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Globální granty v neziskovém sektoru / Global grants in nonprofit sectorHonců, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The degree thesis treats the problem of Global grant in nonprofit sector accorded within Single programming document for Objective 3 of the NUTS 2 Prague region. The Global grant is simplified grant scheme awarded to nonprofit organizations active in social sphere, which focus on persons endangered by social exclusion. The degree thesis defines the theoretical framework of all correlations necessary for valid insight into the problem. Among the concepts defined are nonprofit sector, nonprofit organizations, their financing, regional policy of European Union acting through the European Social Fund awarding funds precisely for Global grant. The nature of Global grant is further examined by looking into project approval procedure falling within the grant, handling of monitoring indicators and positron and impact of the Global grant on nonprofit organizations.
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Exploration of indigeneous medicinal knowledge of Phonda in the Vhembe DistrictTshikukuvhe, Livhuwani Daphney 18 September 2017 (has links)
MA (African Studies) / Centre for African Studies / This study explored indigenous medicinal knowledge of Phonda in the Vhembe District. It has been noticed that phonda is becoming a scarce crop. The objectives entail seeking to solicit information on the uses of phonda, to understand the attitudes of local households towards phonda and to establish what can be done to restore the cultivation of phonda. The study used qualitative method involving unstructured interviews to collect and thematically analyse data. Purposive sampling and snowballing methods were used to make up the study sample. From literature, it is known that traditional health practitioners used phonda for treatment of certain diseases and illnesses. Phonda is no longer common, but the study sought to encourage the cultivation of phonda. The study employed an Afrocentric paradigm of social change as the conceptual framework. The study found that many households no longer plough phonda as they used to in the past. The study recommends that people should be educated on the importance of phonda to encourage them to plough it. Additionally, the researcher recommends further studies into different purposes of phonda and areas to boost its farming.
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Activity patterns, species composition and dietary analysis of bats on two macadamia farms in Levubu, South AfricaMphethe, Vusani 18 September 2017 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / See the attached abstract below
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Vztah mezi lidským, institucionálním a sociálním kapitálem a ekonomickou výkonností na příkladu evropských regionů / European Regions as an Example of the Relationship between Human, Institutional and Social Capital and Economic PerformanceChudý, Vít January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the description and assessment of the relationships between human, institutional and social capital and the assessment of the effects of capital types on economic performance. After the operationalization of capital types and economic performance that was based on literature research, the relationships were analysed using the example of European regions (specifically NUTS 2). The analysis is focused on the regional differentiation of capital types and economic maturity. It also monitors the relationships between capital types and economic performance. This thesis is based on the latest statistical data from offices and surveys that deal with the quality of the institutional environment or the characteristics of social capital. The characteristics of capital types are shown in maps. For the statistical data analysis, we used factor, correlation and regressive analysis. Keywords: human, social and institutional capital, economic performance, GDP per capita, regional differentiation, European regions NUTS 2
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Physical, chemical and functional properties of tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus) selected from Ghana, Cameroon and UK market (Spain)Adjei-Duodu, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
The tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) has attracted a lot of unsubstantiated health claims, yet there is a dearth of research investigation within Ghana specifically in the area of food product development. This study addresses the development of ‘functional bread and biscuit’ from tiger nuts obtained from UK market (Spain). The chemical constituents; carbohydrate, lipid, protein, dietary minerals and antioxidants, the functional properties of three varieties of tiger nuts obtained from Ghana (black and brown), Cameroon (yellow) and UK market (Spain) (brown) were investigated using standard analytical methods as well as the blood glucose response of healthy adults who consumed the developed bread. Tiger nuts were found to be good sources of carbohydrate (51-82g/100g) and lipids (21-37g/100g). The dietary fibre components ranged between 18, 1, 19 and 19g/100g for IDF, SDFP, HMWDF, and ITDF respectively, while the available carbohydrate as sugars were 45, 0.5 and 5g/100g for glucose, maltose and xylose respectively. Minerals that were found to be inherent to the crop were; potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and selenium and do not depend on place of origin. The following ratios for Sodium/Potassium 0.04, Calcium/Phosphorus 0.13 and Calcium/Magnesium 0.28 were obtained. Tiger nuts had TPC ≥ 134GAE per g, DPPH and stability index of 0.9-8.7mmol/litre and 3- 4 respectively. In conclusion the tiger nuts originating from different geographical locations were good sources of health giving minerals and had diversity of physical properties and chemical constituents which could inform future research in the functional food industry. Tiger nut could be added to the Ghana food basket and the product developed from it could be a potential functional food because of its effect on glucose response and phytochemical contents. It could again be used to replace artificial antioxidants (BHA or BHT) which are used in the food industry to inhibit lipid and protein oxidation especially the black variety.
