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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os neologismos na coluna Gente Boa: um estudo lexicográfico / The neologisms in the column Good People: a lexicographical study

Mariana Teixeira Avvad 20 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho traça um resumido perfil do colunismo social no Brasil, aborda a linguagem característica dessas colunas, conceitua neologismo/neologia através das obras lexicográficas brasileiras e se encerra com o glossário. O ponto que pretende desenvolver focaliza o inventário lexical produzido pelos escritores de colunas sociais, especificamente os textos da coluna Gente Boa, assinada por Joaquim Ferreira dos Santos e publicada diariamente no jornal O Globo, o que se associa a aspectos semânticos, discursivos, gramaticais e estilísticos da língua portuguesa. Para isso, utiliza como corpus adequado para o levantamento lexicográfico desse registro os textos escritos publicados na imprensa, que se destinam a retratar uma realidade social bastante cobiçada. / This work is about the profile of social columns in Brazil and develops a study about the neologisms found in Gente Boa, a part of O Globo newspaper specialized in high-society. It considers some points related to the historic of this kind of texts and analyses the language used by the writers to produce their texts. It also refers to lexicography and lexicology, emphasizing the neology. The point that we managed to involve focus the lexical collection produced by the high-society columns writers, specially produced by Joaquim Ferreira dos Santos, in the column Gente Boa, daily published in the O Globo newspaper, abording the semantic, discursive, grammatical and stylistic aspects of portuguese language. Then, it organizes a list of the neologisms used by Gente Boa along the period of the research

Um estudo da prefixação em unidades lexicais neológicas coletadas de blogs da internet / A study of prefixation process in neological lexical unities collected in internet blogs

João Henrique Lara Ganança 05 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar alguns aspectos do comportamento morfolexical e semântico de formantes prefixais, previamente registrados ou não pelas obras de referência de nossa língua, empregados na formação de unidades lexicais neológicas do português brasileiro contemporâneo. Como corpus de extração, selecionamos 89 blogs variados da internet veiculados, durante o ano de 2014, pelo portal UOL, pelo site do jornal Folha de S. Paulo e pela página da revista Veja. A metodologia empregada para a conferência do caráter neológico às formações prefixais recolhidas envolveu o processamento dos textos pela ferramenta computacional Extrator de Neologismos, utilizada pelo projeto TermNeo (FFLCHUSP), e a verificação da existência ou não dessas formações em três dicionários de língua geral: HOUAISS (versão eletrônica), AURÉLIO (versão eletrônica) e MICHAELIS (versão online). A diversidade inerente aos prefixos, de que resulta a histórica incerteza sobre ser a prefixação processo derivacional ou composicional, levou-nos a buscar uma análise que, de certo modo, privilegiasse justamente as idiossincrasias de cada formante prefixal. Sendo assim, guiados pela teoria do protótipo (ROSCH, 1973; 1975, apud CANÇADO, 2015; GEERAERTS, 2006, apud MARONEZE, 2011; GONÇALVES, 2012), propusemos a criação de um continuum de prefixidade, no qual os prefixos reais pudessem ser, após comparação de suas características às do protótipo, identificados como mais ou menos prefixais. / This research aims to study some morphological, lexical and semantic aspects of the prefixes, considered or not by the lexicographic and grammar traditions, used to create neologisms in the contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. We selected 89 blogs as the extraction corpus of our study. These blogs were published, during 2014, by three important Brazilian journalistic websites: UOL, Folha de S. Paulo and Veja magazine. In order to recognize the lexical unities as neologisms or not we first submitted the texts to Extrator de Neologismos, a software used within TermNeo project (FFLCH-USP), and then we verified the existence of the words selected by the software in three different dictionaries: HOUAISS (electronic version), AURÉLIO (electronic version) and MICHAELIS (online version). The diversity since always presented by the prefixes, which historically divided the studies into those that consider prefixation as derivational process and those that consider it as composicional process, made us to look for an analytical point of view that privileged exactly the idiosyncrasies of each prefix. So, guided by the prototype theory (ROSCH, 1973; 1975, apud CANÇADO, 2015; GEERAERTS, 2006, apud MARONEZE, 2011; GONÇALVES, 2012), we proposed the creation of a prefixity continuum, in which the real prefixes could be, after the comparison between them and the prototype prefix, identified as more or less prefixal.

