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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exposition des voyageurs aux polluants de l’air dans les autobus : caractérisation des sources et des transferts / Travelers' exposure to air pollution inside buses : characterization of sources and transfers

Molle, Romain 11 July 2013 (has links)
Ce travail permet d'approfondir les connaissances sur l'exposition des voyageurs aux polluants de l'air dans les autobus via des mesures représentatives en fonction du matériel roulant (Agora Long, Agora Standard), le taux de renouvellement de l'air, de la qualité de l'air extérieur et des paramètres du trafic routier. Les expériences ont été réalisées en étudiant la répartition des polluants dans l'habitacle, un sujet peu abordé jusqu'à présent dans la littérature. Sont quantifiées certaines sources de pollution comme le relargage des nouveaux matériaux et le transfert des effluents du bus vers sa cabine (auto-pollution). Dans le cadre de cette démarche, une campagne inédite a été créée pour quantifier l'auto-pollution minimum et maximum pour ces deux types de bus. Dans des conditions réelles de circulation, les concentrations en polluants (NO2, PM2.5, concentration en nombre des particules entre 0,02-1µm) ont été plus élevées dans les habitacles des bus par rapport au fond urbain. De plus il a été constaté des concentrations en NO2 plus faibles à l'avant par rapport à l'arrière du bus, position du pot d'échappement et du moteur. Cette surexposition a été expliquée par une auto-pollution plus importante à l'arrière par rapport à l'avant (0,13% contre 0,05% dans des conditions défavorables). Enfin l'influence du relargage des matériaux, du trafic routier, des ouvertures des portes, de la vitesse du vent sur les concentrations des polluants dans les habitacles des bus a été démontrée / This study can increase knowledge about the travelers' exposure to air pollution inside buses through measures based representative of rolling stock (Agora Long, Agora Standard), the air change rate, air outdoor quality and traffic parameters. The experiments were performed by studying the distribution of pollutants in the cabin, a subject little discussed in the literature. Some sources of pollution such as the material emissions and the transfer of bus exhaust in the cabin are quantified (self-pollution). As part of this approach, an unprecedented campaign was conducted to quantify the maximum and minimum self-pollution for both types of bus. In real traffic conditions, the pollutant concentrations (NO2, PM2.5, particle number concentration between 0.02-1µm) are higher in the instrumented buses compared to outdoors. Moreover the lowest concentrations of NO2 have been measured in the front of the cabin compared to the rear, the localization of exhaust pipe and the engine. This overexposure was explained by a self-pollution higher in the rear of the cabin compared to the front (0.13% against 0.05% in adverse conditions). Finally the influence of the material emissions, traffic, door openings, the wind speed on the pollutant concentrations inside buses have been demonstrated

Study of Electric and Dielectric Properties of Ionic Liquids / Study of Electric and Dielectric Properties of Ionic Liquids

Altšmíd, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Dizertační práce je zaměřena na studium elektrických a dielektrických vlastností iontových kapalin. Iontové kapaliny mohou nacházet uplatnění v široké škále aplikací, především pak v elektrotechnice. Teoretická část se věnuje popisu základních vlastností iontových kapalin a možností jejich uplatnění v kondenzátorech a elektrochemických senzorech plynů. Experimentální část se věnuje použitým metodám charakterizace vlastností iontových kapalin, jsou zde popsány teoretické poznatky o dielektrické spektroskopii včetně metod stanovení fyzikálních vlastností a vyhodnocení experimentálních dat. Experimentální část je rozdělena na dvě základní části. První se věnuje studiu iontových kapalin pro použití jako elektrolytu v kondenzátorech, druhá část se věnuje studiu vlastností připravených experimentálních senzorů na NO2, zejména vlivem vlastností iontových kapalin na sledované parametry senzoru.

