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Understanding the Regulation of Endogenous TRPV2 by Growth Factors in Neuronal CellsCohen, Matthew R. 27 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude fonctionnelle et structurale de variants rares des contactines et vulnérabilité à l’autisme / Structural and functional analysis of contactin rare variants and susceptibility to autismMercati, Oriane 25 October 2013 (has links)
Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) affectent un individu sur 100 et sont caractérisés par des déficits de la communication et des interactions sociales, et par des comportements restreints et répétitifs. Les TSA présentent une forte composante génétique ; les premiers gènes impliqués ont été identifiés au laboratoire et codent des protéines d’adhérence ou d’échafaudage localisées à la synapse : les neuroligines (NLGN) et SHANK. Nous nous sommes intéressés à l’implication dans les TSA des contactines (CNTN), un groupe de six molécules d’adhérence neurales de la superfamille des immunoglobulines. Ces protéines sont ancrées à la membrane plasmique par un groupement glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) et peuvent être sécrétées par clivage du GPI. Elles interviennent dans des processus variés du développement neuronal comme la croissance neuritique, le guidage et la fasciculation des axones ou la myélinisation. Des études génétiques ont suggéré l’implication des contactines 4 à 6 dans les TSA, mais aucune étude fonctionnelle n’a confirmé cette hypothèse. Ce travail de thèse associe une analyse génétique, une analyse fonctionnelle sur des cultures de neurones primaires de rat et une analyse structurale par modélisation moléculaire. Nous avons identifié plusieurs "Copy-Number Variants" (CNV) dans les gènes CNTN (essentiellement des délétions affectant CNTN5 et CNTN6) et observé une tendance à l’enrichissement chez les patients par rapport aux individus témoins. Le séquençage des exons codants de CNTN5 et CNTN6 chez plus de 200 patients et 200 témoins nous a ensuite permis d’identifier des variants ponctuels non synonymes. Les variants privés (présents chez un seul individu ou dans une seule famille) sont plus fréquents chez les patients que chez les témoins. Les CNV et les variants ponctuels sont hérités, de parents pour la plupart non atteints, ce qui suggère que les altérations des contactines constituent des facteurs de vulnérabilité aux TSA plutôt que des facteurs causaux. Afin de déterminer l’effet fonctionnel des variants ponctuels rares, nous avons comparé l’effet sur la neuritogenèse des CNTN mutées à celui des CNTN sauvages. Nous avons ainsi analysé, sur plusieurs centaines de neurones par condition, la longueur et la ramification des neurites dans un système de co-culture avec des cellules HEK surexprimant la CNTN. La plupart des protéines CNTN5 et CNTN6 mutées présentent des effets différents de ceux des protéines sauvages (inhibition ou augmentation des effets positifs de celles-ci). Le dernier objectif de cette étude consistait à évaluer l’influence de certains de ces variants sur l’interaction des CNTN, via les domaines immunoglobuline (Ig) 2 et 3, avec l’un de leurs ligands, le récepteur à activité tyrosine phosphatase PTPRG. Par homologie avec la structure cristallographique déjà résolue pour les quatre premiers domaines Ig de CNTN4 de souris, nous avons modélisé cette région pour les CNTN5 et 6 humaines, sauvages et mutées. Nous avons ainsi pu prédire que certains variants étaient susceptibles de modifier les liaisons ioniques ou l’encombrement stérique dans cette région d’interaction. L’ensemble de nos résultats démontre l’existence d’effets fonctionnels délétères de plusieurs variants rares des contactines retrouvés chez les patients atteints de TSA. La présence de ces variants rares chez des apparentés non atteints indique que les altérations des CNTN s’inscrivent dans un modèle de "multiple hit", qui propose que l’autisme puisse résulter de la combinaison de plusieurs atteintes génétiques, chacune représentant un facteur de risque à effet modéré et n’entraînant pas, à elle seule, le développement du trouble. Le séquençage d’exomes et de génomes entiers, en cours au laboratoire, permettra une meilleure compréhension de ces atteintes génétiques multiples. / Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) affect one individual out of 100 and are