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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deformation of hexagonal boron nitride

Alharbi, Abdulaziz January 2018 (has links)
Boron nitride (BN) materials have unique properties, which has led to interest in them in the last few years. The deformation of boron nitride materials including hexagonal boron nitride, boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs) and boron nitride nanotubes have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. Both mechanical and liquid exfoliations were employed to obtain boron nitride nanostructures. Boron nitride glass composites were synthesised and prepared in thin films to be deformed by bending test in-situ Raman spectroscopy. Hexagonal boron nitride in the form of an individual flake and as flakes dispersed in glass matrices has been deformed and Raman measurement shows its response to strain. The shift rates were, -4.2 cm-1/%, -6.5 cm-1/% for exfoliated h-BN flake with thick and thin regions and -7.0 cm-1/%, -2.8 cm-1/% for the h-BN flakes in the h-BN/ glass (I) and glass (II) composites. Boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs) shows a G band Raman peak at 1367.5 cm-1, and the deformation process of BNNSs/ glass composites gives a shift rate of -7.65 cm-1/% for G band. Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) have a Raman peak with position at 1368 cm-1, and their deformation individually and in composites gives Raman band shift rates of -25.7 cm-1/% and -23.6 cm-1/%. Glass matrices shows compressive stresses on boron nitride fillers and this was found as an upshift in the frequencies of G band peak of boron nitride materials. Grüneisen parameters of boron nitride (BN) were used to calculate the residual strains in glass matrices of BNNSs nanocomposites as well as to estimate the band shift rates which found to be in agreement with the experimental shift rate of bulk BN and BNNTs.

Nanocompósitos híbridos metal-orgânicos baseados em pentóxido de vanádio / Hybrid metal-organic nanocomposites based on vandium pentoxide

Ronaldo Adriano Timm 12 May 2008 (has links)
Esta tese focaliza o desenvolvimento de sistemas nanoestruturados através da intercalação de espécies moleculares e supramoleculares em matrizes lamelares de xerogel de pentóxido de vanádio, visando sua utilização como interfaces em dispositivos sensoriais. Nela se explora principalmente as características dos sistemas supramoleculares, dando destaque ao fato de estarem intimamente relacionadas com a natureza das espécies neles presentes, bem como com o tipo de interação, organização e disposição das mesmas. Nesse contexto, são descritos trabalhos desenvolvidos com V2O5.H2O, o material base do projeto, em combinação com outros materiais, para gerar compósitos com potenciais aplicações na área de sensores. Nessa linha são apresentados principalmente os resultados obtidos para a intercalação de metaloporfirinas no pentóxido de vanádio. Também foi dedicada especial atenção à 4,5-diamino-2,6-dimercaptopirimidina (DADMcP), como espécie intercalante em matriz de pentóxido de vanádio, motivado pelas suas propriedades eletroquímicas interessantes para aplicações em baterias de alta densidade de carga. / Nanostructured systems based on the intercalation of molecular and supramolecular species into lamellar vanadium pentoxide xerogels are focused on this Thesis. The exciting characteristics of the supramolecular systems which are closely related to the nature, interaction and organization of the chemical species involved, have been exploited aiming their application in sensor devices. Special emphasis has been given to the research dealing with vanadium(V) oxide in combination with many other suitable species for generating composite materials exhibiting potential application for sensing purposes. Along this line, the results obtained from the intercalation of metalloporphyrins into the lamellar vanadium(V) oxide matrix have been discussed in great detail. Another system, consisting of 4,5-diamine-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine (DADMcP) as the intercalating species in vanadium(V) oxide, has also been investigated, stimulated by its promising use in high charge density batteries.

