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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empowerment of small and medium enterprises through the defence-related industry programme

Mampye, P. Jim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The defence industry was established for the purpose of providing the then South African Defence Force (SADF) with armaments before. The SADF was there to serve the government of the day. Since then, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has been established to fulfil the same as the SADF, but is much more credible and representative. Thus there has been both continuity and renewal. The idea of public policy presupposes that there is a sphere that is not private or purely individual, but is held in common. The public comprises that dimension of human activity that is regarded as requiring government or social regulation or intervention or at least common action. This related to the defence-related industries too, which require government intervention in ensuring that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) get involved in the defence industry in general. Public policy is really about defining what counts as public,who provides, who pays, and whom to pay. The modem meaning of 'policy' is that of a course of action or plan, a set of political purposes - as opposed to 'administration'. Policy is seen as rational, a manifestation of considered judgement. A policy is an attempt to define and structure a rational basis for action or inaction. Policy involves deliberate behaviour to pursue certain objectives. The distinction between action and inaction properly emphasises that policies can initiate change or resist change. Policy is intended to affect all or selected points of the external and internal environment of the political system. Policy consists of a series of actions and decisions. The policy needed by the defence-related industry in one that will allow the inflow of entrepreneurs with education to help them learn from the experienced engineers within the industry. The individual drive and interest will be the driving force for success as defined and understood by the free market economy without unnecessary government interference. The development of SMEs in the defence-related industry is part of the renewal of the defence industry. The manufacturing can be left to small firms requiring less capital and sophisticated machines and processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verdedigingsnywerheid is tot stand gebring om die destydse Suid-AfrikaanseWeermag (SAW) van krygstuig te voorsien. Die SAWwas daar om die regering van die dag te dien. Sedert die demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 is dit nou die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW), wat, alhoewel dit dieselfde funksie as die SAW vervul, meer geloofwaardig en meer verteenwoordigend is. Daar was dus kontinuïteit sowel as vernuwing. Die konsep van openbare beleid veronderstel 'n sfeer of terrein van lewe wat nie privaat of alleenlik individueel is nie, maar eerder gemeenskaplik Die openbare terrein is daardie dimensie van menslike aktiwiteit waarvoor staats- of sosiale regulering of intervensie nodig IS, of ten minste gemeenskaplike aksie. Dit het ook betrekking op die verdedigingsnywerheid, waar staatsintervensienodig is om te verseker dat klein en medium ondernemings by die verdedigingsnywerheidin die algemeen betrokke raak. Die doel met openbare beleid is eintlik om te bepaal wat openbaar is, wie verskaf, wie betaal, en wie betaal moet word. Die konsep van ''beleidbepaling'' is om bewustelik 'n keuse te maak tussen twee hoofalternatiewe vir loodsgemeenskappe. Die moderne betekenis van die begrip ''beleid'' behels 'n rigting of aksie of plan, 'n stel politiese oogmerke - in teenstelling met "administrasie". Beleid word gesien as rasioneel, 'n manifestasie van weloorwoë oordeel. Dit is byvoorbeeld ondenkbaar dat politici sou toegee dat hulle nie 'n beleid insake X het nie. Beleid is 'n poging om 'n rasionele grondslag vir aksie te bepaal en te struktureer. Namate 'n staat sy wetgewingsprosedures verander, so behels die funksies van ''beleid'' die skep van 'n aanneemlike storie, wat die skrywer se doel verseker en waarin beleid 'n rolspeler is. Die betekenis het betekenis. Die term ''beleid'' word gebruik om aan te toon dat daar 'n behoefte is om uit te klaar watter sosiale doelstellings gedien word deur die toedien (ook self-toedien) van wetenskaplike energie. Met ander woorde, die klem val spesifiek op die beleidwetenskap van demokrasie, waar realisering van menswaardigheid, in teorie en in praktyk, die uiteindelike doelwit is.

Strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston January 2018 (has links)
This study investigated strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) during the period 1994 until 2014. Theoretical perspectives on strategic management, institutional culture, leadership and strategic change management in the SANDF were discussed. In addition, a historical perspective on the evolution of South African military culture was given. The study found that a transactional leadership approach was used to transform the SANDF. This transactional leadership approach is commensurate with the preservation of the status quo without radically transforming the institution. On the contrary, the transactional leadership approach fits in well in transforming an institution with a view to bring about a new composite institutional culture, drawn from the integrated institutions. The strategic change management as applied in the SANDF has not succeeded in creating a unified inclusive military culture of the seven former armed forces, from 1994 until 2014. The research has also shown that the institutional culture of the SANDF does not reflect the shared assumptions, beliefs and values of all integrated armed forces. However, the study concluded that transformation in the SANDF as a planned strategic change intervention has not been managed adequately between 1994 and 2014, to achieve the desired results. / Public Administration / D. P. L.

