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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Single party and national integration in Africa the case of the MPR in Zaire

Olofio, Ben O. 01 July 1987 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine whether or not the Mouvement Populaire de la Revolution (MPR) as a single political party in Zaire has brought about national integration in the country. The Charter of the Party, herein referred to as the Nsele Manifesto, states that "the MPR intends to restore the state authority and the union of the Zaireans for the sake and the grandeur of the Republic." Carried out from a historical materialist perspective, the study comes up with three major findings. First, from a behavioral standpoint the MPR has implemented a vertical integration in Zaire as opposed to horizontal integration. Second, from a materialist viewpoint the MPR, in its relations to the means of production with the environment, has become a major factor in the class structure in Zaire. Third, the issue of ethnicization of power which, as of late has become one of great interest to social scientists in general and to students of Zairean politics in particular, has been given enough attention in this study. However, this research takes the position that scholars should be cautious in their effort to apprehend the processes of power diffusion on the one hand, and the dialectics of class and ethnicity on the other hand. Indeed, to overemphasize one aspect such as ethnicization of power leads to an obscurantist explanation of a socio-political reality as complex as contemporary African politics dictates. Moreover, for scholars interested in qualitative social change, such an approach fails to comprehend contradictions underlying the political make up of Zaire. Only a thorough analysis of these contradictions can enable one to seize the essential significance concealed behind the party slogan of "MPR=SERVIR."

O que a Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG) Ensinava / What Does the Superior School of War (ESG) taught

SebastiÃo Andrà Alves de Lima Filho 28 March 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A tese investiga os significados dos ensinamentos da Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG) referente ao desenvolvimento, a integraÃÃo nacional e ao progresso da ciÃncia e da tecnologia no Brasil no perÃodo 1949-1976. Para tanto, trata de estabelecer relaÃÃes entre a criaÃÃo da Escola, o perfil de seus âalunosâ e a finalidade de seus cursos, especificamente o Curso Superior de Guerra. O trabalho identifica que os ensinamentos da ESG se caracterizavam por posiÃÃes antidemocrÃticas, anticomunistas e favorÃveis a implantaÃÃo, no paÃs, de um modelo de desenvolvimento capitalista dependente. Indica que a ESG era uma instituiÃÃo militar de formaÃÃo de âelites orgÃnicasâ, posicionadas entre as camadas sociais de grande poder de articulaÃÃo e mobilizaÃÃo polÃtica, favorecendo, principalmente, a politizaÃÃo das ForÃas Armadas dispostas a controlar a direÃÃo do Estado brasileiro. / The thesis investigates the meanings of the teachings of the War College (ESG) for the development, national integration and progress of science and technology in Brazil in the period 1949-1976. For this purpose, is to establish relations between the creation of the School, the profile of his "students" and the purpose of their travels, specifically the Course of War. The paper identifies that the teachings of ESG positions were characterized by undemocratic, anti-communist and favorable the deployment in the country a model of dependent capitalist development. Indicates that the ESG was an institution for training of "elites organic", positioned between the layers of great social networking power and political mobilization, promoting the politicization of the Armed Forces unwilling to control the direction of the Brazilian state.

Des stratégies d'appropriation des modèles dintégration par les Communautés autonomes en Espagne : une étude comparative des politiques d'intégration des étrangers en Catalogne et au Pays Basque (2000-2009) / Strategies for appropriating models of integration by Spanish Autonomous Communities : a comparative study of the integration of foreign-born populations in Catalonia and the Basque Country (2000-2009) / Estrategias de apropiación de modelos de integración de Comunidades Autónomas en España : un estudio comparativo de las políticas de integración de extranjeros en Cataluña y en el País Vasco (2000-2009)

