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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soy Isoflavone Supplementation Does Not Alter Lymphocyte Proliferation and Cytokine Production In Postmenopausal Women

Paes, Cheryl Maria 14 May 2001 (has links)
A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that soy isoflavone consumption may protect against the development of various chronic diseases. This protection could be linked to isoflavone-induced alterations in immune function. However, recent in vitro and animal studies suggest that soy isoflavones may either enhance or suppress immunocompetence, depending upon the isoflavone concentration, target tissue, and a number of other factors. To date, no study has investigated the effect of dietary soy isoflavone supplementation on immune parameters in humans. Therefore, the purpose of this double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4 wk intervention trial was to investigate whether supplementation with soy isoflavones alters indices of immune function in postmenopausal women. Twenty healthy women (50-69 yr), who were not on hormone replacement therapy, were randomly divided into 2 treatment groups. The supplemented group (n=10) consumed soy isoflavone tablets (100 mg/d) for 4 wk, while the control group (n=10) received placebo tablets. Fasting blood samples were drawn at baseline and on d 28 to assess specific immune parameters. In addition, plasma concentrations of genistein and daidzein were quantified at baseline and at the end of the intervention period. Despite high individual variability among subjects, there was a significant increase (p<0.005) in plasma isoflavone concentration in the supplemented group. However, all assessed immune parameters remained unchanged after supplementation and did not differ between the 2 treatment groups. In conclusion, this study suggests that short-term soy isoflavone supplementation at physiologically attainable concentrations does not alter the aforementioned immune parameters in healthy postmenopausal women. Due to the conflicting data concerning the effect of dietary soy isoflavones on immune function, further research in this area is warranted. / Master of Science

Soy Isoflavone Supplementation Does Not Alter Distribution of Circulating Lymphocytes or Natural Killer Cell Activity in Postmenopausal Women

Girmes-Grieco, Nicolin Katleen 25 May 2001 (has links)
A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that soy isoflavone consumption may protect against the development of various chronic diseases. This defense could be linked to isoflavone-induced alterations in immune function. However, to date, no study has examined the effect of soy isoflavone supplementation on human immunity in vivo. Establishing whether isoflavones affect immunity in aging adults is particularly relevant since compromised immune function has been observed in this population. Therefore, the purpose of this double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4-wk intervention trial was to investigate whether supplementation with soy isoflavones influenced the distribution and/or function of specific lymphocytes in postmenopausal women. Healthy postmenopausal women (50-69 y), who were not using hormone replacement therapy, were randomly divided into 2 treatment groups. The experimental group (n=9) consumed two-50 mg soy isoflavone tablets/d for 4 wk, while the control group (n=9) received placebo tablets. Fasting blood samples were drawn at baseline and on d 28 to assess distribution of T-helper cells (CD3+CD4+), T-cytotoxic cells (CD3+CD8+), total T lymphocytes (CD3+), B lymphocytes (CD19+) and natural killer (NK) cells (CD16+CD56+) via flow cytometry. Cytotoxicity of NK cells was quantified based on lactate dehydrogenase release of lysed K562 cancer cells following co-culture with NK cells from subjects. Analysis of plasma isoflavone concentrations by HPLC demonstrated a significant increase (p<0.005) in plasma genistein concentration in the experimental group after 4 wk of supplementation. However, there was no alteration in lymphocyte distribution or NK cell activity in response to isoflavone supplementation, suggesting that short-term soy isoflavone supplementation does not alter these parameters of immunity in healthy postmenopausal women. / Master of Science

Role of CD44, Fas Ligand, and Perforin in the Cytotoxicity Mediated by Natural Killer Cells

Bradley, Michael Joseph 16 June 1997 (has links)
Two important mechanisms of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity, one perforin based and the other Fas ligand (FasL) based, have been characterized recently. It has also been shown that CD44, an adhesion molecule, can participate in signaling cytotoxic activity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). In the current study we tested the hypothesis that activation of natural killer (NK) or lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells induces the expression of FasL, perforin, and CD44 which together contribute towards increased cytolytic activity. To this effect, we used wild-type mice, perforin-knockout mice, and mice lacking a functional FasL. We observed that both interleukin-2 (IL-2) and Poly I:C triggered NK/LAK cells to lyse targets through the perforin- and FasL- pathways. In addition, Fas+ tumor targets were more susceptible to lysis by poly I:C and IL-2 activated NK/LAK cells when compared to Fas- targets. Furthermore, Fas- tumor cells injected subcutaneously into syngeneic mice could grow and induce tumors, whereas, Fas+ tumors were rejected. IL-2 treatment increased the CD44 expression on NK cells, which was responsible for the lysis of endothelial cells through its ligand, hyaluronate. Upregulation of perforin and FasL in activated NK/LAK cells may explain why such cells can kill a wide variety of tumor cells efficiently. On the other hand, activated NK/LAK cells express increase increased levels of CD44 and use this molecule to mediate cytotoxicity of endothelial cells, which may account for the vascular leak seen during IL-2 therapy. / Master of Science