Ontwerp van 'n instruksionele evalueringsisteem vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag / The design of an instructional evaluation system for the South African National Defence Force

Van Niekerk, Rozetta 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) beskou effektiewe opleiding as 'n noodsaaklike voorvereiste vir paraatheid. Instruksionele ontwerp - 'n benadering wat uit onderrigtegnologie ontwikkel het - word gebruik om nuwe kursusse daar te stel wat effektiewe 'n instruksionele ontwerpprojek uitgevoer behoort teword. Die fokus van die studie het vervolgens verskuif na die talle veranderinge wat sedert die ontstaan van die SANW op 26 April 1994, na die eerste ten voile demokratiese verkiesing in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika. ingetree het. In vergelyking met sy voorganger het die SANW nuwe en meer uitgebreide sekondere rolle, wat hoer eise aan opleiding stel en evaluering ook meer kompleks maak. Dit bevestig inderdaad die behoefte aan 'n evalueringstelsel wat volgens sisteembeginsels bedryf word. Teen die agtergrond van die voorgaande is oorgegaan tot die ontwerp van 'n oorkoepelende instruksionele evalueringsisteem vir die SANW. Aangesien die suksesvolle implementering en funksionering van die sisteem grootliks beinvloed sal word deur die wyse waarop die instruksionele evalueerder sy taak volvoer, is daar ten slotte ook aandag geskenk aan die ontwerp van 'n instruksionele evalueerderskursus. opleiding moontlik maak. Om effektiwiteit te beoordeel, word evaluering vereis en derhalwe behoort instruksionele evaluering 'n integrale komponent van die instruksionele ontwerpgebeure te vorm. Die SANW beskik nog nie oor toereikende kundigheid om hierdie komponent tot sy reg te laat kom nie en die doel van die studie was om hierdie leemte aan te vul. Daar is eerstens gepoog om, deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie, die didakties-wetenskaplike basis te bepaal waarop evaluering binne 'n sisteembenadering tot opleiding behoort te berus. Daarna is die aard en rol van instruksionele evaluering in die instruksionele ontwerpsisteem binne 'n militere opleidingsmilieu verken, ten einde te kon bepaal wat die funksies van instruksionele evaluering behels en welke evalueringstake in die verskillende fases van 'n instruksionele ontwerpprojek uitgevoer behoort te word. Die fokus van die studie het vervolgens verskuif na die talle veranderinge wat sedert die ontstaan van die SANW op 26 April 1994, na die eerste ten volle demokratiese verkiesing in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, ingetree het. In vergelyking met sy voorganger het die SANW nuwe en meer uitgebreide sekondere rolle, wat hoer eise aan opleiding stel en evaluering ook meer kompleks maak. Dit bevestig inderdaad die behoefte aan 'n evalueringstelsel wat volgens sisteembeginsels bedryf word. Teen die agtergrond van die voorgaande is oorgegaan tot die ontwerp van 'n oorkoepelende instruksionele evalueringsisteem vir die SANW. Aangesien die suksesvolle implementering en funksionering van die sisteem grootliks beinvloed sal word deur die wyse waarop die instruksionele evalueerder sy taak volvoer, is daar ten slotte ook aandag geskenk aan die ontwerp van 'n instruksionele evalueerderskursus. / The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) regards effective training as an essential prerequisite for preparedness. Instructional design - an approach that has developed from instructional technology - is used to establish new courses that facilitate effective training. Evaluation is essential for assessing effectiveness and therefore instructional evaluation should form an integral part of the learning events. The SANDF does not as yet have the expertise to do justice to this component, and the aim of this study was to fill this gap. Firstly, it was attempted to determine, by means of a literature study, the didactic scientific foundation on which evaluation within a systems approach towards training should rest. The nature and role of instructional evaluation in the instructional design system within a military training milieu was subsequently investigated. This was done to determine what the functions of instructional evaluation comprise and what evaluation tasks should be carried out in the different phases of an instructional design project. The focus of the study then shifted to the numerous changes that took place since the inception of the SANDF on 26 April 1994, after the first democratic election in the Republic of South Africa. Compared to its predecessor the SANDF has new and more extensive secondary roles that demand higher standards of training and make evaluation a more complicated task This indeed confirms the need for an evaluation system that is practised according to system principles. Against the background of the afore-mentioned, the design of an overall instructional evaluation system for the SANDF was proceeded with. As the successful implementation and functioning of the system is, to a large extent, influenced by the way in which the instructional evaluator carries out this task, attention was finally given to the design of a course for instructional evaluators. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didaktiek)