Larroque, Jimena 09 December 2010 (has links)
Depuis l'avènement de la démocratie en Espagne, les Communautés autonomes catalane et basque ont été gouvernées par des forces politiques fortement investies dans l'élargissement de leur autogouvernement. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous intéressons aux politiques d'intégration des immigrés extracommunautaires, pendant la période 2000-2009, politiques gérées par les CCAA et enchâssées dans la question historiquement récente du fait migratoire en Espagne. Pour l'analyse comparée de ces politiques publiques mises en place par des CCAA, il est indispensable de pointer, d'une part, une gouvernance multi-niveaux (UE, État et local), et, d'autre part, de tenir compte des multiples facettes des politiques se prétendant « globales » et distinctes, puisque cette intégration agirait sur les domaines social, linguistique et national dans chacune des CCAA. Comment se déploient les stratégies d'appropriation de ces politiques dans ces deux territoires infranationaux aux pressions migratoires inégales ? Ces stratégies, induisent-elles des modèles originaux d'intégration ? Ces prétentions d'originalité dépendront du type de rapports - de concurrence ou de collaboration - avec l'État, mais, également, des possibilités, au sein de chacune des CCAA, de rassembler l'ensemble des acteurs politiques et sociaux autour d'un modèle singulier prenant en compte leurs particularismes identitaires. Au vrai, la Catalogne et le Pays Basque incarnent deux territoires aux contextes politiques et culturels spécifiques à leur nationalisme périphérique qui, même s'ils induisent dans les deux cas des mouvements centrifuges, relèvent de deux manières distinctes de se rapporter politiquement à l'État. / Ever since the democratic transition in Spain, the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia and the Basque Country have been governed by political forces strongly committed to the expansion of self-government. This dissertation looks at policies for integrating immigrants from outside the European Union put in place by these two Autonomous Communities (AC's) during the decade of the 2000s, placing this in the broader context of the recent emergence of Spain as a host country for significant inward migration. In order to carry out a comparative analysis of the policies put in place by the two AC's it is necessary to take into account two additional factors. The first is the multi-level nature of the policy, involving as it does actors ranging from the European Union to the local level. The second is the multiple aspects of an all-inclusive policy, that seeks a distinct path to complete integration of immigrants on the national but also the social and linguistic levels in each AC. What strategies of appropriation of these policies have been put in place in the two AC's, which differ from each other in the extent of migratory pressure? Have these strategies led to innovative models of integration? The dissertation concludes that the potential for innovation depends on the type of relationship competition or cooperation between AC and the central government, but also on the possibilities within each AC for bringing together actors around a singular model taking into consideration their respective unique identities. Catalonia and the Basque Country are two territories whose political and cultural context is closely tied to their particular dynamic of peripheral nationalism. While leading in both cases to a centrifugal tendency with respect to national authority, these dynamics nevertheless represent two distinct ways of relating politically to the State. / Desde la llegada de la democracia en España, las Comunidades Autónomas catalana y vasca han sido gobernadas por unos partidos extraordinariamente comprometidos en el proceso de construcción de su propio autogobierno. La presente tesis tiene por objeto el estudio y análisis de las políticas de integración de los inmigrantes extracomunitarios gestionadas por las CCAA entre los años 2000 y 2009, políticas que se enmarcan en el nuevo contexto de inmigración en España. Para el análisis comparado de las políticas públicas desplegadas por las CCAA será indispensable referirse a un marco general de gobernanza multi-nivel (europeo, estatal y local) y además atender a las múltiples facetas de políticas que pretenden ser “globales” y diferenciadas, puesto que esta integración abarcaría las dimensiones social, lingüística y nacional en la respectiva Comunidad Autónoma. ¿ Cómo se manifiestan estas estrategias de asunción - apropiación de competencias en estos dos territorios de flujos migratorios de desigual naturaleza e intensidad ?, ¿ Se generan finalmente en cada una de las comunidades catalana y vasca modelos realmente originales de integración ? La viabilidad de esa pretendida originalidad dependerá no sólo del tipo de relaciones - decompetencia y conflicto o de colaboración, según los casos - mantenidas con el Estado, sino también, y en gran medida, de la posibilidad de que en el seno de cada una de las CCAA puedan materializarse suficientes acuerdos entre los actores políticos y sociales en torno a un modelo deintegración singular que incorpore en el diseño de sus políticas sus particularismos identitarios. Ciertamente, Cataluña y el País Vasco, siendo la expresión más perfilada y potente de los nacionalismos periféricos españoles, provocarán en la gestión de este nuevo cuadro dinámicas y movimientos de naturaleza centrífuga, afirmándose también dos nuevos modos, distintos y peculiares, de relacionarse políticamente con el Estado