Emissões de óxido nitroso em diferentes condições operacionais de sistemas de tratamento de esgotos por lodos ativados em escala real e de bancada

Ribeiro, Renato Pereira 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-08-31T14:28:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Renato Ribeiro-FINAL (FINAL)_BGQ.pdf: 2538261 bytes, checksum: 368478fea67bb3f88e3e4eebf8a854cd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T14:28:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Renato Ribeiro-FINAL (FINAL)_BGQ.pdf: 2538261 bytes, checksum: 368478fea67bb3f88e3e4eebf8a854cd (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ / O óxido nitroso (N2O) possui um potencial de aquecimento global 310 vezes superior ao do dióxido de carbono (CO2). Além disso, o N2O é a principal fonte de óxido nítrico (NO) na estratosfera, sendo indiretamente responsável pelo consumo do ozônio (O3) estratosférico. Os resíduos de origem humana representam uma das fontes de N2O, e estima-se que sistemas de tratamento de esgotos podem contribuir com cerca de 10% do total das emissões antrópicas. Nas estações de tratamento de esgotos (ETEs), as emissões de N2O ocorrem naturalmente devido às transformações microbiológicas dos compostos de nitrogênio (N) através dos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação. Entretanto, não existe um único mecanismo de emissão de N2O provenientes de ETEs, e suas vias de produção são dependentes do projeto da planta e também relacionadas às diferentes condições dos principais parâmetros operacionais, tais como carga orgânica afluente, concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD), taxa de aeração e idade do lodo, dentre outros. O objetivo principal da presente tese foi determinar a relação das diferentes condições operacionais, tais como variabilidade na carga orgânica afluente, diferentes idades do lodo e taxas de aeração, limitação das concentrações de OD e choques de carga orgânica e de N amoniacal, nas emissões de N2O provenientes de diferentes sistemas de tratamento de esgotos por lodos ativados (convencional e aeração prolongada) operados com remoção biológica de N (RBN) e não-RBN, em escalas de bancada e real. Três experimentos realizados in situ em uma ETE de lodos ativados convencional, mostraram a influência da carga de NT afluente, especialmente NH4 +, e da taxa de aeração na emissão de N2O do tanque de aeração. O excesso de aeração intensifica o processo físico de transferência do N2O do meio líquido para a atmosfera e, portanto, deve ser evitado. O monitoramento contínuo das emissões de N2O dos tanques de aeração de três ETEs com sistemas de lodos ativados e operadas com RBN e não-RBN mostraram que as altas emissões de N2O representam condições de excesso de aeração ou uma perda da conversão de NH4 + a NO3 -, com acúmulo de NO2 -. Uma preocupação adicional é o lançamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários em sistemas de tratamento de esgotos. Condições de estresse, tais como choque de carga de N amoniacal, podem causar uma limitação nas concentrações de OD, acúmulo de NO2 - e, consequentemente, maiores emissões de N2O. Assim, as medições contínuas de N2O podem fornecer informações importantes sobre a adequação da taxa de aeração e da perda de eficiência da nitrificação completa. Sistemas de tratamento de esgotos que não operam com RBN respondem por maiores emissões de N2O quando comparados com aqueles que removem N. Entretanto, um dos maiores desafios das ETEs com RBN é o controle adequado dos parâmetros operacionais responsáveis pelos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação completos. Diferentes condições experimentais realizadas em um sistema de lodos ativados, em escala de bancada, mostraram que idades do lodo reduzidas (5 dias) combinadas com baixas concentrações de OD (0,5 mg L-1) resultaram em menores eficiências de oxidação de NTK e, consequentemente, em uma insignificante taxa de acúmulo de NO2 -. Nesta condição, a nitrificação foi dificultada pela oxidação da matéria orgânica, com a maior parcela do N removida pela incorporação ao lodo excedente. Por outro lado, idades do lodo mais elevadas (10 dias) combinadas com o aumento da concentração de OD (1,0 mg L-1) resultaram no acúmulo de NO2 - e no aumento da eficiência de oxidação de NTK, o que representa uma condição ideal para oxidação da