Bionanocompósitos de derivados de quitosana/montmorilonita/nanopartículas de prata preparadas via fotoquímica / Bionanocomposites of chitosan derivatives/montmorillonite/silver nanoparticles prepared by Photochemistry

Juliana dos Santos Gabriel 28 July 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta a síntese e a caracterização de derivados de quitosana, bem como o preparo e caracterização de filmes de nanocompósitos à base de quitosana comercial (ou seus derivados), argila (MMT) e nanopartículas de prata (NPs-Ag), obtidas via Fotoquímica. Para tanto, foram preparados, a partir da quitosana comercial (QC), os derivados: quitosana desacetilada (Q30des), quitosana purificada (QP), quitosanas parcialmente despolimerizas (QD30, QD21 e QD5), quitosanas hidrofílicas (QD21-40DEAE e QD5-49DEAE) e quitosanas anfifílicas (QD21-40DEAE-6DD, QD21-40DEAE-18DD, QD5-49DEAE-6DD e QD5-49DEAE-17DD). O grau médio de desacetilação das QC, QP e Q30des e de substituição por grupos DEAE e dodecila foram determinados por Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de Hidrogênio (RMN de 1H). Ademais, os biopolímeros foram caracterizados por Espectroscopia no Infravermelho (FTIR-ATR), Viscosimetria, Análise Termogravimétrica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Em seguida, foi estudada a síntese de nanopartículas de prata, sob radiação UV, em filmes de nanocompósitos de quitosana comercial ou seus derivados e argila. Em um primeiro momento, estudou-se a formação das NPs-Ag em filmes de QC com diferentes formulações e posteriormente em filmes de derivados de quitosana contendo 10% de MMT (m/m). A técnica de Difração de Raios-X (DRX) foi utilizada para a determinação do espaçamento interlamelar da argila montmorilonita pura e nos compósitos preparados. A síntese das NPs-Ag foi acompanhada por Espectrofotometria de Absorção Molecular no UV-vis, e monitorada após um ano de sua formação, sendo suas características morfológicas, bem como a dispersão da argila nos nanocompósitos examinados por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET). Por fim, a atividade antimicrobiana dos filmes de nanocompósitos foi avaliada pelo método de Disco de Difusão contra as bactérias Escherichia coli e Bacillus subtilis. / The present work presents the synthesis and characterization of chitosan derivatives, as well as the preparation and characterization of nanocomposite films based on commercial chitosan (or its derivatives), clay (MMT) and silver nanoparticles (NPs-Ag) obtained by photochemical method. Therefore, were prepared from commercial chitosan (QC): deacetylated chitosan (Q30des); purified chitosan (QP); partially depolymerized chitosans (QD30, QD21 and QD5); hydrophilic chitosans (QD21-40DEAE and QD5-QD5) and amphiphilic chitosans (QD21-40DEAE-6DD, QD21-40DEAE-18DD, QD5-49DEAE-6DD and QD5-49DEAE-17DD). The deacetylation degrees of QC, QP and Q30des were determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-NMR). This technique also used to determine the degrees of substitution by DEAE and dodecyl groups. In addition, the biopolymers were characterized by Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), Viscosimetry, Thermogravimetry and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Moreover, the NPs-Ag synthesis under UV radiation was studied on nanocomposite films of commercial chitosan or its derivatives and clay. At first, the Ag-NPs formation was studied on QC films with different formulations and secondarily, on films of chitosan derivatives containing 10 wt % of MMT. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the interlamellar spacing of pure montmorillonite clay and in the nanocomposites prepared. The synthesis of the NP-Ag was accompanied by UV-vis Spectroscopy. Its morphological characteristics, as well as the clay dispersion in the nanocomposites were examined by Electron Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Finally, the antimicrobial activities of materials were investigated by the disk diffusion method against the bacteria Escherichia coli e Bacillus subtilis.

Uticaj nanočestica punila na svojstva elastomernih materijala za specijalne namene / The influence of filler nanoparticles on the properties of elastomeric materials for special applications