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Efeitos do consumo de castanha-do-brasil (Bertholetia excelsa H.B.K.) sobre o estresse oxidativo em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve e a relação com variações em genes de selenoproteínas / Effects of the intake of Brazil nut (Bertholetia excels H.B.K) on the oxidative stress in patients with mild cognitive impairment and its relation with polymorphisms in selenoprotein genes.Cardoso, Bárbara Rita 10 June 2014 (has links)
Visto que o estresse oxidativo está intimamente relacionado com a progressão da demência, este se apresenta como um possível alvo terapêutico a fim de preservar as funções cognitivas. No mesmo sentido, estudos mostram o papel antioxidante do selênio, mineral que atua por meio das selenoproteínas, com destaque para a família de enzimas antioxidantes glutationa peroxidase (GPx) e a selenoproteína responsável pelo transporte de selênio, a selenoproteína P (SePP). Entretanto, diferentes genótipos dos genes que codificam essas selenoproteínas podem refletir em diferentes respostas diante de intervenções alimentares. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos da suplementação com castanha-do-brasil sobre o estresse oxidativo em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) e verificar sua relação com os polimorfismos rs1050450 (Pro198Leu) no gene da GPx1, rs3877899 e rs7579 no gene da selenoproteína P. Participaram do estudo 31 indivíduos com CCL, voluntários, de ambos os sexos, frequentadores do Ambulatório de Memória do Idoso do Serviço de Geriatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente entre os grupos Castanha e Controle. O grupo Castanha recebeu uma unidade de castanha-do-brasil por dia durante seis meses. Foram avaliados os seguintes marcadores: determinação de selênio no plasma e nos eritrócitos, atividade da GPx eritrocitária, avaliação dos níveis de oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) e de malondialdeído (MDA) plasmáticos, perfil lipídico sérico e expressão gênica de GPx1 e SePP. Além disso, os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação cognitiva e genotipados quanto aos polimorfismos rs1050450, rs3877899 e rs7579. Cada unidade de castanha-do-brasil forneceu 288,75µg de selênio. Dentre os 31 participantes selecionados, apenas 20 concluíram o estudo, e observou-se que, antes da intervenção, os grupos de estudo não apresentavam diferença quanto aos níveis de selênio no plasma e no eritrócito, bem como na atividade da GPx e nos níveis plasmáticos de ORAC e de MDA. Porém, após a suplementação, verificou-se aumento significativo no selênio plasmático (290,6±74,6) e eritrocitário (574,6±181,4) e na atividade da GPx (59,55±20,79) no grupo Castanha, diferente do grupo Controle (47,48±11,7 no plasma; 33,5±16,1 no eritrócito; 42,54±13,05 atividade da GPx). Em relação ao MDA, verificou-se que ambos os grupos apresentaram aumento após a intervenção, porém não significativo. No caso do ORAC, não se verificou alteração entre os grupos após os seis meses. O escore CERAD, que avalia desempenho cognitivo, não foi diferente entre os grupos após o tratamento, entretanto as mudanças observadas na fluência verbal e na praxia construtiva ao longo do acompanhamento foram mais favoráveis no grupo Castanha. A frequência dos genótipos de referência foram 40% para Pro198Leu, 55% para rs7579 e 60% para rs3877899. Não foram identificadas diferenças entre os níveis de selênio, de atividade da GPx, de MDA e de ORAC entre os genótipos, porém em análise multivariada verificou-se que o alelo variante do Pro198Leu se relacionou com aumento de 0,613 dp na concentração de selênio no plasma no baseline. A influência dos polimorfismos na resposta à intervenção com castanha-do-brasil foi avaliada nos 11 participantes do grupo Castanha, e observou-se que os genótipos não influenciaram na resposta quanto os níveis de selênio plasmático e eritrocitário, bem como de MDA. Entretanto, quanto à atividade da GPx, embora todos os genótipos tenham apresentado aumento após a intervenção, isso não foi significativo para o genótipo dominante do rs7579 e para o variante do rs3877899. A expressão de GPx1 e de SePP também foi diferente entre os genótipos: indivíduos com alelo variante do Pro198Leu apresentaram redução da expressão da GPx1, enquanto carreadores do genótipo homozigoto dominante tiveram aumento. Também percebeu-se que a expressão da SePP foi reduzida em todos os genótipos, entretanto essa mudança foi mais relevante para os genótipos variantes do Pro198Leu e rs7579 e para o genótipo GG do rs3877899. A partir desses resultados, concluiu-se que o consumo de apenas uma castanha-do-brasil diariamente, durante