudiés au cours de cette thèse sont des structures suspendues (membrane ou nanofil) ; elles sont élaborées à partir de nitrure de silicium amorphe (SiN).En abaissant la température, les longueurs caractéristiques des phonons comme le libre parcours moyen ou la longueur d'onde dominante des phonons augmentent. Lorsque ces longueurs caractéristiques dépassent les dimensions latérales du système, la diffusion sur les surfaces (boundary scattering) régira les propriétés thermiques. Dans cette limite de diffusion, le transport des phonons va de la diffusion aux surfaces (régime de Casimir) au régime balistique (limite quantique). Dans ce régime balistique, le courant de chaleur peut être exprimé en utilisant le modèle de Landauer. La conductance thermique est alors exprimée par: K=N_α q T où, N_α est le nombre de modes vibratoires peuplés, q=((π²k_B^2)T)⁄3h est la valeur universelle du quantum de conductance thermique et T est le coefficient de transmission.Dans ce travail, les mesures de conductance thermique de nanofils suspendus ont été effectuées jusqu'à très basse température. Une plate-forme de mesure ayant une sensibilité sans précédent a été développée pour mesurer la variation d'énergie inférieure à l'attojoule. Ces nouveaux capteurs permettent de mesurer les propriétés thermiques du guide d'onde de phonon 1D dans le régime quantique du transport de chaleur. Nous montrons que le coefficient de transmission est le facteur dominant qui définit la valeur de conductance thermique. Ce coefficent dépend de la dimension et de la forme des réservoirs ainsi que de la nature du matériau utilisé ce qui rend difficile la mesure du quantum de conductance thermique. Nous montrons que dans toutes les structures de SiN mesurées, le transport thermique pourrait être dominé par des excitations de faible énergie qui existent dans les solides amorphes (a-solides).Le deuxième ensemble important d'expériences concerne la chaleur spécifique. Nous avons étudié les propriétés thermiques de membranes suspendues de SiN très minces que l'on pense être des cavités de phonon 2D. Nous montrons que la dépendance en température de la chaleur spécifique s'écarte du comportement quadratique comme prévu à très basse température. Les modèles pertinents donnant une explication quantitative des résultats sont encore à l'étude. La présence de systèmes à deux niveaux dans les matériaux amorphes pourrait être une explication possible de la valeur absolue élevée de la chaleur spécifique observée. / This PhD entitles Phonon heat transport in the quantum regime is based on the analysis of the thermal properties of confined systems at very low temperature.The context of this subject is putting the systems in two extreme conditions (low temperature and low dimensions) and understand the fundamental thermal properties coming from these limits.The studied samples during this PhD that are suspended structures (membrane or nanowire) are elaborated from amorphous silicon nitride.By lowering the temperature, the phonon characteristic lengths like the mean free path or the phonon dominant wavelength increase. When these characteristic lengths exceed lateral dimensions of the system, the boundary scattering will govern the thermal properties. In the boundary scattering, phonon transport goes from boundary limited scattering (Casimir regime) to ballistics regime (quantum limit). In this ballistic regime, the heat current can be expressed using the Landauer model. The thermal conductance is then expressed as: K=N_α q T where N_α is the number of populated vibrational modes, q=((π²k_B^2)T)⁄3h is the universal value of quantum of thermal conductance, and T is the transmission coefficient.In this work, thermal conductance measurements of suspended nanowires have been performed down to very low temperature. A measurement platform having an unprecedented sensitivity have been developed that can measure a variation of energy smaller than the attojoule. These new sensors allow the measurement of thermal properties of 1D phonon waveguide in the quantum regime of heat transport. We show that the transmission coefficient is the dominant factor that set the thermal conductance value. It depends on the dimension and the shape of the reservoirs, and the nature of the material in use rendering difficult the measurement of the quantum of thermal conductance. We show that in all of the SiN structures, the thermal transport could be dominated by low energy excitations that exist in amorphous solids (a-solids).The second important set of experiments concerns the specific heat. We have studied suspended the thermal properties of very thin SiN membranes that are thought to be 2D phonon cavities. We show that the temperature dependence of the specific heat departs from the quadratic behavior as expected at very low temperature. The true models giving a quantitative explanation of the results is still under consideration. The presence of tunneling two-level systems in amorphous materials could be one possible explanation for the high absolute value of specific heat that has been measured.

