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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fabrication and Characterization of Single-Crystal Diamond Photonic Cavities

Lee, Jonathan Chaosung 19 September 2013 (has links)
Cavity quantum electrodynamics provide a platform to form a quantum network which connects individual quantum bits (qubits) via photon. Optical cavity, a device which traps photons in a confined volume can enhance the interaction between photons and the qubits serves as fundamental building block for a quantum network. Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond has emerged as one of the leading solid-state qubits because of its long spin coherence time and single photon emission properties at room temperature. Diamond optical micro-cavities are highly sought after for coupling with NV centers. Fabrication of optical cavities from nano-crystalline diamond film has been demonstrated previously. The quality factor (Q) of such devices was limited by the material properties of the nano-crystalline diamond film. Fabrication of single-crystal diamond photonic cavities is challenging because there is no trivial way to form thin diamond film with optical isolation. In this thesis, we describe an approach to fabricate high quality single-crystal diamond optical cavities for coupling to NV centers in diamond. ingle-crystal diamond membranes were generated using an ion-slicing method. Whispering gallery modes were observed for the first time from microdisk cavities made from such material. However, the cavity Q (∼ 500) was limited by the ion damage created during processing. By using an homo-epitaxial overgrowth method, a high quality diamond film can be grown on the ion damaged membranes. Microdisk cavities with Q ∼ 3,000 were fabricated on these improved materials. Diamond membranes with a delta-doped layer of NV can be made using a slow overgrowth process which demonstrate the position and density of NV centers can be controlled in these membranes. Photonic crystal cavities with Q ∼ 4,000 were fabricated from the delta-doped membranes with cavity resonance near the zero phonon line of NV centers. Different color centers can also be introduced during the overgrowth process, and optical coupling of an ensemble of silicon vacancy centers is demonstrated by coupling to a diamond microdisk cavity. We believe the techniques developed in this thesis could contribute to building of a quantum photonic network using diamond as a platform. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

Ensembles de centres azote-lacune du diamant pour la cartographie de champs magnétiques à l'échelle microscopique et l'analyse de spectres de signaux dans le domaine hyperfréquence / Ensembles of Nitrogen-vacancy centers of diamond for the cartography of magnetic fields at the microscopic scale and the spectral analysis of signals in the microwave domain

Chipaux, Mayeul 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le centre coloré azote-lacune du diamant, appelé centre NV, est comparable à un atome piégé à l’état solide. Ses propriétés de spin, conservées à température ambiante, permettent la détection de résonances magnétiques par voie purement optique. Le travail décrit dans cette thèse est centré sur l’utilisation d’ensembles de centres NV pour répondre à des problématiques à la fois scientifiques et industrielles. Nous avons réalisé un microscope de photoluminescence permettant d’exploiter les propriétés d’une couche nanométrique de centres NV. Les images obtenues ont une résolution spatiale de 500 nm et les fluctuations du signal sont limitées par le bruit de photons. En soumettant les centres NV à un signal hyperfréquence connu, nous pouvons reconstituer la cartographie à l’échelle microscopique des trois composantes d’espace d’un champ magnétique : par exemple, celui produit par un conducteur parcouru par un courant. La sensibilité associée à une surface d’intégration de 1 µm² de la couche de centres NV est de l’ordre du microtesla par racine de hertz. Notre dispositif d’imagerie permet également d’analyser le spectre d’un signal hyperfréquence. En soumettant les centres NV à un gradient de champ magnétique connu, l’information spectrale est transformée en information spatiale. Des résultats préliminaires montrent l’analyse simultanée d’une bande de fréquences de 700 MHz associée à une résolution de 7 MHz et à un taux de rafraîchissement de 4 ms. Ces travaux illustrent les perspectives prometteuses du centre NV du diamant, notamment pour le contrôle de circuits électroniques et l’analyse en temps réel de spectres hyperfréquences pris dans leur ensemble. / The nitrogen-vacancy color center of diamond, called NV center, is an atom like system trapped in a solid lattice. Its spin properties, kept at room temperature, allow the detection of magnetic resonances by purely optical means. The work described in this thesis is focused on the use of NV centers’ ensembles targeting both scientific and industrial issues. We realized a photoluminescence microscope that exploits the properties of a nanoscale layer of NV centers. The spatial resolution of the resulting image is around 500 nm and the fluctuations of the signal is limited by the shot-noise. When the NV centers are submitted to a microwave signal witch frequency is known, the cartography of the three spatial components of the magnetic field, the one produced by a conductor carrying a current for example, can be determined at the microscopic scale. The sensitivity associated to an integration surface on the NV center layer of 1 µm² is in the order of the microtesla per square root of hertz. Our imaging device also leads to the spectral analysis of a microwave signal. When the NV centers are submitted to a known magnetic field gradient, the spectral information is transformed into spatial information. Preliminary results show the simultaneous analysis of a 700 MHz frequency band associated to a resolution of 7 MHz and a refresh rate of 4 ms. These works illustrate promising perspectives for the NV center of diamond, especially for the control of electronic circuits and the real time analysis of a whole microwave spectrum.