Etude des cellules NK au cours des infections par le virus du Chikungunya et le virus de la Dengue / Implication of Natural Killer cells in Chikungunya and Dengue infections

Petitdemange, Caroline 16 May 2014 (has links)
Les virus du Chikungunya (CHIKV) et de la dengue (DENV) sont deux virus émergents qui sévissent dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales du monde entier et qui sont transmis par les moustiques du genre Aedes. Ces dernières années, leur transmission a surtout progressé dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines touchant des millions d’individus et faisant de ces deux pathogènes des sujets majeurs de préoccupation pour la santé publique. Le Chikungunya et la Dengue sont des infections dites aiguës entrainant une mise en place rapide de la réponse immunitaire innée qui joue un rôle majeur dans le contrôle et l’évolution de la maladie. Les cellules Natural Killer (NK) représentent une population cellulaire clé de la réponse innée et jouent un rôle crucial dans les mécanismes de défense mis en place. A travers une étude ex vivo et in vitro, nous nous sommes intéressées à la caractérisation des cellules NK à travers (i) une étude phénotypique et fonctionnelle des cellules NK chez des patients infectés en phase aiguë par le CHIKV, DENV-2 ou par les deux virus et (ii) à la caractérisation des interactions entre les cellules NK et les cellules cibles infectées par le virus. L’ensemble de ces données contribue à mieux identifier l’implication des cellules NK dans le contrôle des infections par le CHIKV et DENV-2 permettant ainsi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine des dérèglements de la réponse immunitaire. Au cours des dernières épidémies, plusieurs cas de patients coinfectés par les deux virus ont été répertoriés. De plus, l’expansion géographique des moustiques Aedes pourrait amener à une augmentation du nombre de cas de coinfections sans que les mécanismes sous jacents aux coinfections ne soient étudiés. Afin de pouvoir réponse à certaines questions concernant ce phénomène, nous avons mis en place un modèle expérimental de coinfection par CHIKV et DENV-2 chez le macaque Rhésus. / Chikungunya (CHIKV) and Dengue (DENV) virus are both re-emerging viruses transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and responsible of widespread outbreaks in tropical and subtropical country. Recently, transmission of both viruses had emerged in urban and peri-urban area infecting millions of persons. Chikungunya and Dengue are both acute infections where innate immunity rapidly takes place and play a crucial role in the control and in the evolution of the disease. Natural Killer cells (NK) represent one of the major cellular population of innate immunity and play a crucial role in defense mechanism. By way of ex vivo and in vitro studies, we characterized NK cells by (i) a phenotypic and functional study of NK cells in CHIKV, DENV-2 infected patients or CHIKV/DENV-2 co-infected patients and (ii) characterization of NK cells interactions with infected target cells. During last outbreaks, several cases of co-infected patients were reported. Moreover, geographic spread of Aedes mosquitoes could increase number of coinfection cases without underlying mechanisms being explored. In order to respond to certain questions regarding coinfections, we realized a co-infected CHIKV and DENV-2 experimental model in Rhesus macaques.Together, these data will contribute to better identify NK cells implication in the control of CHIKV and DENV-2 infections allowing a better comprehension of mechanisms that causes immune system disorder.

Caracterização de células T gamma-delta e natural killer na imunoterapia da tuberculose experimental com a vacina gênica DNAhsp65 / Characterization of gamma-delta T cells and natural killer cells in the immunotherapy of experimental tuberculosis with DNAhsp65 genetic vaccine