The influence of participatory development on the communication patterns of the parachute packing section of the SANDF

Govender, Saravani January 2000 (has links)
The study was undertaken to ascertain whether participatory development (PD and) by implication, the Person Centred Approach (PCA) had an impact on change in the communication patterns in the parachute packing section in the SANDF. The study was conducted in a military setting where hierarchical authoritarian structures exist. PCA and PD are used as theoretical frameworks for the study which resulted in changes in the communication patterns at the section. Change occured at two levels viz: Changes in communication amongst the participants which led to teamwork, cooperation and the avoidance of conflict. Changes in communication between management (the Officer Commanding) and the parachute packing section which lead to regular contact with the participants to address their problems. The study further highlighted the importance of learning from the community in order to avoid misinterpretation which could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction / M. A. (Social Science (Mental Health))

The formation of SANDF : integration experiences of former Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei defence force members

Matloa, Abbey Oupa 02 1900 (has links)
Before entering into a democratic dispensation, South African military and defence systems were constituted by seven disparate armed forces. The transformation of South Africa from a separatist state introduced renewed efforts and challenges to integrate what was once a divided military corps and society. In 1994, the formation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was born out of the effort to integrate various statutory and non-statutory armed forces in South Africa, including forces from former TBVC states. Through a phenomenological inquiry, integration experiences of former TBVC Armed Force members into the new SANDF structure are investigated. The study aimed to find out from the former TBVC force members how they were affected by the integration process and what their perception with regards to the effectiveness of the integration process on enhancing representation on all rank levels in the new SANDF was. The findings from in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 such members indicate that transformation of South Africa’s military outfit into an integrated system is not exactly an epitome of a new and different yet cohesive and unified structure. The notion of ‘integration’ is as such cast as essentially a problematic one where inequalities still reflect in how former statutory and non-statutory force members are treated particularly with regards to promotion opportunities. In addition, there are perceived lingering vestiges of a previous separatist system such as the use of Afrikaans language as a medium of instruction and communication, previous SADF policies which helps produce the idea of integration as more a process of absorption instead. Despite this problematisation of integration processes in shaping how the new SANDF outfit is currently experienced by members, there are perceived benefits from the change brought about by ‘integration’ of forces. Some benefits are as tangible as individual career advancement, while others tend to reflect impacts at systemic level of family where members indirectly profit from the reorganisation and call for adjustment to new settings and structures that followed integration / Research / M.A. (Research Consultation)

The role of national defence in British political debate, 1794-1812

Faulkner, Jacqueline Suzanne Marie Jeanne January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of national defence in British parliamentary politics between 1794 and 1812. It suggests that previous analyses of the late eighteenth-century political milieu insufficiently explore the impact of war on the structure of the state. Work by J.E. Cookson, Linda Colley, J.C.D. Clark, and Paul Langford depicts a decentralised state that had little direct involvement in developing a popular “British” patriotism. Here I argue that the threat of a potential French invasion during the wars against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France provoked a drive for centralisation. Nearly all the defence measures enacted during the period gave the government a much greater degree of control over British manpower and resources. The readiness of successive governments to involve large sections of the nation in the war effort through military service, financial contributions, and appeals to the British “spirit”, resulted in a much more inclusive sense of citizenship in which questions of national participation and political franchise were unlinked. National identity was also affected, and the focus on military defence of the British Isles influenced political attitudes towards the regular army. By 1810, however, the nation was disillusioned by the lengthy struggle with France. The result of lingering political weakness was that attention shifted from national defence onto domestic corruption and venality. The aftermath of the Irish Act of Union, too, demonstrated the limits of attempts to centralise the policy of the whole United Kingdom. Significantly, however, the debates over the relationship between the centre and the localities in the 1830s and 1840s, and the response to a new French invasion threat in the 1850s and 1860s, revived themes addressed during the 1790s and 1800s. The political reaction to the invasion threats between 1794 and 1812 ultimately had more in common with a Victorian state bureaucracy than an eighteenth-century ancien régime.