Influence de charges carbonées sur la dissipation thermique de nouveaux composites diélectriques / Influence of carbon fillers on the heat dissipation of new dielectric composites

Diaz Chacon, Lurayni 09 December 2016 (has links)
La plupart des équipements électroniques et électriques sont enrobés ou encapsulés par de la résine epoxy, choisie pour ses qualités physiques, chimiques et surtout diélectriques. Cependant, ce matériau présente un inconvénient majeur : sa faible conductivité thermique (0.2 W/mK). Dans ce contexte, nous avons élaboré et caractérisé des composites epoxy / carbone dans le but d’améliorer la conductivité thermique de ce type de résine tout en conservant ses propriétés diélectriques. Nous avons ainsi testé le potentiel d’une large gamme de charges carbonées, de structures, formes et tailles variées (sphères, tubes et plaquettes), telles que des micro-sphères de carbone et des nanotubes multi-parois synthétisées par CVD et PECVD, mais aussi des charges industrielles : nano-plaquettes de graphite (graphite exfolié), du coke de pétrole, du graphite synthétique et naturel. Des échantillons de matériaux composites massifs (50 x 50 x 4 mm) ont été préparés à partir d’une résine industrielle DGEBA de viscosité élevée 8.5-15 Pa.s, en faisant varier le taux de charge. Les propriétés thermiques des composites ont été mesurées à partir de la technique du hot disk (source plane instationnaire). Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus à partir des nano-plaquettes de graphite : les conductivités thermiques des composites ont atteint (0.55 W/mK) pour une charge admissible maximale de 2.67 vol.%. L’accroissement relatif de conductivité thermique a été de 66 % pour 1 vol.%. Cet accroissement est particulièrement élevé dans la mesure où les meilleurs résultats reportés sont de 20 % / vol.% dans le cas de résines à viscosité plus faible de type DGEBF (2.5 - 4.5 Pa.s). La concentration de charge admissible (1.3 vol.%) pour conserver une résistivité électrique suffisamment élevée (> 105 ohm.m) nous a permis d’atteindre une conductivité thermique de 0.37 W/mK (soit une augmentation de 100% par rapport à la résine initiale). Ces résultats sont interprétés en termes de transport des phonons acoustiques dans un système composite bi-phasique. Les nano-plaquettes de graphite sont caractérisées par une morpholigie anisotrope, d’ une surface d’environ 26 x 26 microns dont l’épaisseur est de l’ordre de 6 nm. Elles combinent une structure lamellaire périodique bien ordonnée dans les plans de graphène (caractérisation par XPS, EDX et DRX), et des rapports d’acicularité élevés ( 4300), estimés à partir de différentes techniques : TEM, SEM et BET. Nous montrons qu’accroitre l’acicularité des nano-plaquettes de graphite par exfoliation, en préservant une grande surface des plans de graphène, et sans générer de défauts de structure, constitue un défi. Cette morphologie 2D particulière permet d’une part de conserver voire augmenter la conductivité intrinsèque des charges, favorisée dans les plans de graphène, et d’autre part, en raison de leur grande surface spécifique, de garantir après leur dispersion dans la résine, un meilleur transport des phonons acoustiques dans le composite. / Most electronic and electrical equipment are coated or encapsulated by epoxy resin due to its physical, chemical and dielectric properties. However, this material has a major drawback: its low thermal conductivity ( 0.2 W / mK). In this context, we have developed and characterized epoxy / carbon composites in order to improve the thermal conductivity of this type of resin while maintaining its dielectric properties. We have tested the potential of a wide range of carbonaceous fillers, structures, shapes and sizes (spheres, tubes and plates), such as carbon micro-spheres and multi-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized by CVD and PECVD, but also industrial fillers: graphite nano-platelets (exfoliated graphite), petroleum coke, synthetic and natural graphite. Large composite samples (50 x 50 x 4 mm) were prepared from a DGEBA engineering resin of high viscosity 8.5-15 Pa.s, by varying the charge vol%. The thermal properties of the composites were measured from the transient plane source technique (hot disk). The best results are obtained from graphite nano-platelets: the thermal conductivity reach (0.55 W / mK) for a maximum load of 2.67 vol%.. The relative increase of thermal conductivity is 66% to 1 vol.%. This increase is particularly high to the extent that the best results reported so far is 20% / vol% for resins with lower viscosity, type DGEBF (2.5 - 4.5 Pa.s). The allowable concentration (1.3 vol.%) to maintain a sufficiently high electrical resistivity (> 105 ohm.m) permits to increase of the thermal conductivity to 100% (0.37 W / mK) compared to the initial resin. These results are interpreted in terms of transport of acoustic phonons in the composite two-phase system. Graphite nano-platelets are characterized by anisotropic shapes with a surface of about 26 x 26 microns whose thickness is of the order of 6 nm. They combine an ordered periodic structure in graphene planes (characterization by XPS, EDX and XRD), and a high aspect ratio ( 4300), estimated using various techniques: TEM, SEM and BET. We show that graphite exfoliation permit to increase the aspect ratio of graphite nanoplatelets, maintaining large micronic graphene surface, and without generating structural defects is a challenge. This peculiar 2D morphology allows on one hand, to retain or even increase the intrinsic filler conductivity, favored in the graphene planes, and on another hand, due to their high surface area, to ensure after their dispersion in the resin, a better transport of acoustic phonons through the composite.