Lazić Nada 31 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Strukturiranje elastomernih kompozita dodavanjem različitih vrsta nanopunila je dovelo do značajnog pobolj&scaron;anja njihovih primenskih svojstava, a samim tim i do povećanja njihove potencijalne primene kao pogodnih materijala za specijalne namene. U ovom radu, dobijene su dve grupe elastomernih hibridnih materijala za specijalne namene (na osnovu stirenbutadienskog elastomera i na osnovu termoplastičnih poliuretana).<br />U prvom delu istraživanja, veliki doprinos u razvoju industrije gume je postignut strukturiranju stirenbutadienskih nanokompozita primenom nanočestica punila silicijum(IV)oksida različitih morfolo&scaron;kih svojstava, dobijenih hidrotermičkom i termičkom obradom, primenom tri eksperimentalno modelovana punila silicijum(IV)oksida (dobijena taloženjem iz Na-vodenog stakla sa sumpornom kiselinom), kao i hibridnog punila (kombinacije čestica aktivne čađi i SiO<sub>2</sub> optimalnih svojstava). Izvr&scaron;ena je analiza uticaja strukture, povr&scaron;ine i povr&scaron;inske aktivnosti nanopunila na ojačanje elastomera, kao i provera koncepata, modela i teorija ojačanja na neumreženim i umreženim sistemima stirenbutadienskih elastomera ojačanih modifikovanim punilima SiO<sub>2</sub>. Primenom mnogobrojnih metoda karakterizacije, sveobuhvatno je ispitan uticaj nanopunila na karakteristike me&scaron;anja, reolo&scaron;ka svojstva pripremljenih hibridnih nanokompozita, sposobnost umrežavanja u neumreženom materijalu, kao i na toplotna, dinamičko-mehanička i mehanička svojstva umreženih nanokompozita, radi projektovanja i optimizovanja sastava SBR hibridnih materijala za razvoj modelnog protektora sa optimalnim svojstvima za ekolo&scaron;ke ili &quot;zelene pneumatike&quot;. Drugi deo istraživanja je bio posvećen dobijanju segmentiranih poliuretanskih elastomernih nanokompozita primenom alifatičnih polikarbonatnih diola i nanočestica bentonita, koji nalaze primenu u medicini, građevinarstvu, u industriji name&scaron;taja i sportske opreme. Primenom mnogobrojnih metoda za karakterizaciju, ispitan je složen mehanizam uticaja tvrdih segmenata, termodinamičke nekompatibilnosti i prisustva nanočestica punila bentonita na strukturu i morfologiju, kao i na toplotna i dinamičko-mehanička svojstva pripremljenih poliuretanskih termoplastičnih elastomera. Dobijeni podaci o obrazovanju vodoničnih veza, termičkoj stabilnosti i termičkoj dekompoziciji, kao i o temperaturama prelaska u staklasto stanje i oblasti raskidanja čvorova fizičkih veza, predstavljaju značajan doprinos napretku strukturiranja poliuretanskih elastomera i nanokompozita na osnovu alifatičnih polikarbonatnih diola, i omogućavaju primenu ovih materijala za specijalne namene.</p> / <p>The structuring of elastomeric composites by addition of different nanofillers has led to a significant improvement of their end-use properties, and therefore, to their potential application as suitable materials for special applications. In this work, two types of elastomeric hybrid materials for special purposes were obtained (based on styrene-bustadiene elastomer or on segmented thermoplastic polyurethanes).<br />In the first part of the study, a major contribution to the development of the rubber industry was achieved by structuring styrene-butadiene nanocomposites, applying silica nanoparticles of various morphological properties: prepared by hydrothermal or thermal treatment, three experimentally prepared SiO2 fillers (obtained by precipitation from sodium silicate with sulfuric acid), as well as a hybrid filler (combination of carbon black and SiO2 fillers with optimal properties). The analysis of the influence of the nanoparticles structure, surface and surface activity on the reinforcment of SBR elastomers, as well as the verification of concepts, models and reinforcement theories on non-cross-linked and cross-linked systems of styrene-butadiene nanocomposites was performed. Using the numerous characterization methods, the influence of nanofillers on the mixing characteristics, the rheological properties of the prepared hybrid nanocomposites, as well as the thermal, dynamic-mechanical and mechanical properties of cross-linked SBR nanocomposites was studied, in order to design and optimize the composition of SBR hybrid materials for development of environmental friendly or &quot;green&quot; tyre protector model.<br />The second part of the research was devoted to the preparation of segmented polyurethane elastomeric nanocomposites using aliphatic polycarbonate diols and bentonite nanoparticles, that have found the significant application in the medicine, construction, the furniture and sports equipment industry. Applying numerous characterization methods, a complex mechanism of the influence of the hard segments, thermodynamic incompatibility and the presence of bentonite filler on the structure and morphology, as well as on the thermal and dynamic-mechanical properties of the synthesized thermoplastic elastomers was studied. The obtained data on the hydrogen bonds formation, thermal stability and thermal decomposition, as well as the glass transition temperature and physical crosslink disruption temparature range, makes a significant contribution to the progress in structuring of polycarbonate-based polyurethane elastomers and their hybrid materials, and improves their potential applications for the special purposes.</p>