Soares, Luana Silva 12 December 2011 (has links)
Em 1993, a Organização Mundial da Saúde declarou a tuberculose (TB) como uma emergência global devido à sua relevância epidemiológica e a necessidade de seu controle. Atualmente, a TB ainda é considerada um problema de saúde pública e requer o desenvolvimento de vacinas e terapias que sejam mais eficazes na sua prevenção e tratamento. Nesse sentido, o Laboratório de Vacinas Gênicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto estuda há mais de dez anos a eficácia da vacina gênica DNAhsp65 na profilaxia e terapia da TB. Com o intuito de complementar o conhecimento existente sobre os mecanismos imunes desencadeados pela vacina DNAhsp65, assim como sua associação às drogas convencionais utilizadas no tratamento da TB, objetivou-se neste trabalho a caracterização de células natural killer (NK), T natural killer (NKT), e T ?? na imunoterapia da tuberculose experimental com a vacina DNAhsp65, no tratamento com as drogas rifampicina (RIF) e isoniazida (INH), e na associação DNAhsp65-drogas. Inicialmente, camundongos BALB/c foram infectados com Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) cepa H37Rv no dia 0 e nos dias 1, 7, 15, 30 e 70 após a infecção, foi promovida a eutanásia dos animais infectados ou não (controle) para análise das células T não convencionais no pulmão por citometria de fluxo. No dia 30 após a infecção, os animais infectados receberam os diferentes tratamentos: vacina DNAhsp65, vetor pVAX1, drogas RIF e INH, ou as drogas em associação à vacina. Dez dias após o fim dos tratamentos, foi promovida a eutanásia dos animais para análise das populações celulares no pulmão e linfonodo por citometria de fluxo, imunohistoquímica e PCR em tempo real. Os animais somente infectados com Mtb apresentaram aumento significativo no número das células NK (CD3-CD49b+), NKT (CD3+CD49b+) e T ?? (CD3+??+) logo na primeira semana após a infecção, e esta diferença em relação aos animais controle permaneceu em até 70 dias após a infecção. Entre as células NK presentes no pulmão, observou-se predominância da subpopulação CD11bhighCD27low em todos os animais. Nos animais infectados, verificou-se aumento significativo das subpopulações de NK: CD11bhighCD27high e CD11blowCD27high, nos dias 7 e 15 e somente no dia 15 após a infecção, respectivamente. Entre a população de células T ?? presentes no pulmão, houve predomínio do fenótipo CD27- em animais controles e infectados nos diferentes tempos experimentais. Quanto aos animais infectados com Mtb e tratados com DNAhsp65, verificou-se aumento significativo de células T ?? produtoras de IFN-? e IL-17 no pulmão, e apesar de não ter sido observada diferença na freqüência de células NK e NKT neste grupo, as células NK apresentavam maior expressão da molécula FasL relacionada à morte celular induzida por apoptose. Nos grupos drogas e DNAhsp65-drogas observou-se aumento da freqüência de células T ?? no pulmão, assim como aumento de células NK produtoras de IL-10 e que expressavam o marcador de ativação CD69. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram mais uma vez a eficácia da vacina DNAhsp65 e da associação DNAhsp65- drogas no tratamento de animais infectados com Mtb e sugerem que células T não convencionais como as células NK, NKT e T ?? podem participar na modulação da resposta immune na TB. Estes achados devem ser levados em consideração no desenho de novas estratégias terapêuticas e também profiláticas para a TB. / In 1993, the World Health Organization declared tuberculosis (TB) as a global emergence due to its epidemical relevance and the need to improve its control. Nowadays, TB still remains a public health problem and requires the development of more effective vaccines and therapies. In this sense, the Laboratory of Genetic Vaccines from the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto studies, for more than ten years, the efficiency of the genetic vaccine DNAhsp65 in TB prophylaxis and therapy. In order to complement the knowledge about the immune mechanisms triggered by DNAhsp65 vaccine and by its association with conventional drugs used in TB, our aim in this work was to characterize natural killer (NK), natural killer T (NKT) and gamma-delta (??) T cells in the immunotherapy of experimental tuberculosis with the DNAhsp65 vaccine, in the treatment with rifampicin and isoniazid drugs and in the association DNAhsp65-drugs. Initially, BALB/c mice were infected with Mtb strain H37Rv on day 0, and on days 1, 7, 15, 30 and 70 after infection, infected animals or not (control) were euthanized for lung cell analysis by flow cytometry. On day 30 after infection, infected animals received the following treatment: DNAhsp65 vaccine, pVAX1 vector, rifampicin and isoniazid drugs, or drugs in association with DNAhsp65. Ten days after the end of treatment, animals were euthanized for lung and lymph node cell analysis by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and real time PCR. Infected animals showed a significant increase of NK (CD3-CD49b+), NKT (CD3+CD49b+) and ?? (CD3+??+) T cells in the first week of infection and this difference compared to control animals remained until 70 days after infection. Within the lung NK cell population, we observed a predominance of CD11bhighCD27low phenotype in all animals. In infected animals, we verified a significant increase of the following NK cell subpopulations: CD11bhighCD27high and CD11blowCD27high on days 7 and 15, and only on day 15 after infection, respectively. Within the lung ?? T cell population, there was a predominance of CD27- ?? T cell in control and infected animals in the different experimental times. In infected animals and subsequently vaccinated with DNAhsp65, we verified a significant increase in ?? T cells producing IFN-? and IL-17 in the lungs. Although we have not seen any differences in NK and NKT cells in this group, NK cells showed higher expression of FasL molecule related to induced cell death by apoptosis. In DNAhsp65-drugs and drugs groups, we observed an increase in lung ?? T cells frequency, as well as increase in NK cells producing IL-10 and expressing CD69, an activation marker. Our results confirm the effectiveness of DNAhsp65 vaccine and its association with drugs in Mtb infected animals and suggest a modulation in the immune response through unconventional T cells such as NK, NKT and ?? T cells. These findings should be taken into consideration in the design of new therapeutic and prophylactic strategies for TB.