Neologismos na terminologia da cultura da soja: análise morfolexical / Neologisms in the terminology of soybean cultivation: morfolexical analysis

Márcia Regina Pavoni de Carvalho 02 March 2015 (has links)
Este estudo privilegiou a neologia relacionada aos termos encontrados em discursos especializados sobre a cultura da soja no Brasil, tomando-se, como objetivo geral, a descrição, organização e sistematização dos termos neológicos desta área de especialidade, considerados em uma sincronia estabelecida entre os anos de 2004 e 2011, com base em corpus documental. Foram observadas teorias linguísticas capazes de dar conta dos fenômenos que permeiam a análise, sobretudo relativas à morfologia e à semântica, às quais se somaram os estudos da Terminologia e da Neologia, indispensáveis à compreensão, uma do campo de conhecimento terminológico e outra, principalmente acerca dos processos de formação de neologismos na língua. A Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia é a perspectiva teórica que norteou este trabalho, considerando o intuito de descrever o funcionamento in vivo dos termos neológicos. Os estudos teóricos se pautaram em diversos autores, consoante suas disciplinas de estudo: 1) Terminologia: Wüster (1996, 1998), Cabré (1993, 1999, 2006), Sager (1990), Fedor de Diego (1995), Alves (1998, 1999), Aubert (2001), Krieger (2000, 2001), Biderman (2001), Barros (2004), Remenche (2010); 2) Neologia: Guilbert (1972, 1975), Boulanger (1990), Alves (1994, 1999, 2000, 2010a, 2010b), Cabré (1993), Barbosa (1981, 1998); análise linguística: Kocourek (1982), Sandmann (1989), Alves (1994), Biderman (1999), Neves (2000), Sardinha (2007), Lakoff e Johnson (2002), Ullmann (1964), dicionários Houaiss eletrônico (2009) e Aulete on-line. Para a compreensão do domínio de especialidade da cultura da soja, foram consultados diversos autores: Borém (1999), Degrande e Vivan (2005), Nemoto (2005), Franchin (2011), Garcia et al. (2007), Gazziero et al. (2006), Gonçalves et al. (2007), Polizel (2007) Lima (2008), Gazziero, Voll e Adegas (2011), Hirakuri (2012), Martha Jr. e Contini (2012), dentre outros. Confirmaram-se as hipóteses estabelecidas para a consecução deste estudo: os constantes investimentos em tecnologias para a produção da soja pressupõem que sejam criados neologismos para nomear as inovações; as terminologias dos diferentes domínios e, consequentemente, os seus neologismos, possuem padrões morfolexicais peculiares; se toda área do saber apresenta singularidades próprias, então a da cultura da soja apresenta as suas. Foram adotados procedimentos metodológicos como a utilização do programa WordSmith Tools, para o processamento de cinquenta e sete textos, publicados pela Embrapa Soja, dos quais se extraiu o conjunto dos termos, que foram lançados em fichas. A partir deste conjunto, com base em corpora de exclusão, foi obtido o corpus de análise, constituído por cento e dois termos neológicos. O trabalho de levantamento dos termos revelou que os textos do corpus documental contemplam termos que podem ser alusivos a outras culturas do setor agrícola e a outras áreas do saber. Os termos neológicos levantados, todos constituídos por composição sintagmática, foram organizados em categorias temáticas, observando-se que são diversificados os mecanismos possíveis de formação dos termos, que podem conter, a partir de uma base substantival, elementos como símbolos, siglas, números, zoônimos, antropônimos, topônimos, nome de produto agropecuário, adjetivos qualificadores ou classificadores, substantivos em função adjetiva, locuções adjetivas (sintagmas preposicionais), e serem marcados por metáforas. Isto implica observar as inúmeras possibilidades de ampliação do sistema lexical, em especial das terminologias. / This study focused on neology related to the terms found in specialized discourses on soybean cultivation in Brazil, taking as a general purpose description, organization and systematization of neological terms of this specialty area, considered on a synchronization established between the years of 2004 and 2011, based on documentary corpus. Linguistic theories were considered able to handle the phenomena that underlie the analysis, especially concerning the morphology and semantics, to which were added the study of Terminology and Neology, indispensable to understanding, a terminological knowledge field, and other, mainly about processes of neologisms formation in the language. The Communicative Theory of Terminology is the theoretical perspective that guided this work, considering the intention of describing the in vivo function of neological terms. The theoretical studies were based on several authors, as their fields of study: 1) Terminology: Wüster (1996, 1998), Cabré (1993, 1999, 2006), Sager (1990), Fedor de Diego (1995), Alves (1998, 1999), Aubert (2001), Krieger (2000, 2001) , Biderman (2001), Barros (2004) Remenche (2010); 2) Neology: Guilbert (1972, 1975), Boulanger (1990), Alves (1994, 1999, 2000, 2010a, 2010b) Cabré (1993), Barbosa (1981, 1998); linguistic analysis: Kocourek (1982), Sandmann (1989), Alves (1994), Biderman (1999), Neves (2000), Sardinha (2007), Lakoff and Johnson (2002), Ullmann (1964), electronic Houaiss dictionaries (2009 ) and Aulete online. For the understanding of the soybean specialty area, several authors were consulted: Borém (1999), Degrande and Vivan (2005), Nemoto (2005), Franchin (2011), Garcia et al. (2007), Gazziero et al. (2006), Gonçalves et al. (2007), Polizel (2007) Lima (2008), Gazziero, Voll and Adegas (2011), Hirakuri (2012), Martha Jr. and Contini (2012), among others. The hypotheses set out to achieve this study were confirmed: the constant investment in technologies for soybean production assumes that neologisms are created to name the innovations; the terminology of the various areas and, consequently, its neologisms, have peculiar morfolexical standards; if every field of knowledge has its own peculiarities, so the soybean presents its. Methodological procedures were adopted as the use of the program WordSmith Tools for the processing of fifty-seven texts, published by Embrapa Soja, of which were extracted all the terms, which were launched in forms. From this set, based on delete corpora, analysis corpus was obtained, consisting of one hundred and two neological terms. The survey of the terms revealed that the texts of the documentary corpus include terms that may be alluding to other cultures of the agricultural sector and other areas of knowledge. The neological terms obtained, all made of syntagmatic composition, were organized into thematic categories, observing that the possible mechanisms of formation of the terms are diversified, which may contain, from a substantival basis, elements as symbols, abbreviations, numbers, zoonyms, anthroponyms, toponyms, names of agricultural product, qualifying or classifying adjectives, nouns in adjectival function, adjectival phrases (prepositional phrases), and be marked by metaphors. This involves observing the numerous possibilities of expanding the lexical system, especially terminology.