matéria orgânica e nitrificação. Nesta condição a maior parcela do N foi transferida para a atmosfera. Parte do N transferido para a atmosfera pode ser atribuído ao N2O, que variou de 0,3 a 5,6% da carga de NT afluente, com o maior valor associado a nitrificação parcial. Portanto, o controle adequado das concentrações de OD é um fator chave para evitar o acúmulo de NO2 -, e consequentemente, elevadas emissões de N2O. / Nitrous oxide (N2O) has a global warming potential 310 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2). Moreover, N2O is the major source of nitric oxide (NO) in the stratosphere which implies that it is indirectly responsible for the consumption of stratospheric ozone (O3). Human waste is a source of N2O and it is estimated that wastewater treatment systems are thought to contribute with about 10% of total anthropogenic N2O emissions. In wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), N2O emissions occur naturally due to the microbial transformations of nitrogen (N) compounds by the nitrification and denitrification processes. However, there is no single N2O emission mechanism from WWTPs and the pathways related to its production are dependent on the WWTP design and closely related to operating parameters, such as organic matter and total N (TN) loads, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, aeration rate and sludge retention time (SRT), among others. The main goal of the present doctoral thesis was to determine the relationship of different operating conditions, such as variable organic loading, different SRTs and air flow rates, limited DO concentrations and organic (and NH4 +) shock loading on N2O emissions in different activated sludge systems (conventional and extended aeration) operated with biological N removal (BNR) and non-BNR, in the laboratory and in full-scale processing. Three in situ experiments, conducted in a conventional activated sludge WWTP, showed the influence of the TN loading rate, especially NH4 +, and the aeration flow rate on the emission rate of N2O from the aeration tank. Excessive air flow intensified N2O transfer from the liquor to the atmosphere by air stripping, and therefore should be avoided. The continuous measurements of N2O emissions from the aeration tanks of three activated sludge WWTPs operated with BNR and non-BNR showed that high N2O emissions denote over-aeration conditions or a loss of NH4 + conversion to NO3 -, with accumulation of NO2 - concentrations. An additional concern is the observed propensity of WWTPs to receive landfill leachates in their wastewater systems. Stress conditions, such as NH4 + shock loading, can cause limited DO conditions, NO2 - accumulation and, consequently, higher N2O emissions. Thus, continuous measurements of N2O emissions can provide information on aeration adequacy and the efficiency of complete nitrification. Non-BNR WWTPs are subject to high N2O emissions, in contrast to BNR WWTP with controlled nitrification and denitrification processes. However, one of the major challenges for WWTPs with BNR is the adequate control of operating parameters responsible for complete nitrification and denitrification processes. Different experimental conditions performed in a lab-scale activated sludge system showed that short SRT (5 days) combined with very low DO levels (0.5 mg L-1) were responsible for lower TKN oxidation efficiencies and, consequently, negligible NO2 - accumulation rates. These results suggest that nitrification efficiency was hampered by the oxidation of organic matter, with a large part of TN removed by sludge waste process. As the SRT increased (from 5 to 10 days) and DO was set to 1.0 mg L-1, TKN oxidation rates and NO2 - accumulation reached their maxima, which are thought to be the optimal conditions for both organic matter oxidation and partial nitrification. Under these conditions, gas transfer to the atmosphere became the preferential route for TN removal instead of incorporation to the sludge waste. Part of the N transferred to the atmosphere is attributed to N2O, which varied from 0.3 to 5.6% of the influent TN load, with the highest value associated with partial nitrification. Therefore, the adequate control of DO concentrations is a key factor to avoid NO2 - accumulation and consequently high N2O emissions.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