Etude des caractéristiques d'un faisceau contrôlé en polarisation après transmission à travers différentes nanostructures / Study of the characteristics of a polarization-controlled beam after transmission through different nanostructures

Lombard, Emmanuel 24 February 2012 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié l’interaction entre une lumière contrôlée en polarisation et deux structures sub-longueurs d’onde gravées dans un film métallique opaque, en utilisant la méthode de la « matrice de Mueller ». Tout d’abord, nous avons montré qu’un réseau concentrique de fentes sub-longueurs d’onde percées à travers le film permet de filtrer et de convertir une polarisation incidente, ce qui génère une polarisation radiale. Nous avons aussi montré sa capacité à générer des faisceaux de Bessel non-diffractifs J0 ou J2 à travers de telles structures, et à contrôler leur hélicité en changeant la polarisation circulaire en préparation ou en analyse. Ensuite, nous avons montré la création d’une cible plasmonique ayant les propriétés d’une lame quart d’onde, en travaillant sur l’ellipticité des anneaux – pour générer une phase plasmonique – etdu trou central – pour compenser les forts effets de dichroïsme induits par l’absorption différentielle des plasmons de surface. / In this work, we studied the interaction between light with well-defined polarization and two subwavelength structures milled through an opaque metallic film by using the « Mueller matrix » method. In a first part, we showed that a subwavelength annular concentric slit array, milled completely through the film, allows the filtering and conversion of the incident polarization,generating a radial polarization after transmission. We also showed that it was possible to generate non-diffracting J0 or J2 Bessel beams through such structures and to control their helicity by changing the circular polarization either in preparation or in analysis. In a second part, we showed the creation of a plasmonic bull’s eye structure having the same properties as a quarter wave-plate, by acting on the ellipticities of the rings - to generate a plasmonic phase - and of the central hole - to compensate the strong dichroïsm induced by the differential surface plasmon absorption.

Élaboration de nanostructures d’oxydes métalliques par post-décharge micro-ondes pour la photolyse de l’eau / Elaboration of metallic oxide nanostructures by microwave plasma afterglow for water splitting

Imam, Abdallah 15 December 2017 (has links)
Durant cette thèse, des couches minces de fer, de fer-cuivre et de cuivre-zinc déposées par pulvérisation magnétron ont été oxydées par des post-décharges plasma pour synthétiser des nanostructures d’oxydes métalliques. L’oxydation par post-décharge permet un abaissement de la température par rapport à l’oxydation thermique dans la mesure où l’oxygène moléculaire est excité ou dissocié, ce qui fournit des espèces plus réactives comme l’oxygène singulet ou l’oxygène atomique. Cette oxydation à température modérée favorise une croissance anisotrope des cristaux. L’oxydation de couches minces de Fe-Cu a conduit à la croissance de nanolamelles de Fe2O3 et de nanoparois, nanotours et nanofils de CuO. La distribution surfacique de ces nanostructures dépend de la température d’oxydation, de la concentration des espèces réactives et de la composition initiale de la couche mince. L’oxydation de couches minces de Cu-Zn a conduit à la croissance de nanofils ultra-minces de ZnO dans lesquels un confinement quantique peut se produire. Les nanostructures obtenues ont été caractérisées par différentes techniques (microscopies électroniques, diffraction des rayons X et spectrométrie de masse des ions secondaires). Les mécanismes de croissance de ces nanostructures sont basés sur le rôle des contraintes, de la température, de la concentration des espèces réactives ainsi que sur l’influence de la taille des grains sous-jacents. Les nanostructures d’oxydes métalliques obtenues serviront comme photocatalyseurs pour produire de l’hydrogène par photolyse de l’eau. Par ailleurs, les nanofils ultra-minces de ZnO serviront de photocatalyseurs pour la purification de l’eau / In this manuscript, metallic oxide nanostructures were synthesized by the oxidation of iron, iron-copper and copper-zinc thin films by means of a plasma afterglow. Thin films were deposited by magnetron sputtering. The use of plasma afterglows allows a lowering of the temperature compared with the thermal oxidation conditions, given that molecular oxygen is excited or dissociated, which provides more reactive species such as singlet oxygen or atomic oxygen. This oxidation at moderate temperature promotes anisotropic crystal growth. The oxidation of iron–copper thin films leads to the synthesis of Fe2O3 nanoblades and CuO nanowalls, nanotowers and nanowires. The surface distribution of these nanostructures depends on the oxidation temperature, the concentration of the reactive species and the initial composition of the thin layers. The oxidation of copper-zinc thin films leads to the synthesis of ultra-thin ZnO nanowires in which quantum confinement could occur. As-grown nanostructures were characterized by various techniques (electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and secondary ion mass spectrometry). The growth mechanisms described for these nanostructures relies on the role of stress, temperature, reactive species concentration and on the effect of underlying grain size. As-synthesized nanostructures will serve as photocatalysts to produce hydrogen by water splitting. In addition, ultra-thin ZnO nanowires will also serve as photocatalysts for water purification