Identificação dos mecanismos de regulação das células Natural Killer pelo fator de transcrição C/EBPG (CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma) / Identification of Natural Killer cells regulation mechanisms by the transcription factor C/EBPG (CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma)

Lopes, Izabela Aparecida 05 July 2018 (has links)
Os C/EBP (CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins) são uma família de fatores de transcrição implicados numa variedade de processos da hematopoese, regulando tanto a diferenciação terminal como a proliferação celular. Dentre estes, sabe-se que o C/EBP gamma (C/EBPG) está envolvido na maturação funcional de células Natural Killer (NK). Entretanto, os mediadores dessa regulação não são conhecidos. As células NK são linfócitos com funções efetoras de citotoxicidade e de produção de citocinas, dependentes de um equilíbrio dinâmico entre a expressão de receptores ativatórios e inibitórios bem como de receptores de citocinas. As duas funções (citotóxica e secretora), fazem das células NK importantes componentes da hematopoese, capazes de eliminar alvos susceptíveis bem como de recrutar outras células e amplificar a resposta inflamatória. Diante de incompatibilidade entre as células-alvo e células NK efetoras, os efeitos citotóxicos preponderam; enquanto na ausência de incompatibilidade, os efeitos mediados por citocinas sobre as demais células hematopoéticas se sobressaem. Por exemplo, citocinas como IFN?, TNF?, TGF?, GM-CSF e IL-10, produzidas por células NK, são potenciais reguladoras da função das células-tronco hematopoéticas (CTH). Com o objetivo de estudar a regulação das células NK pelo C/EBPG, utilizamos células NK isoladas de animais transgênicos knockout (KO) para o C/ebpg e seus controles para analisar sua expressão gênica e função diferencial, com especial foco nos genes-alvo com potencial para regulação da hematopoese. Visando identificar potenciais genes-alvo do C/EBPG, isolamos células NK deficientes para o C/ebpg e controles, por meio de sorting, e realizamos posterior isolamento do RNA seguido de análise de expressão gênica em larga escala. A validação da expressão diferencial dos genes-alvo do C/ebpg, de interesse para a função secretória das células NK, foi realizada por PCR em Tempo Real para oito genes diferencialmente expressos na análise de expressão gênica em larga escala, a saber: Il-10, Gmcsf, Ifng, Tnfa, Tgfb, Tlr4, Myd88 e Irak4. Os dados referentes à expressão basal e estimulada com IL-2, destes genes em células NK de animais KO para o C/ebpg e seus controles, revelaram uma tendência ao aumento da expressão de Myd88 nos animais KO quando comparados aos controles. Foram verificados os níveis das citocinas IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, TNF? and IFN? por meio de citometria de fluxo, utilizando o sobrenadante da cultura de NK de ambos os animais, observando-se que, após a ativação com IL-2, a produção de IFN? mostrou-se diminuída em células NKdeficientes para o C/ebpg em comparação aos controles. Para caracterizar as células NK Cebpg-deficientes, analisamos a sua frequência (células linhagem-/CD3- /NK1.1+) e expressão dos receptores NKG2D, Ly49D e NKG2A, não sendo observadas diferenças numéricas ou de expressão de receptores entre células NK deficientes ou não para o C/ebpg. Os subtipos funcionais destas células foram caracterizados de acordo com a expressão de CD27 e CD11b, que permitem identificar as subpopulações de células NK imaturas secretórias, secretórias, citotóxicas e tolerantes. Os animais KO mostraram maior percentagem de células secretórias e redução percentual e numérica de células citotóxicas quando comparadas às células NK dos controles. Para demonstrar a deficiência funcional realizamos um ensaio de ativação de células. Em concordância, após a coincubação de esplenócitos totais com células YAC-1, o ensaio de detecção do CD107 revelou que as células dos animais KO para o C/ebpg são cinco vezes menos ativadas do que células NK controles. Ademais, foi realizado um ensaio de citotoxicidade por citometria de fluxo utilizando o CTO (Cell