Platinum@Hexaniobate Nanopeapods: Sensitized Composite Architectures for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Under Visible Light Irradiation

Davis-Wheeler Chin, Clare 06 August 2018 (has links)
Hydrogen fuel is one of the most important areas of research in the field of renewable energy development and production. Hydrogen gas can be generated by fuel cells, water electrolyzers, and heterogeneous nanoscale catalysts. It can be burned to directly release chemical energy or condensed for storage and transport, providing fuel for combustion devices or storing excess energy generated by renewable sources such as wind turbines and concentrated solar power assemblies. While platinum is the most active catalyst for hydrogen reduction, its high cost significantly deters its utilization in advanced photocatalytic materials. One approach to mitigating this expense is optimizing the morphology and placement of nanostructured platinum catalysts. Highly crystalline, morphologically-controlled platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) have been effectively utilized to increase hydrogen generation efficiency in a variety of nanocomposite materials. However, synthesis routes to high-quality Pt NPs can be dangerous and difficult to replicate. Furthermore, utilization of the Pt NPs in nanocomposite materials is hindered by lack of control over catalyst placement. Nanopeapods are versatile nanocomposites that offer a high degree of control over catalyst placement as well as the potential for interesting new properties arising from the interaction between the catalyst and a semiconductor. Platinum@hexaniobate nanopeapods (Pt@HNB NPPs) consist of linear arrays of Pt NPs encapsulated within the scrolled semiconductor hexaniobate. Pt@HNB NPPs offer significant advantages over similar composites by utilizing the isolated reduction environment of the encapsulated Pt NP arrays to decrease kinetic competition and surface crowding. This work describes the design, fabrication, and implementation of the new nanocomposite platinum@hexaniobate nanopeapods for sensitized hydrogen production under visible light irradiation. The following chapters present facile microwave heating syntheses of highly crystalline Pt nanocubes and Pt@HNB NPPs with consistent morphology and high catalyst loading. A detailed study is also presented of the optical properties of the Pt nanocubes, which produced a UV-range absorbance band that indicates the formation of a localized surface plasmon resonance. Most significantly, preliminary results from visible light photolysis indicate that sensitized Pt@HNB NPPs produce hydrogen in quantities comparable to published systems, and that alteration of experimental parameters may result in even greater yields.

Experimental Study of Structure and Barrier Properties of Biodegradable Nanocomposites