characterised by deficits in communication and social interactions, and by restricted and repetitive behaviours. ASDs display a strong genetic component ; the first genes involved were identified in our laboratory and encode for cell-adhesion or scaffolding proteins localised at the synapse : neuroligins (NLGNs) and SHANKs. We were interested in the implication, in the ASDs, of contactins (CNTNs), a group of six neural cell-adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily. These proteins are anchored to the plasma membrane by a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) and can be secreted by cleavage of this anchor. They participate in various processes of neuronal development such as neurite outgrowth, axon guidance and fasciculation, and myelination. Genetic studies have suggested the involvement of contactins 4, 5 and 6 in the ASDs, but no functional study has confirmed this hypothesis. The present work combines a genetic analysis, a functional analysis on cultured primary rat cortical neurons and a structural analysis by molecular modelling. We identified several "Copy-Number Variants" (CNVs) in CNTN genes (mainly deletions affecting CNTN5 and CNTN6) and observed a trend of enrichment in patients compared to control individuals. Subsequent sequencing of CNTN5 and CNTN6 coding exons in more than 200 patients and 200 controls allowed us to identify non synonymous single-nucleotide variants (SNVs). Private variants (present only in one individual or one family) are enriched in patients compared to controls. CNVs and SNVs are inherited, mainly from unaffected parents, which suggests that impairments in contactins represent susceptibility factors for ASDs, rather than causal factors. In order to determine the functional effects of rare SNVs, we compared the effect on neuritogenesis of mutant CNTNs to that of WT CNTNs. We therefore analysed, on several hundreds of neurons per condition, the length and branching of neurites in a co-culture system with HEK cells overexpressing a CNTN protein. Most of CNTN5 and CNTN6 mutant proteins either inhibited or increased the positive effects of WT proteins. The last aim of the present study consisted in evaluating the influence of some of these variants on the interaction of CNTNs, via their immunoglobulin (Ig) domains 2 and 3, with one of their ligands, the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor PTPRG. Using homology with the crystal structure that had already been solved for the first four Ig domains Ig of mouse CNTN4, we modelled this region for human CNTN5 and CNTN6, WT and mutated. We have thus been able to predict that some variants were likely to alter ionic bonds or steric constraints in this interaction module. Taken as a whole, our results demonstrate that several rare CNTN variants found in patients with ASD have deleterious functional effects. The presence of these rare variants in unaffected relatives indicates that CNTN impairments fit into a "multiple hit" model, according to which autism may result from the combination of several genetic defects, each being a risk factor with moderate effect but not triggering, in itself, the development of the disorder. Sequencing of exomes and whole genomes, ongoing in the laboratory, will allow better understanding of those multiple genetic impairments.
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Characterization of the Dopaminergic Potential of the Human NTera2/D1 (NT2) Cell Line <em>In Vitro</em>Misiuta, Iwona E 08 July 2005 (has links)
Our laboratory is working with the human NTera2/D1 (NT2) cell line which have properties similar to progenitor cells in the CNS. These neural-like precursors cells can differentiate into all three major lineages - neurons, astrocytes, andoligodendrocytes. The pure neuronal population, called the hNT cells, possess characteristics of dopamine (DA) cells. In this dissertation, we performed various experiments to examine the neuronal and dopaminergic development of this cellline. We first cultured our hNT neurons with cells from the developingnigrostriatal (NS) pathway, the ventral mesencephalon and striatum, to determine their influence on survival, neuritic outgrowth, and DA phenotype. The survival ofhNT neurons was substantially greater when they were cultured with embryonicday (E) 18 cells, compared to monocultures or cocultures with either E14 orpostnatal day (P) 1 cells.