Tracker Orange) como sonda fluorescente, o qual se incorpora às células-alvo da linhagem YAC-1. Como resultado, para a razão 10:1 NK: células-alvo, as células NK C/ebpg KO foram menos citotóxicas do que as células NK dos controles. Concluímos que as células NK de animais transgênicos KO para o C/ebpg têm função deficiente, menor potencial citotóxico e expressão de genes e citocinas alteradas em relação aos seus controles. Os mediadores apontados, em especial, o IFN?, são alvos importantes para a regulação da função secretória das células NK. / C/EBP (CCAAT/enhance-binding proteins) are a family of transcription factors involved in a variety of hematopoietic processes, regulating both terminal differentiation and cellular proliferation. Among these, it is known that C/EBP gamma (C/EBPG) is involved in the functional maturation of Natural Killer (NK) cells. However, the mediators of this regulation are unknown. NK cells are lymphocytes with effector functions of cytotoxicity and production of cytokines, both dependent on a dynamic equilibrium between the expression of activating and inhibitory receptors as well as cytokine receptors. The two functions (cytotoxic and secretory) make NK cells important components of hematopoiesis, able to eliminate susceptible targets as well as recruit other cells to amplify inflammatory responses. In face of incompatibility between target cells and NK effector cells, cytotoxic effects predominate; while in the absence of incompatibility, cytokine-mediated effects that influence other hematopoietic cells prevail. For example, cytokines such as IFN?, TNF?, TGF?, GMCSF and IL-10, produced by NK cells, are potential regulators of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). With the aim of studying the regulation of NK cells by C/EBPG, we isolated NK cells from transgenic C/ebpg knockout (KO) animals and controls to analyze their differential gene expression and function, with a special focus on hematopoiesis regulation. In order to identify potential C/EBPG target genes, we isolated C/ebpg-deficient and control NK cells by the use of sorting by flow cytometry and isolated RNA for gene expression analysis. Differential expression of C/ebpg target genes was performed by Real-time PCR for eight genes differentially expressed in the microarray analysis: Il-10, Gmcsf, Ifng, Tnfa, Tgfb, Tlr4, Myd88 e Irak4. When compared to controls, non-activated and IL-2-stimulated C/ebpg KO NK cells presented a tendency to have higher expression of Myd88. Cytokine levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17?, TNF? and IFN?, obtained from NK culture supernatants, were verified by flow cytometry, after IL-2 activation. Among these cytokines, the production of IFN? by C/ebpg-deficient NK cells was found to be reduced. To further characterize NK cells, we analyzed their frequency (Lineage- /CD3-/NK1.1+ cells) and the expression of the receptors NKG2D, Ly49D and NKG2A, and both analyses presented similar expression between control or C/epbg KO NK cells. The functional subtypes of these cells were characterized according to the expression of CD27 and CD11b, which allow the identification of NK subpopulationsas immature secretory, mature secretory, cytotoxic or tolerant. The KO animals showed higher percentage of secretory cells and percentual and numerical reduction of cytotoxic cells when compared to the NK control cells. In agreement, CD107a expression was 5-times lower in C/ebpg KO splenocytes than in control splenocytes after co-incubation with YAC-1 cells. In addition, a cytotoxicity assay by flow cytometry was performed. The fluorescent probe CTO (Cell Tracker Orange) was incorporated to YAC-1 cells, used as target cells. As a result, in the 10:1 NK:target cells ratio, C/ebp KO cells were less cytotoxic than NK control cells. We concluded that C/ebpg-deficient cells are dysfunctional, have a greater secretory potential and an altered expression of genes and cytokines as compared to their controls. The potential mediators revealed by our study, in particular, IFN?, may be important targets for the regulation of NK secretory function.