Divisão territorial do trabalho e transporte rodoviário interestadual de passageiros entre o interior sulista e a fronteira agrícola / Territorial division of labor and the interstate road transport of passengers between the southern interior and the agricultural frontier

Santos, Bruno Candido dos 15 August 2019 (has links)
O transporte rodoviário interestadual de passageiros no Brasil é uma atividade econômica dotada de função social porque é responsável por propiciar deslocamentos diários para dezenas de milhões de pessoas anualmente. Trata-se de uma expressão da divisão territorial do trabalho, pois elucida as interações entre diversos centros na rede urbana e entre variadas regiões, o que realça seu papel na integração territorial. No contexto da reestruturação produtiva ocorrida a partir da década de 1970 áreas nas regiões Centro-Oeste, Norte e Nordeste são integradas ao Centro-Sul do país configurando um mercado nacional unificado. O avanço da fronteira agrícola rumo ao Norte e ao Oeste cria novos usos do território em extensões até então pouco articuladas com o restante do país, como o norte matogrossense, o estado de Rondônia, o oeste baiano, o norte goiano, entre outras cada qual com suas particularidades, estas regiões se inserem com ritmos variados dentro do processo de expansão da agropecuária modernizada vinculada à produção de matérias-primas para o mercado externo. Tal processo modernizador demandou fluxos de migrantes advindos do Sul do Brasil, sobre os quais este trabalho se debruça, com destaque para as ligações rodoviárias interestaduais e inter-regionais com origem em centros da rede urbana do interior da região Sul, como Carazinho/RS e Cascavel/PR e se destinam aos novos polos regionais no Centro-Oeste, como Alta Floresta/MT e Sinop/MT bem como fora desta região: Barreiras/BA e Ji-Paraná/RO. O conjunto de ligações abarcado por esta pesquisa contempla trajetos com mais de 1.900 quilômetros de extensão formados por rotas inter-regionais que estão distantes da faixa costeira e tem como principais centros cidades como Brasília/DF, Campo Grande/MS, Cuiabá/MT e Goiânia/GO. Trata-se de uma circulação interiorizada pujante responsável pela manutenção de empresas de transporte interestadual de passageiros desde os primórdios das migrações rumo à fronteira agrícola, já que todas as companhias operantes atualmente são oriundas de centros locais e regionais sulistas. Para tanto a pesquisa delimitou eixos de circulação, com a finalidade de caracterizar a dinâmica dos fluxos para subsidiar a argumentação que sustenta a manutenção destas longas rotas pelo território nacional. / The Interstate passenger road transport in Brazil is an economic activity endowed with social function because it is responsible for providing daily shifts to tens of millions of people annually. This is an expression of the territorial division of labor, since it elucidates the interactions between several centers in the urban network and between different regions, which emphasizes its role in territorial integration. In the context of the productive restructuring occurred since the 1970s areas in the Centro- Oeste, Norte e Nordeste regions are integrated to the Centro-Sul of country configuring a unified national market. The advance of the agricultural frontier towards the North and the West creates new uses of the territory in extensions that are not very articulated with the rest of the country, such as the north of Mato Grosso, the state of Rondônia, the west of Bahia, the north of Goiás - each one with its peculiarities, these regions are inserted with varied rates within the process of expansion of modernized agriculture and cattle raising linked to the production of raw materials for the external market. This modernization process demanded flows of migrants from the Sul of Brazil, on which this work focuses, with emphasis on interstate and inter-regional road connections originating in urban centers in the interior of the South region, such as Carazinho/RS and Cascavel/PR and are destined to the new regional centers in the Midwest, such as Alta Floresta/MT and Sinop/MT and outside this region: Barreiras/BA and Ji-Paraná/RO. The set of links covered for this research contemplates routes with more than 1,900 kilometers of extension formed by interregional routes that are distant of the coastal strip and has as main centers cities as Brasília/DF, Campo Grande/MS, Cuiabá/MT e Goiânia/GO. This is an internalized circulation that is responsible for the maintenance of interstate passenger transport companies since the beginning of migrations towards the agricultural frontier, since all operating companies are currently from southern local and regional centers. To this end, the research has delimited axes of circulation, with the purpose of characterizing the dynamics of flows to subsidize the argumentation that sustains the maintenance of these long routes throughout the national territory.