Terminologia da Astronomia: estudo da neologia e da variação / Terminology of Astronomy: a study on neology and variation

Ana Maria Ribeiro de Jesus 16 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho, inserido no âmbito da disciplina terminológica, tem como principal objetivo a observação de dois fenômenos linguísticos no domínio da Astronomia: a neologia e a variação terminológica. Para tanto, o corpus da pesquisa é constituído por textos de diferentes graus de especialização: obras de Astronomia geral, obras de divulgação científica, teses e dissertações recém-defendidas na área. O termo neológico é tratado sob um enfoque social, assumindo-se a dinamicidade inerente às línguas de especialidade, particularmente às áreas científicas que mais dependem dos avanços tecnológicos, tal como a Astronomia. Ao mesmo tempo, observou-se que a variação terminológica é notável em todos os níveis do corpus de análise e que mesmo os termos neológicos surgem, muitas vezes, ao lado de variantes. Para determinar o caráter da neologicidade dos termos, baseou-se nos critérios tradicionalmente seguidos na pesquisa neológica, como o corpus de exclusão, e em outros critérios propostos, como as marcas metalinguísticas. Em um viés paralelo, levantou-se, a partir do corpus de Astronomia geral, uma árvore do domínio trilíngue, estabelecendo-se as equivalências, em português, inglês e francês, entre aproximadamente 500 termos de oito subdomínios da área. Assim, os estrangeirismos de origem inglesa, em particular os decalques, mostraram-se predominantes no que concerne à criação lexical na área; por sua vez, a variação sintática é a forma mais produtiva de variantes. Por fim, com base nas particularidades da linguagem do domínio, propomos, então, uma classificação tipológica para cada um desses fenômenos na terminologia da Astronomia. / The present study, within the context of Terminology, aims at investigating two linguistic phenomena in the field of Astronomy: neology and terminological variation. Therefore, the corpus is composed of texts of different degrees of specialization: General Astronomy books, popular science magazines, theses and dissertations recently defended in this area. Neological unity is treated under a social focus, assuming the dynamics which is inherent to specialized languages, especially to the scientific areas that are closely related to technological advances, such as Astronomy. At the same time, it was observed that the terminological variation is remarkable at every level of the corpus, and that even the neological terms often come up along with variants. In order to determine the neological character of terms, the analysis was based on criteria traditionally followed in neological research, such as the corpus of exclusion, and other proposed criteria, such as metalinguistic elements. Tangentially, a trilingual conceptual structure was organized, based on the general Astronomy corpus, establishing equivalences, in Portuguese, French and English, among about 500 terms in eight subdomains of the domain. Thus, English foreign words, especially calques, were shown to be predominant with regard to neologisms in this field; in turn, syntactic variation is the most productive form of variants. Finally, based on the specifications of the language of the domain, we propose, then, a typological classification for each of these phenomena in the terminology of Astronomy.