Caracterização de células T gamma-delta e natural killer na imunoterapia da tuberculose experimental com a vacina gênica DNAhsp65 / Characterization of gamma-delta T cells and natural killer cells in the immunotherapy of experimental tuberculosis with DNAhsp65 genetic vaccine

Luana Silva Soares 12 December 2011 (has links)
Em 1993, a Organização Mundial da Saúde declarou a tuberculose (TB) como uma emergência global devido à sua relevância epidemiológica e a necessidade de seu controle. Atualmente, a TB ainda é considerada um problema de saúde pública e requer o desenvolvimento de vacinas e terapias que sejam mais eficazes na sua prevenção e tratamento. Nesse sentido, o Laboratório de Vacinas Gênicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto estuda há mais de dez anos a eficácia da vacina gênica DNAhsp65 na profilaxia e terapia da TB. Com o intuito de complementar o conhecimento existente sobre os mecanismos imunes desencadeados pela vacina DNAhsp65, assim como sua associação às drogas convencionais utilizadas no tratamento da TB, objetivou-se neste trabalho a caracterização de células natural killer (NK), T natural killer (NKT), e T ?? na imunoterapia da tuberculose experimental com a vacina DNAhsp65, no tratamento com as drogas rifampicina (RIF) e isoniazida (INH), e na associação DNAhsp65-drogas. Inicialmente, camundongos BALB/c foram infectados com Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) cepa H37Rv no dia 0 e nos dias 1, 7, 15, 30 e 70 após a infecção, foi promovida a eutanásia dos animais infectados ou não (controle) para análise das células T não convencionais no pulmão por citometria de fluxo. No dia 30 após a infecção, os animais infectados receberam os diferentes tratamentos: vacina DNAhsp65, vetor pVAX1, drogas RIF e INH, ou as drogas em associação à vacina. Dez dias após o fim dos tratamentos, foi promovida a eutanásia dos animais para análise das populações celulares no pulmão e linfonodo por citometria de fluxo, imunohistoquímica e PCR em tempo real. Os animais somente infectados com Mtb apresentaram aumento significativo no número das células NK (CD3-CD49b+), NKT (CD3+CD49b+) e T ?? (CD3+??+) logo na primeira semana após a infecção, e esta diferença em relação aos animais controle permaneceu em até 70 dias após a infecção. Entre as células NK presentes no pulmão, observou-se predominância da subpopulação CD11bhighCD27low em todos os animais. Nos animais infectados, verificou-se aumento significativo das subpopulações de NK: CD11bhighCD27high e CD11blowCD27high, nos dias 7 e 15 e somente no dia 15 após a infecção, respectivamente. Entre a população de células T ?? presentes no pulmão, houve predomínio do fenótipo CD27- em animais controles e infectados nos diferentes tempos experimentais. Quanto aos animais infectados com Mtb e tratados com DNAhsp65, verificou-se aumento significativo de células T ?? produtoras de IFN-? e IL-17 no pulmão, e apesar de não ter sido observada diferença na freqüência de células NK e NKT neste grupo, as células NK apresentavam maior expressão da molécula FasL relacionada à morte celular induzida por apoptose. Nos grupos drogas e DNAhsp65-drogas observou-se aumento da freqüência de células T ?? no pulmão, assim como aumento de células NK produtoras de IL-10 e que expressavam o marcador de ativação CD69. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram mais uma vez a eficácia da vacina DNAhsp65 e da associação DNAhsp65- drogas no tratamento de animais infectados com Mtb e sugerem que células T não convencionais como as células NK, NKT e T ?? podem participar na modulação da resposta immune na TB. Estes achados devem ser levados em consideração no desenho de novas estratégias terapêuticas e também profiláticas para a TB. / In 1993, the World Health Organization declared tuberculosis (TB) as a global emergence due to its epidemical relevance and the need to improve its control. Nowadays, TB still remains a public health problem and requires the development of more effective vaccines and therapies. In this sense, the Laboratory of Genetic Vaccines from the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto studies, for more than ten years, the efficiency of the genetic vaccine DNAhsp65 in TB prophylaxis and therapy. In order to complement the knowledge about the immune mechanisms triggered by DNAhsp65 vaccine and by its association with conventional drugs used in TB, our aim in this work was to characterize natural killer (NK), natural killer T (NKT) and gamma-delta (??) T cells in the immunotherapy of experimental tuberculosis with the DNAhsp65 vaccine, in the treatment with rifampicin and isoniazid drugs and in the association DNAhsp65-drugs. Initially, BALB/c mice were infected with Mtb strain H37Rv on day 0, and on days 1, 7, 15, 30 and 70 after infection, infected animals or not (control) were euthanized for lung cell analysis by flow cytometry. On day 30 after infection, infected animals received the following treatment: DNAhsp65 vaccine, pVAX1 vector, rifampicin and isoniazid drugs, or drugs in association with DNAhsp65. Ten days after the end of treatment, animals were euthanized for lung and lymph node cell analysis by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and real time PCR. Infected animals showed a significant increase of NK (CD3-CD49b+), NKT (CD3+CD49b+) and ?? (CD3+??+) T cells in the first week of infection and this difference compared to control animals remained until 70 days after infection. Within the lung NK cell population, we observed a predominance of CD11bhighCD27low phenotype in all animals. In infected animals, we verified a significant increase of the following NK cell subpopulations: CD11bhighCD27high and CD11blowCD27high on days 7 and 15, and only on day 15 after infection, respectively. Within the lung ?? T cell population, there was a predominance of CD27- ?? T cell in control and infected animals in the different experimental times. In infected animals and subsequently vaccinated with DNAhsp65, we verified a significant increase in ?? T cells producing IFN-? and IL-17 in the lungs. Although we have not seen any differences in NK and NKT cells in this group, NK cells showed higher expression of FasL molecule related to induced cell death by apoptosis. In DNAhsp65-drugs and drugs groups, we observed an increase in lung ?? T cells frequency, as well as increase in NK cells producing IL-10 and expressing CD69, an activation marker. Our results confirm the effectiveness of DNAhsp65 vaccine and its association with drugs in Mtb infected animals and suggest a modulation in the immune response through unconventional T cells such as NK, NKT and ?? T cells. These findings should be taken into consideration in the design of new therapeutic and prophylactic strategies for TB.