Bhatia, Amita, abhatia78@yahoo.com January 2008 (has links)
As nanocomposites provide considerable improvements in material properties, scientists and engineers are focussing on biodegradable nanocomposites having superior material properties as well as degradability. This thesis has investigated the properties of biodegradable nanocomposites of the aliphatic thermoplastic polyester, poly (lactide acid) (PLA) and the synthetic biodegradable polyester, poly (butylene succinate) (PBS). To enhance the properties of this blend, nanometer-sized clay particles, have been added to produce tertiary nanocomposite. High aspect ratio and surface area of clay provide significant improvement in structural, mechanical, thermal and barrier properties in comparison to the base polymer. In this study, a series of PLA/PBS/layered silicate nanocomposites were produced by using a simple twin-screw extruder. PLA/PBS/Cloisite 30BX nanocomposites were prepared containing 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 wt% of C30BX clay, while PLA and PBS polymers compositions were fixed at a ratio of 80 to 20. This study also included the validation of a gas barrier model for these biodegradable nanocomposites. WAXD indicated an exfoliated structure for nanocomposites having 1 and 3 wt% of clay, while predominantly development of intercalated structures was noticed for nanocomposites higher than 5 wt% of clay. However, TEM images confirmed a mixed morphology of intercalated and exfoliated structure for nanocomposite having 1 wt% of clay, while some clusters or agglomerated tactoids were detected for nanocomposites having more than 3 wt% of clay contents. The percolation threshold region for these nanocomposites lied between 3-5 wt% of clay loadings. Liquid-like behaviour of PLA/PBS blends gradually changed to solid-like behaviour with the increase in concentration of clay. Shear viscosity for the nanocomposites decreased as shear rate increased, exhibiting shear thinning non-Newtonian behaviour. Tensile strength and Young's modulus initially increased for nanocomposites of up to 3 wt% of clay but then decreased with the introduction of more clay. At high clay content (more than 3 wt%), clay particles tend to aggregate which causes microcracks at the interface of clay-polymer by lowering the polymer-clay interaction. Percentage elongation at break did not show any improvement with the addition of clay. PLA/PBS blends were considered as immiscible with each other as two separate glass transition and melting temperatures were observed in modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) thermograms. MDSC showed that crystallinity of the nanocomposites was not much affected by the addition of clay and hence some compatibilizer is required. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the nanocomposite containing 3 wt% of clay demonstrated highest thermal stability compared to other nanocomposites. Decrease in thermal stability was noticed above 3 wt% clay; however the initial degradation temperature of nanocomposites with 5, 7 and 10 wt% of clay was higher than that of PLA/PBS blend alone. Gas barrier property measurements were undertaken to investigate the transmission of oxygen gas and water vapours. Oxygen barrier properties showed significant improvement with these nanocomposites, while that for water vapour modest improvement was observed. By comparing the relative permeabilities obtained from the experiments and the model, it was concluded that PLA/PBS/clay nanocomposites validated the Bharadwaj model for up to 3 wt% of clay concentration.

Etudes Photophysiques d'un polymère conjugué nanostructuré : du film nanocomposite à la nanofibre

Massuyeau, Florian 14 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse comporte un volet Matériaux qui s'insère dans une thématique Nanomatériaux/ Nanocomposites et un volet propriétés optiques relevant de la Nanophysique. Nous avons adressé les effets de nanostructuration d'un polymère conjugué semi-conducteur sur ses propriétés d'émission optique : le poly(p-phénylène vinylène) (PPV). Deux types de nanostructuration sont mis en oeuvre : l'élaboration de films minces nanocomposites polymère / nanotubes de carbone (NTC) ; l'élaboration de nanofibres. Les films minces nanocomposites PPV/NTC sont préparés par “drop-casting” pour diverses concentrations de NTC et dilutions du précurseur du PPV. Leurs propriétés optiques se trouvent fortement modifiées par ces différents paramètres. L'effet sur la photoluminescence de l'interaction entre chaînes de polymère et les NTC est discuté. Les nanofibres de PPV sont élaborées par une méthode d'imprégnation de membranes nanoporeuses. Selon les conditions de synthèse, deux types de morphologie sont obtenus : nanofils ou nanotubes. Des propriétés de photoluminescence très différentes selon la morphologie nanofil-nanotube sont mises en évidence. Ainsi, pour les nanotubes de PPV, le rendement quantique d'émission est fortement renforcé et une nouvelle bande d'émission proche de 450 nm apparaît, présentant un déclin très lent. L'ensemble des résultats de photoluminescence est interprété et discuté à l'aide d'un travail théorique visant à décrire la structure moléculaire et supramoléculaire de ces nanostructures en terme de distribution de segments conjugués (effets intrachaîne/interchaîne, taille des segments). Il s'appuie sur un modèle phénoménologique et sur des calculs de chimie quantique moléculaire.


Oberdisse, Julian 13 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la première partie, nous présentons l'étude de la structure de nanocomposites nanosilice-latex et de colloïdes (micelles adsorbées, complexes de colloïdes), par diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles. Dans la deuxième partie, les propriétés mécaniques des nanocomposites sont discutées. Nous présentons également une simulation numérique d'un réseau de polymères très enchevetré. Dans le dernier chapitre, nous décrivant un prototype de spectromètre de diffusion de neutrons aux très petits angles, installé au Laboratoire Léon Brillouin.