Palavra-escudo, palavra-espada: pejoratividade e interdiscursividade dos neologismos na política nacional da primeira década do século XXI / Shield-word, sword-word: depreciation and interdiscursivity of neologisms in national politics, in the beginning of this century XXI

Shirley Lima da Silva Braz 30 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar neologismos no contexto da política nacional coletados na imprensa, no início do século XXI. Busca-se compreender como estão se refletindo as mudanças sociais e políticas em nossa língua e em que medida a língua reflete essas mudanças. O dispositivo teórico são os princípios contidos na Análise do Discurso, com suporte, essencialmente, em estudiosos como Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau e Michel Pêcheux, e nos conceitos articulados no campo da Linguística Cognitiva no que diz respeito à mobilização das relações de sentidos. Investiga-se a presença ou não de traços de pejoratividade e ironia nesses novos termos, bem como os aspectos intertextuais e interdiscursivos envolvidos nesse jogo de criação verbal, o que conduz às noções de palavra-chave, palavra-testemunha, palavra-escudo e palavra-espada, levando-se em conta que os termos representam e incorporam as marcas da sociedade e dos processos políticos vivenciados. Traz-se, ao final, uma análise do corpus coletado, um total de 215 verbetes / This thesis aims to analyze neologisms collected in national politics in the press, in the beginning of this century. We seek to understand how they are reflecting the social and political changes in our language and what extent the language reflects these changes. The theoretical approach are the principles contained in Discourse Analysis, supported mainly in scholars such as Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau and Michel Pêcheux, and in the concepts articulated in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, as regards to the mobilization of relationships meanings. It investigates the presence of traces of depreciation and irony in these new therms, as well as intertextual and interdiscursive aspects involved in this game of verbal creation, which leads to the notions of keyword, witness-word, shield-word and sword-word, taking into account that the terms represent and embody the brand of society and political processes experienced. We bring, at the end, an analysis of the collected corpus, a total of 215 entries

Palavra-escudo, palavra-espada: pejoratividade e interdiscursividade dos neologismos na política nacional da primeira década do século XXI / Shield-word, sword-word: depreciation and interdiscursivity of neologisms in national politics, in the beginning of this century XXI

Shirley Lima da Silva Braz 30 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar neologismos no contexto da política nacional coletados na imprensa, no início do século XXI. Busca-se compreender como estão se refletindo as mudanças sociais e políticas em nossa língua e em que medida a língua reflete essas mudanças. O dispositivo teórico são os princípios contidos na Análise do Discurso, com suporte, essencialmente, em estudiosos como Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau e Michel Pêcheux, e nos conceitos articulados no campo da Linguística Cognitiva no que diz respeito à mobilização das relações de sentidos. Investiga-se a presença ou não de traços de pejoratividade e ironia nesses novos termos, bem como os aspectos intertextuais e interdiscursivos envolvidos nesse jogo de criação verbal, o que conduz às noções de palavra-chave, palavra-testemunha, palavra-escudo e palavra-espada, levando-se em conta que os termos representam e incorporam as marcas da sociedade e dos processos políticos vivenciados. Traz-se, ao final, uma análise do corpus coletado, um total de 215 verbetes / This thesis aims to analyze neologisms collected in national politics in the press, in the beginning of this century. We seek to understand how they are reflecting the social and political changes in our language and what extent the language reflects these changes. The theoretical approach are the principles contained in Discourse Analysis, supported mainly in scholars such as Patrick Charaudeau, Dominique Maingueneau and Michel Pêcheux, and in the concepts articulated in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, as regards to the mobilization of relationships meanings. It investigates the presence of traces of depreciation and irony in these new therms, as well as intertextual and interdiscursive aspects involved in this game of verbal creation, which leads to the notions of keyword, witness-word, shield-word and sword-word, taking into account that the terms represent and embody the brand of society and political processes experienced. We bring, at the end, an analysis of the collected corpus, a total of 215 entries