AFM à contact résonant : développement et modélisation / Contact resonant AFM : development and Modeling

Mege, Fabrice 20 May 2011 (has links)
Avec l'intégration de circuits intégrés de plus en plus denses, le besoin d'outils de caractérisation adaptés à ces échelles se fait ressentir. Identifier et analyser les problèmes de fiabilité survenant dans ces structures à des dimensions inférieures à 100 nm demande la mise au point d'instruments innovants. Ce travail de thèse a consisté dans un premier temps à développer un appareil à champs proches sensible aux propriétés mécaniques de surface, et dans un second temps à analyser les résultats expérimentaux en s'appuyant sur des approches analytiques et/ou numériques. Désigné sous le nom de microscope à force atomique à résonance de contact (CR-AFM), cet appareil est sensible à la rigidité effective de films minces sur substrat, ce qui lui permet de cartographier la rigidité mécanique de films minces. Nous avons mené un important travail de développement instrumental afin d'obtenir des résultats expérimentaux répétables et fiables, condition indispensable à une analyse quantitative. Puis nous avons utilisé le CR-AFM sur divers échantillons : empilements modèles (films de silice sur silicium, avec épaisseurs variables de silice), films de silice avec porosité variable, structures damascènes d'interconnexion cuivre,… Des images traduisant les variations d'élasticité de surface ont ainsi pu être construites. Pour quantifier ces variations, nous avons analysé nos résultats à l'aide de différents modèles (approches analytiques et numériques). Des simulations par éléments finis ont été réalisées pour étayer ces résultats. / The reduction of feature size in integrated circuits has raised an increasing need for characterization tools displaying small-scale resolution. Reliability issues taking place in these structures with dimensions below 100 nm require the development of innovative instruments. This thesis has first focused on the development of near field apparatus displaying sensitivity to surface mechanical properties. Afterwards analytical and numerical modelings have been developed to analyze the obtained experimental data. Known as contact resonance atomic force microscope (CR-AFM), this apparatus is sensitive to the effective stiffness of thin film on substrate, allowing the mapping of the mechanical stiffness. A significant work on the apparatus setting-up and procedure has been done to obtain repeatable and reliable experimental data, which is a prerequisite for quantitative analysis. Then CR-AFM experiments have been done on various samples: model stacks (silica thin films on silicon with varying silica thickness), silica films with tuned porosity, Damascene copper interconnect structures,… The mapping of elastic stiffness of such samples has been built-up. In order to quantify these contrasts, our experimental results have been analyzed through different models (analytical and numerical). Finite element simulations were also performed to support these results.

Emaranhamento em Sistemas de Muitos Férmions / Entanglement in Many-Fermions Systems