Nanocomposites à base de particules magnétiques : synthèse et contribution de la dispersion des charges et de la conformation des chaines sur les propriétés de renforcement

Robbes, Anne-Sophie 14 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés mécaniques de films polymériques peuvent être considérablement améliorées par l'inclusion de nanoparticules au sein de la matrice du fait de deux effets majeurs : (i) la structure locale de la dispersion des charges et (ii) la modification potentielle de la dynamique et de la conformation des chaînes à l'interface charge/polymère. Néanmoins, les mécanismes précis qui permettent de relier ces contributions à l'échelle nanométrique aux propriétés macroscopiques des matériaux, et en particulier aux propriétés mécaniques, sont actuellement mal décrits. Dans ce contexte, nous avons synthétisé des nanocomposites modèles à base de nanoparticules magnétiques de maghémite γ-Fe2O3 (nues ou greffées d'une couronne de polystyrène (PS) par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée) dispersées dans une matrice de PS, que nous avons caractérisé en couplant la diffusion de rayonnement (Rayons X et neutrons) et la microscopie électronique à transmission. En jouant sur différents paramètres tels que la taille des particules, la concentration, ou le rapport de taille entre les chaînes greffées et celles de la matrice pour les charges greffées, nous avons obtenu des nanocomposites présentant un éventail de dispersions de charges variées, contrôlées, parfaitement reproductibles, allant de particules individuelles ou d'agrégats ramifiés jusqu'à la formation d'un réseau de charges connecté. En appliquant un champ magnétique externe durant la synthèse des nanocomposites, nous sommes parvenus à aligner les différentes structures le long de la direction du champ et ainsi former des matériaux présentant des propriétés remarquables de renforcement anisotropes. La conformation des chaînes au sein des nanocomposites, déterminée expérimentalement grâce aux propriétés spécifiques de contraste neutronique du système, n'est pas affectée par la présence des charges, quels que soient le degré de confinement des chaînes, l'orientation, la dispersion ou l'état de surface des charges. L'alignement des charges sous champ magnétique a permis de décrire précisément l'évolution du module de renforcement des matériaux avec la réorganisation structurale locale des charges et des chaînes sous étirement, et de finalement mettre en évidence le rôle majeur joué par la réorganisation des charges sous déformation dans les mécanismes de renforcement.

Croissance, nanostructure et réponse optique de films minces d'agrégats d'argent dans des matrices diélectriques

Toudert, Johann 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'élaborer par pulvérisation ionique des films minces nanocomposites d'agrégats d'argent dispersés dans des matrices diélectriques. Plus précisément, nous avons cherché à contrôler la morphologie des agrégats afin d'ajuster la position spectrale de la bande d'absorption associée à leur mode de résonance plasmon (1,1). Par des mesures de microscopie électronique en transmission et diffusion centrale des rayons X en incidence rasante, nous montrons que les agrégats élaborés sont de forme ellipsoïdale, de rapport hauteur/diamètre H/D dépendant fortement du mode de dépôt choisi : H/D>1 dans le cas d'un co-dépôt des espèces métallique et diélectrique, H/D§1 dans le cas d'un dépôt alterné (tricouches diélectrique/Ag/diélectrique). Pour les deux modes de dépôt, nous avons ajusté la valeur de H/D en jouant sur plusieurs paramètres d'élaboration : la quantité d'argent déposée, la nature de la matrice (Si3N4 ou BN), les conditions d'assistance (co-dépôts), et la durée de mûrissement des agrégats (tricouches). Nous utilisons ces résultats afin de discuter les mécanismes de croissance des films minces nanocomposites métastables élaborés : nous montrons que les aspects cinétiques de la croissance jouent un rôle prépondérant sur la structure finale de ces films. Nous montrons par ailleurs que H/D peut être modifié par des post-traitements (irradiations ou recuits) qui rapprochent les matériaux de leur état d'équilibre stable (H/D = 1). Ainsi, nous montrons que la position spectrale du mode (1,1) des agrégats peut être ajustée sur tout le spectre du visible en fonction de la forme des agrégats, en accord qualitatif avec les prévisions du modèle de Maxwell-Garnett. Enfin, nous présentons les résultats d'études préliminaires portant sur l'élaboration de nanocomposites auto-organisés (multicouches) et la caractérisation des résonances plasmon par spectroscopie de pertes d'énergie des électrons en réflexion.

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