Etude par résonance paramagnétique électronique (RPE) du piégeage des radicaux azotés NO et NO2 par de nouveaux pièges diéniques / Electron paramagnetic resonance study of the trapping of nitrogen radicals NO and NO2 with new dienes traps

Al Zeine, Abdel Razzak 17 February 2015 (has links)
La détection par RPE en solution du radical NO n’est possible qu’après piégeage sur une molécule appropriée. Les travaux décrits dans ce manuscrit concernent l’étude des potentialités des composés PG3 et DSB dans ce domaine : ces deux molécules possèdent un motif diénique conjugué devant permettre, après une cycloaddition [4+1] avec NO, l’obtention d’adduits nitroxyde détectables en RPE. En présence d’oxygène, le PG3 piège efficacement NO et NO2 dans le tert-butylbenzène, conduisant respectivement à un nitroxyde et à un oxynitroxyde stables avec des spectres de RPE très caractéristiques. En solvant plus polaire ou en milieu aqueux, le PG3 ne piège pas directement NO mais son dérivé oxydé NO2. Le DSB a montré, en présence d’oxygène, une bonne capacité de piégeage du radical NO dans divers solvants organiques, conduisant à un nitroxyde cyclique stable aisément indentifiable par RPE, bien qu’aucun adduit n’ait jamais été observé par RPE après réaction avec NO2. Les deux composés PG3 et DSB sont stables et ne nécessitent donc pas d’être générés in situ. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus relance l’intérêt d’utiliser des diènes conjugués comme piège à NO, bien que des composés plus hydrophiles doivent maintenant être élaborés en vue d’utilisations en milieux biologiques. / NO radical requires to be trapped before its EPR detection in solution. The work described therein deals with the study of the potentialities of the compounds PG3 and DSB in this field: both molecules show a conjugated diene moiety that could allow a [4+1] cycloaddition with NO, thereby yielding EPR detectable nitroxide adducts. In the presence of oxygen, PG3 trapped efficiently NO and NO2 radicals in tert-butylbenzene, leading to stable cyclic nitroxide and oxynitroxide, respectively, with characteristic EPR spectra. In more polar solvents and in aqueous media, PG3 was found to trap NO2, formed after NO oxidation, rather than NO itself. In the presence of oxygen, DSB trapped efficiently NO in various solvents, yielding a stable cyclic nitroxide easily identified on the basis of its EPR spectrum, though no EPR signal was ever detected after reaction between DSB and NO2. PG3 and DSB both showed a high thermal stability and no in situ generation is necessary. All these results re-boost interest in using conjugated dienes as NO traps, though more hydrophilic compounds should now be elaborated for biological applications.

Investigating the influence of vehicular traffic on a major trunk road on rural air quality