L’arabe face à la modernité : la néologie dans la presse arabe du 19e siècle / Arabic in front of the modernity : the neology in the Arabic press of the 19th century

Jhima, Kaled 19 June 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre de ce travail, il est question d’analyser un corpus de néologisme épuisé dans plusieurs journaux de 19ème siècle. En effet, nous avons étudié des nouvelles formes néologiques, lexicales et syntaxiques, et les procédés de formation néologique que les journalistes avaient choisis pour faire face à la modernité que le monde arabe et du coup la langue arabe ont connue à cette époque, appelée l’époque de la renaissance où le lexique a connu un plein essor à l’aide de plusieurs procédés de formation néologique, tels l’emprunt, le changement sémantique et la création morphosyntaxique. Cet essor paraît en réalité comme le résultat nécessaire d’une alliance de deux facteurs: celui de la communauté linguistique, avec ses besoins de se renouveler sans cesse et le temps qui accentue cette nécessité; celle de créer des mots nouveaux pour répondre à ses besoins nouveaux. Nous avons traité ce sujet en trois parties : la première porte sur des problèmes théoriques de la néologie. Autrement dit, une réflexion théorique sur le phénomène même où nous avons ainsi soulevé quelques-unes des problématiques dérivant de l’analyse de la néologie, tels, l’histoire et la définition de la néologie et celle du néologisme auxquelles nous avons consacré le premier chapitre de la deuxième partie, la néologie et les approches linguistiques modernes que nous avons traitées dans le deuxième chapitre et le problème des typologies et de classifications abordé dans le troisième chapitre.La deuxième partie, quant à elle, nous l’avons consacrée à l’analyse des néologismes lexicaux de notre corpus en trois chapitres où nous avons traité dans chacun l’un des aspects de la néologie. Dans le premier, nous avons analysé les néologies de forme, d’après l’approche théorique d’A. Roman qui divise le système de l’arabe en deux sous-systèmes à savoir le système de nomination qui se préoccupe de la formation des unités lexicales simples et son jumeau le système de communication qui se charge de la formation des unités complexes. Le deuxième chapitre, nous l’avons réservé à l’analyse des autres néologismes crées par d’autres moyens du système de l’arabe. Il s’agit, dans ce cas, des néologismes sémantiques produits par des procédés sémantiques, en l’occurrence le processus tropologique, métaphore et métonymie, paratropologique, extension et resserrement de sens. Dan le troisième chapitre, nous avons étudié les néologismes venus d’autres systèmes linguistiques, en l’occurrence des termes que les journalistes ont empruntés à des langues étrangères.Dans la troisième partie, nous avons abordé le problème de néologie syntaxique en deux chapitres: dans le premier, nous avons traité les néologismes survenus dans le domaine verbal, notamment les nouvelles relations entre des modus verbaux et leurs expansions complétives. Quant au deuxième, nous y avons révélé et analysé certains changements concernant quelques fonctionnels, tels que, des coordonnants, des translatifs. / Within the framework of this work, it is question to analyze a corpus of neologism exhausted in several newspapers of 19th century this Indeed, we studied new neological, lexical and syntactical forms, and the processes of neological formation which the journalists had chosen to face the modernity which the Arabic world and the blow the Arabic language knew about this time period, called up the period of the revival where the lexicon knew a full development by means of several processes of neological formation, such the loan, the semantic change and the morphosyntactic creation. This development appears in reality as the necessary result of an alliance of two factors that of the speech community, with its needs being ceaselessly renewed and the time which stresses this necessity: that to create new words to answer These new needs. We treated this subject in three parts: The first one concerns theoretical problems of the neology.Such, the history and the definition of the neology and that of the neologism to whom we dedicated the first chapter of the second part the neology and the modern linguistic approaches which we treated in the second chapter and the problem of the typologies and the classifications approached on the third chapter.The second part, as for her, we dedicated her to the analysis of the lexical neologisms of our corpus in three chapters where we treated in each one of the aspects of the neology. In the first one, we analyzed the neologies of shape, according to the theoretical approach of A. Roman who divides the system of Arabic into two sub-systems namely the system of appointment which worries about the formation of the simple unités items and his twin the system of communication which takes care of the formation of the complex units. The second chapter, we reserved him(it) for the analysis of the other neologisms create by the other means of the system of Arabic. It is, in that case, about semantic neologisms produced by semantic processes, in this particular case the process tropologique, metaphor and metonymy, paratropologique, extension and contraction of sense. In the third chapter, we studied the neologisms come from the other linguistic systems, in this particular case the terms which the journalists borrowed from foreign languages.In the third part we approached the problem of syntactic neology in two chapters: in the first one, we treated the neologisms arisen in the verbal domain, in particular the new relations between verbal modus and their substantival expansions. As for the second, we revealed there and analyzed certain changes concerning some functional, such as, co-ordinating conjunctions, translative.