The neuritic outgrowth of hNT neurons as assessed by the number of primary neurites per cell was increased when cultured with theareas of the brain from E14 and P1. The DA phenotype, as determined by the expression of the rate-limiting enzyme of DA synthesis was not increased in hNTneurons when they were cultured with primary rat cells from the NS pathway.Next we analyzed if the retinoic acid (RA)-treated hNT neurons and the NT2 precursor cells expressed three transcription factors required for development ofthe DA phenotype. We report that NT2 cells endogenously expressed Engrailed-1, Ptx3, and Nurr1 while RA treatment increased Nurr1 but down-regulated Engrailed-1 and Ptx3. Finally, lithium has been shown to stimulate neurogenesisin adult hippocampal precursors as well as influence the Wnt pathway known to be important for the induction of the DA phenotype.
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Dérégulation de la signalisation non génomique du récepteur aux androgènes dans un modèle SBMA in vitro / Deregulation of the AR non genomic signaling pathways in an in vitro SBMA modelSchindler Lamarque, Mathilde 12 November 2010 (has links)
L'atrophie musculaire bulbo-spinale (SBMA) est une dégénérescence lente et progressive des motoneurones causée par l'élongation du triplet nucléotidique (CAG) dans le gène codant pour le récepteur aux androgènes (RA) localisé sur le chromosome X. Dans la SBMA, ce récepteur à extension polyglutaminique (polyQ) pathogène s'accumule de manière ligand dépendante dans le cytoplasme sous forme d'agrégats mais également dans le noyau y créant des corps d'inclusions nucléaires considérés comme la marque identitaire histologique, dont le caractère cytotoxique est aujourd'hui remis en question. Nous avons développé un modèle SBMA in vitro basé sur l'expression inductible d'un RA51Q dans la lignée hybride NSC34, qui est comparé au modèle normal NSC34 exprimant un RA contenant 20Q. Nous avons démontré que l'expression du RA51Q entraîne une diminution de la viabilité ainsi qu'une altération de la croissance neuritique sans formation d'agrégats insolubles dans le noyau ou le cytoplasme des cellules. Le RA en tant que membre de la superfamille des récepteurs nucléaires est un facteur de transcription mais peut également induire des voies de signalisation non génomiques via sa localisation membranaire. Après avoir montré une localisation du RA20Q et du RA51Q dans les « lipid rafts », nous avons corrélé la diminution de la viabilité et de la pousse neuritique induite par le RA51Q à une altération de la signalisation cellulaire non génomique. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence une dérégulation des voies de signalisation PI3K/Akt et JNK/c-jun induite par l'expression du RA muté dans notre modèle SBMA. / Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA) is a progressive inherited motoneuron disease caused by the expansion of a trinucleotide (CAG) repeat in the gene coding for the androgen receptor (AR) located on the X chromosome. This rare disease causes muscle weaknesses, hypotonia, hyporeflexia, fasciculations of facial muscles in male patients. The androgen-dependent formation of cytoplasmic aggregates and nuclear inclusions are pathological hallmarks of this polyglutamine disease but their potential neurotoxicity is still under debate. We developed a SBMA model based on a doxycycline-inducible AR51Q expression system in the NSC34 hybrid cell line. We have shown that the expression of the mutated AR leads to a reduced viability and to an alteration of neurite outgrowth compared to cells expressing the normal AR20Q. The AR belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily of transcription factors. However, recent data have put in evidence a membrane localization of AR initiating non-genomic signaling pathways. Because we have not observed insoluble aggregates, reduced viability and neurite outgrowth could not be correlated to AR aggregation. We hypothesized that motoneuron death is not only due to aggregate formation but also to the alteration of AR signaling pathways. We focused on a correlation between the AR localization in lipid rafts and the observed phenotypes. Our results highlight the deregulation of PI3K/Akt and JNK/c-jun signaling pathways induced by the expression of AR51Q in our SBMA model.
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The Genetic and Functional Analysis of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder SpectrumOzomaro, Uzoezi 22 June 2011 (has links)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the spectrum of associated conditions, affect 2-4% of the population worldwide. Although heritability studies in OCD have shown a 3 - 12 times increased risk for first degree relatives, the identification of the underlying risk-conferring genetic variation using classic genetic association studies has proven to be difficult. The possibility of a larger contribution of rare genetic variants to the risk of psychiatric disorder has been suggested by several successful studies. We expect that a spectrum of risk allele frequencies exists, which includes not only common variation but also a substantial amount of rare genetic variants that contribute to OCD. This thesis is aimed at identifying and functionally characterizing rare genetic variation in the OCD spectrum. Identified statistically significant variants were scrutinized for changes related to synaptic function using high content screening and subsequent functional analyses. Identifying the genetic profile of rare variants found in the OCD spectrum cohort combined with the functional impact that these variants have has provided insight into the etiology of the OCD spectrum. With these approaches a foundation can be laid for the development of a predictive model of the OCD spectrum.