Obara, Paul Goodluck January 2012 (has links)
Traffic population in the UK has grown by 27% in 2002 and predicted to continue to an estimated 38% in 2016 and up to 60% by 2031. This means vehicular emissions from road transport may account for higher proportion of total emissions of pollutants resulting in air pollution with its attendant consequences. Although poor air quality concerns has often been linked to urban areas, many rural areas apparently have locations where air quality objectives may be threatened especially in the wake of increasing vehicular population. Thus, this elicits the necessity to investigate the relationship between vehicular emissions and air quality. This study investigated the influence of vehicular traffic on a major trunk road on rural air quality through continuous measurements of nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and hydrocarbon between June 2008 and April 2010 along a major trunk road in a catalogued rural environment in the UK. Collection and analysis of pollutants was by Dräger short-term tubes and Dräger passive diffusion tube techniques. Throughout the sampling period, concentrations of sulphur dioxide were not detected using the short-term tube technique but were detected by the passive diffusion tubes. The study found that variations in mean concentrations of the pollutants were synonymous with traffic frequency and were influenced by meteorological conditions especially wind speed, temperature and relative humidity. Results observed concentration decline trend with increasing distance and showed maximum concentrations during winter, mainly in areas of close proximity to anthropogenic source, and minimum in summer. Values between winter year 1 and winter year 2 monitoring campaigns showed significant difference (P<0.05 and R=0.91) as was in summer year 1 and year 2 (P<0.05 and R=0.94), spring year 1 and year 2 (P<0.05 and R=0.84) and autumn year 1 and year 2 (P<0.05 and R=0.79). When compared with the guidance limits, NO2 Page ii showed exceededance at roadside and 50 m, and at some sample sites, up to 100 m from the road. Conversely, SO2 did not show any exceedance but statistical analyses was mostly significant between concentrations and distance at p≤0.05, suggesting the variability of pollutants, as well as the influence of distance on their temporal and spatial distribution. Results also show that pollutants correlated very well with daily traffic population with strong positive r2 and R-values. Similarly, the study considered the application of hazel leave (Corylus avellana) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne) vegetation samples in monitoring rural air quality. Both samples were collected in different seasons and distances (5m, 50m, and 100m) from the A49 trunk road at four rural sites characterised with diverse traffic densities and anthropogenic activities. The aim was to determine the elemental content and trends within the samples and to investigate the influence of distance from the road, height from ground level, and sampling season on the elemental levels. The levels of Al, As, Ba, Ca, Si, Mg, S, Cd, Cr, Na, Ni, Sb, Se, Sn, Mo, Mn, C, K, P, Cl, Ti, Fe, Zn, and Pb were determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), and Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX). Results show that despite the traffic differentials between the sampling sites, the pollution level of heavy metals were generally low in all sampling site and concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Ti exhibited inverse relationship with distance, decreasing in levels with increasing distance from the trunk road. Although root uptake from the soil is a potential source of heavy metals, geochemistry research of the study area did not show any evidence that proves any major heavy metals deposit concerns in the soil. It is therefore possible that heavy metal emissions were deposited in a form that was not readily available for root uptake, thereby narrowing the presence of heavy metal pollutants to other potential Page iii sources. However, this study found high level of heavy metals at the roadside measurements in the order of Zn (0.703 ppm) > Ti (0.346 ppm) > Cr (0.111 ppm) > Cu (0.106 ppm) > Pb (0.026 ppm) > Ni (0.025 ppm). They were found in different magnitudes higher than their respective levels at 50 and 100 m from the trunk road and therefore tend to support traffic origin. Findings from this study show that heavy metals exhibited different degree of correlation between individual elements, ranging from very strong positive to weak, as well as negative correlations. Statistical analyses show that the elements predominantly exhibited statistically significant differences between elements and between distances from the road. Overall, findings from this study demonstrate that both vegetation species prove to be successfully useful in determining the pollution status and trends of traffic-related heavy metals.

Air quality assessment of the industrialized western Bushveld Igneous Complex / Andrew Derick Venter

Venter, Andrew Derick January 2011 (has links)
South Africa has the largest economy in Africa, with significant mining and metallurgical activities. A large fraction of the mineral assets is concentrated in the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC), with the western limb being the most exploited. Although the western BIC is considered to be an air pollution hotspot, inadequate air quality data currently exists for this area. To partially address this knowledge gap, a comprehensive air quality monitoring station was operated for more than two years at Marikana in the western BIC. Basic meteorological parameters, precipitation, Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD), trace gas concentrations (SO2, NO, NOx, O3, and CO), physical aerosol parameters (particle number and air ion size distributions, as well as aerosol light absorption) and total PM10 mass concentration were measured. Compared with South African and European ambient air quality standards, SO2, NO2 and CO concentrations were generally below the air quality standards, with average concentrations for the sampling period of 3.8ppb (9.9μg/m³), 8.5ppb (15.9μg/m³) and 230ppb (270μg/m³), respectively. The major source of SO2 was identified as high-stack industry emissions, while household combustion was identified as the predominant source of NO2 and CO. In contrast, O3 exceeded the eight-hour moving average standard (61ppb / 120μg/m³) 322 times per year. The main contributing factor was identified to be the influx of regional air masses, with high O3 precursor concentrations. PM10 exceeded the current South African 24-hour standard (120μg/m³) on average 6.6 times per year, the future 2015 standard (75μg/m³) 42.3 times per year and the European standard (50μg/m³) 120.2 times per year. The PM10 average concentration for the sampling period was 44μg/m³, which exceeded the current European and future (2015) South African annual average standard (40μg/m³), emphasising the PM pollution problem in the western BIC. The main source of PM10 was identified as household combustion. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Analysing spatio-temporal patterns of the global NO2-distribution retrieved from GOME satellite observations using a generalized additive model