Lingvistická analýza frankofonního reggae / A Linguistic analysis of francophone reggae

Chodaková, Polina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the language practices of French-speaking reggae singers. The work investigates how Jamaican musical inspiration came to the French scene, and which phonetic, morphosyntactic and especially lexical devices are found there. An inseparable object of research, equally undescribed, was the vernacular of francophone reggae fans. The empirical part investigates a random sample of French reggae (approx. 50 thousand words). The songs differ geographically, chronologically (1979-2010) and musically (roots, raggamuffin, dancehall). The research not only focuses on popular and colloquial French, slang, urban language, musical influence or poetry, but also on the coherence between themes and functions fulfilled by francophone reggae. A list of neologisms shows preferences in lexicogenic processes. Furthermore, the method includes a web survey answered by 189 French-speaking reggae fans, who represent the 'new speech' community. As a result, the hypothesis of a new vernacular, independent from rap, is confirmed. The specific hybridity is defined by code switching and more than a hundred English and Jamaican borrowings, which are commonly used by the fans.

Business Deutsch : intégration discursive des anglicismes économiques et commerciaux. Une étude du magazine allemand Capital / ‘Business Deutsch’ : Integration of English loanwords in an German economic corpus

Guy, Marie-Laure 08 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans le cadre de la recherche sur les emprunts en général et les anglicismes en particulier. A l’aide d’un corpus constitué d’extraits d’un magazine économique et commercial, a été analysé le processus d’intégration discursive des anglicismes en allemand. Nous avons dégagé deux phases d’intégration. Il existe tout d’abord une phase néologique d’intégration des anglicismes, phase durant laquelle le scripteur prend conscience de l’altérité du vocable utilisé, ce qu’il marque de différentes façons. Cette phase peut se prolonger lorsque les anglicismes sont techniques : l’altérité du code est doublée par l’altérité de la référence, et leur caractère anglo-saxon importe alors peu. Nous avons analysé et établi une typologie de ces marqueurs d’altérité. Dans un second temps, nous partons de la constatation selon laquelle, une fois l’intégration discursive achevée, l’anglicisme va mener sa vie sémantique propre en allemand, ce qui a systématiquement des conséquences plus ou moins importantes sur le lexique endogène. / This thesis is part of research on linguistic borrowing in general and anglicisms in particular. Using a corpus of extracts from an economic magazine, we analyzed the integration of anglicisms into German language. We identified two phases of integration. First, there is a neological integration phase, during which the writer is aware of the foreign character of the term used: therefore, he marks it in different ways. This phase can be longer for technical terms: in this case the foreign character of the code is reinforced by the foreign character of the reference, therefore the English origin of the word is not that important. We analyzed these neology marks in speech and built a typology of them. Secondly, we started from the observation that once the integration in speech is completed, anglicisms will lead their own semantic life in German language, which can have more or less impact on German vocabulary.

Um estudo da mudança de classe gramatical em unidades lexicais neológicas / A study of word class change in neological lexical units.