seis meses, é suficiente para recuperar o estado nutricional relativo ao selênio, e isso parece ter efeitos positivos sobre a cognição em idosos com CCL. Além disso, observou-se que o polimorfismo Pro198Leu no gene da GPx1 parece influenciar o estado nutricional quanto ao selênio, bem como a expressão de GPx, enquanto que os polimorfismos rs7579 e rs3877899 parecem não influenciar, de maneira significativa, o metabolismo de selênio frente ao consumo de castanha-do-brasil. / Since oxidative stress is closely related to progression of dementia, the antioxidant system may be a potential therapeutic target to preserve cognitive function. In this way, studies show the antioxidant role of selenium, which plays as selenoproteins especially glutathione peroxidase (GPx) family and selenoprotein P (SePP). However, different genotypes of selenoprotein genes may result in different response to dietary intake. Therefore, this work aimed to verify the effects of Brazil nuts intake on oxidative stress and the role of the polymorphisms rs1050450 (Pro198Leu) in GPx1 gene and rs7579 and rs3877899 in SePP gene in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients. Study subjects comprised 31 voluntary patients with MCI who attended the Memory and Aging Unit of the Geriatrics Division, University of São Paulo Medical School (Brazil). They were randomly assigned to ingestion of Brazil nuts or to the control group. Brazil nuts group received one nut daily during six months. The following parameters were analysed: selenium concentration in plasma and erythrocyte, GPx activity in erythrocyte, plasmatic levels of oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and of malondialdedyde (MDA), serum lipid profile. Besides, we evaluated cognitive performance and the patients were genotyped to rs1050450, rs3877899 e rs7579 polymorphisms. Each Brazil nut provided 288.75µg of selenium. Among 31 enrolled participants, only 20 finished the study. No differences regarding selenium levels, GPx activity, ORAC and MDA levels were observed at baseline between groups. However, after treatment, we observed significant increase in selenium in plasma (290.6±74.6) and in erythrocyte (574.6±181.4) and in GPx activity (59.55±20.79) in treated group, unlike control group (47.48±11.70 selenium in plasma; 33.5±16.1 selenium in erythrocyte; 42.54±13.05 GPx activity). Although not significant, MDA level increased after 6 months in both groups and ORAC levels were not different across time. CERAD total score was not different across time between groups, however changes in verbal fluency and constructional praxis subtests across time were significantly more favorable on the supplemented group when compared with control group. The frequency of dominant genotypes for Pro198Leu, rs7579 and rs3877899 were 40%, 55% and 60%, respectively. We did not observe differences regarding to selenium ORAC and MDA levels and GPx activity among genotypes, however after linear regression analysis the presence of variant allele of Pro198Leu was associated with an increase of 0.613 SD in selenium plasma level at baseline. The effect of polymorphisms in response to Brazil nut intake was analysed in Brazil nut group, and we observed that sele nium and MDA levels were not affected by polymorphisms. However although GPx activity increased in all genotype groups, this was not significant in dominant genotype of rs7579 and variant genotypes of rs3877899. GPx1 and SePP expression was also different among groups across time: variant allele of Pro198Leu presented decreased expression of GPx1 while dominant homozygous presented increase of expression. We also observed that SePP expression was reduced in all genotypes, but his was more important in variant genotypes of Pro198Leu and rs7579 and in GG genotype of rs3877899. From these results, we can conclude that consumption of only one Brazil nut is enough to restore selenium status, and this may be positive effects on cognition performance. Furthermore we observed that Pro198Leu polymorphism may influence selenium nutritional status and GPx activity whereas rs7579 and rs3877899 polymorphisms did not have an effect on selenium metabolism after Brazil nut intake.
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The research of Taiwan fastener industry how to aim at China¡¦s competition in lower price. ----------The study of strategic alliance will be applied between some companies in the fastener industry of Taiwan.Lu, Ying-kung 09 July 2012 (has links)
The economic growth of Taiwan was guided by small and medium enterprises; Especially Taiwan fastener industry acts an important role for Taiwan small and medium enterprises.