Hayn, Michael, Beirle, Steffen, Hamprecht, Fred A., Platt, Ulrich, Menze, Björn H., Wagner, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
With the increasing availability of observational data from different sources at a global level, joint analysis of these data is becoming especially attractive. For such an analysis – oftentimes with little prior knowledge about local and global interactions between the different observational variables at hand – an exploratory, data-driven analysis of the data may be of particular relevance. In the present work we used generalized additive models (GAM) in an exemplary study of spatio-temporal patterns in the tropospheric NO2-distribution derived from GOME satellite observations (1996 to 2001) at global scale. We focused on identifying correlations between NO2 and local wind fields, a quantity which is of particular interest in the analysis of spatio-temporal interactions. Formulating general functional, parametric relationships between the observed NO2 distribution and local wind fields, however, is difficult – if not impossible. So, rather than following a modelbased analysis testing the data for predefined hypotheses (assuming, for example, sinusoidal seasonal trends), we used a GAM with non-parametric model terms to learn this functional relationship between NO2 and wind directly from the data. The NO2 observations showed to be affected by winddominated processes over large areas. We estimated the extent of areas affected by specific NO2 emission sources, and were able to highlight likely atmospheric transport “pathways”. General temporal trends which were also part of our model – weekly, seasonal and linear changes – showed to be in good agreement with previous studies and alternative ways of analysing the time series. Overall, using a non-parametric model provided favorable means for a rapid inspection of this large spatio-temporal NO2 data set, with less bias than parametric approaches, and allowing to visualize dynamical processes of the NO2 distribution at a global scale.

Investigation Of Passive Sampling Of No2 And O3 In Ambient Air And Determination Of The Effects Of Meteorological Parameters To The Uptake Rate

Bayindir, Elif 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study NO2 and O3 gases which are the secondary pollutants in ambient air were sampled with designed passive tubes. The collected samples were extracted for UV-VIS spectrometric analysis. NO2 gases were converted to NO2- ions by extracting with water and then this solution was colored with Saltzman reagent (5:1 sulfanilamide and N-(1 naphthly)-ethlyene-diamine dihydrochloride). Then the absorbance of the solution was measured at 537 nm. O3 was extracted with 3-metyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrozone hydrochloride solution which gives yellow color after extraction. The absorbance of the solution was measured at 430 nm. Before starting the experiment, the exposure time was optimized. For this purpose, 15 days in winter and 65 days in summer samplings were conducted. For both NO2 and O3 it was decided that 7 days of sampling period was required as an optimum sampling time in order to reach maximum collection efficiency values for both pollutants. To determine the uptake rates of the passive tubes, NO2 was sampled in fifteen weeks and O3 was sampled in thirteen weeks. During each sampling period passive tubes were placed nearby the active air sampling stations of Refik Saydam Hygiene Center, Air Quality Control and Research Laboratory in Ulus and Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren. Then uptake rates of NO2 and O3 passive tubes were determined by comparing passive and active sampler data. The uptake rate was calculated for NO2 and O3 as 0.91 x 103 cm3 h-1 and 1.71 x 103, respectively. Since sampling was done in ambient air the effect of meteorological parameters should be determined. Each meteorological parameters, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, temperature, pressure and solar ration were correlated with uptake rates. It was found out that none of these parameters had a significant effect on NO2 passive tube uptake rate. However, O3 passive tubes were affected from temperature, solar radiation and relative humidity. Temperature and solar radiation showed positive correlation with uptake rate, on the contrary, relative humidity was inversely correlated with uptake rate. Finally the pollution map of Ankara was created by taking samples from forty points in the city.

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