Plasmonique classique et quantique sous pointe optique par microscopie en champ proche / Classical and quantum plasmonics by optical near field microscopy

Berthel, Martin 04 March 2016 (has links)
À la surface d’un métal, la lumière visible peut se coupler avec les électrons libres pour engendrer une quasi-particule particulièrement intéressante, le plasmon-polariton de surface. Cet objet a pour propriété d’être évanescent dans les directions perpendiculaires à la surface, ce qui en fait un support idéal pour transporter l’information lumineuse à deux dimensions, et sur des échelles sub-longueur d’onde. S’il est excité par une source quantique, il conserve cet aspect quantique du signal, même si des millions d’électrons sont impliqués dans sa propagation.Dans ce manuscrit, je présente les résultats expérimentaux et théoriques obtenus en plasmonique de surface durant mon doctorat. En associant l’utilisation de centres colorés azote-lacune (NV) dans les nanodiamants, qui sont des émetteurs de photons uniques, et d’un microscope optique en champ proche (SNOM), j’ai pu étudier de nombreuses propriétés du centre NV et des plasmons de surface dans les domaines classique et quantique.Notamment, j’ai réalisé une étude complète de la photo-dynamique interne du centre NV, dans différents régimes d’excitation. De plus, j’ai étudié le mode d’imagerie des plasmons de surface qu’est la microscopie à fuite radiative, en mettant en lumière certaines aberrations optiques pouvant survenir dans des conditions de désaccord d’indices optiques. J’ai ensuite effectué des mesures de corrélations spatio-temporelles de plasmons de surface excités par des centres NV, grâce à un système expérimental spécifique que j’ai mis en œuvre.Enfin, je décris dans ce manuscrit les toutes premières études de l’interaction des plasmons avec différentes cavités elliptiques et paraboliques gravées dans le métal, qui ont mené notamment à des mesures de densité locales d’états (LDOS) plasmonique. / On a metal surface, visible light can couple with surface free electrons to form a very interesting quasi-particle, the surface plasmon-polariton. The main property of this object is to be evanescent in the directions perpendicular to the surface. This feature makes the plasmon ideally suited to transport electromagnetic information in two dimensions and on a sub-wavelength scale. If it is excited by a quantum source, it retains this quantum aspect of the signal, even if millions of electrons are involved in its propagation.In this manuscript, I present the experimental and theoretical results obtained during my PhD in surface plasmonics. By combining the use of nitrogen vacancy (NV) color centers in nanodiamonds, which are single photon emitters, and of a scanning near field optical microscope (SNOM), I was able to study numerous properties of the NV center and surface plasmons, both in the classical and quantum regimes.In particular, I have performed a complete study of the internal photo-dynamics of the NV center in different excitation regimes. Moreover, I have studied the leakage radiation microscopy, a dedicated imaging mode in plasmonics , by highlighting some optical aberrations that can arise in conditions of optical index mismatch. Furthermore, I have ran spatio-temporal correlation measurements on surface plasmons excited by NV centers with a specific experimental system I implemented.Finally, I describe in the manuscript the very first studies of the interaction between plasmons and different elliptical and parabolic cavities milled in the metal. This has led to the measurements of the plasmonic local density of states.