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Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase mutations and downstream signallingSchönherr, Christina January 2012 (has links)
The oncogene Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) is a Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) and was initially discovered as the fusion protein NPM (nucleophosmin)-ALK in a subset of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphomas (ALCL). Since then more fusion proteins have been identified in a variety of cancers. Further, overexpression of ALK due to gene amplification has been observed in many malignancies, amongst others neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer. Lately, activating point mutations in the kinase domain of ALK have been described in neuroblastoma patients and neuroblastoma cell lines. In contrast, the physiological function of ALK is still unclear, but ALK is suggested to play a role in the normal development and function of the nervous system. By employing cell culture based approaches, including a tetracycline-inducible PC12 cell system and the in vivo D. melanogaster model system, we aimed to analyze the downstream signalling of ALK and its role in neuroblastoma. First, we wished to analyze whether ALK is able to activate the small GTPase Rap1 contributing to differentiation/proliferation processes. Activated ALK recruits a complex of the GEF C3G and CrkL and activates C3G by tyrosine phosphorylation. This activated complex is able to activate Rap1 resulting either in neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells or proliferation of neuroblastoma cells suggesting a potential role in the oncogenesis of neuroblastoma driven by gain-of-function mutant ALK. Next, we could show that seven investigated ALK mutations with a high probability of being oncogenic (G1128A, I1171N, F1174L, F1174S, R1192P, F1245C and R1275Q), are true gain-of-function mutations, respond differently to ALK inhibitors and have different transforming ability. Especially the F1174S mutation correlates with aggressive disease development. However, the assumed active germ line mutation I1250T is in fact a kinase dead mutation and suggested to act as a dominant-negative receptor. Finally, ALK mutations are most frequently observed in MYCN amplified tumours correlating with a poor clinical outcome. Active ALK regulates mainly the initiation of MYCN transcription in human neuroblastoma cell lines. Further, ALK gain-of-function mutants and MYCN synergize in transforming NIH3T3 cells. Overall, somatic mutations appear to be more aggressive than germ line mutations, implying a different impact on neuroblastoma. Further, successful application of ALK inhibitors suggests a promising future for the development of patient-specific treatments for neuroblastoma patients.
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Genetics of pain : studies of migraine and pain insensitivityNorberg, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Pain is a major public health issue throughout the world. Increased understanding of the different forms of pain and identification of susceptibility genes could contribute to improved treatments. The main aims of this thesis were to identify the underlying genetic causes of pain by studying two large families affected with migraine and pain insensitivity, respectively. Migraine is one of the most common neurovascular disorders, affecting over 12% of the western population. The genetic contribution to migraine is about 50% according to family and twin studies. To identify novel susceptibility loci for migraine, we performed a genome-wide screen in a large family with migraine from northern Sweden. Linkage analysis revealed significant evidence of linkage (LOD=5.41) on chromosome 6p12.2-p21.1. A predisposing haplotype spanning 10 Mb was inherited with migraine in all affected members of the pedigree. Further fine-mapping of multiple SNP markers restricted the disease critical region to 8.5 Mb. Nine candidate genes were sequenced, revealing no disease-associated polymorphisms in SLC29A1, CLIC5, PLA2G7, IL17, SLC25A27 and TNFRSF21, but rare novel polymorphisms segregating with the disease haplotype in EFHC1, RHAG and MEP1A. EFHC1 has recently been shown to be involved in epilepsy, which is interesting considering the link between migraine and epilepsy. However, association analysis of EFHC1 revealed no difference between patients and controls, suggesting that this gene is not a risk factor for migraine. The combination of the two polymorphisms in RHAG and MEP1A could, however, not be found in any control individuals, indicating that