Resisting poverty : perspectives on participation and social development. The case of CRIC and the eastern rural region of Cauca in Colombia

Berglund, Staffan January 1982 (has links)
With the reproduction of severe deprivation among the campesinado in Latin America as a starting-point,the report explores the mechanisms of impoverishment in the eastern rural region of the department of Cauca in Colombia and the forms of resistance initiated by the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC). It is postulated that the continued existence of poverty derives its root-causes not from lacking integration of the traditional sector of the national economy into the modern sector, but from the processes through which the poor indigenous staple-food producer and agricultural worker by way of his actual participation within the capitalistic system is continously deprived of his energy and capacity by the power elite as he himself lacks the means to realize his own developmental power* Sham-participation, refering to the dysfunctionality of systemic participation performed by the poor who lack access to the bases for accumulating social power, is a concept applied to understand these mechanisms. Participation per se does not necessarily correspond to influence and power. Rather, systemic political participation can give legitimacy to the very system and to those structural conditions oppressing the indigenous small-holders and workers and consequently contributes to the consolidation of the transfer-process of power and thereby the reproduction of deprivation. Thus the poor indigenous population in Cauca cannot expect to be given access to the fundaments of social power. Thus the elements of real participation and the conditions for resisting deprivation are less likely to be obtained only through the creation of new institutions and channels for popular participation# In the case of the indigenous movement in Colombia, the problem is rather to revoke the repression of the indigenous organizations which have emerged from below and instead promote their spontaneous mobilization. / digitalisering@umu

A construção da defesa da concorrência no MERCOSUL: uma perspectiva construtivista - cooperação e interesses nas relações internacionais