As an old saying goes ¡§the young soldier sets up the great merit. ¡§ This is best way to describe Taiwan fastener industry. Taiwan fastener industry is playing an important part of National Development, but even government rulers ignore this. Unless you are part of Taiwan fastener industry, you can not understand that this industry is such respectable.
It has been more 60 years since Taiwan launched into its name of fastener supply center. Mostly Taiwan fastener industry is small and medium enterprises. However these enterprises could not get much help from government or each other. They all fight alone. Many companies cannot survive when they meet difficulties and bottlenecks. Even companies want to help each other, integration are a big problem to them.
This research is tried to discuss how Taiwan fastener industry to face China¡¦s Lower price competitive stratagem does. Author will all around discuss, analyzes and compare this topic¡§The strategic alliance will be applied between some companies of the fastener industry¡¨ to give to Taiwan fastener industry an all around competitive stratagem. Postgraduate student are working on this research not only to help running my own company but also as a Reference for Taiwan fastener industry.
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Smart materials for structural health monitoring.Verijenko, Belinda-Lee. January 2003 (has links)
A new philosophy in structural health monitoring was explored, with the view to the creation of a smart mining bolt: one which would bear the normal load of any bolt used in South African gold mining tunnels, but at the same time be capable of monitoring its own level of damage. To this end, a survey of various smart materials currently used in structural health monitoring applications, was conducted, and a group known as strain memory alloys isolated as holding the most promise in this regard. Strain memory alloys give an indication of peak strain based on an irreversible transformation from paramagnetic austenite to ferromagnetic martensite, which occurs in direct proportion to the amount of strain experienced by the material. A measurement of magnetic permeability can therefore be correlated to peak strain. An extensive study of the alloying chemistry, material processing and transformation characteristics was therefore carried out, including an analytical model for the quantification of the energy associated with martensitic nucleation, at a dislocation-disclination level. The conditions within typical South African gold mining tunnels were evaluated, and a smart mining bolt design produced, based on the loading and environmental conditions present. Several material formulations were then proposed, melted, tested and evaluated against the relevant strength, corrosion and transformation criteria. A suitable material was selected and further tested. A working prototype bolt has been produced, and in situ tests of complete bolts, are scheduled to take place shortly. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.
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Testing For Unconditional Convergence Of Turkish Regions And Provinces Using A Time Series ApproachOzkan, Pelin 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates unconditional convergence of Turkish regions and provinces. A recently introduced time series procedure developed by Nahar and Inder (2002) is used to test the convergence hypothesis for the period 1975-2001. Both the Ordinary Least Square and the Seemingly Unrelated Regression techniques are applied to analyze convergence of sixty five provinces, seven geographical regions as well as 12 NUTS - 1 regions of Turkey. The empirical findings indicate that most of the cases yield no evidence of convergence, which is a general result stated by the other studies in the literature regarding Turkey.
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Corrosion of steel bridge Girder anchor boltsLindquist, Lisa 13 May 2008 (has links)
The research objectives for this project were to explicitly define the anchor bolt corrosion problem in the state of Georgia and recommend action to the Georgia Department of Transportation. The bearing assembly of concern is the plate bearing assembly, in which carbon steel and/or bronze plates are anchored by either carbon steel or stainless steel anchor bolts. Inspection report data revealed that anchor bolt corrosion was ubiquitous for all environments in Georgia; the problem was reported for 27% of the steel girder bridges throughout the state. Based on a synthesis of the field investigations, bolt failure analyses, laboratory experimental testing, and review of GDOT inspection report surveys, the corrosion of carbon steel anchor bolts is caused universally by concentration cell corrosion. Other corrosion mechanisms of concern are galvanic and crevice corrosion, which are both enhanced by the current bearing design.
Corrosion protection provided through zinc galvanization cannot sufficiently protect the carbon steel bolt for its entire service life. Corrosion potential and cyclic polarization data confirmed that ASTM Type 304, Type 316, Type 2101, and Type 2205 were protected from concentration cell and localized corrosion in the simulated bearing environment. Therefore, it is recommended that the stainless steel anchor bolts of these types be use in future designs and that the bolts should be electrically separated from all dissimilar metals using a Nylon or Teflon washer to prevent preferential corrosion of carbon steel. It is further recommended that the bronze lube plate should be eliminated entirely and that the bearing type should be a reinforced elastomeric bearing. Maintenance of existing sliding plate bearings should include regular cleaning by brushing away debris from the bearing surfaces, and bridges with carbon steel anchor bolts should be retrofitted to provide additional lateral restraint according to current maintenance procedures.
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