they might be involved in genetic predisposition to migraine in this family. Disorders with reduced pain sensitivity are very rare, since pain perception is essential for survival. A number of disorders have still been identified with pain insensitivity and peripheral nerve degeneration as major clinical signs, including the hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN). In order to identify novel susceptibility genes for HSAN V, we performed a genome-wide screen in a large consanguineous pedigree from a small village in northern Sweden. A homozygous region identical-by-descent was identified on chromosome 1p11.2-p13.2 in the three most severely affected patients. Subsequent analysis of candidate genes revealed a missense mutation in a conserved region of the nerve growth factor beta (NGFB) gene, causing a drastic amino acid change (R211W) in the NGF protein. NGF is important for the development and maintenance of the sympathetic and sensory nervous system and is therefore likely to be involved in disease. Functional analysis revealed that mutant NGF failed to induce neurite outgrowth and cell differentiation in PC12 cells. Furthermore, almost no mutant NGF was secreted by COS-7 cells, indicating that the processing and/or secretion of the protein might be disrupted. In conclusion, these findings present a novel migraine locus on chromosome 6 and identification of two rare polymorphisms that might be risk factors for migraine. Furthermore, a mutation in NGFB was found to cause complete loss of deep pain perception, which represents a very interesting model system to study pain mechanisms.
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Imidazoline receptor antisera-selected protein: a unique modulator of neuronal differentiation.Dehle, Francis Christian January 2008 (has links)
The imidazoline I1 receptor (I1-R) is a novel receptor found primarily in the brain and nervous tissue where it modulates neurotransmission. It is named for its high affinity for compounds with an imidazoline structure such as the anti-hypertensive drugs, clonidine and moxonidine. The imidazoline receptor antisera-selected protein (IRAS) is the putative clone of the I1-R. IRAS has a unique structure, which does not resemble any other receptor protein. IRAS is present throughout the body with highest levels in the brain. There is a growing body of research examining the physiological roles of IRAS as an I1-R, in cell survival, migration and protein trafficking. However, there is little research into its neuronal functions. IRAS interacts with other membrane receptors: the mouse homologue of IRAS reorganises the actin cytoskeleton through interaction with the α5β1 fibronectin receptor. IRAS also binds insulin receptor substrate 4 and enhances insulin-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) activation. Actin reorganisation and ERK1/2 activation are important for the development of neurites during neuronal differentiation. Therefore, the work described in this thesis aimed to investigate the effects of IRAS on neuronal differentiation. Studies reported in this thesis also aimed to investigate whether IRAS affected ERK1/2 signalling of other receptors involved in neuronal differentiation such as the NGF receptor, TrkA, and lysophospholipid receptors. The above aims were carried out in neuronal model PC12 cells transfected with either IRAS or a vector plasmid. Fluorescence microscopy and Western blotting techniques were used to examine the effect of IRAS on cell morphology and ERK1/2 signalling. The work described in this thesis found that IRAS reorganises the actin cytoskeleton and enhances growth cone development in PC12 cells. This study also shows that IRAS differentially enhances or inhibits NGF-induced PC12 cell differentiation depending on the presence or absence of serum in the media. In full-serum conditions, IRAS enhanced neurite outgrowth and this was accompanied by an increase in ERK1/2 activation. In serum-starved cells, IRAS inhibited neurite outgrowth with similar levels of ERK1/2 activation observed in vector- and IRAS-transfected cells. Finally, studies presented in this thesis found that IRAS enhances lysophosphatidic acid-induced ERK1/2 activation and that IRAS interacting with lysophospholipid receptor agonists present in serum is a potential mechanism by which it enhances NGF-induced ERK1/2 activation in full-serum conditions. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1345359 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Medical Sciences, 2008