Creuz, Luís Rodolfo Cruz e [UNESP] 23 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:55:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 creuz_lrc_me_mar.pdf: 1421849 bytes, checksum: a528058823397fb1b570ab4b64818b13 (MD5) / O ponto histórico contextual de nosso estudo é o Protocolo de Defesa da Concorrência no Mercosul - Protocolo de Fortaleza, de 17/12/1996. Apesar desse marco regulatório ter sido ratificado por alguns Estados-Partes do Mercosul, e no Brasil tendo sido ratificado por meio do Decreto nº 3.602, de 18/9/2000, nos seus muitos anos de vigência apresentou pouquíssimo avanço. As causas apontadas são variadas: divergências políticas, dificuldades de implantação, questões de conjuntura decorrentes de crises econômicas mundiais. A busca por formas de equilíbrio nas relações jurídico-econômicas ao redor do globo, e seus impactos regionais na América Latina, é constante nos fóruns e organizações internacionais, inclusive envolvendo a repressão ao abuso do poder econômico e a Defesa da Concorrência, considerando esta um elemento importante para o desenvolvimento dos países da região. Este trabalho trata do estudo da atual situação regulatória do Mercosul, tanto no plano das normas regionais quanto no da legislação interna dos países, do ponto de vista da teoria construtivista das Relações Internacionais, com o objetivo de apontar elementos de desenvolvimento de interesses e cooperação na regulação da Defesa da Concorrência no âmbito comunitário do Mercosul, considerando o projeto de integração regional e sua forma de regulação. Pretendemos demonstrar a evolução da regulação em matéria antitruste, focando a questão por meio da construção de interesses, identidades e cooperação, dada a implantação do Mercosul como processo de integração regional e considerando a questão dos limites territoriais soberanos de atuação dos órgãos nacionais competentes para a análise antitruste no Mercosul. Os temas desenvolvimento e Defesa da Concorrência estão regularmente presentes no plano internacional, sendo que podemos alocar a cooperação como... / The historical mark of our study is MERCOSUL Competition Defense Protocol - Fortaleza Protocol, of Dec/17/1996. Although this mark has been ratified by some State-Part of Mercosul, and in Brazil by Decree number 3.602, as of Sep/18/2000, in its few years of duration, it has demonstrated little improvements. The main causes are varied: political discrepancy, implementation difficulties, concurrent matters derived from global economic crisis. The search for balance in economical-legal relations around the globe, and its regional impacts in Latin America, is frequent in forums and international organizations, also including repression to economic power abuse and the competition defense, considering that an important element for the development of the region. This work is related to current regulatory situation of Mercosul, as well as in regional norms sphere as internal legislation of its countries, from the International relations constructivist theory point of view, with the objective of pointing out elements of development of interests and cooperation in the regulation of competition defense in the community if Mercosul, considering the regional integration project and its regulation. We intend to demonstrate the evolution of regulation in the anti trust subject, focusing the question through construction of interests, identities and cooperation, given the implementation of Mercosul as a regional integration process and considering the sovereign territorial limits subject of action of national organizations able to analyze anti trust in Mercosul. The subjects development and competition defense are currently present to international plan, so we can allocate cooperation with an essential component for progress and the consolidation of an integration process that must be innovative, dynamic, transparent, equitative, balanced and that searches for growth and economic development... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

A construção da defesa da concorrência no MERCOSUL : uma perspectiva construtivista - cooperação e interesses nas relações internacionais /

Creuz, Luís Rodolfo Cruz e. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Andrei Koerner / Banca: Sebastião Velasco e Cruz / Banca: Flávia de Campos Mello / O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais é instituido em parceria com Unesp/Unicamp/PUC-SP, em projeto subsidiado pela CAPES, intitulado "Programa San Tiago Dantas / Resumo: O ponto histórico contextual de nosso estudo é o "Protocolo de Defesa da Concorrência no Mercosul - Protocolo de Fortaleza", de 17/12/1996. Apesar desse marco regulatório ter sido ratificado por alguns Estados-Partes do Mercosul, e no Brasil tendo sido ratificado por meio do Decreto nº 3.602, de 18/9/2000, nos seus muitos anos de vigência apresentou pouquíssimo avanço. As causas apontadas são variadas: divergências políticas, dificuldades de implantação, questões de conjuntura decorrentes de crises econômicas mundiais. A busca por formas de equilíbrio nas relações jurídico-econômicas ao redor do globo, e seus impactos regionais na América Latina, é constante nos fóruns e organizações internacionais, inclusive envolvendo a repressão ao abuso do poder econômico e a Defesa da Concorrência, considerando esta um elemento importante para o desenvolvimento dos países da região. Este trabalho trata do estudo da atual situação regulatória do Mercosul, tanto no plano das normas regionais quanto no da legislação interna dos países, do ponto de vista da teoria construtivista das Relações Internacionais, com o objetivo de apontar elementos de desenvolvimento de interesses e cooperação na regulação da Defesa da Concorrência no âmbito comunitário do Mercosul, considerando o projeto de integração regional e sua forma de regulação. Pretendemos demonstrar a evolução da regulação em matéria antitruste, focando a questão por meio da construção de interesses, identidades e cooperação, dada a implantação do Mercosul como processo de integração regional e considerando a questão dos limites territoriais soberanos de atuação dos órgãos nacionais competentes para a análise antitruste no Mercosul. Os temas "desenvolvimento" e "Defesa da Concorrência" estão regularmente presentes no plano internacional, sendo que podemos alocar a cooperação como... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The historical mark of our study is "MERCOSUL Competition Defense Protocol - Fortaleza Protocol", of Dec/17/1996. Although this mark has been ratified by some State-Part of Mercosul, and in Brazil by Decree number 3.602, as of Sep/18/2000, in its few years of duration, it has demonstrated little improvements. The main causes are varied: political discrepancy, implementation difficulties, concurrent matters derived from global economic crisis. The search for balance in economical-legal relations around the globe, and its regional impacts in Latin America, is frequent in forums and international organizations, also including repression to economic power abuse and the competition defense, considering that an important element for the development of the region. This work is related to current regulatory situation of Mercosul, as well as in regional norms sphere as internal legislation of its countries, from the International relations constructivist theory point of view, with the objective of pointing out elements of development of interests and cooperation in the regulation of competition defense in the community if Mercosul, considering the regional integration project and its regulation. We intend to demonstrate the evolution of regulation in the anti trust subject, focusing the question through construction of interests, identities and cooperation, given the implementation of Mercosul as a regional integration process and considering the sovereign territorial limits subject of action of national organizations able to analyze anti trust in Mercosul. The subjects "development" and "competition defense" are currently present to international plan, so we can allocate cooperation with an essential component for progress and the consolidation of an integration process that must be innovative, dynamic, transparent, equitative, balanced and that searches for growth and economic development... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