Vivian Vanessa França Henn 25 November 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho exploramos o emaranhamento em sistemas de muitos férmions. Para o estudo de sistemas inomogêneos, propusemos uma aproximação de densidade local (LDA) para a entropia de emaranhamento de um único sítio com o restante do sistema e uma LDA para o emaranhamento entre blocos de sítios. Analisamos as contribuições universal e não-universal do emaranhamento entre blocos e obtivemos uma expressão para o termo não-universal. Usando o modelo de Hubbard unidimensional, investigamos o emaranhamento em nanoestruturas eletrônicas, quantificando o emaranhamento de um único sítio com relação ao restante da cadeia via entropia de emaranhamento. Para o modelo de Hubbard homogêneo estudamos o comportamento do emaranhamento em função da densidade, da magnetização, da interação eletrônica e de campos magnéticos externos. Encontramos que o emaranhamento é sensível às fases metálica, isolante e supercondutora. Observamos um platô de emaranhamento na região do gap de spin e verificamos que susceptibilidade magnética e emaranhamento estão intrinsecamente relacionados. Obtendo as energias e densidades do modelo de Hubbard inomogêneo através da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade e usando nossa proposta LDA para a entropia de emaranhamento, exploramos o comportamento do emaranhamento na presença de diversas inomogeneidades: superredes, impurezas e confinamento harmônico. Verificamos que o emaranhamento sempre diminui com a inomogeneidade, embora os efeitos de cada inomogeneidade sejam completamente diferentes. Encontramos uma relação entre energias de troca e correlação, de Hartree e cinética, capaz de prever quantitativamente o emaranhamento em função de qualquer das inomogeneidades. / In this work we investigated entanglement in many-fermions systems. To explore inhomogeneous systems we proposed a local density approximation (LDA) for the single-site entanglement entropy. We analysed the universal and nonuniversal contributions to block-block entanglement and obtained an expression for the nonuniversal term. We employ a description in terms of the one-dimensional Hubbard model to investigate the entanglement in electronic nanostructures and to quantify the single-site entanglement with respect to the rest of the chain by means of the entanglement entropy. For the homogeneous Hubbard model we studied the entanglement behavior as a function of density, magnetization, electronic interaction and external magnetic fields. We found that the entanglement is sensitive to the metallic, insulating and superconducting phases. We observed an entanglement plateau in the region of the spin gap and verified that magnetic susceptibility and entanglement are intrinsically related. Energies and densities of the inhomogeneous Hubbard model, obtained from Density Functional Theory, combined with our proposal of an LDA for the entanglement entropy, were used to explore the behavior of the entanglement entropy in the presence of several inhomogeneities: superlattices, impurities and harmonic confinement. We verified that entanglement always decreases with the inhomogeneity, although the effect of each inhomogeneity is completely different. For the same model we found a relation of exchange-correlation, Hartree and kinetic energies, able to predict quantitatively the entanglement as a function of any inhomogeneity.

Síntese de nanoestruturas core/shell de Co/Au magnetoplasmônica e pontos quânticos de CdSe/ZnS / Syntheses of Core/Shell Nanostructures of Magnetoplasmonic Co/Au and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots

João Batista Souza Junior 28 April 2017 (has links)
Nanomateriais apresentam propriedades ajustáveis pelo seu tamanho e forma, como o fenômeno de superparamagnetismo em nanopartículas magnéticas ou o confinamento quântico dos portadores de carga em pontos quânticos (quantum dots). Assim, a síntese de nanopartículas esféricas monodispersas torna-se um fator extremamente importante, haja visto que tais propriedades podem ser ajustáveis para diferentes aplicações na área de tecnologia e biomedicina. Nanopartículas magnéticas e quantum dots podem ser apontados como promissores materiais para diagnóstico e terapia de neoplasias (câncer), e o desenvolvimento desses sistemas busca, atualmente, intensificar a magnetização e a eficiência de emissão, respectivamente, relativo às propriedades magnéticas e ópticas, além de outros requisitos. Neste trabalho, nanopartículas esféricas de cobalto metálico foram sintetizadas com diâmetro médio de 5,3 nm e desvio padrão de 0,4 nm, distribuição de tamanhos lognormal. A equação de Langevin modificada pelo modelo de partículas interagentes foi utilizada no ajuste da curva de magnetização M(H) para obtenção do diâmetro magnético médio e desvio padrão, 4,7 nm e 1,0 nm, respectivamente. Comparando os dois diâmetros, encontra-se uma camada morta de magnetização de aproximadamente 3,0 Å a qual, praticamente, não contribui para a magnetização da amostra, sendo a magnetização de saturação de 125 emu g-1. Nanoestruturas core/shell de Co/Au apresentaram a propriedade de ressonância plamon de superfície, uma propriedade adicional também desejada para aplicações biomédicas, sendo este sistema denominado magnetoplasmônico. Quantum dots de CdSe foram sintetizados como elevado controle de tamanho e forma. Utilizando rotas de síntese diferentes dos clássicos procedimentos denominados TOP-TOPO, e dióxido de selênio como precursor, estudos mostraram que na presença de um agente redutor no meio de reação e do solvente 1-octadeceno, as amostras apresentaram melhores propriedades óticas. A estrutura cristalina das amostras de CdSe corresponde à formação da fase blenda de zinco, diferentemente das sínteses TOP-TOPO que levam à formação da fase hexagonal wurtzita. A cinética de crescimento dos quantum dots de CdSe também foram avaliadas através de alíquotas retiras com o tempo de reação mostrando um crescimento exponencial do diâmetro das partículas, como previsto pelas teorias de nucleação e crescimento. Estudos por microscopia de fluorescência mostraram que os quantum dots apresentaram o comportamento de intermitência de fluorescência relatado na literatura como um dos fatores que levam a uma diminuição do rendimento quântico de fluorescência. Nanoestruturas core/shell de CdSe/ZnS foram obtidas com elevado controle da espessura da camada de recobrimento e a intensificação das propriedades de fotoluminescência foram mostradas. Os objetivos do trabalho foram alcançados com sucesso, onde foi possível observar a estabilização e a intensificação da magnetização da fase de cobalto metálico, pouco relatado na literatura. Ainda, foi possível conferir maior estabilidade química, versatilidade de funcionalização da superfície e uma segunda propriedade de ressonância plasmônica com o recobrimento com ouro, sem grande prejuízo da propriedade magnética. Em relação aos sistemas ópticos, os semicondutores de CdSe foram obtidos por nova rota de síntese com expressivo controle de tamanho e forma, recobertos com ZnS intensificando as propriedades ópticas do sistema.  / Nanomaterials properties are size- and shape-controlled, such as the superparamagnetism phenomenon of magnetic nanoparticles or the quantum confinement of charge carriers of quantum dots. Therefore, synthesis of monodisperse spherical nanoparticles became extremely important over the past few deacades, since nanoparticles can be used for plenty of applications in technology and biomedicine. Magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots are promising materials for diagnosis and therapy of cancer. Spherical nanoparticles of metallic cobalt were synthesized with mean diameter of 5,3 nm and standard deviation of 0,4 nm, lognormal distribution. A modified Langevin equation using the interacting superparamagnetic model was used to fit magnetization curves obtaining the mean magnetic diameter and standard deviation, 4,7 nm and 1,0 nm, respectively. The difference between these two diameters was assigned to the magnetic dead layer (∼3.0 Å), which does not contribute to the sample magnetization, being the saturation magnetization of cobalt nanoparticles around 125 emu g-1. Co/Au core/shell nanostructures were synthesized and the surface plasmon ressonance property was observed, an additional property also desired for biomedical applications, being the Co/Au core/shell system called magnetoplasmonic. CdSe quantum dots were synthesized with high size- and shape-controlled. Using different synthetic routes from the classic TOP-TOPO synthesis, and selenium dioxide as a precursor, the results show that and reducing agent is necessary and 1-octadecene solvent leads to better optical properties. CdSe samples showed a zinc blend (cubic phase) crystal structure, different from TOP-TOPO syntheses that leads to wurtzite structure (hexagonal phase). The growth kinetics of CdSe particles were also evaluated through aliquots from reaction showing exponential growth of particles diameter, as predicted on the theory of nucleation and growth. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that quantum dots exhibited fluorescence intermittence behavior already reported in the literature as one fo the reasons for the quantum yield decrease. CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanostructures were obtained with high control of the coating layer thickness and the increase of the photoluminescence properties were shown.