Papel da RAB2A, RAB5A, RAB17 e RAB18 na função efetora de células citotóxicas. / Role of RAB2A, RAB5A, RAB17 andRAB18 in effector functions of cytotoxic cells.

Vieira, Narciso Junior 24 November 2016 (has links)
Linfócitos T CD8 e células NK atuam no combate à infecções por bactérias intracelulares, vírus e células tumorais, provocando a morte dessas células por meio da secreção de grânulos citotóxicos. Proteínas RAB GTPase têm se destacado em estudos de tráfego intracelular, porém, são escassos dados sobre o papel destas proteínas em células citóxicas. Um estudo prospectivo de proteômica realizado por nosso grupo identificou a RAB2A, RAB5A, RAB17 e RAB18 em grânulos citotóxicos. Análises mais aprofundadas revelaram que a RAB2A está associada a proteínas como LAMP-1 e LAMP-2, enquanto que RAB5A, RAB17 e RAB18 estavam presentes na mesma linhagem em um contexto não contemplado neste estudo. Desenvolvemos ainda uma abordagem de silenciamento gênico da RAB2A, e por fim, adaptamos uma série de protocolos de simples execução e baixo custo para avaliar funções efetoras de células NK. O conhecimento da maquinaria secretória é fundamental, uma vez que defeitos nas vias de tráfego intracelular constituem a base de um grande número de doenças que desencadeiam quadros fatais. / CD8 T lymphocytes and NK cells fight against infections by intracellular bacteria, viruses and tumor cells by killing those cells through the secretion of cytotoxic granules. RAB GTPase has been highlighted in studies of intracellular trafficking, however there are scarce reports regarding the role of these proteins in cytotoxic cells. A proteomic study performed by our group identified RAB2A, RAB5A, RAB17 and RAB18 in cytotoxic granules. Further analysis revealed that RAB2A is associated with LAMP-1 and LAMP-2, while RAB5A, RAB17 and RAB18 were present in the same cell line, but in a context not included in this study. We also have developed a gene silencing approach for RAB2A and adapted a number of protocols, simple and low-cost, that can be used to evaluate effector functions of natural killer cells The knowledge of secretory machinery involved in the movement cytotoxic granules of cytotoxic cells is critical, since defects in intracellular trafficking pathways constitute the basis for a large number of diseases which trigger death.

Caracterização das células T Natural Killer de células mononucleares de sangue periférico em indivíduos de diferentes continentes / Characterization of T cells Natural Killer (NKT) cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy individuals from different continents

Detilio, Bianca Almeida Natali dos Santos 01 March 2012 (has links)
As células T Natural Killer (NKT) são linfócitos que expressam o rearranjo V24V11 com TCR invariante e reconhecem glicolipídeos como o alfagalactosilceramida (-GalCer) apresentado no contexto da molécula MHC-não clássica chamada CD1d. As NKT são divididas em subgrupos distintos: os fenótipos CD4+ e CD4- em camundongos e humanos, e CD8+ e CD4-CD8- em humanos. Após estímulo, as NKT secretam citocinas Th1 e Th2. A frequência das NKT representa menos de 1% da população de linfócitos T no sangue periférico humano. O objetivo deste trabalho é primeiro, identificar a frequência, o fenótipo e a função da população de células NKT nos grupos de indivíduos saudáveis de procedências distintas. Segundo, avaliar a influência da idade, gênero e país de moradia na frequência das NKT, incluindo suas subpopulações, no sangue periférico; Terceiro, verificar se há variabilidade ou não na apresentação da molécula CD1d. Quarto, verificar se há alteração na função das NKT utilizando o estímulo -GalCer e por fim, verificar o perfil das NKT quanto ao seu estado de ativação e migração celular quando submetidas a expansão. As amostras são provenientes de São Paulo, Brasil; São Francisco, Estado Unidos da América e Estocolmo, Suécia. Os parâmetros imunológicos foram analisados por citometria de fluxo. Demonstramos que o grupo de São Paulo, não apresentou maiores valores de linfócitos T CD3+, no entanto, apresentou valores significantes de células NKT V24+/V11+. Não estabelecemos a expressão dos marcadores de ativação e migração nas NKT. Estabelecemos, no grupo de São Paulo, a capacidade funcional das NKT que expressaram IFN- e TNF- assim como de expansão, sob estímulo de -GalCer. Os resultados sugerem que vários fatores podem alterar a quantidade das células NKT na periferia. Mais estudos devem ser endereçados para esclarecer melhor estes fatos / Natural Killer T cells (NKT cells) are lymphocytes that express the invariant TCR rearrangement V24V11 and recognize glycolipid as alpha-galactosylceramide (-GalCer) presented in conjunction with a non-MHC pathway molecule named CD1d. The NKT cells are divided into distinct subsets: the CD4+ and CD4- phenotype in mice and humans and the CD8+ and CD4-CD8- phenotype in humans. After stimulation, the NKT secrete Th1 and Th2 cytokines. The frequencies of NKT cells represent <1% of the population of T lymphocytes in human peripheral blood. The objective of this study is to 1) identify the frequency, phenotype and function of NKT cell population in groups of healthy individuals from different racial/ethnic origins, 2) evaluate the influence of age, gender and country of residence on the frequency of NKT cells/subpopulations, 3) investigate the variability of presentation of the CD1d molecule, 4) investigate the functional variability of NKT cells using -GalCer stimulation, and 5) study the activation and migration profile of NKT cells after expansion. Immunologic parameters of clinical samples from Sao Paulo, Brazil; San Francisco, California and Stockholm, Sweden were analyzed by flow cytometry. We demonstrate that the São Paulo group does not have an elevated number of CD3+ T lymphocytes, but does have significantly more NKT V24+/V11+ cells. We have not yet determined expression of NKT markers for activation and migration. Thus, we have shown that among sample obtained in São Paulo, there is increased functional capacity of IFN- and TNF--expressing NKT cells along with NKT cells expansion under stimulation with the -GalCer. These results suggest that there are several factors that can modulate NKT cell number and function in the peripheral blood and additional studies are needed to further clarify these findings