A construção da defesa da concorrência no MERCOSUL = uma perspectiva construtivista - cooperação e interesses nas relações internacionais / The construction of competition defense in MERCOSUL : a constructive perspective - cooperation and interests in internatiobal relation

Creuz, Luís Rodolfo Cruz e 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Andrei Koerner / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T17:05:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Creuz_LuisRodolfoCruze_M.pdf: 1560485 bytes, checksum: 60bea14047567402da9b34be7166491e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O ponto histórico contextual de nosso estudo é o "Protocolo de Defesa da Concorrência no Mercosul - Protocolo de Fortaleza", de 17/12/1996. Apesar desse marco regulatório ter sido ratificado por alguns Estados-Partes do Mercosul, e no Brasil tendo sido ratificado por meio do Decreto nº 3.602, de 18/9/2000, nos seus muitos anos de vigência apresentou pouquíssimo avanço. As causas apontadas são variadas: divergências políticas, dificuldades de implantação, questões de conjuntura decorrentes de crises econômicas mundiais. A busca por formas de equilíbrio nas relações jurídico-econômicas ao redor do globo, e seus impactos regionais na América Latina, é constante nos fóruns e organizações internacionais, inclusive envolvendo a repressão ao abuso do poder econômico e a Defesa da Concorrência, considerando esta um elemento importante para o desenvolvimento dos países da região. Este trabalho trata do estudo da atual situação regulatória do Mercosul, tanto no plano das normas regionais quanto no da legislação interna dos países, do ponto de vista da teoria construtivista das Relações Internacionais, com o objetivo de apontar elementos de desenvolvimento de interesses e cooperação na regulação da Defesa da Concorrência no âmbito comunitário do Mercosul, considerando o projeto de integração regional e sua forma de regulação. Pretendemos demonstrar a evolução da regulação em matéria antitruste, focando a questão por meio da construção de interesses, identidades e cooperação, dada a implantação do Mercosul como processo de integração regional e considerando a questão dos limites territoriais soberanos de atuação dos órgãos nacionais competentes para a análise antitruste no Mercosul. Os temas "desenvolvimento" e "Defesa da Concorrência" estão regularmente presentes no plano internacional, sendo que podemos alocar a cooperação como um componente essencial para o avanço e a consolidação de um processo de integração que deve ser inovador, dinâmico, transparente, equitativo e equilibrado e que vise a promoção do crescimento e do desenvolvimento econômico dos países da América do Sul. Concluímos positivo o andamento e a construção da regulação comunitária da Defesa da Concorrência, que tem progredido, especialmente do ano 2004 em diante, ainda que num ambiente fortemente marcado por assimetrias e divergências políticas, mas com convergências dos agentes institucionais. / Abstract: The historical mark of our study is "MERCOSUL Competition Defense Protocol - Fortaleza Protocol", of Dec/17/1996. Although this mark has been ratified by some State-Part of Mercosul, and in Brazil by Decree number 3.602, as of Sep/18/2000, in its few years of duration, it has demonstrated little improvements. The main causes are varied: political discrepancy, implementation difficulties, concurrent matters derived from global economic crisis. The search for balance in economical-legal relations around the globe, and its regional impacts in Latin America, is frequent in forums and international organizations, also including repression to economic power abuse and the competition defense, considering that an important element for the development of the region. This work is related to current regulatory situation of Mercosul, as well as in regional norms sphere as internal legislation of its countries, from the International relations constructivist theory point of view, with the objective of pointing out elements of development of interests and cooperation in the regulation of competition defense in the community if Mercosul, considering the regional integration project and its regulation. We intend to demonstrate the evolution of regulation in the anti trust subject, focusing the question through construction of interests, identities and cooperation, given the implementation of Mercosul as a regional integration process and considering the sovereign territorial limits subject of action of national organizations able to analyze anti trust in Mercosul. The subjects "development" and "competition defense" are currently present to international plan, so we can allocate cooperation with an essential component for progress and the consolidation of an integration process that must be innovative, dynamic, transparent, equitative, balanced and that searches for growth and economic development of South America countries. We may conclude as positive the progress and construction of a common regulation of competition defense, which has progressed, specially since 2004, even in an environment of asymmetry and political discrepancies, but converging to institutional agents. / Mestrado / Instituições, Processos e Atores / Mestre em Relações Internacionais

