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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livslång karriär till sjöss : En studie om motivation, livsval och vad som lockar den unga sjömannen att stanna inom yrket / Lifelong career at sea : A studie about motivation, life choices and what attracts the young seafarers to stay in the maritime industry

Falk, Louise, Joosten, Sanne January 2020 (has links)
Det finns studier som visar att sjöfarten har svårt att bibehålla unga sjöfarare inom sjömansbranschen. Forskning visar att yngre sjömän har en större tendens att avbryta sin karriär till sjöss och är mer receptiva för erbjudande från landbaserade arbetsplatser än de äldre sjömännen. Mot denna bakgrund har syftet med detta arbeta varit att undersöka vad som gör att en nautiker stannar inom sjöfartsyrket, vilka faktorer som påverkar ett val att gå iland och om ålder och generationstillhörighet har någon inverkan i synen på karriären. För att få fram ett resultat hölls det kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet påvisar att det är ledigheterna som lockar med ett yrke till sjöss. Anledningen till att seniorbefälen har stannat till sjöss så länge är att de har trivts och haft möjlighet att utvecklas. Resultatet visar även att detta är något som de studerande respondenterna tycker är viktigt för att det ska arbeta till sjöss hela sitt yrkessamma liv. En annan slutsats som drogs var att ålder inte har någon påverkan på hur en person ser på sin karriär till sjöss och att alla respondenterna var överens om att organisationen fungerar bäst med en besättning i varierande åldrar. / There are studies that show that the shipping industry has a hard time keeping young seafarers. There has been researches that show that young seafarers have a higher tendency to discontinue their career at sea and are more receptive for offers from land-based companies then the older seafarers. Against this background the purpose of this study has been to examine what makes a seafarer stay within the shipping industry, what factors influence a seafarer’s choice to go ashore and if age and generational affiliation has an impact in the perception of a lifelong career at sea. To obtain a result, qualitative interviews were held. Results show that it is the long vacations that attracts the seafarer to choose a life at sea. The reason that the older seafarers have stayed in this profession for a long period of time is because they have enjoyed their time on board and there has been a possibility to evolve. The results also show that this is something that the studying respondents think is important for them if they are to work at sea their entire career. Another conclusion that was drawn was that age doesn’t affect a person´s view of a career at sea and all respondents agree that the organization onboard works best if the crew is of mixed age.

La maîtrise des compétences de l'équipage du navire marchand pour la prévention des dommages : une prérogative de l'armateur / Controlling the competences of merchant vessel crew to prevent damages : a shipowner prerogative

Butaeye, Étienne 21 June 2019 (has links)
La complexité de la conduite du navire marchand impose aux opérateurs d’avoir de nombreuses connaissances dans différents domaines. La standardisation de la formation maritime au niveau international par la convention STCW est un élément qui participe à garantir de leur capacité à conduire l’expédition maritime. Mais il n’est pas suffisant. L’armateur est l’acteur clé dans ce domaine. Son investissement dans le maintien et le développement des connaissances techniques, dans l’encadrement de l’exploitation du navire et dans la mise en place d’une stratégie de gestion des facteurs humains adaptée, est déterminant pour maîtriser les compétences de son personnel navigant et prévenir les dommages qui résulteront de leurs erreurs. Il est très intéressant de constater que le droit maritime tient compte de cet investissement pour déterminer le régime de responsabilité civile auquel l’armateur sera soumis lorsqu’il devra répondre des actes dommageables de ses préposés. Son implication dans la mise en place de stratégies de gestion humaine adaptées lui permettra d’accéder à de larges aménagements ou exonérations de responsabilité. Le régime très protecteur dont il bénéficie sera en revanche progressivement levé, en fonction des manquements personnels retenus à son encontre. Le droit maritime participe donc, d’une certaine manière, à responsabiliser les armateurs. La réalité est en fait plus nuancée car les difficultés pour lever ce régime spécifique sont nombreuses. Les protections qui lui sont accordées pourront alors apparaître comme un facteur démobilisant dans l’objectif de maîtriser l’élément humain, pourtant essentiel pour la sécurité maritime / The complexity of operating a vessel requires that crew members have in depth knowledge in a wide variety of areas. The International maritime training that has been standardized by the STCW convention is one of the elements that helps to guarantee their ability to make the maritime expedition a success. But it is not enough. The shipowner is the key actor in this area. His personal investment to maintain and develop technical knowledge, to supervise vessel operation and to implement an appropriate human factor strategy, is crucial for controlling the competencies of his crew to prevent potential damages that could result from human errors. It is very interesting to see that maritime law considers this investment in determining the civil liability regime to which shipowners will be subject for the damages caused by negligence of his crew. His involvement in implementing efficient human strategies will allow him to benefit from wide exemptions or limitation of liability. The very protective civil liability regime he enjoys will nevertheless be lifted, at least partially, for his own omissions that contribute to the damage. Maritime law therefore encourages, in a certain way, shipowners to get involved in vessel crewing. The reality is actually more nuanced because the difficulties to lift this specific regime are various. The protections that are granted to a shipowner will then appear to be a demobilizing factor in controlling the human element, which is essential for maritime safety