Implication de B7-H6, un ligand du récepteur activateur NKp30, dans la réponse infectieuse

Matta, Jessica 27 September 2013 (has links)
B7-H6, un membre de la famille B7, est exprimé sur diverses cellules tumorales humaines et active les cellules NK via NKp30. En revanche, B7-H6 n'est pas détecté à la surface d'aucunes cellules saines testées. Mon projet de thèse était d'identifier les mécanismes impliqués dans l'induction du gène B7-H6 et savoir si d'autres conditions que la transformation tumorale peuvent induire l'expression de B7-H6.Nous avons montré que B7-H6 est induit de façon sélective à la surface de neutrophiles et de monocytes CD14+CD16+, suite à des stimulations de type inflammatoire in vitro et in vivo. De plus, cette expression est de mauvais pronostic pour la survie de patients atteints de sepsis sévère. Nous avons également mis en évidence une forme soluble de B7-H6 produite, in vitro par des monocytes et des neutrophiles activés, et in vivo chez certains patients atteints de sepsis sévère à Gram négatif. Fait intéressant, cette forme soluble semble bloquer l'activité des cellules NK et avoir une tendance à être de mauvais pronostic pour la survie de ces patients.Par conséquent, mes travaux renforcent le concept immunologique selon lequel les ligands des récepteurs NK activateurs sont sous-exprimés dans les cellules saines et subissent une dérégulation qui les surexprime dans les cellules qui subissent. De plus, B7-H6 apparait comme un acteur potentiel dans l'immunité innée antibactérienne. La description systématique du profile de B7-H6 chez les patients atteins de sepsis pourrait permettre d'envisager de nouvelles prises en charge thérapeutiques basé sur les cellules NK et B7-H6 et aider à classer les patients en fonction de leur risque de développer une forme sévère de la maladie. / B7-H6, a new member of the B7 family, is expressed on several human tumor cells and triggers NKp30-mediated activation of human NK cells. However, B7-H6 is not detected in any normal cells tested. My thesis project was to identify the mechanisms causing the induction of B7-H6 gene and whether conditions other than tumor transformation could lead to B7-H6 expression. During my thesis, we showed that B7-H6 is selectively induced at the surface of neutrophils and CD14+CD16+ monocytes upon inflammatory stimulation in vitro and in vivo, these cells could also triggers NKp30-mediated activation of human NK cells in a context of inflammation. Moreover, this expression is a poor prognosis for survival of patients with severe sepsis. We also detected a soluble form of B7-H6 produced in vitro by activated neutrophils and monocytes, and in vivo in some patients with severe Gram-negative sepsis. Interestingly, this soluble form appears to block the activity of NK cells and have a tendency to be a poor prognosis for survival of these patients.Therefore, my work supports the immune concept that ligands of NK activating receptors are downregulated in normal cells and undergo deregulation that overexpressed in cells upon stress such as tumors, infection and inflammation. In addition, B7-H6 appears as a potential player in the antibacterial innate immunity. The systematic description of B7-H6 in patients with sepsis could allow to envisage new therapeutic treatment based on NK cells and B7-H6 and help classify patients according to their risk of developing a severe form of disease.

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