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Involvement of GPR17 in Neuronal Fibre OutgrowthBraune, Max, Scherf, Nico, Heine, Claudia, Sygnecka, Katja, Pillaiyar, Thanigaimalai, Parravicini, Chiara, Heimrich, Bernd, Abbracchio, Maria P., Müller, Christa E., Franke, Heike 22 January 2024 (has links)
Characterization of new pharmacological targets is a promising approach in research of
neurorepair mechanisms. The G protein-coupled receptor 17 (GPR17) has recently been proposed as
an interesting pharmacological target, e.g., in neuroregenerative processes. Using the well-established
ex vivo model of organotypic slice co-cultures of the mesocortical dopaminergic system (prefrontal
cortex (PFC) and substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area (SN/VTA) complex), the influence of
GPR17 ligands on neurite outgrowth from SN/VTA to the PFC was investigated. The growthpromoting
effects of Montelukast (MTK; GPR17- and cysteinyl-leukotriene receptor antagonist),
the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and of two potent, selective GPR17 agonists
(PSB-16484 and PSB-16282) were characterized. Treatment with MTK resulted in a significant increase
in mean neurite density, comparable with the effects of GDNF. The combination of MTK and GPR17
agonist PSB-16484 significantly inhibited neuronal growth. qPCR studies revealed an MTK-induced
elevated mRNA-expression of genes relevant for neuronal growth. Immunofluorescence labelling
showed a marked expression of GPR17 on NG2-positive glia. Western blot and RT-qPCR analysis of
untreated cultures suggest a time-dependent, injury-induced stimulation of GPR17. In conclusion,
MTK was identified as a stimulator of neurite fibre outgrowth, mediating its effects through GPR17,
highlighting GPR17 as an interesting therapeutic target in neuronal regeneration.
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Le système MMP/TIMP dans la croissance neuritique et la motilité des cellules souches de la muqueuse olfactiveOuld-Yahoui, Adlane 20 May 2011 (has links)
Les métalloproteases matricielles (MMPs) appartiennent à une famille d'endopéptidases dépendantes du zinc, présentent sous forme secrétée ou membranaire (MT-MMP) et qui jouent un rôle fondamental dans la signalisation cellulaire. L'activité des MMPs est régulée par leur inhibiteurs endogènes, les inhibiteurs tissulaires des MMPs (TIMPs). Le système MMP/TIMP régule les interactions cellule-cellule et cellule-matrice extra cellulaire et module la motilité cellulaire par clivage protéolytique des composants de la matrice extra cellulaire aussi bien lors de processus physiologiques que dans des situations pathologiques.Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en évidence le rôle de TIMP-1 dans la modulation de la croissance neuritique et la morphologie neuronale, via l'inhibition de MMP-2 et non de MMP-9. souches de la muqueuse olfactive (OE-MSCs). Nous montrons dans cette étude que les gélatinases MMP-2 et MMP-9 ainsi que la MMP membranaire MT1-MMP, sont impliquées dans la migration des OE-MSCs. Nous montrons également que les gélatinases sont probablement impliquées dans les propriétés neurotrophiques des OE-MSCs et des cellules engainantes olfactives.L'ensemble de ces résultats apporte de nouveaux éléments fondamentaux, dans la compréhension du rôle du système MMP/TIMP dans les processus post-lésionnels qui ont lieu au sein du système nerveux central. / The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) belong to a growing family of Zn2+-dependent endopeptidases, secreted or membrane-bound (MT-MMP), which play a fundamental role in the cell signalling. The activity of the MMPs is regulated by their endogenous inhibitors, the tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs). The MMP / TIMP system regulates the cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions and modulates the cellular motility through the cleavage of protein components of the extracellular matrix, as well during physiological and pathological conditions.Our results suggest that TIMP-1 is implicated in the modulation of the neurite outgrowth and morphology of cortical neurons through the inhibition at least in part, of MMP-2 and not MMP-9. Afterward, we study of the system MMP / TIMP in the migration of the stem cells of olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells (OE-MSCs). We show that gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 as well as MT1-MMP, are involved in OE-MSCs migration. We also show that gelatinases are probably involved in neurotrophic properties of the OE-MSCs and olfactory ensheathing cells.Altogether, these results provide new evidences on the role of MMP/TIMP system in central nervous system post-lesional processes.
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