Translation and Transcription of a Passage from the Baduem Manuscript: An Eighteenth-Century Portuguese Embassy to China

Beus, Annalyn 18 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This project is a diplomatic transcription and English translation of a passage from an 18-century manuscript that chronicles a remarkable Portuguese embassy to China (Macau). The embassy embarked from Lisbon in February 1752, sailing in a luxuriously outfitted ship (Nossa Senhora da Conceição e Lusitânia Grande), in convoy with a warship (Nossa Senhora das Brotas). The English translation is important because it makes the account accessible to scholars who lack familiarity with Portuguese.This voyage to China is remarkable in light of the long history of maritime loss by the Portuguese. Although the normal projected loss of life on this route was 20%, this journey was made without one death. Some of the most fascinating aspects of the journey include the following: a) how the intrepid crew of the Nossa Senhora (most of whom were novices) and the passengers dealt with bad weather at sea; b) the religious rites conducted during the voyage by Jesuit priests en route to the Far East missions, which the passengers firmly believed mitigated the dangers and were thus responsible for their safe journey; c) the intriguing political maneuvering between the Portuguese and Chinese in Macau; and d) the meticulous descriptions of the different cultures, peoples and places encountered on the journey.

Le cadre institutionnel de la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer en quête de son avenir / The Institutional Framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in Search of its Future

Konstantinidis, Ioannis 10 February 2016 (has links)
Fruit de négociations longues et ardues, la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer signée en 1982 est sans doute l’un des traités multilatéraux les plus réussis sur le plan international. Pierre angulaire de la Convention, l’attribution du statut de « patrimoine commun de l’humanité » aux fonds marins et leur sous-sol situés au-delà des limites de la juridiction nationale ainsi qu’à leurs ressources a constitué une innovation majeure dans le domaine du droit international. Le succès de la Convention tient notamment au fait qu’elle a établi un cadre institutionnel sans précédent chargé de la mise en œuvre de la Convention et incarné par trois institutions : l’Autorité internationale des fonds marins, la Commission des limites du plateau continental et le Tribunal international du droit de la mer. Dotées de statuts juridiques divers et de compétences différentes, ces institutions fonctionnent depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention en 1994. Vingt-et-un ans après sa fondation, il convient d’examiner ce cadre institutionnel dans son ensemble et d’évaluer sa mise en œuvre pour mieux comprendre le rôle complémentaire des institutions. Cette étude porte un regard critique sur la genèse, la nature, le fonctionnement et la pratique des institutions, et s’attache à les considérer dans leur interaction et leur interdépendance. Identifier les insuffisances institutionnelles et interinstitutionnelles, ainsi que les défis auxquels les institutions sont confrontées est un préalable indispensable à la recherche de solutions efficaces et viables pour surmonter les difficultés rencontrées, à la mise en œuvre harmonieuse de la Convention et à la concrétisation du concept fondamental de patrimoine commun de l’humanité. Dans cette perspective, l’importance du Tribunal dans son rôle de garant de l’intégrité de la Convention et le pouvoir créateur du juge international face aux lacunes conventionnelles méritent une attention toute particulière. / The result of protracted and arduous negotiations, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seasigned in 1982 is undoubtedly one of the most successful multilateral treaties at the international level. The principle of the common heritage of mankind, represented by the seabed, ocean floor and subsoil and their resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, is the cornerstone of the Convention and constituted a major innovation in international law. The success of the Convention lies, in particular, in the establishment of an unprecedented institutional framework, which is incarnated by three institutions: the International Seabed Authority, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. These institutions of diverse legal status are vested with different functions and have been in operation since the entry into force of the Convention in 1994. Twentyone years following its establishment, it is necessary to review this institutional framework as a whole and to assess its implementation in order to better understand the complementary role of the institutions. This study critically examines the genesis, the nature, the functioning and the practice of the institutions throughtheir interaction and their interdependence. Identifying institutional and inter-institutional weaknesses, and the challenges that the institutions face is an indispensable prerequisite for ensuring effective and viablesolutions, the harmonious implementation of the Convention and for giving substance to the principle ofthe common heritage of mankind. In this context, the role of the Tribunal as the guarantor of the integrityof the Convention and the creative power of the international judge merit special attention.

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