Application des faisceaux d'ions focalisés à la création de centres NV du diamant. Caractérisation de ces faisceaux d'ions issus d'une source plasma. / Application of focused ion beams to the creation of NV centers in diamond. Characterization of these ion beams from a plasma source.

Renaud, Justine 24 June 2019 (has links)
Depuis plus de 45 ans, les colonnes à faisceaux d'ions focalisés FIB à base de source à métal liquide (Ga) sont utilisées pour l'élaboration, la modification ou l'analyse de nanostructures. Beaucoup plus récemment, moins de 10 ans, les sources plasma sont intégrées dans les FIB afin de répondre aux besoins d'analyse de défaillance mais également de préparation d'échantillons. Ce marché des FIB plasma est en forte progression ces derniers années et s'accompagne d'une amélioration permanente des spécifications de cette technologie encore jeune. Il est donc nécessaire de caractériser au mieux ces sources afin de pouvoir améliorer l'optique associée. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons le développement d'une nouvelle colonne FIB fonctionnant avec une source d'ions plasma, dédiée à la création de centres NV, ainsi que le développement d'un outil permettant de caractériser les performances de cette source.Étant donné le contexte de ces travaux, la première partie du manuscrit est consacrée à la présentation de la technologie FIB, de son fonctionnement et de ses applications. Dans le second chapitre, nous présentons le développement d'une colonne FIB dédiée à l'implantation d'ions azote pour la création contrôlée de centres colorés NV dans des diamants. Nous commençons par introduire les propriétés uniques des centres NV ainsi que les méthodes usuelles pour leur création. Nous présentons ensuite les différentes étapes de la caractérisation de cette colonne FIB. Les implantations réalisées au cours de ce travail ont pu être utilisées pour le développement d'une nouvelle application des diamants dopés.Dans le dernier chapitre du manuscrit, nous nous intéressons à la conception d'un banc de test permettant d'obtenir les paramètres clés de la source d'ions, à savoir la dispersion en énergie et l'émittance. Les méthodes usuelles de mesure de ces paramètres sont présentées puis le fonctionnement du banc de test est entièrement décrit. Nous présentons ensuite les mesures effectuées avec des faisceaux d'ions xénon puis oxygène. Certains paramètres de la source d'ions plasma ont ainsi été obtenus. / For more than 45 years, focused ion beams FIB columns based on liquid metal ion sources (Ga) have been used for the development, modification or analysis of nanostructures. Much more recently, less than 10 years ago, plasma sources are integrated in FIBs to meet the needs of failure analysis as well as sample preparation. This plasma FIB market has grown strongly in recent years and is accompanied by a permanent improvement of the specifications of this young technology. Therefore, it is necessary to characterize these sources in order to improve the associated optics. In this thesis, we present the development of a new FIB column working with a plasma ion source, dedicated to the creation of NV centers, as well as the development of a system dedicated to the characterization of the performances of this source.Given the context of this work, the first part of the manuscript is dedicated to the presentation of FIB technology, its operation and its applications. In the second chapter, we present the development of a FIB column dedicated to the implantation of nitrogen ions for the controlled creation of NV color centers in diamonds. We begin by introducing the unique properties of NV centers as well as the usual methods for their creation. Then we present the different steps of the characterization of this FIB column. The implantations carried out during this work have been used for the development of a new application of doped diamonds.In the last chapter of the thesis, we are interested in designing a test bench to obtain the key parameters of the ion source, namely energy dispersion and emittance. The usual methods for measuring these parameters are presented and the operation of the test bench is fully described. Then we then present the measurements made with beams of xenon ions and oxygen ions. Some parameters of the plasma ion source have thus been obtained.