Förutsättningar för det nya nationella försvaret : En fallstudie av plutonchefskapet vid den 161.strilbataljonen

Fredin, Fredrik, Johnsson, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Omvärldsförändringar har inneburit att regeringen gett Försvarsmakten en ny inriktning med ett ökat fokus på förmågan att försvara Sverige. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för förutsättningarna för chefskapet på plutonsnivån i det nationella försvaret och utveckla kunskap om vilka förutsättningar plutoncheferna har att möta de krav som det nya nationella försvaret ställer. Studien är genomförd med en induktiv kvalitativ fallstudiedesign med en hermeneutisk ansats. Det empiriska materialet baseras på data från 12 intervjuer med plutonchefer och data från undersökning av centrala Försvarsmaktsdokument. Resultatet visar att plutonchefensrollen karaktäriseras av en balansgång mellan rollen som chef och rollen som administratör, där administrationen väger över på bekostnad av krigföringsförmåga och ledarskap. Chefernas uppfattning om det nationella försvarets krav överensstämmer väl med de övergripande styrdokumenten men en tydlig sammanställning av kraven saknas vilket leder till osäkerhet. Plutonchefernas förutsättningar för att uppfylla det nya försvarets krav påverkas av deras möjlighet att balansera mellan uppgifter och tillgängliga resurser, vilket beror på avsaknad av administrativt stöd och brist på ledning. Studien har identifierat ett motsatsförhållande mellan två samtidigt pågående organisationsförändringar. Fenomenet som vi har valt att kalla paradoxförändring, innehåller en rollinriktad förändring mot chefen som administratör och en attitydinriktad förändring mot krigsförbandschef i det nya nationella försvaret. / The changes in the strategical environment have resulted in the government giving the Swedish defense forces a new national alignment, towards the capability of national defense. The purpose of this study is to build understanding of the conditions for platoon level leadership in the new national defense and to develop knowledge of the conditions the platoon commanders have been given to meet the demands by the new national defense. The research has been carried out by an inductive quantitative case study design with a hermeneutic approach. The empirical data is based on twelve interviews with platoon leaders and a study of official defense force documents. The research shows that the role of the platoon leader is characterized by balancing the role as commander and the role of administrator, were the administration weighs over on the expense of the capability of warfare and leadership. The platoon commander’s perception of the demands of the national defense complies with official defense force documents, but the absence of a clear compilation of the demands leads to some uncertainty. The platoon commander’s conditions to fulfill the demands of the new national defense is determined by their ability to balance tasks and available resources. This in turn is due to absence of administrative support and command. The research has identified a contradiction between two simultaneously ongoing organizational changes. The phenomenon that we have chosen to call the paradox change, contains one role-orientated change towards the commander as an administrator and one character-oriented change towards combat commander in the new national defense. / Uppdragsutbildning för Försvarsmakten

Negotiating historical continuities in contested terrain : a narrative-based reflection on the post-apartheid psychosocial legacies of conscription into the South African Defence Force

Edlmann, Tessa Margaret January 2015 (has links)
For a 25-year period during the apartheid era in South Africa, all school-leaving white men were issued with a compulsory call-up to national military service in the South African Defence Force. It is estimated that 600 000 men were conscripted between 1968 and 1993, undergoing military training and being deployed in Namibia, Angola and South Africa. The purpose of this system of military conscription was to support both the apartheid state’s role in the “Border War” in Namibia and Angola and the suppression of anti-apartheid resistance within South Africa. It formed part of the National Party’s strategy of a “total response” to what it perceived as the “total onslaught” of communism and African nationalism. While recruiting and training young white men was the focus of the apartheid government’s strategy, all of white South African society was caught up in supporting, contesting, avoiding and resisting this system in one way or another. Rather than being a purely military endeavour, conscription into the SADF therefore comprised a social and political system with wide-ranging ramifications. The 1994 democratic elections in South Africa heralded the advent of a very different political, social and economic system to what had gone before. The focus of this research is SADF conscripts’ narrations of identity in the contested narrative terrain of post-apartheid South Africa. The thesis begins with a contextual framing of the historical, social and political systems of which conscription was a part. Drawing on narrative psychology as a theoretical framework, the thesis explores discursive resources of whiteness, masculinities and perceptions of threat in conscripts’ narrations of identity, the construction of memory fields in narrating memories of war and possible trauma, and the notions of moral injury and moral repair in dealing with legacies of war. Using a narrative discursive approach, the thesis then reflects on historical temporal threads, and narrative patterns that emerge when analysing a range of texts about the psychosocial legacies of conscription, including interviews, research, memoirs, plays, media reports, video documentaries, blogs and photographic exhibitions. Throughout the thesis, conscripts’ and others’ accounts of conscription and its legacies are regarded as cultural texts. This serves as a means to highlight both contextual narrative negotiations and the narrative-discursive patterns of conscripts’ personal accounts of their identities in the post-apartheid narrative terrain. The original contribution of this research is the development of conceptual and theoretical framings of the post-apartheid legacies of conscription. Key to this has been the use of narrative-based approaches to highlight the narrative-discursive patterns, memory fields and negotiations of narrative terrains at work in texts that focus on various aspects of conscription and its ongoing aftereffects. The concept of temporal threads has been developed to account for the emergence and shifts in these patterns over time. Existing narrative-discursive theory has formed the basis for conscripts’ negotiations of identity being identified as acts of narrative reinforcement and narrative repair. The thesis concludes with reflections on the future possibilities for articulating and supporting narrative repair that enables a shift away from historical discursive laagers and a reconfiguration of the narrative terrain within which conscripts narrate their identities. / Also known as: Edlmann, Theresa