Mechanical Properties and Self-Assembly of Nanostructures

Mandal, Taraknath January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is devoted to the investigation of mechanical properties and self-assembly process of materials at the nanoscale. Various nanostructured materials such as nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires and thin films are used as constituent elements of nanodevices. Hence, knowledge of the mechanical properties of materials at the nanoscale is extremely important for understanding their functionality in nanodevices. Mechanical properties of nanostructured materials may significantly differ from those of their bulk counterparts due to the high surface to volume ratio in nanostruc-tures. We particularly focus on the role of the surface region on the stiffness of nanomaterials. We have shown that the stiffness of a nanomaterial can be tuned over a wide range by introducing appropriate coating on the nanostructure surface. We have also explored the effects of the surface region on the stability of various phases in a nanostructure. In the second part of this thesis, we have described the self-assembly process of nanostructures mediated by drendrimers. Self-assembly techniques are frequently used to decorate nanostructures into specific networks. The motivation of this study is to investigate the mechanisms which control the effective interaction and the inter-particle distance between nanoparticle-dendrimer compos-ites. Control over the inter-particle separation is very important since it has a strong influence on the electronic and optical properties of the nanostructures. In the following paragraphs, we sum-marize the results of our study. We start with a brief introduction to the mechanical properties and self-assembly process of nanostructures in the first chapter. A brief review of the work done on these topics in the recent past is presented in this chapter. We discuss the results and conclusions of various experimental and numerical studies on these topics. We also mention the motivation for the studies we have carried out. At the end, we briefly describe the numerical methods (molecular dynamics (MD) and density functional theory (DFT)) which have been used in our investigations. In the second chapter, we discuss the effects of the surface region on the mechanical properties of nanostructures. We have investigated the size and growth direction dependence of the mechanical properties of ZnS nanowires and thin films as a case study. We observe that the Young’s modulus of nanowires and thin films strongly depends on their size and growth direction. This size and growth direction dependence of the stiffness of nanostructured materials can be explained in terms of their surface modifications. Since the energy of the surface region is usually higher than that of the core region in a nanostructure, the surface atoms move their positions to minimize the surface energy. As a result, bond lengths at the surface region are usually different from their bulk values. We observe that in ZnS nanowires and thin films, the average bond length at the surface region is lower than that in the core region which remains unchanged from its bulk value. This decrease in the bond length (or equivalently increase in the bond energy) increases the effective stiffness of the entire nanostructure. As the size of the nanowire/thin film increases, the effect of the surface region gradually decreases and hence the Young’s modulus value converges to the bulk value. Since the surface region has a strong influence on the mechanical properties of nanostructures, the stiffness of a nanostructure can be tuned by modifying the surface region with other materials. In chapter three, we have shown that the stiffness of ZnS nanowires can be tuned by introducing a thin CdS shell on top of the ZnS surface. In general, the stiffness of a nanostructure can be increased (decreased) by coating the surface region with a stiffer (less stiff) material. However, the stiffness of the core/shell nanostructures strongly depends on the properties of the interface between the core and the shell. We observe that the binding energy between the core and shell regions is relatively low due to the lattice mismatch at the interface region of core/shell nanostructures. This lower binding energy strongly affects the stiffness of core/shell nanostructures. We have also shown that thermal properties such as thermal conductivity and melting temperature of core/shell structures can be tuned by changing the coating material. In chapter four, we discuss the effects of the surface region on the stability of various phases in a nanostructure. The surface atoms may stabilize a particular phase in a nanostructure which is not a stable phase in the bulk material. In this chapter, we investigate the stability of the h-MgO phase, an intermediate structure found during the wurtzite to rock salt transformation, in CdSe nanostructures. We observe that this five-fold coordinated phase is more stable at lower temperatures and smaller sizes of the nanowires. The appearance of this phase has not been observed till now in experiments. We show that this phase is not stable for larger CdSe nanocrystals on which the experiments have been done. In the rest of the thesis, we have presented the results of our studies of self-assembly of nanostructures mediated by DNAs and dendrimers. First we describe in chapter five the nature of the effective interaction between two PAMAM dendrimers. Dendrimers are frequently used to coat surfaces of nanoparticles to prevent the nanoparticles from aggregation. The interaction between such nanoparticle-dendrimer composites depends strongly on the nature of the effective interac-tion between dendrimers. We have used fully atomistic MD simulations to calculate the potential of mean force (PMF) between two PAMAM dendrimers. We show that the effective interaction strongly depends on the size (generation) and protonation level of the dendrimers. The PMF profiles of nonprotonated dendrimers show a global minimum which represents the attractive nature of the interaction between the dendrimers up to a certain center-to-center distance. On the other hand, the interaction between protonated dendrimers is repulsive throughout their interaction re-gion. The PMF profiles are fitted very well by a sum of an exponential and a Gaussian function. This observation is in contradiction with some of the results of existing coarse-grained simulations which predicted the effective interaction between dendrimers to be Gaussian. Our atomistic simulation which includes all the local fluctuations is expected to give more accurate results. Information about the effective interaction between two dendrimers helps in understanding how dendrimer molecules can be used to control the interaction strength and the preferred inter-particle distance between two nanostructures. In chapter six, we discuss the effective interaction between two dendrimer grafted gold nanoparticles. We observe that dendrimer molecules can get adsorbed spontaneously on the surface of a gold nanoparticle. These grafted dendrimers significantly alter the interaction between the gold nanoparticles. We have explored the effects of proto-nation level and the density of the grafted dendrimers on the effective interaction between two gold nanoparticle-dendrimer composites. We observe that these nanoparticle-dendrimer composites at-tract each other at low grafting density. However, the interaction strength and the inter-particle distance at the minimum of the potential are much lower and higher, respectively than those between two bare gold nanoparticles. Interestingly at higher grafting density, the nature of the interaction between the nanocomposites depends on the protonation level of the grafted dendrimers. Nanoparticles grafted with nonprotonated dendrimers still attract each other but with lower inter-action strength and higher inter-particle distance compared to the values for low grafting density. On the other hand, nanocomposites grafted with protonated dendrimers repel each other at high grafting density. Thus we show that the effective interaction and the optimal inter-particle distance between the nanostructures can be tuned over a wide range by using a suitable grafting density and protonation level of the dendrimers. In the seventh chapter, we describe a strategy to assemble dendrimers with the help of sin-gle stranded DNA (ssDNA). We attach an ssDNA to one dendrimer and a complementary ssDNA to a second dendrimer. These two complementary ssDNAs bind with each other through base pair formation to assemble the dendrimers into a single structure. The complementary ssDNAs form a dsDNA which is rigid enough to maintain the inter-dendrimer distance almost the same as the length of the DNA. The inter-dendrimer distance can be tuned by changing the DNA length. However, this method strongly depends on the protonation level of the dendrimers. It works well only for nonprotonated dendrimers. Since the protonated dendrimers are positively charged, they strongly interact with the negatively charged ssDNAs through electrostatic interaction. As a result, ssDNAs wrap the dendrimer surface and hence the inter-dendrimer distance can not be controlled. We have also verified that this method works for multiple nonprotonated dendrimers as well. In the final chapter of this thesis, we summarize the main results and conclude with a brief discussion of future directions of research on the problems considered in the thesis.