The universal shear conductivity of Fermi liquids and spinon Fermi surface states and its detection via spin qubit noise magnetometry

Khoo, Jun Yong, Pientka, Falko, Sodemann, Inti 02 May 2023 (has links)
We demonstrate a remarkable property of metallic Fermi liquids: the transverse conductivity assumes a universal value in the quasi-static (ω → 0) limit for wavevectors q in the regime l −1 mfp q pF, where lmfp is the mean free path and pF is the Fermi momentum. This value is (e2/h)RFS/q in two dimensions (2D), where RFS measures the local radius of curvature of the Fermi surface (FS) in momentum space. Even more surprisingly, we find that U(1) spin liquids with a spinon FS have the same universal transverse conductivity. This means such spin liquids behave effectively as metals in this regime, even though they appear insulating in standard transport experiments. Moreover, we show that transverse current fluctuations result in a universal low-frequency magnetic noise that can be directly probed by a spin qubit, such as a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond, placed at a distance z above of the 2D metal or spin liquid. Specifically the magnetic noise is given by CωPFS/z, where PFS is the perimeter of the FS in momentum space and C is a combination of fundamental constants of nature. Therefore these observables are controlled purely by the geometry of the FS and are independent of kinematic details of the quasi-particles, such as their effective mass and interactions. This behavior can be used as a new technique to measure the size of the FS of metals and as a smoking gun probe to pinpoint the presence of the elusive spinon FS in two-dimensional systems. We estimate that this universal regime is within reach of current NV center spectroscopic techniques for several spinon FS candidate materials.

Ultrasensitive Measurements of Magnetism in Carbon-based Materials

Scozzaro, Nicolas Joseph January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Quantum Information Processing with Color Center Qubits: Theory of Initialization and Robust Control

Dong, Wenzheng 21 May 2021 (has links)
Quantum information technologies include secure quantum communications and ultra precise quantum sensing that are significantly more efficient than their classical counterparts. To enable such technologies, we need a scalable quantum platform in which qubits are con trollable. Color centers provide controllable optically-active spin qubits within the coherence time limit. Moreover, the nearby nuclear spins have long coherence times suitable for quantum memories. In this thesis, I present a theoretical understanding of and control protocols for various color centers. Using group theory, I explore the wave functions and laser pumping-induced dynamics of VSi color centers in silicon carbide. I also provide dynamical decoupling-based high-fidelity control of nuclear spins around the color center. I also present a control technique that combines holonomic control and dynamically corrected control to tolerate simultaneous errors from various sources. The work described here includes a theoretical understanding and control techniques of color center spin qubits and nuclear spin quantum memories, as well as a new platform-independent control formalism towards robust qubit control. / Doctor of Philosophy / Quantum information technologies promise to offer efficient computations of certain algorithms and secure communications beyond the reach of their classical counterparts. To achieve such technologies, we must find a suitable quantum platform to manipulate the quantum information units (qubits). Color centers host spin qubits that can enable such technologies. However, it is challenging due to our incomplete understanding of their physical properties and, more importantly, the controllability and scalability of such spin qubits. In this thesis, I present a theoretical understanding of and control protocols for various color centers. By using group theory that describes the symmetry of color centers, I give a phenomenological model of spin qubit dynamics under optical control of VSi color centers in silicon carbide. I also provide an improved technique for controlling nuclear spin qubits with higher precision. Moreover, I propose a new qubit control technique that combines two methods - holonomic control and dynamical corrected control - to provide further robust qubit control in the presence of multiple noise sources. The works in this thesis provide knowledge of color center spin qubits and concrete control methods towards quantum information technologies with color center spin qubits.

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