Budování Iráku po roce 2003 / Nation-building in Iraq after 2003

Aliová, Naďa January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of the master thesis titled "Nation-Building in Iraq after 2003" is to evaluate the success of nation-building processes in Iraq between 2003 and 2011. The analytical approach of the German political scientist Jochen Hippler serves as a theoretical and terminological starting point. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the general and conceptional problems and of the terms "nation" and "nation-building". This is followed by a brief overview of Iraqi history. The next part is devoted to Hippler's three central elements of successful nation-building applied to the Iraqi context (i.e. integrating ideology, national integration and state-building). The third chapter explores whether ethnosectarian identities are subordinate to Iraqi national identity. The forth chapter is focused on Kurdish- Iraq relations and its potential implications for territorial (and economic) cohesion of Iraq and the following chapter deals with capabilities of the state apparatus concerning governance, providing security and delivering basic services. In conclusion, the level of success is summarized in the three dimensions respectively as well as with regad to overall nation- building process in Iraq.

国家統合におけるイスラーム教育の役割 : タイ深南部を事例として / コッカ トウゴウ ニオケル イスラーム キョウイク ノ ヤクワリ : タイ シンナンブ オ ジレイ トシテ

西 直美, Naomi Nishi 21 March 2017 (has links)
イスラーム教育がタイ深南部におけるマレームスリムの統合に対して果たすメカニズムを、現地におけるイスラーム改革派の動向に着目して考察した。イスラームに基づく改革を志向する人々(イスラーム改革派)と伝統文化を重視する人々(伝統派)の間の対立はイスラーム教育の現場においても顕在化している。イスラーム改革派の動きに注目すると、伝統的なイスラームという共通の「敵」という観点からはタイ政府と協働関係が存在すること、タイへのマレームスリムの統合を促進するかのような役割を果たしていることが明らかとなった。 / Thailand, as a Buddhist majority country, has been trying to accommodate its Muslim population in the southernmost provinces in the course of the history over 100 years. Along with the surge in nationalist-separatist discourse, there has been a lack of attention given to the study of Islamic reform and revival in Thailand. This paper shows more diverse and complicated situation based on the existing research through a historical analysis of Thailand's national policies and in-depth interviews conducted in one of the most conservative areas in the southernmost provinces. / 博士(グローバル社会研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Global Society Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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