Maroneze, Bruno Oliveira 22 March 2011 (has links)
A mudança de classe gramatical consiste na criação de uma unidade lexical em uma classe gramatical diferente da classe da base. Para efetuar essa criação, os falantes dispõem de diversos mecanismos, como a derivação sufixal (com diversos sufixos), a derivação parassintética, a derivação regressiva e a conversão. Nosso objetivo, no presente trabalho, é o de descrever tais mecanismos, procurando compreender por que motivo(s) os falantes criam novas unidades lexicais em classes gramaticais diferentes. Buscando a fundamentação teórica da Linguística Cognitiva, procuramos dividir nossa análise em duas perspectivas: a perspectiva onomasiológica, em que analisamos os mecanismos de criação lexical, e a perspectiva semasiológica, em que analisamos os mecanismos de interpretação de uma nova unidade lexical. Seguindo as ideias da Linguística Cognitiva, entendemos que as classes gramaticais devem ser consideradas categorias semânticas, e a mudança de classe, um processo de natureza basicamente semântica. Considerando apenas as classes gramaticais de natureza lexical, os seis tipos de mudança de classe possíveis em português são: adjetivo para substantivo, verbo para substantivo, substantivo para adjetivo, verbo para adjetivo, substantivo para verbo e adjetivo para verbo. Dessa forma, separamos 1.209 neologismos resultantes de mudança de classe gramatical integrantes da Base de neologismos do português brasileiro contemporâneo (que faz parte do Projeto TermNeo Observatório de Neologismos do Português Brasileiro Contemporâneo) e os classificamos em cada um dos seis tipos de mudança de classe. Para cada um dos tipos, analisamos onomasiologicamente os mecanismos de criação e, semasiologicamente, os mecanismos de interpretação desses neologismos. A derivação sufixal é o mecanismo mais empregado, com inúmeros sufixos produtivos no português contemporâneo, muitos deles polissêmicos; no entanto, a derivação parassintética na formação de verbos e a derivação regressiva na formação de substantivos abstratos também são mecanismos produtivos. Há alguns casos importantes de concorrência entre sufixos, como -ice e -(i)dade na mudança de adjetivo para substantivo e -ção e -mento na mudança de verbo para substantivo. Na análise da interpretação dos neologismos, a metonímia revelou-se um processo importante em quase todos os tipos de mudança de classe. Por fim, as análises parecem indicar que os falantes operam a mudança de classe gramatical com a finalidade de exprimir novos conceitos, não apenas por razões meramente morfossintáticas. / Word class change consists on the creation of a lexical unit in a word class different from the bases class. In order to do this, speakers have at their disposal many mechanisms, like suffixal derivation (with many different suffixes), parasynthetic derivation, regressive derivation and conversion. Our goal, in this study, is to describe such mechanisms, trying to figure out why speakers create new lexical units in different word classes. With the theoretical foundations of Cognitive Linguistics, we divide our analysis in two perspectives: the onomasiological perspective, in which we analyse the mechanisms of lexical creation, and the semasiological perspective, in which we analyse the mechanisms of interpretation of a new lexical unit. According to Cognitive Linguistics, we understand that word classes must be considered semantic categories, and word class change, a basically semantic process. Considering only the lexical word classes, the six possible types of word class change in Portuguese are: adjective to noun, verb to noun, noun to adjective, verb to adjective, noun to verb and adjective to verb. Therefore, we collected 1,209 neologisms resulting from a word class change process from the Base de neologismos do português brasileiro contemporâneo (Contemporary Brazilian Portuguese neologism database - part of Project TermNeo Contemporary Brazilian Portuguese Neologism Observer) and classified them into the six types of word class change. For each one of these types, we analysed onomasiologically the creation mechanisms and, semasiologically, the interpretation mechanisms of these neologisms. Suffixal derivation is the most employed mechanism, with many suffixes which are productive in contemporary Portuguese, many of them polysemic; however, parasynthetic derivation in verb creation and regressive derivation in the formation of abstract nouns are also productive mechanisms. There are some important cases of suffix competition, like -ice and -(i)dade in the change from adjective to noun and -ção and -mento in the change from verb to noun. In analyzing neologism interpretation, metonymy revealed itself an important process in almost all types of word class change. Finally, the analyses seem to show that speakers change word class in order to express new concepts, and not only for merely morphosyntactic reasons.

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