Sentencing practice in military courts

Nel, Michelle (Military lawyer) 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the sentencing practice of the military courts. Since an independent and impartial military judiciary is essential to ensure that justice is done a further aim of this study is to investigate whether the military courts are impartial, independent and affords the accused his fair trial rights. The sentences imposed by military courts are investigated and concerns regarding the imposition of these sentences are identified. Finally the appeal and review procedures followed by the military courts are investigated with specific reference to the military accused’s right appeal and review to a higher court as provided for by the Constitution. The sentencing phase of a trial forms an important part of the whole trial process. This is also true for military trials, yet no research has been done on military sentencing practice. Because of the potential influence of the draft Military Discipline Bill and the Law Reform Commission’s revision of the defence legislation on sentencing, research in this area is critical in the positive development of sentencing law in the military justice environment. An extensive literature study is undertaken to evaluate current military sentencing practices against civilian practices. The result of this study identifies certain concerns regarding the independence of the military courts, the treatment of military offenders and the appeal and review powers of the military reviewing authority. To a large extent it is also found that many concerns are based on the apparent rather than the existence of any real dangers to the independence of the military courts or the rights of the military accused. This thesis contributes to the accessibility of military law for a civilian audience, creating a platform for the development of future military sentences. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

The impact of HIV serodiscordancy on married couples attending the infectious diseases clinic at 1 Military Hospital

Mabuza, Poppy Lydia 15 August 2011 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is severely affecting the armed forces in South Africa. Combating HIV/AIDS demands a high level of commitment from the Ministry of Defence and all the Divisions and Services at all levels in the Department of Defence. Prevention practice for HIV/ AIDS is a challenged because the nature and full extent of the impact on the forces, and in particular on serodiscordant couples, are not known. This research study explored the experiences of serodiscordant couples regarding the impact of serodiscordancy on their marriages. The Infectious Disease Clinic engages serodiscordant couples as active participants in dealing with their HIV status. The researcher explored the impact of HIV serodiscordancy on married couples attending the Infectious Disease Clinic at 1 Military Hospital with the intended outcome of informing intervention and prevention strategies and programmes for serodiscordant couples. The study utilised a qualitative research approach and the research design was an instrumental case study. The population for the study was all the married serodiscordant couples in the Infectious Disease Clinic at 1 Military Hospital. The sample consisted of 20 serodiscordant couples attending the Infectious Disease Clinic for at least the past two years. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The study concluded that empowerment programmes on HIV/AIDS should include knowledge of, as well as coping skills and guidance for couples dealing with serodiscordancy, including disclosure and discrimination; marital and parenting roles; health management, building of trust; facilitating open and positive communication; and financial management. Based on the conclusions of the study, the main recommendation is that prevention strategies and empowerment programmes for serodiscordant couples should be based on a holistic, well-integrated intervention plan which contextualises strategies and programmes for prevention, treatment, counselling, empowerment and continuous support of the employee, their spouse and their family, including home visits, as required by the serodiscordant couple. Furthermore, it should clearly conceptualise the role of each team member at both the Infectious Disease Clinic and the relevant units of the SANDF, in particular the role of the social worker. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

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