Caractérisation et modélisation de structures nucléiques auto-assemblées fonctionnalisables / Characterization and modeling of functionnal self-assembled DNA based structures

Laisne, Aude 15 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet l’analyse de mécanismes d’assemblage permettant la création de structures auto-assemblées à base d’ADN, fonctionnalisées par des protéines. Les PDNA sont des molécules synthétiques associant de manière covalente une séquence d’ADN et un module protéique. Basés sur le domaine hèmique du cytochrome b5, les PDNA présentent des propriétés d’absorption optique dépendant de l’état d’oxydoréduction. Pour comparer leurs propriétés d’assemblage à celles des ADN correspondants, différentes briques ont été assemblées en ensembles finis ou ouverts. Un premier chapitre développe des approches expérimentales et de modélisation pour caractériser les paramètres contrôlant ces assemblages dans le cas des ADN. Un second chapitre transpose ces approches aux assemblages de PDNA afin de mettre en évidence l’influence des domaines protéiques. Dans les deux cas, les travaux sont menés à la fois à un niveau macroscopique et de molécule unique par AFM classique ou à haute vitesse. Une troisième partie vise à comprendre comment ces assemblages peuvent être multiplexés sur des puces au sein de matrices poreuses de dextran. Nous avons modélisé l’influence de la matrice sur l’assemblage et utilisé ces modèles pour définir les relations entre observables et paramètres microscopiques. Une dernière partie vise à lever les limitations (pièges d’assemblages) mises en évidence dans les réactions sous contrôle cinétique. Nous avons développé des assemblages dans des conditions douces et contrôlées par le pH impliquant des structures ADN en motifs-i. Leur mécanisme de formation et de polymérisation en suprastructures a été étudié en combinant biochimie et analyse structurale par AFM. / The work aimed at the analysis of assembly mechanisms allowing the creation of DNA-based self-assembled structures functionalized with proteins. PDNA are synthetic molecules covalently associating a DNA strand to a protein domain. The ones based on the heme binding domain of cytochrome b5 feature optic properties that depend on oxydoreduction state. In order to compare self-assembly properties of PDNA and corresponding DNA, different building blocks were assembled into converging or open ensembles. A first part develops experimental and modeling approaches to characterize parameters controlling such assemblies of DNA blocks. A second part extends these approaches to PDNA assemblies, bringing in evidence the influence of the protein domain on nucleic parts. Studies were both performed at macroscopic and single molecule levels using conventional and high-speed AFM. A third part describes how chip multiplexing of those assemblies onto a porous dextran matrix influences behaviors. Modeling the matrix influence on assembly allowed defining relations between experimental and macroscopic parameters. A last part aims at bypassing bottlenecks related to the formation of trapped structures when reactions are kinetically driven. We developed i-motif based DNA structures that can be assembled into mild, pH controlled conditions. Their mechanism of formation and polymerization into supramolecular structures were studied combining physico-chemical and structural analyses using AFM.

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